Brazilian Portuguese Podcast

  1. Real Brazilian Conversations #Special – Paws & Tails: Uncovering Pet Care Tips and Brazil’s Favorite Pets2024/12/06
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  2. Real Brazilian Conversations – Special: Famous Crimes in Brazil2024/03/03
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  3. Real Brazilian Conversations #124: 5 lugares perfeitos para Lua de Mel no Brasil2024/01/20
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  4. Real Brazilian Conversations #123: 4 séries brasileiras para você assistir em 20242023/12/31
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  5. Real Brazilian Conversations #122: Churrasco Brasileiro2023/11/18
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  6. Weekly Expression #86 – Saia justa2023/11/03

    Olá, tudo bem? 🗣️ In our latest podcast episode, we delve into the intriguing world of Portuguese expressions, and this time, we're decoding the phrase "saia justa". We are going to teach you how to navigate those awkward situations where you might find yourself in a 'tight spot.' Check it out!


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  7. Weekly Expression #85 – Memória de Elefante2023/10/28
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  8. Weekly Expression #84 – Lacrar2023/07/29

    Olá🗣️ Hey there, Portuguese learners! Ready to dive into the fascinating world of Brazilian slang? 🇧🇷✨ Today, we've got a special treat for you as we explore the popular expression "Lacrar" and its cultural significance. Join us, Guilherme and Emilio, as we unravel the mysteries behind this trendy term!


    Follow us on Spotify clicking HERE .

  9. Real Brazilian Conversations #121: Entrepreneur’s Journey: Exploring the Brazilian Business Landscape2023/07/01
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  10. Real Brazilian Conversations #120: Lost in Translation: Navigating Daily Life in Brazil with Portuguese2023/05/27
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  11. Real Brazilian Conversations #119: Concursos Públicos no Brasil: O Que Você Precisa Saber2023/04/24
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  12. Real Brazilian Conversations #118: Unwrapping the Sweetness: Exploring the Delicious Candies of Minas Gerais2023/03/28
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  13. Real Brazilian Conversations #117: Pelé, the greatest athlete of all time.2023/01/22
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  14. Real Brazilian Conversations #116: As últimas eleições no Brasil2022/12/11

    Olá, tudo bem?

    In this episode, Emilio and Guilherme talk a little about the latest events in Brazilian politics and discuss how the issue is influencing the Brazilian people. A lot has changed in the last 10 years and you'll find out why in this episode.


    Follow us on Spotify clicking HERE .
  15. Real Brazilian Conversations #115: A Copa do Mundo de 20222022/11/28

    Olá, tudo bem?

    I know, I know, you guys miss our episodes. Well, after a little break from recording, Guilherme and Emílio talk about one of the most exciting sports events in the World: The World Cup. Check it out!


    Follow us on Spotify clicking HERE .
  16. Weekly Expression #83 – Estômago de Avestruz2022/07/24
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  17. Real Brazilian Conversations #114: 5 itens que os Brasileiros mais gastam para ter no Brasil2022/06/26

    Olá, tudo bem?

    After some time away from recording episodes, RLP is back, guys! Life has been crazy around Brasil. But let's go to the episode. Today, Guilherme and Emílio talk about the items that Brazilians pay large amounts of money to have in their daily lives. Check it out!


    Follow us on Spotify clicking HERE .
  18. Real Brazilian Conversations #113: Como usar a letra “X” no Português?2022/06/01

    Olá, tudo bem?

    The sound of the letter "x" in Portuguese is very different from English and other languages. In this episode, you will learn how to pronounce it correctly without any trouble. Check it out!


    Follow us on Spotify clicking HERE .
  19. Weekly Expression #82 – Mitar2022/05/25

    Olá, pessoal! Tudo bem?

    In today's episode, we're going to talk about the expression "Mitar", which is kinda new in Brazil.

    Check it out!


    Portions in Portuguese:

    At 4:17

    Guilherme : Emílio, você viu meu comentário na publicação dela? Eu simplesmente "mitei "!


    Follow us on Spotify clicking HERE .

  20. Real Brazilian Conversations #112: 5 expressões usadas pelos Mineiros2022/05/10

    Olá, tudo bem?

    In this episode, Guilherme and Emilio talk about 5 expressions used by people who live in Minas Gerais state, one of the many amazing places located in the Southeast part of Brazil. Check it out!


