Frederica Here and Now

  1. But What About St. Peter?2024/09/24
    As people make their way toward the ancient church, sooner of later they have to make a decision: Orthodox or Catholic? And they wonder, What about St. Peter? Did the Lord intend that he and his successors would govern the church worldwide? The Orthodox have a different take on that, which may be unexpected.
  2. El Tonto Por Christo: An Interview with Josh David Jordan2023/11/30
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  3. Fear of Death2023/09/06
    Most people experience some fear of death. In this episode, I look first at "fear of the unknown" (exploring scriptures that might apply) and then at "fear of the known." I hope this helps alleviate some fears.
  4. Monasticism and Worship2023/08/30
    Listen to the final of five interviews Frederica has with monks from Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, West Virginia.
  5. The World2023/08/23
    Here's the fourth of five interviews Frederica has with monks from Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, West Virginia.
  6. Monasticism and the World2023/08/16
    Here's the third of five interviews Frederica has with monks from Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, West Virginia.
  7. Prayer2023/08/09
    Here's the second of five interviews Frederica has with monks from Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, West Virginia.
  8. Obedience2023/08/02
    Here's the first of five interviews Frederica has with monks from Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, West Virginia.
  9. The Trouble with Icons2023/06/06
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  10. The Battle You Are Already In2022/04/04
    Frederica Mathewes-Green shares reflections about the Annunciation on the weekend of the Feast of the Holy Cross.
  11. Great Canon and Prayer - Orthodox Christian Book Club2022/02/25
    Frederica speaks with the Orthodox Christian Book Club about the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and the topic of prayer.
  12. Valentine's Day and Love2022/02/14
    Frederica Mathewes-Green shares a few words about the meaning of love.
  13. A Great Time to Join the Orthodox Church2022/01/12
    Orthodoxy in America is in revival, and that makes it a lively place to be. In other times and places revival has been a temporary state, so it can’t be expected to last forever. At the moment, though, it’s a great time to become Orthodox.
  14. The Bitter Price of Choice2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green reads the first essay she ever published, a secular, feminist presentation of the pro-life cause.
  15. Traditions2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green explains that traditions can be beneficial for a family or community, and that all churches have their own “tradition.”
  16. Tore Their Garments2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green ponders the tremendous amount of work it took to weave fabric by hand, and how it felt to be clothed in someone’s labor; what we miss, by living entirely amid machine-made things.
  17. Protestants and Mary2021/12/09
    The Mother of our Lord is often a stumbling block for Protestants who are exploring Orthodoxy. Frederica Mathewes-Green discusses how to disregard medieval excesses, and see how the early Christians saw her.
  18. Fr. George and Persecution in America2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green presents a Romanian elder’s take on the simple faith that is held by many Americans, and how God responds to it, and she also reports a prayer experience that conveyed the same idea.
  19. Who's That Idiot Next to the Potted Plant?2021/12/09
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  20. The Art of Beekeeping (Part 3 of 3)2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green explores, in three parts, her experience as a beekeeper. She mispronounces “propolis” every time!
  21. The Art of Beekeeping (Part 2 of 3)2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green explores, in three parts, her experience as a beekeeper. She mispronounces “propolis” every time!
  22. The Art of Beekeeping (Part 1 of 3)2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green explores, in three parts, her experience as a beekeeper. She mispronounces “propolis” every time!
  23. Life of St. Mary of Egypt2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green reads the life of St. Mary of Egypt as found in her book First Fruits of Prayer.
  24. An Eerie Dream2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green recounts an unusual and somber dream.
  25. Prayer and the Playground2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green offers an analogy for the way prayer sometimes “clicks” and becomes a genuine connection with God.
  26. A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 232021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green explores the ways the 22nd/23rd Psalm reflects a year of shepherding a sheep.
  27. We Call Ourselves Pro-Life2021/12/09
    Frederica Mathewes-Green defends pro-lifers’ right to wear that name, and choose for themselves what causes to support.
  28. 2021 Doxacon: Charles Dickens, MCU v LOTR, and Bees2021/12/07
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  29. St. Basil on Praying without Ceasing2021/11/25
    Frederica reads from and reflects on St. Basil the Great's writings on praying without ceasing.
