Sound Teaching

  1. The Life of Paul2007/10/19
    Saul of Tarsus, chief among sinners, by the grace of God became the apostle Paul. Paul was one of the most influential and important figures of the New Testament. We can learn many wonderful lessons by examining his life.
  2. The Beauty of Loyalty2007/06/29
    Using the declaration of Ruth's love and loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi, recorded in Ruth 1:16-17, we are able to recognize the importance and beauty of such an attribute for the Christian.
  3. The Damage Envy Can Do2007/06/22
    Envy destroyed the life of King Saul. He could not stand the success David had as God's annointed. That and other scriptural examples show the dangerous consequences of the sin of envy.
  4. Is Sincerity Sometimes Enough?2007/06/15
    Denominationalists have long called for union and tolerance of doctrine error, and vain religious practices. The common claim is that as long as one is sincere, he is accepted by God. This is not true. There is a litmus test for acceptance by God, abiding in truth!
  5. Exposing False Teachers2007/06/08
    The apostle Paul describes the work of an evangelist in 2 Timothy 4:2-4 to be, in part, exposing those who teach error. The evangelist must do so readily, and with longsuffering. But, it must be done!
  6. Pure Young Ladies2007/06/01
    Young men want to marry young ladies who have kept themselves pure, and are modest. Young men then, should respect young ladies, and not take advantage of them. Too, young ladies must respect themselves, and keep themselves pure.
  7. Archeological Evidences2007/05/25
    Archeology continually corroborates the Bible, giving evidence as to its inspiration.
  8. Final Admonitions from James2007/05/18
    Even as the writer James is concluding his epistle, he has many beneficial admonitions for us as Christians.
  9. The Coming of the Lord is at Hand2007/05/11
    The writer James (5:1-12) contrasts the materialistic and oppressive rich with the type of men we should be as we look forward to the coming of our Lord.
  10. What Is Your Life?2007/05/04
    In James chapter 4, the writer points out the ephemeral nature of life, and man's responsibility to humbly serve God in preparation for eternity.
  11. Friendship with the World2007/04/27
    To be a friend with the World is to become an enemy of God. Christians should submit in humble obedience to God, and resist the devil. Only in doing this can we overcome the siren call of worldliness.
  12. Divine Wisdom2007/04/20
    The third chapter of James' epistle defines divine wisdom, differentiating between it and human wisdom, and establishing the means of obtaining divine wisdom.
  13. Taming the Tongue2007/04/13
    The third chapter of James' epistle establishes both the difficulty, and the importance of bridling the tongue. It is an unruly evil, that left unchecked, can destroy a man.
  14. Slipping on the "EIS"2007/04/05
    Does the text in Acts 2:38 indicate that we are baptized because our sins are forgiven, or in order to receive the forgiveness of sins. Context and a word study indicate that "for the remission of sins" indicates that repentance and baptism are necessary for salvation!
  15. Faith and Works2007/03/30
    The writer James explains the necessity of obedience, and the relationship between faith and works in his epistle, chapter 2.
  16. The Sin of Prejudice2007/03/16
    Showing favoritism, or prejudice, is condemned by the writer James in the second chapter of his epistle. This condemned prejudice can be with regard to age, race, or as in the context, economic standing. Regardless, it is wrong for the child of God to hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with partiality.
  17. The Sin of King David2007/03/09
    King David was an adulterer and a murderer. Still, the Bible calls David a man after God's own heart. How could this be?
  18. Self Control and Obedience2007/03/02
    The writer James, in the first chapter of his epistle, establishes the need for the child of God to be control of self, and to be obedient to the God of heaven.
  19. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit2007/02/23
    There is much controversy regarding Holy Spirit baptism among religious people today. What does the New Testament teach concerning Holy Spirit baptism, and the part it plays, if any, in the conversion of man.
  20. Profiting Through Trials2007/02/16

    The first chapter of James has practical wisdom for man. The writer indicates that it is profitable to suffer through trial and tribulation. This is so, though it is not enjoyable. Why? Such tribulation develops patience in the believer.
  21. Why Institutionalism Is Wrong!2007/02/09

