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RoughMix - Early episodes
RoughMix 069 - Steal My Soul
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Originally Posted July 17, 2006 04:13 AM PDT
Episode 069 Gives shoutouts to friends in Iran, China and Manitoba. It also highlights a rough which I call at the moment "Steal My Soul". I like the title and this alone will likely lead to future development.
This episode is sponsored by - your home for family friendly TV programming. Tell you friends about RoughMix and if you like it place feedback for us on RoughMix Frappr Map - join it and let me and other listeners know where you are. If you like the cast, please tell others how to find it so they can enjoy it themselves! Contact me at:
RoughMix 059 - Clips
Originally posted June 14, 2006 12:56 PM PDT
Episode 059 has vocals I wish weren't there, but then rough is rough - and you get to hear it. This podcast is sponsored by I am looking for more audio input from listeners. Let me know if you have something to say about your music, or about mine, or about someone else's. You can skype me at: briankelley Vote for this podcast here
RoughMix 068 - Three Tries
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Originally posted July 11, 2006 08:00 AM PDT on
Episode 068 has three takes of a rough tune. This is songwriting tool - take the material and play around with it. See how you feel about each take in this short tune! Special greetings to my friends in Tehran, Iran, Chile and Uruguay this time around. If you read this note please contact me, let me know where you are and some details about yourself and I can greet you personally. This episode is sponsored by - your home for family friendly TV programming. Tell you friends about RoughMix and if you like it place feedback for us on RoughMix Frappr Map - join it and let me and other listeners know where you are. If you like the cast, please tell others how to find it so they can enjoy it themselves! Contact me at:
RoughMix 067 - Future Thoughts
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Originally posted July 06, 2006 10:05 AM PDT
Two main parts to this episode. The first is where I talk on a walk about future thoughts, including the possibility of inviting other songwriters to talk about what they do much in the same way that I do. I ask for feedback about this. The second part is an extended experimental playing around with an alternative tuning where the bass note is a D and the rest you have to guess. The noises in the background are of the living room or of a walk - most of this episode was recorded on the Palm Tungsten in true rough format. Special greetings to my friends in Brazil this time around. If you read this note please contact me, let me know where you are, some details about yourself, and if done before 31 July, 2006 I will send to you a special gift. This episode is sponsored by htp:// - your home for family friendly TV programming. Tell you friends about RoughMix and if you like it place feedback for us on Rate this episode on Yahoo!. RoughMix Frappr Map - join it and let me and other listeners know where you are. Podshow PDN {podshow-45f1b2a6ecf839ef639cd9ad6198fb19}
RoughMix 066 - Keaggy 2
Originally posted July 03, 2006 10:12 AM PDT
I am back from a whirlwind tour of eastern Switzerland where I paid another visit to a Phil Keaggy concert, this time in Chur, Switzerland. The next day I headed to St. Moritz where there was an afternoon up the mountain at a small cabin where we had a guitar workshop with Phil Keaggy
RoughMix 065 - Cajon Revenge
Originally posted June 29, 2006 01:00 AM PDT
I sit again on the Cajon and give it a few smacks using it as a tool to give me some new ideas. It forces me to step outside of my guitar centric music world. This in turn causes me to have some ideas I would otherwise not have. This episode also audio user feedback from Doctormo.
RoughMix 064 - You Did Not Choose Me
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Originally postedJune 28, 2006 12:17 PM PDT
Inspired by a concert mentioned in episode 063 I dipped back into my own recording history and highlight a tune called You Did Not Choose Me. It is not typical of stuff on this podcast, but the tune is mine and it really is me playing and singing! That it was recorded in 1986 as a demo on a 4 track Tascam recorder explains part of it! Let me know what you think! In this episode I also send out geographic greetings with specials to friends in China, Indonesia and Brazil. This episode is sponsored by htp:// - your home for family friendly TV programming. Tell you friends about RoughMix and if you like it place feedback for us on RoughMix Frappr Map. Contact me at Skype: briankelley or by email at
RoughMix 063 - Keaggy 01
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Originally posted June 26, 2006 02:11 AM PDT
I just saw a concert from who is surely one of the 5 best guitarists in the world today - Phil Keaggy. In this cast I speak about it a bit and what something like this means for songwriting. I also want to thank for the feedback. One suggestion was that I start doing a guitar lesson podcast - we will see, but I have nothing on the burner just yet.