  30. Shamassey Ina Goes t Rome - Part 12021/11/19
    Frederica is in the car today with two friends and struck up a conversation with one of them about her trip to Rome. They had so much to talk about, it is divided into two parts with part 1 today and part 2 next week.
  31. Victoria's Secret2021/11/19
    We are walking with Frederica in a shopping mall today only to be bombarded by inappropriate images from a certain famous store.
  32. The Comfort of Death2021/11/19
    Today Frederica is in her car on the way to a speaking engagement. While we are thinking about the Dormition of the Theotokos, Frederica reflects on an aspect of our mortality that is very comforting.
  33. The Western Liturgical Rite in Orthodoxy2021/11/19
    An informal chat with the wives of two priests from Western Rite parishes in the Antiochian Archdiocese.
  34. Hospitality2021/11/19
    Frederica's home parish recently hosted the regional Parish Life Conference and she took the opportunity to give thanks for the warm reception given her and Fr. Gregory when they came into Orthodoxy January 30, 1992.
  35. A Visit With A Coptic Monk2021/11/19
    Today Frederica is in Spokane and has an enlightening visit with a Coptic monk. Don't miss his intoned prayer at the end!
  36. Heather Kochamma - Iconographer2021/11/19
    Frederica is in Spokane again for today's episode and chats with icnonographer Heather Kochamma Durka.
  37. A Cappella Music2021/11/19
    Frederica reflects on how music can penetrate through the fog of advanced years and even senility to focus our minds on the worship of God.
  38. Franchise Row2021/11/19
    Well, today Frederica isn't at the "Corner of East and Now", but she is at the corner of Taco Bell and K-Mart. You know the place.
  39. Problematic Honor2021/11/19
    Is there a consistent morality or ethical system planted in human beings? If so, why doesn't this sytem include the protection of baby girls?
  40. A Conversation With Doug LeBlanc2021/11/19
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  41. Thrift Shops2021/11/19
    Frederica enjoys shopping for clothes at her local re-sale shops and has found it to be a good way to save and conserve. She also reflects on the clothing industry in general: where are they made and under what conditions?
  42. The World and the Grail2021/11/19
    Recycled molecules and atoms from the foundation of the world present a wonderful perspective on the shed blood of Christ.
  43. Men and the Church2021/11/19
    This week we catch Frederica in her car driving to Washington, D.C., and reflecting on the differences between the Orthodox Church and other Christian churches when it comes to the involvement of men.
  44. Cemetery2021/11/19
    We are strolling with Frederica through a cemetery on the campus of the seminary she attended several years ago.
  45. From Mennonite to Orthodox2021/11/19
    Frederica is in the fourth floor apartment of a friend who recently came to Orthodoxy from the Mennonite church and participated in an excursion to the Middle East with a group intent on apologizing to Eastern faiths for the Crusades.
  46. Obnoxious Converts2021/11/19
    Why do some people feel that "converts" to Orthodoxy are so obnoxious? Today Frederica reflects on the practices of some Orthodox Christians compared with the path to spiritual healing that Orthodoxy represents.
  47. Fair Trade2021/11/19
    The poor in many other countries often rely on skills handed down to them by their ancestors. But what about the poor in America?
  48. Enchanted2021/11/19
    Frederica likes the new Disney movie, Enchanted, and provides an enchanting review for our AFR listeners.
  49. Grace Is Gone2021/11/19
    Frederica previewed the new movie starring John Cusack, Grace is Gone, and offers this analysis.
  50. St. Romanos Nativity Kontakion2021/11/19
    Don't miss this rich and inspiring reading by Frederica of the entire Nativity Kontakion written by St. Romanos the Melodist and translated by Fr. Ephrem Lash. It was taken from the book On the Life of Christ: Kontakia, published in 1994.
  51. Behold a Star2021/11/19
    So what about this star in the east? How important is it that we insist it be a real astronomical star?
  52. Magi from the East2021/11/19
    Their number and identity is not clear but their intention was unmistakable: to worship the newborn King.
