Living The Life

  1. Come to the Table2009/09/21
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  2. A Father's Dreams2008/06/16
    Listen in as Joseph, the husband of Mary and the "stepfather" of Jesus shares some insights into the life he lived and the life he tried to give to his "Son", including a father's dreams for his children...the same dreams all father's have for his family.
  3. Count the Cost2008/05/28
    Are discipleship and salvation two separate entities? Or are they forever and always intertwined, one contingent upon the other? Join with me as we look at the dangers of separating them from one another. Salvation without discipleship? That's NOT counting the cost...
  4. The Storms of Life2008/04/24
    One of the easiest ways for us to slip away from the "free" life we have in Christ is to face some storms in our life. Join me as we look at a physical storm the disciples faced that mirrors the spiritual storms we face as Christians.
  5. Afraid to Be Free2008/04/22
    In his first epistle, Peter encourages his readers to remember who it is they are in Christ - a royal priesthood, a chosen race. As such, we are to fulfill the Will of God...but how? By living as free people. Sounds simple, but most find they are too afraid to be free.
  6. Can These Dry Bones Live?2008/04/15
    As Ezekiel stood in the midst of a valley filled with dry, lifeless bones God asked him a simple but strange question. Can these dry bones live? As we think about our lives and sometimes feel lifeless or hopeless or that it's all for nothing, perhaps God's message for His people through Ezekiel is what we need to hear.
  7. What Now?2008/04/10
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  8. Easter Service2008/03/25
    A view of what Easter means to us as Christians through the institution of the Lord's Supper.
  9. The Triumphal Entry of Christ2008/03/25
    One short week before the fulfillment of God's plan for the redemption of mankind, Christ enters Jerusalem with much fanfare. One short week before those shouting "Hosanna" will be shouting "Crucify Him." With the weight of the cross beginning to bear on Him, watch the contrast that Jesus makes with the world as He makes His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
  10. The Greatest Trip I Never Took2008/03/14
    Are we simply mailing it in as Christians? Do I let someone else do all the study, prayer, and spiritual growth I should be seeking for myself? If so, your spiritual journey may be the greatest trip you never took.
  11. Hungry To Help2008/01/21
    In what was a rare occasion, Jesus used one of His opportunities for working a miracle to test the 'hunger' of His disciples to help others in need. Some failed, some would we fare, given the opportunity?
  12. Extraordinary or Extra - Ordinary?2008/01/15
    I'm just a simple man...I haven't got the talent...God couldn't use me, could He? Yes, He could, and He will if you'll only open yourself up to His Will for your life. The disciples Jesus selected were extraordinary only for the fact that they were extra ordinary; In fact, God specializes in using normal, everyday people to accomplish His Will!
  13. Why Were the Angels Happy?2007/12/18
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  14. What is the Kingdom?2007/12/18
    We know it's important. We know as Christians we're a part of it. But just what is this Kingdom that Christ kept teaching about? If you're willing to look behind the cliches and dig deeper than the same old answers, maybe you can begin to find out for yourself.
Living The Life