All Saints Homilies

  1. Division, Desecration, Dedication2023/12/12
    On the occasion of the third night of Hanukkah, Fr. Pat talks about the divisions God built into creation, about the consecration and desecration of sacred space, and about dedication of God's temple and of ourselves.
  2. Touched by Another Human Being2023/11/02
    Fr. Pat reflects upon the encounter between Jesus and the woman with the chronic bleeding who touched the hem of His robe.
  3. A Matter of Daily Concern2023/09/24
    On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Fr. Pat reminds us that the Cross ought to be the lens through which we examine every question and regard every problem; it is what gives godly shape to the Christian life.
  4. A Vocation Both Common and Special2023/08/22
    There’s a sense in which The Vocation of Mary was the most special and the most common. In this homily given on the Feast of the Dormition in 2010, Fr. Pat considers these two vocations of our Lord's Mother.
  5. Xerxes and Paul2023/04/30
    Fr. Pat compares an event from the life of Xerxes as told by Herodotus in Book 7 of The Histories to a similar event in the lives of Paul and his companions as told by Luke in Acts 16:1-12.
  6. The Gospel of Mark, the Apostles, and the Sacraments2023/04/06
    In this homily from the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt in 2008, Fr. Pat discusses the occasion for the writing of the Gospel of Mark, the response of the Apostles to the cross, and the question Jesus asks James and John in the 10th chapter of Mark, which is the same question He asks us as we approach the chalice.
  7. The Struggle of Faith2023/03/29
    The 9th chapter of the Gospel of Mark opens with the account of the Transfiguration, then is immediately followed by the the story of Jesus healing a boy possessed by an unclean spirit, a spirit which Jesus’ disciples were unable to cast out. Fr. Pat makes three observations about faith which we can learn from this story. The painting Fr. Pat refers to is The Transfiguration by Rafael.
  8. Saint Paul or Faust?2023/03/23
    Both Saint Paul and Faust, the man who sells his soul to the devil, have something to say about faith, hope, and patience. Fr. Pat considers the great divide between these two men.
  9. Our Elders in the Faith2023/03/10
    In this homily from 2008 preached on the Feast of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (which was also Forgiveness Sunday), Fr. Pat reminds us of the great cloud of witnesses surrounding us. The text is Hebrews 12:1-10.
  10. The Supremacy of Love2023/02/14
    When the Apostle Paul lists faith, hope, and love as a triad of things that abide, he takes care to assert that the greatest of these is love. In this homily from Vespers on January 5, 2014, Fr. Pat examines these three things more closely.
  11. The Depth, the Height, and the Breadth of the Life in Christ2023/01/30
    January 30 in the Orthodox Church is the Feast of the Three Holy Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. In this homily from 2011, Fr. Pat teaches us about these three Fathers of the Church and their contributions to the Faith.
  12. The Mind’s Contract with Reality2023/01/25
    This past Sunday evening All Saints Church hosted a Pan-Orthodox Prayer Service for the Sanctity of Life, sponsored by the Orthodox Christian Clergy Association of Chicago. Fr. Pat was the guest speaker. These were his remarks.
  13. A Letter from Caesarea2023/01/18
    Paul transforms his prison cell into a hub of missions work. The text is Colossians 3:4-11.
  14. The Measure of Grace2023/01/10
    Fr. Pat preaches on Ephesians 4:7-13 in this homily from January 2016.
  15. His Intrusion into This World2023/01/03
    Fr. Pat gave this brief meditation at approximately midnight on January 1, 2014.
  16. Christ Alone2022/12/28
    In this homily from Christmas Day 2007, Fr. Pat reflects upon the Incarnation in terms of Christ the Only Holy One, Christ our Mediator, and Christ our Brother.
  17. On Solomon’s Porch2022/12/21
    John's Gospel tells us of a time during the Feast of Hanukkah when Jesus was teaching on Solomon's porch (John 10:22-23). Hanukkah is the feast of dedication; Fr. Pat examines this theme of dedication in the lives of three Old Testament saints.
