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Elsie's Yoga Class: Live and Unplugged Podcast
101 Tenacious Gratitude 90 Min Level 2 Yoga Class
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Come see me at the New Media Expo in January!
Tenacious Gratitude
I can tell you mine.
Tenacious didn’t quite feel “right” with me.
I felt that being tenacious was not something I aspired to be.
It’s too rough.
Too hard.
Too pushy.
Too manly.
I imagined the quintessential football player, the one that just stampedes over the competition regardless of anything else, bulldozing through pain, through obstacles, through physical harm - Raaaaaaaaaaah!!!!
I’m not that.
In fact, it kinda repulsed me.
I didn’t want to be known as tenacious.
And then I was introduced to Adeline Arjad from Chocbite by my awesome-sauce business powerhouse Erika Lyremark . Arlene said:
“Tenaciousness + Gratitude = Success”
And then it made sense.
This larger than life word that I had chosen not to align with at all, became more than my subjective cultural upbringing and life experience.
I let the word be.
Tenacious: not easily stopped or pulled apart. Firm. Strong. Seeking something valued or desired. Continuing for a LONG time.
Synonyms - devoted, faithful, relentless.
I recognized that I pushed away tenaciousness because I was afraid to commit and follow through.
Tenacious requires a deep, unwavering commitment to the things that you value and dream and I wasn’t willing to go that far.
I wanted an out. I wanted excuses. I didn’t want to do the work, not fully.
What if it didn’t work out?
What if what I stood behind or for changed?
What if I had to defend publicly what I stood for?
What if… …..I failed?
I’m ready - NOW - because of the magic of gratitude.
You simply cannot be tenacioustenacioustenacious. It’s unsustainable.
With gratitude thrown in the mix you’ve got a recipe for unwavering magic making.
Gratitude refuels and replenishes.
OMG this was perhaps the biggest lesson that I’ve learned.
Gratitude is like doing a personal and spiritual detox. It’s like drinking and eating your greens. It’s the fastest way to clear out the cruft left by the fire of tenacity.
I’m ready to embody tenacity. I’m ready to fuel it with the nectar of gratitude.
Do you want to join me?
How about practicing along and letting me know how tenacity mixed with gratitude felt in your body? Yeay or nay?
Ep 100 From student to yoga teacher and yoga teacher training with Naime Jezzeny and daily ayurvedic practices and postpartum care with Cate Stillman
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It’s episode 100 of Elsie’s Yoga Class!
This is not a yoga asana class today, but my goodness what we have is serious yoga study and conversation.
This is super special because it’s the 100th episode and also my 6th year podcasting!!!
In order to celebrate I gathered two of my most influential teachers and we have incredible conversations about yoga and life.
The kinds of things that are shared are the best kind of yoga you can learn and be exposed to. Listening will undoubtedly take your asana practice to an unbelievable level.
I ask my teachers the questions that you guys most often write to me about which are:
Dealing with an at home yoga practice
Deepening your practice
Applying your practice
Transformative daily practice
Becoming a yoga teacher and the best way to go about it
Prenatal yoga and post natal/postpartum practices
In addition to all of that you will hear YOUR voices. I share your voices so you know that you are part of something so much bigger than this yoga podcast, so much more amazing.
Our kula, our tribe our community is in the entire world and across time and space.
You guys belong to a magical space and are in the cutting edge.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I certainly hope you enjoy! It is a super long episode, be warned :) Consider it a yoga workshop Elsie style ;)
Sign up for my newsletter:
Ep 99 37 min Level 1-2 Yoga Class Shine Within As You Shine Without
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I just wrote a post called When The World Doesn’t See You As You See Yourself , which was the basis for this episode.
The execution of embodiment, which to me = action is what I feel in my humble opinion is a giant factor in creating lasting embedded change in our lives and something that most of us lack.
We think a ton and don’t actually do anything.
I know that I stay a lot in my head. I have the knowledge. I know what needs to be done. I am fired up and completely in, and yet for a huge percentage of the times, I stay in my head.
In that last post I spoke of your yoga practice being 1/2 deep focus and 1/2 pure enjoyment. This is a teaching that was so succinctly encapsulated and driven home by Dr. Claudia Welch in one of the amazing calls in Cate Stillman’s and Dr. Welch’s Healthy Hormone’s Course .
(If you guys are interested, I cannot even begin to explain how life changing this course is )
Dr. Welch described this focus and enjoyment concept regarding meditation and as she explained it, I realized that this is applicable to everything, particularly if you are looking to create a specific outcome aka transformation.
I knew I was missing pieces of this puzzle…
So, in an effort to embody, I created a yoga class that began to get those concepts from the brain, into the body.
How do you practice focus and enjoyment in your practice? What does it feel like?
This week’s class is 37 minutes in length. I consider it to be about a level 1–2 class, and I feel beginners can absolutely give it a go.
This class is perfect for an early morning, mid afternoon, or evening class to get you back in alignment with yourself, particularly if you’re feeling out of sorts or if you are working on getting yourself to deepen the why of your yoga practice.
PS. I’m creating a mentoring yoga-life program, incorporating ayurveda, asana, and simple in-the-world practices to sweetly upgrade your life. Divine Moxie all the way baby! Stay on the list or JOIN MY NEWSLETTER aka The Divine Moxie League!
Ep 98 30 min Level 2 yoga class Brighten Your Inner Moxie
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Oh what a story do I have to tell in this episode! At least you know what’s it’s going to be all about looking at the artwork for this post.
That image was taken very soon after I walked through my door after I got held up. I found both of my girls immersed in watching My Neighbor Totoro one of our family’s favorites. Such dichotomy.
You can of course listen to me tell the story of the whole event in the class. There is a 5 minute intro and then the class begins with me telling the story of how I got held by a young man with a gun a block away from my house.
This is a great class to practice when you are feeling ungrounded, defeated and/or a little scared. It’ll help you get your moxie on and help you reconnect to your strength!
I mention two links in the intro:
Yogidetox My free newsletter which is The Divine Moxie League HQ
Also, do to the tragic events this week in Boston and in Texas I wrote this deeply personal piece that I’d love for you to check out: Surviving Terror- A Personal Story
Let me know what you think! email me at or call me at 310 651 6238!
Ep 97 45 min Level 2 Yoga Class Invest Deeply
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When was the last time you invested in yourself?
I’m not talking about buying something, whether it be a yoga class, a workshop or even a nice new outfit. I’m talking about taking some REAL time to be with yourself, to feel your body, to listen to what’s going on in your heart and in your head.
When was the last time you did this right smack in the midst of holiday season? Particularly when you weren’t feeling your best….?
Then this class is for you!
Practice along and….
Reconnect with yourself.
Ground you energy so you don’t end up saying or doing something you totally don’t want to do.
Empower yourself to take care of yourself in the best way possible
Feel Good! Get your yoga high on right when you need it the most!
So get going and practice yoga at your own time and yet be part of something much greater
Goodies and Inspiration Mentioned in the Intro
Wanna support the podcast? Buy the Elsie’s Yoga Class App ! Get if for your iPhone/iPad orAndroid .
Love Floracopeia as much as I do, get 25% of your first purchase using coupon code yogeek HERE or get this amazing Breathe Blend to support your respiratory system! I am a proud affiliate
The amazing Cate Stillman’s Evolve Your Winter’s Traditions eCourse . So good.
You up for working privately with me? Get the deets HERE .
If you want to stay connected, sign up for my Newsletter please , I'd love to get to know you better!
Ep 96- 30 Min Intermediate Yoga Class For Quick Rejuvenation [Video]
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Guess what I did???
Free Video Yoga Class is the House!
This is my first full on video yoga class which includes my signature intro PLUS a cameo appearance of my girls Hunter and Mae!
There is no theme.
It's only 30 minutes.
It's an intermediate level class, because I don't break things down to much and it keeps a pretty steady pace.
I would LOVE your feedback on this format .
I am still going to be publishing audio classes, so don't worry :) I may just sprinkle the video classes here and there...and maybe make these more of a 'premium' offering...not sure.
Give it a go.
Let me know what you think!
Support the podcast
Please leave me a review in iTunes !!! It would be oh so appreciated :)
Support the amazing Floracopeia (I'm a proud affiliate)! Go here and use coupon code yogeek for 25% off!
Ep 95 40 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class I'm Fine Thanks
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How Are You…Really?
How many times has someone asked you “how are you?” and you mindlessly say “I’m fine, thanks.”
When you are not.
When I say, you are not, I don’t mean that you just had someone you love die, or you just lost your home, or your job, or you just found our your beloved was cheating on you…I mean “you are not,” because you don’t actually know anymore.
“I’m fine, thanks” is something we say countless times and most of those times, we don’t even think about it.
Our mouths answer before we even truly think about what we are saying.
It really isn’t that your life sucks.
In fact it’s probably a nice life.
There are ‘things’ that aren’t perhaps what you wish they were…but hey, you have tons of things that other people don’t…a place to live, friends, a decent partner…blah blah blah.
At least that’s what you tell yourself. BUT there is something in your belly, a slight little feeling, that your life isn’t where it’s meant to be.
It’s that feeling that you only feel when everything around you gets quiet.
When the world stops in between each breath.
When you notice the quiet in between each breath.
Which doesn’t happen too often ;)
I bring this up because this yoga class episode was inspired by an amazing project by Adam Baker called “I’m Fine, Thanks.” It’s a VERY important life changing project that all of you should be aware of and consider donating to.
For Some Complacency = Death
If I would not have made the choices that I made in the fall of 2007 I would in no way be as alive as I am right now.
I feel it in my bones that my health would have suffered greatly.
I am 100% certain that I would not be a mother.
I didn’t have a horrible life, in fact from the outside it looked just peachy. I looked just peachy. I sounded just peachy.
But in between the breaths, I was not.
The following class is an opportunity to practice stepping deeper into your heart, and ask yourself “how are you?”
And answer yourself truly, in the privacy of your own mat, in your own practice.
The class itself is not particularly challenging in terms of the poses, but it is slow deliberate and I don’t teach from the ground up. You’ll get the most of the yoga class if you already have a practice, simply because you get an opportunity to forget the ‘poses’ and make it more about a moving meditation.
Let me know how it goes!
Ep 94 60 min Level 1-2 Yoga for Focus and Concentration
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This yoga class is simple
Nothing fancy.
No crazy poses.
In fact, there are very little poses.
This is more of a practice of just doing THIS. One. Thing.
It's more about dharana- one pointed concentration.
It's about stopping doing all things at once (including quickly getting a yoga class in as part of your continued multitasking.) ;)
Let me know what you think! This is a new format as the class was recorded at home, with no students, just you guys and me!
Look below for the yoga class sequence.
Episode 94 Links!
The awesomely fantastic tunic colca, which I ADORE .
This is one of my favorite pieces of clothing from [Prancing Leopard[pl], the Tunic Colca . It's sort of like a super sophisticated and styly racerback ribbed tank top.
It's got this KILLER asymmetrical neckline that totally rocks, and it's crazy long. It totally covers by bum. It's so comfy. It looks great, it's awesomely fashionable AND I can very easily breast feed in it.
Seriously, you gotta get it! Remember to use coupon code eyk at checkout to get 15% off . This code is specially for the Elsie's Yoga Kula community!
Anna And Modern Day Slavery
When human trading becomes one of the most profitable 'businesses' in the brave hacker, risking everything,leads a fight to end them...
If you can help support this incredible project, please do so!
You can check out all about this HERE .
Check out all about this piece
Ep 93 A 25 Minute Breathing Practice
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Discover The Eve Of Your Breath
The more I live my life, the more I recognize that the most important aspect of the practice of yoga is the breath. Every key insight either about me, a specific pose, the way my body functions or even my relationships has come through a growth in the breath.
I remember two distinct times while practicing backbends that they unfolded themselves to me when I FINALLY breathed optimally while working deeper into the postures.
I also remember my first feeling of wholeness as I let go into savasana for the first time, I believe because I released into my breath for the first time.
The breath has particularly played a ginormous part in staying sane after the birth of Mae and becoming a Mama of two, through three pretty powerful experiences with pain and discomfort (during labor, when my sacrum went out 2 weeks after birth and when my impacted wisdom tooth got infected.)
The breath just came to my aid recently, not regarding to pain this time, but anxiety
You can hear how the breath helped me come back from an almost full blow anxiety attack!
Here are a few other things covered and mentioned in this special breathing class episode:
What I'm doing about my Anusara Yoga Inspired status given the recent goings on.
The why behind my choice: Courage, Prayer and Action
One of the most courageous human beings I know, Beth Morey, and the reason this episode is dedicated to her daughter Eve.
This is Beth's website
Richard Freeman's Breathing CD
The video of Mae and I doing some Mother and Infant yoga ♥ This practice is very simple and basic. There is no yoga jargon, and no fancy pants pranayama.
The practice is meant to be the first step you take into the power of your own breath .
This is a breathing practice for beginners
The breathing practice focuses primarily on cultivating your own natural breath, by discovering it's movement within your body.
If you feel like you are anxious, fearful, disconnected, or tired, give this practice a go.
If you are someone that has never done any kind of breath practice or have never paid attention to your breath and how it affects your health, this is the practice for you!
There is a 9 min introduction to the episode as well as news and sponsors
There is a 5 minute intro to the breathing practice itself
There is a 20 minute breathing practice
I would simply adore to hear how this practice works for you!
Wanna know specific reasons of my choice regarding my affiliation with Anusara ™yoga, please feel free to email me and I'll break it down for you in a more private way :)
Ep 92: Level 2 90 Minute Class, Home Equals Heart
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I've been at home A LOT lately.
My body has gone through a pretty massive transformation since giving birth, as it should, since it facilitaded an entire new human being to come out! My goodness does that still keep me in awe. It floors me when I think of what this body is capable of. If something is magical, it's our bodies :)
I'm also keenly aware that as magical and intuitive as it is it MUST be nurtured.
I had my sacrum/si completely go out on me about 4 weeks postpartum. Thank God my parents were here visiting at that time. I could barely get out of bed, let alone pick up my infant daughter! It was rough. No amount of yoga therapy instantanously 'healed' me. In fact, the simple act of sitting and standing was excruciating.
It was then that I learned, um...RE-learned that yoga is not about the poses .
The gifts that yoga has given me have nothing to do with the poses, but with the simple and all powerful discovery of being, breathing and feeling. This discovery comes from the un-abiding choice recognize and honor Home.
What is Home?
Have you heard "Home is where the heart is?"
I think Home is the Heart .
Yoga didn't give me extra super powers. Yoga hasn't made my life any easier. I still have to address important issues, deal with stress, navigate financial woes, and experience physical pain! Ugh. That is sucky :(
the practice of yoga facilitated my recognition of Home aka my Heart, and when that happens living becomes simpler, still challenging, still unpredictable, still difficult, but simple. It seems contradictory huh?
And therein lies the magic ;)
The practice of Home, developing a yoga practice at home, sustaining a yoga practice at home begins in the Heart.
Are you up for that?
Practice along :) or even simply listen along.
Let me know if Home became clearer to you and in what ways? I'd love to hear from you! WANNA GET ALL THE EXTRA TREATS? Sign up for my Newsletter :)
Ep 91- 90 Min Level 2 Yoga Class, From The Darkness Blossom Into Light
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I know there are some of you still in the midst of Winter. Maybe your winter has been going on for so long you're not sure how to deal with it or if you can deal with it.
Winter, or at least the qualities of winter , the darkness in particular, that darkness that forces you to remain inward, to cover yourself, and to slow down is great in little bits but when it's prolonged it can get challenging.
Some of you may be physically going through Winter, the season, while some of you may be going through an emotional or spiritual winter, even though the sun is brightly shining all around. In this level 2 yoga class we go use our bodies and our hearts to fully step into the darkness, see it as an opportunity to root and ground into all that we are capable of so that we may welcome springtime and blossom through light.
I am 8 months pregnant. When I recorded this class I was 4 months along, barely out of my first trimester having gone through a rough and long winter time. My beautiful new little life needed me to remain inward, steady, calm and receptive to allow the growth of light within. The rising of vibrant Springtime was a direct reflection of the power of the darkness.
How about practicing along and dancing with the dark and the light and blossom into the world around you?
As mentioned in the podcast, get yourself a copy of the awesome audio book "The Help" through Audible and get two FREE movie tickets with your purchase!!!! You won't regret it
Ep 90: Level 2 90 Minute Yoga Class Filling Your Gas Tank
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The theme for this class was inspired by one of my friends Hillary Rubin . She has this amazing post plus video, asking questions that needed to be asked at that moment....hmmmmm. Or at least I needed to ask these questions ;)
It was all about RUNNING OUT OF GAS! Well, at least for me it was about running out of gas. It made me think about the various ways that we deal with running out of gas:
We make sure to make time to consistently fill up the gas tank at a specific time of the week/month to make sure we always have a full gas tank.
We play it by ear. We know relatively when we are 'really' gonna run out of gas and choose to milk it for all it's worth and PRAY we don't run out of gas before we barely make it to the gas station.
We recognize we are running out of gas but circumstances around us at the time (we got lost and are now in a looooong stretch or road without a gas station in site) don't let us fill up the gas tank. We are going to run out of gas.
I fit into number 3.
Before becoming a Mama, I fluctuated between 1 & 2. I was conscious of my choices and continued to do my best to not run out of gas. I was close a bunch of times, but managed to get my fuel on time ;) After being a Mama I have found myself without a gas station in sight quite a few times. That is a whole other ball game.
side note- y'all know I'm not referring to actual gas or driving right? this is all a gigantuan metaphor ;)
No Gas In Sight? It's Gonna Be OK.
When I first found myself without a gas station in sight I panicked. I honestly thought it was the end of the world. I had a total and complete meltdown. I felt so alone. As I sat in my despair I did recognize that I needed to let someone know, I wasn't alone you know, I had my toddler with me. I reached out: God, my beloved, my friends, my teachers and most importantly myself.
I let myself soften. It opened my eyes to see that it really wasn't the end of the world. People run out of gas all the time. It's what we do about it that matters :)
I still run out of gas...and I'm ok. I always have an extra tank of gas with me. I always let my family and friends know where I am, in case I need an unexpected pick-up ;) And most importantly, I absolutely make sure that I enjoy the time while I wait for the gas to once again be filled up.
Ep 89: 60+ Min Level 1-2 Prenatal Yoga Class, Creating Bountiful Meaningful Boundaries
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This week show is brought to you by, please visit to get 25% off sitewide. I'm getting soooo fancy!
This class was inspired by one of you lovely people. The mighty Jennessa posted on my Facebook wall asking if I would consider doing a prenatal class in the next couple of weeks and voila! Here it is.
Here is the disclaimer: This class is aimed at pregnant women that already have a working knowledge of yoga and have done yoga prior to attempting doing this audio yoga class OR that recently have decided to practice yoga because they heard that yoga was good when you are pregnant. Always be mindful of your own body and consult your doctor or midwife before attempting any physical activity such as this class. This yoga class is not medical advice.
