Saint of the Day

  1. Holy Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia and those with her (304)2024/12/21
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  2. Holy Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer, Bishop of Antioch (107)2024/12/20
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  3. Holy Martyr Boniface (290)2024/12/19
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  4. Holy Martyr Sebastian and those with him (287)2024/12/18
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  5. Our Holy Father Dionysius the New of Zakinthos (1624)2024/12/17
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  6. Holy Prophet Haggai (~520 BC)2024/12/16
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  7. Our Venerable Father Tryphon of Kola, apostle of Laponia (1583), and his disciple - December 15th2024/12/15
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  8. Holy Martyrs Thyrsus, Leucis and Callinicus (250) - December 14th2024/12/13
    These martyrs contested in Asia Minor during the reign of Decius. Thyrsus and Leucis were executed after horrible torture for confessing themselves as Christians and rebuking the Governor for his slaughter of their brethren. Callinicus was a pagan priest, converted by witnessing the martyrdom and miracles of St Thyrsus; he was beheaded.
  9. Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes at Sebaste - December 13th2024/12/13
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  10. St Finian of Clonard (549) - December 12th2024/12/12
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  11. Our Venerable Father Daniel the Stylite (490) - December 11th2024/12/11
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  12. Holy Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes and Eugraphus (235) - December 10th2024/12/10
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  13. St Stephen the New Light (Neolampes) of Constantinople (912) - December 9th2024/12/09
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  14. Our Venerable Father Patapius (6th or 7th c.)2024/12/08
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  15. Our Father among the Saints Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (397)2024/12/07
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  16. Our Father among the Saints Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra (345)2024/12/06
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  17. St Cosmas the Protos of Mount Athos and his companions (~1274)2024/12/05
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  18. Holy Great Martyr Barbara (290)2024/12/04
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  19. Our Venerable Father John the Silent, Bishop of Colonia (558)2024/12/03
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  20. Holy Prophet Habbakuk (Abbacum) (7th c. BC)2024/12/02
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  21. Holy Prophet Nahum (7th c. BC)2024/12/01
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  22. Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Apostle Andrew the First-Called2024/11/30
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  23. Our Holy Father Pitirim of Egypt (4th c.)2024/11/29
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  24. Our Holy Father, Confessor and Martyr Stephen the New (767)2024/11/28
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  25. Repose of Archimandrite Lazarus (Moore) (1992) (Nov. 14 OC)2024/11/27
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  26. Our Holy Father Alypius the Stylite (~607)2024/11/26
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  27. Great Martyr Mercurius (~259)2024/11/25
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  28. Holy Martyr Mercurius of Smolensk (1238)2024/11/24
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  29. Our Holy Father Amphilocus, Bishop of Iconium (395)2024/11/23
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  30. Holy Grand Prince and Martyr Michael of Tver (1318)2024/11/22
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  31. The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple in Jerusalem2024/11/21
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  32. Our Holy Father Gregory of Decapolis (842)2024/11/20
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  33. Holy Prophet Obadiah (Abdias)2024/11/19
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  34. Holy Martyr Romanus and the holy child who declared for Christ (305)2024/11/18
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  35. Our Holy Father Longinus (4th or 5th c.)2024/11/17
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  36. Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew2024/11/16
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  37. Our Venerable Father Paisius Velichkovsky2024/11/15
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  38. St Gregory Palamas (1359)2024/11/14
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  39. Our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople (407)2024/11/13
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  40. Our Father among the Saints Martin, Bishop of Tours (397)2024/11/12
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  41. Holy Martyr Menas (~304)2024/11/11