  18. Invitation to the Banquet2022/12/13
    The theory of the perenial philosophy says that there’s a certain core experience of truth that all human beings have. Fr. Pat discusses this theory in light of Luke 14:16-24, the Parable of the Great Banquet.
  19. Abraham: History, Theology, Morality2022/12/06
    Paul tells us in Galatians that if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed. In this homily from 2016, Fr. Pat takes a closer look at Abraham, considering historical fact, theological truth, and moral responsibility. The text is Galatians 3:23-4:5.
  20. The Gracious Bounty of the Father2022/11/23
    In this homily from Thanksgiving of 2010, Fr. Pat considers with us God's Covenant with Noah given in Genesis 9.
  21. Who2022/11/14
    In this homily from 2014, Fr. Pat takes a close look at the word "who" in the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).Who
  22. Obedient Faith2022/11/08
    A homily from Fr. Pat on Galatians 2:16-20, given in 2004.
  23. The Practice of Prayer in the Pursuit of Wisdom2022/11/03
    A vesperal homily about James the Just. The text is James 1:1-11.
  24. Biblical Meditation2022/10/10
    A vesperal homily based upon Joshua 1:1-9
  25. The Imagination and the Moral Order2022/10/05
    Preaching from Luke 6:31-26, Fr. Pat discusses the Golden Rule.
  26. Two Types of Souls2022/09/14
    On the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple, Fr. Pat compares our Lord's Mother with the rich man in Luke 12, today's Gospel reading.
  27. Historical Claims, Their Interpretation, and the History of Salvation2022/09/02
    A homily on 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, given on August 26, 2012.
  28. One Verb and Two Nouns2022/08/31
    Fr. Pat discusses three words from the first chapter of 2 Corinthians.
  29. Prayer, Patience, Persuasion2022/08/25
    n 1 Corinthian 4:9-16, the Apostle Paul gives a portrayal of a style of life very much in contrast with the style of life preferred by the Corinthians. In this homily from 2009, Fr. Pat looks at the contrasts enumerated by St. Paul.
  30. The Journey Through the Desert2022/08/24
    Fr. Pat explains why the Church emphasizes Christ's multiplication of the loaves and fish.
  31. Two Miracles, Three Common Elements2022/08/24
    Fr. Pat compares the story of Peter walking on the water with that of the man who brings his son to Jesus.
  32. Of Ourselves, of Christ Our Lord, and of His Mother2022/08/16
    In this homily given on the Feast of the Dormition in 2010, Fr. Pat reflects upon the revelation of the Gospel disclosed in the human face
  33. Reflections on the Transfiguration of Our Lord2022/08/12
    In this homily from 2006, Fr. Pat reflects upon the Body of Christ, the Sacraments, and our own transfiguration in Christ.
  34. The Banquet2022/08/03
    Based on the Parable of the Great Banquet in Luke 14, Fr. Pat reflects upon the freedom presupposed in the invitation, the nature of the banquet itself, and the messengers of the banquet.
  35. What Was He Wearing?2022/08/02
    What was Jesus wearing in the manger? When he carried out his ministry? In his Resurrection appearances? How is he clothed today? We reflect on these questions with Fr. Pat.
  36. Two Men Meeting Christ2022/08/02
    Both Galatians 1 and Luke 8 contain stories of men converting to Christ. Fr. Pat examines these two accounts.
  37. Generosity, Freedom, and a Problem2022/08/02
    There is no easy way to eternal life. We are made to know God, to love God, to serve God, and that is hard. Fr. Pat offers reflections on this via three theses.
  38. The Heart of the Christian Gospel2022/08/01
    Jesus' healing of the Paralytic in Matthew 9 teaches us many things about man's biggest problem, about the corporate nature of the Church's service to the sinner, and about the Lord's authority to forgive sins.
