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Three From Leith
Show 299 – The Year of Missing Out
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On this week’s show - Primes, All India Radio and Jonny Polonsky. Full details can be found on the shownotes at
Show 298 – The Disaster That Is 2020
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On this week’s show: TV Coma, Short-Haired Domestic and Mordecai Smith, Soundbed: Rodney Cromwell
Show 297 – Out of Suspended Animation
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Rising from a state of suspended animation entered in 2017, and now waking up, blinking, into the futuristic light of 2019, it's the return of the podcast that you all thought had died! Yes, here I am again to play some rather fine music and babble on a little between tracks – the same as I did in the good old days, but now just a few years further on.
Forgive the rather rusty nature of the show – it has been quite some time and I'm just a little bit out of practice (evidenced by forgetting to mention what the last track played was or who it was by). In fact, the show runs to 50 minutes – which I only discovered as I was editing it last night – so it's almost twice the usual length. There are more tracks played in this episode, and I did ramble on a little longer than I'd thought I had between them; then again, there's a lot to catch up on!
Hopefully you're still out there listening, despite the gap. If you are, leave a comment on the shownotes / email me / mention me on Twitter – it may just encourage me to podcast far more regularly again!
[tag]Start Static[/tag] – Seeing Red
[tag]Holygram[/tag] – A Faction
[tag]Big Tide[/tag] – Hide Me In Your Spaceship
[tag]Phideaux[/tag] – We Only Have Eyes For You
[tagParabola West[/tag] – Calling Your Name
[tag]Suvi[/tag] – Come Out And Play
[tag]Phideaux[/tag] – c99
The soundbed was 'Ah Beat (Original Mix)' by [tag]S7G[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 296 – Last One Before Armageddon
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Make the most of this new episode of Three From Leith - it may be your last experience of the best in independent & unsigned music before the men with the two worst hairstyles in the world decide to drop a nuke on each other!
[tag]Bedroom Eyes[/tag] - After I Was A Kid But Before I Grew Up
[tag]Vigilantes[/tag] - What A Shame
[tag]Echo Arcadia[/tag] - Ghosts / Into The Shadows
The soundbed was 'Fun Sound (Original Mix)' by [tag]ANIMAM[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 295 – AudioBox
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It's 2017, and Three From Leith is back with a new studio set-up and a new selection of the best tracks from some of the best independent artists there are. Happy New Year, and here's hoping your ready to slap on your headphones to appreciate what's coming your way in Show 295!
[tag]Kyros[/tag] - Cloudburst
[tag]Akiva[/tag] - Chemical Eyes
[tag]Abel Raise The Cain[/tag] - Every Rise
[tag]Kyros[/tag] - Dilate
The soundbed was 'Love Recorder (Original Mix)' by [tag]Paris76[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 294 – Am I Seeing Things?
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Pick your jaw back up off the floor - you're not hallucinating, it IS another TFL podcast at long last. I have excuses, but who wants to hear all about them when there's lots of great music to listen yo instead? OK, I do blether a bit about what's been happening, but who can blame me?!
[tag]Rayne[/tag] - Chemicals
[tag]Heksagons[/tag] - Temper Tantrums / Dance Macabre
[tag]Two Skies[/tag] - When The Storm Hits
[tag]Honeymilk[/tag] - Time Will Kill You
[tag]Slow Readers Club[/tag] - Plant The Seed
The soundbed was 'Cassiopeia' by [tag]Rodney Cromwell[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 293 – A Quarter Of The Way In
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Here we go with the first show of 2016, as we reach the end of the 1st quarter. Where did the first part of the year go? Life's been busy and dealt the family a fairly awful knock, so things have all been in a bit of a tizzy. But I finally found the time to get some more great music down, interspersed with the usual waffle, to see you through until the next episode. Enjoy - and do let me know if you find any great new music yourself which you think the other TFL listeners would enjoy.
[tag]Liberty Ship[/tag] - Learning To Fly
[tag]Abel Raise the Cain[/tag] - Million Dollar Night
[tag]Partisan [/tag] - Two Lovers
The soundbed was 'Immersion (Original Mix)' by [tag]Jaques Le Noir[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 293 will be here soon!
Show 293 is recorded and ready to go as soon as I receive a replacement copy of one of the tracks from the band’s PR. Unfortunately, the track cuts off prematurely and I somehow failed to notice it until I was mixing the show on Friday night after finishing the recording. As soon as the […]
Show 292 – The 2015 Christmas Show
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Welcome to the first Christmas show in many years - with the key difference this year being that there are no festive tunes featured (other than the festive intro and outros). Sit back with a hot mug of mulled wine and a mince pie or two and fire up the hifi or the mp3 player to enjoy an end-of-year selection of some of the best music sent to me over 2015. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - see you all in 2016!