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  42. Our Venerable Father Arsenios of Cappadocia, the Wonderworker (1924)2024/11/10
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  43. Our Venerable Father John the Dwarf (John the Short) (4th c.)2024/11/09
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  44. Synaxis of the Chief Captains of the Heavenly Host, Michael and Gabriel2024/11/08
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  45. Saint Willibrord, first Bishop of Utrecht and Apostle of Holland (739)2024/11/07
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  46. Paul the Confessor, Archbishop of Constantinople (~350)2024/11/06
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  47. Holy Martyrs Galaction and Episteme (~250)2024/11/05
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  48. Our Holy Father Joannicius the Great, hermit on Mt Olympus (846)2024/11/04
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  49. Holy Martyrs Acepsimas the bishop, Joseph the priest and Aithalas the deacon (378-379)2024/11/03
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  50. Holy Martyrs Acindynus, Pegasius, Aphthonius, Elpidophorus and Anempodistus of Persia (376)2024/11/02
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  51. Holy New Martyr Helen of Sinope (18th c.)2024/11/01
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  52. New Martyr Nicholas of Chios (1754)2024/10/31
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  53. Holy Martyr Hermengild, Prince of the Visigoths (486)2024/10/30
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  54. Holy Virgin Martyr Anastasia of Rome (256)2024/10/29
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  55. St. Dimitri (Demetrius) of Rostov (1709)2024/10/28
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  56. Our Venerable Father Demetrius of Basarabov (Romania) (13th c.)2024/10/27
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  57. Holy, Glorious and Great Martyr Demetrius the Outpourer of Myrrh (306)2024/10/26
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  58. Holy Martyrs Marcian and Martyrius (346)2024/10/25
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  59. Holy Martyr Arethas and those with him (524)2024/10/24
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  60. Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord and First Bishop of Jerusalem (63)2024/10/23
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  61. St Abercius, Bishop of Hierapolis, Wonderworker and Equal to the Apostles (167)2024/10/22
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  62. St Hilarion the Great of Palestine (371)2024/10/21
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  63. Holy Great Martyr Artemius (362)2024/10/20
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  64. Holy Hieromartyr Sadoth (Shahdost) and his 128 companions (342)2024/10/19
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  65. Holy Apostle and Evangelist St Luke2024/10/18
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  66. Holy Martyrs Cosmas and Damian, the Unmercenaries of Cilicia (4th c.)2024/10/17
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  67. Our Venerable Father Gall, Enlightener of Switzerland (640)2024/10/16
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  68. Holy Hieromartyr Lucian, Presbyter of the Church of Antioch (312)2024/10/15
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  69. Saint Cosmas the Hymnographer (8th c.)2024/10/14
    He was from Jerusalem. An orphan, he was adopted into the family of St John of Damascus (commemorated December 4). He became Bishop of Maiuma, a city on the coast of Palestine, which was later named Constantia. Like his adoptive brother he became a noted hymnographer: The Canon of the Cross (Sept. 14) and the Canon for Christ's Nativity, "Christ is born, give ye glory..." are his compositions.
  70. Holy Martyr Zlata (Chryse)2024/10/13
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  71. Holy Martyrs Probus, Tarachus and Andronicus2024/10/12
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  72. Our Holy Father Philotheos Kokkinos,Patriarch of Constantinople2024/10/11
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  73. Blessed Fool for Christ Andrew of Totma2024/10/10
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  74. Saints Andronicus and Athanasia2024/10/09
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  75. Our Holy Mother Pelagia2024/10/08
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  76. Holy Hieromartyr Polychronius2024/10/07
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  77. Holy Apostle Thomas2024/10/06
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  78. Holy Martyr Charitina of Amissos2024/10/05
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  79. Hieromartyr Hierotheos, Bishop of Athens2024/10/04
    He was probably the first Bishop of Athens, ordained by the Holy Apostle Paul himself. St Dionysius (see October 3) describes St Hierotheos as his teacher and friend "after Paul." With St Dionysius, St Hierotheos was miraculously brought by the power of the Holy Spirit to be present with the Apostles at the Dormition of the Theotokos. He reposed in peace.