    Follow us on Spotify clicking HERE .
  21. Real Brazilian Conversations #111: O uso dos PORQUÊS2022/05/04

    Olá, tudo bem?

    In this episode, Guilherme and Mariana talk about how to ask and answer questions correctly in Portuguese. You'll see that it's a little bit more tricky than English, but very simple to understand if you follow our tips. Check it out!

    Follow us on Spotify clicking HERE .
  22. Real Brazilian Conversations #110: O Trabalho Híbrido funciona?2022/04/09
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  23. Weekly Expression #81 – Picar a Mula2022/04/07
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  24. Real Brazilian Conversations #109: O Dia Internacional da Mulher2022/03/19
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  25. Weekly Expression #80 – Dar o Migué2022/03/13
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  26. Weekly Expression #79 – Dois Palitos2022/03/02
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  27. Real Brazilian Conversations #108: O ET de Varginha2022/02/23

    Oi, tudo bem?

    In this episode, Emílio and I talked about a very weird case happened in Varginha, south of Minas Gerais state, where people experienced contact with ET's. Check it out!


    Follow us on Spotify clicking HERE .
  28. Weekly Expression #78 – Bola pra Frente2022/02/12
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  29. Real Brazilian Conversations #107: O Sertanejo Brasileiro2022/02/05
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  30. Weekly Expression #77 – Segurar Vela2022/01/24
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  31. Real Brazilian Conversations #106: Voltando ao Brasil2022/01/22
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  32. Weekly Expression #76 – Colocar a mão no fogo2022/01/15

    E aí, tudo bem?

    In today's episode, we are going to talk about a very curious expression of Brazil that probably originated in the Middle Ages. Stay tuned, because this is widely used in everyday life. Enjoy!

    Follow us on Spotify clicking HERE .

  33. Real Brazilian Conversations #105: Como é o Natal e o Ano Novo no Brasil?2022/01/01
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  34. Real Brazilian Conversations #104: O Dia da Consciência Negra2021/12/15
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  35. Weekly Expression #75 – Fazer Vaquinha2021/12/02
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  36. Weekly Expression #74 – Rodar a Baiana2021/11/24

    E aí, como vai?

    Today we are going to teach you a very famous expression in Brazil, especially among women.

    We also want to remind you that RLP has now produced a very good course for those starting their studies in Portuguese. You can access it through the link:

  37. Real Brazilian Conversations #103: 12 Expressões frequentemente usadas por Brasileiros2021/11/20

    Olá, como vai?

    In this episode, we're going to talk about 12 expressions Brazilians use very often in their daily conversations. This is a different collection from the Weekly Expression's series. You're going to see that most of them are related to each other and can be used together.

    Check it out!
  38. Real Brazilian Conversations #102: Ayrton Senna2021/11/05

    Olá, como vai?

    In this episode, we're going to talk about one of the greatest Brazilians of all time: Ayrton Senna. The pilot was one of the greatest sportsmen the world has ever seen and left a fantastic legacy for future generations. Check it out!
  39. Real Brazilian Conversations #101: Conversando com Cariocas2021/10/28

    E aí, meu povo. Tudo bem?

    In this episode, Emílio had a great conversation with two of his carioca's friends in Canada. The episode is full of different pronunciation, new words and curiosities.

    Check it out.
  40. Weekly Expressions #73 – Chato de Galochas2021/10/22

    Olá! Tudo bom?

    Everyone knows that annoying guy at work that no one can stand or that family member who always comes to our house to piss us off. If you know someone like that, this episode is for you!


  41. Weekly Expressions #72 – Pagar o Pato2021/10/06

    Olá! Como vai você?

    Have you ever had to take the blame for someone else? Today, we are going to teach you an expression often used in Portuguese for some everyday situations. Stay tuned.
  42. Real Brazilian Conversations #100: 10 Curiosidades sobre a História do Brasil2021/10/02

    Olá, meus amigos. Tudo bem?

    In this episode, Emílio and I talked about some really cool facts about the history of Brazil. Some of them are VERY funny.

    Check it out.
  43. Weekly Expressions #71 – Abandonar o Barco2021/09/24

    Olá! Como vai você?

    Although everybody loves the sea and traveling by boat is an amazing experience, what would you do if you realize that the boat is sinking?

