- Listening: The Game Changer2024/08/25
James shares some personal reflections on the power of listening and his journey in learning to be quiet. He realizes that listening to others can lead to incredible outcomes. Even greater things happen when we listen to ourselves. But the most profound experiences occur when we listen to God.
- The Joys of Listening2024/05/31
James 1:19 gives us a tall order--Quick to listen, slow to respond and slow to anger. This can be easier said than done. James humorously shares specific ways that will make you a better listener.
- Vision Drives Decision2023/05/16
You have heard of having a mission statement for a business, but have you ever thought about having one for your family.
When you can easily say whats most important in your home, its a lot easier to make decisions both large and small. On todays episode, James will help you develop core values and a mission statement for your family.
- Thoughts about Death2023/03/02
James shares a few thoughts about dealing with the death of his father and specific ways we can help those who just lost a loved one.
- A Tribute to My Father2022/12/31
I am honored to share a tribute to my late father. My heart overflows with praise for the wonderful legacy he gave me and now I get to give to my children. Some things are caught and some things are taught. What I caught was worth sharing. Enjoy.
- What is the Greatest Gift You Can Give To Your Kids?2022/09/01
James shares a practical way to better love your spouse.
- How to Stop Complaining Kids2021/07/31
Are your kids driving you crazy with their complaining. James shares three effective ways to help create non-complaining kids.
- Begin With the End in Mind2021/07/08
Knowing where the trail is makes our daily decisions easier. James shares about a recent trip in Yosemite and potentially losing the trail. Having the end in mind gives us direction in your daily walk with our God, family, in our careers, in our finances and in our personal lives.
- You Got This2021/07/03
Confidence makes a big difference and many times determines if we win or loss. God want you to know that you got this dad thing. He has put your kids in your life for a reason...be encouraged...You Got this Dad thing.
- How to Set Up Your Kids to Win with Money2019/09/19
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. We as Dads need to train up our kids so they will have a proper perspective of money. James shares three practical points that will help you and your kids win in managing their finances.
- Uber Dad or Automobile U.2019/06/06
Are you taking advantage of the precious time you have with your kids in the car? James shares his story and the why it is important to create a listening atmosphere in the car for your kids.
- Managing Our Kids Tech2019/05/15
Is tech helping or hindering your child development? Discover 4 ways tech can hamper our kids and what you can do about it.
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- The Most Important Quality of Love2017/11/02
James addresses 4 areas where we need to be patience:
1. We need to be long-suffering with God
2. We need to be long-suffering with the Church
3. We need to be long-suffering with our Career
4. We need to be long-suffering Each other
James also addresses when we do not need to be patience.
- Love Rejoices in the Truth2014/05/20
Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow. In todays message from 1 Corinthians 13, you willl learn how to rejoice in the truth – even when the truth hurts. Discover the freedom that comes when we embrace the truth about ourselves and God.
- No Wrong Records a Message from 1 Corinthians 13 2014/01/03
If you spend too much time thinking of the mistakes you and others have made, it can poison your life. In this message from 1 Corinthians 13, you will learn what it means to keep no records of wrongs and how that truth can change your life.
- Love is Not Easily Angered message from 1 Corinthians 132013/11/05
Do you get made easily. The Bible states that Love is not easily angered. In this humorous message, James talks about the stages of anger and specific steps on how to manage anger.
- Love is not Rude a message from 1 Corinthians 132013/10/17
James shares a humorious and practical message from 1 Corinthians 13 on love is not rude.
- The Pitfalls of Pride 2013/05/06
In this humorous message from1 Corthinians 13, you will identify the pitfalls of pride and also gain a fresh perspective on how to eliminate pride from your life. It begins with learning from others and a teachable spirit.
- Backwardness of Boasting2013/05/05
We can easily recognize boasting in others, but sometimes it can go undetected in our own lives. Today we will discover the different forms that boasting can take from bragging to sulking. Plus you will learn what the opposite of boasting looks like.
- Cancer of Envy2013/04/06
Uncover how envy begins, grows and develops. Once you know how envy works, you will not have to be poisoned by it anymore.
- Interview with Rich Guerra2013/03/08
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Grab a cup of coffee and listen in as James interviews Rich Guerra the Superintendent of the SoCal Network of the Assemblies of God. Rich addresses a host of topics as he advises young ministers, but seasoned ministers will certainly benefit from listening in. Learn how to work with a board and the importance of communicating your vision, plus Pastor Rich shares mistakes he's made in the past.
- Interview with Jason Frenn2013/03/06
Missionary evangelist Jason Frenn talks about effective parenting and how a father can be the spiritual head over the home. Jason talks frankly about raising his kids and not conforming to the cultural Christianity.
- Hope for the New Year2012/12/31
God has a unique purpose for your life. But many times we get beat up by life we quit believing. We quit dreaming and hoping. This message will encourage you to believe again in your dream and start you with a game plan for achieving your God given purpose.
