eNuminous and Archimedes

  1. Pines [A Free People Howling Mix]2021/01/03

    This is the first non-eNuminous & Archimedes track I've done in awhile. Just me and a guitar and and editor.

  2. Entropy2012/01/01
    Entropy isn't what it used to be.
  3. Magnetic Field Duet -- eNuminous & Archimedes2007/01/01
    Info (Show/Hide)
  4. Farthest Perigee -- eNuminous and Archimedes2006/12/23
    This one I did a while back, using Reasons and Cool Edit. Instrumental.
  5. Talitha - eNuminous and Archimedes2006/12/14
    Here's Talitha, which does have a poem associated with it, but the vocals aren't done, so this is the instrumental version.
  6. At Random [Coincidences]2006/12/08
    This work is an instrumental and is just a nice bit of playing around between eNuminous & Archimedes. It's the non-vocal version of "Wordhunt" which hasn't been uploaded yet here (although search around, I think I put it up somewhere) because it's due to be included in the new album and you gotta leave some surprises for people, natch.
  7. Scarwhale -- eNuminous & Archimedes2006/12/05
    From the second album, Citi Zen One, the track "Scarwhale", being an instrumental with sonic effects by Archimedes using Cool Edit Pro, Reasons, Rebirth, Guitar Samples by eNuminous, whales are all accidental.
  8. Scarab Burns Lucid -- eNuminous & Archimedes2006/12/04
    From the upcoming 3rd album, "It's Not Music For Sane Persons", eNuminous & Archimedes are happy to present Scarab Burns Lucid, a soundpoem.
  9. Machineflesh -- eNuminous & Archimedes2006/11/26
    Machineflesh was originally a poem, but then Archimedes got ahold of the idea, and thus Machineflesh is what we are.
  10. Shallowdeep - eNuminous & Archimedes2006/11/26
    Shallowdeep is an instrumental synth piece by eNuminous & Archimedes, recorded Nov at invisible caterpillar media studio, composed and mixed by Matthew Chenoweth Wright (ASCAP)
  11. Hunting the Lions -- eNuminous & Archimedes2006/11/26
    Hunting the Lions by eNuminous & Archimedes, based on a poem by Matthew Chenoweth Wright (ASCAP), recorded and mixed Oct, 2005, at invisible caterpillar media studios.
eNuminous and Archimedes
Music * Poetry * Soundpoems * Electronic Madness * Noise * Experimental Sound