    In this episode we are going to talk about an expression that you already had to use in the past, for sure, and that you can use to represent a few situations in your life.

    Check it out.

  44. Weekly Expressions #70 – Custar os olhos da cara2021/09/15

    Fala aí, jovem. Tudo bom?

    Have you ever tried to buy something online or even in stores and the product was very expensive? Today we're going to teach you an expression in Portuguese that could be very helpful to you in situations like this.

    Check it out.

  45. Real Brazilian Conversations #99: 5 clichês sobre o Brasil e os Brasileiros2021/08/31

    E aí, ouvinte. Tudo bem?

    It is very common that, when we do not know a certain place very well, we have a series of impressions that do not always match reality. Today, we are going to talk about some ideas that foreigners have about Brazil that are not true, or at least not entirely true.

    Check it out.
  46. Weekly Expressions #69 – Bate e Volta2021/08/08

    Como vai você, tudo bem?

    In this episode, you will learn a very useful expression in Portuguese for your daily life at work and with friends. Its meaning has everything to do with the third Newton's law. Do you remember it?

    Come with me, I'll tell you on the way.

    The toy mentioned in the episode, also known as "vai e vem":
  47. Real Brazilian Conversations #98: Como é trabalhar numa ONG no Brasil?2021/08/08

    Olá, como vai?

    In this episode, Guilherme had a great conversation with his friend Felipe Affonso, who's been doing a beautiful work as a volunteer in several projects in Brazil.

    Useful links:

    Felipe's Instagram: @_felipeaffonso Engenheiros Sem Fronteiras Instagram: @esfpoa Engenheiros Sem Fronteiras Website:
  48. Weekly Expressions #68 – Dar o braço a torcer2021/07/30

    Fala comigo, tudo bom?

    You've certainly found yourself in arguments at work, at home, at college... anyway, it happens quite often, right? Today, we are going to show you an expression that is widely used in Brazil in situations like this.

    Check it out!
  49. Real Brazilian Conversations #97: Brasileiros Famosos: Silvio Santos2021/07/19
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  50. Weekly Expressions #67 – Abrir o coração2021/07/13

    E aí, tudo bem?

    In today's episode you are going to learn an expression in Portuguese that will help you in all affective relationships in your life. Check it out!
  51. Real Brazilian Conversations #96: O Funk brasileiro2021/07/02

    E aí, tudo jóia?

    In this episode we are going to talk about one of the most beloved musical rhythms by Brazilians and also one of the most controversial. As this style is deeply embedded in the local culture, it is impossible not to talk about Brazilian funk.

    Check it out.
  52. Weekly Expressions #66 – Bater papo2021/06/24
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  53. Weekly Expressions #65 – Banho de gato2021/06/13

    E aí, bom ou não?

    Have you ever woken up late to go to work and needed to get ready quickly? In this episode, learn an expression that Brazilians use a lot in their daily lives.

    Check it out!
  54. Real Brazilian Conversations #95: As regiões Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul do Brasil2021/06/13

    Olá, tudo bem?

    In this episode we are going to finish our trip through the regions of Brazil. The Southeast and South regions are very important, not only economically, but also for tourism, culture and for the country's history. It was great having you here on our journey. As Brazilians would say: bora lá!
  55. Weekly Expressions #64 – Ficar com o pé atrás2021/06/05

    E aí, tudo jóia?

    Have you ever found yourself in any suspicious situation and you didn't really believe the story you were being told? Today we will learn an expression in Portuguese that can help you describe situations like this.

    Check it out!
  56. Real Brazilian Conversations #94: Brasil x Portugal: 6 things you should know2021/06/04

    Fala aí, Tudo bem?

    The subject we discussed in today's episode is pretty cool. I don't know if you have heard about it, but Portugal and Brazil speak the same language. What happens is that there are several differences, not only idiomatic ones but also cultural. Check out our fun conversation on differences between Brasil x Portugal .
  57. Weekly Expressions #63 – Sem pés, nem cabeça!2021/05/27

    E aí, como vai você?

    Have you ever been in a place where someone was telling a totally random or even meaningless story? There is an expression in Portuguese that illustrates this situation very well.

    Take a look!
  58. Real Brazilian Conversations #93: As belezas do Nordeste Brasileiro2021/05/26

    E aí, como vai você?