  80. Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite2024/10/03
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  81. Hieromartyr Cyprian and Virgin-Martyr Justina2024/10/02
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  82. The Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary2024/10/01
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  83. St Gregory the Enlightener, Bishop of Armenia2024/09/30
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  84. Holy Martyr Dada and those with them2024/09/29
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  85. St Chariton the Confessor of Palestine (350)2024/09/28
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  86. Our Venerable Father Sabbatius, Founder of the Monastery of Solovki2024/09/27
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  87. Repose of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist St John the Theologian2024/09/26
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  88. Our Holy Father Sergius of Radonezh2024/09/25
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  89. St Silouan, elder of Mt Athos2024/09/24
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  90. New Martyr John of Epirus2024/09/23
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  91. Venerable Cosmas, desert-dweller of Zographou, Mt Athos2024/09/22
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  92. Our Venerable Father Joseph of Zaonikiev Monastery2024/09/21
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  93. Great Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) Placidas, with his family2024/09/20
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  94. Holy Martyr Zosimas the Hermit of Cilicia2024/09/19
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  95. St Ariadne of Phrygia2024/09/18
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  96. Our Holy Father Lambert, Bishop of Maastricht2024/09/17
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  97. Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian of Carthage2024/09/16
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  98. Holy Martyr Porphyrius2024/09/15
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  99. The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross2024/09/14
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  100. Holy Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion2024/09/13
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  101. Hieromartyr Autonomus, bishop of Italy (313)2024/09/12
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  102. St Euphrosynos the Cook of Alexandria2024/09/11
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  103. Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora at Nicomedia2024/09/10
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  104. Our Holy Father Ciaran of Clonmacnoise (549)2024/09/09
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  105. New Martyr Athanasius of Thessalonika (1774)2024/09/08
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  106. Martyr Sozon of Cilicia (208/304)2024/09/07
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  107. St Maxim (Sandovich), martyr of Lemkos, Czechoslovakia (1914)2024/09/06
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  108. Holy and Glorious Prophet Zacharias, Father of St John the Baptist2024/09/05
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  109. Hieromartyr Babylas, bishop of Antioch, and those with him (251)2024/09/04
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  110. Our Holy Father Joannicius, Archbishop and first Patriarch of Serbia (1354)2024/09/03
