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Episode 20200911 -- We Should Talk More Episode Zero
Episode Zero for the new We Should Talk More podcast with Lady J.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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GG20200616 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 2 Chapter 8 and 9
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 8 -- The End of the Household Gods:
"The only place where it is possible to find an echo of the mind of the English masses is either in conversation or in comic songs. The latter are obviously the more dubious; but they are the only things recorded and quotable that come anywhere near it."
Chapter 9 -- A Short Chapter:
"Round about the year 1913 Eugenics was turned from a fad to a fashion. Then, if I may so summarise the situation, the joke began in earnest. The organising mind which we have seen considering the problem of slum population, the popular material and the possibility of protests, felt that the time had come to open the campaign. ... But as a matter of fact this is not the first chapter but the last. And this must be a very short chapter, because the whole of this story was cut short. A very curious thing happened. England went to war. This would in itself have been a sufficiently irritating interruption in the early life of Eugenette, and in the early establishment of Eugenics. But a far more dreadful and disconcerting fact must be noted. With whom, alas, did England go to war? England went to war with the Superman in his native home."
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GG20200609 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 2 Chapter 7
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 7 -- The Transformation of Socialism:
"Socialism is one of the simplest ideas in the world. It has always puzzled me how there came to be so much bewilderment and misunderstanding and miserable mutual slander about it. At one time I agreed with Socialism, because it was simple. Now I disagree with Socialism, because it is too simple."
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GG20200602 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 2 Chapter 6
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 6 -- The Eclipse of Liberty:
"If such a thing as the Eugenic sociology had been suggested in the period from Fox to Gladstone, it would have been far more fiercely repudiated by the reformers than by the Conservatives."
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GG20200526 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 2 Chapter 5
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 5 --The Meanness of the Motive:
"Now, if any ask whether it be imaginable that an ordinary man of the wealthier type should analyse the problem or conceive the plan, the inhumanly far-seeing plan, as I have set it forth, the answer is: "Certainly not." Many rich employers are too generous to do such a thing; many are too stupid to know what they are doing."
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GG20200519 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 2 Chapter 4
"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 4 -- The Vengeance of the Flesh:
"By a quaint paradox, we generally miss the meaning of simple stories because we are not subtle enough to understand their simplicity."
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GG20200512 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 2 Chapter 3
"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 3 -- True History of a Eugenist:
"He does not live in a dark lonely tower by the sea, from which are heard the screams of vivisected men and women. On the contrary, he lives in Mayfair."
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GG20200505 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 2 Chapter 2
"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 2 -- True History of a Tramp:
"He awoke in the Dark Ages and smelt dawn in the dark, and knew he was not wholly a slave."
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GG20200428 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 2 Chapter 1
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Part 2 -- The Real Aim
Chapter 1 -- The Impotence of Impenitence
"The root formula of an epoch is always an unwritten law, just as the law that is the first of all laws, that which protects life from the murderer, is written nowhere in the Statute Book."
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GG20200421 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 1 Chapter 8
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 8 -- A Summary of a False Theory:
"I have up to this point treated the Eugenists, I hope, as seriously as they treat themselves. I have attempted an analysis of their theory as if it were an utterly abstract and disinterested theory; and so considered, there seems to be very little left of it."
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GG20200414 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 1 Chapter 7
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 7 -- The Established Church of Doubt:
"Let us now finally consider what the honest Eugenists do mean, since it has become increasingly evident that they cannot mean what they say."
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ADDITIONAL NOTE: Check out what Chesterton had to say about news reporting. Sounds a bit familiar, huh?
GG20200407 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 1 Chapter 6
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 6 -- The Unanswered Challenge:
"Dr. Saleeby did me the honour of referring to me in one of his addresses on this subject, and said that even I cannot produce any but a feeble-minded child from a feeble-minded ancestry. To which I reply, first of all, that he cannot produce a feeble-minded child. The whole point of our contention is that this phrase conveys nothing fixed and outside opinion."
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GG20200331 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 1 Chapter 5
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 5 - The Flying Authority:
"It happened one day that an atheist and a man were standing together on a doorstep; and the atheist said, "It is raining." To which the man replied, "What is raining?": which question was the beginning of a violent quarrel and a lasting friendship."
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GG20200324 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 1 Chapter 4
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Finished editing this, then forgot to post it. (sigh)
"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 4 -- The Lunatic and the Law:
"The modern evil, we have said, greatly turns on this: that people do not see that the exception proves the rule. Thus it may or may not be right to kill a murderer; but it can only conceivably be right to kill a murderer because it is wrong to kill a man."
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GG20200317 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 1 Chapter 3
"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 3 -- The Anarchy from Above:
"A silent anarchy is eating out our society. I must pause upon the expression; because the true nature of anarchy is mostly misapprehended."
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GG20200310 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 1 Chapter 2
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 2 -- The First Obstacles:
"Now before I set about arguing these things, there is a cloud of skirmishers, of harmless and confused modern sceptics, who ought to be cleared off or calmed down before we come to debate with the real doctors of the heresy."
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Hiber-Nation 20200305 - Federalist # 17 - The Same Subject Continued: The Insufficiency of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union
The same subject continued... continued.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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GG20200303 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 1 Chapter 1
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"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Narrator's Introduction:
For the next few paragraphs I will speak for myself, to set the stage for G.K. Chesterton's book, and to suggest why I believe it is still an important book.
I think G.K. Chesterton explains his book rather well in his introduction, but it might help to start with a sense of the time in question. Chesterton started work on Eugenics and Other Evils in about 1910, but it was not completed and published until 1922. In his own introduction he talks about the period before and after "The War." The war he refers to is now called World War One.
We now have a distaste for the word Eugenics, largely driven by events in World War Two. But at the time this book was published, Eugenics was lauded to the skies as a wonderful idea, and Chesterton was nearly the only person saying in writing that Eugenics was in fact evil. A case could be made, and has been made, that today, though the word Eugenics is avoided, some practices that are in fact Eugenic practices, and some sciences that are in fact Eugenic sciences, enjoy great popularity and engender great public enthusiasm. To which practices and which sciences I refer, is left as an exercise for the reader.