    Continuing our series of episodes on the beauty of the Brazilian regions, today we will talk about the Northeast part of Brazil. There's a lot of cool stuff in the episode. Check it out!

    Episodes mentioned in the conversation :
  59. Weekly Expressions #62 – Engolir Sapos2021/05/19

    E aí, como vai você?

    I am sure that you have already gone through a situation where you had to endure disagreements, or when you had to listen to a lot of barbarities, people screaming and saying ugly words and you just could not fight back.

    I feel you!

    Listen to the episode and learn about the expression Engolir Sapos !
  60. Real Brazilian Conversations #92: Os personagens do Folclore Brasileiro2021/05/16

    Olá, tudo bem?

    When we talk about Folklore, we're talking about culture. Being composed of the most varied contributions - with emphasis on the Portuguese, African and indigenous cultures - Brazilian's folklore is extremely rich and diverse.

    Listen to the episode and learn about one of the most important subjects in Brazilian's popular history. 
  61. Weekly Expressions #61 – Chutar o Balde2021/05/11

    There are times in our life when we feel like giving up things. Everyone has been through this, right? In today's episode, you will learn to use an expression in Portuguese that reflects this feeling very well.

    Enjoy it!

    Similar expressions we mention in the episode:

    Matar aula - skip the class
  62. Real Brazilian Conversations #91: As riquezas da Região Norte do Brasil2021/05/09
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  63. Weekly Expressions #60 – Na Mosca2021/05/01

    One of the funniest games out there is the charades-inspired word-guessing game called Pictionary . In this game, the teammates try to guess the word the drawing is intended to represent. The expression of today's episode is all about this.

    Similar expressions we mention in the episode:

    Acertar em cheio;

    Acertar na lata.
  64. Real Brazilian Conversations #90: Animais de Estimação (Pets)2021/04/29

    Covid has transformed the behavior of thousands of people around the world. Due to the lockdown, Brazilians has increased substantially the search for pets. Specialized companies says the number of dogs and cats adopted by Brazilians increased by 2% and 3.8%.

    Do you want to know more about it? Check out the episode. It's full of vocabulary, cultural context and much more.
  65. Real Brazilian Conversations #89: Top 5 cities with highest salaries in Brazil2021/04/23
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  66. Weekly Expressions #59 – Olha o passarinho2021/04/19

    Do you like taking pictures? We live in a time when pretty much everyone has a smartphone and taking pictures is the simplest thing there is. However, it was not always so.

    Today you are going to learn a Brazilian expression that appeared many years ago, when taking pictures was more difficult and time consuming than going to a gas station to refuel your car.
  67. Real Brazilian Conversations #88: As 4 maiores emissoras de TV do Brasil2021/04/14

    Brazilian TV has a very rich history that has influenced the lives of many Brazilians throughout the country for many years.

    In this episode we will talk about the biggest TV stations in Brazil and how you can use them to learn Portuguese. Oh, I almost forgot: they’re all free!
  68. Weekly Expressions #58 – A Cobra vai fumar2021/04/08
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  69. Weekly Expressions #57 – Chorar as pitangas2021/04/03
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  70. Real Brazilian Conversations #87: 10 Brazilian habits that you may find weird2021/03/28
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  71. Real Brazilian Conversations #86: Como usar o diminutivo no Português2021/03/20

    Each language has a different way of expressing itself when talking about small objects, things or even feelings. In this episode you will better understand how you can use diminutives and also learn how to give more meaning to your vocabulary.
  72. Real Brazilian Conversations #85: 6 things you didn’t know about Brazil2021/02/09

    Our country is very rich in culture, diversity and has one of the nicest people in the world. That’s why we decided to tell you some things that you may never have heard about Brazil.

    Want to know more? Hit the play!

    Songs in the episode:

    Jorge Vercillo – Numa Corrente de Verão/Atitude 67 – Não Precisa Mudar
  73. Weekly Expressions #56 – Briga de cachorro grande2021/02/10
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  74. Real Brazilian Conversations #84: 6 hobbies that Brazilians love!2021/01/20

    Hi guys, how's it going? Today we are going to talk about some hobbies that Brazilians love. We are going to show you how culture and hobbies often get mixed up. Enjoy the episode!
  75. Weekly Expressions #55 – Babar ovo2021/01/18
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  76. Real Brazilian Conversations #83: Barão de Mauá2021/01/13
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  77. Real Brazilian Conversations #82: Nostalgia: a infância nos anos 90.2021/01/05
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  78. Weekly Expressions #54 – Até debaixo d’água2021/01/05
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  79. Real Brazilian Conversations #81: Atividades durante o LockDown, Home Office.2021/01/05