    "Born in Prizrem, he served as first secretary to King Dušan. He became Archbishop in 1339, and in 1346 was raised to the rank of Patriarch. He was a zealous pastor, and brought order to the Serbian Church, being 'a great upholder of the Church's laws'. He entered into rest on September 3rd, 1349, and his relics are preserved at Pec´." (Prologue)
  111. Martyr Mamas of Caesarea in Cappadocia (275), and his parents, Martyrs Theodotus and Rufina2024/09/02
  112. Our Holy Father Symeon Stylites (459)2024/09/01
  113. Hieromartyr Cyprian, bishop of Carthage (258)2024/08/31
  114. Sts Alexander (340), John (595), and Paul the New (784), patriarchs of Constantinople2024/08/30
  115. Our Holy Mother Theodora of Salonica (879)2024/08/29
  116. St Moses of Ethiopia (400)2024/08/28
  117. Our Holy Father Poemen (Pimen) the Great (450)2024/08/27
  118. Martyrs Adrian and Natalia and 23 companions of Nicomedia (4th c.)2024/08/26
  119. Holy Apostle Titus of the Seventy2024/08/25
  120. New Hieromartyr Kosmas of Aitolia, Equal-to-the-Apostles (1779)2024/08/24
  121. Hieromartyr Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons (202)2024/08/23
  122. Holy Martyr Eulalia of Barcelona (303)2024/08/22
  123. Holy Martyrs Bassa and her sons Theognis, Agapios, and Pistis (4th c.)2024/08/21
  124. Holy Prophet Samuel (11th c. BC)2024/08/20
  125. Martyr Andrew Strateletes and 2,593 soldiers with him in Cilicia (~289)2024/08/19
  126. Martyrs Florus and Laurus of Illyria (2nd c.)2024/08/18
  127. Martyr Myron of Cyzicus (250)2024/08/17
  128. Translation of the Image Not-Made-By-Hands of our Lord Jesus Christ from Edessa to Constantinople2024/08/16
  129. The Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary2024/08/15
  130. Holy Prophet Micah (8th c. BC)2024/08/14
  131. Holy Martyr Hippolytus of Rome and 18 Martyrs with him (258)2024/08/13
  132. Martyrs Anicetas and Photius of Nicomedia (305)2024/08/12
  133. The Holy Martyr Susanna the Virgin, and those with her (295-296)2024/08/11
  134. Holy Martyrs Archdeacon Laurence, Pope Sixtus, and others with them (258)2024/08/10
  135. Apostle Matthias (1st c.)2024/08/09
  136. St Gregory of Sinai (Mt Athos) (1346)2024/08/08
  137. Martyr Dometius of Persia (363) and two disciples2024/08/07
  138. The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ2024/08/06
  139. Righteous Nonna (374), Mother of St Gregory2024/08/05
  140. Holy Seven Youths (the "Seven Sleepers") of Ephesus (250 & 5th c.)2024/08/04
  141. Holy Myrrh-bearer Salome2024/08/03
  142. Hieromartyr Stephen, Pope of Rome (257), and those with him2024/08/02
  143. St Nicholas, enlightener of Japan (1912)2024/08/01
  144. Righteous Eudocimus of Cappadocia (9th c.)2024/07/31
  145. Venerable Angelina, Princess of Albania2024/07/30
  146. Holy Martyr Seraphima (2nd c.)2024/07/29
  147. St Irene, Abbess of the Convent of Chrysovalantou (912)2024/07/28
  148. Holy Great-martyr and Healer Panteleimon (305)2024/07/27
  149. Holy Righteous Martyr Paraskeve (140)2024/07/26
  150. St Olympias the Deaconess (408)2024/07/25
  151. Martyr Christina of Tyre (200)2024/07/24
  152. Hieromartyr Apollinarius, bishop of Ravenna (75)2024/07/23
  153. Holy Myrrh-bearer and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene2024/07/22
  154. Marcella, Virgin-Martyr of Chios (ca. 1500)2024/07/21
  155. Martyrs Maria (Skobtsova), Dimitri (Klepenin) and those with them (1944-1945)2024/07/20
  156. St Macrina, sister of St Basil the Great and St Gregory of Nyssa (380)2024/07/19
  157. Holy Martyr Emilian (362)2024/07/18
  158. Great-martyr Marina (Margaret) of Antioch in Pisidia (270)2024/07/17
  159. Hieromartyr Athenogenes, bishop of Sebaste, and his ten disciples (311)2024/07/16
  160. Holy Martyrs Cyricus and His Mother Julitta (304)2024/07/15
  161. Apostle Aquila of the Seventy, and St Priscilla (1st c.)2024/07/14
  162. Saint Julian, Bishop of Cenomanis (Le Mans) (1st c.)2024/07/13
  163. Holy Martyrs Proclus and Hilarius (2nd c.)2024/07/12