  39. The Worries of the 5th Century2022/07/20
    The mid-5th century was a time of chaos, war, poverty, decay, and destruction, but the one concern of the Church was an abbott named Eutyches
  40. The Word of the Cross: Three Stages2022/07/13
    Fr. Pat focuses his attention on that which Saint Paul calls “of primary importance” for us to learn both from the saint’s words and from his life experience.
  41. Can Any Good Come Out of Nazareth?2022/07/13
    Using as a jumping-off point the Parable of the Vineyard in Matthew 21, Fr. Pat asks the same question asked by Nathaniel in John 1.
  42. Servants, Fellow Servants, Brothers2022/07/12
    What sort of life we live is determined by who we think we are. If we are servants of God, that means that not one of us belongs to himself. His time, his energy, his resources, all belong to the King that he serves.
  43. To Walk Under the Direct Gaze of God2022/07/11
    The call placed on every man’s life is to walk under the direct gaze of God. And the joy of heaven consists of gazing upon the transfigured face of Christ, and going from glory to glory, as much as we are able to bear.
  44. How to Approach Jesus2022/07/05
    Fr. Pat shows us how the Roman centurion who comes to Jesus for healing for his servant can be a model to us of how to approach Jesus. The text is Matthew 8:5-13.
  45. Three Apostolic Modifiers2022/06/30
    Fr. Pat reflects upon the Apostolic Office by means of three adjectives, which, when considered, can greatly enrich our understanding of the apostles, and can deepen our own relationship with Christ.
  46. Jesus Calls the First Students2022/06/30
    Being a disciple, a student of Christ, is very serious business. Fr. Pat discusses what it means to have Christ as a teacher.
  47. Marriage, Faith, and Creed2022/06/13
    In a homily delivered on Pentecost Sunday 2010, Fr. Pat offers reflections on the Orthodox wedding service, the Holy Spirit, faith, and the Creed.
  48. The Moral Structure of the World2022/06/05
    Fr. Pat explores the question, "What makes something evil?”
  49. A Once For All Witness2022/05/17
    The institution of the Twelve Apostles is the link between the Church and the Resurrection of Christ. Fr. Pat preaches from Acts 1:15-26. This homily was given April 2, 2015.
  50. Mary of Bethany2022/05/11
    Mary of Bethany appears in the gospels of St. Luke and St. John, and in both books she stands as a point of contrast with someone else. Fr. Pat's brief meditation on these contrasts was given at Bridegroom Matins on Tuesday, April 30, 2013.
  51. The Reality of the Risen Christ2022/05/04
    In this homily given on St. Thomas Sunday, 2012, Fr. Pat examines three subjects related to the resurrection of Christ our Lord.
  52. The Embodiment of Our Memory2022/04/29
    Fr. Pat offers reflections on baptism and the Creed. This homily was given on Great and Holy Saturday,
  53. This Messes Up All of Our Statistics2022/04/06
    In the Holy Communion, there is a change of substance. The bread and the wine have been transformed. We receive into our flesh the risen power of Christ.
  54. The God of Cash Value2022/04/06
    Is the god we’re worshipping actually the God of the Bible? Or are we worshiping the benevolent, optimistic, political, social, economic god of contemporary American culture? Because the worship of a false god is worse than the worship of no god.
  55. Spiritual Paralysis2022/04/06
    On the Sunday of the Paralytic, Fr. Pat reflects upon a most pernicious kind of paralysis—the spiritual kind.
  56. The Cross: Our Healing, Victory, and Peace2022/03/30
    Fr. Pat's homily delivered on the Sunday of the Holy Cross, 2008.
  57. The Evangelization of the Theotokos2022/03/25
    The heart of Feast of the Annunciation is evangelism in its most perfect reception, by a Woman who hears and believes the proclamation of the Gospel.
  58. Two Aspects of Forgiveness2022/03/10
    Fr. Pat's homily from Forgiveness Vespers 2012.
  59. Judgment, Renewal, Image2022/03/03
    On the Sunday of the Last Judgment, Fr. Pat preaches from Matthew 25:31-46.
  60. Man's Metaphysical Homesickness2022/02/24
    Fr. Pat preaches on the story of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15.