    In this conversation, Guilherme and Emilio talk about what to do during the social isolation caused by COVID-19. Moreover, how these activities improve mood.
  80. Real Brazilian Conversations #80: COVID-19, Diferenças Culturais, Canadá.2021/01/05

    In this conversation, Guilherme and Emilio talk about Covid-19, how Canada and Brazil have dealt with this pandemic and the cultural differences between these countries.
  81. Daily Easy Portuguese #1 – Asking for information2021/01/18
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  82. Real Brazilian Conversations #79: Fim/Começo de Ano, Pt. 22021/01/05

    Continuing the conversation, Guilherme and André talk about culture, traditions, recent and coming events and a lot more concerning this period of New Year in Brazil. We also share some personal experiences.
  83. Real Brazilian Conversations #78: Fim/Começo de Ano, Pt. 12021/01/05

    In this conversation Guilherme and André talk about culture, traditions, recent and coming events and a lot more concerning this period of New Year in Brazil.
  84. Real Brazilian Conversations #77: O Natal Brasileiro2021/01/05

    On this episode André presents some curiosities about how Brazilians celebrate Christmas.
  85. Real Brazilian Conversations #76: Emprego2021/01/05

    For most people, working is more than necessary. In this episode we tell you some of the experiences we had and how Brazil’s work culture is. Check it out!

    Music by: Hillsong Young & Free – Love Won’t Let Me Down
  86. Real Brazilian Conversations #75: Chuva2021/01/05

    Have you ever danced in the rain? it is one of the best things there is, right? In this episode, André and Guilherme talk about the Brazilian climate and the rains in this specific time of the year.

    Music by: Elis Regina & Tom Jobim - Aguas de Março
  87. Real Brazilian Conversations #74: Transition Time2021/01/05

    As you know we are in a period of political transition in Brazil. Check out some important information on this important aspect of our beloved country as a nation.

    Music by: Natiruts – Deriram
  88. Real Brazilian Conversations #73: Investimentos2021/01/05

    Heys guys. How are you doing? In this episode, we talk about a very important subject nowadays. You'll hear some new Portuguese expressions and also learn how investments work here in Brazil.

    Music by: O Rappa - Vários Holofotes
  89. Real Brazilian Conversations #72: Fim de Ano2021/01/05

    Hello, how are you doing today?

    As you know, we’re approaching the end of 2018. December is already there. In his episode, we discuss whats happening right now in Brazil, besides elections and what to expect for the next weeks.

    Enjoy it.
  90. Real Brazilian Conversations #71: Eleições no Brasil2021/01/05

    Listen to André and Guilherme talking about the latest news (and fake news) and the possible outcomes for the second phase of Brazilian Elections for President and Governors.

    If you enjoy this is and aren’t a Premium Member consider becoming one or making a small donation to keep RLP going.
  91. Real Brazilian Conversations #70: Corrida2021/01/05

    On this conversation, Bill and Andy talk about running and how André’s father got everybody in the family to be runners!

    Enjoy it!
  92. Real Brazilian Conversations #69: Cenário Político2021/02/02

    E aí pessoal, tudo bem? Há pouco tempo gravamos um episódio falando sobre as eleições 2018.

    Nesse episódio a gente te dá uma pequena atualização do que já aconteceu e também o que pode acontecer daqui pra frente. Confere aí!

    Music by : Jorge Vercillo – Cor de Mar
  93. Real Brazilian Conversations #68: Trabalho Voluntário2021/01/05

    Hey, how are you? Have you ever heard anything about “Trabalho Voluntário”?

    In this episode, Andre talks about his last trip to Vale do Jequitinhonha, a very special part of Brazil, where he did some volunteer work. Check it out!

    Music by: Ed Motta – Tem espaço na van
  94. Real Brazilian Conversations #67: Copa e Eleições 20182021/01/05

    As many of you already know, the World Cup is over, but Brazil does not stop. The elections are just over the corner. In this episode, André and Guilherme talk a little about their impressions on these subjects. Check it out!