Sorry to be so serious but it comes from my deep desire for you to choose what's best for you and to be mindful of the choices that you make especially when you have a beautiful little life growing inside of you.
Given that, this prenatal yoga class is a little over an hour, not too intricate but deeply focused. It is what I consider a level 1-2 class and not the best for absolute beginners of yoga. You may do the actual class or you may use it as a meditation and simply listen to me speak, and do an extended savasana :) Props to have near you if you happen to have them, blocks, blankets and bolsters. Use them as you please.
The Meaning Within
The theme of the class is all about creating meaningful boundaries. I find that when it comes to parenting physical reminders really help me. I have a gold pendant of the virgin mary that my Mom sent me, that is actually for Hunter when she gets big enough, I also have bought myself a couple of rings and a bracelet that hold deep meaning to me, due to the precious stones, the metal and even the shape. They serve as physical manifestations of sacred choices. It sort of magically worked out that this episode's sponsor was a jewelry site. I found a lovely amethyst silver ring that resembles one I wear when I want to choose to remember promises I've made to myself as well as a silver cuff that is almost exactly like one I own when I want to remember power, strength and grounding. If you wanna get yourself some power jewelry for yourself for Mother's day go to and get 25% off the entire store PLUS free shipping! How about that for a treat? There is TONS to look through!
All right, enough!
On to our class :)
The 60+ Minute Prenatal Yoga Class Sequence
Tadasana with Anjali
Arm Salutations
Uttanasana Play
Uttanasana Ardha Uttanasana (Strong foundation plus tons of side body long)
Stand back up to Tadasana
Move to the back of the mat
Prenatal Half Sun Salutes
Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana
Downward Facing Dog
All fours
Down dog
Teeny Baby Push-ups
Cobra and variations
Walk hands back to Uttanasana
Uttanasana/ Ardha Uttanasana/Uttanasana/Tadasana
Half Sun
Prenatal Sun Salute with baby chattarunga push ups
Tadasana arms interlaced above the head stretching to the sides
Sit down
Sukhasana plus kegels
Marichyasana Open Twist
Wide supine twist
Savasana (Supported in Whatever way feels the best)
Ep 88: 20 min Level 1-2 Yoga Class Love, Support And Reflect Goodness
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This whole podcasting thing has taken a life of it's own. You guys are my inspiration. You are what keeps me going. Yet again, I was inspired by another one of you.
This podcast episode is dedicated with love to the virtual kula, specifically to Michelle and Alfie ♥
If you'd like to support the show's sponsors, please feel free to purchase the Elsie's Yoga Kula Podcast App for the iPhone or Android for $3.99 OR go on over to Prancing Leopard and get yourself some lovely duds using the coupon code eyk for 15% off your purchase!
If you've got some time, check out my 20 minute interview on Build A Sexy Body Episode 20 :)
I taught/practiced this class on February 12th at The Pittsburgh Athletic Association in Oakland. I teach one class there a week: Saturdays from 11-12:15. If you are not a member but would like to drop by as a guest, please email me eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com. It will be $19
Ep 87: 25 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class- Immunity as Receptive Strength
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Hunter got sick and it totally made me think about immunity . I'm sure that those of you that read this blog and perhaps other content that is similar are aware that immunity is not just about bacteria and viruses being present in your body and all of a sudden you get sick. It's not just about the physical. It's all about the beautiful trifecta of mind, body and spirit. All of this affects the how your body reacts and doesn't react to pathogens that decide they want to wreck havok inside of your body.
The optimized circulation (inter-relationship) of our thoughts, our deep desires and the clarity of our body is the magic formula to sustain supreme health in all parts of our lives. I want to work more on that circulation .
While Hunter was sick I found myself getting harder, more fearful and less willing to soften, trust and be grateful. She has a cold for goodness sake! I felt a deep tightness in my belly. I let my mind go to places that it should not have been going to, and in the process I was feeling pretty crappy myself, wound up, stressed out and nauseous.
My circulation was off.
It took all of me to focus and remember the goodness, the steadiness and the beauty.
This practice is what I did to get myself back together. I put myself upside down. I forced myself to physically get into a place that I was NOT in. Getting into the shape transformed my ability to see more than the little things and re-attune myself to the Bigger picture :)
Physical benefits of this inversion/immunity practice:
Strengthening the circulatory system (big focus for me this year).
Improves blood-flow to the endocrine glands
Helps to energize and stabilize the whole of many systems.
Revs up the lymphatic system.
Energizes and strengthens the heart and circulatory system.
If you want to know more here are a couple of articles that are FANTASTIC about inversions and their affect on your body :)
Amazing in depth info about the lymphatic system: Yoga And The Lymphatic System
Wonderful info about the lymphatic system no paristalsis. Yoga Anatomy The Lymphatic System
The Yoga Class Sequence
The focus of this entire practice is all about staying centered when life puts you upside down.
Hands and knees
Downward facing dog 3 min
Pincha Mayurasana 1-2 min
Handstand 1-2 min
Pincha Mayurasana 1-2 min
Vajrasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Handstand 1-2 min
Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Let me know your thoughts about this shorter class in the comments!!!
The Show Sponsors
The Elsie's Yoga Class Podcast App for the iPhone or Android for $3.99
Prancing Leopard Organics - Use coupon code eyk to get 15% off of your order. If you are not looking for spend any money but want to support the podcast and/or Prancing Leopard please tweet a nice big thank you to @prancingleopard for supporting Elsie's Yoga Class or simply go to the Prancing Leopard FB page and leave them a little thank you there for supporting the show :)
Ep 86: Meaning and Truth To Sustain, Level 2 90 min yoga class
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This episode was absolutely inspired by one of you.
I was asked basically how to practice yoga daily. This is something that I think about every day, that I meditate on, and continue to refine.
I'm not going to describe my own process but tell you what it boils down to, at least for me: Meaning and Truth .
If you don’t first and foremost ask yourself who you want to be in the world, what has meaning, what has value to you, and continue to refine the answer and deepen the questions again and again, whatever you decide to do (be it a daily asana practice) will be unsustainable.
If you do refine your questions and lack integrity in the way that you live your life, by telling yourself little lies and convincing yourself that they ‘don’t really matter’ , no matter what you do, you will not be able to sustain your practice. Particularly your practice of being the best human being that you can be, with a full and clear heart.
I'm only sharing ‘cause I've been there. I tried really hard. Doesn’t work.
The more that you refine the sacredness of your life and live in truth the more freedom and lightness you will have and reflect. It is through choosing to remain steady with great sensitivity no matter what, that the ease and goodness of life becomes a daily gift to unwrap and enjoy. You will then not only have the deep strength needed to sustain this but also offer this great support to all those that you touch :D
Now on that positive note ;)
Happy New Year!
This episode’s yoga class is a Level 2 class that does require at least a basic working knowledge of yoga poses. It is both available by clicking the link below as well as through my yoga podcast and through either my iPhone Yoga App or my Android Yoga App .
I'm also honored to have Prancing Leopard Organics once again as a sponsor for this episode :) If you haven’t checked them out PLEASE DO! And upon check-out use code eyk and get 15% off!!! Woo hoo!
I taught this class on December 30th at BYS Yoga Studio in Pittsburgh.
The Level 2 Yoga Class Sequence
Downward Facing Dog
Eka Pada Downward Facing Dog/High Lunge/Downward Facing Dog
Eka Pada Downward Facing Dog/Lunge Twist
Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 3
Surya Namaskar x 4
Tadasana with arch back
Parsvakonasana/Vira 2/Reverse Vira
Parsvakonasana/Vira 2/Reverse Vira
Skiers Pose into Utkatasana
Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana
Plank on tops if feet into upward facing dog
Downward Facing Dog
Vira II right and left
Reverse vinyasa
Ardha chandrasana/square hips/standing splits variation
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Ardha chandrasana/square hips/standing splits variation
Tadasana/tadasana on tippy toes/squat on tippy toes
Deep lunge on forearms
Standing hip stretch
Standing baby cradle
Vinyasa with salabasana with arms behind the back
Pigeon/pigeon twist
Lunge with thigh stretch
Dhanurasana x 3
Childs pose
Downward Facing Dog
Easy supine twist
Kubera Mudra- The One To Harness Focus
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The second mudra is called Kubera Mudra
One of the hardest things to do once you have resolved to stick to a really meaningful promise to yourself, or you've committed to something really valuable to you is sticking to it . We always waver . No matter how strong your commitment.
Kubera mudra is a physical expression of your deepest wish to stick to it. It’s very simple and this can be done so easily almost imperceptibly anywhere. It’s very cool :)
Practicing Kubera Mudra
The first thing you do is embody your sankalpa, your deepest heart’s desire. If you can be clear and simple in formulating the words of your intention in a positive way, that would be really great.
Settle into a quiet place regardless of where you are physically.
Place the tip of your thumb, index finger and middle finger together, bend the other two fingers so that they rest in the middle of your hand. Putting your fingers together in this fashion is a huge forceful commitment. You are harnessing desire, power, faith, courage and intensity behind those fingers.
If you happen to be alone and are up for speaking out your intention do it three times while holding the mudra.
Sit until you begin to sense your sankalpa seep into your breath and heart- again.
If you are out in the wild, just hold your fingers together in this fashion and let that power fuel the support that you need to follow through with your highest intentions.
A bonus feature of the Kubera mudra is that it opens up and decongests the frontal sinuses, especially if you draw air up upward as if you were smelling the sweetest yummiest perfume.
So you've gotten the background of the Grounding Mudras , you've learned about Ganesha Mudra , and now you've got this one.
Have you tried them? One? If you do let me know! Leave me a comment :)
Ganesha Mudra- The One That Fires Up The Heart
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Here is the first mudra that I’ll be sharing with you for grounding yourself attuning to your heart.
I’ll first really quickly simply show the mudra itself and what to do. We are not going to practice them. If you do want to practice the mudra, check out the corresponding videos and audio only available for both of these mudras over at . They will be available very soon.
Keeping Your Heart Open
The first one is called the Ganesha mudra.
This is a powerful mudra for bringing heat and brightness to the heart. It strongly invigorates the chest cavity, your heart beats faster, warmth envelops the heart center and creates a rush of mighty energy.
Having worked with this mudra, I find it to work very well when experiencing heart ache, sadness, depression, feelings that have a quality of innertia to them, a heavyness to them. This mudra helps the stuck feeling in the heart, the heaviness begin to lift. It gives you space and the courage to live with an open heart
I have found that if you are really angry and rageful, it may not work as well, as the heat that is created with this mudra may just fuel things up more! Although at times this may be necessary and exactly what needs to happen, as it will give clarity to your anger, for quick and pure transformation
Practicing Ganesha Mudra
Hold your left hand in front of your chest with the palm facing outward. (Thumb closer to your solar plexus, pinky toward your collar bone).
Now grasp the left hand with the right hand, with the back of the right hand facing outward.
Leave the hands at the level of your heart.
Take a few moments and inhale fully.
Exhale vigorously, forcefully while pulling the hands apart without releasing it the grip.
With an inhale let go of all the tension.
Repeat 6 times.
Then sweetly place your hands at the sternum holding the mudra. Focus on the feeling in the heart area. Rest there.
Then change your hand position and repeat.
Sit quietly with yourself
Please let me know how this works out for you I’d love to hear your thoughts about this matter!
Mudras For Grounding Through The Holidays
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This video is part of a series of three videos which will offer two mudras as a way to ground yourself through the holidays, and are part of my Holiday Toolbox ! If you are not interested in watching the video, simply read on, and you will get the same information
The tools that I offer focus a lot on the engagement of your whole self. The mudras are not so much about concentrating on one practice but on using all of your self , most importantly your senses, simply because some of us get stuck in one place- usually our brains! This way we can truly embody what is necessary to transform our lives into the best that we can be.
A Key To Calm Down
There are times that I’m so overwhelmed or so in my head that for the life of me, no matter how hard I try to settle and essentially calm down I can’t. What I have found for myself is that if I engage physically: a yoga posture, a mudra, I drink a cup of my favorite tea, or even listen to my favorite podcast or music and take a brisk walk, I don’t have to work so hard to get my inner self to shift.
There have been times when I do these physical actions, this embodying, and I create the space necessary to really start to break patterns of behavior inside of myself and I can then work in my brain, within my mind to attune to the finesse of tools that we all have within our selves.
Does that make sense?
So, given that I’ll be offering two mudras for your holiday tool-belt. I’m not totally gonna get into what mudras are or what their power is, suffice it to say that they are in my words a Connection Enhancer and Remembrance , which is really what these tools are all about.
As much as it would be lovely to practice these mudras in a seated position, quietly in some perfect place, you don’t have to, to receive their gifts. Find a quiet space in your day, wherever you are, in your car, in the bathroom, in your room, whatever
I’d love to get your feedback. Why don’t you leave me a comment?
Also, come back for the other two videos! I’ll be releasing one tomorrow and another the next day!
Ep: 85 Level 2 90 Minute Yoga Class Are You The Bully?
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Who Is The Bully?
I've been doing a lot of meditation on worthlessness or the feeling of being unworthy.
Often times this feeling arises from the way the world speaks to us, perhaps in the form of bullies around us, family members, peers, bosses, etc. but what has really become clear is that it's not the world that is the root of this feeling, but ourselves.
The biggest bullies that we have in our world are not outside of ourselves but within ourselves.
In this class I went back to one of my favorite books, Christina Sell's Yoga from the inside out, as she speaks of this bullying within the book so very clearly. She inspired me to teach this class to get you to look at yourself honestly and recognize the bully within. See it and transform it.
Recognize how worthy and beautiful you are. Stop the bullying.
I know that I have been a bully to myself. I also know how that personal bully can break the heart much faster the outside ones.
Are you a bully to yourself? Practice along with us. Give yourself the time to rediscover your worth.
You won't regret it!
Ep 84: 90 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class Are YOU Listening?
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An Advanced Yoga Class for your consumption! Tons of sun salutes, strong hip openers, handstand, plus arm balances, be ready to rock and roll!
Those of you with the app, check out the extra features: class sequence and also the mini tutorial for Vishvamatrasana
I wrote a more in depth blog post over at in the Shownotes for Ep. 84 at Elsie's Yoga Kula, regarding listening and how it has and continues to affect my life and relationships.
If you want to win Shannon Gannon's new Album Sharanam please go ahead and leave a comment over at the blog, OR at the Elsie's Yoga Kula FB Page :)
Sign up for Newsletter Magic and be in the know of what's going to be going down for EYK very soon!
Look forward to hearing from you!
Ep 83: 25 Minute Meditation- Finding Your Center In Difficult Situations
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25 minute meditation.
These past few months I nearly got overwhelmed by anxiety.
This hasn't happened to me in a LONG time.
I lost control of my rational thought process and simply dove into a feeling that was suffocating and terrifying. I can't say that I was in any way comfortable. The only thing that pulled me out of it was my toddler Hunter. She forced me to get out of myself and engage her. The moment that I disconnected from her off I went into a very uncomfortable sense of overwhelm.
I refused this.
Take Control of Your Anxiety and Fear
Instead of allowing myself to be pulled by this avalanche of anxiety and fear I chose to meet it, with softness and full consciousness. I looked at it straight in the eye. I used a technique that I heard in a podcast, and I sooooo wish that I remembered what episode and what this guy's name was because I would share it, believe me, but at this moment, finding the episode would take me YEARS, so that will wait. I may update this post to add the info
Anyway, the technique was to feel where the emotion was in my body, fully. You are to notice which was its winding, clock wise or counter clock wise, and slowly unwind the feeling the other way until it dissolves. At first just moving into that hard ball of tension in the middle of my diaphragm was enough...but as I practiced this technique I began to see that I could literally unravel the anxiety!
Unraveling- It's all about creating space, space to feel, to choose, to remember, and to find your ground. Most importantly, finding space helps you remember that you are part of something so much bigger. Anxiety is about disconnection and isolation. It's an emotion that rises when you absolutely become limited and small. As you unravel the feeling, you begin to get more spacious, there is literally more room in your body, your breath, your mind, your heart, and you can step back a bit and see things as if you are watching from a bird's eye view.
You are ok. You truly are. You are more than ok in fact :D
A couple of days ago I received and email from one of you requesting a more breathing centered practice. Although this simple audio meditation is not specifically about the breath, there is no way to escape the breath. Space is breath.
Every time choose to center myself and incorporate this very accessible and easy meditation practice, you get the opportunity to re-attune yourself to align with something more than anxiety and fear.
I want that!
Listen, practice and do this and tell me what happens! I'd love to hear if this works for you
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"South Wind" (mp3)
from "Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai Sampler, Vol. 1-4"
(Domo Records)
Buy at iTunes Music Store
Buy at Amazon MP3
More On This Album
Ep 82: 90 Min Level 2 Yoga Class- Stay Open, Learn, Choose the Highest and Share
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An iPhone 4 Yoga Class For Your Enjoyment!
And here I thought that I was going to get some time to be able to publish more episodes to you JULY.
Not so much, but alas! Here’s a yoga class to start the month off right! This one is close to my heart. It’s focus is all about the way we are swayed and often times misguided by what we see and hear all around us, especially the media. It is a call to take responsibility for our choice making and the way we go about making choices. The inspiration for this class came straight from all the hoopla around the iPhone 4 and its antenna issues.
If you happen to follow me on Twitter or are part of the Facebook Elsie’s Yoga Kula Community , you would know that I have an iPhone 4! Yipeeee! So I speak from my own experience with the device, and I’m totally loving it!
Given that I’m sure you have heard at least something about the whole antenna thing, so I sorta offer my 2 cents about it and wrap it around a yoga class.
What’s interesting about this theme is that it mirrored the hoopla around an article on my beloved teacher John Friend in the NY Times. If you haven’t already, please read the article, John’s response to the article PLUS Elephant Journal’s exclusive interview with John . Interesting how perspectives and opinions shift and change if you simply choose to step deeper into them :) And move from your heart.
This week’s online yoga class
This yoga podcast class is a level 2 class, and if you have a yoga block in the house, please feel free to take it out and play with it during our backbends towards the end of class. I cut a bit of the class in the middle because I did a demo that doesn’t really work if you weren't there so why put you guys through it :) If you do hear references to it, or to another demo that I had a student do, just dismiss them. Pretend that you went to the bathroom during that part of the class!
EYK Episode 6: Newsletter, Inspiration and First Time in Yoga Class
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Welcome to EYK episode #6!
Just in case you are a new listener, the Elsie’s Yoga Kula Episodes are all about community. There are times when I want share with you guys more than the few minute intro that my Yoga Class Episodes allow me ;) This is where I share some of the feedback that I’ve gotten from you guys, plus answer some questions I get, or anything else that I desire to put out
Today’s episode has some inspiring feedback from you guys, PLUS and interview with my twitter buddy Scott from Boston who shares all about his experience going to yoga for the first time ever! Some pretty cool insights from his perspective.
This episode is brought to you by Elsie’s Yoga Class Podcast App for the iPhone and iPod touch , you can find it in the iTunes App Store for $3.99. The extra features for this episode of EYK is a snippet of one of my therapy workshops talking about What is Optimal Blueprint! So check it out you guys :)
What's in the Podcast?