Feedback is however appreciated! You can make sure that you never again miss an episode of RoughMix by subscribing to the podcast. Here are some options. You can skype me at briankelley, email me at, send a smoke signal or coded tea leaves. Contact as you like, and please rate this cast at to drive us further into the attention of the teemless masses (or at least a person or two.) If you like this podcast tell all your friends. If you don't tell all your enemies! Still waiting for the voice mail from you all so I can add it to future episodes.
RoughMix 062 - Bm Exercise
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Originally Posted 22 June 2006 12:29 AM PDT
Inspired by a guitar student this episode take what was originally intended as an excercise to help him learn to play the Bm chord and work on his rhythm. You can make sure that you never again miss an episode of RoughMix by subscribing to the podcast. Here are some options. You can skype me at briankelley, email me at, send a smoke signal or coded tea leaves. Contact as you like, and please rate this cast at to drive us further into the attention of the teemless masses (or at least a person or two.) If you like this podcast tell all your friends. If you don't tell all your enemies! Still waiting for the voice mail...
RoughMix 061 - I Lift My Eyes (MPEG)
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Originally posted 20 June 2006
This is a re-cast of episode 039. The original was posted in the WMV format which it seems, is not all that helpful to the subscribers of this podcast. I have re-encoded it in a MPEG format so that more can view it more easily. You can make sure that you never again miss an episode of RoughMix by subscribing to the podcast. Here are some options. You can skype me at briankelley, email me at, send a smoke signal or coded tea leaves. Contact as you like, and please rate this cast at to drive us further into the attention of the teemless masses (or at least a person or two.) Thanks for being a listening/watching partner. If you like this cast tell all your friends. If you don't, tell all your enemies.
RoughMix 060 - I Know
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Originally posted June 20, 2006 08:46 AM PDT
Episode 060 was a rough that was begun to answer a need that was addressed too late and therefore never came to fruition. It is a rough from the Bible about Romans chapter 8. I will very likely re-visit this one as I like the potential of both the music and the lyrics. It is also a topic that I find to be both encouraging and truthful (and how often do both of those things happen together?) You can make sure that you never again miss an episode of RoughMix by subscribing to the podcast. Here are some options. You can skype me at briankelley, email me at, send a smoke signal or coded tea leaves. Contact as you like, and please rate this cast at Thanks for being a listening partner. If you like this cast tell all your friends. If you don't, tell all your enemies.
RoughMix 059 - Clips
Originally posted June 14, 2006 12:56 PM PDT
RoughMix 059 - Clips
Episode 059 has vocals I wish weren't there, but then rough is rough - and you get to hear it. This podcast is sponsored by I am looking for more audio input from listeners. Let me know if you have something to say about your music, or about mine, or about someone else's. You can skype me at: briankelley
RoughMix 058 - Snow Plow
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Originally posted June 13, 2006 06:53 AM PDT
RoughMix 058 - Snow Plow
This title, in summer? Don't ask (but do listen to find out.) This episode has a greeting from UncleShag as well as yet another rough recorded from the Palm Tungsten. (No, they do not sponsor the show - yet! If they did I would have a link here.) I am just a satisfied user in their product with the built in mike. I am still looking for help in converting video files to the formats I spoke about in episode 056. Also, please rate the podcast on Yahoo. I am very often the number one listing under the music search and I would like to keep it that way. You can also vote for me at and help the podcast to become more successful. Add yourself to my frappr map. Email me at:
RoughMix 057 - Table For Two
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Originally posted June 12, 2006 02:13 AM PDT
The tune was written for a specific sermon at a church in Neuenburg, Germany. More info iside the cast itself. Please tell others about RoughMix It is a podcast designed to help songwriting musicians who are willing to be open about how they write and develop music. It will help to connect to potential listeners and give good ideas to others. If you have a good marketing idea share it so that all can benefit. Add to your marketing reach by adding to our groups (we actually have an audience that can benefit you! This podcast is sponsored by Email: nlnnet+roughmix[at] Visit The Frappr Map The RSS feed for this podcast is: (copy this into whatever you use as your podcatcher)
RoughMix 36 - Firmly Planted (Archive)
This episode has me writing a song for a church confirmation service based upon Psalm 1. It has 3 drafts of the song in the order in which they were made to help show the process in more detail. All the material was recorded on the Palm Tungsten.