  53. Shamassey Ina Goes to Rome - Part 22021/11/19
    This is part 2 of the fascinating report given in the car by Shamassey Ina about her trip to Rome. Keep your eyes on the road because the ladies do get a little lost in this episode!
  54. Golden Corral2021/11/19
    Frederica takes us to the door of the Golden Corral where she is about to begin work on her new book. What she observes, however, is an American epidemic.
  55. Abortion: Ignoring the Facts2021/11/19
    January 22 marks the 35th anniversary of legalized abortion in the United States despite all of the facts demonstrating the presence of life at conception. You don't want to miss this powerful commentary! To read more from Frederica on this topic, you will want to pick up Real Choices published by Conciliar Press.
  56. Persecuted for Christ2021/11/19
    He was a Lutheran pastor and was severely persecuted for his faith by Communists in Romania. He is Rev. Richard Wurmbrand and Frederica has a rare recording of his voice singing a hymn to the Theotokos that he wrote himself. Frederica makes reference to an article in Again Magazine about Pastor Wurmbrand and you can download and read it by clicking HERE.
  57. Christian Colleges2021/11/19
    Frederica speaks on many college campuses, both secular and Christian. You may be surprised by her observations related to the Christian colleges!
  58. America and God's Judgment2021/11/19
    What might God be planning for America given the rampant infiltration of sin, abortion, and depravity? Frederica has adjusted her thinking on this after a rather strange "awakening."
  59. Does Character Count?2021/11/19
    Drawing on some literary classics, Frederica grieves the loss of the value of character in our modern society.
  60. The Historical Jesus2021/11/19
    Frederica talks about the modern day quest for the "real" Jesus and examines The Quest of the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer. It is the question for the ages: What think ye of the Christ?
  61. Mind and Heart2021/11/19
    What is the relationship between our feelings and our faith? Is there a place for emotion in our theology?
  62. Roe v Wade - Listeners Provide Helpful Corrections2021/11/19
    Frederica received some helpful corrections from a couple of listeners on her Roe v Wade podcast which posted on January 23.
  63. Flowers for the Fellas2021/11/19
    In honor of St. Valentine's Day, Frederica offers a fragrant bouquet to the men in the audience.
  64. Hannah Montana2021/11/19
    Don't know who Hannah Montana is? Ask any pre-teen girl! From her article in First Things, Frederica reflects on the popularity of this entertainment phenomenon.
  65. Sin as Pollution2021/11/19
    Frederica recalls Forgiveness Vespers from a few weeks back which reminds her of a Garrison Keillor story about the effects of sin.
  66. Sacred Harp2021/11/19
    Frederica's guest is Fr. George Johnson from Holy Apostles Orthodox Church in Beltsville, MD. They are at a "Shape-note" choral festival hosted at Holy Apostles and Fr. George, who is a participant in this a cappella choral expression, helps us learn more about it.
  67. Light and Darkness2021/11/19
    How does Scripture treat the themes of light, darkness and shadow? Is light always "good" and dark always "evil"? What began as a friendly debate with emerging church leader Leonard Sweet results in an instructive study by Frederica on this topic.
  68. Old Age2021/11/19
    It levels the playing field as much as anything does and all of us either are or will face it: it's old age. Frederica reflects on this inevitable fact of life.
  69. Light and Evangelicals2021/11/19
    Frederica revisits two of her previous podcasts with some additional reflections as the result of some email she received from listeners.
  70. The Dating Game2021/11/10
    In between bites at the burger joint (recorded BEFORE the fast!), Frederica talks about courtship and dating.
  71. St. Anna Icon2021/11/10
    A weeping icon exuding myrrh is not something one sees everyday. Frederica talks to the priest of a parish where it did.
  72. Organic Foods2021/11/10
    Frederica, only occasionally distracted by her grandson, chats with daughter Megan about the foods we eat and maybe shouldn't eat.
  73. Orthodox Vestments2021/11/10
    Frederica is in Portland this week chatting with Kh. Krista West about the history and significance of Orthodox vestments. Krista makes vestments for clergy and has a web site where you can see her products.