  61. The Door, the Shepherd, the Voice2022/02/18
    Fr. Pat considers three aspects of what St. Paul calls "the mind of Christ"; three ways in which Christ thought of himself with respect to us.
  62. The Three Thieves2022/02/18
    We are all familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan. Fr. Pat looks at persons from this story seldom, if ever, considered: the thieves who set the events in motion.
  63. The Contrite Heart2022/02/17
    Fr. Pat preaches on the Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican found in Luke 18.
  64. We Eat the Crumbs that Have Fallen from His Table2022/02/10
    Fr. Pat preaches from Matthew 15:21-28, the encounter of Jesus with the Canaanite woman.
  65. On the way of the Cross2022/01/26
    Fr. Pat preaches from Luke 18:35-43, the story of the blind beggar of Jericho whom Jesus heals
  66. The Anger of God and the Cross of Christ2022/01/19
    When Holy Scripture speaks of the sacrifice of the cross in connection with God's anger, it is invariably in terms of deliverance; it has nothing to do with placating that anger. Fr. Pat addresses St. Anselm's theory of the Atonement.
  67. The Life of Grace2022/01/19
    Preaching from Luke 17 (The Healing of the Ten Lepers), Fr. Pat examines what it is to have a Christian perspective toward the world.
  68. The Meaning of the Cross2022/01/16
    In this homily given on the Sunday before the Elevation of the Holy Cross, Fr. Pat looks at what death means to the Christian.
  69. How to Be Like God2022/01/14
    When, in Matthew 18, Jesus instructs us to be merciful as the Heavenly Father is merciful, he is telling us how to partake of the life of God; how to arrive at theosis.
  70. In the Desert, On the Mountain, and By the Waterside2022/01/13
    Fr. Pat preaches on the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness as told in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 4.
  71. The True Isaac and The Suffering Servant2022/01/07
    When at His baptism the Father speaks of Jesus as his "Beloved Son", declaring Him "well-pleased", the expression would have evoked in the mind of Jesus and anyone else who heard them two Biblical texts with which Jesus Himself was already familiar from the years of study in the synagogue.
  72. And Leave the Rest to God2022/01/01
    Fr. Pat looks at God’s providence with respect to three things: our sin, the moral order, and our conduct.
  73. God Brings Good Out of Evil2021/12/31
    In Romans 8 Paul asserts that God causes all things to work for good to those who love him. Fr. Pat examines this thesis in regards to general history, in the lives of individuals, and in the life of Christ, the supreme example of this.
  74. The Fourth Apostle2021/12/31
    Fr. Pat preaches on the Apostle Andrew, whose feast day is November 30. He gave this homily on November 30, 2014.
  75. A Paradigm For the Christian Calling2021/12/22
    The calling of the first four apostles gives us a model of the calling each of us receives from Christ. Fr. Pat looks at three qualities of this calling.
  76. The Covenant2021/12/22
    Holy Scripture uses three verbs in relation to the making of a covenant. In this homily from Palm Sunday, Fr. Pat explores these three Hebrew words.
  77. The Cross and the Christian Family2021/12/21
    Christ died for each of us personally, but he also died for families; and the context of the family is often the locus in our experience of the Cross. Fr. Pat considers three individuals whom Jesus loves as a family: Lazarus, Mary, and Martha.
  78. Phoenicia, the Woman, and the Children's Bread2021/12/21
    Jesus' encounter with the Syrophoenician woman as recounted by Matthew (chapter 15) has much to teach us when we consider Phoenicia's history, the woman herself, and the meaning of the children's bread.
  79. The Affirmation of Our Hope2021/12/16
    The season of Advent is not only a time when we prepare for the Feast of Christ's Birth; it is also the season in which we reflect more directly on the Second Coming of Christ. In this homily from 2009, Fr. Pat preaches from Colossians 3:4-11 about the Hope that is within us.
