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Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto
Learn to Expect the Unexpected
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Veteran trader and world-class trading coach, Jeff Quinto tells traders to “Learn to Expect the Unexpected” in this 342nd episode of the Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto podcast.
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Professional Trader Mentoring Program and in his Professional Trader Academy at .
Getting It
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Veteran trader and world-class trading coach, Jeff Quinto explains what it feels like when you are “Getting It” in this 341st episode of the Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto podcast.
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Professional Trader Mentoring Program and in his Professional Trader Academy at .
My Days as a Big Trader or Consistency is King
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Veteran trader and world-class trading coach, Jeff Quinto tells traders to “My Days as a Big Trader or Consistency is King” in this 340th episode of the Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto podcast.
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Professional Trader Mentoring Program and in his Professional Trader Academy at .
The Homer Simpson School of Futures Trading
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Veteran trader and world-class trading coach, Jeff Quinto tells traders to “The Homer Simpson School of Futures Trading” in this 339th episode of the Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto podcast.
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Professional Trader Mentoring Program and in his Professional Trader Academy at .
Learning to Make Trading Decisions with Imperfect Information
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Veteran trader and world-class trading coach, Jeff Quinto tells traders to “Learning to Make Trading Decisions with Imperfect Information” in this 338th episode of the Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto podcast.
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Professional Trader Mentoring Program and in his Professional Trader Academy at .
Acres of Diamonds
Veteran trader and world-class trading coach, Jeff Quinto tells traders to “Acres of Diamonds” in this 337th episode of the Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto podcast.
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Professional Trader Mentoring Program and in his Professional Trader Academy at .
My Name Is Bond, Jeff Bond
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Veteran trader and world-class trading coach, Jeff Quinto tells traders to “My Name is Bond, Jeff Bond” in this 336th episode of the Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto podcast.
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Professional Trader Mentoring Program and in his Professional Trader Academy at .
The Greatest Trader in the World
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Veteran trader and world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto talks about the meeting London what was described to him as the “Greatest Trader in the World” in this 220th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
The first days of stock index futures trading and I was there
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Veteran trader and world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto talks about the early days of stock index trading and the biggest order he ever saw in this 219th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Free Lottery Tickets!
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Veteran trader and world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto explains how to turn successful trades into Free Lottery Tickets in this 218th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Perry Kaufman talks about "The Perfect System" - is there such a thing?
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“The Perfect System” – is there such a thing?
Perry Kaufman talks to Jeff Quinto about systems and the best use of a systematic trader’s time in this 218th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Perry Kaufman talks about Risk and Diversification
Perry Kaufman talks to Jeff Quinto about Risk and Diversification in this 217th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Perry Kaufman on getting started in systematic trading, trends and the need for a sound premise
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Perry Kaufman talks to Jeff Quinto about how to get started in systematic trading, trends and the need for a sound premise in trading in this 216th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Systematic Trading Guru, Perry Kaufman on the proper use of computers in systematic trading
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Perry Kaufman, trading systems guru, talks about his background and the proper use of computers in systematic trading in this 215th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Attack of the Killer Bees!
Veteran trader and world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto is attacked by bees in this 214th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Jeff's Twelve Step Program for Struggling Traders
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Veteran trader and world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto reveals his 12-Step Program for Struggling Traders in this 213th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
I do not choose to be a common man - Jeff's speech at the Annual Patriotic Service of the Chapel on the Hill
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"I do not choose to be a common man" was Jeff's speech at the Annual Patriotic Service of the Chapel on the Hill in Lake Geneva Wisconsin in this 212th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Part Two of Jeff's two-part interview with former CME trader and personality Kevin Cook
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This episode is the second part of a two-part interview from the spring of 2009, in which Jeff talks to option trader, former CME currency trader and personality, Kevin Cook.
Hear Kevin and Jeff talk about how Kevin got started trading at the Chicago mercantile Exchange in this 210th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program at .
The Blowout - June 17th, 1982
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Veteran trader and world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto talks about June 17th , 1982, the day he calls not-so-fondly – The Blowout in this 210th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
How to use targets in futures trading without becoming the target
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Veteran trader and world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto explains how to use targets in your futures trading without becoming the target in this 208th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Trade like a tiger and sleep like a baby
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Veteran trader and world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto explains how to trade like a tiger and sleep like a baby in this 207th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Making the best of the worst of times
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Veteran trader and world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto talks about how to make the best of these worst of times in this 206th episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff coaches traders from around the world to achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Lessons I learned from extending daily loss limits for futures traders
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Veteran trader and world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto talks about the lessons he learned in extending loss limits for traders in his proprietary futures trading business in this 123rd episode of The Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto .
Jeff helps traders from around the world achieve meaningful success in their trading through his Electronic Trader Mentoring Program .
Check out Jeff's website for advanced traders looking to move dramatically forward in their trading at .
You can read Jeff’s trading blog at .
Electronic Trader with Jeff Quinto
The ElectronicTrader with Jeff Quinto podcast features world-class futures trading coach, Jeff Quinto. Mr. Quinto shares his ideas on how professional electronic futures traders can maximize their returns. Mr. Quinto coaches professional futures traders from around the world in his Professional Trader Mentoring Program.
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