  74. Confessor2021/11/10
    Frederica chats with her father confessor about what it is like to hear confessions and to offer the forgiveness of Christ and his Church.
  75. Bonnaroo2021/11/10
    Today Frederica is in her living room chatting with her son Stephen about last week's Bonnaroo music festival. Listen close and you might hear a revelation about someone who was at Woodstock 38 years ago!
  76. A Malibu Conversation with Barbara Nicolosi2021/11/10
    Christian screen writer Barbara Nicolosi joins Frederica at a Malibu cafe for an informal conversation about Christian attempts at film producing. Barbara is the editor of "Behind the Screen: Hollywood Insiders on Faith, Film and Culture."
  77. Muvico2021/11/10
    Frederica is outside of the ornate (and a bit tattered) Muvico theatre near Baltimore in today's episode.
  78. Catechumens on the Way to Dinner2021/11/10
    In her debut podcast, Frederica invites us into the back seat of her car to listen in on a conversation she is having with her husband, Fr. Gregory Mathewes-Green about catechumens. Feel free to listen, but don't make them miss their turn.
  79. St. Gregory the Illuminator of Armenia2021/10/01
    Frederica shares the story of St. Gregory the Illuminator of Armenia on his feast day.
  80. Splendor of Purity2021/03/16
    Frederica Mathewes-Green reads her essay, "Why They Hate Us."
  81. St. Patrick's Breastplate2021/03/16
    Frederica Mathewes-Green shares the prayer titled St. Patrick's Breastplate.
  82. St. Romanos' Nativity Kontakion2020/12/22
    Don't miss this rich and inspiring reading by Frederica Mathewes-Green of the entire Nativity Kontakion written by St. Romanos the Melodist and translated by Fr. Ephrem Lash. It was taken from the book On the Life of Christ: Kontakia, published in 1994.
  83. Behold, a Star!2020/12/10
    So what about this star in the east? How important is it that we insist it be a real astronomical star?
  84. The Messianic Secret2020/12/08
    Why does Jesus often tell people not to talk about their healings? I have a theory.
  85. On Failing to Keep One's Prayer Rule2020/12/08
    I believe that it's good to set yourself a prayer rule that you won't be able to fully complete.
  86. Confession and St. Paisios2020/12/08
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  87. Seeking A Person2020/12/08
    How does practicing the Jesus Prayer differ from "mindful" meditation?
  88. What Makes a Life Significant?2020/12/08
    Why do we dislike living in peaceful times?
  89. Birthright in Ghana2020/02/13
    Frederica is at the 40th anniversary conference of Birthright, International in the Chicago area and recorded an interview with Doris Asante of Birthright, Ghana. Doris was also selling handmade jewelry and stoles to raise money for Birthright in Ghana and she invited correspondence if you are interested in purchasing or donating.
  90. Mystics and Wonderworkers2020/01/02
    Frederica explains that whereas other Christian traditions have mystics, people devoted to the contemplative life alone, the Orthodox Church has wonderworkers, saints who are contemplative, yes, but also very active in the lives of their neighbors.
  91. Madonna and Child2019/12/31
    Frederica reflects on the earliest depiction of the Theotokos with the Christ child dating back to the 2nd century.
  92. Interview with Michael Haldas on J.R.R. Tolkien2019/12/31
    Frederica Mathewes-Green interviews author and AFR podcaster Michael Haldas about the life and impact of J.R.R. Tolkien.
  93. Interview with Nicholas Kosar on Colonel Philip Ludwell III2019/06/25
    Frederica Mathewes-Green interviews Nicholas Kosar about Colonel Philip Ludwell III, the first known American convert to Orthodoxy.
  94. First Fruits - Chapter 42019/06/04
    Frederica reads from the fourth chapter of her book First Fruits of Prayer: A Forty-Day Journey Through the Canon of St. Andrew. This chapter covers days 13 to 16 of Lent, and the entire book will soon be available at Audible.
  95. Interview with Hank Hanegraaff2019/06/04
    Frederica sat down with Hank Hanegraaff to get an update on the growth in his Orthodox Christian faith and life, and the current condition of his health.
