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Spiritual Reflections
Accepting the truths
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In this lesson, we learn that what we try to do in helping people when they pass into spirit, that not everyone wants our help. They may need it, but they must be ready to accept it. It is like laying seeds into the ground, Zareth tells us; we must plant it and wait, then periodically check to see if it has sprouted.
We also hear the story of a young man who passes through a car accident and how he is shown to a group of young people like himself and how they persuade him how to see things at his present situation.
Archiving older podcasts.
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This podcast advises listeners of my having to archive older podcasts to so that I can keep using the present podcast hosts. If you wish to listen to older podcasts then please type into your browser.
If you wish to ask me anything, query or suggest anything constructive, please mail me at:
I wish you love, light and learning my friends.
Brian Coey
Accepting the truths.
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Just what happens to us when we enter the reality of life? We all have the spark of the divine in us, so are never so dark as to lose everything. We will gorw as we learn and Zareth tells us how we do this and with the aids of our guardians, we move on, learning at every step.
To find out more for spiritual learning, please visit and you will be made welcome.
To e-,mailme direct; Love & light my friends.
Spiritual Growth.
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Spiritual Growth must come from the soul of the person seeking to grow. Zareth tells us how we can grow in spirit if we are willing to open ourselves to the world and not hold ourselves down (as we can do at times which is natural), and the fact that a soul can go downhill as well as up or along a path. I hope you enjoy this episode of Zareth’ teachings and should you wish to contact me, please do so at: or you can call at the
main website at
Love, light and learning my friends.
About the Bible.
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We hear from Zareth how the truth of the Bible came about. How the races rejected the single love of God and preffered to fear what they were told by the priests etc. The truth that NO race of people is pure. As the truth unfolds we can question for ourselves what the bibgle tells us and for those brought up on this book of mostly fiction, it is a great relief to now know the truth.
The main website for this podcast and other articles and lessons etc, are at: If you wish to contact me for any reason then do so at: or voicemail: 07980347056 (UK. Outside of UK the code is +44).
The gift of being psychic
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In this episode, we hear about what we have earned by our karma, about our earhtly past lives, about how we earn our gifts and how we have a responsibility to them. They can, for some people, be a ruination of thier plans but if looked upon in the right way, the gifts are another challenge we know we have to face.
Please enjoy this lesson from Zareth. If you have any comments to make, please let me know and also even a hello just to let me know you are there.
Love, light and truth. And remember: it is always the message, never the messenger.
The transition between life and death.
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In this episode we hear that one mans' transition does not bring about what he was taught when on earth! With love and understanding, his spirit guides help him understand where he is and why Jesus isnt where he was taught he would be and instead, he is a servant and brother as everyone else.
I hope you enjoy this lesson and if you wish to pass on any constructive comments or want to get any inormation to help, please mail me at: or visit our spiritualist pages at
When a loved-one goes to a higher level.
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In this podcast, we see the death and passing of two people and their progress through this transition and on to thier respective spheres in the spirit world. I hope that this lesson helps you to understand a little more of how we transcend the physical so easily and the help that is always available to us when we do get home in our true bodies of spirit.
If you have anything you would would like to ask say or add to these podcasts, please send your comments to:
I wish you love, light, learning and truth.
Spiritual Reflections 001
Spiritual Reflections
I hope that this, our first Podcast of Spiritual Reflections will find you well and in good health. We hope that you enjoy what we have and if you have any questions about the podcast or anything in the realm of spirituality, then click an e-mail our way and we will try to help. We will be podcasting every two weeks so look out for us. Love and light.
Spiritual Reflections
Spiritual Reflections is a periodic podcast that exists for those who wish to know something further of their own path in life. Even if you are a little curious, then take a listen - I dont look to you to believe, just to get something positive for yourself in whatever path you choose to move your life forward in a positive way. The one thing to rememeber if you wish to move forward is simply to SERVE. That'll be something to think about. A full archiove of new podcasts can be found at or at
Love, light & learning.
Brian Coey.
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