- Taking Up the Cross of Jesus in Witness and Suffering2012/09/16
Dr. Hartmann discusses taking up the cross of Jesus in witness and suffering.
- A Tale of Two Kingdoms2012/09/09
Dr. Hartmann discusses a tale of two kingdoms.
- Seeking the Lost- God calling sinners to repentance2012/08/19
Dr. Hartmann discusses seeking the lost as God calls sinners to repentance.
- The Quality of Endurance2012/07/26
Dr. Hartmann discusses the quality of endurance.
- Blessed is the Man who Perseveres under Trial2012/07/22
Dr. Hartmann discusses the blessedness of the person who perseveres under trial.
- The Practical Application of the Servants Songs of Isaiah 40-542012/07/15
Dr. Hartmann teaches on the practical application of the Servants Songs of Isaiah 40-54
- Essentials of Righteous Living- Prayer, Giving, Fasting2012/07/08
Dr. Hartmann teaches on some of the essentials of righteous living- prayer, giving, and fasting.
- God’s One Redemptive Plan as Expressed in the 5 Main Covenants of Scripture2012/07/01
Dr. Hartmann teaches on God’s one redemptive plan as expressed in the 5 main covenants of scripture.
- Walking in the Faith of Abraham – Fulfilling our Purpose-Destiny as the People of God2012/06/24
Dr. Hartmann teaches and exhorts on walking in the faith of Abraham so as to fulfill our purpose, and actualize our destiny, as the people of God
- Reading and Understanding the Old Testament- It’s Value and Importance2012/06/10
Dr. Hartmann teaches on reading and understanding the Old Testament, and discusses it’s value and importance.