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Catholic Headine News
CHN: 8 April 2007
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Well, after a hiatus caused by problems at work, I'm going to try this again. Thanks to everyone who has subscribed and kept me on their lists. Still using the Audio+ add-on so if you use something like WinPodder you'll get images along with the audio.
The picture of Blessed Antony of Pavoni whose feast day is 9 April; when his opponents could find no way to sling mud at his reputation, they simply killed him.
Topics covered include
*Mass in memory of Pope John Paul II
*Period documents support Pope Pius XII
*Holy Thursday Mass supports Caritas work in Somalia
*Opposition to assisted suicide law in California
*Opposition to federal funding of embryonic stem cell research
*Break-through in adult stem cell research
*Divine Mercy Congress in 2008
*Jesus may have used the Essene liturgical calendar
*Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for April
*Joan of Arc's relics shown to be mummy parts
*Easter message from the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
*Green Party wants to shut down parochial schools
*Voluntary crucifixions continue in Philippines
*World Mission Visa card available
*Wall in Australian home produces oil and ash
CHN: 15 November 2006
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The image is Saint Albert the Great, a Doctor of the Church, whose feast day is 15 November.
Making the change to a smaller, probably more frequent podcast. Also use the Audio+ format to embed images in the file. If you're doing playback from your desktop, Winpodder is a great way to play.
Stories covered in this edition:
* Shots fired in Turkey Pope protest
* Prefect wants higher standards for seminarians
* Vatican recommends two state solution in the Holy Land
* Two Christian converts charged with "insulting Turkishness"
* Top Anglican bishop to meet with Pope
* Greek church leader to visit Pope
* Supreme Court hears major abortion test cases
* Papal nuncio consecrates the United States to the Immaculate Heart
* Evidence of cure credited to Cardinal Newman sent to Vatican
* Pope John Paul I's Cause goes to Rome
* SQPN fund drive
Background music (yeah, I know it's a little loud) is by Briareus, whose work is available at PodSafe.
12 November 2006
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The image is a detail from 'The Martyrdom of Saint Livinus' by Pieter Pauwel Rubens. Livinus is one of the saints celebrated on 12 November.
Stories covered in this episode:
* Holy father's prayer intentions for november
* Holy See Hails United Nations Bid for a Weapons Treaty
* Benedict XVI Desirous of Ties With Greek Orthodox
* Pope and Queen set to visit Ireland
* US bishops call for specific measures to protect Iraqi Christians
* Pope names Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes to key Vatican post
* UNICEF Attempts to Intervene in Nicaraguan Abortion Debate
* Lima cardinal warns Peruvians not be deceived about morning-after pill
* Cure in Salerno Attributed to John Paul II
* Mgr Kondrusiewicz received by Moscow Patriarchate for first time in years
* World Youth Day Preparation Includes Formation of Young Leaders
* Vatican says that Legal Concept of Asylum Is Slipping
* Stem-Cell Vote called a Setback for Human Life
* Number of Catholics in Saudi Arabia has quadrupled since 1974
* Cypriot Leader Meets Benedict XVI
* Islamic hackers again fail to disrupt Vatican web site
* SQPN plug
The music is by Briareus. It's called Anther Day, it's from Night Wind in the Garden, and you can find more by this band on
CHN: 30 October 2006
The image is Blessed Terrence Albert O'Brien, one of the saints and beati whose memorial is 30 October.
26 October 2006
Catholic Headine News
A podcast of short news stories about the Roman Catholic Church, and other matters of interest to its members.
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