ASO Radio - Anime Talk News Radio

  1. ASO Radio: Episode #1322020/01/01
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  2. ASO Radio: Episode #1312019/08/14
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  3. ASO Radio: Episode #1302013/08/13
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  4. ASO Radio: Episode #1292013/08/04
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  5. ASO Radio: Episode #1282012/03/02
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  6. ASO Radio: Episode #1272010/05/24

    Yeesh, ASO Radio steps away from the spotlight for two weeks and the manga industry falters on its foundation. Is it a coincidence or is it the amazing power of ASO Radio's missing presence at work, causing a severe decline in purchasing habits? Yeah, that's what I thought too.

    Anime Review: "Cromartie High School," "Ponyo"

    HotSpot: "Japanese for the Beginning Otaku"
  7. ASO Radio: Episode #1262010/05/02
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  8. ASO Radio: Episode #1252010/04/26
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  9. ASO Radio: Episode #1242009/02/01
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  10. ASO Radio: Episode #1232008/08/17
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  11. ASO Radio: Episode #1222008/08/12
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  12. ASO Radio: Episode #1212008/07/21
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  13. ASO Radio: Episode #1162007/06/15
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  14. ASO Radio: Episode #1152007/05/09
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  15. ASO Radio: Episode #1142007/04/04
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  16. ASO Radio: Episode #1132007/03/18
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  17. ASO Radio: Episode #1122007/03/15
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  18. ASO Radio: Episode #1112007/02/25
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  19. ASO Radio: Episode #1102007/02/17
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  20. ASO Radio: Episode #1092007/02/10
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  21. ASO Radio: Episode #1082007/02/05
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  22. ASO Radio: Episode #1072007/02/04

    More silly news ensues this Episode. There is also some Dreamcast nostalgia. Good times, good times. But of course there are also anime reviews, including one based on a fighting game -- a fighting game for the SEGA Dreamcast. Coincidence? I think not, sir!

    Anime Review: "Power Stone," "Tenchi Muyo GXP"

    HotSpot Video Game Review: "Elite Beat Agents (Nintendo DS)"
  23. ASO Radio: Episode #1062007/02/03
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  24. ASO Radio: Episode #1052007/02/02

    A special surprise is in store for this and the next two Episodes: we have DB3 as our cohost! So thrill to our hijinks comradery as we tag-team some anime reviews, some news, and a spicy HotSpot editorial about the anime-ignorant masses.

    Anime Review: "GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka," "Planetes," "Scrapped Princess"

    HotSpot: "Editorial: Ignorant Frat Boy"
  25. ASO Radio: Episode #1042007/02/01

    Oh glee and rapture, we begin our interviews from Anime Banzai in this Episode. (Sarcasm does not even apply.) What a good way to begin things with our excellent interview featuring the creator and producer of Schlock Mercenary, Howard Tayler.

    Anime Review: "Last Exile"

    HotSpot: "Howard Tayler Interview from Anime Banzai 2006"
  26. ASO Radio: Episode #1032007/01/31
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  27. ASO Radio: Episode #1022007/01/30
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  28. ASO Radio: Episode #1012007/01/29
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  29. ASO Radio: Episode #1002007/01/28
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  30. ASO Radio: Episode #992007/01/27

    We poke fun at Capcom's craziness concerning Power Stone, and then we feature a music-themed HotSpot full of rhythm games. Too sweet to beat!

    Just one more until Episode #100... oh yeah!

    Anime Review: "Power Stone"

    HotSpot Video Game Review: "Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix," "Mad Maestro"
  31. ASO Radio: Episode #982007/01/26

    Episode #098 is short and sweet just like that darling midget girl who rides the bus on Thursdays. Sitting next to her this week is a Paranoid Agent and a Sonic Rush of rush-hour riders.

    Let the countdown to #100 begin!

