Wan Ting's podcast

  1. Blogsphere2006/05/02
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  2. Blogsphere2006/05/02
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  3. Blogsphere2006/05/02
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  4. Writing Tool2006/03/24
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  5. Bob and Rob's Starbucks2006/03/10

    * Recommand: The Bob and Rob Show

    * Lesson 25 Starbucks

    * Word and Phrase:

    - diaretic= A drink that makes you thirstier (or dehydrated).

    - regional accent
  6. favorite podcast show2006/03/05

    *Q1. What is a Podcast? Give example.

    *Q2. What is your idea and attutitue about Podcast?

    *Q3. Find your favorite Podcast show. Describe it.
  7. 1st school day2006/02/26

    * Hi, I'm Wendy.
    * Schoolphobia
    * The space is open for every one who wants to share his own experiences of learning Englsih.
    * Wake me up when September ends by Green Day.
Wan Ting's podcast