Where have I been?
Problems with the podcast feed and my desire to keep in touch with you guys!
Sign up from my newsletter!
Feedback from YOU!
Wanderlust festival
Love PrAna , they've got a lifestyle village
Janet from Arizona
Elsie's Yoga Kula FB Fanpage
Send me your feedback!
PRANCING LEOPARD ORGANICS ROCKS ! listen to the podcast to get your coupon code :)
The fancy pants jumpsuit review
The Scott Interview
Ep 81: 85 min Level 2 Yoga Class- Immerse Your Value into The Heart and HOLD!
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A powerful Level 2 yoga class that builds lots of internal strength and stamina
I know that if I asked you who or what you hold valuable and dear you could tell me without much thought. I'm sure that you've thought about how much your family, your homes, your friends, your culture, etc. means to you. I'm sure that now that I've brought your attention to this, you have a clear idea in your head and feel pretty strong about where you place your value.
The thing is, that we think about this too much. I mean that we keep that which we value in our thinking mind. We intellectuallize much more than we internalize it, within our hearts. There is a level of detachment that comes with it. Yes, we love our family. Yes, we love our friends. Yes, we value our home. Here's the question: Do your actions, from day to day, from moment to moment honor and abide by that higher intention? If we could graph our daily activity, and our daily thoughts, what truly takes up the majority of our days? What would it show?
I know that for me, my graph would show huge interaction with my cellphone and my ipod. It would also show me constantly checking my email, FB, Twitter, and stats. (Note the word checking, there is no actual engagement involved.) And these are my physical behaviours! I am also guilty of being with my daughter and having my mind full of everything BUT my daughter. I think more about podcasts, blog posts and creating content on a daily basis than I think about my breath, my body and growing my relationship with those that I have said I hold valuable. There are countless opportunities to deepen relationships. There is enough time. I know that I tend to leak my energy in places, thoughts and actions that in no way deserve it. Unconsciously, through my thoughts and actions I am serving and cultivating less than optimal relationships.
The level of commitment and discipline required to sustain an optimal level of engagement and relationship in our lives is great. It requires that we choose, and choose again, always refining and clarifying moment to moment. We must sustain the focus throughout our days, slowly building a strong internal practice, that lets us be at once soft and steady.
As I became aware of this for myself, I had to share this. I know that I am not alone. My desire is to place what I value in my heart, not in my head. My desire is to engage and hold the sacred where it's meant to be.
How about you? Do you observe your behaviors and thoughts serving and cultivating less than optimal relationships? In what ways to do abide by the Highest?
Start By Breathing
FYI! There's a video towards the end of the post to supplement this episode :)
And speaking of the video...Thank you my dear and lovely sponsors Prancing Leopard Organics ! The clothesthat I'm wearing in the video are from them and I ADORE them :D Listen to the intro to this episode to get your coupon code for 15% off your purchase!
EYK 5: Interview With Donna De Lory, Inspiring Yoga Books and West Africa
This is not a yoga class! This is another episode of Elsie's Yoga Kula, the community facet of my live yoga classes. Here I get a chance to address feedback and add content that isn't a yoga class, but is yogic in context.
In this episode we address some feedback from you guys, including inspiring yoga books, plus we have an awesome interview with the amazing Donna De Lory!
Ep. 80 : 90 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class- As The Precious Gift of Meaning
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This is a level 2-3 class :)
I had never viewed memory as something alive and tangible. In fact, I don’t believe I’ve ever thought about memories as ‘gifts.’ As I thought about this concept I realized that when I remember something from my childhood or come across a scent I hadn’t smelled in a long time, or find an article of clothing I haven't worn in a long time, it is like receiving a gift. Those memories are gifts I get to open every time I encounter them. They always serve to remind me of what I give value to in my life.
One answer that emerged from the Lifelines group is that we should surround people who are forgetting with acts of remembering. People in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease are in danger of forgetting that they can still remember, as are those of us who work with people with Alzheimer's. - Dr. Dienstag
Something affected me about this sentence. Yes, it is about folks that have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, but did you catch the last little bit of that quote:
as are those of us that work with people with Alzheimer’s.
To me that means everyone.
Then it becomes about something completely different.
How about you? Are you in danger of forgetting that you can still remember? Are you surrounding yourself with acts of remembering?
Ep. 79: 90 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class- Nourish the Culture of Your Body
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It’s when we are about to loose something that we hold dear that we choose to step in fully to do something about it. Why is that? Why must we wait until the situation is dire before choosing to fully engage in our lives, our relationships, our environment, our bodies, our hearts, etc?
Move back into the culture of your body, cultivate it and grow it.
This was the theme of this week’s episode. Inspired by a conversation from one of my favorite podcasts Speaking of Faith . It was regarding manuscripts and the “monastic library that rescues manuscripts from across the centuries and across the world. And there are worlds in this place — on palm leaf and papyrus, in microfilm and pixels — stories of ordinary life as well as the rise and fall of civilizations....In their lives as in this work, the relevance of ancient manuscripts to people of the present and the cultural cargo of the past itself are revealed in a new light.” - Krista Tippet
I don’t have a particular affinity for manuscripts themselves, in fact I haven't ever really thought about them, but after listening to this episode they were revealed to me as yet another expression of the sacred in the every day, and how there are so many many treasures that often times we overlook within our every day lives
The treasure that I speak about in class specifically is the treasure of our bodies, and the way that we loose sight of the beauty of it’s culture until it begins to unravel.
Step into the challenge of Truth and get Healthy
Keeping on this same topic, I am launching an in depth 3 part eCourse. I’ve had requests from the online yoga community, from my Pittsburgh yoga community AND from my own desire to create this. It employs empowering simple practices that you can incorporate toward your optimal health and wellness.
Everything You Need You Already Have Learn How to Recognize, Cultivate and Sustain a Healthful Lifestyle: A Three Part Heart eMmersion
The first stage is all about turning inward and BREATHING! I’d loooove to have you join in. Space is VERY limited. I am only accepting 3-5 participants each time that I offer the program in order to make sure that I can truly serve you and your commitment. Learn all about it by clicking on the following link! It begins June 6th and goes until July 3rd.
Stage 1: Start By Breathing
Gifts for Elsie’s Yoga Class Podcast listeners!
Two awesome little presents for my online kula members!
One of them is a special coupon code from my newest show sponsor Prancing Leopard Organics. I’m THRILLED that they are giving this to you guys! The coupon code is mentioned on the podcast as I really want to honor those of you that have been my loyal students :) So awesome!
The second is a FREE DOWNLOAD from the magnificent Donna De Lory. I am so honored that I get a chance to share the track Sanctuary with you guys from her latest album of the same name :) Just click on the link below and snag away :D
It’s a beautiful track. I’m sure that you will enjoy it :) If you are interested in more you are more than welcome to sign up for Donna's mailing list HERE
Please feel free to join the community over at the Elsie’s Yoga Kula FB Page :) plus, remember that I have a fancy pants iPhone/iPod Touch Podcast app that rocks! If you buy the app you won’t even have to download the Sanctuary MP3 as you can simply download it straight from the app itself, plus, get the Prancing Leopard coupon code right away. How fun is that? It’s only $3.99 and it absolutely supports my endeavors to serve you more fully :D
Ep. 78: 75 min Level 1.5 Yoga Class- Elements, A practice in Studentship (Adhikara)
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Yoga Lesson: How do we tune into nature and allow it to deepen our life?
Every day I am brought to back to the application of yoga lessons in my life. Yoga or life as I choose to see it now, becomes a pulsating beneficent opportunity, a gift really, for me to become a better human being. This past week I was given the task of preparing one of my current students to step into an Anusara Immersion with my beloved teachers that has already started. She missed the first weekend, or half of Part 1. My job is to catch her up *gulp*.
Out have come all of my notes and of course the Immersion Lesson plans and the like.
Succinctly explaining the Anusara Philosophy, the 3 As and the UPAs (Universal Principles of Alignment ™) is not the easiest thing when you have crazy time constraints. Arghhh!!!...goodness gracious!
So given that, studentship has been on my mind. I am stepping into the seat of the student as I pour over how to convey all this knowledge in a way that will be optimally soaked in by her. I adore the way that I heard John explain studentship using the Elements. I remember how he shared that using the elements as teaching tools is wonderful because they are understood and experienced by all, so we have a common ground from which to step into the teachings and also deepen the understanding of the UPAs within the yoga postures. Since I’d been meditating on this theme, lo and behold, I taught all about it!
This episode’s online yoga class is a Level 1.5 class (in other words strong).
It’s slow, meditative and we take time to get into things. I hope you enjoy stepping into it!
By the way, let me know which elements you resonate with the most :D
In my intro I told you that I recorded 2 other classes that I was unable to use for the podcast, but I’m making them available to you, if you would like to download them. Both of them are level 2 yoga classes. One of them is a full 80 minute class with less than optimal audio, and the other one was a TOTALLY awesome class, but I ran out of batteries half way through the class! Ugh!
EXTRA Level 2 80 min Class with the theme of Dreaming and Community EXTRA Level 2 Unfinished Class with the them of “Let Your Smallness Dissolve” and the Pareto Principle
★★★I want reviews from you!★★★
If you have any yoga gear, or yoga clothing, or any yoga related accesory that you would like to review either because you LOVE it, or HATE it, or perhaps are simply indifferent. Let me know! email me at eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com. I would love to have you be part of the online yoga community :D
EYK 4: James Wvinner, How To Create Your Own Fitness DVD + Men and Yoga
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This is NOT a yoga class! Hello and welcome to episode number 4 of Elsie’s Yoga Kula the special series of Elsie’s Yoga Class: Live and Unplugged Podcast, that’s all about you and all sorts of extra exclusive information about yoga and culture. As always this podcast is brought to you by the Elsie’s Yoga Class Podcast App for the iPhone and iPod Touch available in the iTunes app store for $3.99. Why not have your yoga in your pocket!
Listen to the Podcast
I am sooooo excited about this episode! Two subjects people, two subjects that I get a ton of email and questions about. The first topic is aimed a bit more toward yoga/fitness/alternative health professionals. I am honored that a lot of you listen to the podcast and am glad that you reach out to me regarding how to grow and supplement your own practices and businesses via new media. I can help you regarding audio stuff, but my video making skills I’m afraid are not as pristine HA! I’m sure you’ve seen at least one of my videos where I cut off my head!
Cut off head videos:
sun salutation
headless pigeon
So given that, I had the privilege of interviewing someone that DOES have lots of expertise with a still camera and a video camera, plus even more know how as to how to create, yes, CREATE your own DVD (something I know NOTHING about). You guys will just LOVE this interview, seriously, tons of great conversation and sharing of insights! Which brings me to the next topic of the episode: Yoga and Men!!! I know that most of y’all listening right now are women. To those of you that practice consistently in a studio setting, I’m sure you’ve come to see that the majority of people that come to yoga class are women. That demographic is also true of the listeners to this podcast, BUT I do have some pretty strong and committed male listeners. I also have some wanna be committed male yogis that have stayed away because they are a bit afraid. I don’t blame them, the first time I walked into a yoga studio I also was a bit intimidated. I just happened to have had a bit more experience with dance/movement/bare feet/hard wood floors due to my life as a theater actor, but it was still a bit weird. I get it, especially for the guys, the images that you see out there of peeps in al those yoga shapes, can be a bit intimidating, so I asked my guest, who is also a yoga intructor! In fact, there was a time in his life that he taught yoga INSIDE PRISONS!
So who is this super man you ask? His name is James Wvinner, producer/director/photographer/yoga teacher/yogi extraordinaire. You ready to step into the conversation? Here we go! This was recorded at grandma’s house on a Saturday afternoon...
Listen to the Podcast!
Here are the links of all that James touched on:
Desiree Rumbaugh DVDs
Brian Kest
Richard Freeman DVD
Fit Soul Fit Body
Desi Bartlett
Tell me that product doesn’t sound awesome? I know that I want it! So, I have a little surprise, for all of you lovely Kula members, you guys will get 10% off the product for the next month! So basically you guys have until March 23 to get 10% of the how to create your own exercise dvd! You just have to listen to the podcast to get the coupon code! I know how hard it is to gather up information and study and learn from so many different resources. I believe this is one of the most valuable products that I’ve seen come to market, plus it comes from such a genuine guy with so much talent I can’t even take it! Have you seen his photographs and his videos?
This has to be my all time favorite 30 second promos that I’ve EVER seen. When I saw this promo, I totally wanted to work with James. Seriously.
Click here to visit Make Your Own Exercise DVD.
Well, enough about that!
Yeay for Men and Yoga!!! A request for you guys
I wanna bring it back to the men. So what did you ‘guys’ think about what James had to say? I’m putting out a request for you men, those of you that listen to this podcast. Would you help out your fellow wanna be yogis that are a bit intimidated by this whole yoga thing and send an email or better yet call 310 651 6238 and leave a voice message to give some advice? perhaps share some of your favorite resources? That would be really really cool!
I don’t want to make this episode too long so I’m just gonna share a few emails with you, I’ll share more on the next one.
This is a comment regarding EYK Episode 3 Yoga App, Muscular Energy and The Best Yoga Mats
Hi Elsie, thanks for the podcast! So good to hear from you. I wanted to add my two cents worth of advice about the mats. I have always had a lot of problems slipping and sliding on my regular sticky mat especially in downward facing dog. I got a lovely grippy Jade yoga mat which helped but did not solve the problem. About 9 months ago I got a Yogitoes skidless towel. This towel goes on top of the regular sticky mat and there is no more slipping and sliding!! It has really made a huge difference in my practice, I cannot recommend it enough for anyone who is having problems with slipping due to sweaty palms. The only drawback is that it does not work on the Jade mat, you have to put in on the regular cheap kind of mat. On the other hand it is easy to wash, I just pop it in the washing machine and let it air dry, and it has held up really well. Hope this can help someone!
And here's a lovely little email :)
Hey Elsie,
I've been doing your level 2-3 yoga podcasts almost every morning for the past two months and I'm addicted! I've been going to yoga classes on and off for years, but for the first time I feel like someone is actually teachingme. And I can't even see you! I'm an acrobat and aerial artist so I do a lots of stretching and conditioning to stay in shape, but I have to say that after two months of doing your classes I'm more flexible than I've ever been in my life. You should see my backbends shoulders are so much more open now because in one of your podcast you talked about hand placement. It was the tiny adjustment I needed to make to really round out my upper back and push my my chest forward. And also, splits are easier than ever now thanks finally doing to all of those high lunges correctly. I hope one day I can make it out to Pittsburgh and take a class in person. You rock!
Thank you for everything,
This is an event that I was asked to help promote from one of my ex students in LA. Please go to the FB event's page to find out all about it! If you live in LA and want something fun to do about checking out some dance?
Rune Dance Theatre, a community-based contemporary dance theatre company presents RADIO LUNA, a performance installation opening February 25, 26, and 27 at THE FOUNTAIN ROOM, 4903 Fountain Ave., Los Angeles, CA, 90029. Created by choreographer/artistic director, Diana Cummins in collaboration with video artist, Allison Stewart, RADIO LUNA draws upon myths, music and our continued fascination with the Moon, its powers and influence over our lives. The show begins at 8:00 pm. Tickets are $15 pre sale and $20 at the door. For reservation information, call 323-934-3336 or visit the PROJECT page at and and 2 worthy causes are honored with this event: one is for and the other is for which helps women in Kenya start their own businesses
One of the cutest T-shirts ever ever ever from the Phyzz Yoga Blog ! A little product that I just found soooo cute I can barely take it.
Thank you so much for those of you that have joined the Elsie’s Yoga Kula FB page , located at . It’s really rockin’ over there! I’m doing my best to post great content for you guys there, both personal and lots of great articles and information to supplement your practice. Whenever I do any sort of giveaways I’m gonna be doing it via the FB page , so come on and join up! There is a little section over there for Reviews , it would be so cool if you guys could review me there. It’s a really powerful tool for me as an indie business owner. It’s absolutely appreciated! I’ve also started a discussion asking you guys to share a bit about yourselves, and who you are so that you get a chance to get to know each other.
There are soooo many of you listening to the podcast. Let’s connect even more and help each other grow! Please leave me feedback on the FB page, email me at eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot)com call me at 310 651 6238 follow me on twitter at and if you have a moment, please review me! either in iTunes and the FB fan page ! Love you guys tons! I’ve got sooo much more great content coming up!
Ep. 77: 85 min Level 2 Yoga Class - Infrastructure and Love Freely
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Upon learning about and delving into the earthquake in Haiti, and specifically the lack of infrastructure within the area where the earthquake hit, and the lack of foundation to receive help, it forced me to look at what was going on in my ‘home’, my heart, my surroundings so that I could help create clarity HERE and NOW.
Why HERE and NOW?
I donated money. In fact, how could you not? It was made so easy to give, so very easy to give. You saw how fast the human heart can open up and offer. You all experienced a sense of unity did you not? It’s amazing how open our hearts are. I have so much faith in the human race and our ability to open our hearts. I have no doubt.
Now, our ability to keep the hearts open and sensitive, to work daily to make choices that will optimize our well being and that of those around us is a different story. I can speak from personal experience as I say that I’m lazy when it comes to that stuff. I often times choose to ‘fix’ what’s broken in the house later. It’s too much of a pain now. I’ll eat healthier later. This pound of ice-cream isn’t gonna hurt me now. I’ll discipline and engage with my daughter later, she’s only 16 months old, there’s plenty of time....and on and on and on. That later, turns into years (or at minimum months). Those every day things are the infrastructure:
An underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system.
The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons .
If we don’t tend to that, regardless of how open our hearts are, how willing we are to give, how much we want to work, the delivery of that love, support, resources will not get there easily. At least that’s how I see it. The foundation will not be set when push comes to shove. Infrastructure is not exotic, it’s not exciting, it’s very grounded, methodical, and I guess you could say boring? Our job as yogis is to make these every day choices, these mundane often boring and at times, may I say annoying tasks sacred, valuable and full of meaning. It is in those every day ways that we build our foundation, our underlying system within our household, within our relationships, within our BODIES that we create the optimal way for us to share that wealth of heart and spirit with which we are all blessed
Build the infrastructure and Clear the path to Love
The more that we cultivate our infrastructure, the more that we will be able to share and love each other, support each other in a myriad of ways. We will be ever more effective and clear and raise ourselves and each other to a higher level of consciousness.
Some links mentioned in the intro:
World Virtual Yoga Conference
Hillary Rubin (refer to link to find out about her specific session and the magic $100 off code!)
Leave a review in iTunes (link opens up iTunes)
Leave a review in my Facebook Fan Page ! (that would be groovy, there's a page just for reviews!)
