Professor Dave's Ark in Space

  1. The Flashing Blade Live Show 2002024/10/14

    To celebrate Siobhan's 200th episode of the Flashing Blade Live, and as she's the fairy godmother of PDAIS, I am proud to share with you this special podcast version of the Flashing Blade Twitch show.
    Your hosts are Siobhan, Brian, Elizabeth (Lillibet), with special guest Toby Hadoke, and we discuss the 1970's Quatermass and Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars.
  2. PDAIS 5.31 Our Final Episode: The Cool Ones and Rub a Dub Sub2022/11/21

    This is the final episode of the Professor Dave's Ark in Space podcast. Dave passed away on November 3, 2022. This episode was pre-recorded several months ago, and really is us just being us, laughing over two very very silly films.

    Join us on one last journey to the Ark in Space. And thank you all for being with us. I love you.
  3. PDAIS 5.30 The Mummy 19992022/10/02

    PDAIS looks at the good, the not bad and the downright ugly of The Mummy Trilogy that began in 1999
  4. PDAIS 5.29 Rollercoaster and When Time Ran Out2022/09/11

    We looked at the 1977 thriller Rollercoaster and, having decided that it was not an absolute stinker, we watched the 1980 disaster (in every sense of the word) film When Time Ran Out...
    We suffer so you don't have to
  5. PDAIS 5.28 Black Books & Randy Rainbow2022/09/04

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl look at Bernard Black, grumpy proprietor of Black Books, and Randy Rainbow, chirpy producer of satirical tunes
  6. PDAIS 5.27 Lionesses and Gregory's Girl2022/08/20

    Dave and Elizabeth are joined by Karen from the Staggering Stories podcast to celebrate the England Lionesses' victory at UEFA 2022 and Karen's experiences of women's football (it is not soccer!). Then Dave and Elizabeth look at the classic film Gregory's Girl
  7. PDAIS 5.26 Night of the Lepus and Trog2022/08/07

    Dave and Elizabeth wonder if Trog is the worst film they have looked at, Night of the Lepus says "Hold my jacket"
  8. PDAIS 5.25 Ray Harryhausen Sinbad films2022/07/24

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl sail the seas with assorted Sinbads to celebrate the craft of Ray Harryhausen
  9. PDAIS 5.24 Frankie Howerd Up Pompeii2022/06/26

    We look at Frankie Howerd, a comedy great, and his most successful series Up Pompeii, a great comedy
  10. PDAIS 5.23 Margaret Rutherford, Blithe Spirit and Miss Marple2022/06/11
    PDAIS looks at the glorious Dame Margaret Rutherford, including her appearances in Blithe Spirit and as Miss Marple
  11. PDAIS 5.22 Eurovision UK2022/05/12

    We are joined by Thomas as we look back at the UK's Eurovision history which includes five wins and five Nil Points. We look at the Good, the Bad, and the Gemini.
  12. PDAIS 5.21 Ben Aaronovitch2022/05/03
    We look back at Ben Aaronovitch's Doctor Who scripts - Remembrance of the Daleks and Battlefield - then come up to date with Amongst Our Weapons, the latest Rivers of London book featuring Peter Grant
  13. PDAIS 5.20 The Good Life2022/04/03
    We look back at the seventies Britcom The Good Life with a few distractions along the way
  14. PDAIS 5.19 Crossovers2022/03/27
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  15. PDAIS 5.18 Revenge of the Creature and Jaws 3D2022/03/18
    This episode we look at two films seperated by nearly thirty years which are set in Florida marine parks, shot in 3 D and in which you will side against the humans. Listen to us laugh at (or have our spirits broken by) Revenge of the Creature and Jaws 3-D
  16. PDAIS 5.17 Cliff - Serious Charge, Expresso Bongo and The Young Ones2022/03/06
    We look back at Cliff Richard's first three films - Serious Charge, Expresso Bongo and The Young Ones
  17. PDAIS 5.16 Dracula Prince of Darkness2022/02/20

    Dave and Elizabeth are joined by Mr Paul as they take a jolly carriage ride to Karlsbad for a liquid lunch with Dracula Prince of Darkness
  18. PDAIS 5.15 Are You Being Served2022/02/13
    Seventies sitcoms have their knockers but we have no objection to getting stuck in to the glory that is Are You Being Served
  19. PDAIS 5.14 Day of the Triffids2022/01/30