- Do Not Worry2012/12/05
Mt 6:25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
- Practical Tips on Romance2012/01/28
Bob LaFave shares practical ideas on ways to romance your wife to the mens group at San Diego First Assembly
- What I have Learned in 53 Years of Marriage2011/11/03
Former pastor of San Diego First Assembly Richard Dresselhaus shares an important message for today's Christian husband. With humor, practicality, and candor, Dr. Dresselhaus will show you how to step up and be the leader your wife and children need.
- Keep asking, seeking and knocking2011/08/28
James shares from Luke 11 on persistant prayer.
- God You Can Have Our Hearts But Not Our Stomachs2011/06/01
James shares how he taught his kids how to eat and how you can too.
- Helping Your Little Ones Win Academically2011/02/22
James present 3 steps to help your little one win academically
- Keeper of the Flame2011/02/11
James has 3 practical tips to keep the flame alive in your marriage.
- Love Does Not Envy2010/07/27
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In 1 Corinthians 13 the bible defines what true spirituality does and does not do. In this message to the youth group at San Diego First Assembly, James Pellicane concentrates on the ugliness of envy and what you can to do avoid envy's subtle traps. In 1 Corinthians 13 the bible defines what true spirituality does and does not do. In this message to the youth group at San Diego First Assembly, James Pellicane concentrates on the ugliness of envy and what you can to do avoid envys subtle traps.
- Living Dangerously2010/06/20
Living for God can be dangerous. Find out why taking risks is the key to knowing God and making him known.
- Procrastination--Your Future Prayer Request2010/05/31
What are you putting off...whether it's a work project, losing weight, or calling a friend, James Pellicane will help you conquer procrastination for good. Don't let the window of time close before you accomplish your best for God.
- Patience--Your key to a Bright Future2010/02/07
Do you need more patience in your life? We could all use an extra dose of patience with our families, co-workers, friends and even God. In this message, you'll learn how to become more patient through an easy exercise that anyone can do.
- How to Make Your Sabbath Day Come Alive2009/08/02
James Pellicane talks about the Sabbath and several practical ways to maximize this day
- The Second Commandment2009/07/19
James Pellicane shares to the youth group at San Diego First Assemblies on the second commandment.
- Another Perspective2009/06/12
Twenty year old Trevor Smith shares about parenting from the perspective of a son
- Be the Rock for Your Family2009/05/13
Phillip Smith shares his experience raising two boys
- Dealing with Disappointments2009/05/03
Join James Pellicane as he shares with San Diego First Assemblies youth group--When God Does Not Make Sense
- How One Dad Loves and even Disciplines His Foster Child2009/04/28
Pastor Will Tyler shares his joys and struggles of parenting a foster child
- When Does a Boy Become a Man?2009/03/31
Kent Kraining shares how rites of passages became defining moments in his kids lives.
- Dad Talks about His Prodigal Son2009/03/19
Pastor Frank Wooden of Sweet Water River Church in San Diego shares about his son who walked away from God and his response as a father
- Practical Devotions and Discipline That Works 2009/02/22
Pastor John Rose from Rancho Vista Chuch in Chula Vista, CA shares about practical devoltions and discipline that works
- The Teen Years2009/02/09
Pastor Joel Marple shares stories from his childood and practical advice for dads with teens
- Practical Advice for Dads from a Childrens Pastor2009/01/22
Pastor Shari Dresselhaus from San Diego First Assembly shares three practical tips every Dad should use
- Celebrating Your Family and the Uniqueness of Your Child2009/01/08
Pastor Dan Daugherty from The Fathers House in San Marcos, CA talks about the role of a father in shaping his home and children
- Open Communication and Teaching Character2008/12/30
Pastor Gary Jones shares in this interview how to establish open communication with your children and how to develop their character.
- A Senior Pastor's Advice on Parenting2008/11/24
Dr. Richard Dresselhaus shares the importance of living the life you want your kids to become
- Kids and Church2008/11/17
Dr. Tim Dresselhaus shares about the importance of the local church and its pivotal role in helping us raise our kids
- Strategies for Raising Champions2008/11/10
Doug Hedrick interviews James Pelllicane on specific strategies he uses to raise champions
- We Can Still Learn a lot From our Parents2008/11/04
James interviews father of 3 Doug Hedrick on lessons he has learn from his parents both positive and negative and how he has become a better husband and father because of them.
- Three Things Your Wife Wants From You2008/09/26
What is it that women really need? Come join us as we interview Arlene Pellicane share 3 essentials doable truths that will encourage any women.
- Family Devotions that Work2008/09/12
Pastor Bob Buschman challenges dads to step up as the spiritual head of the home
- 45 Years Later2008/08/29
Garry Bowman has specializing in family law for 33 year and has some sage advice for both the new and older husband