    Music by: Silva – A Cor É Rosa
  95. Real Brazilian Conversations #66: Hannah2021/01/05

    In this episode, André talks to his friend Hannah Montana! Ok, just kidding… Hannah is Tiago’s girlfriend. If you don’t remember, we recorded at least 2 episodes with Tiago. Anyway, listen to the episode.

    Music by: Anavitória – Clareiamô ft. Saulo Fernandes
  96. Real Brazilian Conversations #65: Porto de Galinhas2021/01/05

    What’s up guys! In this episode, Andre talks about his last trip to the Northeast of Brazil, specifically Porto de Galinhas. Lot’s of tips, curiosities and other cool information about the region. Check it out!

    Music by: KVSH Breno Rocha Feat. Breno Miranda – Sede Pra Te Ver
  97. Real Brazilian Conversations #64: World Cup2021/01/05

    Hello guys. We’re back again from a small break but the show must go on. Today we talk about the biggest football of the universe: The World Cup. Check it out!
  98. Real Brazilian Conversations #63: A conversation with Vinicius2021/01/05

    In this episode, Vinicius talks to Andre about his life, especially how it’s like to be a Police Officer in Belo Horizonte. Check the conversation.

    Music by: Vitor Kley – o Sol
  99. Real Brazilian Conversations #62: Música Brasileira2021/01/05
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  100. Real Brazilian Conversations #61: Eleições 20182021/01/05

    In this episode, we update you about Lula’s (our ex president) situation. Also, we present a list of the candidates for the presidency of Brazil in 2018. Hope you enjoy it!

    Music by: Lulu Santos – Televisão
  101. Real Brazilian Conversations #60: A conversation with Amanda pt.32021/01/05

    In this episode, Andre finishes his conversation with Amanda. She talks about an amazing project that might be happening soon. Check it out.

    Music by: Nosso Trio – Brooklyn high (partindo pro alto)
  102. Real Brazilian Conversations #59: A conversation with Amanda pt.22021/01/05

    In this episode, Andre continues his conversation with Amanda. They talk about accent, craft beer and other different subjects. Check it out.

    Music by: Fork – Lymaks
  103. Real Brazilian Conversations #58: Lula, O Mecanismo e outras coisas2021/01/05

    In this episode, we talk about the current political situation in Brazil and also about a new series on Netflix called “O Mecanismo”. You don’t wanna miss this. Check the episode!

    Music by: Chet Faker – Gold
  104. Real Brazilian Conversations #57: Aniversário2021/01/05

    Hey guys. Today is a very special day for us, since we’re celebrating our second anniversary. We want to thank you guys for all the support to this project, since day one. In this episode, we took the opportunity to talk about “birthday parties”. Check it out!

    Music by: Grupo Revelação – Deixa Acontecer
  105. Real Brazilian Conversations #56: Bahia: Culture, history, food and much more2021/02/02

    In this episode, Andre talks to Tarcísio Farias. Tarcisio comes from one of the beautiful places in Brazil, which is Bahia. Listen to the episode and know more about our amazing country.

    Video Version:
  106. Real Brazilian Conversations #55: A conversation with Amanda2021/02/02

    In this episode, Andre talks to his friend Amanda. They’ve worked together in the past and developed a good friendship. Check it out!

    Video Version:

    Music by: B5 – Só mais uma vez
  107. Real Brazilian Conversations #54: A conversation with Camille2021/02/02

    In this episode, Andre talks to his friend Camille. She’s, among other things, an English teacher. Check it out :).

    Video Version:

    Music by: LS Jack – Amanhã Não Se Sabe
  108. Real Brazilian Conversations #53: Super Heroes2021/01/05

    Finally, this is "Part 3" of the conversation between Andre and his friend Helison. At the end of the episode, you must pay attention to a question. Don't forget to leave a comment.

    Peace ;)

    Music by: Detonautas - Quando o Sol Se For
  109. Real Brazilian Conversations #52: Entertainment2021/01/05

    This is “Part 2” of the conversation between Andre and his friend Helison. Check it out.

    Music by: O Rappa – O Que Sobrou do Céu
  110. Real Brazilian Conversations #51: Entrepreneurship2021/01/05

    In this episode Andre talks to his dear friend Helison, an entrepreneur. This conversation will be divided into 3 parts. Specifically here, they talk about Helison’s company: Agência House. Listen to the episode.