  80. Stand Upright and Gaze at the Stars2021/12/06
    Fr. Pat preaches from Luke 13:10-17, the story of Jesus healing a crippled woman on the Sabbath. This homily was given on December 4, 2014
  81. Living Between Two Events2021/11/27
    The Parable of the Talents is often used as a reminder to be the best you can be. It's really about the structure of history and the Lordship of Jesus.
  82. Three Psychological Vices2021/11/26
    Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon warns us about three things which impede our ability to walk worthy of the vocation with which we have been called.
  83. How Are We to Live?2021/11/25
    Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon discusses Paul’s response to the Gentile converts in Galatia being compelled by Jewish Christian teachers to live according to Jewish customs.
  84. God Is Pleased When We Give Thanks2021/11/23
    A meditation on Thanksgiving from Fr. Pat, given in 2008.
  85. Thinking Ahead — But Not Far Enough2021/11/19
    Fr. Pat preaches on the Parable of the Rich Fool found in Luke 12:16-21.
  86. A Celebration of Spiritual Warfare2021/11/09
    Fr. Pat takes a closer look at the true meaning of Hanukkah.
  87. The Encyclopedia and the Self2021/11/09
    Preaching from Luke 8:41-56, Fr. Pat considers what is important to know.
  88. Failure and Triumph2021/11/08
  89. Spirit Bearing Jesus2021/11/08
  90. Becoming a Christian2021/11/08
  91. Faith in Jesus, the Son of God2021/11/08
  92. The Virgin Mary2021/11/08
  93. For God so Loved the World2021/11/08
  94. The Judgment of God2021/11/08
  95. The Church is a Living Organism2021/11/08
  96. Follow Me2021/11/08
  97. Ascension2021/11/08
  98. Lazarus and Death2021/11/08
  99. Final Touches2021/11/08
  100. Abraham's Obedience2021/11/08
  101. The Resurrection-Essence of Gospel2021/11/08
  102. Holy Unction-Healing and Forgiveness2021/11/08
  103. Simple Eye2021/11/08
  104. Devout Centurion2021/11/08
    The account of the devout centurion that appears in both Matthew and Luke, but not in Mark, and obviously it is Matthew's version that we are considering today. The centurion serves as a model, I believe, for how Christ our Lord is to be approached, unless Christ our Lord is to be approached as a figment of our own imagination or simply as a projection of what we want out of religion.
  105. Being In Christ2021/11/08
  106. Avoiding Insanity2021/11/08
  107. Confusion of Light and Darkness2021/11/08
  108. Mystery of Divine Touch2021/11/08
  109. Jonah2021/11/08
  110. Approaching Christ2021/11/08
  111. The Body of Christ2021/11/08
  112. God As Creator2021/11/08
  113. Humility2021/11/08
  114. Son and Heir2021/11/08
  115. Resurrection and the Burning Bush2021/11/08
  116. Restoration to Real Life2021/11/08
  117. Sanctification of Time2021/11/08
  118. Veneration of Icons2021/11/08
  119. Abraham2021/11/08
  120. Spirit of Pentecost2021/11/08
  121. Transfiguration2021/11/08
  122. The Cross-Hope, Transformation, Warning2021/11/08
  123. Presentation of Our Lady2021/11/08
  124. Failure, Inquiry, Faith2021/11/08
  125. Nature, History, Redemption - Nativity 20062021/11/08
  126. The Gift of Christ2021/11/08
  127. Practical Deism2021/11/08
  128. Conflict in the Early Church2021/11/08
  129. Parable Themes from Matthew2021/11/08
  130. The Dead in Christ2021/11/08
  131. Chalcedonian Christology2021/11/05