  96. Interview on Becoming a Writer and Spokesman for the Pro-Life Cause2019/06/04
    Frederica was interviewed in a busy fellowship hall by a teen from her parish about how she became a writer and spokesman for the Pro-Life cause.
  97. The Same God2017/12/20
    Do all religions worship the same God? Frederica doesn't like the way the question is posed. Find out why in this episode.
  98. Temple Grandin2017/12/15
    Frederica discusses the book Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin.
  99. Beekeeping2017/12/15
    Frederica shares her experience keeping bees and tells of her first honey harvest.
  100. A Voice that is Calling You: Fr. George Calciu2017/06/04
    This past May 6-7, Frederica spoke to a group of Romanian Orthodox Christians in Brussels about Fr. George Calciu.
  101. A Christmas Carol - Part 52016/12/05
    Frederica reads "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Part 5 of 5
  102. A Christmas Carol - Part 42016/12/05
    Frederica reads "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Part 4 of 5
  103. A Christmas Carol - Part 32016/12/05
    Frederica reads "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Part 3 of 5
  104. A Christmas Carol - Part 22016/11/27
    Frederica reads "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Part 2 of 5
  105. A Christmas Carol - Part 12016/11/27
    Frederica reads "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Part 1 of 5
  106. Akathist of Thanksgiving2016/11/27
    Frederica introduces and reads the Akathist of Thanksgiving.
  107. The Good Thief2016/11/27
    Frederica reflects upon the story of the good thief, St. Dimas, who was crucified next to Christ and who had a repentant faith at the end.
  108. Why the Rest Hates the West2016/10/17
    Frederica reflects upon the book titled Why the Rest Hates the West by Meic Pearse.
  109. Horses2016/10/12
    Frederica shares the story of the horse named "Genuine Reward," and reflects on the way that horses point to the existence of God.
  110. Millennial Pro-Lifers2016/09/29
    Frederica shares the results of a new survey conducted by The Institute for Pro-Life Advancement regarding the changing view Millennials have towards abortion, as published in The Washington Post on June 30, 2016.
  111. The High and Holy Calling of Being a Wife2016/09/01
  112. St Patrick's Breastplate2016/09/01
  113. Inside Out2016/08/26
  114. Tender Love and the Dormition2016/08/09
  115. How I Got My New Car2016/08/09
  116. Founded on Experience2016/08/09
  117. St Xenia Akathist2016/08/09
  118. St Matrona the Blind Akathist2016/08/09
  119. Stories of Holy Cross Church2016/06/02
  120. A Guide to Baptism and Chrismation2016/05/25
  121. Praise Choruses2016/05/16
  122. Laurus2016/05/16
  123. Remembrance of Death2016/05/16
  124. Life After Delivery2016/05/16
  125. The Gift of Pain - 32016/04/04
  126. The Gift of Pain - 22016/03/29
  127. The Gift of Pain - 12016/03/29
  128. The Finest Hours2016/03/16
  129. “Welcome to the Orthodox Church” Discussion Questions2016/03/16
  130. Roe v. Wade2016/03/15
  131. Doing Our Best in the Fast2016/03/03
  132. Hail, Caesar!2016/02/22
  133. Merged Church2016/01/31
  134. Bringing It Home2016/01/30
  135. Universal Salvation2016/01/11
  136. Dealing with Depression2015/11/13
  137. Charleston2015/11/13
  138. Tithing2015/11/01
  139. Monastery of All Celtic Saints2015/10/21
  140. Bible Interpretation2015/10/02
  141. Tradition2015/09/30
  142. Beauty2015/09/06