    Music by: Vanessa da Mata – É tudo o que eu quero
  111. Real Brazilian Conversations #50: Mr. Barbosa2021/01/05
  112. Weekly Expression #44: Passar a noite em claro2021/01/27
  113. Weekly Expressions #53 – Armar Barraco2021/01/05
  114. Weekly Expressions #52 – Acabar em Pizza2021/01/05
  115. Weekly Expressions #51 – Duplo Sentido2021/01/05
  116. Weekly Expressions #50 – Coroa2021/01/05
  117. Weekly Expressions #48 – Mandar a real2021/01/05
  118. Weekly Expressions #49 – Ganhar a vida2021/01/05
  119. Weekly Expression #46: Careca de saber2021/01/28
  120. Weekly Expression #45: Levanta a cabeça2021/01/27
  121. Real Brazilian Conversations #48 – Ioga e Pilates2021/01/05
  122. Real Brazilian Conversations #49: 2017/20182021/01/05
  123. Weekly Expressions #47 – Trampo2021/01/05
  124. Real Brazilian Conversations #44 – A conversation with a Doorman2021/01/05
  125. Real Brazilian Conversations #43 – Plantas2021/01/05
  126. Real Brazilian Conversations #42 – Fraturas2021/01/05
  127. Real Brazilian Conversations #41 – Rock in Rio2021/01/05
  128. Weekly Expressions #43 – Jogar verde para colher maduro2021/01/05
  129. Weekly Expressions #42 – Pendurar as Chuteiras2021/01/05
  130. Weekly Expressions #41 – Na Trave2021/01/05
  131. Weekly Expressions #40 – Pé de meia2021/01/05
  132. Weekly Expressions #39 – Que nada2021/01/05
  133. Weekly Expressions #38 – Sair do controle2021/01/05
  134. Weekly Expression #37 – Falar pelos cotovelos2021/01/05
  135. Weekly Expression #36 – Fazer Bonito2021/01/05
  136. Real Brazilian Conversations #47 – Meses Mortos no Brasil2021/01/05
  137. Weekly Expression #35 – Vai te catar2021/01/05
  138. Weekly Expression #34 – A coisa tá feia2021/01/05
  139. Real Brazilian Conversations #46 – Proclamação da República2021/01/05
  140. Real Brazilian Conversations #45 – Andres Barbosa2021/01/05
  141. Real Brazilian Conversations #30: Novidades2021/02/02
  142. Real Brazilian Conversations #40 – Dogs (with FREE subtitles on the video)2021/01/05
  143. Real Brazilian Conversations #39 – Hobbies2021/01/05
  144. Real Brazilian Conversations #38 – Uma mineira vivendo em Brasília2021/01/05
  145. Real Brazilian Conversations #37 – André talks to his cousins2021/01/05
  146. Real Brazilian Conversations #36 – Avisos Importantes e Carnaval2021/01/05
  147. Real Brazilian Conversations #35 – Como é estudar idiomas em outro país?2021/01/05
  148. Real Brazilian Conversations #34 – Por que devo aprender Português?2021/02/02
  149. Real Brazilian Conversations #33: 4 Frutas brasileiras que você deveria experimentar2021/02/02
  150. Real Brazilian Conversations #32: Vestibular, ENEM e Ouro Preto2021/02/02
  151. Weekly Expression #33 – Ta ligado?2021/01/05
  152. Weekly Expression #32: Mano2021/01/05
  153. Real Brazilian Conversations #31: Brazilian Cinema2021/02/02
  154. Weekly Expression #31: Folgado2021/01/05
  155. Weekly Expression #30: Baboseira2021/01/05
  156. Weekly Expression #29: Oh!2021/01/27
  157. Real Brazilian Conversations #29: André and Vinicius2021/02/02
  158. Weekly Expression #28: Tempestade em copo d’água2021/01/27
  159. Real Brazilian Conversations #28: Young Entrepreneurs2021/02/02
  160. Real Brazilian Conversations #27: Geladeiras and Brazilian Music2021/02/02
  161. Weekly Expression #27: Treta2021/01/27
  162. Weekly Expression #26: Quebrada2021/01/27
  163. Real Brazilian Conversations #26: Camisetas, Acordar Cedo e Ganhar na Loteria2021/02/02
  164. Real Brazilian Conversations #25: Perder Coisas e Seleção Brasileira2021/01/05