To the Reader:
"...It was a time when this theme was the topic of the hour; when eugenic babies (not visibly very distinguishable from other babies) sprawled all over the illustrated papers; when the evolutionary fancy of Nietzsche was the new cry among the intellectuals; and when Mr. Bernard Shaw and others were considering the idea that to breed a man like a cart-horse was the true way to attain that higher civilisation, of intellectual magnanimity and sympathetic insight, which may be found in cart-horses...."
Part 1 -- The False Theory
Chapter One:
"The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt. It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt."
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Eugenics by GK Chesterton - the Promo
I'm going to be reposting my old recordings of G.K. Chesterton's "Eugenics and Other Evils." I heard the other day that the idea is making a comeback. Again. And Chesterton said what needed to be said rather well. He could make a point, stick it in your gut, and make you chuckle when he did it.
And, sad to say, it does need to be said. Again. Coming soon to a podcast near you.
Episode 20181127 - Back in the Game
Where I've been and what I've been doing and not doing. And where I'm going next.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 20180527 - Not Too Terribly Special
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Exhausted, all my tech is failing, including this podcast. Oh, did I mention I'm losing my hearing and half-blind in one eye? So, how's your year been going. See also one of my earliest podcast episodes, "Some Old Guy Whining."
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Prince Martin Wins His Sword - the Promo!
I recently completed the Audible version of "Prince Martin Wins His Sword " for the author, Brandon Hale. While recording this rhyming book, I noticed a particular piece of music fit the rhyme scheme perfectly. And then I also noticed the promotional language on the book's page on Amazon also rhymed the same way.
And the rest is history... a promo was born!
Hiber-Nation 20180419 - Federalist # 16 - The Same Subject Continued: The Insufficiency of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union
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Back in the saddle, with a few saddle sores. And a bit of news. And then, The Same Subject Continued.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20180208 - Federalist # 15 - The Insufficiency of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union
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Everybody agreed the Articles of Confederacy weren't working. Not everyone agreed how much needed to be changed.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20180201 - Federalist # 14 - Objections to the Proposed Constitution From Extent of Territory Answered
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Hello, welcome back for Federalist # 14, "Objections to the Proposed Constitution From Extent of Territory Answered."
You know, I do love reading these older works aloud for you. I like to think it adds a living energy to words to which you and I have paid far too little attention for far too long. I've mentioned that I don't read ahead very much, to keep the material fresh for me. I like suprises as much as you folks do. Much of the Federalist papers are rather calm, rather clerical, rather tame. The first part of this essay is much the same. But towards the end, there's quite a crescendo, lemme tell ya.
This one purports to be written by James Madison, though the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society argues that most or all were written by Hamilton. That's possible. But it seems to me the more firey essays do seem to be attributed to Madison. So it's an intriguing question. And it's nice to find an intriguing question about something written 230 years ago. Hope I do it justice.
Good day!
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20180125 - Federalist # 13 - Advantage of the Union in Respect to Economy in Government
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Hello, we meet again, this time for Federalist # 13, "Advantage of the Union in Respect to Economy in Government."
Once again, the Federalist's primary argument for the Constitution is that it is the only way to preserve the Union, all the states working together. That argument is assumed throughout this essay. And once again, the Federalist gives us an answer to a question raised in our current era.
Hamilton contends that there are functions that must be carried out by the national government, whether that nation be one state, one of three or more confederacies, or a nation comprised of all the thirteen states. With that in mind, a single government would be most economical, without duplicating necessary national functions three times, or thirteen times.
Modern politicians often argue that the Federal government is too expensive and inefficient. I'd counter that people governing themselves is expensive and inefficient, and worth preserving. The alternative offered is not some better Federal government. It is a Federal government that doesn't actually perform the necessary work. When one completes half the work, or none of the work, one can sure save a lot of money. Monarchy or tyranny is relatively cheap, and can look a lot more efficient, what with the trains running on time, and all those parades of marching uniforms.
But I digress. Let's let Mr Hamilton speak for himself. Good day!
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Episode 20180122 - Our Stories Tell Us
We all tell stories, and listen to stories, and learn from stories. And our stories tell us, too.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Hiber-Nation 20180118 - Federalist # 12 - The Utility of the Union In Respect to Revenue
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Hello again. Tonight is Federalist # 12, which is all about Revenue. Or in other words, tax collecting.
Naturally this one is written by Alexander Hamilton, the banker. He founded the Bank of New York. Later on, President George Washington appointed him as the first Secretary of the Treasury, and in that capacity he also founded the first Bank of the United States. So he would be the one to write an essay to convince the people of New York that the Constitution would be a great idea, because the government would be better at collecting taxes. I admit I got a bit of a chuckle out of that. Can't picture a modern legislator promoting anything with the idea it'd let the Federal government collect more taxes. Anyway, I found it a bit amusing. Then again, I also get many of the dirty jokes in Shakespeare.
The modern debates on reforming the tax code, basically started with the work of Alexander Hamilton.
But he does make some valid points. No government can do much without revenue, no one can, really. If it's got to be done, and it does, it ought to be done well. And he does say that most of that revenue would come from duties on imports, and not from landowners and especially not from farmers, who generally don't have much cash anyway. That had to go over rather well in a largely agrarian society.
This is a short one, but has value of it's own. Good day.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20180111 - Federalist # 11 - The Utility of the Union in Respect to Commercial Relations and a Navy
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Hello again. Tonight I'm recording Federalist #11. This is not the most exciting essay to the modern ear, being primarily about international trade, especially by sea. The ending does get a bit firey.