Ep. 76: 75 min Level 2 Yoga Class- Vasudeva as December Lights
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I have to be very honest, winter is very challenging for me. I do my best to see all the goodness, I really do, but when winter begins, man does it kick my spiritual booty! I don't often have time to sit and meditate on my themes for my classes. I'm working on being more efficient in my themeing and conveying more of the Anusara Principles of Alignment ™ and Philosophy more clearly, but as I'm sure some of you teachers know this requires work, time and study. The clearer and simpler a teacher's theme is the more skilled and experienced they are (at least that's my observation). It's kinda like watching a great dancer, you only see the beauty of the art, you get pulled into the dance itself, not the specifics of the dance, the steps, how many hours the artist had to rehearse in order to make it seamless... I'm getting more and more adept at allowing nature to guide me into what I teach. This generally happens during my walk to teach my yoga class. I've learned to let go of 'what I have to do' and simply allow myself to listen and to drink inspiration freely. Thank God for Christmas lights! They were so beautiful! They showed me things I hadn't seen in a while, streets that I walk often shifted and shone in a different way. I was more intrigued by what was going inside the homes that the outside. I saw beautifully decorated houses whose windows shone so bright. I saw shapes and figures all inviting me to step deeper into the homes, into the warmth of the inner dwelling. I realized that the holiday lights where put there in a very strategic way, they weren't just randomly placed, they weren't merely thrown out, but carefully thought out and generally speaking, placed in ways that would enhance each individual dwelling. The specificity of the way the light was cast out was a clear reflection of the owners time, thought and commitment. I saw that in order to place these lights optimally the dweller must first be willing to search the closets, the basements, the attics, to get the boxes out and choose what to cast out. What makes this so glorious is that all this beauty wouldn't be seen if it wasn't for the shorter and darker days of winter. The winter serves to take us deeper into the closet of the self so that we may bring out the decorations of light and enhance the world around us by the way in which we choose to cast our own individual light out into the world. Vasudeva vasu = dwelling place deva = the light The nature of the universe is how you choose to pour the light of consciousness into the dwelling place of the self. As you do this oh how it shines brightly all around, showing off those mighty beautiful lights. How do you choose to create a dwelling place of light? Just putting that out there.... So, given all that, this week's class is a Level 2 class, I know it's been a while! Let me know your thoughts, I always ADORE hearing from you all!!!! you can call me at 310 651 6238 email me at or comment at :) Remember this podcast is brought to you by the Elsie's Yoga Class Podcast App for the iPhone, a lovely way to support the podcast if you happen to own an iPhone or iPod Touch. $3.99 in iTunes! $3.99!!!! That's pretty cheap if you ask me! Consider purchasing it!
Ep. 75: 32 min Immune System Relaxation And Imagery- Keep the flu away!
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Hello All! Here's a new one towards the end of the year! I know I know! It so has been forever. I will now officially stop apologizing. Here's all I have to say about my lack of posts...Hunter.
If you don't know who that is..that's my 14 month old daughter. Anyway, This week's episode came about from a lot of your requests for some more meditation/relaxation type stuff. I decided to put this little imagery relaxation to strengthen the immune system as a little treat to get you through the flu season!
How about them apples?
The music that you hear in the background is by the talented Vic Hennegan off his CD Desert God and the song is called Gaya.
The whole thing runs about about 32 minutes all together. Give it a go and let me know your thoughts! Oh and I'm already editing episode 76! and guess what...a level 2 class :) yipeee!
thoughts and feedback: eyogaclass(at) or call 310 651 6238! hugs and kisses all!
EYK 3: Yoga App, Muscular Energy and The Best Yoga Mats
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The voice mail that is played at the beginning of this episode is why I decided to do these episodes that I call Elsie's Yoga Kula. There is so much power to sharing your journey. This practice of yoga can take you to so many absolutely fabulous places, not only on the mat but off the mat. I know that my yoga practice opened up so much for me, in fact it was the catalyst for gigantic growth in my life, and I'm in no way talking about the poses. They are the icing on the cake :) They provided me with the first courageous steps towards something more! Thank you sooo much for sharing Jeanne (sp?) ! I am thrilled when I hear stories like yours, those that are all about stepping deeper into your self, to see the vast goodness that dwells within! NICE! Oh, and I would be honored to have you come to my class! Even though I only teach 1 public class a week...but more to come, promise! As you can hear, this message was actually sent 'quite' a while ago. I'm trying to go back and honor you guys that sent me messages long ago :) And if you haven't sent a message to share with me and the kula DO SO. I'd love to help all of us stay inspired and feel that we are truly part of a world wide community! So call me to share at 310 651 6238 Hello everybody and welcome to Elsie's Yoga Kula episode #3! Happy Autumn :) Oh man is Pittsburgh gorgeous when the leaves start to change! My most favorite changes, that of the ivy, it's like fire snakes climbing up trees and buildings. So beautiful! So much has happened this year it's unbelievable. truly. Last year right around this time I became a mother. Yep, my lovely Hunter is 1 year old as of October 2. Happy Happy birthday my baby girl! You have shifted me to become someone I honestly never knew was inside. I've gotten...sturdier, that's for sure :) I started to finally teach public classes, I was laid off of my job last November, man! and now I'm in the process of developing my own consulting business. As soon as I get all my stuff in gear I'll let you all know all about it. You can venture to YoGeek.Me, to see a gradual development of posts delving into the world of yoga and technology :) It has been an incredible fortifying year, full of everything you can imagine, calm, love, fear, angst, courage, meltdowns, you name it. I have LIVED! You guys have made this year for me a sort of life line. Your emails and messages and support have provided me with hope and strength. If you are listening to the podcast I now read an email from Maria Rose from Vermont :D and my response to her email! Listen to the Podcast! EYK News: Remember how I mentioned the cool personalized bottle from the company SIGG on EKY Episode 1? Well, I take that back. I used to love those bottles but the practices of their CEO has left me less than pleased. Here's the quick scoop: SIGG CEO Steve Wasik recently announced that SIGG water bottles did in fact contain the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in its liners until August 2008. That means that any bottle that you purchased before 10/08 contains BPA. They are allowing customers that purchased a bottle prior to this date (you would know by the bronze liner instead of the pale yellow liner that are the new ones) to exchange their bottles. But the Environmental Working Group is not satisfied with this. Here is letter sent by the President of EWG to SIGG: On behalf of the Environmental Working Group (EWG), I write to ask that you issue an unambiguous apology for misleading consumers and retailers about whether SIGG bottles contain the toxic chemical bisphenol-A (BPA). I further urge you to modify SIGG Switzerland CEO Steve Wasik's recent announcement of a SIGG voluntary bottle exchange program. Consumers should be able to take SIGG bottles that contain BPA to an authorized SIGG retailer and receive a refund for the full retail value of the product. The cost of the refund should be covered by SIGG. The announced exchange policy, which forces customers to accept a replacement SIGG bottle, puts them in the untenable position of having to trust Mr. Wasik and his team about the composition and safety of the replacement product. It is our view that SIGG's reputation will be difficult to restore while Mr. Wasik remains at the helm of the company. Sincerely, Kenneth A. Cook President Environmental Working Group In case you want to exchange your product you can go to to read all about it. I'll post a link in the shownotes. Just last week I was interviewed by David Spark about my new iPhone App! It was such a cool experience. He's a really great guy. What was crazy about the whole thing is that I scheduled it specifically so that Hunter was in an optimal mood and she could keep herself occupied. The interview was supposed to take 10 min. Of course none of it went as planned. As we signed on in Skype, my camera decided not to work...ggrrrrrr. I had to trouble shoot for about 10 minutes! I did have an opportunity to see my lovely friend Inge's face as I had my mini freak out. I asked her to help me but at that time she had no solutions for me. I figured it out FINALLY! then of course, the moment that David started recording the podcast Hunter fell down and conked her head. yep, of course she did. anyway, the whole thing ended up going really well. I'll put a link in the shownotes for ya'll. Here's the article on David's Blog: Elsie's Yoga Class: Making Money From Podcasting Here's the larger piece on Mashable! 9 Successful Techniques For Making Money From Podcasting And speaking of my iPhone/iPod Touch app...Have you gotten a chance to buy it yet? It's $3.99 and what you get is the ability to stream all of my content, all 70+ classes without downloading anything at all, at the push of a button! Plus, I'll be adding a PDF of the sequences of my classes a little bit a time, so you can have it with you as you practice! Occasionally I may add little videos here and there and some other bits and pieces of content. Now, I have to clarify that if you happen to have an iPod Touch, the only time that you can stream the content is when you are connected via Wifi. Thank you Lisa for helping me be clear about this :) Full disclosure, there have been some issues with the 1st version of the app (the classes not streaming and the app itself not opening). The new version HAS been released which fixes the majority of the bugs. If you have downloaded the app and still experience problems, please feel free to contact me via email so we can get the issues resolved! If you have wanted to support this podcast, this is a wonderful way to do it. I do get a teeny bit of money from the sale of each app. I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all of you that have already downloaded the app, from the bottom of my heart, and I'd also like to thank all those of you that have donated to Elsie's Yoga Kula. I'll share that last months donations allowed me to make our car payment. It was a blessing. I've been doing this podcast for 3 years and I have never put up a donate button, until now. At this moment, I feel that I can and I have had requests from you guys, so it's helped me make the decision. If you'd like to donate to the podcast please feel free to do so, if you'd like to donate to the podcast in another way other than in a monetary way, I have put up a page telling you of all sorts of ways in which you can 'donate' that don't include money. Check it out. Any little thing totally helps and like the page says, Support the Podcast, support the family! We have another voice mail from a listener! So listen up if you wanna hear :) Here's Vanessa Best's Web site: The Spinal Space Thank you Juli from Atlanta! I know it was a while ago, but she very kindly sent me an email and told me that I had inadvertedly tagged episode 69 with an 'explicit' tag, YIKES! Totally did not want to do that. I went in there and fixed it as soon as I could, although I know that a few of you got that episode with an explicit tag, and of course there was nothing explicit about it... It's all about listener emails! Carli from Kansas My 16 year old son talked me into trying Yoga with him. He plays football and his coach got them started on Yoga. I am a runner and lift weights, I took a yoga class once but it never stuck. So I started looking for yoga podcasts and came across yours. I loved it. It was very hard for me to follow at first because I am not familiar with the poses. So I went online and found your website! I flipped out when I realized I can look at the poses to the episodes online and follow that way. I'm so stuck on yoga now! I love your classes and how you describe things. You Rock! Thank you so much Carli :) You know, I totally keep forgetting to tell you guys to come check out this site! The pictures are there, there are a couple of times where there are corresponding videos and extra links at times, especially when I mention an article or something like that in my theme :) oh, and the EYK episodes will be transcribed as a blog post (hence this post ;) ), so if you wanna read, what I said, then all you have to do is go to the corresponding blog post! Marie from Ol Miss Hi Elsie!I hope you are well. I've just started listening to your podcasts, and they are so great! I have a random question for you. What kind or brand of mat would you recommend to someone who is just beginning yoga? I have a mat that I have had for a long time, (I've started and stopped yoga a few times), but it is starting to kind of thin and I've found a few holes. Also, do you have any other advice for a newbie like me? Thank you so much and have a great weekend! Marie Here's my answer to Marie Hello Marie :) Great questions! Regarding the yoga mat...I'm a very big fan of the Jade Yoga Mats. At times they can bunch up a little bit off the floor, as they are not as 'sticky' as the yoga mats that you would purchase almost anywhere. My fave from Jade is The Encore because I like my mats to have a bit more substance when I practice. The Encore is the one that I have (at least I have the prototype as they sent it to me before it was released. Also love Beinjoy yoga mats. They are soooooooooooooooooo pretty :) That gets some bonus points from me. They feel very good. Also I own 2 Manduka ™ mats, the purple PROlite and the Black Mat PRO. They have some eco friendly versions that are also available, which I've been meaning to try. My purple mat has lasted me for about 5 yrs! and it looks almost the same as when I bought it. The only thing thats wrong with it now is that my kitties got to it and scratched the tar out of it ;) They also have a mat that supports an organization called 'off the mat into the world' which I think is pretty darn fabulous organization. Another company that I love is Prana. They have a FANTASTIC mat that I want to purchase the is wider than most mats out there. When I practice in order to have my shoulders properly aligned I honestly have to widen them so much that my pinky fingers end up being off the mat. I don't mind, but their new Revolution mat takes care of that! Plus it's eco friendly :) A lot of the mats that I have mentioned are pretty pricey, $60+ and UP! It is a lot of $ I know. You can get some mats from Prana, or Jade or even Lululemon that are eco friendly for between $35 and 40. I know that I have not needed another mat after buying my purple mat so long ago. I just like to try out other mats, and share about them :) Let me know if I can help you with anything else! As a beginner practitioner, I would merely say to take your time, to listen to yourself, and to choose to always be honest and open with yourself every time you get on the mat. Choose to step in deeper and enjoy your own body, with all it's 'limitations'. They make you the unique beauty that you are. If you get through a class and you haven't smiled....I would make that my priority :) Smiling and laughing truly allows for a deeper moving into your heart to see what really matters! Marie's answer: I ended up getting a Manduka Black Mat Pro and I love it!!! I've been practicing for three weeks and it has been really awesome to see how my body is responding. I also wanted to let yo u know that I started a blog about my yoga journey, I am wide open to any comments or suggestion :) Thank you so much for everything!! NICE! I do love the Manduka Black mat. That thing is hardy, the thing for me is that I now tend to leave that one at home as trekking around with that puppy on a bike, or a bus, or any amount of walking that isn't just a block or so, is soooooooo hard on my back. That mat is HEAVY :) Just to let you all know, there is a fantastic article by one of my Twitter/Facebook buddies, the mighty Nancy Alder and it's all about this same exact subject. It really gets in to more detail about the mats and especially pricing and it's a great read! Nancy Alder's article: Ecologically Minded Yoga Mats Meaghan Message :D Hello! How are you on this beautiful day?! I am a fellow yoga teacher, brand new, and IN LOVE with your site. It is so inspirational and moving and every detail means so much. Thank you for keeping us involved with your journey. I wanted to take a moment to personally invite you to take a peek at my website. I am training to run a half marathon to raise money for research towards Crohns, a disease incredibly close to my heart, which my boyfriend has struggled with for more than 20 years. My website is : The first ten people to raise 500 dollars in the next week will be matched 500 from a local company! So, if you are thinking you may be able to donate (any amount, big or small) -- now would be a perfect time! And, it is tax deductible . Lots of love and thanks, Meaghanxo I saw the other day mighty Meaghan or Megan ) sorry if I mispronounced your name that you reached your goal! Congratulations, and if any of you would like to donate to the cause follow the link above! and thank you so much for sending this along! Kate in Italy! Hi Elsie, I am a Canadian living in Italy and have just started using your podcasts for my daily practice. Thank you! You say the phrase "scissor your legs asymmetrically together" quite a few times and I am very confused what this it possible to get some clue about that? Thank you again for beaming your classes out for the world to access. In Italy classes are in Italian which makes English speaking me a little lost. Your classes are a big help. All the best. You know what I wanted to do to answer this question? I wanted to ask my students to tell me what that means to them, as often times I (I think all teachers) tend to relly on saying things one way, and you guys may just have 'better' ways of explaining this. OK, so here goes a bit of an explanation. Isometric movements according to wikipedia: Definition Isometric exercise is a form of exercise involving the static contraction of a muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint. This is reflected in the name; the term "isometric" combines the prefix "iso" (same) with "metric" (distance), meaning that in these exercises the length of the muscle does not change[edit] Isometric resistance Resistance in isometric exercises typically involve contractions of the muscle using: ▪ the body's own muscle (e.g., pressing the palms together in front of the body) ▪ structural items (e.g., pushing against a door frame). ▪ free weights, weights machines or elastic equipment (e.g. holding a weight in a fixed position) ▪ pressure plate type equipment that has a digital readout of maximal force. Depending on the goal of the exercise, the exertion can be maximal, or sub-maximal. Basically, you are engaging your muscles even though the poses are 'static'. There is an action that is involved always everytime that you are in a pose. In Anusara the principle that best describes isometric movement (or scissoring the legs together) is called Muscular Energy. Here's the definition according to the Anusara Teacher Training Manual....( you're just gonna have to listen as I'm NOT typing this whole thing out ;). One way that I teach these actions, I learned from one of my teachers Noah Maze, is by getting 2 folded blankets, placing them on a non carpeted floor, placing one foot on one blanket and the other foot on the other blanket. Once you're all set there, widen your feet apart and do a standing pose, like Warrior 2 for example. If you don't pull energy to the midline, I guarantee you that you will be doing the splits! It's a pretty cool exercise that teaches those actions, just for fun! Well, that was a bit of a long explanation! I hope that makes sense Kate! And reaching out to yoga teachers out there, how about you sending me some ways in which you teach pulling to the midline, or muscular energy? It would be awesome to share you wisdom with the Kula :) email me or send call me 310 651 6238 (put that number in your cellphone!!!) Ok, just 3 more things to address, as it looks like we're running a bit long! Ahhhhhh . I got an FB message from Isabella, she just wanted to say thank you to me, but she also mentioned that she was looking for a fan page for me. Well, I do have a Facebook Group! Search for Elsie's Yoga Kula, I haven't started a FB fan page....yet....I'm still figuring out what is best for me and for you guys. I know how crowded FB has gotten with soooooo many fan pages and groups and all sorts of other stuff, and I honestly don't want to add to all that. When I feel that creating a Page will add value, and I can honestly keep it up and have it be a place were you guys and myself can participate more fully I'll do it. I gotta really see how Fan Pages work. When and if I do that, I'll send y'all a little not in the FB Group, OR post something on my blog! This episode's art work is a class that a long time listener Tracee Sioux hosted at her Bookclub weekend getaway. How cool is that???? LOVED it! It was podcast #10 from El Salvador and it was all about authenticity. She said "We were touched and those of us out of practice or beginning were also a little sore. LOL" Thank you sooooo much Tracee for sharing that picture, and it really warms my heart to know that these classes are being used it such fantastic ways!!!! If you wanna know a bit more about Tracee, check out my blog post on my other blog YoGeek.Me. She's a pretty phenomenal woman with an incredible Web site calle The Girl Revolution, all about empowering girls, and I'm ALL FOR THAT!!! And lastly, I'm going to close by letting you know about an Affiliate that I'm working with. I will only work with people and organizations that I whole hearted believe in and whose products I absolutely USE AND LOVE. Floracopeia is one of the most incredible companies that I have had the gift of coming into contact with. I'll tell you more about the organization in a future episode, but right now I'd like to share with you 2 products that I use almost daily: Hormonal Essential Oil Blend Directly from the Floracopeia Website: For women who are interested in optimizing their endocrine health for long lasting vitality and radiance, the Hormonal Blend is a valuable addition to your every day pleasures. Two drops in the palms with a deep inhalation will deliver the healing benefit of this blend directly. In addition, the subtle floral perfume of this blend is a beautiful fragrance for any occasion. Its benefits include relaxant, aphrodisiac, anti-anxiety and mood enhancing effects. BUY THE HORMONAL ESSENTIAL OIL BLEND! Relax Essential Oil Blend Directly from the Floracopeia Website: Use the Relax Blend in times of stress or potentially stressful situations and environments. It is a lovely diffuser blend when you want to create a relaxing and pleasant environment in your home or elsewhere. It is a wonderful blend to diffuse around children, to apply on the car seat on long rides or the pillow before bedtime. Working people will gain great benefit from the Relax Blend and should consider it for use during the morning commute or before important meetings; there are rarely times when it is not useful. It has beautiful anti-axiety and mood enhancing effects that are subtle and intoxicating. BUY THE RELAX ESSENTIAL OIL BLEND! Do consider purchasing either or both of these products. They are amazing AND they go to support a MUCH larger vision. MUCH MUCH larger, so the purchase is not only supporting your health, me (a teeny bit) and also the world LITERALLY. I'll put links in the show notes so you can read a bit more about Floracopeia but do stay listening as I'll also have a special show sharing more about it myself! If you DO want to buy these products, please use the links provided in this post, as when you purchase via that link, I get a little support for the podcast :) Thank you guys for listening. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to have such a wonderful community!!!!! Please continue to give me feedback, questions, problems. I still have so many more questions to get to, I should do these more often...! phone number, email, FB (profile and Group) and Elsie's Yoga Kula!!!! It would be lovely if you'd consider leaving me a review in iTunes, those are deeply appreciated! Meet you on the mat later!
