Daily Quote Podcast

  1. Goodbye DQP2010/02/08
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  2. Episode 292 - It's all small stuff2010/01/26
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    Rule number one is, don't sweat the small stuff. Rule number two is, it's all small stuff. -Robert Eliot

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  3. Episode 291 - The good in others2010/01/26
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Make finding the good in others a priority." Zig Ziglar

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  4. Episode 290 - Motivation2010/01/24
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Motivation is a choice. Motive: a compelling reason to act. " Jerome Love

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  5. Episode 289 - Who you think you're not2010/01/23
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Itâ??s not who you are that holds you back, itâ??s who you think youâ??re not." -Unknown

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  6. Episode 288 - Mechanism of friendship2010/01/22
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    It is wise to apply the refined oil of politeness to the mechanism of friendship. Colette

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  7. Episode 287 - Idle your motor2010/01/21
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears." Johnson, Barbara

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  8. Episode 286 - Diversity2010/01/21
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another's uniqueness."-Ola Joseph

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  9. Episode 285 - Courtesies2010/01/19
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  10. Episode 284 - Plans2010/01/18
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Plans are useless, but planning is essential." Dwight D. Eisenhower

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  11. Episode 283 - If you have to tell people2010/01/17
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't" -Margaret Thatcher

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  12. Episode 282 - Saddling up anyways2010/01/16
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

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  13. Episode 281 - The little things2010/01/07
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things" Oscar Wilde

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  14. Episode 280 - Shoot for the moon2010/01/06
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars" - Unknown

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  15. Episode 279 - Life is too important2010/01/06
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Life is too important to be taken seriously." Oscar Wilde

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  16. Episode 278 - A way of travel2010/01/06
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Remember happiness is a way of travel not a destination" Roy Goodman

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  17. Episode 277 - Write in ...2009/12/31
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in marble." French Proverb

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  18. Episode 276 - Listen twice as much2009/12/31
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    Nature has given us one tongue and two ears so that we would listen twice as much as we speak. Zeno of Elea

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  19. Episode 275 - Truly Give2009/12/30
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. - Kahil Gibran

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  20. Episode 274 - Trumpet2009/12/27
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Life is something like a trumpet. If you don't put anything in, you won't get anything out." W. C. Handy

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  21. Episode 273 - Bricks2009/12/27
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him." - David Brinkley

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  22. Episode 272 - Impossible2009/12/27
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible!' "- Audrey Hepburn

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  23. Episode 271 - We should dance2009/12/22
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance." - Unknown

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  24. Episode 270 - Learn from it2009/12/22
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "...the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it." The Lion King Rafikki

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  25. Episode 269 - The track2009/12/22
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the track" Anonymous

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  26. Episode 268 - Make your own path2009/12/19
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "It's time to make your own path" Submitted by Mary from Minessota

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  27. Episode 267 - Memory2009/11/13
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us." Oscar Wilde

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  28. Episode 266 - Laugh when you can2009/11/13
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine." - Lord Byron

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  29. Episode 265 - Just be happy2009/11/13
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." Guillaume Apollinair

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  30. Episode 264 - Moving slow2009/11/10
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  31. Episode 263 - We're not an isolated islands2009/11/08
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "We are not isolated islands, we are joined together like the links in a  chain." --  Ammachi

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  32. Episode 262 - Faithful in the small things2009/11/08
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies" Â Mother Teresa

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  33. Episode 261 - Leave unsaid2009/11/08
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  34. Episode 260 - When you blame others2009/11/08
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "When you blame others, you give up your power to change." Â Robert AnthonyÂ

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  35. Episode 259 - Oil of relationships2009/11/08
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Forgiveness is the oil of relationships.Josh McDowellÂ

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  36. Episode 258 - Something new to learn2009/11/08
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will."� Vernon Howard

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  37. Episode 257 - Ideas2009/11/03
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Ideas won't keep; something must be done about them" Alfred North Whitehead

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  38. Episode 256 - Difficulty2009/11/03
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. -Einstein, Alber

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  39. Episode 255 - Until tomorrow2009/11/03
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone." - Pablo Picasso

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  40. Episode 254 - Get over it2009/11/01
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Get mad, and then get over it" - Colin Powell

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  41. Episode 253 - Being Happy2009/11/01
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  42. Episode 252 - My idea of Successful2009/11/01
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "My idea of successful is just doing your best every day â?? thatâ??s all you can do." Martina Navratilova