You can get me by Skype:briankelley or email to
RoughMix with Brian Kelley 16 - Counting the Days (Archive)
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RoughMix with Brian Kelley 16 - Counting the Days (Archive)
Originally Posted: 01:55AM Tuesday, December 13, 2005
This tune was written in a van along the winding roads of Southern Spain back in the late 80s as I was on a trip touring with the band Pacific, and missing my wife. The song was written entirely without an instrument in its entirety, something I rarely if ever do. It may be why the words create more rhythm than in some other songs with unsual rhyming patterns. Feedback welcomed!
Please visit the map to let us know from you you are coming.I would love to have you contact me. Please do so! If you send audio comments that are appropriate I will include them in future podcasts. Please also visit the Frappr map to let me know where you are coming from.
RoughMix with Brian Kelley 15 - Instrumental (Archive)
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RoughMix with Brian Kelley 15 - Instrumental (Archive)
Originally Posted: 02:41AM Thursday, December 08, 2005
This episode takes a look at an instrumental piece that was initially written as a chord progression in the key of D major. The recordings show how the melody line was incorporated into the piece as it could not be done vocally.
Please visit the map to let us know from you you are coming.I would love to have you contact me. Please do so! If you send audio comments that are appropriate I will include them in future podcasts. Please also visit the Frappr map to let me know where you are coming from.
RoughMix 013 - Hosanna Christ is Born (Archive)
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RoughMix with Brian Kelley 013 - Hosanna Christ is Born (Archive)
Originally Posted: 05:16PM Saturday, December 03, 2005
The song was in this case driven by the lyrics. I got a rough tune pretty quicky and then worked only on the words. Here are the lyrics -
In a manger in a dirty stall
lay a baby sent to save us all
as a young girl responds to the call
to bear the Son of God
In the heavens rose a new born light
so the wise men followed in the night
and the angels sang with all their might
Hosanna Christ is born
Hosanna Christ is born!
Hosanna to the newborn king
Hosanna Christ is born, is born, is born
And the shepherds caring for their sheep
are awakened from a nearing sleep
as the angels voices calling from the deep, cry out
Hosanna Christ is born, is born, is born!
Hosanna Christ is born!
Hosanna to the newborn king
Hosanna Christ is born, is born, is born
In a manger in a dirty stall
lay a baby sent to save us all
as a young girl responds to the call
to bear the Son of God
Hosanna Christ is born!
Hosanna to the newborn king
Hosanna Christ is born, is born, is born
I was was taken by the thought of Mary initially hearing of the news that she would become a mom to God. The other players in this drama were also clueless as to what it really meant.This recording was the intial recording, full of mistakes, to capture the tune as it was at its inception.I here followed the rules I have stated here often. I got it down. It was recorded so that I could later edit and improve. (It is better now.)I can post it again once it has the interpretation of a band.You can also leave a voice message at the site site(look to the right for more info.)Please also place your pin on our Frappr map so we know where you are. Thanks for staying sunbscribed and pass on the info to friends who may be interested in the process of songwriting, or maybe just in the tunes on the podcast (that is also allowed!)
RoughMix with Brian Kelley 12 - Light My Path (Archive)
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RoughMix with Brian Kelley 12 - Light My Path
Originally Posted: 02:30PM Thursday, December 01, 2005
RoughMix with Brian Kelley 12 - Light My Path
This is an instrumental only acoustic tune. The main point here is to give an example of how to use Audacity to make more recordings - here I take a single take, copy it three times and add a different effect to each track.