Ep. 74: 90 min Level 1 Yoga Class- Sankalpa
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Ready to delve into the depth of your Heart? Yikes! One of my all times favorite themes to teach is Sankalpa, or Intention. This isn't a general intention, or a teeny tiny intention but your heart's truest wish, your deepest heart's desire embedded in the richness of your Self. I know that when I was first offered the opportunity to meditate, truly ponder my sankalpa, it began to shift me very deeply. In fact it was the mere asking of 'what is my intention' that facilitated living a more fulfilled and truthful life. It informs my life every day, and now it becomes even more important as it helps guide me to be a better mother. I also must be honest. The power of one's own Sankalpa is very powerful, and at times requires a great shift from us if we are going to align with it fully. I felt my Sankalpa, I knew it in my cells and for many years I chose to 'ignore' it's fullness, for lack of better words. I was not ready to truly embrace what living in my truth would require of me. It took me years, plus the help of those around me who knew me and loved me enough to require me to be absolutely honest with myself :D I recorded this week's yoga class at Matrika Yoga, where I've had the opportunity to teach series classes, all with a connecting theme. This specific series was called "Yoga With Grace", just a very welcoming way in which to offer yoga classes that were beyond just the yoga poses, beyond the asana. I had the opportunity to teach more from the Heart, from a deeper place of basic Anusara philosophy, tapping deeper into the Source. Although this class is a very basic Level 1 yoga class, with a lot of basic alignment and instruction, the theme is always one that we can always step deeper into. If you are feeling a bit down, disconnected, lost, possibly need a tune up, do this yoga class :) Oh, and how about a piece of paper? and pen? Just to write down some thoughts, especially during the opening meditation. Let me know how it goes.... PS If you would like to support this podcast, how about buying the iPhone App? $3.99, not bad :D Also, like I mention in the show, Click here to find out a few other options to support the podcast
Ep. 73: 75 Min Level 2 Yoga Class- Skillfully Attune to Know Deeper
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A Level 2 Yoga class!!!!! How Do We Truly Know Anything? Man am I always a mess! Believe me, I do try to be neat...and tidy...and organized...but somehow I always end up with fantastic chaos all around me ;) The worst part about this is that I was like this BEFORE I welcomed my beloved baby, so now with her in the picture my chaos(mess) has escalated to new heights. The good thing is that as the mess escalates my need to find clarity also grows and thus came the theme for this week's yoga class :) My teacher John guided me to recognize how one truly begins to know something. How do we acquire knowledge? Deep knowledge? How do we align with anything? You soften, feel and attune. We attune to the Highest. We attune by getting close to that which we wish to know. This learning is not a head thing, but a heart thing as we truly begin to 'vibe' with and resonate with each other at a much deeper level :D Listen and practice to the class and see if you can begin to attune to something bigger! Finally something other than a Level 1 basic yoga class! This week's class is a Level 2 Yoga Class, not quite an 'advanced' yoga class, but a bit faster in pace and a warmer practice. You will find within this class preparations for more advanced postures such as Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana into Handstand (Standing Splits into Handstand) and Archback (maybe even a drop back *yikes*). If you are a seasoned asana practitioner and are acquainted with these poses, please feel free to rock it in the comfort of your own sacred practice space ;) Love the Feedback! email me- eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com leave me a message- 310 651 6238 (I'd love to play you guys on the episodes! Plus you can promote your stuff that way!) or comment on this blog! Other ways to connect with me: Connect with the Yoga Podcast Community Elsie's Yoga Kula on Facebook Join us! This week's Yoga Class Online is a Level 2 Yoga Class
EYK 2: Financial Anxiety Meditation and an Update
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The Yoga of Everyday Life and Podcasting! I honestly have tried to post and episode for almost a month. Every day I think about it. Every day I decide THIS is the day to get it all done. Every day the day ends, I'm exhausted and focusing on editing, writing, encoding and uploading is the last thing that my brain is capable of doing :( 3 years ago I began to publish this podcast. 3 years ago Elsie's Yoga Class: Live and Unplugged Podcasts came to life! So much has changed, and so much has stayed the same :) A few things that have stayed the same: My love for podcasting My love for yoga My love for service My love for you guys! My love for legwarmers Although I am no longer the care free legwarmer wearing bicycling full time yoga teacher from Los Angeles and have morphed into the occasional legwarmer wearing full time Mommy/Wife part-part time yoga teacher from Pittsburgh the deepest part of my heart still wants to continue this podcast, PLUS add better content to all those of you who would like it. I may not be consistent. I may say things that I want to happen only to have my life block me in some way, but I never forget what I've said. I'm still with you and plan to be with you for as long as you will have me! :D This is Episode 2 of Elsie's Yoga Kula. I share a bit of an update and invite you to participate in a small mediation that helps us all that are dealing with financial challenge/stress. I know that finances are tight for a lot of people. I also know how economic matters may prove to be huge causes of stress, anxiety, fear, and even health problems. The short meditation in this podcast episode is just a simple way to reconnect with the abundance that we DO have, something we often forget. I tell you this from personal experience. I share this meditation with you because I know that I do this little meditation almost daily because it helps me to stay grounded, and I definitely need to keep my connection to the bigger Source. I share with you because it's a great way to connect with one another so that we may through our thoughts create support for each other in these financially challenging times. I love you all! :D YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE MEDITATION EPISODE BY CLICKING THE BUTTON BELOW! (it's really a short one! Less than 20 min!) [audio #] Love the Feedback! email me- eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com leave me a message- 310 651 6238 (I'd love to play you guys on the episodes! Plus you can promote your stuff that way!) or comment on this blog! Other ways to connect with me: Oh yea!!!! I have a FACEBOOK GROUP!!!! Come join the rest of the virtual kula :)
Ep. 72: 1 hour Beginner Yoga Class- July 4th How Clear Is Your Heart To Reflect Freedom?
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This week's Yoga Class Online is a beginner yoga class Declare Your Freedom I had the opportunity to teach a yoga class at this year's Annual Mensa Gathering in Pittsburgh! It was quite an exciting experience. It's always such a treat to teach outside of the yoga studio, and it's also very exciting not knowing who is going to be showing up :) I was thrilled to see a pretty good outcome of between 20-25 people. The majority of them did not have yoga mats and quite a few of them weren't wearing what we would call 'yoga clothing'. You see, none of this matters. The practice can be done anywhere, no props nor specific attire needed! How Do Your Choices Reflect Optimal Freedom? This yoga class is what I would call a beginners class. Although one does not need to be a beginner to practice it. We as practitioners can bring complexity to any class as we choose to step deeper into it's nuances and continue to make more meaning with every breath and every movement. Something simple can be ever so fulfilling and can become a gift to all of us who choose to pull the meaning of our hearts into it :D Let me know your thoughts! Enjoy the practice! This week's Yoga Class Online is a beginner yoga class Leave me feedback 310 651 6238 email me eyogaclass(at)gmail(dot)com
Ep. 1: Elsie's Yoga Kula (The Beginning of Deepening Community)
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This is NOT a yoga class. This is episode 1 of a new facet of the podcast. More yoga classes comig up next week! Hello and welcome to the First episode of Elsie's Yoga Kula, where we share, cultivate relationship and deepen our yoga by entering the community of the heart, which is both your own heart, AND it's the heart manifesting as the company we keep. I've been talking a lot about getting new facet of the podcast up. And it's finally here! Some of you guys may have been listening for a while so you may be a bit more aware of my story, but some of you may just have started to listen so I'll just do a quick recap. I lived in Los Angeles and taught in yoga in Los Angeles until October 2007. While I was there I was blessed to have lots of fabulous classes and an incredible community of both students and teachers that I could delve into and cultivate. The LA yoga community is thriving and abundant. Now I live in Pittsburgh. I transported to the Burgh for LOVE. I'm very happy being here. I have the best family ever ever ever! with my soon to be husband and my 9 month old little daughter Hunter. The only thing that I'm lacking (other than Jamba Juice...but I digress) is the yoga community. Having started teaching again after my baby was born and being able to once again post my classes has given me a connection to you all, and I cannot tell you how much it means to me. The power of this medium and our ability to share together this incredible practice is one of the greatest blessings in my life, so I decided to share a little bit more! I want you guys, all of you that are part of this podcast and practice together, to get to know each other a little bit, plus it also gives me the opportunity to share a little bit more about other yoga related things :) You guys up for it? So to begin, here we go with our first voice mail, It's Nikki from DeMoines! Please listen to the Podcast to hear the Voice Mail :) You are so welcome! You know, I have to do another one of those deep savasana (Episode 61: Chill the Body Out, A 13 Minute Full Body Relaxation) and yoga nidra episodes (Episode 62: Yoga Nidra Yourself Out, a 65 Minute Deep Meditative Relaxation). Personally .... I LOVE those!!! I used to practice yoga nidra a lot more than I have an opportunity to now. One of these days I'm sure I'll be able to again...oh the Mommy life :) Thanks for the call! I'm a very big RSS lover. RSS is sorta like using a DVR to record the shows that you wanna watch. RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication, which means that you can syndicate or publish material 'simply'. Most websites now days, have a feed associated with them. If you subscribe to the feed, then whenever new content is published to that feed you receive it automatically. This brings me back to the DVR metaphor, so you can read, listen or watch that content whenever you want. The way that you are subscribing to this podcast is via it's RSS feed. When you are in iTunes (for the majority of you subscribe via iTunes) and you subscribe to any podcast, you are subscribing via RSS feed. Sorry for the long winded explanation, just doing it for those of you that may wanna clarify a bit :) In order to receive the content you need to have some sort of RSS reader, such as iTunes. iTunes deals primarily with audio and video feeds. My personal favorite RSS reader that deals with audio, video, but mainly text feeds is Google Reader. I subscribe to A LOT of feeds and love reading them on my cell phone. Google Reader has a really easy and simple mobile site that I check countless times a day. The reason for this huge discussion is that I'm going to share with you guys, blogs, posts, videos, etc. that I find inspiring from Google Reader! So, here we go! I'm not sure how I found this blog, but I'm loving every post. It's called Rose Garden Yoga by a yoga teacher named Elizabeth Goodman AND she's a certified Anusara Yoga teacher! I'm thrilled every time I see a new post. I'm inspired by her eloquence and her love of the garden. It is soooooo worth your time. Great insight into the yoga of every day :) Another blog that I'm diggin' is the Everything Yoga Blog at I enjoy this persons posts very much. I always end up with some new information, whether it be about a specific point of view, some sort of new product or website, whatever. I believe that I enjoy reading the posts so much because the author's voice is so natural and absolutely down to earth. Check those 2 blogs out, AND use Google Reader! You can read so many more blogs in one place! Kinda like having your own special magazine :) Here's a nifty little product that I LOVED! Found out about it via the Everything Yoga Blog I just mentioned. Ok, I'm sure y'all have come across SIGG water bottles, those really cool bottles from sweden? Well you can totally MAKE YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED ONES!!!!! O M G. I have 2 already, and I LOVE THEM! So if you go to You can see how to do it! It really is the coolest thing ever, plus if you don't know about Cafe Press you'll get a chance to check out that site! It's a GREAT resource for creating your own stuff. And now for our next voice mail: Mary from Houston Dude, Mary, totally humbled. Thank you! You are way too sweet. I'm soooo glad that the podcasts are able to serve you, honestly. I'm very glad. I absolutely know how you feel. Totally get it, AND I'm working hard at this whole Mommy thing, doing my best at that and all the other stuff. I think at times the will to do it all comes from a desire to connect and to serve fully. Thanks again And now for our first email of the episode from Nora in North Carolina This is all about Prenatal Yoga!!! You can hear the email conversation and what I have to say if you listen to the episode Empowering your Prenatal Yoga Practice: Advise from Yogi Mama to New Yogi Mama Speaking of prenatal yoga, Sue Elkind is doing a prenatal yoga teacher training in Athens Greece!!!!! Sept 7-11 Athens, Greece Prenatal Teacher Training Check it out at If you decide to do this...please email sue and tell her that you heard it from me! snyoga (at) mac (dot) com Another email: Lina from Malasyia!!! how exciting is that???? Thank you so much Lina! Now I'm not going to answer this question here, I've (actually we, my dear friend Hillary Rubin and I) Have just answered this question and lots of other neat little teacher type discussion topics over at Mudra Moments. You can subscribe via RSS in iTunes or listen straight from the website at! I've already let Lina know that we addressed her question in Mudra Moments Episode 13, but I thought some of you guys may be interested in still hearing the question! One of the reasons that I'm doing this also is so that I can share with you the listeners stuff that you care about and would like to share yourself. I got an email from someone that I got to know in LA, although they lived in Las Vegas: Yoga Rants and Raves ( and they are on twitter! plus, this is their WEBSITE: And our last voice email of the day, Anne NC thank you sweetie, I think Hunter is FAMOUS!!! I still have a lot more of your emails, comments and phone calls to share! I contacted some of you to see if I could use your email, please know that I will, it's just that I didn't want to make this a REALLY long show...just enough to make it fun. If you want to be on the show, or share something about yourself or something you are doing that you would like me to check out and share with the Kula, send me an email, comment at or CALL ME!!!!!!!!! it's soooooo easy to do it, and how fun is it to hear yourself on the show!!!!! woo hoooo 310 651 6238 :) or you can record your own MP3 and send it to me! Please let me know if you enjoyed this. It's really another way that I can deepen our relationship and allow us all to get to know each other better! Hope to hear from you! Oh last thing :) The 3rd year anniversary of this podcast is coming up at the end of July. I hope to put up a special episode, plus some fun giveaways, so if you wanna be part of that episode, send me a voice mail sharing with me a special time that you practiced with it, or something along those lines so I can put it on the show! Much love and blessings
Ep. 71: 75 min Level 1-2 Yoga Class- Agni in Body, Mind, and Breath
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The Power of Fire Hunter and I got the opportunity to see fire at it's most powerful, as it blazed across the street from our home. I was in awe of watching it burn. I had a visceral reaction to the flames, as I felt it's strength and felt it's power of destruction deep into my bones. As much as this fire was destroying the building across the street, I also new that it was transforming not only the building, but the entire neighborhood. In Ayurveda, fire or Agni, is incredibly important. It is this fire that maintains and sustains optimal vibrant health...when it's in alignment :) Listen to this week's yoga podcast and practice along to connect with your inner fire in body, mind and breath :) Love the Feedback! email me- eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com leave me a message- 310 651 6238 (I'd love to play you guys on the episodes! Plus you can promote your stuff that way!) or comment on :)
Ep. 70: 75 min Level 1-2 Yoga Class- Does Your Yoga Help You Be A Better Person?
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The Path of the Yogi Within Social Networks
I’ve been on Twitter since the Spring of 2007, way before it became so CRAZY mainstream. When I first got on Twitter, there were only a handful of people that I had actually met face to face. In fact, the people on twitter that I interacted with were basically all from the podcasting/new media community and 90% of them where out of state or out of the country. There was not one person from my yoga community.
That has now all changed.
I would say in 2009 the yoga community on Twitter has skyrocketed. I’m in awe of the amazing amount of tweets about yoga, from yoga practitioners, teachers and studios. It’s yoga yoga yoga all the time now! I love it because now I can literally feel my yoga kula around me here in Pittsburgh because many of my Anusara yoga friends in LA and from other parts of the country are now on Twitter, including John Friend (the founder of Anusara Yoga )! Needless to say, that’s some serious growth!
In the past 2.5 yrs that I’ve been on Twitter, I have not ONCE had a negative experience with anyone I followed or followed me. In fact I’ve developed some pretty special friendships with some folks on Twitter that I would have never come in contact with otherwise. I’m a bit saddened to say that I’ve had my first ‘negative’ experience on Twitter, and it was with a fellow yogi.
This episode’s artwork is a snapshot of the initial dialogue.
I think all of us have every right to have our own preferences and opinions about yoga and about what yoga system or philosophy we align with. In fact that goes for your spiritual and religious life. One of my fellow Anusara teachers referred to yoga philosophy as ‘resonant energy’.
resonance |ˈrezənəns|
the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating : the resonance of his voice.
• figurative the ability to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions : the concepts lose their emotional resonance.
• Physics the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object.
• Mechanics the condition in which an object or system is subjected to an oscillating force having a frequency close to its own natural frequency.
• Physics the condition in which an electric circuit or device produces the largest possible response to an applied oscillating signal, esp. when its inductive and its capacitative reactances are balanced.
• Physics a short-lived subatomic particle that is an excited state of a more stable particle.
• Astronomy the occurrence of a simple ratio between the periods of revolution of two bodies about a single primary.
• Chemistry the state attributed to certain molecules of having a structure that cannot adequately be represented by a single structural formula but is a composite of two or more structures of higher energy.
ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French, from Latin resonantia ‘echo,’ from resonare ‘resound’ (see resonant ).
Which Yoga Philosophy Is Right? Which Yoga Philosophy is the Best?
If a philosophy resonates with you, you will be more harmonious, more sensitive, more open both with yourself and with others around you. You will in fact be able to add more beauty, goodness, auspiciousness to the world through your thoughts, actions and unique presence. You will embed the philosophy so deeply inside of yourself that you will be able to serve those around you and yourself in ever deepening and refined ways. If whatever you choose opens you to recognize the blessing of your life, your wisdom, your auspiciousness, and in turn shows you that you are part of something much Greater, and of the Intrinsic Goodness of life, than you are in optimal alignment. It’s not about which yoga is the best: Ashtanga, Iyengar, Power, Viniyoga, etc, nor what philosophy, Tantra, Advaita Vedanta, Classical, etc. but how do your actions, your thoughts, your words offer the most auspicious part of yourself AT EVERY MOMENT. How do you feel in your own authentic heart, and how well are you able to serve and uplift those around you?
If you lock your fulfillment into how other people receive it you will never be fulfilled.
