LensWork - Photography and the Creative Process

  1. HT1841 - Identify the Barriers2024/03/19
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  2. LW1393 - On Destinations2024/03/18
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  3. HT1840 - Textured Paper2024/03/18
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  4. HT1839 - Your Cloud Inventory2024/03/17
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  5. HT1838 - More on Natural Vision2024/03/16

    HT1838 - More on Natural Vision

    Does your natural vision lens create your best photographs? Or do the best photographs come about when you use a lens that is not your natural vision, but one that you need to work a little harder with because it doesn't come easily?
  6. HT1837 - The Best Lens I Ever Owned2024/03/15
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  7. HT1836 - Needlessly Bracketing My Exposures2024/03/14

    HT1836 - Needlessly Bracketing My Exposures

    Earlier models of digital cameras I owned missed a critically important feature - - they did not have Zebra stripes that indicated overexposure. Because that feature was missing, I always shot a three-image bracket to be sure I would end up with a useable file that has highlight detail.
  8. HT1835 - 400 Is Not Enough?2024/03/13

    HT1835 - 400 Is Not Enough?

    My current camera has a comparatively low CIPA rating for its battery life. It will allow me only 400 shots compared to twice that in many in some full-frame cameras. Only 400? How much capacity do I actually need? Which makes me remember my view camera days and the joy of sheet film holders.
LensWork - Photography and the Creative Process

Random Observations on Art, Photography, and the Creative Process. These talks focus on the creative process in fine art photography. LensWork editor Brooks Jensen side-steps techno-talk and artspeak to offer a stimulating mix of ideas, experience, and observations from his 50 years as a fine art photographer, writer, and publisher. Topics include a wide range of subjects from finding subject matter to presenting your work, and building an audience.

Included in this RSS Feed are the LensWork Podcasts — posted weekly, typically 10-20 minutes exploring a topic a bit more deeply — and our almost daily Here's a thought… audios (extracted from the videos.) Here's a thought… are snippets, fragments, morsels, and tidbits from Brooks' fertile (and sometimes swiss-cheesy) brain. Usually just a minute or two. Always about photography and the art life.

Brooks Jensen is the publisher of LensWork , one of the world's most respected and award-winning photography publications, known for its museum-book quality printing and luxurious design. LensWork has subscribers in over 73 countries. He is the author of 13 books on photography and the creative life -- the latest books are The Best of the LensWork Interviews (2016), Photography, Art, and Media (2016), and the four annual volumes of Seeing in SIXES (2016-2019).