Please let me know if you are listening by sending an email to NLNnet AT gmail DOT com.
You can also leave a voice message at the site site
(look to the right for more info.)
Please also place your pin on our Frappr map so we know where you are. Thanks for staying sunbscribed and pass on the info to friends who may be interested in the process of songwriting, or maybe just in the tunes on the podcast (that is also allowed!)
May your tunes grow ever less rough!
RoughMix with Brian Kelley 11- Father Forgive (Archive)
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RoughMix with Brian Kelley 11- Father Forgive
Originally Posted: 02:31AM Thursday, December 01, 2005
This is RoughMix with Brian Kelley episode 11 - Father Forgive
Original feed:
This episode explores some things to look for as soon as others take part in the song. Here the song is played live by a band that had slightly less than 1 hour to practice it and with engineering that was designed for the live audience by non-professionals who mean well and do their best, but do not have a clue as to how to mix for live music for recording.
The process of developing a song in its RoughMix format can also involve others and still be very
Thanks to those of you who have provided feedback recently. Once I start getting audio responses (available on this site you can also record notes to me - I can begin to add some feedback. Be sure too to add yourself to our Frappr map so we can know from where you are listening.
Thanks for staying subscribed. Feel free to share this podcast with your friends who might be interested in either the process of songwriting or just in the tunes themselves.
Check out our Frappr map at
RoughMix with Brian Kelley 010 - Listen Now
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RoughMix with Brian Kelley 010 - Listen Now (Archive)
Originally Posted: 08:30AM Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The feed for the most recent posts is at
This is episode 10. This time I tried something different. firstly, the tune portion I added in stereo. I also did some voice over the music that may or may not work for you. I used the stereo tracks to help, but it may not work - let me know.
Check out our Frappr map at
This episode has me working with a song largely driven by a riff I still love, and little to no lyrical support. Basically all of the lyrics here are fillers to help me to have a melody line for later.
Do not forget to add your location to the online map. I want to know where you are! The location is at and then available as RoughMix
As always, I am attainable at nlnnet AT gmail DOT com or at Skype with the ID briankelley
If you send a voice message there is a good chance that it could be added to the next podcast. Let me know what you like, what you would like to have more or less of etc.
Thanks for listening and be sure to pass on the info to your friends who may be songwriters or just like to see how it all happens and in the process get some pretty cool licks before wide release.
RoughMix with Brian Kelley 009 - You were there (Archives)
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RoughMix with Brian Kelley 009 - You were there (Archives)
Originally Posted: 02:44AM Monday, November 28, 2005
Original feed:
This is RoughMix episode 09. Today's song is an instrumental only which has been called "You were there". I would like to get your feedback and can be reached at nlnnet AT gmail DOT com. Skype ID is briankelley.
Audio feedback may be included in future podcasts.
Be sure to let me know from where you are listening by visiting the frappr map and placing your pin on the world map.
Check out our Frappr map
RoughMix with Brian Kelley 008 - Daily Bread
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RoughMix with Brian Kelley 008 - Daily Bread
Originally Posted: 03:57AM Saturday, November 26, 2005 at the main RoughMix feed at -
RoughMix with Brian Kelley 08 - This episode is a rough of a tune called "Daily Bread". The song was written about the phrase in the Lord's Prayer. Contact me at nlnnet AT gmail DOTcom. Skype ID: BrianKelley
Check out our Frappr!
RoughMix with Brian Kelley 07 - May the Lord be With you (Archive)
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RoughMix with Brian Kelley 07 - May the Lord be With you
Originally Posted: 25 Nov 2005 14:30:08 GMT
This is an archive to RoughMix which can be found at -
4 different takes on the song, recorded at different times on my Palm as ideas came to me, as I decide just what to do with it . Please let me know where you are listening from by adding yourself to the map at Feel free to record your voice comments and send them to me. If they are of general interest I can add them to future podcasts. Contact me nlnnet at Skype ID - BrianKelley Check out our Frappr!
