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ASO Radio - Anime Talk News Radio
ASO Radio: Episode #132
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Originally recorded 2019-Aug-08.
This Episode marks twenty (That's 2-0!) years of ASO Radio. It seems like only two decades ago that I started this show, but it has actually been twenty years - who could have guessed? ^_- In that time we have reviewed every anime and Japanese video game ever made as well as the majority of manga, visual novels, light novels, and soundtrack CD's, with reviews of millions of comedic and dramatic audio programs on CD and digital as well. Or... that would be awesome if it were true. So until it is, we will continue to review media from Japanese popular culture.
...And hey, here's to another twenty years of ASO Radio! We hope you all shall join us on our continuing adventures in anime talk radio broadcasting!
Anime Review: "Aggretsuko (Aggressive Retsuko)," "Aggretsuko - We Wish You a Metal Christmas," "Patema Inverted"
Video Game Review: "Pushmo (3DS)"
HotSpot: "Nz17's Trip to Japan in 2018"
ASO Radio: Episode #131
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Our fifteenth anniversary Episode - originally recorded on August 10th, 2014 - starts with an overview of ASO Radio's beginnings and its early episodes. We then segue to talking about the contemporary anime talk radio shows from back-in-the-day that have disappeared from the Internet over the years as well as what's been happening in the lives of Nz17, DB3, and ZGuy. All that is followed by our usual segments which include an anime review, some unique fan mail, a few zippy video game reviews while Nz17 gets a drink, and an overview of the 2013 NDK convention.
Anime Review: "Sailor Moon Crystal"
HotSpot: "Fast, unofficial video game reviews," "Nan Desu Kan (NDK) 2013 anime convention travelogue"
ASO Radio: Episode #130
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Wow, we did it! Fourteen years of ASO Radio C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E-D, completed! Yahoo! All right! PaRappa The Rapper, you gotta believe! Ten seasons finished! Yeah, yeah, yay, woo, wooo!
...And here's to another fourteen years yet to be. We hope you all shall join us on our continuing adventures in anime talk radio broadcasting.
Anime Review: "Toradora!"
Video Game Review: "Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)"
ASO Radio: Episode #129
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Are you prepared for a rocking summer-time episode of ASO Radio? Good, glad to hear it, because we have one that's ready for you!
Nz17 is going to take you on spin through some anime reviews "shotgun style," and then we serve up a mighty fine video game review of a compilation of games for PSP.
Anime Review: "Katanagatari," "Arakawa Under the Bridge," "Pandora Hearts," "Our Home's Fox Deity," "Kimi ni Todoke," "Bunny Drop," "Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl," "House of Five Leaves," "The Everyday Tales of a Cat God"
Video Game Review: "Metal Slug Anthology"
ASO Radio: Episode #128
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This Episode contains a special announcement about some changes we're going to be making around here. But it also contains a review of the anime Working!! (known as Wagnaria!! in North America) and an hour-long interview with the famous voice actor Sonny Strait and the musician - and convention favorite - Warky T. Chocobo. A nice mix of ASO Radio goodness that spans over ninety-eight minutes, this is an Episode you should not miss!
Anime Review: "Wagnaria!!"
HotSpot: "Sonny Strait + Warky T. Chocobo interview"
ASO Radio: Episode #127
Yeesh, ASO Radio steps away from the spotlight for two weeks and the manga industry falters on its foundation. Is it a coincidence or is it the amazing power of ASO Radio's missing presence at work, causing a severe decline in purchasing habits? Yeah, that's what I thought too.
Anime Review: "Cromartie High School," "Ponyo"
HotSpot: "Japanese for the Beginning Otaku"
ASO Radio: Episode #126
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You know that whole thing about shorter, more manageable Episode lengths? Yeah, about that: got into a bit of a rant about anime production and buyer purchasing habits, so a short Episode isn't happening this time. What is happening is a great bit of anime news, an anime review of a classic from the golden days of the late 80's / early 90's, and a review of a recent release for the Nintendo DS in the HotSpot section.
Anime Review: "YaWaRa! A Fashionable Judo Girl"
Video Game Review: "Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days"
ASO Radio: Episode #125
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It is the end of an era, and the dawn of a new era... and time for more ASO Radio! We wrap up our first decade of ASO Radio with Episode #125, a true milestone! And to celebrate, we bring out some dutifully critical reviews of the new Fullmetal Alchemist anime series, Brotherhood, and the original manga too. Put on your listening headphones and tune into a new decade of ASO Radio, my fellow otaku.