    In which a grumpy old man brings flowers to a chirpy girl. Unfortunately the flowers are Triffids which insist on discussing the 1981 BBC TV version of Day of the Triffids as well as the 1962 film
  20. PDAIS 5.13 The Wombles2022/01/23
    We go overground and underground looking back at The Wombles in print, on television and in music. Oh, and we watch the film
  21. PDAIS 5.12 Melody (SWALK) and Bugsy Malone2022/01/16

    We look back at the early days of Sir Alan Parker's career with his first script Melody (released as SWALK) and his directorial debut Bugsy Malone
  22. PDAIS 5.11 BBC One Christmas Day 19762021/12/22

    We look back at the BBC One lineup for Christmas Day 1976 which included Morecambe and Wise, Bruce Forsyth and the Generation Game, Top of the Pops, the films Oliver! and Airport as well as the traditional message from The Queen
  23. PDAIS 5.10 Beyond the Poseidon Adventure & Jaws The Revenge2021/12/07

    Michael Caine is one of our finest actors with an enviable body of work stretching over six decades. Anyway, we look at Beyond the Poseidon Adventure and Jaws the Revenge - enjoy
  24. PDAIS 5.09 Phantom of the Opera and Schmigadoon!2021/11/14

    We chat with the rather wonderful Deb about the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical The Phantom of the Opera and her backstage experiences on the how before travelling to Schmigadoon!
  25. PDAIS 5.08 The Omen & Friday the 13th2021/11/03

    The anti-Christ is born and Jason Voorhees is reborn, it's a whole nature/nurture episode as we look at The Omen and bring our Friday the 13th retrospective to a close looking at the 2009 remake and Jason Rising before giving our countdowns of the films - there are words
  26. PDAIS 5.07 Shocktober Kolchak The Night Stalker and Friday the 13th2021/10/27

    Carl Kolchak battles evil on the mean streets of Las Vegas, no Seattle, wait Chicago. He gets around as does Jason Voorhees who grabs his machete and stomps across to New Line.
    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture.
  27. PDAIS 5.06 Shocktober The Devil Rides Out, Legend of Hell House and Friday the 13th2021/10/19

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they look at the many faces of Dracula in the Universal films before Dave is joined by Mr Paul Heath from the Pharos Project to look at the Friday the 13th Tommy Jarvis trilogy
  28. PDAIS 5.05 Shocktober Dracula and Friday the Thirteenth parts 4-62021/10/11

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they look at the many faces of Dracula in the Universal films before Dave is joined by Mr Paul Heath from the Pharos Project to look at the Friday the 13th Tommy Jarvis trilogy
  29. PDAIS 5.04 Shocktober Edgar Allan Poe and Friday the 13th2021/10/03
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  30. PDAIS 5.03 Shakespeare2021/09/19

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they look at the influence of William Shakespeare on modern culture from Altair IV to Ta Lo with natters about Forbidden Planet, Kiss Me Kate and Shang Chi among others
  31. PDAIS 5.02 Fawlty Towers2021/08/29

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they are joined by Thomas (he's been to Barcelona) to look at Fawlty Towers
  32. PDAIS 5.01 The Blue Lamp, Dixon of Dock Green and Hell Drivers2021/08/08

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they look at the classic British film The Blue Lamp and the resulting television series Dixon of Dock Green as well as Hell Drivers, which starred an all star cast shortly before they became stars
  33. PDAIS 4.54 V The Final Battle and Doctor Who - The Dalek Invasion of Earth2021/07/18

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they battle alien invasion on both sides of the Atlantic. V The Final Battle sees America fighting back while in the UK Doctor Who battles The Dalek Invasion of Earth.
  34. PDAIS 4.53 Evel Knievel, Viva Knievel, and Black Widow2021/07/11

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they rev up and celebrate the life and career of the legendary Evel Knievel and two of his films – Evel Knievel and Viva Knievel – before saying a fond farewell to Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow in the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe film
  35. PDAIS 4.52 Caddyshack, National Lampoon's Vacation and The Tomorrow War2021/07/04

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they celebrate American leisure looking at Caddyshack and National Lampoon's Vacation then arm up for the future and The Tomorrow War
  36. PDAIS 4.51 Hi-De-Hi2021/06/27