  143. Phone Call2015/08/27
  144. The Theotokos and Prayers to the Saints2015/08/27
  145. Welcome to the Orthodox Church: Introduction2015/08/27
  146. The Snow Queen (Conclusion)2015/06/30
  147. The Snow Queen (Continued)2015/06/30
  148. The Snow Queen (Continued)2015/05/09
  149. The Snow Queen2015/05/09
  150. Why Oppose Gay Marriage?2015/05/09
  151. Talking with a Spiritual Seeker2015/05/09
  152. Coping with Thoughts of Doubt2015/04/02
  153. Orthodox with Aspergers2015/03/06
  154. C.S. Lewis on the Passion2015/03/02
  155. Escalator2015/02/24
  156. Found Money2015/02/08
  157. Wise Words from Isaac2015/01/01
  158. Nativity Paraklesis2014/12/31
  159. Nails in the Post2014/12/31
  160. Welcome to the Orthodox Church2014/12/01
  161. In the Diner with Archbishop Lazar2014/12/01
  162. Peter's Denial2014/09/18
  163. The Fast2014/09/18
  164. The Angel Cried2014/09/18
  165. Prayers for the Departed2014/09/10
  166. From Pentecostal to Orthodox2014/09/10
  167. The Role of the Monastic2014/09/10
  168. Interview with Emily Moore2014/09/10
  169. Transfiguration, Light, and an Icon2014/09/10
  170. The Meaning of Sex2014/05/16
  171. Toxic Charity2014/05/12
  172. Gender2014/05/12
  173. Ultrasounds and Angels2014/05/12
  174. Women and Clothing2014/05/12
  175. Chores2014/05/12
  176. Taking Orthodoxy to America2014/05/12
  177. Parish Daily Prayer List2014/05/12
  178. Nativity Bible Study2014/05/12
  179. Early Feminism2014/05/12
  180. What Is Worship For?: Part Two2014/05/12
  181. What Is Worship For?: Part One2014/05/12
  182. Unity2014/05/12
  183. Social Justice2014/05/12
  184. Rebel2014/05/12
  185. Don't Think About It2014/05/12
  186. Faith, Experience, and Theory2014/05/12
  187. Women's Ordination2014/05/12
  188. The Cost of Independence2014/05/12
  189. Popular Saints2014/05/12
  190. Basil Athas2014/05/12
  191. Flaws of the Fifties2014/05/12
  192. Einstein2014/05/12
  193. Fr. Makary2014/05/12
  194. The Dangers of Sympathy2014/05/12
  195. Russian Blasphemy2014/05/12
  196. The Work of Theology2014/05/12
  197. Pastors and Same-Sex Attraction2014/05/12
  198. Loaf of Bread2014/05/12
  199. OCMC2014/05/12
  200. On Pentecost2014/05/12
  201. On the Ascension2014/05/12
  202. The St. Photios Shrine2014/05/12
  203. St. Thomas2014/05/12
  204. The Cherub and the Thief2014/05/12
  205. On Judas2014/05/12
  206. Lamentation of the Theotokos2014/05/12
  207. The Akathist to the Theotokos2014/05/12
  208. Gay Rights 22014/05/12
  209. We Have to Tell Them2014/05/12
  210. Miracles2014/05/12
  211. A Christian Ending2014/05/12
  212. Sum2014/05/12
  213. Magnolia2014/05/12
  214. Meatless Friday2014/05/12
  215. Heaven Is for Real2014/05/12
  216. Gay Rights2014/05/12
  217. Charity2014/05/12
  218. Best Friends?2014/05/12
  219. Higher Ground2014/05/12
  220. Why We Need Hell2014/05/12
  221. Remembering 9/11 For the Right Reasons2014/05/12
  222. Buddhism and Orthodox Christianity2014/05/12
  223. The Sermon2014/05/12
  224. Harry Potter2014/05/12
  225. Larry Crowne2014/05/12
  226. Beauty in Worship2014/05/12
  227. Self and Skepticism2014/05/12
  228. Questions About Atonement2014/05/12
  229. Bryan College2014/05/12
  230. Southern Methodist College2014/05/11
  231. That's Not Orthodoxy2014/05/11
  232. On Judas2014/05/11
  233. Real Choices, Real Voices2014/05/11
  234. Oberlin College2014/05/11
  235. Forgiveness2014/05/11
  236. Visually Impaired Persons2014/05/11
  237. St. Nina2014/05/11
  238. Scientists are Human2014/05/11