Anime Review: "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood"
Manga Review: "Fullmetal Alchemist"
ASO Radio: Episode #124
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And now we proudly present the first Episode of 2009, #124! *crowd cheers*
Yes, yes, we are glad to be back, and this is a great Episode. We feature our expanded Community Section (Anyone have a better name suggestion for this segment?), we have double doses of anime and video game reviews, and we tell you in the anime news segment of the upcoming and pending releases and retractions of the retail world of anime and manga. So let's get the downloads rolling and listen to this shining new Episode of ASO Radio!
Anime Review: "Chobits," "Lucky Star"
Video Game Review: "Disgaea DS," "New Zealand Story Revolution"
ASO Radio: Episode #123
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DB3 is back for one more Episode of ASO Radio before the summer ends. Tune in to hear him and Nz17 jab their jibs at one another and laugh even more. As a special treat, DB3 is giving us a review of a manga series he has been following recently, and we give another Web site recommendation. Banzai!
Web Site of the Week: Bleach Portal
Anime Review: "Sakura Wars (OVA)"
Manga Review: "Liar Game"
ASO Radio: Episode #122
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Holy cows, we are back again! And by we, I mean a special guest and I. Who is this special guest? You'll have to listen to the Episode - or I'll have to stop being a schmuck - for you to find out. I think I'll just stop being a schmuck then, and tell you our super-special guest is none other than long-time and old-time co-host of the show, DB3! For those of you unfamiliar with his work, go back and listen to like #105 and just about everything between #58 and #94. I'm sure it is a good use of thirty-eight hours of your ever more precious life, unless you have a scheduling conflict or something, and then it's cool.
Web Site of the Week: Anime Paper
Anime Review: "Chobits"
ASO Radio: Episode #121
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How have you been? Boy, seven months can really fly by when you get busy with life and anime. But hey, we're back, and we're bold, and we are ready with a smorgasbord of anime material that will blow your socks off your feet! We'll try to restrain ourselves, but trust me, we're busting at the seams with new reviews waiting for you, now and in the future. Did I mention the upcoming weekly Episodes? Good times ahead.
Anime Review: "Blue Seed," "Chobits," "Eureka Seven," "Galaxy Fraulein Yuna," "Get Backers"
Manga Review: "Maison Ikkoku"
Video Game Review: "Bleach: The Blade of Fate," "Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow," "Etrian Odyssey," "Jam Sessions"
ASO Radio: Episode #116
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Ye gads! It has been nearly a month since our last new Episode! We should better get back to the grind stone, then.
With so much time having passed us by, we have a stockpile of anime reviews amassed. You know what that means: shotgun review time! We'll wrap up two series and introduce some new ones too, when we take down them all with a shotgun review.
Anime Review: "Boys Be...," "Gunslinger Girl," "Samurai Champloo"
HotSpot Manga Review: "FullMetal Alchemist: The Valley of White Petals"
ASO Radio: Episode #115
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Okay, so we have a video game review for you this Episode. Guess which system it is for! If you guess the Nintendo DS, you're right! (It's almost like that's the only one I have that gets Japanese games.) More than that, we review two more volumes of Samurai Champloo, one more of a certain series for boys, and read the fan mail. Nz17 wraps things up nicely with a special announcement about a future guest of ASO Radio. Ooh, listen to find out who! That Episode will be one to mark on your blog or calendar.
Anime Review: "Boys Be...," "Samurai Champloo"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Touch Detective"
ASO Radio: Episode #114
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Okay this show has a small news section this time. But that's cool, right? I mean, you don't need to have huge blocks of news everytime, correct? Variety is the spice of life. I don't know what is the body of life, the meat, if you will, but variety apparently makes it taste good. And nobody wants to eat nasty meat without spice. But it is hard to market spicy nasty meat patties, so I think !XTREME! BERGERZ is a better name in this case. It is not a classy name, but mass consumerism is what sells in mass quantities.
Anime Review: "Kino's Journey"
HotSpot Manga Review: "Comic Party"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Rhythm Tengoku"
ASO Radio: Episode #113
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This Episode is wicked to the extreme! Wait, no, is that: !XTREME!? Maybe I need a few more X's, and maybe some Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew strangely is not only made with water from the gentle grasses of the mountains, but sugar, caffine, and some green flavor dust.