    The doctrine and practice of Institutionalism is wrong, and has done much damage to the church of our Lord and His cause. In this edition of Sound Teaching, the error of institutionalism is examined.
  22. Leprosy and Sin: A Comparison2007/02/02

    Leprosy is a loathsome disease that terrified ancient people, including the Israelites. It serves as a parallel to the greatest scourge (disease) of mankind, the spiritual malady of sin.
  23. Catholic Attitudes Toward Authority2007/01/26

    The Catholic church contends that it, as an institution, is the final arbiter and authority for all matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare and condition of man. A careful reading of the scriptures shows this claim to be invalid. God intended His word to be the final standard man must submit to religiously.
  24. Lessons of Faith from Moses2007/01/19

    Moses was a great man of faith. However, on one occasion he exhibited a lack of faith in God, as recorded in Numbers 20:7-12. Even in that failure he teaches us great and important lessons concerning the faith that we have toward God.
  25. False Prophets and the End Times2007/01/12

    The doctrine of Premillinialism is false. Those who teach it, with their predictions of the second coming, and their belief of a future physical reign of Christ on earth, misuse texts such as Revelation 20.
  26. It Still Says Wine!2007/01/05

    Social Drinking apologists sometimes point to the wedding feast at Cana (where Jesus turned the water into wine) as justification for social drinking. An examination of the context, as well as the greek word for wine show this argumentation to be without merit.
  27. We Have the Answer!2006/12/29

    Our society is presently plagued by many problems: Violence, sexual immorality, disease. Those who seek the answers to the problems are often looking in the wrong place. The Bible has the answers to society's problems, whether men wish to accept it or not!
  28. Redefining Adultery2006/12/22

    The denominational world (and some brethren) seek to redefine and minimize the sin of adultery. In so doing, they exhibit a laxness in their attitude toward this heinous sin.
  29. Misconceptions Regarding the Judgment2006/12/15
    There are many misconceptions that people have concerning the final judgment of Christ. In this podcast, these misconceptions are refuted, and other facts revealed about that great day.
  30. A Mark of the True Church2006/12/08

    An examination of the Bible text reveals how different the Lord's church is from the denominations today. If a congregation of Christians follows the pattern of the New Testament, then and only then it can be known as the true church of Christ.
  31. Cleanse Yourself2006/12/01

    The Apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 7:1 admonishes Christians to purify themselves from filthiness, and perfect holiness. This lesson describes and explains how this can be accomplished.
  32. "Simon Himself Also Believed"2006/11/24

    The Text of Acts 8, which details the sin of the former Sorcerer Simon, argues that it is possible for a Christian to forfeit his soul through sin. This contradicts the Calvinistic tentant, commonly described as "Once saved, always saved."
  33. The Babylonian Account of the Flood2006/11/17

    A comparison of ancient Babylonian traditions regarding a worldwide flood, and what the scripture teaches in the book of Genesis, gives external evidence regarding the historicity of the actual event.
  34. Saving A Soul From Death2006/11/10