We always have a choice. If we do disagree with a particular style of yoga’s philosophy, or teacher, or practice, in what way are you going to communicate that with those around you so that you show through your actions, interactions and WORDS the highest integrity, always aligning to the Highest most Auspicious part of ourselves? Bottom line, do the actions you take make you a better person. Are you being authentic? It’s not easy, especially when confronted by someone that happens to get under your skin
Be very mindful of what you put out into the world, especially when it is written down and sent out into the world. It holds power, and it speaks loudly.
Love the Feedback!
email me- eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com
leave me a message- 310 651 6238 (I’d love to play you guys on the episodes! Plus you can promote your stuff that way!)
or comment on this blog!
This week’s class is a grounding Level 1-2 Yoga Class.
The class can be modified to be more basic or more advanced by choosing to do the full poses instead of the modification.
You are more than welcome to use as many yoga props as necessary to offer you the optimal alignment of your poses. Have your props near you so you can grab them as needed.
Ep. 69: 70 min Level 1-2 Yoga Class- Take a Moment To Stay Steady
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Always doing SO many things at once.
I know for myself it is very rare that I do just ONE thing at a time. Now being a Mom, it becomes even harder. The mind races from one place to the next, things become so cluttered and often times takes us away from our center. Practicing some asana and taking even just a few moments to pause quietly and feel can give us so much access to the vast wealth of steadiness that we all posses. When we see that steadiness, when we find the Center, we can make better and better choices regarding our lives, our health, our relationships and how we choose to step into the world. Let's practice together!
Love the Feedback!
email me- eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com
leave me a message- 310 651 6238 (I'd love to play you guys on the episodes! Plus you can promote your stuff that way!)
or comment at!
Other ways to connect with me:
Other ways to connect with me:
By Free Marketing Directory
This week's class is an uptempo Level 1-2 Yoga Class.
You are more than welcome to use props, especially blocks for poses like Trikonasana. I also really love to have a blanket by so I can sit on it during the centering at the beginning of class :)
Ep. 68: 75 min Level 1-2 Yoga Class- Align and Re-Align with Sensitivity
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Aligning and Re-Aligning
My baby girl has recently started having solid food. She got constipated. One would imagine that the only thing that it would affect, would be her demeanor, as she was pretty uncomfortable. In fact, this constipation made other things come out of alignment. She was unable to process her food properly because nothing was really moving :( She threw up. A lot. This made me very worried, as she had never done that before! This is this week's yoga class theme. Listen to find out what my very wise Randy had to say and how it all turned out :) Oh yeah, the class was recorded on April 22 at the Pittsburgh Athletic Association
Thank you all for your comments!
Just to let you all know. I'm plan on supplementing the live yoga classes with little extra episodes sprinkled here and there. Since the yoga classes themselves are so long, I never want to make my intro more than 6 minutes, as you really need to be getting to practicing! Given this predicament, I've decided to address emails, questions and feedback that I get from you guys in another supplement of the podcast, this is going to be all about Elsie's Yoga Kula, meaning both YOU GUYS (your feedback, your questions, etc) and a little bit of extra sharing on my part, thoughts, focused classes, or practices, or even news about yoga products or any other online yoga tools that I have found helpful.
What do you think about that? Let me know!
To add just a bit more to my plate I have started a new website/business :) YoGeek.Me . I have posted my very first blog post there: Top 10 Ways That Technology Empowers Yoga Professionals . Check it out! I would love for you to leave your comments, especially if you are a yoga teacher or maybe someone that simply feels a bit awkward with technology!
You all know how to reach me:
email me- eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com
leave me a message- 310 651 6238 (I'd love to play you guys on the episodes! Plus you can promote your stuff that way!)
or comment on this blog!
Other ways to connect with me:
By Free Marketing Directory
Ep. 67: 75 Min Level 2 Yoga Class- Why Listen?
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I'm going to stop saying that I'm going to post more episodes more often. I absolutely don't know! Agh! Mind you, I'm now all set up technically, finally! I've been recording more consistently, so now it's just a about editing and posting :) I have recorded more than one class, and I'm refining my workflow so that I can TRULY post more episodes. I'm sure you all know by now, I'm a new Mom. My little baby is 7 months as I write this post. She has now settled into herself more, which is allowing me time to step into my own self. The only time that I have to upload, edit, post, etc. is when Hunter is sleeping. Those naps are the sacred time when I can do fun stuff like this podcast, PLUS all of the gazillion things that I have to catch up on: dishes, showers, general clean up, answering emails, paying bills, you get the picture. All I can say is that there aren't enough hours in the day to do ALL that I want to do. My life continues to ebb and flow and my biggest focus is on always remembering to constantly re-align....OH, that's the next episode!
In this week's episode I talk about LISTENING. It was all brought about by my latest venture: teaching other yoga teachers/professionals to podcast. I actually did my first 'virtual' workshop! It was very cool. Anyway, within the workshop I explained why I'm partial to an AUDIO yoga class as opposed to VIDEO. Y'all can listen to my intro to find out why ;)
And my new site! YoGeek.Me
Thank you for continuing to listen. I so appreciate you guys very very much.
Enjoy the yoga class!
Here are all the places that you can find me!
By Free Marketing Directory
In this yoga podcast, we have a level 2 class! Can you believe it? It has been a while ;)
The class was recorded at Yoga Matrika in Pittsburgh!
Props needed: a yoga block
Hands and Knees
Downward Facing Dog/Eka Pada Downward Facing Dog/Opening the Hip in Down Dog/High Lunge
Downward Facing Dog
Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 3
Surya Namaskar x 3
Crescent Pose
Vira II into Reverse Vira
Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Tadasana (with eyes closed)
Vira II into Reverse Warrior (with eyes closed)
Trikonasana (with eyes closed)
Tree Pose
Pincha Mayurasana Prep
Pigeon with Block on top of front thigh
Pigeon with Thigh stretch
Setubandha into Urdhva Dhanurasana x 3
Downward Facing Dog with knees bent into Straight legged
Child's Pose
Supine Twist
Knees to Chest
Ep. 66: 75 min Basics Yoga Class- Pause and Feel
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Wooo hoooo
Finally got a new episode up :)
Please feel free to follow me on Twitter
By Free Marketing Directory
and to add me as a friend on Facebook!
Also, you can leave me voice feedback at 310 651 6238
I would so love it :)
This is my personal blog , little teeny bits and pieces of me. No long posts ;)
This is a leve 1 (Basics) Yoga Class. This is a great class for yoga newbies.
Ep. 65: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class- Align to Harmonize (Yoga Mat Winner Announced)
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The winner must email me with their snail mail address, and color choice so that they can get the mat delivered straight to them :D
New Contest! This time win an iPod Touch!
Please Review Me in iTunes :D
In this Level 1 Free Yoga Class:
Seated Side Arm Stretches
Hands and Knees
Cat/Cow Stretches
Downward Facing Dog
Hands and Knees Alternate Limb Core work
Downward Facing Dog
Lunge into Straightening Front Leg into Lunge Twist
Arm Salutations x3
Half Sunsalutations x 2
Lunge with Arms over head
Lunge with Arms over head
Warrior II
Prasarita Padotanasana
Tree Pose
Deep Lunge with Forearms on the Floor and back knee down
Child's Pose
Setubandha x 3
Outer Hip Stretch on the Back
Easy Twist
Supta Padangustasana
Ep. 64: 1 hour Beginner Yoga Class- From Pittsburgh! Contract and Expand,
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A Beginner's 1 hour Yoga Class. It's a whole new batch of students, and a whole new state I'm teaching in. Not my usual 'type' of class, but happy to be teaching again so much!!! I love it. Check out the full sequence, with new pictures (in the pics I'm 21 weeks pregnant) and follow along at
Also I'm giving a way a Jade Yoga Mat, just fill out a survey on my site :)
Feedback 310 651 6238
eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com
Ep. 63: 90 min Level 1 Yoga Class- Spotlight Is Always On
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Finally I posted a new episode!!
This is a nice hip opener class so get to it!
Episode 39: Spotlight Integrity
You will need a yoga block for this or yoga blocks (towards the last quarter of the class)
Jade Yoga Mat contest! There's a Jade Yoga mat just waiting for you! All you have to do is fill out the survey that you can access from my side bar or right below :)
For all of you that happened to have filled out the survey before I announced the contest, please email me at eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com and give it to me so I can add you to the list of hopeful winners :D
I will announce the email at the beginning of July
Of course I gave the wrong contact number *sigh* it's 310 651 6238, call me!
In this yoga class podcast:
Hands and Knees
Down dog
high lunge right an left
ardha uttanasana
half sun salutes x 2
Surya Namaskar C x 2
lunge with back knee on the earth and arms up
arms interlaced behind the back with legs bent behind you and flat back
straighten legs with arms behind x2
Deep lunge with knee on the floor and arms inside leg R
down dog
Deep lunge with knee on the floor, etc L
down dog
Crescent Pose
down dog
twisting downward facing dog
uttanasana/ardha uttanasana/tadasana
surya namaskar x 2
Vira 2
child's pose
lunge twist (parvakonasana twisting)
runner's lunge twist
downdog with open hip leg up
child's pose
get a block or two!!!!
pavrita trikonasana
hanumanasana prep x 2 with a block
happy baby
chill on the back
on the belly, ardha bhekasana
dhanurasana x 3
easy supine twist
supta padangustasana twist
twist with legs crossed
knees to chest
Courage, Prayer and Action-An Elsie Update
Not a class, simply a video catching my listeners up with what is going on with Elsie's Yoga Kula. And some pretty stupendous news!!! Hope you enjoy. I would love to hear from you guys!
Salute the Sun Easily-A short Beginner Video
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Yeay! Salute the Sun Easily!
Where has Elsie gone to you ask? Well, getting swallowed up by the Pittsburgh winter, if you must know :(
I have been unable to even have an opportunity to practice regularly
let alone find somewhere to teach. It's been a very challenging for me
now that I have a full time 9-5 job. I now spend all of that time
infront of a computer! And it's been so cold and dreary that I have not
wanted to step into anything other than my yummy home and sleep.
I have become a bear that happens to work on the internet for a living ;)
I will be back, fully at some point. I just cannot, in all honesty
and integrity tell you when this will happen, and when I do I guarantee
that it will be a much different Elsie! That's all I gotta say...
I created this video to a fellow internet buddy, Nick Schmidt. We
met randomly through online community and he asked me to teach him a
little bit of yoga, and I did...with this little video.
Simple, short and precise. A great way to get your yoga practice in
even if you only have 5 minutes :) I usually add music and all that
jazz, and I may in the future, but I just quickly edited this puppy and
decided to publish. To get something out for y'all!!!
Would love to hear your feedback! I would love to hear from you guys
all the way around. You guys have now become my only connection to the
Kula. How very ironic that Elsie's Yoga Kula is now fueled by you guys.
I love it! This is what it's all about!
Please leave me a review in iTunes! or tell a friend about this podcast :D
Playful Vinyasa Sequence Video
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A fun and inventive short vinayasa sequence, which is actually done in Episode 33
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
I keep telling you guys this, but I'm still not teaching publicly,
so I cannot post any new yoga classes for you guys :( But I do have one
that I just found!!! I just have to take more pics for it, as there are
some things that are new, and may be a bit confusing ;) but fun, fun,
I hope to get an actual class up next week! Yipee!!!
So, my way of kinda dealing with this issue is providing you all
with some of my prior content on the feed so that those of you who are
subscribed can get these videos delivered right to your computer!
I do hope that you enjoy these!
You can listen to it's birth ;) in Episode 33 . Enjoy!
Handstand Splits at the Wall Demo
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A short video demonstrating Handstand Splits at the wall. I originally made this video to supplement episode 33 :)
I will be publishing the second video for this class next week!
Hope you enjoy
Please leave me feedback at
or call me 310 651 6238 and leave me a message. I love that stuff
Of course reviews on iTunes are so greatly appreciated
Ep. 62: 65 min Deep Meditative Relaxation- Yoga Nidra Yourself Out!
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Wow! a 65 minute Yogic Sleep, of course relaxation. Yoga Nidra coming your way!
I had such a great time recording this Yoga Nidra! Experience deep yogic sleep. It's a great practice for unwinding and truly diving into the depth of unconsciousness. So fun :D
intro song: Movin' from the Pure Creative Spirit CD
yoga nidra music: Gaya from the Desert God CD
I'm not a yoga nidra expert by any means. I had a experience during a Yoga Therapist teacher training to study with Richard Miller and experienced such bliss!
I bought his yoga nidra tapes and practiced it at home that way.
In case you are interested here are some more sources of Yoga Nidra studies and basic information: The Yoga Nidra CD that I have
Yoga Nidra on Wikipidea
Totally dug Anandmurti Gurumaa's beautiful voice in this CD. If I were to buy another Yoga Nidra CD I would get this one:
this site has a great introduction to yoga nidra narrated by Anandmurti Gurumaa, so worth it.
Plus she's got a great website herself: Anandmurti Gurumaa
With a fantastic Charity for girls...Shakti :)
Richard Miller and his website Non-Dual.Com
These are a couple of Richard Miller's books:
Integrative Restoration: The ancient practice of yoga nidra, for easing stress, healing trauma, and awakening to your timeless Presence.
Yoga Nidra: The Meditative Heart of Yoga
Rod Stryker : and his CD Relax Into Greatness
I based my yoga nidra on his CD. His stuff is also great.
All right,
So my birthday is coming up! Some of you have asked to give me something, as a thank you, and what I ask of you is to leave me a review in iTunes . I'd love to see if I can get 50 reviews by my birthday!
Please LEAVE ME VOICE FEEDBACK! 310 651 6238
Elsie's Originals
Pincha Mayurasan Prep With Headstand Arms
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A supplement Video Podcast, focusing on a variation of Pincha Mayurasana (feather of a peacock) with a different foundation-Head Stand arms.
this specific pose is done in Episode 31 of Elsie's Yoga Class Live and Unplugged Podcast
I decided to release this on my feed given the fact that I don't really have a chance to teach publicly (as of now :( )
Would love feedback!
Let me know
310 621 6238
Ep. 61: 13 min Full Body Yogic Relaxation- Chill the Body Out!
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A 13 minute Deep Yogic Body Relaxation with an 8 min intro with feedback ;) enjoy!
Something new!
Since I still don't have a public class and therefore no "live yoga class" I decided to do a sweet full body relaxation. Listen up and enjoy allowing the body to let go and release :)
I would so enjoy any sort of feedback from you guys! Especially letting me know if you like this sort of thing, 'cause I tell you chillin' and the 'slow' is where it's at ;)
FEEDBACK 310 651 6238
Ep. 60: 90 min Level 1 Yoga Class- The Guru Inside (my last class in L.A.)
emotionally charged Level 1 90 min Yoga class! This was my last class, that I taught in Los Angeles before moving permanently to Pittsburgh PA. So much beauty. So much love. Listen up and give me feedback :)
310 651 6238
Ep. 59: I hour Level 2 Yoga Class- Magic Revisited
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From Pittsburgh! 1 hr, strong fast paced Level 2 class, recycled from last December (previously #20) Check it! It's a good one to do after or before xmas shopping.....
down dog
uttanasana/ardha uttanasana x 3
tadasana with parvatasana arms
1/2 sun salutations x 3
sun salutation X 3
Crescent Pose
On right leg only!
Monkey Lunge
Vira I/Vira II
Crescent Pose/Lunge twist
Ardha Chandrasana/Trikonasana
Uttanasana/Utkatasana into twisting Utkatasana
On the left side!
Monkey Lunge
Vira I/Vira II
Crescent Pose/Lunge twist
Ardha Chandrasana/Trikonasana
Child’s Pose
Twisted Child
fun new pose (crazy twisting down dog variation)
pigeon prep
deep lunge with thigh stretch
cobra on ridgetops x2
sukhasana twist
diamond pose
Ep. 58: 85 min Level 1-2 Yoga Class- The Time is Now! Elsie News :)
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Special Elsie news! Level 1-2, 85 min class. Very slow and methodical because there were a lot of injuries in class that needed to be addressed. Focused and very good. Give it a go when you feel you need time and patience :) Check out for the sequence and a corresponding knee therapeutics video!
Tulsi Tea
Link To Facebook Elsie Tired Video
Dancing Yogini
She Yogini
Ep. 57: 1 hr Level 1-2 Yoga Class- Live In Your Heart
1 hr strong Level 1-2 Class. Great for no time restrictions. Live in your heart. Step in there and work :) It's so worth it.
Hillary's Yoga Practice
Mudra Moments Facebook Group
Ep. 56: 80 Min Level 1 Yoga Class- Step Into Your Truth
Great Level 1 80 min class for beginners. One of my favorite themes to teach :)
Review me in iTunes if you have moment guys! Pretty please :)
310 651 6238
Come watch "Touch the Names" at:
Follow me at:
Opening Night Pictures on:
Ep. 55: 75 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class- Harvest Moon
A level 2-3 class and it's 75 min :) move into letting all the old stuff die, let the harvest moon lead the way!
Ep. 54: 90 min Level 1 Yoga Class- Live Into The Light
Level 1, 90 Min yoga class with no inversions and good for beginners.
310 651 6238
Ep. 53: 55 min Level 2 Yoga Class- Find Ground and Flow
Level 2 50 min kinda flowy class ;) fun fun fun
Ep. 52: 90 Min Level 1-2 Yoga Class- I Know! I Know!
90 Min Level 1-2 Class. Up tempo and deeply powerful, with a couple of inversions!
Ep. 51: 90 Min Level 1 Yoga Class- Approaching With Reverence to Catch Breath
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Level 1, 90 min Yoga Class.
Deep and Steady.
We do 1 inversion (L pose at the wall x 2)
Every Person is Precious (This I Believe Essay)
John in San Diego
Portable and New media
The Sequence:
Hands and Knees/Downward Facing Dog
High Lunge/straightening the front leg
Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x3
Half Sun Salutations x 3
Surya Namaskar
Crescent Pose
Surya Namaskar x 2
Lunge Twist
Demo L Pose at the Wall with Daniel
L Pose at the Wall x 2
Prasarita Padotanasana
Parvakonasana (yep, again)
Parva Prasarita Padotanasana (torso to the side)
Deep Lunge (choose your variation)
Ardha Bhekasana
Lunge with thigh stretch
Setu Bandha x 2
Eka Pada Setu Bandha
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Sukhasana Forward Fold
Ep. 50: 90 Min Level 1 Yoga Class- It's Hot!
Give me some love! 310 651 6238 or email me
love you all!!!!
Ep. 49: 90 min Level 1-2 Yoga Class- Uncover the Melody of Your Heart
Feedback! Call me! 310 651 6238 and come join me at the Podcast and New Media Expo :)
Podcast411 interview with Quincy Jones
My brother Luis's Blog
Ross's Rayburn Workshop at Yogaworks!
Facebook me!
Ep. 48: 70 min All Levels Yoga Class- Do Your Actions Reflect Who You Want to Be?
I'm Back!!!!!!