All I know is that the show is the phattest hottie. This may be a large warm thing of some nature. So I guess giant, burning flames are the popular stuff in this day and age. Which is pretty exciting. Also, new Episode. I think that should be mentioned.
Anime Review: "Kaleido Star"
HotSpot Manga Review: "Alien Nine," "Planetes"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Wario Ware Twisted!"
ASO Radio: Episode #112
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Here is some sweet news: besides being listed on the iTunes podcast directory, ASO Radio is now also listed on Digg's podcast section. That of course is very cool, because now our listeners can "digg" us as one of their favorite podcasts on So I encourage all of you to do that, as it is the super-awesome. If you could take a moment to write a review of our podcast on iTunes as well, people will know how the show is, and that is a very cool thing indeed.
Remember, we have an import video game review on this show (which is always a treat), and we dish out the anime news. Let's listen!
Anime Review: "Samurai Champloo"
HotSpot Manga Review: "Fruits Basket"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!," "Sigma Star Saga"
ASO Radio: Episode #111
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Wow, there is a lot of exciting stuff in this Episode. Just consider the news: it is full of announcements of sequels, licenses, cancellations, box office numbers, and new anime coming to North America. If the news is that awesome, just imagine what this Episode is like after you count the anime, manga, and video game reviews we have! We even tried a new recording technique for this show, so we would love to know what you think of our new sound. So be sure to listen in, my otaku kindred!
Anime Review: "My-HiME," "Street Fighter II V"
HotSpot Manga Review: "FullMetal Alchemist"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Nintendo DS)"
ASO Radio: Episode #110
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Have you seen the Artist Alley lately? We have even more swell fan art from listeners like you which are now available in our alley of art, including new drawings of Bandie and DNAngel! We have some new tunes from Annunaki as well, and hey, what if we talked a bit about anime and manga too? Sounds pretty dang super to me! Give a listen and find out for yourself.
Anime Review: "Princess Nine," "Super GALS!"
HotSpot Manga Review: "Boys Be...," "Oh My Goddess!"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Kirby Squeak Squad (Nintendo DS)," "Wario Ware (Game Boy Advance)"
ASO Radio: Episode #109
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Hey, look who's here. It is Annunaki, bringing us music for this Episode of ASO Radio. Totally awesome of them, and they will be back with more music next Episode. We are dishing out a trio of dual reviews this time including video game, manga, and of course, anime reviews. And more fan mail too, lucky days!
Anime Review: "Disgaea," "This Ugly Yet Beautiful World"
HotSpot Manga Review: "Boys Be...," "Comic Party (Comic Anthology)"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (Nintendo DS)," "Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (Nintendo DS)"
ASO Radio: Episode #108
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Woo-hoo: back in full force baby! We were gone for a bit after our triology of Episode with DB3, but now Nz17 is back with a nutritious serving of anime news and reviews. But lest not our manga and video games fans be left out in the cold, this Episode we have two manga reviews and two portable game reviews. As a matter of fact, how about we do that for the next two Episodes as well as this one? Sounds like a plan!
Anime Review: "Hyper Police," "Yugo the Negotiator in Pakistan"
HotSpot Manga Review: "Comic Party," "Maison Ikkoku"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Castlevania Adventure (Game Boy)," "R-Type DX (Game Boy Color)"
ASO Radio: Episode #107
More silly news ensues this Episode. There is also some Dreamcast nostalgia. Good times, good times. But of course there are also anime reviews, including one based on a fighting game -- a fighting game for the SEGA Dreamcast. Coincidence? I think not, sir!
Anime Review: "Power Stone," "Tenchi Muyo GXP"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Elite Beat Agents (Nintendo DS)"
ASO Radio: Episode #106
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Another Episode with DB3? Believe it! We have some funny news this Episode, so be sure to listen to that. Also behold a pair of shotgun reviews and a video game review. Then we wrap it all in a warm and fluffy look forward at things in 2007.
Anime Review: "Martian Successor Nadesico," "Tenchi Muyo GXP"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Yoshi Touch 'n' Go (Nintendo DS)"
HotSpot: "Editorial: 2007 Anime Expectations"
ASO Radio: Episode #105
A special surprise is in store for this and the next two Episodes: we have DB3 as our cohost! So thrill to our hijinks comradery as we tag-team some anime reviews, some news, and a spicy HotSpot editorial about the anime-ignorant masses.
