Arriba folklorico music and dance of Mexico

  1. Episode 15 - El Huapango and the Huasteca Region2010/01/12
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  2. 14- Oaxaca - Jarabe Mixteco and La Gelaguetza2009/08/18
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  3. 13- Michoacan and the Tarascos2009/03/31
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  4. 12- Noche de Mariachi- 1st annual Mariachi festival gala event2008/09/21
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  5. 11- Yucatan and the Dance of the Jarana2008/06/08
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  6. 10 - Podcast Promo for Podcamp San Antonio Numero Dos2008/01/28
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  7. 009 - Show Janitzio plays the Music of the Revolucion Mexicana2007/12/01
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  8. 008- Show Janitzio plays music of the Trios2007/12/01
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  9. 007- The Golden Age or 'Siglo de Oro' of Mexican Romantic Music - Interview with Trio and Quartet - Show Janitzio2007/11/28
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  10. Interview with SHOW JANITZIO and upcoming posts2007/11/22
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  11. Exposure at the Podcast and New Media Expo2007/10/30
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  12. 006-Nayarit-its folklore and el Jarabe Nayarita-Danza de los machetes2007/09/03
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  13. Arriba! was mentioned in the School Of Podcasting2007/08/07
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  14. The folklore from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec: Chiapas and the music of the marimba2007/08/06
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  15. Arriba! podcast is highlighted on PodCampCity Online on 28 July 20072007/07/31
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  16. Episode 004 -- Indigenous folkloric dance in Pre-Columbian Mexico2007/07/08
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  17. Interview in the "Immigration Tales" podcast2007/06/19
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  18. Participation in PodCamp San Antonio 20072007/05/22
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  19. PodCamp in San Antonio on May 19, 20072007/05/14
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  20. Episode 003- Veracruz and the Jarocho music and dance - and La Bamba2007/05/06
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  21. mp3 file of the Interview with Jose Hernandez-episode 002- click here2007/05/01
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  22. Episode 2 - Fred Castaneda conducts Interview with Jose Hernandez-Director of Mariachi Sol de Mexico2007/05/01
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  23. Interview with Jose Hernandez of the Mariachi Sol de Mexico2007/01/29
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  24. Episode 2 coming soon - Interview with Jose Hernandez2006/12/15
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  25. Jose Hernandez Interview - and- Podcast & Portable Media Expo2006/10/08
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Arriba folklorico music and dance of Mexico
This blog will delve into the cultural and entertainment aspects of folklorico music and dance of Mexico. It also will host the show notes to the podcast titled "Arriba! Folkorico music and dance of Mexico."