The Temple podcast

  1. The Temple - 08/01/03 - Happy New Year show2008/01/04
    Info (Show/Hide)
  2. The Temple - 07/12/27 - The Women of Saint Tattoo2007/12/28
    The ladies of Saint Tattoo ( ) have selected our playlist for us this week, everything form dark death metal to finnish folk metal to 80s hair bands and gold old fashioned goth music :)

    all thanks to for allowing me to broadcast live every thursday night from 10pm to midnight EST
  3. The Temple - 07/12/20 - lots of unsigned acts and bela lugosi trivia2007/12/21
    this episode featurdes Razed In Black, Torsion, CrankSanatra, Gore Gore Girls, Anders Manga, Angels On Acid, Lacuna Coil, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Spanking Machine, Random trivia about "Bela Lugosi's Dead", EsperMachine, Type O, RATM, NIN, and lots more!!!
The Temple podcast
a little bit of everything dark spooky and entertaining.
broadcasting live every thursday from 10pm to midnight EST on

you can now get the shows set list, links to the unsigned bands and my lemonade stand where you can buy the music of most of the artists i play on The Temple, just stop by my myspace page:

for more info check out: