Vegan - Vegetarian Solutions for a Sustainable Environment - Environmental and Ecological

  1. Kathy Freston Interviews Dr. Michael Greger, Part 22011/07/30
    This is part two of a transcript reading of Kathy Freston's interview of Dr. Michael Greger
    posted on The Huffington Post January 8th, 2010. The title of the interview "Flu Season: E. Coli, Salmonella and Other Deadly Bacteria and Pathogens in Food: Factory Farms Are the Reason"
  2. Kathy Freston Interviews Dr. Michael Greger, Part 12011/06/28
    This is part one of a transcript reading of Kathy Freston's interview of Dr. Michael Greger
    posted on The Huffington Post January 5th, 2010. The title of the interview "Flu Season:
    Factory Farming Could Cause A Catastrophic Pandemic"
  3. Rae Sikora Interviews Richard Schwartz: "Why People Should be Vegetarians"2011/04/27
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  4. Frank L. Hoffman "The Immorality Of Meat Eating"2011/03/25
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  5. Pamela Rice "Death By Algae" Read by Dawn D'Arcangelo2011/02/27
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  6. Mike Tidwell "The Low-Carbon Diet"2011/02/01
    Mike Tidwell, director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, is the author
    of The Ravaging Tide: Strange Weather, Future Katrinas, and the Coming Death
    of America's Coastal Cities (Free Press). In this article "The Low-Carbon Diet"
    for he discusses the Ecological and Moral Reasons for the plant based diet.
  7. Mike Hudak "Aesthetics"2010/12/31
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  8. Pamela Rice "Operation Ocean Plunder: Jellyfish Rules" Read by Dawn D'Arcangelo2010/12/14
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  9. Wendy Gordon, The Huffington Post "Meals of Mass Destruction: Shrimp"2010/12/02
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  10. Mike Shanahan, Ecologist Magazine "Appetite For Destruction - Shrimp Farming"2010/11/16
    The previous article by Joan Hamilton "All You Can Stomach? - Environmental Destruction Caused By Shrimp Industry " read for the 1st of November VSSE podcast was just a bit dated from 1994 so let's move to another article from 2003 by Mike Shanahan, Ecologist Magazine "Appetite For Destruction - Shrimp Farming" to see how much progress we've made.
  11. Joan Hamilton, Sierra Magazine "All You Can Stomach? - Environmental Destruction Caused By Shrimp Industry"2010/10/31
    This is a reading of an older article by Joan Hamilton for Sierra Magazine
    "All You Can Stomach? - Environmental Destruction Caused By Shrimp Industry".
  12. Benjamin Kolb, "Scientists Warn Of Livestock Greenhouse Gas Boom"2010/10/15
    Scientists warn of livestock greenhouse gas boom

    Benjamin Kolb
    5 October 2010

    link to abstract:
  13. Pamela Rice "Blue Pastures" Read by Dawn D'Arcangelo2010/09/27
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  14. Kathy Freston - "The Breathtaking Effects of Cutting Back on Meat: The Environment"2010/09/15
    In this first article Kathy Freston describes the breathtaking effects that cutting back on meat has on the environment and in the second she cites information from various academics and doctors that destroy the myth that humans are natural carnivores.
  15. Kathy Freston - "Shattering The Meat Myth: Humans Are Natural Vegetarians"2010/09/15
    In this first article Kathy Freston describes the breathtaking effects that cutting back on meat has on the environment and in the second she cites information from various academics and doctors that destroy the myth that humans are natural carnivores.
  16. Felicity Carus - "UN Urges Global Move to Meat & Dairy-Free Diet"2010/09/01
    A 2 June 2010 article by Felicity Carus on the website reports on this important news item "UN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet"
  17. John Vidal, The Observer "10 Ways Vegetarianism Can Help Save The Planet"2010/08/15
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  18. Bill McKibben "The Only Way To Have A Cow"2010/07/28
    The following reading of Bill McKibben's "The Only Way To Have A Cow" is from the March/April 2010 issue of the Orion Magazine:
  19. Pamela Rice "Toxic Trickle" Read by Dawn D'Arcangelo2010/07/15
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  20. Pamela Rice "Desertification" Read by Dawn D'Arcangelo2010/06/16
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  21. "Your Call Radio" Interviews Melanie Joy, Chris Jones and Linda Riebel2010/04/12
    Many thanks to the Your Call Radio program for there great variety of interviews. This podcast is an interview that took place in 2008. The topic is, sadly to say, still very relevant today "Why is going Meat-Free or eating less meat off the table when environmentalists get together to talk about averting climate change?"