Hillary Rubin
Mudra Moments
YoGeek Workout (the Bike episode)
Ep. 47: All Levels Yoga Class- 1 Yr Aniversary! Yoga To Lift Your Spirits
Vic Hennegan
Joe Shashaty
Flickr pics of Yoga To Lift Your Spirits
Follow me on Twitter
Mudra Moments
Special Episode: Mudra, Fitness and the Simpsons
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Fitness Rocks
Weight Loss How They Did It! Audio Download or Amazon Link
YoGeek Workout
Mudra Moments
Hillary's Yoga Practice Podcast
My interview for Podcast411 (this one is coming all....not out yet, stay tuned ...)
Today in iPhone
Vic Hennegan
Joe Shashaty
Luis Escobar Blog
Follow me on Twitter
Ep. 46: 70 min All Levels Yoga Class at Swerve Studio- Knowledge is....Bondage?
Hip openers, and focused work to make you feel better :)
Please come check out to see all the corresponding pics and links!
In this yoga podcast:
Ep. 45: 90 min All Levels Yoga Class- Declare Yourself a Sovereign
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Celebrate your sovereignty by stepping places you haven't gone before. Move out of your comfort zone! A pretty uptempo class. Check out the pics on the site
follow me on Twitter
Podcast Awards (this one is for you Mike and Inge, love you guys!)
Yoga to Lift your spirits with Elsie
Yogeek Workout
verge of the fringe
lance anderson
PUM (podcast user magazine)
Declaration of Independence
Ep. 44: 55 min Level 1-2 Yoga Class- Mirror of Erised
A good class to take on the road with you. A basic class for students with some knowledge of yoga. We do use a block at the end :)
Check out pics to the episode and links to the theme at
feedback 206-666 4439
Ep. 43: 80 min Level 1 Yoga Class- See The Goodness
This is a good one for beginners!!!! Dive into it, there are lots of pics on my website
Plus there's a very yummy deep relaxation towards the end :)
Don't forget to send me feedback ;)
206 666 4439
Ep. 42: 1hr Level 1-2 Yoga Class- Learners Will Inherit The Earth
Pixelodeon (do check out he vids and you'll see how cool it all was!!!)
Ars Technica Article: consumers mistake familiarity with superiority
Insight of the Day
Elsie's Yoga Class LIVE on uStream
YoGeek Practice on uStream
follow me on Twitter
Newest YoGeek Workout Episode
please visit
Ep. 41: 85 min Level 1 Yoga Class- Responsibility as Pure Desire
YoGeek Workout the Intro
Typical Mac User Podcast ( a wanna be geek asking questions)
Rosary Army Podcast ( a wannabe Catholic reporter/correspondent live at the Rosary Bowl!)
The Run Podcast ( a wannabe runner teaching a yoga class, that's me :) )
Follow me on Twitter
Ep. 40: Level 1 Yoga Class at Yogaworks- Economy, Efficacy, Exigency
Sarah's Link to me
Twitter (sign up! it's free)
Follow me on Twitter
Ustream Elsie's Yoga Class Live and Unplugged on 12:30 PST Fridays
My Ustream Profile Page
Ep. 39: 75 Min Level 2 Yoga Class- Spotlight Integrity
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This is the actual class that I taught while there was a camera crew right in class with us! The camera man was there for 45 min of the class, and then they sweetly left. Just thought I should post the class so that y'all could be part of the fun :)
Link to CBS2 video
uStream Live and Unplugged Friday Class
uStream YoGeek Practice Broadcast
The Sequence:
Adho Mukha Svanasana/Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana/Straight Legged Lunge
Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 3
Surya Namaskar x 2
Crescent Pose
Vira II/Reverse Vira
wide Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
L Pose at the Wall
Tree Pose
Deep Lunge on the forearms
Pigeon/Pigeon with slight twist
Deep Lunge with thigh stretch
Pigeon with Thigh stretch
Eka Pada Dhanurasana
Upavishta Konasana/Parsva Upavishta Konasana
Ep. 38: 75 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class- "Become An Expression of Your Gift"
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This was the 1st class that I streamed live!!!!! man that was kinda nutty ;) If you want to take my class, live wherever you are, I'm planning on streaming my class on Fridays, either my 7:30am class or my 12:30pm class, obviously PST. I need feedback about this, what works best for you guys?
Here's the link to my actual LIVE YOGA CLASS
If you look at that link right now, nothing is there, but you will be able to see when the upcoming one is, and when.
Show Links:
John O'Donohue essay
The Sequence:
Hands and Knees
Adho Mukha Svanasana/Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana/High lunge
Uttanasana/Parsva Uttanasana
Wide Legged Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Tadasana/Urdhva Hastasana shoulder alignment
Surya Namaskar
Crescent Pose
Twisting Downward Facing Dog
Tree Pose/Warrior I/ Humble Warrior/Vashistasana
Child's Pose
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana
Cobra on Fingertips
Parsvakonasana/Trikonasana/Ardha Chandrasana/Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
Uttanasana/Adho Mukha Svanasana
Deep lunge on Forearms
Pavritta Parvakonasana/ Lunge twist with thigh stretch
Child's pose
Pigeon with thigh stretch
Urdhva Dhanurasana x 3
Sukhasana with arms over head
Sukhasana twist
Baddha Konasana
Easy supine Twist
Ep. 37: 70 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class at Swerve Studio- Praying and Doing,
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"without courage we can never attain to true simplicity, cowardice keeps us double minded, hesitating between the world and God. In this hesitation there is no true faith. Faith remains an opinion. This hesitation is a death of hope. We never let go of those visible supports which we well know must one day surely fail us, and this hesitation makes true prayer impossible. It never quite dares to ask for anything, or if it asks it is so uncertain of being heard, that in the very act of asking it surreptitiously seeks by human prudence to construct a make shift answer.
What is the use of praying if at the very moment of prayer we have so little confidence in God that we are busy planning our own kind of answer to our prayer?"
Thomas Merton
Check out YoGeek Workout
The Sequence:
All Fours/Downward Facing Dog/One Legged Downward Facing Dog
Short Down Dog into a Long Downdog (listen and know!)
Surya Namakar x 3 (with small variations)
Tadasana (meditation, focusing on the left side of the body)
Urdhva Hastasana, clasping right wrist and opening the body to the right
Crescent Pose
Lunge Twist
Pavritta Parsvakonasana
Downward Facing Dog Twist
Utkatasana Twist
Tadasana (meditation, focusing on the right side of the body)
Child's Pose
Deep lunge on Forearms/Hamstring Stretch/Pigeon Prep
Ardha Bhekasana
Janu Sirsasana/Pavritta Janu Sirsasana
Easy Twist
SAVASANA (yoga nidra like meditation, fantastic 7 min relaxation :) )
YoGeek Workout: Hints and Tips about Working out in a Yogic Way
I have just released a new podcast! This is the announcement. Sorry, no live yoga class this week but definately next week! Hope you enjoy YoGeek Workout. Subscribe to this new podcast, as I will incorporate both audio and video ;) Should be fun!
206 666 4439
Ep. 36: 55 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class- No Theme Flow Strong to Quiet Heart
No theme for this class, a perfect class when you don't have much time :) Please remember this is not the best for a beginner, a bit faster paced than usual and I don't teach as much as usual!
Review me on itunes
Follow me on Twitter
Ep. 35: 80 min Level 1 Yoga Class at Yogaworks- Truth And Goodness,
My little niece Elizabeth. She is Truth and Goodness, look at that face!
NPR Essay "To Thine Own Self Be True"
This I Believe Podcast
Ep. 34: 65 min Level 2 Yoga Class at Swerve Studio- Watch, Listen and Feel
Time to turn celebrate
feedback: 210 666 4439
Pray as You Go
Link to My Post about Healthy Catholic and the Accidental Yogist
Ep. 33: 80 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class at Bala Yoga- Venti Problem
This is not a class for beginners. We do bunch of stuff that I haven't done before! Check out the corresponding videos once you do do it! A bit of rock and roll for those of you who are up for it ;)
Lynn's site
Lynn's posting on me :)
go to my website for the Sequence and the links to the videos!!!!
Ep. 32: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class at Yogaworks- Spring!
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Thank you for your reviews in iTunes, keep it up ;)
I'm in the depths of creation, renewal and expansion....stay tuned!!! or subscribed or listening...whatever
This class is perfect for those beginning yoga, enough sweetness, sprinkled with a bit of spice, of course :D
you are more than welcome to send me feedback:
206 666 4439
come check out all the pics!
Ep. 31: 80 min Level 2-3 Class- St. Patrick, Patron Saint of Faith (Shraddha)
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there's a video supplement to this class, go the my website to check it out!!!!
St. Patrick's Playlist! I found them all on iTunes!
Morrison's Jig/Dublin Street-Amy Kortuem
Walls of Liscarroll Medley- the Irish Experience
She Moved Through the Fair- Green Man
When Love is Gone- Green Man
Roving Galway Boy- Amy Kortuem
Plaxty McGowan- Amy Kortuem
St. Patrick's Breastplate- Amy Kortuem
Danny Boy- Tommy Flemming
Danny Boy- Amy Kortuem
The Deer's Cry (Breastplate of St. Patrick)- Angelina
(this is the song that I spoke about and played at the beginning of class)
Feet Stretches: Supplement Video Podcast #1!
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I have ventured in unchartered waters and I'm thrilled!!!!
this is my 1st attempt at playing with video. Bad video quality (HD
Camara on it's way), iffy editing, but hey, I did it all myself! Yeay
for iMovie. I kid you not, it's a fantastic little program for newbies
like me ;)
Anyway, so the stuff that's in the podcast is some
feedback that I sent to a fellow podcaster that I admire very much,
Father Roderick of the Daily Breakfast , for he just started his own first video podcast called Healthy Catholic ,
and it inspired me to get my behind going on this stuff. I sent this
info to him 'cause he's been getting back into running, so this little
video is just a couple of ways that you can stretch out tired feet :)
Please let me know what you think!!!!!!
Ep. 30: 80 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class at Bala Yoga- Cast Light Inside
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Hanging out with my niece this weekend! Such a blast, she can certainly cast light!
write me a review in itunes!
my Flickr yoga poses
The Sequence:
Downward Facing Dog
Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 2
1/2 Sun Salutes x 3
Straight Legged Lunge/Down Dog/Straight Legged Lunge
Surya Namaskar x 2
Wrist Stretch on hands and knees
Downward Facing dog wrist stretch
Crescent Pose (with side stretch)
Utkatasana Twist
Parsvakonasana with arms interlaced behind the back into Deep Lunge with shoulder behind the calf
Utkatasana (upper back more arched)
Parsvotanasana (slight variation)
Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana
Demo Pincha Mayurasana with Susan
Pincha Mayurasana
Demo Pincha Mayurasana Palms up with Huck
Pincha Mayurasana with palms up
Demo Pincha Mayurasana hands flat against the wall with Huck
Pincha Mayurasana with palms flat against the wall
Squat on tippy toes, legs together into a twist
Parsva Bakasana
Pigeon Prep
Pigeon Prep with thigh stretch
Setu Banda Sarvangasana and/or Urdhva Dhanurasana x 5!!!
Easy supine twist
Downward Facing Dog
Parva Uttanasana
Ep. 29: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class- Logic and Sensitivity the Applied Yogi
Donate to Corazon de Vida, just until February 27th
Typical Mac User Podcast Live! go to this link on Sunday February 25th at 5pm PST/ 8pm EST chat with me!
Douglas Brooks's article on applied yogis
Hillary's Yoga Practice Podcast
Coconuts and Legwarmers Flickr Pics
Vic Hennegan Workshop
Ep. 28: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class at the Center for Yoga- Authentic Love
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Authentic love is not a vague sentiment or a blind passion. It is an inner attitude that involves the whole human being. It is looking at others not to use them but to serve them. It is the ability to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and to suffer with those that are suffering. It is sharing what one possesses so that no one may continue to be deprived of what he needs. Love, in a word, is the gift of self.
-Pope John Paul II
Join Victor and I for the Typical Mac User Live show on February 25th! You so don't need to watch the Oscars! The best moments will be replayed over and over and over for the week following
Talkcast information:
Talkcast Name: Typical Mac User Podcast Live (Talk MAC)
Host: Victor Cajiao -
Phone number: (724) 444-7444
Talkcast ID: 3097
PIN: The phone number or 10-digit PIN you signed up with (you gotta sign up with Talkshoe! )
Vic's Healing Through Dance Workshop
Hands and knees
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
One legged Downward Facing Dog with hip squared (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Child's Pose (Balasana)
One legged Downward Facing Dog opening the hip into a high lunge into straightening out the front leg
Uttanasana into Ardha Uttanasana x 3
Surya Namaskar C x 2
Tadasana with Parvatasana arms (arms interlaced above the head)
Surya Namaskar A
Lunge Twist
Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Prasarita Padotanasana
Parsvakonasana (yes..AGAIN ;) )
Prasarita Padotanasana
Hasta Padangustasana Prep
some discussion about alignment in this pose
Hasta Padangustasana Prep II (possibly straightening leg into full pose)
Squat (with arms overhead!)
urdhva prasarita padasana
half navasana with feet on the floor
marichyasana III
cobra on fingertips
salabasana with arms and legs up
down dog with hip opening and leg bent!
deep lunge on forearms
child's pose
salabasana variations
twisted child's pose
happy baby
Ep. 27: 70 min Level 2 Yoga Class at Bala Yoga- The Heart
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John Friend founder of Anusara Yoga
John's Rockin' with Shakti Tour
Heart Study
Fantastic Organization which focuses on The Heart!!!
The Dana on Mission Bay Yes...I totally spoiled myself. I figured, why not celebrate my 35th birthday a little more! Mind you, for whatever reason I got a great deal on the rooms and if any of you are ever around San Diego, maybe taking a little trip to Sea World, hey come on over here. They have been incredible. Really.
Donate to Corazon de Vida!
here's a link to my Evite for the Coconuts Legwarmers Charity Birthday Bash
The Sequence:
Downward Facing Dog
High Lunge
Downward Facing Dog Twist
Uttanasana/Tadasana/Parvatasana Arms (arms interlaced above the head)
Surya Namaskar x 3
Vira I
Deep Lunge with Chattarunga Arms or Deep Lunge working head behind the knee
Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Tadasana into Standing Arch Back
Downward Facing Dog Shoulder Alignment work
Monkey Lunge
Pigeon Prep
Lunge with thigh stretch (eka pada rajakapotasana II thigh stretch)
Bridge Pose and/or Urdhva Dhanurasana x 4
Upavistha Konasana into Parsva Upavishta Konasana
Supine Easy Twist
Ep. 26: 70 min Level 2 Yoga Class at Bala Yoga- Nitya Karmas
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Sianna Sherman
Hillary's Yoga Practice Episode 13
Coconuts and Legwarmers: February 18th 9:30am at Lululemon Athletica North Beverly
please please please donate! it's for the kids!!!!!
The Sequence:
Adho Mukha Svanasana into Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana opening the hip
Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana
1/2 Sunsalutes x 3
Surya Namaskar x 3
Crescent Pose
Deep Lunge working head behind the knee
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana opening the hip
Twisting Downward Facing Dog
Handstand Demo with Lucy Bivins
Handstands again (on ridgetops, maybe???)
Tree Pose/Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana/Pigeon/Twisting Pigeon
Vashistasana with Backbend
Pigeon with Thigh Stretch
Lunge with Thigh Stretch
Child's pose
Ardha Bhekasana
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and/or Urdhva Dhanurasana x 3
Downward Facing Dog
Easy Supine Twist
Knees to Chest
Ep. 25: 75 min Level 1 Class at the Center for Yoga- Rajanaka
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This is all about my teacher Douglas Brooks, although I don't really speak about him in the class. I only try as best as I can to explain what this incredible philosophy is about. As I say during the class, and as Douglas has said many, many times before, "this is a practice that is learned from ear to ear, not from mouth to ear," so my explanation of it, is what I've 'heard.' I do my best to honor him through my words. As always I only hope to become clearer and more precise in the teachings. If you want to hear him, in his own voice, explain the philosophy check out this link where you can buy his Philosphy CD's:
and of course Douglas's actual site, so you can go to one of his philosophy workshops, he is not to be missed!
Hillary's Yoga Practice! subscribe to her podcast through itunes here
The Sequence:
Sukhasana with Parvatasana arms (arms interlaced above the head)
Sukhasana with side stretch
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Child's Pose (Balasana)
Downward Facing Dog
Straight Legged Lunge into straightening the front leg
Half Sun Salutation
Sun Salutations x 2
Crescent Pose
Demo of Pincha Mayurasana (me jabbering for a while, then you guys get to go at it for quite a while, try to do the full pose 3x)
Pincha Mayurasana
Tree pose with Eagle arms (Vrksanana with Garundasana arms)
Tadasana into a lateral side stretches (sometimes referred to as Crescent Moon)
Vashistasana Prep (with front leg forward)
Lunge Twist
Child's pose
Twisting Side Angle Pose Prep (Pavrita Parvakonasana Prep)
Deep Lunge with elbows on the ground
Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Seated Baby Craddle (check out Stage 1 and the Stage 2, choose accordingly) Oh yeah, how bizarre do I look in the stage 1 pic, geez :)
Easy seated twist (Sukhasana Twist)
Krounchasana Variation into a Krounchasana variation Twist
On the back! yeay!!!
Pranayama, Natural Breath
Ep. 24: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class at the Center for Yoga- Apeksha
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Exactly 28 days till the Coconuts and Legwarmers Bash benefiting Corazon de Vida ! Mark it on you new calendars! Sunday February 18 from 9:30-11:30am at the Beverly Hills Lululemon Store .
The Sequence
Table Top Pose
Downward Facing Dog/One legged Downward Facing Dog/High Lunge/High lunge with front leg straight
Downward Facing Dog/Uttanasana
Arm Salutes x 3
1/2 Sun Salutations x 2
Surya Namaskar C x 3
Table Top Pose/ One Leg, One Arm Table Top
One Leg, One Arm Downward Facing Dog (listen to the podcast and follow what I say! ;) )
Lunge Twist
Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Deep Lunge with forearms on the ground
Supine Hip Stretch or Figure Four Hip Stretch on the back/ Supine baby craddle
Lunge with thigh stretch at the wall or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana 2 with a thigh stretch at the wall
Supported Legs Up on the Wall or Supported Viparita Karani
Pranayama (3 part breath) dirgha pranayama
Ep. 23: 75 min Level 2 Class at Bala Yoga- Certainty and Doubt Revisited
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My Coconut Legwarmer bash is on February 18th from 9:30- 11:30 am!!!! At the Lululemon Store , come participate!
The Charity that I have chosen is:
You need a blanket, or thick towel for this one
Table Top Pose
Downward Facing Dog/ Plank Pose/ Downward Facing Dog
Uttanasana into Ardha Uttanasana x 3
Surya Namaskar x 2
High Lunge (jump switch sides)
Crescent Pose
Parsvakonasana into Trikonasana
Ardha Chandrasana into Trikonasana
Hasta Padangustasana Prep
Standing Hip Stretch
Navasana Prep (core work)
Urdha Prasarita Padasana, upward extended feet pose (more core work)
Downward Facing Dog
Pigeon Prep
Vajrasana with blanket behind the knees (knee, hamstring and calf opener)
Virasana, possibly into Supta Virasana
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana x 3 (or Urdhva Dhanurasana)
Baddha Konasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Seated Meditation
Ep. 22: 70 min Level 2+ Yoga Class at Bala Yoga- Ganesha
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How cute is Ganesh? I totally think this is the cutest picture ever! you can check out how incredible this guy's work is at ghee happy.