I am not a trained historian, just a history fan, I suppose. In 1787 America didn't have much of a navy to speak of. And British naval power, or French for that matter, was much stronger. The only advantage we had was the very long way they had to travel to do much of anything to us, and the ongoing conflicts between Britain and France, which made conflict with us an inconvenient side issue in many ways. I find the coverage of American Naval potential interesting in the very different resources necessary for naval building in those days: tar, pitch, turpentine and the strong wood available from the southern states, oh, and some of the iron from the north, too.
The essay also mentions hypothetically cutting off direct trade with Britain, and how it might put us in a strong position negotiating a trade treaty with them. Twenty-five years later we were at war once again with Britain, after cutting off trade, in part due to trusting France, in part due to our still lacking a strong enough navy to keep Britain from kidnapping our merchant seamen and impressing them into the British navy. We won again, largely due to the internal lines of supply also discussed here, which same have also been the foundation of every war we've won, in my amateur opinion. We didn't always build the best of anything, but we sure built a lot of 'em in a hurry.
The most strongly worded part of this essay is at the end, suggesting a European opinion that America weakened anyone who went there. I wasn't around at the time, so I'll take Hamilton's word on that. We were still desperately vulnerable, and building a strong navy was probably a very good idea. But I believe what saved us was largely the French conflict with Britain, and our willingness to persist in fighting long enough that Britain couldn't sustain a war against us. And finally, it was the commercial side, internal and external trade, that allowed us to become a strong, viable nation.
And the Union, providing a framework for our internal cooperation, was essential to our later external strength.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Episode 20180108 - Madison's Plea
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Hello ladies and gentlemen.
This is David Grizzly Smith. You probably guessed that, of course.
I normally wouldn't do what I'm going to do tonight. This is rather unusual for Grizzly's Growls -- though Grizzly's Growls doesn't have a strict format, and besides it's mine, I can do what I want.
As you know, I've been getting a few episodes ahead in my recording of the Federalist Papers. Tonight I recorded Federalist #14, the whole of which you'll hear when it drops on February 1st. Every time I've recorded a book, it seems, there's that one part I have to record two or three times. It gets me right in the heart, and I break down a bit trying to get the words out. So I do it over till I can finish it intelligibly, more or less.
This time, so far at least, it was Federalist #14. It purports to have been written by James Madison, and I can believe that, it seems the most heartfelt essays came from Madison. Some sources'd say Hamilton really wrote them. I'd go with Madison, even so.
The first part of the essay is along the workmanlike likes of those just prior. And then I got to the last part. And I could hear in the words the voice of a warrior for American independence, and American innovation, at a time when Kings and Queens were the order of the day for much of the world. And at a time when some in this country were arguing for dividing us up into fragments, rather than preserving the Union which made the American revolution possible.
Seems to me there are those forces and those voices today who likewise would like to divide us. And we need words that express those fundamental values and that fundamental unity in which almost all of us believe. We are quarreling amongst ourselves, as families do sometimes. And there are certainly those who'd like to encourage those quarrels, to weaken us and strengthen their own grasp on their wealth and power over us.
I think James Madison said it well, so I'm going to let him say his piece. If you're interested, the background music is Johann Sebastian Bach's "Prelude in C Major" played by Kevin MacLeod, the theme music for the whole series. Enjoy. And I hope you take it to heart, as I did.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Hiber-Nation 20180104 - Federalist # 10 - The Same Subject Continued: The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection
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Hello again and welcome to Federalist #10. You may remember I mentioned I'd be recording this the same night as #9.
I was startled to notice that #9, "The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection" was written by Hamilton, and was rather intellectual. But #10, "The Same Subject Continued" came from James Madison, who seems so staid in the pictures, but who's a bit of a firebrand in this essay.
There's a lot to love about this one. Once again the author wrote a couple of centuries back, but seems to have watched TV last night. While I'm sure there was a temptation to high-flown rhetoric, Madison was cold-bloodedly pragmatic about the vulnerabilities of the Republic. He knew it wouldn't be perfect, but he knew it could be protected and made better.
I also noted Madison's reference to "the most numerous party, or, in other words, the most powerful faction," which reminded me of John Stuart Mill's mention in On Liberty, Chapter One, of "the majority, or those who succeed in making themselves accepted as the majority," more than a century later. Madison shows a realistic view of government one might not expect from the Federalist, if one approaches it as some sort of religious work, rather than what it is, a political work intended to convey rationally how one might form a durable republic, and to convince the citizens that this new Constitution would accomplish that.
It has been pointed out elsewhere that the founders assumed the citizens, if provided with the facts, would make intelligent choices. I'd expect that to be necessary in the foundation of any Republic. If the citizens aren't equipped to choose correctly, then you either equip them, or you choose a different form of government. But I think this essay makes clear that the founders understood the people could also make incredibly bad choices. The hope was that there'd be enough people making enough choices that it'd all come out fairly well even so.
I hope so, too.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20180101 - Federalist # 9 - The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection
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Tonight I'm recording Federalist number 9. I'm sorry that I'm way behind the weekly recordings I originally planned. It was such a lovely plan, wasn't it? I'm going to try to record two tonight, so I can get caught back up.
I feel like there ought to be three aspects of this essay for me to comment about, but I can only think of two. First I note that Hamilton describes generally the best and worst of the ancient Greek and Roman republics. These descriptions feel all too well fitted around our own necks. Listen for yourself, tell me I'm wrong, because I'd like to be.
Secondly I note that Hamilton defends the new Constitution by pointing out new innovations in republican government that should prevent the worst excesses of past republics. He's quite right, they should. But these new ideas aren't magical incantations, inscriptions and annointings that will frighten off all possible future demons. These are practices and processes, habits and jobs. And these jobs must be done every day by those we've hired to do them, or there are no protections, there are no checks and there is no balance.
And now I see that third thing I figured must be there ... because there are always three things, ask anyone who's written a speech or an essay.
Hamilton's republic demands that we are lead by our best and brightest, who we choose from among ourselves. If our best aren't all that good, and our brightest not always very bright, we elect enough of them that they will improve their results by working together. If we trust a few who are not worthy of trust, the rest will demand better behavior of them, and check their worst abuses. But if we fail, if we choose representatives who will not act in the public interest, or who will not act at all unless marching obediently behind the fools they follow, there is no magical incantation in the Constitution that can save us.