  22. Rae Sikora interviews Dr. Melanie Joy about carnism Part 12010/03/26
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  23. Rae Sikora interviews Dr. Melanie Joy about carnism Part 22010/03/26
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  24. Quirks and Quarks Podcast "Oceans Of Trouble" Part 12010/03/14
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  25. Quirks and Quarks Podcast "Oceans Of Trouble" Part 22010/03/14
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  26. Angel Flinn: Free-Range Is Not The Answer2010/02/28
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  27. Nitrous Oxide: Ozone Depleting and Greenhouse Gas2010/01/12
    Nitrous Oxide has taken over the top spot as an Ozone depleting gas. The podcast is a reading of a series of online reports that looks at some of the details regarding sources and solutions to reducing the amount of Nitrous Oxide being released into the Environment.
  28. Pamela Rice "Troubled Waters: Oceans In Peril" Read by Dawn D'Arcangelo2009/12/30
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  29. Pamela Rice "Cyanide and dynamite: Reefs on the edge" Read by Dawn D'Arcangelo2009/12/13
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  30. Nikolas Kozloff "The Coolness Factor is Wearing Thin"2009/10/27
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  31. "Cattle Ranching Destroying The Amazon" Part 22009/10/15
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  32. "Cattle Ranching Destroying The Amazon" Part 12009/10/15
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  33. Aryan Tavakkoli - "Environmental Impact of Eating Fish"2009/10/13
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  34. Mark Bittman - NY Times "Rethinking The Meat-Guzzler"2009/09/30
    "Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler" by Mark Bittman was published on January 27, 2008 in "The World" section of the NY Times. The written article can be accessed here: The podcast shownotes can be found at or by emailing
  35. Aryan Tavakkoli "Methane - The Hidden Danger"2009/08/29
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  36. Noam Mohr "A New Global Warming Strategy: How Environmentalists are Overlooking Vegetarianism as the Most Effective Tool Against Climate Change in Our Lifetimes"2009/08/13
    Many thanks to Noam Mohr for permission to read "A New Global Warming Strategy: How Environmentalists are Overlooking Vegetarianism as the Most Effective Tool Against Climate Change in Our Lifetimes" -
  37. Juliette Jowit and Oliver Balch "Hidden Cost Of Our Growing Taste For Meat"2009/07/29
    Many thanks to the Observer online newsletter, for their excellent reporting. The about report in its entirety can be found at
  38. The Humane Society of the US "Eating For The Environment"2009/07/13
    Sincere thanks to The Humane Society of the United States for their information packed article "Eating For The Environment" that can be found at
  39. Richard Schwartz "An Alternative US Foreign Policy"2009/06/28
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  40. Mike Hudak "Social Harassment"2009/06/28
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  41. Ken Midkiff "Repetition of a Lie."2009/06/25
    Ken Midkiff discusses the most obvious violation that CAFO's cause to the Environment: Bad Air Quality - Stink.
  42. Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates2009/06/13
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  43. Pamela Rice "Fossil Fuel Alchemy" - Read by Dawn D'Arcangelo2009/06/07
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  44. Kathy Freston "A Few More 'Inconvenient Truths' " - Read by Tricia Orr2009/06/07
    With permission from Kathy Freston, Tricia Orr reads from Kathy's blog,, the February 2, 2007 entry "A Few More 'Inconvenient Truths' " for the Vegan-Vegetarian Solutions for a Sustainable Environment podcast.
  45. Howard Lyman and Jerry Cook "Environmental Effects of Animal Factory Farming" Part 12009/05/24
    Howard Lyman and Jerry Cook have a conversation about the effects on the environment associated with our current day animal production. (factory farming). They also chatted about swine flu, the subsidies associated with the fast food hamburgers, transportation associated with feed lots and our foods, effects of deforestation and a bit about Mad Cow Disease. More info at
  46. Howard Lyman and Jerry Cook "Environmental Effects of Animal Factory Farming" Part 22009/05/24
    Howard Lyman and Jerry Cook have a conversation about the effects on the environment associated with our current day animal production. (factory farming). They also chatted about swine flu, the subsidies associated with the fast food hamburgers, transportation associated with feed lots and our foods, effects of deforestation and a bit about Mad Cow Disease. More info at
  47. Karen Davis "Why Industrial Chicken Production is Wrong Part 1"2009/05/13
    Karen Davis, PhD, President of United Poultry Concerns is interviewed by Rae Sikora the co-founder and director of Plant Peace Daily.