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  43. Episode 251 - Sunshine2009/10/28
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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  44. Episode 250 - Schedule your priorities2009/10/25
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "The key is not to prioritize what is on the schedule, but to schedule your priorities." -Stephen CoveyÂ

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  45. Episode 249 - Happiness often sneaks in2009/10/25
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left openJ. Barrymore

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  46. Episode 248 - Inspiration2009/10/25
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  47. Episode 247 - Pride2009/10/24
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Pride is tasteless, colorless and sizeless. Yet it is the hardest thing to swallow. "August B. Black

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  48. Episode 246 - If you judge2009/10/23
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "If you judge people, you have no time to love them. " - Mother Teresa.

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  49. Episode 245 - True Friendship2009/10/23
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable." David Tyson Gentry

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  50. Episode 244 - You're unique2009/10/19
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Always remember youâ??re unique. Â Just like everybody else." Margaret Mead

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  51. Episode 243 - Your roots remain as one2009/10/19
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Like branches on a tree we grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one." Unknown

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  52. Episode 242 - Greatest source of learning2009/10/19
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." Bill Gates

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  53. Episode 241 - Turning it over in your mind2009/10/16
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind." Anonymous

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  54. Episode 240 - King and Pawn2009/10/16
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box." Latin Proverb

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  55. Episode 239 - A dream with a plan2009/10/16
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline." Harvey MackayÂ

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  56. Episode 238 - Don't quit2009/10/11
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." -Muhammad Ali

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  57. Episode 237 - Who you were born to be2009/10/10
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  58. Episode 236 - Realign it2009/10/01
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Don't reinvent the wheel, just realign it." - Anthony J. DAngelo

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  59. Episode 235 - Don't wait2009/10/01
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Dont wait. The time will never be just right." Napoleon HillÂ

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  60. Episode 234 - Honesty and Integrity2009/10/01
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Integrity is telling the truth, and honesty is telling the truth to other people" Â Spencer Johnson

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  61. Episode 233 - Encouragement does more2009/09/29
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Correction does much, but encouragement does more."Goethe

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  62. Episode 232 - Draw a line somewhere2009/09/28
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Art, like morality, consists of drawing a line somewhere." â??G. K. Chesterton

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  63. Episode 231 - A lot like jazz2009/09/27
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Life is a lot like jazz.. it's best when you improvise." - George GershwinÂ

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  64. Episode 230 - 10,0002009/09/26
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  65. Episode 229 - Extra Mile2009/09/26
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Go the extra mile. It's never crowded." AnonymousÂ

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  66. Episode 228 - A smile speaks them all2009/09/25
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all." Â AnonymousÂ

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  67. Episode 227 - A bend in the road2009/09/24
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn" AnonymousÂ

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  68. Episode 226 - Stones2009/09/22
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them.William Arthur Ward

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  69. Episode 225 - Find a remedy2009/09/22
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Don't find fault, find a remedy." -Henry FordÂ
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  70. Episode 224 - The art of living2009/09/20
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." Henry Elli

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  71. Episode 223 - Tranquility2009/09/19
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??Tranquility is a certain state of mind, which no condition or fortune can either exalt or depress.â?? - Seneca

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  72. Episode 222 - Genius!2009/09/19
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind." - F. Scott Fitzgerald is

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  73. Episode 221 - How you made them feel.2009/09/17
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  74. Episode 220 - Success is2009/09/17
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. â?? Winston Churchill

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  75. Episode 219 - Stroke of luck2009/09/15
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." - Dalai Lama

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  76. Episode 218 - Right is Right2009/09/14
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for itâ?? William Penn

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  77. Episode 217 - Immortal2009/09/14
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.â?? Albert Pine

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  78. Episode 216 - Give me truth2009/09/12
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth."Henry David Thoreau

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  79. Episode 215 - Humility2009/09/12
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    �Power is dangerous unless you have humility� Richard J. Daly

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  80. Episode 214 - Good Communication2009/09/10
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  81. Episode 213 - A ship is safe2009/09/09
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "A ship is safe in harbor, but thatâ??s not what ships are for." William Shedd

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  82. Episode 212 - Every Child2009/09/09
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.â?? Pablo Picasso

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  83. Episode 211 - Your own growing2009/09/07
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was. Irish Proverb