Anime Review: "GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka," "Planetes," "Scrapped Princess"
HotSpot: "Editorial: Ignorant Frat Boy"
ASO Radio: Episode #104
Oh glee and rapture, we begin our interviews from Anime Banzai in this Episode. (Sarcasm does not even apply.) What a good way to begin things with our excellent interview featuring the creator and producer of Schlock Mercenary, Howard Tayler.
Anime Review: "Last Exile"
HotSpot: "Howard Tayler Interview from Anime Banzai 2006"
ASO Radio: Episode #103
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Behold, dear listeners, our promised new cohosts! I now proudly introduce jd10t and Cat13, the two new femmes d'animation here at ASO Radio. This is their first Episode, so please do give constructive criticism so that they may become the best new cohosts this season.
And how do we begin our new tenure with these cohosts? With a hearty helping of baseball anime and our ASO Radio Live! panel that we did at Anime Banzai, that's how! Listen and enjoy, or face the wrath of... straw! (Straw can be quite dry and scratchy and even uncomfortable at times, you see.)
Anime Review: "Princess Nine"
HotSpot: "ASO Radio Live! from Anime Banzai 2006"
ASO Radio: Episode #102
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All aboard, the review train is now leaving the station! We have a car-load full of reviews this Episode courtesy of Nz17 including the remainder of Comic Party and new entries from Licensed by Royalty and Kodocha. And since we didn't load any video game reviews before we left the platform, this week we have a new Ravin' Rant about all those little things about localisation that can annoy someone.
Anime Review: "Comic Party," "Kodacha," "L/R Licensed by Royalty"
HotSpot: "Ravin' Rant: Localization irks"
ASO Radio: Episode #101
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Hey we got some great stuff for you this Episode indeed! We were able to go to the advance theatrical showing of Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie: The Conqueror of Shamballa: The Subtitle, and we have a full and thorough review waiting for you. Did we like it or was it awful dreck? Find out inside.
Anime Review: "Animation Runner Kuromi," "Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie: The Conqueror of Shamballa"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Kirby Canvas Curse," "Meteos"
ASO Radio: Episode #100
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What more can be said? We are really at Episode #100 after all these years. Awesome possum and bake an apple pie, we did it!
So join Nz17 and special guests Warpshadow and Link1986 for this spectacular show. We have anime, manga, and video game reviews galore and more and more and more. Encore! Encore!
Anime Review: "Boys Be...," "Comic Party"
HotSpot Manga Review: "Sgt. Frog"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "New Super Mario Bros.," "Zoo Keeper"
ASO Radio: Episode #99
We poke fun at Capcom's craziness concerning Power Stone, and then we feature a music-themed HotSpot full of rhythm games. Too sweet to beat!
Just one more until Episode #100... oh yeah!
Anime Review: "Power Stone"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix," "Mad Maestro"
ASO Radio: Episode #98
Episode #098 is short and sweet just like that darling midget girl who rides the bus on Thursdays. Sitting next to her this week is a Paranoid Agent and a Sonic Rush of rush-hour riders.
Let the countdown to #100 begin!
Anime Review: "Paranoia Agent"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Sonic Rush"
ASO Radio: Episode #97
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All right! Woo! We got some awesome new audio introductions for our reviews. Expect to see more next Episode too. This time we review the second entry in the Super GALS! series and the classic Dreamcast game Shenmue. And this Episode is host to the second entry in Azure's Corner. Get to downloading, this Episode is sweet and spicy!
Anime Review: "Super GALS!"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Shenmue"
HotSpot: "Azure's Corner"
ASO Radio: Episode #96
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Well otaku-of-all-ages this Episode is packed to the brim with the unpatented ASO goodness. After all, if we patented it, how could we so easily share it? *wink*
We have dual reviews dueling for supremacy this week, a smorgasborg of international anime news, fan art contest winners, and a HotSpot video game review with special segment. What sort of unique offering are we bringing this week? The HotSpot has the first entry in a hopefully long-running series we like to call "Azure's Corner."
Anime Review: "The Hakkenden - The Legend of the Dog Warriors," "Paranoia Agent"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Taiko Drum Master (PlayStation 2)"
HotSpot: "Azure's Corner"
ASO Radio: Episode #95
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Poor Nz17, he has a sore mouth from his dental work. But he is dedicated to you listeners, so here is the fruit of his painful labor, Episode #095.