  48. Karen Davis "Why Industrial Chicken Production is Wrong Part 2"2009/05/13
    Karen Davis, PhD, President of United Poultry Concerns is interviewed by Rae Sikora the co-founder and director of Plant Peace Daily.
  49. George Monbiot "Why Vegans Were Right All Along"2009/04/29
    The following is by George Monbiot as it appeared in The Guardian on 24 December 2002. The article can be found at: George Monbiot's blog can be found at
  50. Richard Schwartz "Ten Strategies Toward a Vegetarian Conscious World"2009/04/15
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  51. Earth and Sky "Newspapers Neglect Food Impact On Climate"2009/03/29
    Earth and Sky Podcast ( - In recent years, scientists have estimated that agricultural activities - including livestock production and clearing land for farming - contribute 30 percent of the greenhouse gases now warming our planet. But a new study shows that you wouldn't know it from reading the newspapers.
  52. Earth and Sky "Robots Replace Animals In Toxicology Testing"2009/03/29
    Earth and Sky Podcast ( - In the future, robots might replace animal testing in screening for environmental toxins.
  53. Earth and Sky "Animal-Free Meat Within A Decade"2009/03/29
    Earth and Sky Podcast ( - Scientists are working to create meat that comes from a laboratory, not an animal.
  54. Dan Brook "Eating for Personal, Public, and Planetary Health"2009/03/15
    Presentation given by Dan Brook at the World Vegetarian Festival Weekend in San Francisco California on October 4, 2008. Sponsored by the San Francisco Vegetarian Society ( and In Defense of Animals (
  55. Dan Brook "Eating for Personal, Public, and Planetary Health"2009/03/15
    Presentation given by Dan Brook at the World Vegetarian Festival Weekend in San Francisco California on October 4, 2008. Sponsored by the San Francisco Vegetarian Society ( and In Defense of Animals (
  56. Mike Hudak "Politics Trumps Science in Rangeland Management"2009/03/01
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  57. David Pimentel "Reducing Energy Inputs in the US Food System"2009/02/15
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  58. David Pimentel "Reducing Energy Inputs in the US Food System" - Interview2009/02/15
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  59. Kathy Freston "Vegetarian is the New Prius"2009/01/26
    With permission from Kathy Freston, Tricia Orr reads from Kathy's blog,, the January 18, 2007 entry "Vegetarian is the New Prius" for the Vegan-Vegetarian Solutions for a Sustainable Environment podcast. Audio editing by .com
  60. Mike Hudak "Ranchers Mortgage Our Natural Capital"2009/01/12
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  61. Aryan Tavalloki "Misuse Of Water And Soil Through Meat Production"2008/12/28
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  62. Lee Hall "Veganism: It's Good for the Earth -- But Is It a Realistic Goal?"2008/12/17
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  63. Ken Midkiff "CAFO's: Air And Water Pollution"2008/12/07
    Ken Midkiff gives a basic education on CAFO's (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations). Much information can be found by visiting Ken's website: or you can email Ken at
  64. Will Tuttle "World Peace Diet" part 12008/11/23
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  65. Will Tuttle "World Peace Diet" part 22008/11/23
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  66. Pamela Rice "World Water III"2008/11/11
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  67. Dan Brook "Meat and Global Warming"2008/10/19
    Dan Brook shares his perspective that if you want to do something about global warming, stop eating meat.;
  68. UN Says Eat Less Meat To Curb Global Warming2008/10/10
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  69. Richard Schwartz "Responding to Environmental Crises"2008/10/10
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  70. Howard Lyman "Spongiform"2008/10/10
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Vegan - Vegetarian Solutions for a Sustainable Environment - Environmental and Ecological
The Vegan - Vegetarian Solutions for a Sustainable Environment podcast is a project consisting of Many authors striving to shine a bright light on the major step the world must take if we ever want to attain a sustainable environment. That step is to dramatically reduce if not completely eliminate animals as a food source from our diets, in other words adapting a Vegan/Vegetarian lifestyle. The podcast shownotes can be found at and by clicking the Vegetarian link or by going directly to: Contact information: