- Island Ghost Radio - Alexandra Holzer - 04-11-102010/04/11
Our guest is author Alexandra Holzer. We chat with Alexandra about her work in the paranormal field and life as daughter of Hans Holzer and Countess Catherine Buxhoeveden.
- Island Ghost Radio - Ron Kolek & Maureen Wood - 04-04-102010/04/04
We start with tips on how to get paranormal investigations. We then chat with Maureen Wood and Ron Kolek, of The New England Ghost Project and authors of Ghost Chronicles. We have lot of fun discussing the paranormal and the many years they've worked together.
- Island Ghost Radio - Willow Pressler - 03-28-102010/03/28
We chat with our friend Willow Diana Pressler about her group Dutchess Paranormal. We also discuss her life as a practicing Wiccan, spiritual healer and her desire to help others.
- Island Ghost Radio - Herb Street - 03-14-102010/03/14
Tonight we chat with Herb Street who claims to have a breakthrough method for investigating the paranormal. He shares some EVPs he's captured using this method.
- Island Ghost Radio - Kelly Kiernan Ray - 02-28-102010/02/28
First we chat with psychic Karin Marcello. We then bring on guest Kelly Kiernan Ray. Kelly shares her personal experiences with the paranormal and discusses the dangers of spirit attachments.
- Island Ghost Radio - Nyack Paranormal - 02-21-102010/02/22
Our guest is scientist Mitch Silverstein of Nyack Paranormal Investigations. We chat with Mitch about the devices he's created for investigating, what is currently in development and play some of the EVPs his group has captured.
- Island Ghost Radio - Steven LaChance - 02-07-102010/02/07
Our guest is haunted survivor Steven LaChance. We chat with Steven about the experience that got him into investigating and how he applies his Humanistic Approach to helping others with extreme hauntings.
- Island Ghost Radio - Doug Carnahan - 01-31-102010/01/31
Doug Carnahan is the founder of "NorCal Paranormal Investigators" and "Protect the Children"-created to educate and bring awareness about the dangers of children investigating. We chat with Doug about his group and the extreme paranormal experience that got him into the field.
- Island Ghost Radio - Kenneth Gould - 01-24-102010/01/24
Our guest this week is Kenneth N. Gould, author of "Time and Time Again, My Family and Reincarnation". We discuss his family history and how spiritual contact with family members has made him sure there is more than we can see and reincarnation exists.
- Island Ghost Radio - Ken Summers - 01-10-102010/01/10
We begin the show with predictions for 2010 from psychic Karin Marcello. We then chat with our guest Ken Summers, paranormal investigator and author of "Queer Hauntings: True Tales of Gay and Lesbian Ghosts".
- Island Ghost Radio - Ericka Boussarhane - 12-20-092009/12/20
Our guest is psychic medium Ericka Boussarhane. We discuss communication with the other side, development of psychic abilities and using those abilities in paranormal investigating. We also play more stories from college students.
- Island Ghost Radio - Natalie Osborne-Thomason - 12-13-092009/12/13
Psychic, ghost hunter and author of "The Ghost Hunting Files", Natalie Osborne-Thomason shares some of her paranormal experiences. Born and living in England, Natalie has investigated some of the most fascinating places in the world. We also play part three of ghost stories told to us by college students.
- Island Ghost Radio - MOPRS - 12-06-092009/12/06
We are joined by the Mentor Ohio Paranormal Research Society where we discuss some of their personal experiences, investigations and play some EVPs they've captured. We also play part two of ghost stories told to us by college students.
- Island Ghost Radio - Dan Martinez - 11-22-092009/11/22
Join us as we chat with our friend Dan Martinez, Founder of the New York Ghost Hunting Team (NYGHT). We talk about investigating and our groups working together. We also share a few ghost stories from college students.
- Island Ghost Radio - Mike Giardelli - 11-08-092009/11/08
First, a listener shares a ghostly encounter that has changed her life. Next, we bring on Mike Giardelli of Shadow World Paranormal Studies. Mike tells us some of his experiences with the paranormal and what got him interested in investigating.
- Island Ghost Radio - Ron Milione - 11-01-092009/11/01
Our guest tonight is tech guru Ron Milione. We discuss designing, testing and researching new technologies for ghost hunting. Ron shares his ideas on possible new ways to detect paranormal activity using his background in science and engineering.
- Island Ghost Radio - Katies Bar - 10-25-092009/10/25
Recorded live during our Ghost Party at Katie's Bar in Smithtown, NY, we chat with proprietor Brian Karppinen. We discuss Brian's paranormal experiences, the history of Katie's and play evps we've captured there. We also reveal the results of our latest poll, "What do you believe ghosts are?".
- Island Ghost Radio - Rev. Steve Wilson - 10-11-092009/10/11
Our guest is Reverend Steve Wilson, ordained spiritualist minister, teacher and certified Shaman. We discuss his group Spirit Light Network, the paranormal and what those on the 'other side' are thinking about. We also discuss our upcoming "Ghost Party".
- Island Ghost Radio - Rick Hayes - 09-27-092009/09/29
What can we expect when crossing over to the other side? Are loved ones still among us? With LifesGift founder Rick Hayes, we discuss ghosts, the afterlife and his experiences as a psychic medium.
- Island Ghost Radio - Dr. David Jacobs - 09-20-092009/09/20
We reveal the results of our poll, "Have aliens been abducting and/or contacting humans here on Earth?" and have fun with a wrong number phone call. We then talk with Dr. David Jacobs, UFO researcher and alien abduction phenomenon specialist. We discuss UFOs and the abduction mystery.
- Island Ghost Radio - LIPRI - 09-06-092009/09/06
We chat with our friends and neighbors Thelma and Noah Ankney, founders of LIPRI (Long Island Paranormal Research and Investigations). We discuss their group, how they met
and the possibility of paranormal unity.
- Island Ghost Radio - Chance Hancock - 08-30-092009/08/30
We discuss the results of our latest poll "Is paranormal unity possible?" and play voice mails on the subject. Afterward, we bring on Chance Hancock, Founder of P.R.I.D.E. Paranormal. We chat about his group and what they love to do.
- Island Ghost Radio - John Zaffis - 08-17-092009/08/16
On this week's show we reveal the results of our "What is a demon?" poll and discuss our personal views on the subject. Our guest is John Zaffis, paranormal investigator and one of the most prominent Demonologist in the field.
- Island Ghost Radio - Mark and Debby Constantino - 08-09-092009/08/09
We chat with husband and wife team Mark and Debby Constantino who specialize in EVP research and have investigated some of the most haunted locations in the country. We discuss theories and play some of their EVPs.
- Island Ghost Radio - Yana Paranormal - 08-02-092009/08/02
The first part of the show we discuss the results of our poll "Do you believe paranormal TV shows fake evidence"? We are then joined by members of Y.A.N.A., based in Ashland, Ohio. We discuss investigating techniques, the "Ghost Box" and play some interesting clips of their ITC sessions.