No magic but time. If we and our Republic survive, perhaps we will have a chance to choose better next time.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Episode 20171225 - The Symbol and the Saint by Eugene Field
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"The Symbol and the Saint," from "Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse ," by Eugene Field, published in 1912.
A very pretty story I found, and recorded on this date back in 2008, as Hiber-Nation 45. Still makes a good audio Christmas card, not perfect, but heartfelt.
Best wishes for a joyous holiday season, whatever holiday you celebrate! And here's to better times in the coming year.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" and other music from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Hiber-Nation 20171221 - Federalist # 8 - The Consequences of Hostilities Between the States
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Some dangers we avoided early, but encountered later.
And what I didn't know, but didn't want to spoil the surprise.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Episode 20171215 - The FCC Killed The Internet!
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A brief quote at the end from "The Desiderata. "
Show Theme "Hot Swing" and other music from Kevin MacLeod of
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Hiber-Nation 20171214 - Federalist # 7 - The Same Subject Continued: Concerning Dangers from Dissensions Between the States
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Reference to a shared YouTube clip from "The Newsroom" which is sadly on-point for this episode, and which you can see on my blog .
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20171019 - Federalist # 6 - Concerning Dangers from Dissensions Between the States
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We fight amongst ourselves, but we're still family even so.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20171012 - Federalist # 5 - The Same Subject Continued: Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence
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Though these essays seem to be separate pieces, they are also organized to work together as a cohesive piece. Also, as with other old works I've recorded, there are lessons here that apply well to our modern circumstances. Every day we see "Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence," don't we?
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20171005 - Federalist # 4 - The Same Subject Continued: Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence
Everything new is old again.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20170928 - Federalist # 3 - The Same Subject Continued: Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence
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Upon further review ... one essay per podcast, for the moment.
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Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20170921 - Federalist # 2 - Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence
A possible change in format. But not this time.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Hiber-Nation 20170914 - Federalist # 1 - General Introduction
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My first effort on the Federalist Papers. One of those learning experiences you've heard about.
The original text from
Book Theme: "Prelude in C Major" from Kevin MacLeod
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat
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Episode 20170821 - Local Elections
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Talked briefly to Janet Kennedy who's a candidate for an At Large seat on the Duluth City Council. She was nice enough to ask, so I'll probably vote for her. I'd have her on the show sometime, too, I think. Dunno if she'd do it, though.
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Episode 20170520 - Federalist #1 test video
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Tried a Youtube livestream recording for Federalist #1 as I mentioned a while back. Probably need to redo it. Wanted to see how the video file would be handled by Libsyn, though. (Bad video, since my room's a mess!)
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Episode 20170219 - The Federalist Papers?
Think I'll record all 85 essays in The Federalist Papers. But I'm not sure I should.
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Episode 20170220 - On Liberty by John Stuart Mill Chapter 5
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Chapter 5, The final (hour-long) Chapter. Mill provides some sample applications for the principles from previous chapters. And points out that though society could restrict liberty when others experience loss, that doesn't mean they always should. Some losses aren't as important as preserving Liberty.
Hope you enjoyed the book.
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Episode 20170216 - On Liberty by John Stuart Mill Chapter 4
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Chapter 4 - Aren't there limits on liberty and individuality? Certainly. But there are also limits on society, and both are to preserve. And sometimes, liberty has costs. But liberty is worth the costs.
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Episode 20170213 - On Liberty by John Stuart Mill Chapter 3 Part 2
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Chapter 3 Part 2 - It's important to be an individual, and to allow others to be individuals in thought and act. And it's important to preserve that liberty, even for individuals you don't like. Because they come up with good new ways of doing things. Bad new ways, too -- and then you learn what doesn't work... Something like that. Mill explains it better, just listen!
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Episode 20170209 - On Liberty by John Stuart Mill Chapter 3 Part 1
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Chapter 3 Part 1 - Mill speaks about the importance of not just thinking and talking but acting as an individual (as long as you don't harm others) and preserving the right to act as an individual. One of the strengths of his arguments is that though he might well not approve of some of our new sorts of individuality, his truths about liberty are still true. And will drive some folks crazy. Which is why I do this!
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Episode 20170206 - On Liberty by John Stuart Mill Chapter 2 Part 4
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The pursuit of truth, and the necessity for opposition, in politics and government. On point, anyone? Timely, even a century old.
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Episode 20170204 - Thanks for All the Fish
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Ten years of podcasts, and I almost missed the anniversary. I'm a bit down tonight, and I'd completely forgotten till the last minute, so nothing planned. So, it is what it is.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" and other music from Kevin MacLeod of
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Episode 20170126 - On Liberty by John Stuart Mill Chapter 2 Part 3
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Chapter 2 Part 3 - Why even regular people still have to hear all the views, even though the Best and Brightest know what's best for them.
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Episode 20170126 - On Liberty by John Stuart Mill Chapter 2 Part 2
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Chapter 2 Part 2. Mill talks about the idea that persecution is always good for new (religious) truths. Love this because so many of the new persecutors claim to be bringing back Old Time Religion. Here's an intelligent religious philosopher from a century ago petty much slapping them down in so many ways.
Post truth? Yeah, right. It's in there.
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Episode 20170128 - Politically Correct
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Was going to to a blogpost or podcast about Political Correctness. I started by looking up the origins of the phrase, "Politically Correct."
So I ranted a bit on YouTube . But video takes a whole lot of space on my Libsyn account, so...
Show Theme "Hot Swing" and other music from Kevin MacLeod of
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Episode 20170126 - On Liberty by John Stuart Mill Chapter 2 Part 1
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And now it starts to get good! Chapter 2 Part 1, including some opening comments on freedom of the Press which kinda sting to listen to. I could tell Mill was getting rolling, and so did I. Enjoy!