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they are joined by a wise old owl as they travel back to a carefree time as the fifties turned into the sixties and campers at Maplins greeted the day with a merry HI-DE-HI!
  37. PDAIS 4.50 Flashdance and Academy Award Best Songs2021/06/20

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they experience a Flashdance looking back at the 1983 musical directed by Adrian Lyne and starring Jennifer Beals then have a discussion about how the Academy Awards for Best Song have reflected the times and the medium over the past 87 years
  38. PDAIS 4.49 Nickelodeon and Punky Brewster2021/06/08

    PDAIS, a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they look back to the golden - or should that be Orange - era of Nickelodeon as well as both versions of Punky Brewster
  39. PDAIS 4.48 Something Wicked This Way Comes and Cruella (spoilers)2021/05/31
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  40. PDAIS 4.47 The Batwoman (1968), Santo in the Treasure of Dracula and Army of the Dead2021/05/23

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they are joined by Katie! to discuss two classic Mexican wrestling films - The Batwoman and Santo in the Treasure of Dracula then Paul from the Pharos Project joins Dave to discuss Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead at the 46.31 mark
  41. PDAIS 4.46 Eurovision 2020 and Cats2021/05/16

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they are joined by a wise old owl and juries from the podcast community to see who would have won the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest. Everyone runs away when the Cats DVD comes out leaving the grumpy man and an unusually grumpy girl to suffer
  42. PDAIS 4.45 The Mummy series and Doctor Who Pyramids of Mars2021/05/09

    PDAIS is a free podcast in which a grumpy man and a chirpy girl discuss pop culture. This time they look back at The Mummy (1932) and it's rebooted sequels The Mummy's Hand, The Mummy's Tomb, The Mummy's Ghost and The Mummy's Curse as well as the Doctor Who story Pyramids of Mars
  43. PDAIS 4.44 Children's Film Foundation and The Boy from Space2021/05/02

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This episode the old fella waxes lyrical about the Children's Film Foundation and The Boy from Space
  44. PDAIS 4.43 Justice League of America2021/04/22

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This episode they rathey enjoy Justice League First Frontier, despite what we call it on the podcast, then experience, yes let's say experience, the 1997 Justice League of America TV movie
  45. PDAIS 4.42 Godzilla vs Kong2021/04/05

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This episode two primal creatures fight for dominance then discuss Godzilla vs Kong
  46. PDAIS 4.41 Wandavision2021/03/21

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. A woman whose incredible powers are not fully explored yet and her husband with an English accent move to a new neighbourhood. Enough about why we have been away, we are back and looking at Wandavision!
  47. PDAIS 4.40 Miranda, Call Me Kat and The Watch2021/01/13

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they look at Brit-Com Miranda and it's American adaptation Call Me Kat as well as The Watch, oh for shame BBC America
  48. PDAIS 4.39 Revolution of the Daleks, Soul & Wonder Woman 84 2021/01/03

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they celebrate the festive season by watching the Doctor Who special Revolution of the Daleks, Pixar's Soul and Wonder Woman 84. It's a slump in the chair and watch TV special
  49. PDAIS 4.38 Scrooged, A Very Murray Christmas and On the Rocks2020/12/24

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they celebrate Bill Murray through a two thirds festive selection of films - Scrooged, A Very Murray Christmas and On the Rocks
  50. PDAIS 4.37 Dolly Parton 9-5 and Christmas on the Square2020/12/14

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they look at Miss Dolly Parton's first film 9-5 and her latest Christmas on the Square.
  51. PDAIS 4.36 V (Miniseries) and Welcome to Our Village, Please invade Carefully2020/12/02

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they look at two rather different takes on alien invasion. From the United States we have the 1983 miniseries V and from Britain the radio series Welcome to our Village, Please Invade Carefully
  52. PDAIS 4.35 The Swarm2020/11/16

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they look at the ultimate Bee movie - The Swarm starring Michael Caine and loads of people who should have known better
  53. PDAIS 4.34 Bedknobs and Broomsticks2020/11/08

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they are bobbing along on the bottom of the beautiful briny sea as the look at Bedknobs and Broomsticks
  54. PDAIS 4.32 Dead of Night and Trilogy of Terror2020/11/01

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they are joined by Mr Paul Heath from the Pharos Project as they look at two portmanteau horror films Dead of Night and Trilogy of Terror as well as the final episode of Lovecraft Country's first season Full Circle
  55. PDAIS 4.33 Ghoulovision2020/10/27