    Anime Review: "Paranoia Agent"

    HotSpot Video Game Review: "Sonic Rush"
  32. ASO Radio: Episode #972007/01/25
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  33. ASO Radio: Episode #962007/01/24
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  34. ASO Radio: Episode #952007/01/23
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  35. ASO Radio: Episode #94.52007/01/22

    Manga or manwa? Neither one, really, but we feature a review of the OEL manga Van Von Hunter.

    HotSpot Manga Review: "Van Von Hunter"
  36. ASO Radio: Episode #94.42007/01/21

    We read on up the fanmail and comments about last Episode's 'pirate,' and feature the Archer Avenue single "Breakdown on N. St. Mary's."
  37. ASO Radio: Episode #94.32007/01/20

    Nz17 does his final review of Maison Ikkoku. What does this mean for the series? Listen and find out!

    Afterwards we go old school with a review of Hyper Police, practically fall asleep with Night on the Galactic Railroad, and DB3 powers up with Power Stone.

    Anime Review: "Maison Ikkoku," "Hyper Police," "Night on the Galactic Railroad," "Power Stone"
  38. ASO Radio: Episode #94.22007/01/19

    Like savage beasts of the wilderness, Nz17 and DB3 rip apart Otogi Zoshi and reveal it for what it is. Then Nz17 points out all the zany and somewhat inexplainable quirks in Hellsing. Have we no mercy?

    Anime Review: "Otogi Zoshi," "Hellsing"
  39. ASO Radio: Episode #94.12007/01/18

    Huzzah and good fortune, for we have DB3 present and accounted for in this Episode of ASO Radio. DB3 even hand-picked the news for this segment, so you know it is like the freshly-squeezed orange juice you always see in the commercials. You know the ones.
  40. ASO Radio: Episode #93.52007/01/17

    This HotSpot brings us a spicy pair of reviews, one manga and one video game. What can they be? Who knows? I do! And you can too if you listen to our Episode.

    HotSpot Manga Review: "Fruits Basket"

    HotSpot Video Game Review: "Gunstar Super Heroes (Game Boy Advance)"
  41. ASO Radio: Episode #93.42007/01/16

    Worlds collide as the fan mail section meets the funny section! This new union brings us 'Mighty Morphine-Powered Sephiroth', a smattering of fan mails and fan arts, and then we go out on a high note with the Norwegian Celery Farmers.
  42. ASO Radio: Episode #93.32007/01/15

    We munch on another release of Maison Ikkoku and discuss the filler-esque nature of the beast, and then wrap up our adventures on Gaia with the final entry in our Vision of Escaflowne reviews.

    Anime Review: "Maison Ikkoku," "The Vision of Escaflowne"
  43. ASO Radio: Episode #93.22007/01/14

    After a bit of delay, 93.2 is here to save the day! Nz17 talks about how The Slayers becomes a bit of a dog-and-pony show, and then delivers a double dose of Escaflowne review goodness.

    Anime Review: "The Slayers," "The Vision of Escaflowne"
  44. ASO Radio: Episode #93.12007/01/13
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  45. ASO Radio: Episode #922007/01/12

    We have a short yet sweet Episode this time. Nz17 realizes it's actually the beginning of Season 8, then gives a short-and-to-the-point set of news of both death and birth, reviews an 'angelic' anime series, and triumphantly bestows the return of the video game reviews to the HotSpot.

    Anime Review: "I'm Gonna Be an Angel"

    HotSpot Video Game Review: "Psychonauts (Xbox)"
  46. ASO Radio: Episode #912007/01/11
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  47. ASO Radio: Episode #902007/01/10
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  48. ASO Radio: Episode #892007/01/09
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  49. ASO Radio: Episode #882007/01/08
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  50. ASO Radio: Episode #872007/01/07
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  51. ASO Radio: Episode #862007/01/06
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  52. ASO Radio: Episode #842007/01/05
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  53. ASO Radio: Episode #822007/01/04
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Anime Podcast ASO Radio
Extraordinary anime talk radio