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Episode 20170124 - On Liberty by John Stuart Mill Chapter 1
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Since I'm at a low ebb in confidence and energy, I'm bringing back a project I started back in 2012 and didn't finish till 2014, "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill. I think it's on point for current events. And I think some things bear repeating right now. And this time I'll just put it all up right away.
In the meantime, perhaps I'll manage to record something new for you? Still haven't gotten the recording I needed to finish Swinging Doors. And there's three or four other possible Next Projects.
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Episode 2017-01-21 On the Bias
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A critique of "unbiased journalism," and why not everyone is a Journalist.
Wanted to talk about a pet peeve, not really an issue as such. Unbiased Journalism.
You're out there saying, "But wait, unbiased journalism is a very important issue!" I understand your feeling that way. But actually it's only an issue because of misuse of terms. Everyone who has a job in what we still call the Press for some reason, wants to be called a Journalist. This is understandable. Journalist sounds like a cool and hip job. Assuming anyone not my age still says cool and/or hip. Most jobs in the press, quite frankly, sound kinda geeky, and perhaps even sleezy. Journalist means one particular vocation, or perhaps an avocation, and not all of them.
Let's go back in history for a bit. The Press actually started with folks who actually used presses, to print newspapers. On actual paper. And at least hypothetically, newspapers conveyed news. News was gathered by news reporters -- not journalists, reporters. News is very simple. It's what happened, who what when where and how. That's all. Not why. Why is not news. If someone said what they thought was why, I suppose that's news, the "somebody said" part is. That's something that happened or didn't. But that last bit is hopefully done with caution, because "why" itself, is not News.
As for Bias, well, a news report is not biased, if it simply states who what when where and how. It can't be. What happened happened, and it's news. If it didn't happen, then it's not news, it's a lie. If someone lies, the lie is news, and the truth is news to demonstrate, if you will, the truth about the lie.
And a news reporter, had better not be a Journalist.
A journalist is a whole 'nother sort of animal. Back in the day, most people didn't travel much at all. It's still pretty rare for folks to go very far from where they were born. Travelling was something special, and usually very expensive. Sometimes some fairly well-known person would get to travel out of their own home area, maybe even to another country on another continent. They might keep a journal of their adventures on their travels, possibly so they could write a book later. And they might agree to occasionally share a page or two of their travel journal with a newspaper, and they might well get paid a bit for doing that. So they became a Journalist.
Is a Journalist biased? Of course, absolutely. A journalist is supposed to be biased. We read the works of a journalist because an interesting person is visiting interesting places, doing interesting things for interesting reasons. We don't just want an elementary school "What I Did This Summer." We want their impressions. We want their opinions. We demand their biases. If they are not biased, they are boring, and we'll go read the news instead.
Travel today is marginally cheaper, and it is marginally easier for regular folks to go some other places. But still, most of us don't leave the country without wearing a uniform and possibly carrying a government issued firearm. Journalists may go to places we could conceivably visit. But we still expect their impressions. We still demand bias. An "Investigative Journalist" is exploring another sort of place, the dark and stinking underbelly of a beast with an innocent and mostly pristine face. They often can't be sure what happened, they can only draw conclusions from what limited facts they can gather. Again, we demand bias, and hope they are biased in the same direction we are. We hope they value the truth, and strive toward it. But we want their attitudes to be part of their stories.
The news is just the news. Does this mean a newspaper can't be biased? No, quite the opposite. In 1886, Adolph Simon Ochs applied the slogan "All the News That's Fit to Print" to the New York Times. Other papers were blatantly sensational. He wanted his paper to be a NEWS paper. From what I've read, he did his best to live up to that. Realistically, newspapers print "all the news that fits." They have to be selective about what they print. They are selective about what gets on the front page, if for no other reason than no more fits.
They are also selling papers, which in turn sells ads. So, like it or not, they have to pick and choose. A news report that is News will state the simple truth, as I said earlier. But given the editors have to select anyway, they select what suits them and sells papers. A newspaper, with the best of intentions, will be biased. A headline, to capture reader attention, will be biased. But news is news, or it is not.
An editor is not a journalist. An editor is an editor. And an editorial is opinion, not news. An editorial is intended to convey the opinion of the paper, usually of the owner, and sometimes of the editor which may not be the same.
A columnist is not exactly a journalist. A columnist expresses opinions, on important or on frivolous subjects, but usually within the day-to-day experience of the reader. A column is not news. A column is intended to convey the personality of the columnist in an entertaining fashion. In doing that, it is at least going to be affected by the opinions of the columnist. If it lacked that columnist's personality, that columnist's biases, it would simply not be worth reading. Even if it does, sometimes it's still not worth reading. But that's another story. You're probably buying the wrong paper.
Editorials and columns are thus, not ever unbiased. Of course they are not. They are opinion.
So, there is no such thing as "unbiased journalism," and there shouldn't be. News is news or it is not. But no news outlet will contain All The News, so it will be selective, and will one way or another be biased. A news outlet, so-called, will also contain opinion. Opinion is opinion. If it isn't biased, then I suppose it isn't opinion, is it?
And let us not forget the news reporter. The news reporter is not a Journalist, doesn't need to be, and can't be while remaining a news reporter. Reporting the news is an honorable profession, when done well. It is usually an unglamorous and unsung profession. Opinion needs a byline. The truth doesn't need a byline. A rose, by any other reporter, will smell as sweet.
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Episode 20170101 - Citizens or Subjects? a column by Theodore Roosevelt
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Originally a VIDEO: Theodore Roosevelt's column, "Citizens or Subjects" from the KC Star, April 6, 1918 -- My live reading for my Grizzly's Growls podcast, on YouTube earlier this evening.
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Episode 173 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Conclusion - The Summary of This Book - Appendix I & Appendix II
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Finally I'm done! A slight change in style, partly due to losing much of my voice...