  164. Blessed Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, princess of Russia, in holy baptism called Helen (969)2024/07/11
  165. St Anthony of the Kiev Caves (1073)2024/07/10
  166. Hieromartyr Pancratius, bishop of Taormina in Sicily (1st c.)2024/07/09
  167. Appearance of the "Kazan" icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1579)2024/07/08
  168. Holy Martyr Kyriake of Nicomedia (289)2024/07/07
  169. Holy Martyrs Marinus and Martha, and those with them (269)2024/07/06
  170. St Athanasius of Mt Athos (1003) and his six disciples2024/07/05
  171. St Martha, mother of St Symeon of the Wonderful Mountain (551)2024/07/04
  172. Our Holy Father Alexander, founder of the Monastery of the Unsleeping Ones (430)2024/07/03
  173. St Juvenaly, First Martyr of America and Alaska (1796)2024/07/02
  174. Holy and Wonderworking Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, martyrs at Rome (284)2024/07/01
  175. Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious and All-praised Twelve Apostles2024/06/30
  176. The Holy, Glorious and All-praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul2024/06/29
  177. Our Holy Father Sennuphius the Standard-Bearer (4th c.)2024/06/28
  178. St Sampson the Hospitable of Constantinople (530)2024/06/27
  179. Feast of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Feast of the Hodigritia Icon of the Mother of God2024/06/26
  180. Virgin-Martyr Febronia of Nisibis (310)2024/06/25
  181. Nativity of St John the Baptist2024/06/24
  182. Martyr Agrippina of Rome (3rd c.)2024/06/23
  183. St Alban, First Martyr of Great Britain (early 3rd c.)2024/06/22
  184. Our Holy Fathers Julius and Julian (5th c.)2024/06/21
  185. St Kallistos I, Patriarch of Constantinople (1363)2024/06/20
  186. Holy Apostle Jude, the Brother of the Lord (80)2024/06/19
  187. Martyr Leontius, and with him Martyrs Hypatius and Theodoulos, at Tripoli in Syria (73)2024/06/18
  188. Martyrs Manuel, Sabael, and Ismael of Persia (362)2024/06/17
  189. Holy Martyrs Tigrios and Eutropios (404)2024/06/16
  190. Holy Martyr Lazar, Prince of Serbia (1389)2024/06/15
  191. St Methodios, Patriarch of Constantinople (847)2024/06/14
  192. St Anna and her son John (5h c.)2024/06/13
  193. Saint Onuphrios the Great (400)2024/06/12
  194. Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas2024/06/11
  195. Hieromartyr Metrophanes, first Chinese priest, and the Chinese New Martyrs of the Boxer Uprising2024/06/10
  196. St Cyril, archbishop of Alexandria (444)2024/06/09
  197. Our Holy Mother Melania the Elder (410)2024/06/08
  198. Hieromartyr Marcellinus, pope of Rome (304)2024/06/07
  199. Our Holy Mothers the Martyrs Archelaïs, Thekla and Susanna (293)2024/06/06
  200. Blessed Constantine, Metropolitan of Kiev (1159)2024/06/05
  201. Holy Myrrh-bearers Mary and Martha, sisters2024/06/04
  202. Holy Martyr Lucillian and those with him (270)2024/06/03
  203. St Nikephoros the Confessor, patriarch of Constantinople (829)2024/06/02
  204. Martyr Justin the Philosopher and those with him at Rome (166)2024/06/01
  205. Apostle Hermas of the Seventy2024/05/31
  206. St Macrina, grandmother of St Basil the Great (4th c.)2024/05/30
  207. Virgin-martyr Theodosia of Tyre (308)2024/05/29
  208. St Nicetas the Confessor, bishop of Chalcedon (9th c.)2024/05/28
  209. Holy Martyrs Theodora and Didymus (304)2024/05/27
  210. Holy New Martyr Alexander of Thessalonica (1794)2024/05/26
  211. Holy Hieromartyr Therapon, Bishop of Cyprus (4th c.)2024/05/25
  212. St Symeon Stylites (the Younger) of the Wonderful Mountain (595)2024/05/24
  213. St Michael the Confessor, bishop of Synnada2024/05/23
  214. Righteous Melchizedek, king of Salem2024/05/22
  215. Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine (337) and Helen, his mother (327)2024/05/21