    Ghoulovison - it's a spooky Eurovision complete with scoring issues and juries from the Pratchett Podcast, the Cultdom Collective, the Pharos Project, Tim's Take On and Who & Company

    Stay on after the end music to hear Dave, Elizabeth and Eddie snark along to the Starsky and Hutch Vampire episode. For more snarking go to the PDAIS Chat Shack
  56. PDAIS 4.31 The Faculty & Doctor Who School Reunion2020/10/20

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they are joined by Alex the Boy Wonder as they look at the scary side of school with The Faculty and the Doctor Who episode School Reunion as well as the Lovecraft Country episode Rewind 1921
  57. PDAIS 4.30 Serial Mom and Psycho2020/10/15

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they are joined by a Podcast Pixie named Sean as they look at John Waters' Serial Mom and Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho in an episode delayed from Mother's Day as well as the Lovecraft Country episode Jig-a-Bobo
  58. PDAIS 4.29 Carnival of Souls & Night of the Demon2020/10/10

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they look back at two classic horror movies - Carnival of Souls and Night of the Demon - as well as the brilliant episode of Lovecraft Country "I Am"
  59. PDAIS 4.28 Sylvester McCoy The Seventh Doctor Who2020/10/03
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  60. PDAIS 4.27 Mulan2020/09/16

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they look at both Disney versions of Mulan and episodes four of Lovecraft Country
  61. PDAIS 4.26 Bill and Ted2020/09/04

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they look at the Bill and Ted trilogy and episodes two and three of Lovecraft Country
  62. PDAIS 4.25 Eurovision Song Contest The Story of Fire Saga2020/08/23

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl
    A grumpy girl and a chirpy man talk pop culture. This time they look at the Netflix film Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga and episode one of Lovecraft Country
  63. PDAIS 4.24 The Golden Girls and Little Shop of Horrors2020/08/13

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they are joined by their friend the wise owl as they look at The Golden Girls and The Little Shop of Horrors. It's a bright and breezy eighties double bill
  64. PDAIS 4.23 Commando and Hard Ticket to Hawaii2020/08/02
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  65. PDAIS 4.22 Colin Baker The Sixth Doctor2020/07/26

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they are joined by a Kiwi Cutie as they revel in the multi-coloured glory of the Sixth Doctor Who portrayed by Mr Colin Baker

  66. PDAIS 4.21 Sally James2020/07/18

    Dave is lucky enough to speak to the wonderful Sally James known as the star of Tiswas but there is so much more to her. Dave and Elizabeth have a brief look at the peak seventies movie Never Too Young To Rock

    JDRF is a charity helping people with diabetes. Please visit their page if you need assistance or would like to donate
  67. PDAIS 4.20 Annie2020/06/10

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we look we are joined by Karen from Staggering Stories to discuss Annie the 1982 musical which is either a delightful story of a sweet orphan or an unofficial sequel to The Exorcist

    Dave watches Godzilla vs King Ghidorah as a purgative
  68. PDAIS 4.19 (and a half) Skarovision2020/06/01
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  69. PDAIS 4.19 VictorVictoria and Tootsie2020/05/25

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we look at two films from 1982 which look at whether the clothes maketh the man or indeed the woman
    Godzilla vs Biollante does not address such issues

    Victor/Victoria 00:00
    Tootsie 24:12
  70. PDAIS 4.18 The Young Ones, Kinvig and Godzilla (1984)2020/05/12

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we look at the BBC comedy series The Young Ones and Nigel Kneale's sitcom Kinvig before diving into the Heisei era of Godzilla

    The Young Ones 00:00
    Kinvig 25:41
    Godzilla 40:24
  71. PDAIS 4.17 Peter Davison the Fifth Doctor Who and King Kong Escapes2020/05/05

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we look at Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor Who with Martyn from the Bad Wilf podcast and Thomas provides some context for the era. We then look at the 1967 Toho production King Kong Escapes
  72. PDAIS 4.16 All That Jazz, Not the Messiah, and Rivers of London False Value2020/04/29

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we look at Bob Fosse's All That Jazz, Not the Messiah (He's a Very Naughty Boy) an oratorio based on Monty Python's Life of Brian, and False Value, the latest Rivers of London book by Ben Aaronovitch
  73. PDAIS 4.15 Tim Brooke-Taylor, Monty Python's Life of Brian, Seven, and Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears2020/04/17