Conclusion - The Summary of This Book
Appendix I - On Prehistoric Man
Appendix II - On Authority and Accuracy
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 172 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part II Chapter VI The Five Deaths of the Faith
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Maybe strained my voice a bit recording this second- or third-to-last episode for this book, but I definitely want it on Podiobooks, too, so...
Part II On The Man Called Christ
Chapter VI The Five Deaths of the Faith
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 171A -- The Symbol and the Saint by Eugene Field - Revisited
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"The Symbol and the Saint," from "Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse ," by Eugene Field, published in 1912.
A very pretty story I found, and recorded on this date back in 2008, as Hiber-Nation 45. Still makes a good audio Christmas card, not perfect, but heartfelt.
Best wishes for a joyous holiday season, whatever holiday you celebrate! And here's to better times in the coming year.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" and other music from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 171 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part II Chapter V The Escape from Paganism
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Preparing for Chapter V, I found out there's also a Chapter VI that I hadn't known about, as well as a Conclusion chapter, then there's the two appendices. So I better get to steppin'.
Part II On The Man Called Christ
Chapter V The Escape from Paganism
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 170 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part II Chapter IV The Witness of the Heretics
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I can maybe get this book up on Podiobooks in time... along with my other project. But I'll have to be very quick! And then...
Part II On The Man Called Christ
Chapter IV The Witness of the Heretics
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 169 -- The Latest Thing
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Only a couple subjects to cover tonight. Maybe a brief "get off my lawn" rant on this new Virtual Reality thing.
First let me give you some rather bad news. has been sold to a site called Scribl. Podiobooks is still there. Sort of. The stuff I've already posted is still on that site. So far.
Thing is, Scribl is all about _selling_ audio versions of books. Podiobooks was about giving away audio versions of books, and accepting donations, if any. There weren't many donations, or at least I didn't see many. Lots of downloads and listeners, not so much with the money.
So, Scribl the sellers of audiobooks, don't accept anything using Creative Commons content. Can't sell something licensed for only non-commercial use. And even if I decided my recordings were not so licensed... I use Creative Commons licensed music and sound effects. I'd have to pay for commercially usable music to support the Public Domain books I record. And of course I can't afford to do that.
Higher bitrates, that I could manage. A few minor technical changes, maybe. Paying money I don't have for audio I don't want to use just doesn't make sense for me.
So while I've been preparing both the books I've been recording for posting to Podiobooks over the months I've been producing them... I can no longer put them on Podiobooks, because Scribl sets the rules there now, and I can't afford to fulfill their requirements. The only place my recordings of these books will be available will be on my own website. Which will be disappointing, because I don't have the audience Podiobooks has had. And I won't be able to do that final stage of posting Mike Hampston's book on Podiobooks, either, because I don't have the right licensing on the music I used to back those recordings, and I don't have the right permissions from the author to put it there anyway. Not on a commercial site like Scribl.
I suppose I might put the recordings on Librivox. The old books like Everlasting Man would be fine there. Don't think I can put Mike's book there. So all in all, after years of work... that kinda sucks. I can understand Evo selling the place. He's not obligated to keep it up just for someone like me. But that kinda breaks my plans. And I don't know what to do next.
And that other thing...
I've seen a lot of coverage of all the swell new-ish tech they offer now for trying Virtual Reality. Got yer basic wrap-around headsets, and special motion controllers and whatnot. All very shiny, new and expensive. Tend to require more powerful computers and more powerful graphic cards. Also very shiny and new.
But once I thought that through, the tech is all that's new. I've been playing around in a simulated three-dee environment for several years now, Second Life. No wrap-around goggles, just a keyboard and mouse to control interactions. But still, it's a three-D environment, albeit rendered in two-D. To be fair, sure the three-D effect is clever and new. The fancier controllers are new. To make all that work you'll need pretty heavy-duty graphics capabilities. So does Second Life, but I don't think the machine I use for SL could manage that. I'm sure playing with the new hardware will be fun for a while.
And yet...
What'll happen in these new VR worlds, in a social sense, will not be new. You'll start with the early adopters, and for a while the only people there will be those people. Exclusivity has a profound impact on the feel of any social environment, on computers or otherwise. If you were there, you know that about every previous social site, for as long as there have been computers. But then, of course, the companies trying to make money off all that will expand, and try to expand their audience. Crowds of new folks will come. The builders will come. And so will the griefers. The nice folks who treat each other well will be there, for a while. And the bad folks who treat others evilly will be there, too.
The new tech might allow new ways to interact and experience the environment. That'll be swell. But the people will still be people.
So I figure if you want to know how VR in virtual worlds, as compared to 3D video shows from real life, will turn out... you'll come to Second Life. The anonymity will most likely be the same. The interactions without apparent consequences will be the same. The loves will be the same, the hates will be the same. People will be the same. Only the technology will be different.
VR will be, they say, immersive. Second Life is immersive, too. Takes some time to get used to. So will VR. It would be entirely possible to upgrade the existing SL to work somewhat with VR hardware. It might not work well, but it's liable to be doable. And for that matter, however hard, it'd likely be quicker and cheaper than building a whole new world from scratch. Probably won't happen. But it could.
Anyway, if folks want to know what a real Virtual World, a real Metaverse would be like in a social sense, well, we can show you. Second Life started out as an experiment in exactly that Metaverse like experience. Been there, done that, got the virtual teeshirt.
Some of it is wonderful. Some of the people, in particular, are wonderful. And some of it sucks. The sucky parts suck disproportionally to the time and effort involved. I suppose the same could be said for the wonderful parts.
I don't think saying any of that will change anyone's opinion of SL. People who haven't been in SL, or been long enough to actually settle in, have already set their expectations in stone between their ears, and me talking here will probably not make a damn bit of difference. I don't think much of anyone more will come to SL to find out what VR will turn out to be.
But it's the truth. And if anyone is still interested in the truth anymore, this would be a good place to come find some of that particular truth. We have more than a decade of experience in a laboratory for the beginnings of that same phenomenon. Some of it will be new. Most of it will not.