  216. Martyr Thalelaeus at Aegae in Cilicia and those with him (327)2024/05/20
  217. Hieromartyr Patrick, bishop of Prusa, and three priests with him (3rd c?)2024/05/19
  218. Martyr Theodotus of Ancyra and seven virgin-martyrs with him (303)2024/05/18
  219. Apostles Andronicus of the Seventy and his fellow-laborer Junia2024/05/17
  220. Blessed Musa the Maiden (5th c.)2024/05/16
  221. St Pachomius the Great, founder of cenobitic monasticism (346) - May 15th2024/05/15
  222. Blessed Isidore the Fool for Christ (1484) - May 14th2024/05/14
  223. Holy Virgin-martyr Glykeria at Heraclea (141) - May 13th2024/05/13
  224. Our Fathers among the Saints Epiphanios, bishop of Cyprus (403) and Archbishop Germanos (740) - May 12th2024/05/12
  225. Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles Methodius (885) and Cyril (869), first teachers of the Slavs - May 11th2024/05/11
  226. Apostle Simon Zelotes - May 10th2024/05/10
  227. Translation of the relics of St Nicholas the Wonderworker from Myra to Bari (1087) - May 9th2024/05/09
  228. Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian - May 8th2024/05/08
  229. Our Holy Fathers of Georgia (6th c.) - May 7th2024/05/07
  230. Holy Martyr Barbarus the Soldier, with Bacchus, Callimachus and Dionysius (362) - May 6th2024/05/06
  231. Great-martyr Irene of Thessalonica (4th c.) - May 5th2024/05/05
  232. Virgin-martyr Pelagia of Tarsus in Asia Minor (287) - May 4th2024/05/04
  233. Martyrs Timothy the Reader and his wife Maura of Antinoe in Egypt (286) - May 3rd2024/05/03
  234. Holy Martyrs Hesperus, his wife Zoë, and their sons Cyriac and Theodulus (2nd c.) - May 2nd2024/05/02
  235. Saint Tamara (Tamar), Queen of Georgia (1212) - May 1st2024/05/01
  236. Holy Apostle James, the brother of St John the Theologian (45) - April 30th2024/04/30
  237. St Basil, bishop of Ostrog in Montenegro (Serbia) (1671) - April 29th2024/04/29
  238. The Nine Martyrs at Cyzicus (3rd c.) - April 282024/04/28
  239. Our Holy Father Stephen, Abbot of the Kiev Caves and Bishop of Vladimir (1094) - April 27th2024/04/27
  240. Hieromartyr Basil, bishop of Amasia and Righteous Virgin Glaphyra (322) - April 26th2024/04/26
  241. Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark (68?) - April 25th2024/04/25
  242. Martyr Sabbas Strateletes ("the General") of Rome, and 70 soldiers with him (272) - April 24th2024/04/24
  243. Holy Glorious Great-martyr, Victory-bearer and Wonderworker George (303) - April 23rd2024/04/23
  244. Our Holy Father Theodore of Sykeon (613) - April 22nd2024/04/22
  245. Hieromartyr Januarius and those with him (305) - April 21st2024/04/21
  246. St Theodore Trichinas (the Hair-shirt wearer), hermit near Constantinople (400) - April 20th2024/04/20
  247. Our Holy Father Agathangelos (1819) - April 19th2024/04/19
  248. The Holy Martyr John the New of Ioannina (1526) - April 18th2024/04/18
  249. Hieromartyr Simeon, Bishop in Persia, and those with him (343) - April 17th2024/04/17
  250. Virgin Martyrs Agape, Irene, and Chionia in Illyria (295 or 304) - April 16th2024/04/16
  251. Holy Martyr Sabbas the Goth (372) - April 15th2024/04/15
  252. Holy Martyr Ardalion the Actor (3rd c.) - April 14th2024/04/14
  253. Hieromartyr Artemon, presbyter of Laodicea in Syria (303)2024/04/13
  254. St Isaac the Syrian, abbot of Spoleto, Italy (~550) - April 12th2024/04/12
  255. Holy Martyrs Processus and Martinian (1st c.) - April 11th2024/04/11
  256. Martyrs Terence, Africanus, Maximus, Pompeius and 36 with them, beheaded at Carthage (250) - April 10th2024/04/10
  257. Martyr Eupsychius of Caesarea in Cappadocia (362) - April 9th2024/04/09
  258. Holy Apostles Herodion, Agabus, Rufus, Asyncritus, Phlegon and Hermas - April 8th2024/04/08
  259. St George the Confessor, bishop of Mitylene (~820) - April 7th2024/04/07
  260. St Eutychius, patriarch of Constantinople (582) - April 6th2024/04/06