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. Jeffers from the Goodies podcast drops in to talk about Tim Brooke-Taylor, then Dave and Elizabeth look at Monty Python's Life of Brian, the Andy Sidaris film Seven and Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears
  74. PDAIS 4.14 Ripping Yarns, Not the Nine O'clock News and Extra Ordinary2020/04/05

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they look at two British comedy shows from the late seventies - Ripping Yarns and Not the Nine O'Clock News - before taking a virtual trip to the Polk Theatre to see Extra Ordinary

    Ripping Yarns 00:00
    Not the Nine O'clock News 23:00
    Extra Ordinary 41:00
  75. PDAIS 4.13 Tom Baker, Seeds of Doom and Terror of Mechagodzilla2020/04/01

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they are joined by a Legal Eagle as they look at Tom Baker's reign as the Doctor and Thomas provides some context for the times. Then Elizabeth and Dave wave goodbye (for now) to Godzilla as they witness the Terror of MechaGodzilla
  76. PDAIS 4.12 Marc Bolan Born to Boogie, Slade in Flame and Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla2020/03/22

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they are joined by a YamYambassador as they look at Marc Bolan in Born to Boogie and Slade in Flame. Then Elizabeth and Dave take sides in the battle of Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla
  77. PDAIS 4.11 Cabaret and Godzilla vs Megalon2020/03/16

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we look at Cabaret starring Liza Minelli and Godzilla vs Megalon, that's a double bill that you didn't expect
  78. PDAIS 4.10 Timeslip and Doctor Who The Timeless Children2020/03/08

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time they are joined by a wise old owl as they look at seventies cult series Timeslip before Dave and Elizabeth look up at the finale of the latest series of Doctor Who The Timeless Children
  79. PDAIS 4.09 Jon Pertwee, Claws of Axos and Doctor Who Ascension of the Cybemen2020/03/01

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we are joined by grumpy girl Siobhan Gallichan to talk about Jon Pertwee's time as the Third Doctor and the Claws of Axos. Thomas offers insight into the time of this Doctor and Dave and Elizabeth look up at The Ascension of the Cybermen
  80. The PDAIS Incredibly Overly Indulgent Tenth Anniversary Special2020/03/01

    The PDAIS Incredibly Overly Indulgent Tenth Anniversary Special is an Incredibly Overly Indulgent Special to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of PDAIS featuring the never before released pilot

    It's self congratulation and some old tat
  81. PDAIS 4.08 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Doctor Who: The Haunting of Villa Diodati and Godzilla v Gigan2020/02/23

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we look at the 1968 musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, the recent Doctor Who episode The Haunting of Villa Diodati and Godzilla vs Gigan

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 00:00
    The Haunting of Villa Diodati 33:55
    Godzilla vs Gigan 61:00
  82. PDAIS 4.07 Planet of the Apes, Doctor Who Can You Hear Me and Godzilla v Hedorah2020/02/17

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we look at the 1968 sci fi classic Planet of the Apes, the recent Doctor Who episode Can You Hear Me and Godzilla vs Hedorah

  83. PDAIS 4.06 The Avengers., Doctor Who Praxeus and All Monsters Attack2020/02/09

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we are joined by a wise old owl as we look at the cult British television series The Avengers, the recent Doctor Who episode Praxeus and the Godzilla film All Monsters Attack
  84. PDAIS 4.05 Patrick Troughton, Fugitive of the Judoon, Son of Godzilla2020/02/02

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we are joined by Graeme Sheridan to look at Patrick Troughton's time as the Second Doctor and the story Tomb of the Cybermen. Dave and Elizabeth look at Doctor Who Fugitive of the Judoon. Dave is the last man standing as he looks at Son of Godzilla
  85. PDAIS 4.04 The Sound of Music, Doctor Who, Godzilla2020/01/26

    A grumpy man and a chirpy girl talk pop culture. This time we look at The Sound of Music, Doctor Who Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror and Ebirah Horror of the Deep

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  86. PDAIS 4.03 Goldfinger, Doctor Who Orphan 55 and Invasion of Astro Monster 2020/01/19

    Dave and Elizabeth look back at Goldfinger, the film that transformed James Bond into a cultural icon as well as a review of the recent Doctor Who episode Orphan 55 and a natter about Godzilla in Invasion of Astro Monster