Enjoy the magical new technology and hardware. But don't expect magical changes to human nature. Given time, you'll be in a place very much like here. And from my experience of previous technological advances and changes, it'll probably be much less than what we already have.
Good night. And good luck.
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Episode 168 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part II Chapter III The Strangest Story in the World
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Noticed an ironic typo in the title of the current chapter, and had to share that, but went with (probably) the correct version.
Part II On The Man Called Christ
Chapter III The Strangest Story in the World
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 167 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part II Chapter II The Riddles of the Gospel
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Upgraded my computer a bit, new SSD, but I might have done it wrong. Whole lot of room now, though. And then, "The Everlasting Man..."
Part II On The Man Called Christ
Chapter II The Riddles of the Gospel
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 166 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part II Chapter I The God in the Cave
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A little bit on starting work from home. Still feels odd, but probably good.
Part II On The Man Called Christ
Chapter I The God in the cave
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 165 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part I Chapter VIII The End of the World
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Just a quick note, in case you've been wondering.
I've recorded more G.K. Chesterton books than of any other author. I like his writing, and I like the way I sound when I read it.
That doesn't mean I agree with everything he says, and I am not endorsing his beliefs. He was I gather considered a liberal by the standards of his day. By modern standards he'd be a bigot and a racist. He was profoundly parochial in every sense of the world, and proud of it. His views were those of a man of his time, place and background. He could use terms and language that in a public venue today would make jaws drop and fists rise. And yes, I quote them word for word. Because yes, that's what he wrote in the book.
That said, he was an intelligent man and a good writer. And he spoke in a manner that has gone out of fashion. It seems the fashion lately to despise people who don't agree, and to see malice in every opinion and action, what one writer has called the "indig-nation," a whole society whose first response is anger and hatred. As mentioned in the introduction to "Heretics," Chesterton could disagree strenuously with his closest friends, and they remained his closest friends. He admired them and treated them with respect. They returned that view. That's refreshing, and it's sad how rare that's become.
So I'm recording this book because I was asked. And I'm recording this book for the reason I recorded the others, because these books are worth exploring, it is valuable to be reminded that good ideas and wisdom weren't invented in last week's latest self-help book. Sometimes the old books ought to be dusted off and reread. And it's much easier if someone, me for example, can read them aloud to you so you don't just see what was typed, you know what was meant -- at least as well as I can figure that out.
So now that I've got that off my chest, let's get on with recording the book.
Part I On The Creature Called Man
Chapter VIII The End of the World
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 164 - No Fly No Buy - Not Buyin' It
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I have a severe allergy to too-clever political speech. This is my abrupt sneeze on a timely topic. Sorry. Here's a tissue.
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Episode 163 - My Well-Regulated Mansplanation
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I casually mentioned on Twitter that the late Chief Justice Warren Berger was wrong about the Second Amendment. And he was, indirectly. I got jumped on with both feet by someone with lots more followers than me. And when I responded without fawning, Twitter decided I must be hacked and took me offline.
So here's my well-regulated "mansplanation" of what I'd only suggested I might say before. It's not as articulate as it might be, and I didn't make an effort to respond to the million-follower trolls and flamewars in detail. Just said my piece in 10 minutes or so, and stopped.
It's a discussion we damn well better have now, while we still can. As some old white guy once said.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 162 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part I Chapter VII The War of the Gods and Demons
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Got the Karaoke machine working. Turned out I simply needed to unplug and reseat the cable from the machine to the mixer, and it seems fine now. Here's hoping. And then The Everlasting Man...
Part I On The Creature Called Man
Chapter VII The War of the Gods and Demons
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 161 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part I Chapter VI The Demons and The Philosophers
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Just a brief mention of trying to get my Karaoke machine working for singing in Second Life. And I forgot to mention the new logo, based on a gift from a fan (on Second Life, dunno if he listens here)... which as you can see is gorgeous!
Recorded this episode and this chapter of Everlasting Man on the Blue Yeti. Better? Took six hours to edit, especially the traffic noises. UPDATE: found an edit problem a month later and updated the file. Oopsie.
Part I On The Creature Called Man
Chapter VI The Demons and The Philosophers
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 160 - Critical Precedents
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About that iPhone encryption thing... Was listening to Leo
LaPorte et al on This Week in Google 341, after so many other
discussions of the Apple dispute with the FBI over access to the
content of the one particular iPhone, and Leo made a passing
comment about how some people think phones ought to have special
legal protections... and I thought to myself, "you know,
maybe they should!"
So I spent a few minutes trying to explain off the cuff what I
mean by that, why we are setting precedents now that will be
critical for generations, well into the Singularity. So
listen in, bear with my pontification, and let me know what you
It's a discussion we damn well better have now, while we still
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"Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 159 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part I Chapter V Man and Mythologies
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So, GRIZZLYSGROWLS.COM is back! And a brief discussion of what Podbusker and DigitalVoyageur mean.
And I added a new @BlueMicrophones Yeti which hopefully improves the sound. Think I might do a review of the thing sometime. Followed by...
Part I On The Creature Called Man
Chapter V Man and Mythologies
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 158 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part I Chapter IV God and Comparative Religion
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A reading from my blog, wherein I am "Speaking Freely," and then, my throat was a bit rough from allergies...
Part I On The Creature Called Man
Chapter IV God and Comparative Religion
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 157 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part I Chapter III The Antiquity of Civilization
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Various growls about the Podcast Awards, the Survey, and a couple of "job offer" phishes I got, claiming to be from Australian energy companies. Unfortunately no, I don't get to go to Australia. And then, The Everlasting Man...
Part I On The Creature Called Man
Chapter III The Antiquity of Civilization
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 156 - Donors Choose some more!
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Devoted the whole show to my reactivated Donor's Choose Giving Page including three new projects from Duluth:
Seating for Active Students
Classroom iPads
Flexible Seating to Complete Our Classroom
All three are from Piedmont Elementary, not too very far from where I went to elementary school. They actually closed down all three of my elementary, junior high and high schools, so this was close. Give early and give often!