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  84. Episode 210 - Patience is2009/09/06
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." Aristotle

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  85. Episode 209 - Incurs no risk2009/09/05
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk." J. de Setanti

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  86. Episode 208 - Leadership is ...2009/09/05
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Leadership is first being, then doing." - Warren Bennis

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  87. Episode 207 - People are like stained-glass windows.2009/09/05
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  88. Episode 206 - When we long for life without difficultie2009/09/02
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  89. Episode 205 - First Step2009/09/02
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." Martin Luther King, Jr

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  90. Episode 204 - Rollercoaster2009/08/31
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Life is a rollercoaster. Try to eat a light lunch. " - David A.â??Schmaltz

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  91. Episode 203 - Unselfish Acts2009/08/30
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Almost every day brings opportunities to perform unselfish acts for others." J Faust

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  92. Episode 202 - Dreams come2009/08/30
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Dreams come a size too big so that we may grow into them." Josie Bisset

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  93. Episode 201 - Imagination2009/08/28
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Imagination is the hood ornament on your car of Creativity" - Gary Busey

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  94. Episode 200 - Friendships never go out of style2009/08/27
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  95. Episode 199 - Excellence2009/08/27
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.â?? Shaquille ONeal

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  96. Episode 198 - Wishbone, backbone, funnybone2009/08/25
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.â?? -Reba McEntire

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  97. Episode 197 - Happiness is enhanced2009/08/25
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Happiness is enhanced by others but does not depend upon others." Unknown

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  98. Episode 196 - Tough2009/08/25
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??Tough times never last, but tough people do.â?? Robert Schulle

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  99. Episode 195 - Even if you're on the right track2009/08/23
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers

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  100. Episode 194 - Love, trust, wrong2009/08/23
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none"â??
    William Shakespeare

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  101. Episode 193 - Giving2009/08/23
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver" Maya Angelou

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  102. Episode 192 - Get something else dirty2009/08/20
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    "You don't get anything clean without getting something else dirty." - Cecil Baxter

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  103. Episode 191 - The worst sin2009/08/20
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??The worst sin... is... to be indifferentâ?? George Bernard Shaw

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  104. Episode 190 - Improve the silence2009/08/18
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  105. Episode 189 - Fashion2009/08/17
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??Fashion is something that should amplify personal style, not alter it.â??

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  106. Episode 188 - Parallel Lines2009/08/15
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??Parallel lines never meet, unless you bend one or both of them.â??

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  107. Episode 187 - Character2009/08/15
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  108. Episode 186 - Generous2009/08/15
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  109. Episode 185 - It's our actions2009/08/15
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.â??
    K. Rowling

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  110. Episode 184 - Potholes2009/08/15
    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