  165. Weekly Expression #25: 1712021/01/27
  166. Weekly Expression #24: João sem braço2021/01/27
  167. Real Brazilian Conversations #24: Gripe, medos e bebidas2021/01/05
  168. Weekly Expression #23: Pão Duro2021/01/05
  169. Real Brazilian Conversations #23: Luxemburgo, eleições e celulares2021/02/02
  170. Weekly Expression #22: Fechou2021/01/05
  171. Real Brazilian Conversations #22: Jogos de Tabuleiro2021/01/05
  172. Weekly Expression #21: Tá na mão2021/01/05
  173. Real Brazilian Conversations #21: Morando em Uberlândia2021/01/05
  174. Weekly Expression #20: Opa2021/01/27
  175. Real Brazilian Conversations #20: Belo Horizonte2021/01/05
  176. Real Brazilian Conversations #19: Olimpíadas Rio 20162021/02/02
  177. Weekly Expression #19: De Jeito Nenhum2021/01/05
  178. Real Brazilian Conversations #18: Um americano morando no Brasil2021/02/02
  179. Weekly Expression #18: Não tô nem aí2021/01/05
  180. Weekly Expression #17: Barbeiro2021/01/26
  181. Weekly Expression #16: Mais velho que a minha vó2021/01/26
  182. Weekly Expression #15: Maria vai com as outras2021/01/26
  183. Weekly Expression #14: Viajar na maionese2021/01/26
  184. Real Brazilian Conversations #17: Como é ser um jornalista no Brasil? – Part 3 of 32021/02/02
  185. Real Brazilian Conversations #16: Como é ser um jornalista no Brasil? – Part 2 of 32021/01/05
  186. Real Brazilian Conversations #15: Como é ser um jornalista no Brasil?2021/01/05
  187. Real Brazilian Conversations #14: Gírias de São Paulo2021/01/05
  188. Weekly Expression #13: Fazer direito2021/01/05
  189. Real Brazilian Conversations #13: Mudando pelo país2021/01/05
  190. Real Brazilian Conversations #12: Festa Junina2021/02/02
  191. Weekly Expression #12: O Quanto Antes2021/01/05
  192. Real Brazilian Conversations #11: Rio, esportes, natureza, olimpíadas2021/02/02
  193. Weekly Expression #11: Furar os Olhos2021/01/05
  194. Real Brazilian Conversations #10: Seriados e filmes2021/02/02
  195. Weekly Expression #10: Em cima do Muro2021/01/05
  196. Weekly Expression #9: Até que em fim2021/01/26
  197. Real Brazilian Conversations #9: Vivendo no Sul do Brasil2021/02/02
  198. Weekly Expression #8: Trocar uma ideia2021/01/26
  199. Real Brazilian Conversations #8: Bloqueio no WhatsApp2021/02/02
  200. Weekly Expression #7: Nó!2021/01/26
  201. Real Brazilian Conversations #7: Sergipe2021/02/02
  202. Weekly Expression #6: Gambiarra2021/01/26
  203. Real Brazilian Conversations #6: Brazil’s political crisis, part 32021/02/02
  204. Real Brazilian Conversations #5: Brazil’s political crisis, part 22021/02/02
  205. Weekly Expression #5: Embaçado2021/01/26
  206. Weekly Expression #4: Bem feito2021/01/26
  207. Real Brazilian Conversations #4: Brazil’s political crisis, part 12021/02/02
  208. Weekly Expression #3: Zoar2021/01/26
  209. Real Brazilian Conversations #3: São Paulo2021/01/05
  210. Weekly Expression #2: Suave2021/01/26
  211. Real Brazilian Conversations #22021/01/05
  212. Weekly Expression #1: Vazar2021/01/05
  213. Real Brazilian Conversations #12021/01/05
  214. Olympic Sports Names in Portuguese, Part 42021/01/05
  215. Olympic Sports Names in Portuguese, Part 32021/01/05
  216. Olympic Sports Names in Portuguese, Part 22021/01/05
  217. Olympic Sports Names in Portuguese2021/01/05
Brazilian Portuguese Podcast, by RLP
Brazilian Portuguese Podcast is back! Now powered by Really Learn Portuguese. Our goal is to produce great posts and podcasts to really help people learn Portuguese language and Brazilian culture in a fun and simple way.