    One way to express love for our brethren, as revealed by James in James 5:19-20, is to turn back one who has fallen in sin to a life of righteousness.
  35. Justification By Faith2006/11/03
    The doctrine of justification by faith is one of the most comforting to the Christian. It is also one of the most misunderstood doctrines in the Bible.
  36. God Is Love!2006/10/27
    The apostle John penned a wonderful treatise on love, found in 1 John 4, which establishes the importance of love, based on on the fact that God Is Love!
  37. Proper Conduct for the Christian2006/10/20
    In 1 Peter 2:11-17, the apostle gives instructions to his readers as to what is required by God of Christians. Such practical advice will help us greatly in our quest to live acceptably for Christ.
  38. The Testing of Your Faith2006/10/13
    Trials and tribulations in life test your faith. However, if you overcome the trial, you become stronger, and prove yourself worthy of the crown of life. (James 1:12).
  39. Prejudice Among Gods People2006/10/06
    Any type of Prejudice or favoritism with regard to the preaching of the gospel, or the acceptance of the penitent, is sinful. This includes racism, ageism, sexism, as well as the Classism condemned in James' epistle.
  40. Is Sprinkling Baptism?2006/09/29
    It is common among the denominations to utilize the sprinkling of water as a mode for baptism. A study of the greek, and an examination of the scriptures clearly shows such to be an innnovation of man. Baptism is immersion in water.
  41. What Do We Need?2006/09/22
    What do Christians need to be able to preach the gospel to the lost? Education? Charisma? Eloquence? No, none of these. There are certain things, revealed in this podcast, that Christians need to be effective in sharing the good news.
  42. Trials Produce Patience2006/09/15
    The Bible reveals (the epistle of James) that trials and tests produce patience in the life of the Christian. We should consider it a reason for rejoicing when we are tested and chastened by God.
  43. God Exists!2006/09/08
    Evidences are supplied in answer to questions... Does God Exist? Is the Bible Inspired? Is Jesus Christ the Son of God?
  44. Ineffective Prayer2006/09/01
    There are many things that can hinder the prayers of Christians. These things must be identified and avoided.
  45. The Ideal Christian2006/08/25
    The twelfth chapter of Romans gives a list of characteristics, identifying the ideal for a Christian.
  46. Humanism in the Classroom2006/08/18
    Humanism is a real danger to the faith of our children. It is a direct attack upon God, that unfortunately takes place too often in what many consider to be the safest of places, the classroom. Christian parents, beware!
  47. What Is It All About?2006/08/04
    The Bible reveals the true purpose of living life. This is no secret, though many in the world do not understand that the reason for living is to, Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
  48. Truly Impoverished2006/07/28
    It may be that Christians miss out on worldly pleasures as we practice our faith, but it is the one who is lost that is truly impoverished.
  49. Tao or No2006/07/21
    Contained in the word of God are objective truths. The humanistic view of subjectivism is shown to be an invalid way of looking at life.
  50. Jesus Came To Give Us Life!2006/07/14
    Set against the dingy backgrop of human pretense and religious traditions our blessed Lord appeared. He came to give us life, and to give it abundantly (cf. John 10:10).
  51. How Often Do I Have to Go to Church?2006/07/07
    Whether it is observing the Letter of the law (cf. Hebrews 10:24-25) or observing the Spirit of the law (cf. Matthew 10:37,39) it is obvious that God expects for us to be regular and diligent in our attendance to worship services and classes in the local church. We should not be seeking to do the "minimum", rather we should be diligent to do all we can for the Lord.
  52. The Evolutionist's Call For Compromise2006/06/30
    The pendulum has swung, and now many scientists are admitting that the evidence supports the concept of design and a designer. However, scientists are not willing to accept the Bible, instead calling for Christians to compromise with them at some middle ground. Unfortunately, some Christians are doing just that.
  53. The Need for Controversy2006/06/23
    In our day, as in all ages, there is the need for faithful Christians to contend earnestly for the faith. When we do so, we may be castigated for our efforts. However, it is necessary to be true to God.
  54. Godly Sorrow2006/06/16
    The Apostle Paul, In 2 Corinthians 7:11, reveals what constitutes Godly Sorrow, which leads to repentance, and salvation. His description differs from the actions of some Christians caught in sin.
  55. Devoted Disciples2006/06/09
    The Lord's church today, facing the many challenges of a new century, is in dire need of devoted disciples to meet those challenges.
  56. Artificial Intelligence: Arguement for Design2006/06/02
    The tremendous obstacles scientists face in trying to artificially duplicate human intelligence serve as a stirring argument for a divine designer.
  57. Fall Down and Worship God!2006/05/26
    Christians should desire to reverently and frequently offer up worship to the Almighty God of Heaven.
  58. The Christian Age2006/05/19
    We are living in the last age on earth, The Christian Age.
  59. The Amazing Grace of God2006/05/12
    We need to have a proper understanding of the nature and scope of God's amazing grace.
Sound Teaching
The West Side church of Christ's Weekly Podcast. The Speaker: Stan Cox, Evangelist for the West Side congregation.