  132. Agape2021/11/05
  133. Do Re Mi and John the Baptist2021/11/05
  134. The Significance of the Apostles2021/11/05
  135. Father Knows Best2021/11/05
  136. First Assembly of God2021/11/05
  137. The Myrrh-bearing Women2021/11/05
  138. The Spirit of Pentecost2021/11/05
  139. Jesus Brought to the Temple2021/11/05
  140. Resurrection: Past, Future and Now2021/11/05
  141. Ancient Sarah2021/11/05
  142. Lessons From the Paralytic2021/11/05
  143. Priority, Obedience and the Physical Nature of Salvation2021/11/05
  144. The Proclamation of John the Baptist2021/11/05
  145. Preservation of Memory2021/11/05
  146. Repentance in the Desert2021/11/05
  147. Qualities of Christian Love2021/11/05
  148. Melchizedek2021/11/05
  149. Passion and Justification2021/11/05
  150. Panic2021/11/05
  151. The Light of Creation2021/11/05
  152. Models for Lent2021/11/05
  153. Mystery of Creation2021/11/05
  154. Meet Him at the Well2021/11/05
  155. Life in the Church, Forgiveness2021/11/05
  156. Maintenance of The Life In Christ2021/11/05
  157. Lent-What God Does For Us2021/11/05
  158. Lent-Preparing Catechumens2021/11/05
  159. Lazarus, Joanna, Matthew2021/11/05
  160. Justification By Faith2021/11/05
  161. Intercessory Prayer2021/11/05
  162. Holy Week - The Cross2021/11/05
  163. Holy Week-Christ Our Friend2021/11/05
  164. The Humanity of Jesus2021/11/05
  165. Response to Jesus' Prophecy2021/11/05
  166. For the Peace from Above2021/11/04
  167. Joy, Peace, and Thought (Philippians 4)2021/11/04
  168. The Resurrection and Human History (Acts of the Apostles)2021/11/04
  169. The Name of Jesus (Acts 5:12-30)2021/11/04
  170. The Sunday of the Blind Man (John 9:1-38)2021/11/04
  171. What Happens at Baptism?2021/11/04
  172. Joseph of Arimathea2021/11/04
  173. The Life of the Early Church: Affection, Humor, Friendship2021/11/04
  174. Peter and Jacob2021/11/04
  175. Testing and Faith (Matt. 17:14-23)2021/11/04
  176. The Church, Man, and Forgiveness (Matt 18:23-35)2021/11/04
  177. Nicodemus and Jesus (John 3:13-17)2021/11/04
  178. Fishermen and Their Nets (Luke 5:1-11)2021/11/04
  179. The Christian Life in Three Tenses (Romans 5)2021/11/04
  180. The Redemption of History (Eph. 2:4-10)2021/11/04
  181. Christ, the End of the Law (Rom. 10:1-10)2021/11/04
  182. Personal Loyalties (1 Cor 1:10-17)2021/11/04
  183. Christian Basics (1 Cor. 16:13-24)2021/11/04
  184. Luke the Historian2021/11/04
  185. John the Baptist (Mark 1:1-8)2021/11/04
  186. A Ghostwritten Life - St. Anthony of Egypt2021/11/04
  187. Sacred Grammar (2 Tim. 3:10-15)2021/11/04
  188. The Holiness of the Christian Body (1 Cor. 6:12-20)2021/11/04
  189. Judge, Brother, Teacher2021/11/04
  190. Beginning Lent (Romans 13:11-14:4)2021/11/04
  191. The Bearers of the Paralytic (Mark 2:1-12)2021/11/04
  192. New Lifestyle or New Life?2021/11/04
  193. The Special Group and the Special People in It2021/11/04
  194. Mark Grows Up (Acts 15:36-40)2021/11/04
  195. Spiritual Sunspots (Acts 5:1-11)2021/11/04
  196. Holiness and History (Hebrews 11:33-12:2)2021/11/04
  197. Three Points of Christology (Romans 5:1-11)2021/11/04
  198. Freedom (Romans 6:18-23)2021/11/04
  199. The Dialectical Structure of History (Romans 10:1-10)2021/11/04
  200. The Qualities of Christian Love (Romans 12:6-14)2021/11/04
  201. The Human Soul Confronting the World (2 Cor. 4:6-15)2021/11/04
  202. The Cross and the Flesh (Gal. 6:11-18)2021/11/04
