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Pre-Apocalyptic / Post-Apocalyptic Show
Episode 228:
Ken talks about his new job and laments the lack of an apocalypse.
Episode 227: A 4th of July MELTDOWN!!
Why are we celebrating? What is Kevin Costner's brother's name? What the hell is "Babyraper Island"? All these questions and more are asked in this episode brought to you by angry energy.
Episode 226: Solutions
Yoonis brings in an expert to brainstorm solutions for the oil spill. Plus: an inter-dimensional visitor!
Episode 225:MELTDOWN!!
Ken makes a plea to Fox news to give him his own yelling-style show.
Episode 224: Dandelion butt(er) suppository
Episode223: Seeding the Black Hole
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Ken and Edge Reason take to the woods to find the Memetic Mutator, but find only reminiscence instead. What ever became of Ken's Russian mail-order brides? How many children does Edge Reason have? Why does Ken wish to send his semen through a black hole? All this and more will be answered! Also- we update you on the whereabouts of some of the P.A.P.A. Show's most memorable guests! Intro and outro- Shatner Of The Mount by Fall On Your Sword E-mail Ken here:
Episode 222: Aryanzona
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Ken, Yoonis, The Memetic Mutator, and the liquidy version of Physicist Frank discuss such topics as: The Ocean on fire, The totalitarian rule of New Arizona, Did Fox News plant the defective bomb in New York? (It ain't slander if it's just a question), What are the main differences between the Star Wars and Star Trek universes? All this and more!!
Also- Ozark Billy performs the intro and outro.!/KenStitson?ref=sgm
Episode 221: Volcanic Adventure
Ken, The Memetic Mutator, Devon Marsh, and the liquefied form of Physicist Frank meet Adventurer John Conway and discuss the possibility of radioactive mutant creation via volcano eruption. Also:Adventure! Also also:: Reading Rainbow!
Episode 219: Sex Taboos
What types of filth will be outlawed in the world of the Post Apocalypse?
Episode 220: Sports
Ken, Edge Reason and Yoonis Poots discuss biology, chemistry, electricity, sports and answer the question: "Why
didn't Superman stop 9/11?"
intro theme: Angry Johnny & the Killbillies "Disposable Boy"
end theme: Fred Lane / Ron Pate "Danger Is My Beer"
Episode 218: Race Relations
Ken, Yoonis Poots, and Devon Marsh try to have a conversation on the topic of race relations in the world of the Post Apocalypse. The intention was there, but did they succeed?
Podblast mini-cast: Chastity
Ken's lady love is taken to a mysterious stranger to be fitted with a fine mahogany chastity belt.
Episode 217: Conspiracy!
Ken, Edge, and Yoonis discuss the Denver International Airport. Is it part of a New World Order regime? Ken Stitson lays down the facts.
Episode 216: Constructive Thinking
Ken and Yoonis Poots pay a visit to Memetic Mutator at his sod bunker and help construct the memetic mutating machine. P.S. R.I.P. Physicist Frank, this episode is dedicated to you. Ends abruptly.
Supplemental Punch-Out Wii instructional Episode
Guff Greybeard teaches Klause Von Oomlaut to play Punch Out on the Nintentdo Wii. An awkward time is had by all. Music is eventually (and briefly) made.
Pre-Apocalyptic / Post-Apocalyptic Show
I'm just a guy. I am a guy who has read a lot of things about what we are going to have to to do when it all falls apart. I am just the guy who might save your life.
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