This Episode is going to be a whole show instead of the daily segments we've been having lately. Herein we shall review three different anime (one excellent, two not-so-much) and one video game. Congratulations go out to Cat, our newest fan art contest winner! Be sure to get in your artwork for the next contest; for more information, please check out our fan art page.
Anime Review: "Catnapped! The Movie," "Yugo the Negotiator," "Kimagure Orange Road"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "P.N.03 (Gamecube)"
ASO Radio: Episode #94.5
Manga or manwa? Neither one, really, but we feature a review of the OEL manga Van Von Hunter.
HotSpot Manga Review: "Van Von Hunter"
ASO Radio: Episode #94.4
We read on up the fanmail and comments about last Episode's 'pirate,' and feature the Archer Avenue single "Breakdown on N. St. Mary's."
ASO Radio: Episode #94.3
Nz17 does his final review of Maison Ikkoku. What does this mean for the series? Listen and find out!
Afterwards we go old school with a review of Hyper Police, practically fall asleep with Night on the Galactic Railroad, and DB3 powers up with Power Stone.
Anime Review: "Maison Ikkoku," "Hyper Police," "Night on the Galactic Railroad," "Power Stone"
ASO Radio: Episode #94.2
Like savage beasts of the wilderness, Nz17 and DB3 rip apart Otogi Zoshi and reveal it for what it is. Then Nz17 points out all the zany and somewhat inexplainable quirks in Hellsing. Have we no mercy?
Anime Review: "Otogi Zoshi," "Hellsing"
ASO Radio: Episode #94.1
Huzzah and good fortune, for we have DB3 present and accounted for in this Episode of ASO Radio. DB3 even hand-picked the news for this segment, so you know it is like the freshly-squeezed orange juice you always see in the commercials. You know the ones.
ASO Radio: Episode #93.5
This HotSpot brings us a spicy pair of reviews, one manga and one video game. What can they be? Who knows? I do! And you can too if you listen to our Episode.
HotSpot Manga Review: "Fruits Basket"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Gunstar Super Heroes (Game Boy Advance)"
ASO Radio: Episode #93.4
Worlds collide as the fan mail section meets the funny section! This new union brings us 'Mighty Morphine-Powered Sephiroth', a smattering of fan mails and fan arts, and then we go out on a high note with the Norwegian Celery Farmers.
ASO Radio: Episode #93.3
We munch on another release of Maison Ikkoku and discuss the filler-esque nature of the beast, and then wrap up our adventures on Gaia with the final entry in our Vision of Escaflowne reviews.
Anime Review: "Maison Ikkoku," "The Vision of Escaflowne"
ASO Radio: Episode #93.2
After a bit of delay, 93.2 is here to save the day! Nz17 talks about how The Slayers becomes a bit of a dog-and-pony show, and then delivers a double dose of Escaflowne review goodness.
Anime Review: "The Slayers," "The Vision of Escaflowne"
ASO Radio: Episode #93.1
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At ASO Radio we are always striving to make the best anime talk radio (podcast) show that we can. Part of the process of making improvements involves changes and experiementation.
This week marks the first test run of a new delivery style for our show. Instead of one long show delivered only once per week, we've decided to experiment by providing one standard show broken up into daily segments. It is the same ASO Radio format you know and love, only now delivered in daily digestible bits.
Please be sure to take our poll on the bottom half of our Web site to let us know what you think of this new style.
ASO Radio: Episode #92
We have a short yet sweet Episode this time. Nz17 realizes it's actually the beginning of Season 8, then gives a short-and-to-the-point set of news of both death and birth, reviews an 'angelic' anime series, and triumphantly bestows the return of the video game reviews to the HotSpot.
Anime Review: "I'm Gonna Be an Angel"
HotSpot Video Game Review: "Psychonauts (Xbox)"
ASO Radio: Episode #91
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Nz17 starts things off with the parody "Springtime for Hoenheim" despite a sore tooth, then charges into a set of anime news sure to get some people talking. Due to acquisition issues (a.k.a. no DVDs in time for the show), we reach into the Vault for DB3's and Nz's take on Cat Soup. As a special bonus this week, we have some fine music courtesy of Norwegian Celery Farmers and Archer Avenue. Last to wrap things up we present a trio of features for our HotSpot that are sure to satisfy.