RoughMix 006 - Falling from the Floor (Palm aggregate) (Archive)
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RoughMix with Brian Kelley - 006 Falling from the Floor (Palm aggregate) (Archive)
Originally Posted: 12:25PM Wednesday, November 23, 2005
A collection of snippets from the Palm where ideas were recorded as they came about and were slowly developed over a few days. It shows change over time in the development of Falling from the Floor. Lots happens in increments with this song, unlike others I have written that have come to me in one fell swoop.
This is an archived episode to make room on the main feed, which can be found:
Contact me at nlnnet AT gmail DOT com. Skype me at: briankelley
Current casts available at:
RoughMix 005 - Podomatic Only (Archive)
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RoughMix 005 - Podomatic Only (Archive)
This episode was created entirely online using the software that has available at the place where the Podcast is hosted. This episode is both a recording of a song I do not want to forget, rough as it is, and as a test of this service. It is not what I will normally use, but I wanted to try it once and get your feedback.
This is an archived episode to make room on the main feed, which can be found:
Contact me at nlnnet AT gmail DOT com. Skype me at: briankelley
Current casts available at:
RoughMix 004 - Falling from the Floor (Archive)
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RoughMix 04 - Falling from the Floor by Brian Kelley (Archive)
Originally Posted: 01:22AM Monday, November 21, 2005
This is an archived episode to make room on the main feed, which can be found:
Episode three of RoughMix with Brian Kelley - Falling from the Floor.
Contact me at nlnnet AT gmail DOT com. Skype me at: briankelley
Current casts available at:
19-11-05 Auggen
D2 D/F# E7 Dmaj7
I am waiting on the floor anticipating falling more
D2 D/F# Bm A
can I ever be assured that it will end?
D2 D/F# E7 Dmaj7
I am standing in the dark, trying to listen to my heart
D2 D/F# B7 A
will I always feel apart, will it end?
G D/F# A
I fall on my knees (3x)
and I cry
things have gone from bad to worse sometimes it feels like a curse
I want a life without remorse can it change?
then I hear You softly say I am with you, do not worry
in your nights and in your days I am here
There is nothing that can sever My love for you, never ever
My care for you lasts forever never ends
G D/F# A
I fall on my knees (3x)
and I sing
nlnnet at
RoughMix by Brian Kelley 03 - Falling from the Floor (Archive)
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RoughMix by Brian Kelley 03 - Falling from the Floor (Archive)
Originally Posted: Posted: 12:59PM Friday, November 18, 2005
This is an archived episode to make room on the main feed, which can be found:
Episode three of RoughMix with Brian Kelley - Falling from the Floor.
Contact me at nlnnet AT gmail DOT com. Skype me at: briankelley
Current casts available at:
Very rough song. Describes how I am working on the song in the very beginning stages
Here the current lyrics:
I am waiting on the floor, anticipating falling more
Things have gone from bad to worse, I fear this may be a curse
and then, oh then
I fall on my knees
I fall on my knees
I fall on my knees
and I cry
RoughMix by Brian Kelley 02 - Look Beyond First Draft (Archive)
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RoughMix by Brian Kelley 02 - Look Beyond First Draft (Archive)
Originally Posted: 05:58AM Thursday, November 17, 2005
This is an archived episode to make room on the main feed, which can be found:
Episode two of RoughMix with Brian Kelley - Look Beyond Draft One.
Contact me at nlnnet AT gmail DOT com. Skype me at: briankelley
Current casts available at:
This time I tried to have the comments during the music be skewed to left speaker. Let me know if this works for you or if you would prefer a lower volume on the music during the commentary.
Rough Mix 001 - Look Up (Archive)
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Rough Mix with Brian Kelley 01 - Look Up Rough (Archive)
Originally Posted: 01:48PM Monday, November 14, 2005
This is an archived episode to make room on the main feed, which can be found:
Episode one of RoughMix with Brian Kelley - the one where I discuss "Look Up". Contact me at nlnnet AT gmail DOT com. Skype me at: briankelley
Current casts available at:
RoughMix - Early episodes
Archive site for earliest episodes of RoughMix - the songwriting podcast by Brian Kelley.
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