An Old Fashioned Girl

  1. An Old Fashioned Girl #72006/12/19
      An Old Fashioned Girl #7 Talked about today: 1) Christmas Music 2) El Diablo the Horse 3) Lemon Kool-ade the cleaner Thanks to Friction Bailey for the opener/closer music. Keep your eye on our website: for updates Send us a voicemail through our Odeo link, or you can email us at: or […]
  2. An Old Fashioned Girl #62006/11/13
    An Old Fashioned Girl #6 Talked about today: We’re back and we discuss what we have been up to! Thanks to Friction Bailey for the opener/closer music. Keep your eye on our website: for updates Send us a voicemail through our Odeo link, or you can email us at: or Thanks for […]
  3. An Old Fashioned Girl #52006/06/12
    An Old Fashioned Girl #5 Talked about today: 1. Making Soap 2. The Art of Writing Letters Thanks to Friction Bailey for the opener/closer music. Keep your eye on our website: for updates Send us a voicemail through our Odeo link, or you can email us at: or Thanks for listening! Cara […]
  4. An Old Fashioned Girl #42006/05/20
    An Old Fashioned Girl #4 Talked about today: 1. Excerpts from Real Simple Magazine 2. Soap Making 3. Jane Austen Action Figure? Thanks to Friction Bailey for the opener/closer music. Links Mentioned: – For Patterns by Mrs. Chancey – a Podcast for Crafters who like to read – For Jane Austen Action […]
  5. An Old Fashioned Girl #32006/05/05
    An Old Fashioned Girl #3 Talked about today: 1. I have a new Co-host and she has a list of her favorite things 2. Listener feedback from the last episode as well as movie reviews 3. Pride and Prejudice Website at Thanks to Rob Costlow for the opener/closer music. Keep your eye on our […]
  6. An Old Fashioned Girl #22006/04/24
    An Old Fashioned Girl #2 Talked about today: 1. Organic Cleaning Products 2. Knitting and Sewing 3. Hair: How do you do the do? Thanks to Rob Costlow for the opener/closer music. Keep your eye on my website: for updates this week I have an odeo link to send me a voice message, or […]
  7. How to Subscribe2006/04/19
    In the next couple of hours you should be able to search for the show in the iTunes music store but in the mean time you can click here if you have iTunes and it should take you to the subscribe page.
  8. How to Contact me2006/04/18
    You can call and leave me a message at 206-984-9573 or if you have a microphone on your computer just click here Or you can always email me at
  9. An Old Fashioned Girl #12006/04/17
    An Old Fashioned Girl #1 is my first episode. Topics discussed: 1. Shoes and matching them with outfits. 2. A book about finding out "Shoe Are You?" (The Perfect Fit by, Meghan Cleary) 3. Hand Sewing vs. Machine Sewing Thanks to Rob Costlow for the opener/closer music. Keep your eye on my website: for […]
  10. Hello ladies!2006/04/13
    Welcome to An Old Fashioned Girl, a place all about being a girl, woman, matriarch, etc. It's all about being feminine. It's a lovely world, and it's time to celebrate our part in it. Don't you agree? Even on days that aren't great, there are simple joys to delight in. Flowers and books and good […]
An Old Fashioned Girl
Just another weblog