  261. Our Holy Father Mark of Trache (~400) - April 5th2024/04/05
  262. St Zosimas, monk, of Palestine (523)2024/04/04
  263. Saint Seraphim of Vyritsa (1949) (March 21 OC) - April 3rd2024/04/03
  264. Our Holy Father Titus the Wonderworker (9th c.) - April 2nd2024/04/02
  265. Our Holy Mother Mary of Egypt (4th-6th c.) - April 1st2024/04/01
  266. St Innocent, enlightener of Alaska and Siberia (1879)2024/03/31
  267. Commemoration of an Uncondemning Monk2024/03/30
  268. Our Holy Father John the Hermit (4th c.) - March 29th2024/03/29
  269. St Hilarion the New, abbot of Pelecete, Confessor (754) - March 28th2024/03/28
  270. St Matrona of Thessalonica (4th c.) - March 27th2024/03/27
  271. Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel - March 26th2024/03/26
  272. New Confessor/Hieromartyr Tikhon, patriarch of Moscow (1925) - March 25th2024/03/25
  273. Saint Zacharias the Recluse of Egypt (4th c.) - March 24th2024/03/24
  274. Monk-martyr Nikon and 199 disciples, in Sicily (251) - March 23rd2024/03/23
  275. Martyr Drosida of Antioch, and five nuns (104) - March 22nd2024/03/22
  276. Our Holy Father James the Confessor, bishop, of the Studion (8th c.) - March 21st2024/03/21
  277. St Cuthbert the Wonderworker, Bishop of Lindisfar2024/03/20
  278. Martyrs Chrysanthos and Daria, and those with them at Rome (283) - March 19th2024/03/19
  279. St Ananias (Aninus) the Wonderworker (?) - March 18th2024/03/18
  280. St Alexis, the Man of God (411) - March 17th2024/03/17
  281. Holy Apostle Aristobulus of the Seventy, first Bishop of Britain (1st c.) - March 16th2024/03/16
  282. Holy Martyr Alexander (270-275) - March 15th2024/03/15
  283. St Benedict of Nursia, abbot (547) - March 14th2024/03/14
  284. Translation of the Relics (847) of St Nicephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople (827) - March 13th2024/03/13
  285. St Gregory the Great (the Dialogist), Pope of Rome (604) - March 12th2024/03/12
  286. St Sophronios, patriarch of Jerusalem (638) - March 112024/03/11
  287. Martyrs Codratus (Quadratus) and those with him (258) - March 10th2024/03/10
  288. The Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebastia (Sebaste) (320) - March 9th2024/03/09
  289. St Theophylactus, bishop of Nicomedia (845) - Ma2024/03/08
  290. Holy Hieromartyrs of Cherson (4th c.) - March 7th2024/03/07
  291. The 42 Martyrs of Ammorion (845) - March 6th2024/03/06
  292. St Mark the Ascetic (5th c.) - March 5th2024/03/05
  293. St James the Faster of Phoenecia (6th c.) - March 4th2024/03/04
  294. Holy Martyrs Eutropius, Cleonicus and Basiliscus (308) - March 3rd2024/03/03
  295. Hieromartyr Theodotus, bishop of Cyrenia (326) - March 2nd2024/03/02
  296. Martyr Eudocia of Heliopolis (2nd c.) - March 1st2024/03/01
  297. St John Cassian the Roman (435)2024/02/29
  298. Holy New Martyr Kyranna (1751) - February 28th2024/02/28
  299. St Raphael, bishop of Brooklyn (1915) - February 27th2024/02/27
  300. St Porphyrius, bishop of Gaza (420)2024/02/26
  301. St Tarasios, archbishop of Constantinople (806)2024/02/25
  302. Saint Aethelberht (Ethelbert), first Christian King of Kent2024/02/24
  303. Our Venerable Father Alexander the Unsleeping (430) - February 23rd2024/02/23
  304. Uncovering of the relics of the Holy Martyr2024/02/22
  305. St Eustathius, archbishop of Antioch (337) -2024/02/21
  306. St Bessarion the Great, wonder-worker of Egypt (466) - February 20th2024/02/20
  307. Apostles Archippus and Philemon of the Seventy, and Martyr Apphia - February 19th2024/02/19
  308. St Leo the Great, pope of Rome(461) - February 18th2024/02/18
  309. Great-martyr Theodore the Tyro (~306) - February 17th2024/02/17
  310. Martyrs Pamphilius and those with him, at Caesarea in Palestine (308) - February 16th2024/02/16
  311. Holy Apostle Onesimos (~109) - February 15th2024/02/15