    â??It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.â?? K. Rowling

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  111. Episode 183 - Drawing without an eraser2009/08/12
  112. Episode 182 - Always and Never2009/08/12
  113. Episode 181 - Perspective2009/08/12
  114. Episode 180 - When I tell the truth2009/08/07
  115. Episode 179 - Humor2009/08/07
  116. Episode 178 - Respect Guides2009/08/05
  117. Episode 177 - In Theory2009/08/05
  118. Episode 176 - Memory is the diary2009/08/04
  119. Episode 175 - No Safe Investment2009/08/02
  120. Episode 174 - Succession of lessons2009/08/01
  121. Episode 173 - Communication2009/08/01
  122. Episode 172 - Not Fearing to be wrong2009/07/30
  123. Episode 171 - Same River2009/07/30
  124. Episode 170 - Lived forward2009/07/28
  125. Episode 169 - Time2009/07/27
  126. Episode 168 - Desires2009/07/26
  127. Episode 167 - Self Discipline2009/07/25
  128. Episode 166 - Life is not a one way street.2009/07/15
  129. Episode 165 - Think Big2009/07/15
  130. Episode 164 - Intuition2009/07/13
  131. Episode 163 - Humanity2009/07/12
  132. Episode 162 - But stay flexible2009/07/12
  133. Episode 161 - Expressing it.2009/07/12
  134. Episode 160 - Success2009/07/12
  135. Episode 159 - Laughter2009/07/07
  136. Episode 158 - Extraordinary Computer2009/07/07
  137. Episode 157 - Measure of a friend2009/07/06
  138. Episode 156 - Forgive Others2009/07/06
  139. Episode 155 - Boundaries2009/07/06
  140. Episode 154 - Happiness is a state2009/07/02
  141. Episode 153 - Adventure2009/07/02
  142. Episode 152 - Watch what they do2009/06/30
  143. Episode 151 - Feed a hundred people2009/06/30
  144. Episode 150 - No day but today2009/06/28
  145. Episode 149 - Second chances2009/06/28
  146. Episode 148 - Pure and Simple Truth2009/06/28
  147. Episode 147 - Man in the mirror2009/06/26
  148. Episode 146 - Anger Rising2009/06/26
  149. Episode 145 - Fear2009/06/22
  150. Episode 144 - Lies2009/06/22
  151. Episode 143 - Hope is a feeling2009/06/20
  152. Episode 142 - Music washes away2009/06/19
  153. Episode 141 - Questioning2009/06/18
  154. Episode 140 - What you can do2009/06/18
  155. Episode 139 - Karma2009/06/16
  156. Episode 138 - Make time2009/06/15
  157. Episode 137 - Time wasted2009/06/14
  158. Episode 136 - Rope2009/06/13
  159. Episode 135 - A heart that ...2009/06/12
  160. A Hiatus2009/05/03
  161. Episode 134 - Reputation2009/04/27
  162. Episode 133 - Age2009/04/27
  163. Episode 132 - It's the journey2009/04/27
  164. Episode 131 - In Friendship2009/04/27
  165. Episode 130 - Path2009/04/23
  166. Episode 129 - Courageous Patience2009/04/23
  167. Episode 128 - Quickly2009/04/21
  168. Episode 127 - Consequences2009/04/21
  169. Episode 126 - Standing Still2009/04/19
  170. Episode 125 - Trust2009/04/19
  171. Episode 124 - Barriers2009/04/19
  172. Episode 123 - To judge2009/04/17
  173. Episode 122 - Victory2009/04/15
  174. Episode 121 - Better2009/04/15
  175. Episode 120 - Experience2009/04/15
  176. Episode 119 - Loving a changed person2009/04/12
  177. Episode 118 - Blame2009/04/12
  178. Episode 117 - Vague2009/04/12
  179. Episode 116 - Shoes2009/04/09
  180. Episode 115 - Dancing in the rain2009/04/08
  181. Episode 114 - Pay it forward.2009/04/07
  182. Episode 113 - Kindness2009/04/06
  183. Episode 112 - Don't look back2009/04/04
  184. Episode 111 -The future2009/04/04
  185. Episode 110 - Suit up for all of them2009/04/03
  186. Episode 109 - Humble2009/04/02
  187. Episode 108 - Something to live for2009/04/01
  188. Episode 107 - Music2009/03/31
  189. Episode 106 - Kind words2009/03/30
  190. Episode 105 - Dreams2009/03/29
  191. Episode 104 - Humanity2009/03/29
  192. Episode 103 - A little help from my friends2009/03/29
  193. Episode 102 - Optimist2009/03/26
  194. Episode 101 - Two Evils2009/03/25
  195. Episode 100 - Unwritten2009/03/24
  196. Episode 99 - Anger2009/03/23
  197. Episode 98 - Authentic2009/03/23
  198. Episode 97 - Leave a Mark2009/03/21
  199. Episode 96 - 10,000 ways that don't work2009/03/21
  200. Episode 95 - Faith2009/03/19
  201. Episode 94 - Overcoming it2009/03/18
