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Rejection Slip Theater
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 7B -Feb 28, 2008
A Wild West Shoot 'em Up. Artie Azzetti Tries His Hand at Raising Sea Monkeys, and a Woman Literally Loses Face.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 6B -Feb 07, 2008
Small Town Baseball, Artie Azzetti Learns About Bingo, and Flattery Might Just Get You.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 5B -Jan 28, 2008
Could Be Cake...Could Be Meat. Due to a technical snafu and Steve's challenged memory, we're not sure what this one is really about. We recommend you listen and find out for yourself.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 24A -Jan 03, 2008
A Remote Hunting Preserve Turns the Tables. Artie Azzetti Discovers the Pecking Order of School Desks, Plus the Most Bizzare Soap Opera in History.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 23A -Oct 23, 2007
Henry and Peaches Search for the Meaning of a Secret Society, Artie Azzetti Searches for Secret Power and Royalties Offers a Search for Character.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 22A -Oct 02, 2007
A Crazed Airline Pilot, Paul's Salute to Jean Shephard and the Inner Workings of Just About Everything
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 21A -July 25, 2007
Of All the Bars in Outer Space, You Had to Walk Into This One. Artie Camps Out and a New Look at Potatoes.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 20A -July 13, 2007
The Second Season Begins With a Story About a Mentally Challenged Man, Artie Azzetti in Love and a Ghostly Gunslinger. Who Could Ask for More?
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 19A -May 21, 2007
The Memorial Day Special. This will help you remember, is easy to remember is all around memorable. From your Department of Redundancy Department. Reminding you to remember never to forget.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 18A -April 5, 2007
Archeology at it's most humorous. Artie Azzetti meets the Good Humor Man and Jake Hollow battles foreign agents in the conclusion of a three-parter.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 17A -March 19, 2007
Jake Hollow Takes on Foreign Agents and Artie Azzetti Takes on Little League Baseball. It Must Be Spring.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 16A -March 06, 2007
A Great Science Fiction Piece, More Jake Hollow Adventures and Artie Azzetti. You may just want to take the rest of the week off to think about this one.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 15A -February 19, 2007
The New Adventures of Jake Hollow, Airmail Pilot. A tongue in cheek look at old radio serials. Plus, Finding Romance in Strange Places and Artie Azzetti.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 14A -February 7, 2007
The Valentine Special. Love is in the Air...Oooh Baby. Hearts and Flowers, RST Style.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 13A -January 30, 2007
Adventure on an aircraft carrier. A great cop comedy plus the antics of Artie Azzetti. This will warm up those cold winter nights.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 12A -December 14, 2006
Holiday Special Number 3. The 3rd of three Holiday Specials to brighten your spirits.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 11A -December 14, 2006
Holiday Special Number 2. The 2nd of three Holiday Specials to brighten your spirits.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 10A -December 14, 2006
Holiday Special Number 1. Yes, we actually have three Holiday Specials for your listening pleasure. If these don't get you in the spirit, then it's time to move to a warmer climate where there's no snow to remind you of this wonderful time of year.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 9A -December 07, 2006
The Conclusion to the China Seas Series. This one will keep you on the edge of your seat as you travel the world in search of the meaning of life. Or at least what to serve guests in a politically correct setting.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 8A -November 20, 2006
The Thanksgiving Special. And you thought you knew all about the holiday.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 7A -November 13, 2006
China Seas Part Four. Plus Artie Azzetti and the Tree Fort and Night Light. Something for every taste.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 6A -October 19, 2006
The Halloween Special. Lions and Tigers and Ghosts, Oh My! This will keep you up nights.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 5A -October 12, 2006
Second in a series called "China Seas". Plenty of action and adventure...explosions and everything. You probably shouldn't listen alone.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 4A -September 12, 2006
First in a series called "China Seas". Plenty of action and adventure...explosions and everything. Probably nudity.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 3A -August 23, 2006
This one will either keep you awake or put you right to sleep. It really depends on the mood you're in. Sci Fi, Down Home Stories of Love, probably a crime or two, don't miss this one.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 2A - July 10, 2006
Horror, Comedy, Romance, and Drama. This episode has it all. You're going to love this one.
Rejection Slip Theater Episode 1A - June 19, 2006
Horror, Comedy, Romance, and Drama. This episode has it all. Even a mosquito hunter.
Rejection Slip Theater
Radio Theater that spans the gamut from Drama to Comedy to Horror to Science Fiction and Romance. The absolute highest standards, from acting to sound production goes into the creation of this audio series.
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