Anime Review: "Cat Soup," "Fullmetal Alchemist"
HotSpot: "The Evolution of Takuhai Magazine," "Fullmetal Alchemist End-of-Season Retrospective," "Commercial Funnies Set 5"
ASO Radio: Episode #90
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Some exciting new anime announcements are revealed in this Episode, then we review a pair of anime (with a bonus tossed in for good measure), fan some mail to get back on moral issues, and wrap up our NDK 2005 interview series. All-in-all, this Episode gives a ton of fast-flying fun!
Anime Review: "The Daichis: Earth's Defense Family," "Roujin Z," "The Slayers"
HotSpot: "Monica Rial Interview from Nan Desu Kan 2005 (Part Two)," "Commercial Funnies Set 4"
ASO Radio: Episode #89
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Watch out, Nz17's on a rampage! First he deals a whipping to newsies, then gives the what-for to audiophiles, and follows that up with verbal beatings for some of those deserving perverts. Interviews, funnies, and so much more on this Episode of ASO Radio!
Anime Review: "Kodocha," "Whisper of the Heart"
HotSpot: "Monica Rial Interview from Nan Desu Kan 2005 (Part One)," "Commercial Funnies Set 3"
ASO Radio: Episode #88
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Oh that Nz17, he make so much with the funnies. He make the sing-song, he make the ha-ha comercials, he so funny.
He also make good thinking too. He think hard about how a good anime is, and what for a bad anime is too. He say that Geshiken is bad, and Urusei is good!
Me also want say hi Mr. Devall! Me is fan, real big much. Thank you, you is nice! [This is the last time I let a caveman write my descriptions. I tell you, his noun-verb agreement is just all wrong.]
Anime Review: "Genshiken: Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture," "Urusei Yatsura"
HotSpot: "Trevor Devall Interview from Nan Desu Kan 2005 (Part Two)," "Commercial Funnies Set 2"
ASO Radio: Episode #87
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What a meaty chunky but-not-too-funky Episode of ASO Radio! For this Episode we crack open the vault of ASO's unheard past to bring out an ancient anime review from DB3 and Nz17 and the first set of many commercial funnies. We also feature a fresh find of amazingly preserved news, a review of a 20th Century anime, an untombed NDK interview, and speculation on the future of podcasting (hint hint: It involves ASO Radio!).
Anime Review: "Kodocha," "Ranma 1/2: Big Trouble in Nekonron China"
HotSpot: "Trevor Devall Interview from Nan Desu Kan 2005 (Part One)," "Commercial Funnies Set 1"
ASO Radio: Episode #86
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This Episode is like a good German beer: full of flavor, hearty, and filling. We manage a fine, interesting mix of news, a pair of quality anime reviews (one a drama, one a comedy, both for balancing effect), and the exciting conclusion to our Deb Rabbai interview. And unlike an imported beer, this Episode comes at a friendly economic price. :P
Anime Review: "Neon Genesis Evangelion," "Maison Ikkoku"
HotSpot: "Deb Rabbai Interview from Nan Desu Kan 2005 (Part Two)"
ASO Radio: Episode #84
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We close out 2005 with a bang with this super-big Episode! We have lots of angsty fun with our Funny, feature a ton of quality reviews, update the news, and fan some mail. Then our HotSpot has two features, the second half of our Swaile/Smith interview and our annual year-end wrap-up review... thingy. Spend those gift cards well!
Have fun, and we'll see you in 2006!
Anime Review: "Escaflowne: The Movie," "Gravitation," "Kaleido Star," "Maison Ikkoku," "Samurai Seven"
HotSpot Manga Review: "Warriors of Legend: Reflections of Japan in Sailor Moon"
HotSpot: "Annual Holiday Review Wrap-Up," "Doug Smith and Brad Swaile Interview from Nan Desu Kan 2005 (Part Two)"
ASO Radio: Episode #82
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A really funny Episode that was fun to make, #082 is one of our best. It includes our Funny, "Irresponsible President Bush," some meaty anime news (for a change), a couple of reviews that poke fun at boring anime, a manga review of Van Von Hunter, and the second part of our interview with voice actress Carrie Savage.
Anime Review: "Haibane Renmei," "I'm Gonna Be An Angel"
HotSpot Manga Review: "Van Von Hunter"
HotSpot: "Carrie Savage Interview from Nan Desu Kan 2005 (Part Two)"
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