  202. Episode 93 - Where the puck is going to be2009/03/17
  203. Episode 92 - Enough to the wise2009/03/16
  204. Episode 91 - Raising the voice2009/02/28
  205. Episode 90 - Dream2009/02/27
  206. Episode 89 - Mistake2009/02/26
  207. Episode 88 - Silence2009/02/25
  208. Episode 87 - Knowledge2009/02/24
  209. Episode 86 - A little bit2009/02/24
  210. Episode 85 - Patience2009/02/22
  211. Episode 84 - Hug2009/02/21
  212. Episode 83 - Madness2009/02/21
  213. Episode 82 - Tongue2009/02/19
  214. Episode 81 - Tell, Show, Involve2009/02/19
  215. Episode 80 - Direction of the wind2009/02/17
  216. Episode 79 - Something that outlasts us2009/02/17
  217. Episode 78 - a friend2009/02/15
  218. Episode 77 - L O V E2009/02/14
  219. Episode 76 - How we treat each other2009/02/13
  220. Episode 75 - Charm2009/02/12
  221. Episode 74 - When people show us2009/02/11
  222. Episode 73 - Valued2009/02/10
  223. Episode 72 - In the hearts of others2009/02/02
  224. Episode 71 - Educated Mind2009/02/02
  225. Episode 70 - Relationships that sustain us2009/01/31
  226. Episode 69 - Where you need to be.2009/01/31
  227. Episode 68 - Standards2009/01/30
  228. Episode 67 - Instinct2009/01/28
  229. Episode 66 - Experience2009/01/27
  230. Episode 65 - Looking down on someone2009/01/27
  231. Episode 64 - Rules of Friendship2009/01/25
  232. Episode 63 - Open Mind and Heart2009/01/25
  233. Episode 62 - Freedom and Differences2009/01/20
  234. Episode 61 - Advice2009/01/20
  235. Episode 60 - What you make of it2009/01/20
  236. Episode 59 - Moral Character2009/01/20
  237. Episode 58 - Measure of a man2009/01/20
  238. Episode 57 - What we can get2009/01/18
  239. Episode 56 - Music2009/01/17
  240. Episode 55 - Seeds2009/01/16
  241. Episode 54 - Loose sight of the shore2009/01/15
  242. Episode 53 - Souls Blossom2009/01/15
  243. Episode 52 - Tact2009/01/15
  244. Episode 51 - No!2009/01/12
  245. Episode 50 - Changing2009/01/12
  246. Episode 49 - Sleep on things2009/01/12
  247. Episode 48 - Imagination2009/01/12
  248. Episode 47 - See about ourselves2009/01/07
  249. Episode 46 - Originality2009/01/07
  250. Episode 45 - Imperfection, Madness, Ridiculous!2009/01/06
  251. Episode 44 - Be who you are, say what you feel2009/01/05
  252. Episode 43 - Who we become ..2009/01/04
  253. Episode 42 - Everything, Nothing2009/01/03
  254. Episode 41 - Without words2009/01/03
  255. Episode 40 - First Chapter2009/01/01
  256. Episode 39 - Years End2008/12/31
  257. Episode 38 - Laughter2008/12/31
  258. Episode 36 - Every Friend2008/12/29
  259. Episode 37 - Listen2008/12/29
  260. Episode 35 - Greatest Mistake2008/12/27
  261. Episode 34 - Betrayal2008/12/27
  262. Episode 32 - Honors2008/12/25
  263. Episode 33 - Principles and taste2008/12/25
  264. Episode 31 - Hard2008/12/23
  265. Episode 30 - Sail2008/12/22
  266. Episode 29 - Be so good.2008/12/21
  267. Episode 28 - Wisdom2008/12/21
  268. Episode 27 - Never too late2008/12/21
  269. Episode 26 - Patterns2008/12/21
  270. Episode 25 - Patience2008/12/18
  271. Episode 24 - Power2008/12/18
  272. Episode 23 - Forgiveness2008/12/18
  273. Episode 22 - Meaning2008/12/15
  274. Episode 21 - Extend an arm.2008/12/14
  275. Episode 20 - New Beginnings2008/12/13
  276. Episode 19 - Perspective2008/12/12
  277. Episode 18 - Fear2008/12/12
  278. Episode 17 - Details2008/12/12
  279. Episode 16 - Lines2008/12/08
  280. Episode 13 - Journey2008/12/07
  281. Episode 15 - Hands2008/12/07
  282. Episode 14 - Happiness2008/12/06
  283. Episode 12 - Right Thing2008/12/02
  284. Episode 11 - Understand2008/12/02
  285. Episode 10 - Everyone2008/12/01
  286. Episode 9 - Never2008/11/28
  287. Episode 8 - Relationships2008/11/28
  288. Episode 7 - Devil2008/11/27
  289. Episode 6 - Follow your heart and intuition2008/11/25
  290. Episode 5 - You may both be wrong2008/11/24
  291. Episode 4 - Friendship2008/11/24
  292. Episode 3 - Disguise2008/11/23
  293. Episode 2 - Kindness2008/11/23
  294. Introduction2008/10/11
Daily Quote Podcast
The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.

Find out More about us at www.DailyQuotePodcast.com
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