  312. Our Holy Father Auxentius (470) - February 14th2024/02/14
  313. St Martinian, monk, of Caesarea in Palestine (422) - February 13th2024/02/13
  314. St Alexis, metropolitan of Moscow and wonder-worker of all Russia (1378)2024/02/12
  315. St Theodora the Empress (867)2024/02/11
  316. Hieromartyr Haralambos (Charalampus), bishop of Magnesia (202)2024/02/10
  317. Holy Martyr Nicephorus (~257)2024/02/09
  318. Great-Martyr Theodore Stratelates ("the General") of Heraclea (319)2024/02/08
  319. Our Venerable Father Luke the New of Mount Stirion (~950)2024/02/07
  320. Sts Barsanuphius and John the Prophet, monks of Palestine (6th c.)2024/02/06
  321. Holy New Martyr Antony of Athens (1774)2024/02/05
  322. St Isidore of Pelusium, monk (440-449)2024/02/04
  323. Holy and Righteous Symeon the God-receiver and the Prophetess Anna2024/02/03
  324. The Meeting of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ2024/02/02
  325. Holy Martyr Tryphon (250)2024/02/01
  326. Marcella of Rome (410)2024/01/31
  327. Saint Peter, King of Bulgaria (970)2024/01/30
  328. Our Holy Father Aphrahat the Persian (4th c.)2024/01/29
  329. Our Holy Father Isaac the Syrian, bishop of Nineveh (7th c.)2024/01/28
  330. Translation of the relics (437) of St John Chrysostom.2024/01/27
  331. Our Holy Mother Paula of Rome (404)2024/01/26
  332. Our Father among the Saints Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople (389)2024/01/25
  333. Our Holy Father Macedonian (ca. 430)2024/01/24
  334. Hieromartyr Clement of Ancyra, and Martyr Agathangelus (296)2024/01/23
  335. Holy Apostle Timothy2024/01/22
  336. Our Holy Father Maximos the Greek (1556)2024/01/21
  337. Holy Martyrs Inna, Pinna and Rimma (Nirra)2024/01/20
  338. Our Holy Father Mark Eugenikos, Metropolitan of Ephesus and Confessor of the Orthodox Faith (1443)2024/01/19
  339. Our Holy Fathers Athanasius the Great (373) and Cyril (444), Patriarchs of Alexandria2024/01/18
  340. Our Holy Godbearing Father Anthony the Great (356)2024/01/17
  341. Veneration of the precious Chains of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Peter2024/01/16
  342. Our Holy Father John Kalyvites (the hut-dweller) (~450)2024/01/15
  343. The Holy Fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu (4th – 5th c.)2024/01/14
  344. Our Holy Father Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers (369)2024/01/13
  345. Venerable Benedict Biscop, Abbot of Wearmouth (689-690)2024/01/12
  346. The Venerable Vitalis (5th c.)2024/01/11
  347. Our Holy Father Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (395)2024/01/10
  348. Venerable Eustratius the Wonderworker (9th c.)2024/01/09
  349. Our Venerable Mother Domnica (Domnina) (~474)2024/01/08
  350. Our Venerable Father Cedd, Bishop of Essex and Abbot of Lastingham (664)2024/01/07
  351. The Holy Theophany of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ2024/01/06
  352. January 6, 20242024/01/06
  353. Holy Martyrs Theopemptus and Theonas (~290)2024/01/05
  354. Venerable Apollinaria (5th c.)2024/01/04
  355. Holy Martyr Gordius of Caesarea (4th c.)2024/01/03
  356. St Seraphim of Sarov (1833)2024/01/02
  357. Our Father among the Saints Basil the Great (379)2024/01/01
  358. Saint Zoticus, Cherisher of the Poor and Servant of Lepers (4th c)2023/12/31
  359. Holy Virgin and Martyr Anysia (298)2023/12/30
  360. The Holy Infants Killed for Christ's Sake in Bethlehem2023/12/29
  361. Our Holy Father Simon the Outpourer of Myrrh, Founder of Simonopetra Monastery, Mt Athos (1287)2023/12/28
  362. Holy First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen2023/12/27
  363. The Flight into Egypt of the Holy Family2023/12/26
  364. The Shepherds who saw the Lord2023/12/25
  365. Holy Virgin and Martyr Eugenia and her companions (~190)2023/12/24
Saint of the Day
Daily Orthodox Saints