I got his book and it's just fantastic. He has a wonderful was of drawing the hindu gods and also giving their individual myths. I believe this is a must have for any yogi who wants to know more and also any yoga teachers! cute as can be!
my intro music 'movin' by Vic Hennegan
write a review in itunes
digg (now you have to be a member of digg to digg me, so if you are not check out the site. it's a great community site where 'we' digg the stories that we believe are worth looking at, love the concept! you can dig my podcast in the podcast section, which is where you have to be a member of digg to do, as it's a very new addition to the site itself)
the sequence:
Downward Facing Dog
Straight legged lunge
Chattarunga pushups x 3
Downward Facing Dog
Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 3
Half Sun Salutes x 3
Surya Namaskar x 3
Crescent Pose (jump switch)
Vira II
Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana with hips squared (standing splits with hips squared) I use this as a prep for handstand
Wide stance Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Pavrita Parsvotanasana
Salabasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Pigeon with thigh stretch
Lunge with thigh stretch
Cobra on fingertips x 2
Urdhva Dhanurasana x 3
Marychiasana III into Eka Pada Gomukha Paschimottanasana
Baddha Konasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Supine twist
Ep. 21: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class at the Center for Yoga- Misfits!
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Merry Christmas!!!!! Honestly a crazy little class! Please, you will need 2 blocks for this class. If you do not have blocks you can use a thick bath towel or blanket, rolled up.
Yeah, I go a little crazy about one of my most favorite Christmas stories (actually the tv show story, rudolph the red nosed reindeer and the island of the misfit toys ). I was kinda surprised at how many people had no idea what I was talking about. You guys have to watch the show!!!! Rent it, buy it. You gotta have it for the holiday season! Plus, according to my wacky self, it has a pretty fun soundtrack ;)
The Sequence:
Hands and knees
Downward Facing Dog
One legged D0wn dog into a straight legged lunge
Plank into Down Dog
Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 3
Arm Salutes x 3
Half sun salutes x 2
Surya Namaskar x 4
Parsvakonasana prep/variation
Crescent Pose into Twisting high lunge
Child's Pose
Table Top Sequence: involves extending one leg back and opposite arm forward, from there moving into a back bend
Twisted Child Pose
L Pose at the Wall
Deep lunge on the forearms
Pigeon Prep
Eka Pada Bhekasana
EXPLANATION AND DEMO: shoulder alignment discussion, plugging in the armbones for urdhva dhanurasana
demo with John
Urdhva Dhanurasana with blocks x 3
Sukhasana twist
Easy supine twist
Supta Padangustasana
Charity Podcast: Participation Rocks!
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My first attempt at an Enhanced Podcast! For those of you who don't
know what that is, it's an podcast that as you listen to it on itunes
(sorry those of you who have a different podcatcher! itunes is free
though, if you don't have it!) you can see pictures and even access the
links that I talk about on the podcast straight from itunes! Check it
out! What all this means is that as you listen to this specific
podcast, there will be chapter markers within the podcast, kinda like
the markers that you have on a CD when you move from song to song. If
you don't have time to listen to the whole thing or maybe want to skip
a specific charity you can just press the forward button and you will
move straight to the next chapter. Kinda nifty! I tried it last night
and it totally worked! Another cool thing is that if any of the
charities reach out to you and you just have to go find out about the
charity the moment that you are listening to me talk about it, there is
a link already there for you to link to! You can go to the website as
you listen! Oh, technology. I hope it works :) Enjoy
Breast Cancer Research
American Red Cross
Boys and Girls Club of America
Corazon de Vida
One World Family Fund
The Youth Leadership Training Program : You can contact Satatma directly,
Mother Om Mission
American Lung Association
The Amanda Foundation
other stuff:
Ayurveda, my dear friend and teacher Arun , what is ayurvedic medicine
fun Pink Buys
Ep. 20: 50 min Level 2 Yoga Class at the Center for Yoga- Magic
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I turned it up a notch. This specific class on the schedule at the studio says a level 1-2 class, but I went a little bit more ;) The pace of this class is a bit faster than I usually teach. I also didn't do too many alignment principles through the vinyasa sequences, it was much more about moving with the breath and just opening up the body. I was inspired by a class that I had taken earlier in the week taught by one of my yogi friends, William Duprey. Y'all have to check out his website , he's just great!
Still taking requests for charities! So click here , and let me know what you think! or call me at 206 666 4439
down dog
uttanasana/ardha uttanasana x 3
tadasana with parvatasana arms
1/2 sun salutations x 3
sun salutation X 3
Crescent Pose
On right leg only!
Monkey Lunge
Vira I/Vira II
Crescent Pose/Lunge twist
Ardha Chandrasana/Trikonasana
Uttanasana/Utkatasana into twisting Utkatasana
On the left side!
Monkey Lunge
Vira I/Vira II
Crescent Pose/Lunge twist
Ardha Chandrasana/Trikonasana
Child's Pose
Twisted Child
fun new pose (crazy twisting down dog variation) Pic is on it's way
pigeon prep
deep lunge with thigh stretch
cobra on ridgetops x2
sukhasana twist
diamond pose
Ep. 19: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class- Giving and Receiving
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My fantastic intro music Vic Hennegan 'Movin'
Charity post link , please go there and write down your passions, what do you believe in? Take action! Write a post there or you can send me a voice feedback at 206 666 4439
Chris Arcucci's mighty blog
link to the post I spoke about in class
The Sequence:
hands and knees
Downward Facing Dog
Eka Pada Downward Facing Dog
high lunge
Downward Facing Dog
Arm Salutations x 4
More warm ups!
Sun Salutations x 2
Crescent Pose
L Pose at the wall on forearms x 2
child's pose
Prasarita Padotanasana
Vira II
Prasarita Padotanasana
Tree Pose
deep lunge
Ardha Bhekasana
Dhanurasana x 3
Supta Padangustasana sequence
Ep. 18: 80 min Level 2 Yoga Class at Bala Yoga
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Happy December! my intro music, 'Movin' by Vic Hennegan.
The link to the charity post so you can post your charity passion:
Lululemon Athletica
Lululemon Ambassador program
Downward Facing Dog
Eka Pada Downward Facing Dog into high lunge into a hamstring stretch
Uttanasana into Ardha Uttanasana x 3
Surya Namaskar x 3
Crescent Pose into Lunge Twist
Down Dog Twist
Ardha Chandrasana
Anjane Asana (shoulder alignment work)
Salabasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Pincha Mayurasana Prep (L pose at the wall on the forearms with a block in between the hands)
Pincha Mayurasana
Standing Hip Stretch (shrub pose) x 2
Hasta Padangustasana with both hands
Deep Hip Stretch on Forearms
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana prep
Lunge with thigh Stretch
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Prep with thigh stretch (mermaid variation if you want)
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana x 2
Downward Facing Dog
Downward Facing Dog
Supine Twist
Ep. 17: 80 min A Thanksgiving All Levels Yoga Class At Bala Yoga
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Update! I had to rerecord my intro cause of some technical dificulties, so if you happen to have gotten the old file, obviously there are no markers (if you don't know what I'm talking about, no worries, not important)
My intro music: Vic Hennegan
the picture in the file, the dish that I made for Thanksgiving. I just thought it looked sooooo pretty :)
This is the first episode that i edited in Garage Band and I was able to put in markers/chapters, so for those of you who have an ipod (honestly, i don't know if it works on other mp3 players) or you play the file on your computer you will be able to see the poses marked on the file! I'm hoping to insert photos along with the markers also, very very soon! Let me know how this new format works for you guys :) Now you can skip the intro all together and just go straight to the class!
The Sequence
warm ups
Crescent Pose vinyasa X 3
Parsvakonasana with arms interlaced behind the back (I've heard this called humble warrior, as your head is bowed forward toward your ankle)
Downward Facing Dog twist
Upward Facing Dog on Ridgetops
Parsvakonasana Bound preparation, working shoulders behind the knee
Hanstand Preparation and demo with Melissa
Uttanasana into Ardha Chandrasana into Trikonasana with top arm behind the back
Parsvakonasana Bound
Malasana and some yummy variations
Baby Bakasana (on forearms) prep and Bakasana
Bakasana with a block
Pigeon Prep
Pigeon Prep with thigh stretch
Vashistasana variations (hanes commercial)
Setu Bandha or urdhva dhanurasana x3
Easy Supine Twist
Marychiasana III
Baddha Konasana
Ep. 16: 75 min Level 2 Yoga Class at Bala Yoga
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I got a new Macbook! I am so excited! I didn't edit my podcast on my new Macbook, I'll try to figure it out next week, but I'm certainly so very happy!!!
Just to let you all know, especially for those who will be in Los Angeles for the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, I'm going to be teaching one class on Thanksgiving day, 10:30am- 12pm (all levels) at Bala Yoga and on Friday, my usual class at 12-1:30pm (all levels) at Bala Yoga and at 2:30-4pm (Level 1) at Yoga Works the Center for Yoga
If you are around I would love to see you!
The Sequence:
Downward Facing Dog
high lunge
Plank Vinyasa (moving 3" to the ground) x 3
Sun Salutations x 3
Crescent Pose
Vira II
Trikonasana/Ardha Chandrasana/Standing Splits with hips squared variation
L-Pose at the wall or Handstand
Tree Pose/Vira III/Standing Splits with hips squared variation/deep lunge with forearms on the ground
Downward Facing dog
Lunge with thigh stretch
Urdhva Dhanurasana or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana x 3
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Baddha Konasana
Supine Easy Twist
Elsie's Yoga Class Update: Computer Woes and Angels do Exist
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Just a short little notice telling y'all that I don't have a
computer! She is in the hospital with a 50/50 chance to live. I do
hope to be able to get a class out by next weekend, with my sweet old
computer or maybe a fancy new one, who knows!
Much gratitude to all of you who are listening out there!
Just to share: My friend Victor Cajiao, from the typical pc user , typical mac user and immigration tales
podcast is truly and angel. He has been helping me diagnose the
problem with my computer. He talked me through all the steps that I
needed to take to make sure that all my info was backed up. He gave me
hints as to what software to buy and also what kind of external
hardrive. After giving him an update of what was going on with me he
offered to record me on skype telling you all what's up (which is what
you hear on this weeks update). He added the music and edited it for
me! Tell me that's not the sweetest thing ever! I have thanked him so
much already and I guess I just ask for some of you to check out some
of his podcasts. He does some incredible work. I'm an avid listener
to his Typical PC User Podcast .
I've learned so much from him. I often write in to comment and to ask
questions. I never feel like a 'dummy'. He always takes the time to
explain things so that they do make sense to me, and to all out there
that may be a bit 'typical' in our computer world. He also has a truly
phenomenal podcast called Immigration Tales ,
which I refer to in my update. I find it so informative and truly
inspirational as I get to hear stories from people migrating. It's a
subject that deserves to be addressed. The way Victor has addressed
the subject makes it so very human and personal. It really is worth a
listen. Check out some of Victor's stuff, as a thank you to him. He
really is an angel!
Ep. 15: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class with a Pranayama Focus!
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It's the first time that I've done a class like this one, especially for Level 1, it's a bit harder, as seated postures tend to be a bit more difficult for beginners, and yet they do give you just another opportunity to experience the depth of this practice. Please have a bolster, blanket, towel, hard cushion, or meditation bench, close by while you practice to sit on while practicing pranayama and meditation!
Lots of focusing on the breath and a sweet meditation at the end. Please guys, let me know what you think!
Links: to buy Douglas's CD about the yoga sutras!
Have fun :)
table top pose
downward facing dog into one legged down dog into a high lunge
plank into baby chattarunga dandasana (only bending the elbows 3") X 3
surya namaskar x 2
Parsavakonasana with vinyasa (plank, chattarunga dandasana, cobra)
Downward Facing Dog
Vira 2 with vinyasa
Crescent Pose with vinyasa
Sitting to breathe
Downward Facing Dog
Straight legged hamstring stretch into Deep lunge on the elbows
Trikonasana with vinyasa
Sitting to breathe (Ujjayi Pranayama)
Deep lunge on the elbows (again) into runner's hamstring stretch
Janu Sirsasana
Baddha Konasana
Upavishta Konasana
Parsva Upavishta Konasana
Sukhasana twist
Sitting to breathe (Ujjayi Pranayama)
Ep. 14: 75 min Level 1-2 Class at Bala Yoga
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Very excited to hear from some of you guys, and looking forward to more :) The theme is all about the kula, whoooopeeee!
fitness rocks (y'all must listen to the interview I did with Dr. Monte, it was a blast to do)
Victor's Podcasts: typical pc user , typical mac user , immigration tales
My student Kim's blog
feedback! 206 666 4439
please write me a review in itunes, I would oh so appreciate it!
The Sequence:
Adho Mukha Svanasana into Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward Facing Dog into one legged Downward Facing Dog
Uttanasana into Ardha Uttanasana x 3
Half Sun Salutations x 2
Sun Salutations x 2
Straight legged lunge then straightening the leg
Sun Salutation
Vira II
Demo of Pincha Mayurasana Prep
Pincha Mayurasana or Pincha Mayurasana Prep
Tree Pose
Trikonasana into Ardha Chandrasana into twisting lunge pose
Pigeon Prep
Pigeon with a thigh stretch
Plank on the fronts of the toes into Chattarunga on the fronts of the toes
High cobra on fingertips
Raja Kapotasana
Downward Facing Dog
easy twist
Ep. 13: 80 min Level 1 Class At The Center For Yoga
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My great intro and outro music, 'Movin' by Vic Hennegan
Joshua Yuchasz 'This I Believe' Essay
About 'This I Believe'
Asperger Syndrome links (so we can be more educated, i think) ,
Blocks: ,
My Space Page!
Downward facing dog
Straight legged lunge
uttanasana into ardha uttanasana
Parvatasana arms/arms interlaced above the head
1/2 Sun Salutations
Vinyasa working on lunges and plank
Tadasana (inner body bright)
Sun Salutation working on plank shoulder alignment
Tadasana (shoulder alignment discussion)
Sun Salutation working on shoulder principles
Downward facing dog working on shoulder principles
Crescent Pose
Child's pose
Demo: (shoulder alignment work from all fours into downward facing dog)
Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Deep lunge (forearms to the floor)
Pigeon Prep
Ardha Bhekasana
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Demo: (at the wall, learning how to plug into the heart)
Demo: (using the blocks, and moving into Urdhva Dhanurasana in stages)
Urdhva Dhanurasana with blocks x 2
Downward facing dog
Ep. 12: 75 min Level 1 Class At The Center For Yoga
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I'm back in Los Angeles! Happy to be back and at the same time wanting just as much to be back with my family. I came back to my incredible students whose faces and passion make it all worth it :)
My theme this week had to do with one of my favorite podcasts, "The Bitterest Pill." If you want to hear the whole thing, which I truly suggest you do, you must go to and check out episode #85, it's amazing.
Another podcast that I mention is Fitness Rocks. This podcast is by Dr. Monte, who is sooooo passionate about health and wellness it's really worth listening to. He gives you the facts about physiology, nutrition, studies that are being conducted or have been conducted about fat, food, diseases, you name it. Be informed! Fitness truly rocks.
Oh yes, the yoga blankets, check out some of these sites:
The Sequence
hands and knees
Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward Facing Dog
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana into lunge/one legged down dog into lunge
Ardha Uttanasana into Uttanasana x 3/ Lengthening forward and bowing back into forward bend
Arm Salutations x 3
Half Sun Salutes x 3
Sun Salutation with lunge
Sun Salutation with Crescent Pose
Child's Pose
Downward Facing Dog exercise with the blanket x 2
Sun Salutation with muscular energy focus
Tree Pose x 2 (the 2nd time is with eyes closed)
Pigeon Prep
Ardha Bhekasana
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana x 2 /Bridge Pose
Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana/One legged Bridge Pose
Supta Padangustasana
easy twist
Ep. 11: 50 min Level 1-2 Class At Swerve Studio
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I'm still in El Salvador so this is a class that I had recorded on August 25. A basic Level 1-2 class which runs about 50 min, with the theme of Faith, in sanskrit Shraddha :)
Links: (the email address to rsvp to for the Lululemon Opening Party on October 12th from 6-10pm)
Also the living Sun Salutation Project on Santa Monica Blvd: Gather at the North Beverly Store, 334 N. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills, 90211, at 4:30pm. We will do the Salutations from about 5-6pm. Please wear black clothes, top and bottom!
Warm ups
1/2 sunsalutes x 3
Sun Salutations x 3
Crescent Pose, jump switch
Vira II into Reverse Vira
Vira I
Trikonasana/Ardha Chandrasana/Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana with squared hips/Deep lunge on forearms
Ardha Bhekasana
Lunge with thigh stretch
Cobra on fingertips x 2
Child's Pose
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Hasta Padangustasana
easy twist
Ep. 10: 45 min Level 1-2 Class At The Center For Yoga
Ep. 9: 75 min Level 2-3- Bala Yoga
Ep. 8: A Yoga Class To Celebrate Life- Honoring Michael Morgan Taylor Part 2
Ep. 7: 80 min Level 2-3 Elsie's Yoga Class- Live and Unplugged, Bala Yoga- Michael Taylor Tribute Part 1
Ep. 6: 75 min Level 1 Elsie's Yoga Class Live and Unplugged, Class At The Center For Yoga
Ep. 5: 75 min Level 2-3 Elsie's Yoga Class, Live And Unplugged At Bala Yoga
Ep. 4: 85 min Level 1 Elsie's Yoga Class, Live and Unplugged At The Center For Yoga
Ep. 3: 75 min level 1-2 Elsie's Yoga Class, Live And Unplugged At Bala Yoga
Ep. 2: 1hr Elsie's Yoga Class, Live and Unplugged At Center for Yoga
Ep. 1: Welcome to Elsie's Yoga Class Live and Unplugged Podcast!
Elsie's Yoga Class
Inspiring, spicy, fun, joyful and uplifting live and unplugged yoga classes taught by Pittsburgh yoga teacher Elsie Escobar. Classes range from strong beginners to advanced. They are 1hr or 1hr and 15 min. Depending on the level and length of the individual class they may include all or some of the following: a theme, meditation, pranayama, warm ups, sun salutations, standing poses, arm balances, hip openers, thigh stretches, backbends, forward bends, cool down poses and relaxation. Remember, the class is live and Elsie is teaching to what she sees. It's designed to include you into the class experience, to participate in deeper ways. This is not a "flow" or "power yoga" class. It includes power and flow, but more emphasis on alignment. You never know what's coming but it always proves to be a blast! Strap on your seatbelts and go for the ride!
If you live in Pittsburgh or come for a visit Elsie is available for private instruction :)
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