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My Mile Podcast
Laps Around the Track - talking about 15k race, time was 1, 3mi, official time, burster, cards
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And we were in Mr Burster(?). At the end of a great 15K race. Sorry I'm a little too fast and I'm cocky to say in the last 2mi just I just didn't have any gas in me and overall stay in I ended up doing 11.3mi, decided to skip the last mile since I was totally spent after the the 15. So there you go, great run, not so not to hilly a couple of hills they were really nice just to just a good race all in all I finished and it wasn't yet time so they gave us these little cards you get to write your name, age you know what grip you in and your time. My official time was 1 hour and 47 minutes
Laps Around the Track - 14th phonecast
Laps Around the Track - 13th phonecast
Laps Around the Track - talking about heart rate monitor, low zone, zone 3, 30 minutes
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Hey, it's Brewster again. Just finished the first leg of my day. Just the 2mi one up run and I'm paying close attention to my heart rate monitor. I'm still doing the 2 minute run one minute walk and as I'm walking my heart rate is averaging around 170 and when I'm running they get up to 195 so you know I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I know I'm running, I'm on a run in that zone 4 area and then walk just walked a minute so I wanna average the low zone for high zone 3 throughout the run and it looks like that's what I'm gonna be doing for this run so 2mi complete in about 24 minutes. It's about 30 minutes now to the start. I think I should have timed this a little better so.
Laps Around the Track - 11th phonecast
2 Races, 1 Week
I talk about two upcoming races and the strategy behind finishing them. my wife will get in on the act and run the Ft Worth Turkey Trot with me. actually, I'll be walking with her.
Laps Around the Track - 9th phonecast
Laps Around the Track - 9th phonecast
Laps Around the Track - 7th phonecast
Laps Around the Track - talking about november 2nd election, spache, men s health, prostate cancer, ramble, election day
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Hey, it's Booster(?) and headed to work this morning. It's Tuesday November 2nd election day. That I'm not gonna talk about the election or coordinate with event. I went in early voted for weeks ago so I'm not gonna talk about that. I'll talk about November. That's right November. No is short from a spache don't ask me how to hit that. I think it's the word almost spelling in review S P A C H E so calling November and the purpose of November is to raise awareness for men's health particularly ___ every year die of prostate cancer. I don't have any stats. I'm not gonna ramble off with the stats
Laps Around the Track - talking about audio snippets, bunster, october 31st, mail, tips and tricks, little bit
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Hey, this is The Bunster(?) out driving this afternoon. It is Sunday October 31st. And just wanted to announce the start of a new project, new Podcast project that I'm working on and this Bunster(?) on Track and heard a little bit about it on ipadio. I've already started doing short on audio snippets and just giving parts of my life. And this was really what this Podcast is all about, is my running life where as my previous projects, the My Mail(?) Podcast was more about tips and tricks and then my training snippets, more about me. And just it's gonna be shorter, 5 minutes snippets 10 minutes snippets, so not whole 20 minutes that you get from other Podcast or 40 minutes.
Laps Around the Track - Good Luck Zenrunner
wishing luck to Zenrunner and Eddie Marathon.
Laps Around the Track - Recovery
I talk about recovery runs, the Cowtown, and my recent weight loss.
Laps Around the Track - 2nd phonecast
Clean Air Bike Rally
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Hello this is Taberstre(?) listen to my first ipadio upload. This ipadio is going to be something much like Steve Runners intervals(?) or Herzen(?) Run just gonna be a short snippet of my running life and also cycling swimming you know whatever whatever is on my mind. So today that's on my mind is cycling. This morning I participated in the clean air bike rally in downtown Forth Worth and that's really what it was just a bike rally just a casual bike ride really no speed given or anything like that. There's about 300 people out and we all go together for this 8 and a half mile ride. My number GPS said 8.75mi someone also said 8.55. So what it really was nobody really knows.
My Mile Podcast
Thoughts on the run
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