    Goldfinger 0:00
    Orphan 55 30:29
    Invasion of Astro Monster 55:11
  87. PDAIS 4.02 Thunderbirds and Doctor Who Spyfall part two2020/01/12

    Dave and Elizabeth look at Gerry Anderson's Thunderbirds before casting a critical eye over Doctor Who Spyfall part two
  88. PDAIS 4.01 William Hartnell and Doctor Who Spyfall part one2020/01/06

    Dave and Elizabeth are joined by Dave Cooper from the Cultdom Collective who offers a fasinating and entertaing insight into what it was like to watch Doctor Who in it's early years. Then Dave and Elizabeth discuss Spyfall Part One, the first episode of the new seaon (1.15:22) then talk about the Q&A from the Paley Centre that was broadcast live into American movies houses.
  89. PDAIS 3.83 Muppets Christmas Carol, Mad About You and Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker2019/12/29

    Dave and Elizabeth round out the year, the decade and series three with a bumper episode looking at Muppets Christmas Carol, Mad About You and a spoiler filled look at Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

    Muppets Christmas Carol 0:00
    Mad About You 28:05
    Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 1:10:10
  90. PDAIS 3.82 Murder by Death2019/12/21

    We look at Murder by Death and two Godzilla films - Mothra vs Godzilla and Ghidorah, the three-headed monster
  91. PDAIS 3.81 Frozen, Frozen 2 and A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood2019/11/27
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  92. PDAIS 3.80 The Emperor's New Groove, Sounds of Thunder and Godzilla Raids Again2019/11/17

    In a change to the schedule Dave and Elizabeth celebrate the launch of Disney+ by looking at The Emeperor's New Grove before listening to the Sounds of Thunder and sneaking a mini review of Godzilla Raids Again after the end music
  93. PDAIS 3.79 The Old Dark House and Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein2019/11/05
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  94. PDAIS 3.78 Frasier & Kristin Chenoweth - For The Girls2019/10/27

    Dave and Elizabeth are joined by Thomas! as they look at the classic TV series Frasier. Then at the 56 minute mark he rides off leaving Dave and Elizabeth to look at the new Kristin Chenoweth album For The Girls

    Our next episode will look at The Old Dark House and Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein

    Write to us at

  95. PDAIS 3.77 Mothra, Destroy All Monsters, and Joker2019/10/13

    Dave and Elizabeth have a fun look at two Toho classics - Mothra and Destroy All Monsters before a spoiler-filled review of Joker 51 minutes and 35 seconds into the podcast

    Write to us at
  96. PDAIS 3.76 Dr Who & The Daleks and Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 AD2019/09/21

    Dave and Elizabeth are joined by Thomas as they look at Peter Cushing's cinematic adventures as Doctor Who - Doctor Who and the Daleks & Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 AD

    Doctor Who 6388 who was mentioned on the show can be found at

  97. PDAIS 3.75 The Apple and Downton Abbey2019/09/15

    Dave and Elizabeth sneer at converntion by offering opinions, conversation, and mild abuse about
    00:00 Mickey Mouse Disco
    10:35 Can't Stop The Music Blu ray
    19:42 The Apple
    49:36 Downton Abbey

    Downton Abbey is rather baffled by this company

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  98. PDAIS Terrance Dicks2019/09/08

    Dave and Elizabeth are joined by Siobhan Gallichan as they remember the late Terrance Dicks and discuss his work and how it influenced their lives.

    Our next episode will look at The Apple (we're sorry)

    To hear more from Siobhan visit
  99. PDAIS 3.74 Cheshire Crossing and Return to Oz2019/09/01

    Dave and Elizabeth return to Oz twice - once with the graphic novel Cheshire Crossing and once with cult film and instigator of children's nightmares Return to Oz

    Our next episode will look at Peter Cushing's travels in Tardis Dr Who & The Daleks and Daleks Invasion Earth 2150AD

    You can write to us at
  100. PDAIS 3.73 The Day The Earth Caught Fire2019/08/18

    Dave, Elizabeth and Thomas look back at The Day The Earth Caught Fire, a film that seems more prescient today than when it was made

    Send any comments to

Professor Dave's Ark in Space
Dave and Elizabeth are joined by friends as they discuss around popular media. Sometimes silly, sometimes serious but never boring (OK, occasionally boring), PDAIS is unlike anything else you'll hear.