[tag]Skellums[/tag] - We Are One
[tag]Zurich[/tag] - Alone
[tag]The Easton Ellises[/tag] - Falcon 69
[tag]Skellums[/tag] - Monsters
[tag]Locals[/tag] - Millions of Ghosts
[tag]Tiger Factory[/tag] - King Of The World
[tag]The Slow Readers Club[/tag] - Start Again / Days Like This Will Break Your Heart
[tag]Follow The Lion[/tag] - Down By The River
[tag]Cable Street Collective[/tag] - He's On Fire
[tag]Lights That Change[/tag] - Voices
[tag]North Atlantic Explorers[/tag] - Into The Blue Sea
The soundbed was 'Uncertain Future (Original Mix)' by [tag]Dim Zach[/tag]
The intro was 'Christmas Dubstep Ident' by [tag]DanyVin[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 291 – The Almost Lost Edition
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This is the show that nearly never was; it was started months back as an intended 10th Anniversary Special, but it quickly became clear to me that it just wasn't coming together as I'd intended. The more I tried, the harder it got to record - until I reached a complete and utter standstill. Struck down with podcaster's block, I couldn't make myself record any more than the first third that I'd managed to piece together. I tried many times, and got to the point where I was on the verge of deleting the file and starting over, just to get past the psychological barrier. However, with the passage of time I was able to listen through eventually to what was there and I decided it was actually a decent podcast and could be finished off as a normal show, with none of the anniversary razzmatazz that was making me avoid going near it! So, the show has finally been completed, and features a fabulous trio of Scottish artists for your listening pleasure. Watch this lot - they're going places (even if it's just out for a bike ride in the case of the now-defunct Hotrod Cadets!) So enjoy - and do let me know how the new recording setup for this show (entirely iPad on a multitrack DAW) sounds.
[tag]Hotrod Cadets[/tag] - My Heart Sinks
[tag]Retro Video Club[/tag] - Inside Out / Make Up
[tag]Ramisco Maki Maki Rocking Horse[/tag] - For A While At Least / The Four Five Six
The soundbed was 'In The Sky (Original Mix)' by [tag]Karan & Shivil[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 290 – The Tablet Edition
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Well, this was a first - a show recorded on the iPad, live, and flying by the seat of my pants! Other than a slightly fluffed vocal and soudbed coming in a little too soon at the end of one song, it went pretty well (although hearing what I said coming back through the headphones a fraction of a second after I said it was really off-putting). Still, it's good to try something different every now and again to keep you on your toes. Enjoy the tunes - there's a real feel of energy behind this week's selection.
[tag]Peur[/tag] - Explosions
[tag]My Cruel Goro[/tag] - Crapford
[tag]Zurich[/tag] - Chemical / Menace
The soundbed was 'In The Sky (Original Mix)' by [tag]Karan & Shivil[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 289 – Holiday Rush
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I realised that I'm about to go off on holiday and hadn't done a podcast since May, so thought I'd better put a quick one together before you think I've abandoned you all! Apologies for the rushed feel to the show, but it was done between shopping, packing & cleaning. Enjoy the three great tracks until I get back, and do let the artists know if you like what you hear.
[tag]The Kut[/tag] - I Want You Maniac
[tag]Skyline Advantage[/tag] - Perfect
[tag]Emerald Park[/tag] - Liberteens
The soundbed was 'In The Sky (Headpockets Pegasus Remix)' by [tag]Karan & Shivil[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 288 – What Did I Do Again?
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This week's podcast is one of those shows which really benefits from being played through a really good pair of headphones. A great selection,
which I'm now encoding at a higher than normal bitrate, for you to crank up and jump around to - whether it be in the privacy of your own home or in full public view on the street or in the bus. Immerse yourself in the sheer joy of the music.
[tag]Faerground Accidents[/tag] - She Makes Me Want To Die
[tag]The Shy Lips[/tag] - Bahia Part II
[tag]The Slow Readers Club[/tag] - I Saw A Ghost / Cavalcade
The soundbed was 'He Said She Said (Offaudio Remix)' by [tag]Karan & Shivil[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
New podcast tomorrow!
Since there’ll be a new podcast tomorrow, I thought I’d better make sure the auto-publishing is working on WordPress! If this appears after being auto-published at 19:25, the show should follow in the early hours of tomorrow without any manual intervention. Stay tuned…..
Apologies for the late posting
Apologies – I appear to have been hit by the dreaded WordPress ‘Missed Schedule’ bug where scheduled posts fail to publish at the specified time. Unfortunately, I was so busy today I forgot to check on whether TFL had published at 5.30am this morning and only remembered tonight. And when I did, Show 287 was […]
Show 287 – It’s That 80s Show!
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Flu defeated, it's time for a trip back to the 80s with some eighties-influenced synth-pop from the current day. Hard to conceive that the 80s
were 30 years ago, and even stranger to think back to what you were doing back then! So, put on those rose-tinted specs and come with me back to
those carefree days of my teens...
