
  1. Essential Scrum: Product Backlog Grooming2012/10/15

    Kenny Rubin shares his thoughts on product backlog grooming, from his latest book, Essential Scrum.
  2. Essential Scrum: Change Management Requirements in Agile VS Traditional2012/10/15

    Kenny Rubin presents a tip on change management requirements in Agile VS Traditional, from his book, Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process.
  3. Essential Scrum: Scrum Framework Overview2012/10/15

    Kenny Rubin provides insight into the Scrum Framework, from his book, Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process.
  4. Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process2012/10/15

    Kenny Rubin discusses key topics from his latest book, Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process.
  5. JavaServer Faces: Pillars Demonstration - Components, Managed Beans, Expression Language2012/05/30

    This lesson covers how to use JSF components. You will learn how to wire HTML inputs to managed bean properties, how to use the JSF expression language, how to navigate from one web page to another, and also how to use XML configuration - from JavaServer Faces LiveLessons Video Training by David Geary.
  6. JavaServer Faces: Tag Libraries Demonstration2012/05/30

    This lesson introduces the JSF tag libraries, including the new libraries introduced in JSF2. You will learn the fundamentals of how to use JSF tags to construct web pages - from JavaServer Faces LiveLessons Video Training by David Geary.
  7. Android App Development Fundamentals: Favorite Twitter Searches App- Introduction2012/05/29

    Paul Deitel describes the learning objectives from Lesson 5: Favorite Twitter Searches App, from Android App Development Fundamentals I LiveLessons Video Training - everything you need to learn to start building Android apps.
  8. Android App Development Fundamentals: Cannon Game App- Introduction2012/05/29

    Paul Deitel presents the learning objectives from Lesson 7: Cannon Game App, from Android App Development Fundamentals I LiveLessons Video Training - everything you need to learn to start building Android apps.
  9. Android App Development Fundamentals: Creating the Welcome App's Project in Eclipse2012/05/29

    This video tutorial teaches you how to create the Welcome App's Project in Eclipse from Android App Development Fundamentals I LiveLessons Video Training - everything you need to learn to start building Android apps.
  10. C# Puzzlers: An Overview with Bill Wagner2012/05/29

    C# Puzzlers author, Bill Wagner, provides an overview this unique video tutorial which exposes common misconceptions that can occur when developers are unclear about how language features interact or lack understanding about how a single features works; and shows you how well you know C#.
  11. C# Puzzlers: Overloading Base Class Methods 2012/05/29

    Bill Wagner teaches you about how the compiler chooses the best method and picks which method to call based on the code you write - from C# Puzzlers.
  12. C# Puzzlers: Default Parameters and Overrides2012/05/29

    Learn what happens with method resolution and the interplay between that and default parameters with Bill Wagner - from C# Puzzlers.
  13. Elemental Design Patterns: Architecture is Infrastructure2012/05/29

    Jason Smith shares insight into the phrase Architecture is Infrastructure which occurs as a theme throughout his latest book, Elemental Design Patterns.
  14. Elemental Design Patterns2012/05/28

    Jason Smith provides an overview of his book, Elemental Design Patterns, a guide to helping developers harness the true power of patterns, map them to real software implementations more cleanly and directly, and achieve far better results.
  15. Elemental Design Patterns: From Constructs To Concepts2012/05/28

    Jason Smith presents a tip from him latest book, Elemental Design Patters called, From Constructs to Concepts.
  16. Elemental Design Patterns: Building Software Molecules2012/05/28

    Jason Smith discusses building software molecules and the importance of producing these concepts, from his latest book, Elemental Design Patterns.
  17. The Scrum Field Guide Trailer2012/05/02

    An overview of the Scrum Field Guide: Practical Advice for Your First Year, by Mitch Lacey.
  18. Android Wireless Application Development Tips2012/04/30

    This episode features valuable tips from Android Wireless Application Development Volume I: Android Essentials, 3rd Edition, by authors, Shane Conder and Lauren Darcey.
  19. Scala for the Impatient2012/04/30

    Cay Horstmann provides an overview of his latest book, Scala for the Impatient, which introduces Scala concepts and techniques in “blog-sized” chunks that you can quickly master and apply.
  20. Scala for the Impatient: Tips from Cay Horstmann2012/04/30

    Cay Horstmann shares valuable tips from his book, Scala for the Impatient. Learn how to write programs more concisely than in Java, as well as leverage the full power of concurrency.
  21. The Scrum Field Guide: Practical Advice for Your First Year2012/04/30

    The Scrum Field Guide author, Mitch Lacey, provides a detailed overview of his book covering all aspects of Scrum adoption; from defining roles to setting priorities to determining team velocity, choosing a sprint length, and conducting customer reviews.
  22. XPages Portable Command Guide: Meet the Authors2012/02/24

    The authors of, XPages Portable Command Guide: A Compact Resource to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language, present an overview of key concepts covered in this practical primer for XPages application development, debugging, and performance.
  23. The Official Joomla! Book2012/02/08

    The Official Joomla! Book co-author, Jennifer Marriott, presents an overview of her book - the authoritative and comprehensive Joomla! reference for every administrator, developer, designer, and content manager.
  24. Joomla Tips: Using Metadata Options2012/02/08

    Jennifer Marriott provides a Joomla! tip on using metadata options from The Official Joomla! Book, which she co-authored with Elin Waring.
  25. Joomla Tips: Using The Joomla! Demo Site2012/02/08

    Elin Waring presents a tip on her latest book, The Official Joomla! Book, which she co-authored with Jennifer Marriott about using the Joomla! Demo Site.
Conversations & tips from the industry's leading developers across a wide range of programming and development topics: Java, Agile, Software Engineering, Design Patterns, C++, C#, Ruby, Lean, Software Quality, Secure Coding, User-centric Design, and more.