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Take the podcast survey, please? Here's a link for you.
Episode 155 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part I Chapter II Professors and Prehistoric Men
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Part I On The Creature Called Man
Chapter II Professors and Prehistoric Men
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Since you happen to be in the neighborhood, could you take a minute to take the listener survey? It is exceedingly short. Not a large enough audience to get advertisers. But the Libsyn folks were nice enough to provide a survey. So it'd be nice, and thanks in advance.
Here's a link for you.
Episode 154 - Insert Title Here
Autism blah blah blah Executive Dysfunction yadda yadda yadda podcast.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Take the podcast survey, please? Here's a link for you.
Episode 153 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part I Chapter I The Man in the Cave
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By popular demand...
Part I On The Creature Called Man
Chapter I The Man in the Cave
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 152 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Preparatory Note and Introduction
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So, here's the deal. On the one hand, I'm still in the middle of producing Swinging Doors over on Stories from the Hiber-Nation. On the other hand, people who have liked my GK Chesterton books, and said so on Podiobooks, have repeatedly requested I record "The Everlasting Man." Didn't want to interrupt Mike's book, and didn't want to keep putting off Chesterton's book.
So I'm compromising. I'm going to interject the episodes of The Everlasting Man over here on the Growls feed, and continue Swinging Doors on Hiber-Nation till that's finished. That should dissatisfy everyone with the added advantage of exhausting me. What could go wrong? ;-)
The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Preparatory Note and Introduction
Book Theme "Deliberate Thought" from Kevin MacLeod of .
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 151 - But Wait, There's More!
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Took off MeerKat, added #Periscope, another live-streaming option tied to Twitter. So that's at least 3 ways I can stream video, 4 or 5 ways I can livestream audio, a dozen different ways I can record podcasts on maybe eight different devices... TOO MANY OPTIONS! Or... why it took me so long to do another podcast.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 150 - Nine Years After
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Nine years of podcasting, 373 podcast episodes including 150 Grizzly's Growls. And just maybe some good news on the job front?
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 149 - Anecdotal Review of the 2015 Kindle Fire 7
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This is an Anecdotal Review of the 2015 Kindle Fire 7. But this is not a review, really. Reviews delve into all the tech specs and whatnot, and frankly I don't care much about the specs of the Kindle Fire 7. Just wanted to share my experiences with the cheap Kindle Fire. I have a fair amount of Kindle experience from which to compare.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 148 - The Choice
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It is wise to wish to preserve life. But it can be a wiser and more noble choice to risk one's life, or even sacrifice it, if you are actually accomplishing what you have hoped to achieve in your life.
Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr's sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia in November, 1967 from The Internet Archive
Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit from The Internet Archive
Show Theme "Hot Swing" from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 147 -- Just a Moment
I just had a minute or two....
Show Theme "Hot Swing" and some incidental music from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Episode 146 - The Mad Stuart Index
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A quick and dirty first impressions review of the Blab social media audiovisual thingamajigger . Reference is made in particular to Evo Terra's concept of "The Mad Stuart Index. "
Show Theme "Hot Swing" and some incidental music from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Hiber-Nation 160 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 16 Chapters 34 & 35
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Chapter 34 - Tubby
Chapter 35 - The Military Ball and St. Patrick's Day Parade
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
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Hiber-Nation 159 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 15 Chapters 32 & 33
Chapter 32 - Making Bread
Chapter 33 - Z's Childhood
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
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Episode 145 -- Corporations are People
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Just a little niggle with a comment by Congressman Rick Nolan saying that "Corporations are not People." Well, not quite correct, at best.
Show Theme "Hot Swing" and some incidental music from Kevin MacLeod of .
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Hiber-Nation 158 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 14 Chapters 28, 29, 30 & 31
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Chapter 28 - Andy's Bar
Chapter 29 - Jake and Spinnaker
Chapter 30 - New Careers
Chapter 31 - Seeing Eye Sergeant
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
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Hiber-Nation 157 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 13 Chapters 26 & 27
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Chapter 26 - Winging It
Chapter 27 - Swimming for Dollars
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
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Hiber-Nation 156 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 12 Chapters 24 & 25
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Chapter 24 - Stork Stories
Chapter 25 - Drinkin' Buddies
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
Comments to 218-214-CALL (218-234-2255)
Hiber-Nation 155 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 11 Chapters 22 & 23
Chapter 22 - Family Matters
Chapter 23 - Jack
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
Comments to 218-214-CALL (218-234-2255)
Hiber-Nation 154 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 10 Chapters 20 & 21
Chapter 20 - Chase Scene
Chapter 21 - Australia
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
Comments to 218-214-CALL (218-234-2255)
Hiber-Nation 153 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 9 Chapters 18 & 19
Chapter 18 - Foreign Women
Chapter 19 - Bremerton
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
Comments to 218-214-CALL (218-234-2255)
Hiber-Nation 152 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 8 Chapters 16 & 17
Chapter 16 - Deep Sink
Chapter 17 - Mr. Johnson
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
Comments to 218-214-CALL (218-234-2255)
Hiber-Nation 151 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 7 Chapters 13, 14 & 15
Chapter 13 - Going to Sea
Chapter 14 - Attack on Pearl Harbor
Chapter 15 - Brig
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
Comments to 218-214-CALL (218-234-2255)
Hiber-Nation 150 -- Swinging Doors by Quinlan Michael Hampston Part 6 Chapters 11 & 12
Chapter 11 - Boot Camp
Chapter 12 - Freedom
Show Theme: "Canon in D" from Owen Poteat .
Book Theme: "Five Card Shuffle" from Kevin MacLeod
Get your own copy of the book for your Kindle reader , or at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon in Duluth MN .
Comments to 218-214-CALL (218-234-2255)
Grizzly's Growls Podcasts & Stories
The Life and Times of a Minor Local Celebrity Podcast plus Stories from the Hiber-Nation
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