[tag]Filter Distortion[/tag] - Black and White
[tag]Smoking Ghosts[/tag] - Dance The Disillusionment
[tag]I, Us & We[/tag] - Lanterns
[tag]Filter Distortion[/tag] - Frequency Modulation
The soundbed was 'Ephemeral Living' by [tag]Zero Project[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 286 – He’s Alive!
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New year? Check. New kit for recording on? Check. New tunes? Check. Same old blethering? Hell, yeah! It's true - I'm finally back with a
laptop (thanks, Glen!) and a new external soundcard to create the new TFL recording studio. As I found during the recording though, I need to
rearrange my studio workspace to avoid having to lean in to reach the mic & knackering my back... I also have to apologise to The Persian Leaps,
as my rustiness meant that during the recording I failed to tell you what their songs were called. All that aside, it's bloody good to be back!
[tag]Peur[/tag] - Hollow Skies
[tag]Seawitches[/tag] - Stars
[tag]The Persian Leaps[/tag] - Fire Starter / Permission
The soundbed was 'In The Sky (Original Mix)' by [tag]Karan & Shivil[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
At long last – I have working equipment and will return next week!
I know – I’ve been absent again for a VERY long time. There have been a number of reasons for this, but the main one has been that the podcasting PC has not been working and I’ve not been able to record. However, the acquisition of a used laptop from an ex-work colleague in the […]
Show 285 – Resurfacing
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Well, lack of time, holidays and major computer issues have kept me away again for quite some time, but here I am resurfacing as summer ends with another wee selection of great independent tuneage to satisfying your cravings. Enjoy until the next time :-)
[tag]Sparrow Falls[/tag] - Thus Perishes The World's Glory / Spewing Bile
[tag]Perma F[/tag] - Burning Angel
[tag]The Y-Axes[/tag] - Dotted Lines / Sunglasses
The soundbed was 'Endless Blue' by [tag]Paris76[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Away too long
I’m aware that there’s been a TFL drought these past two months. The energy to produce a show has been lacking, and now I’m off on holiday for two weeks. Hopefully the break away will refresh the batteries & rekindle my desire to record. In the meantime, thanks for bearing with me. Enjoy your summer!
Show 284 – Will It Get There?
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Jings! Where did the time go? A combination of time & frustration with the PC thwarting a couple of attempts to record (three hours wasted when the wifi card software corrupted, anyone?) has kept me away longer than planned. I've also noticed that the comments validation plugin was broken, as was the 'Donate' button, so they've now been fixed too. So, let's get on and fix the bumper selection of music right now
[tag]Vukovi[/tag] - So Long Gone
[tag]Talia[/tag] - Thelma & Louise
[tag]Kinetics[/tag] - The Ocean
[tag]The Telenovellas[/tag] - Intergalactic Debauchery At The Red Light District Of The Moon / Queen Of The Moths
[tag]Foggy Nocean[/tag] - George Orwell Was Right
[tag]GUMS! And Callum Baird[/tag] - Something Rotten / Haunted House
The soundbed was 'Lights' by [tag]Modeplex[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Coming soon – Show 284!
I’m fated to never get a podcast out when I want to. Tonight I’ve spend almost three hours trying to tag the podcast file in iTunes and upload it to the server. It’s there now, but I don’t have the time left tonight to write up the shownotes & publish it. That will hopefully come […]
Show 283 – Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
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In the blink of an eye it's the end of February and this show will reach your ears on the 4th March. It can't be though – Christmas was only last week! (Or at least it feels that way). Fear not though, for here's a Spring selection of the finest tunes from across the globe which should get you ready for the run up to summer.... ;-)
Hillman Lighthouse - Change Your Mind
The Aviators - What Do You Want From Me
Yuri's Accident - Lights (On Her Eyes)
Hillman Lighthouse - Six Ways From Sunday
The soundbed was 'Starlight' by Perma F
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Show 282 – G&T From Leith
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PC issue solved - I'm back with the tinkle of ice in a frosted glass, a selection of great tunes and a mouth that just won't stop. Yes, it's 2014 on TFL!
[tag]Machine Guns & Motorcycles[/tag] - We Are The 99
[tag]Psychojet[/tag] - Swansong
[tag]Dropkick[/tag] - Style / I Me My
The soundbed was 'Afterlight' by [tag]Nanaki[/tag]
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Merry Christmas 2013 from Three From Leith!
Unfortunately, I’ve had another disappointing lack of good Christmas music this year so I’ve not been able to put together a Christmas show. However, why not enjoy a great show from a few years ago as you celebrate the festive season? The 2010 Christmas Special – brought to you from a sub-zero, snow-covered December Leith […]
Three From Leith
Three of the best local, national and international podsafe tracks each week, selected by your host, Grant Mason, in the heart of historic Leith
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