  239. Infallible R Us2014/05/11
  240. Moral but Obscene2014/05/11
  241. Akathist to the Mother of God, Nurturer of Children2014/05/11
  242. Homilies of Fr. George2014/05/11
  243. Interview with Fr. Hans Jacobse2014/05/11
  244. Yellow and Pink2014/05/11
  245. Best of Russia2014/05/11
  246. Protevangelion 22014/05/11
  247. The Protevangelion of James2014/05/11
  248. Kristin Lavransdatter2014/05/11
  249. Gay Marriage2014/05/11
  250. Community and Economy2014/05/11
  251. Alan Medinger2014/05/11
  252. American Grace2014/05/11
  253. Constructive Arguing2014/05/11
  254. Wes Smith2014/05/11
  255. More Seeking and Finding2014/05/11
  256. Expecting Mary2014/05/11
  257. Flipped2014/05/11
  258. Light to Those in Darkness2014/05/11
  259. Chickens and Bees2014/05/11
  260. Big Questions Online2014/05/11
  261. Distractions2014/05/11
  262. Grief2014/05/11
  263. Men and Women2014/05/11
  264. Toy Story 32014/05/11
  265. More on the Jesus Prayer2014/05/11
  266. No Regrets2014/05/11
  267. Letters to Juliet2014/05/11
  268. Holy Tradition and the Most-Holy Theotokos2014/05/11
  269. Proof of Miracles2014/05/11
  270. Performance and Medication2014/05/11
  271. Fr. Joe Allen2014/05/11
  272. The Cherub and the Thief2014/05/11
  273. Alice in Wonderland2014/05/11
  274. St. Mary of Egypt2014/05/11
  275. I Will2014/05/11
  276. Avatar2014/05/11
  277. Frederica in California2014/05/11
  278. Saint Felicity2014/05/11
  279. The Lost Gospel of Mary2014/05/11
  280. Studio Mathewes2014/05/11
  281. Middle-aged People in Church2014/05/11
  282. The Jesus Prayer - From Mind to Heart2014/05/11
  283. The Jesus Prayer Basics2014/05/11
  284. Fr. George Calciu2014/05/11
  285. The Jesus Prayer2014/05/11
  286. Doing Funerals Right2014/05/11
  287. An Orthodox Chaplain in Afghanistan2014/05/10
  288. A Visit from St. Seraphim2014/05/10
  289. War and Brother-Keeping2014/05/10
  290. St. Nectarios Education Fund2014/05/10
  291. Science and the Orthodox Church2014/05/10
  292. No Makeup2014/05/10
  293. Listening Skills2014/05/10
  294. Terry Mattingly2014/05/10
  295. Remembering 9/112014/05/10
  296. Well-Tempered2014/05/10
  297. Lucas and Summer2014/05/10
  298. Tender Love and the Dormition2014/05/10
  299. My Nonfiction Shelf2014/05/10
  300. Information Wants to Be Free2014/05/10
  301. The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios2014/05/10
  302. Building a Temple2014/05/09
  303. Surviving the Economy2014/05/09
  304. A Visit to IOCC2014/05/09
  305. Hookups and Hope2014/05/09
  306. Growing a Parish2014/05/09
  307. The Liturgy of St. James2014/05/09
  308. The Science of Music2014/05/09
  309. The Work of IOCC2014/05/09
  310. Why CS Lewis is So Irritating! Episode 22014/05/09
  311. Why C.S. Lewis is So Irritating!2014/05/09
  312. God So Loved the World2014/05/09
  313. A Voice in the Public Square2014/05/09
  314. Byzantine Architecture2014/05/09
  315. The Sex Revolution - Part 32014/05/09
  316. The Sex Revolution - Part 22014/05/09
  317. September 122014/05/09
  318. The Sex Revolution - Part 12014/05/09
  319. Native Americans and Orthodoxy2014/05/09
  320. Eastern Catholics2014/05/09
  321. Standing Together2014/05/09
  322. WALL-E2014/05/09
  323. Remember Basil from Facing East?2014/05/09
  324. Democracy2014/05/09
  325. Campus Ministry2014/05/09
  326. When the Movie Trumps the Book2014/05/09
  327. Autism and Adam2014/05/09
Frederica Here and Now
Fresh reports every week from home and on the road