  203. Dedicated Lives (The Presentation of the Theotokos)2021/11/04
  204. En Garde! (Ephesians 6:10-17)2021/11/04
  205. Who is Jesus? (Mark 1:1-8)2021/11/04
  206. To Each and To All (Eph. 4:7-13)2021/11/04
  207. It's Not Over ‘Til It's Over2021/11/04
  208. Both Sides of the Icons2021/11/04
  209. The Church: An Audacious Group of Roof Climbers2021/11/04
  210. A Selective Memory2021/11/01
  211. A Matter of Progresssion—or Regression2021/11/01
  212. A Reliable Barometer2021/10/25
  213. The Value of Discussion2021/10/21
  214. The Discipline of Memory2021/09/22
  215. The Mystery of the Incarnation2021/09/14
  216. The Living Center2021/09/06
  217. Faith and the Soul2021/07/26
  218. Catching Up With Joseph2021/07/02
  219. Holiness as Gift, Perfection, and Struggle2021/06/29
  220. Son of Encouragement2021/06/08
  221. As Though It Were Our Last2021/05/24
  222. An Eminently Honorable Man2021/05/20
  223. The Task of the Church2021/05/09
  224. The Fact and the Dogma of Creation2021/04/29
  225. The Cross and the Heart2021/04/26
  226. Baptism and the Eucharistic Cup2021/04/23
  227. The Experience of Faith: Three Observations2021/04/16
  228. In the Days of His Flesh2021/04/07
  229. Elijah on Two Different Mountains2021/04/02
  230. The Mission of the Holy Spirit2021/03/30
  231. Two Oracles2021/03/26
  232. Two Champions of Prayer2021/03/11
  233. Then and Now: Isaiah's Times and Today2021/03/04
  234. Religious Infidelity2021/02/28
  235. Resistance to the Holy Cross2021/02/21
  236. The Anthropology of the Last Judgment2021/02/20
  237. Birthright and Repentance2021/02/19
  238. Moses Strikes the Rock2021/02/05
  239. The Two Hands of God2021/01/28
  240. Life, Death, and Hope2021/01/15
  241. The Event of the Incarnation2021/01/07
  242. The Cave, the Calendar, and the Curriculum2020/12/29
  243. For Unto Us a Child is Born2020/12/22
  244. The Visible Revelation of the Father2020/12/08
  245. At the Gate of the City2020/11/26
  246. A Meditation About Scheduling2020/11/26
  247. Judgment and a Fallen People2020/11/18
  248. Vital Instincts2020/11/18
  249. Three Features of the Life in Christ2020/10/23
  250. The Danger is Not an Armed Guard2020/10/10
  251. The Trial in the Wilderness2020/07/07
  252. Conscience and the Word of God2020/06/30
  253. Three Qualities of Holiness2020/06/15
  254. The Holy Spirit and the Gift of Speech2020/06/12
  255. Three Scenes in Church History2020/06/07
  256. Three Aspects of Philosophy2020/05/31
  257. Three Wolves2020/05/31
  258. Three Verbs at the Pool2020/05/23
  259. Stargazers: The Cultivation of a Devout Mind2020/04/11
  260. Incidental Features in the Story of the Prodigal Son2020/03/10
  261. The Seams of History2020/02/28
  262. Reflections on Sacrifice2020/02/21
  263. The Moral Structure of Reality2020/02/17
  264. Christ and the Forms of Worship2020/02/14
  265. Man's Capacity For Light2020/02/14
  266. Jesus' Baptism and Ours2020/02/14
  267. The Children of God2020/02/14
  268. An Achievement and a Challenge2020/01/20
  269. The Gnostic Impulse2020/01/11
  270. The Place, the Process, and the Prayer2020/01/06
  271. Whatever Was Written2020/01/06
  272. Galatians and the Gospel2020/01/06
  273. The Institutions of Witness2020/01/06
  274. The Meaning of the City2020/01/06
  275. The Texture of the Heart2020/01/06
  276. Being in the Presence2020/01/06
  277. The Anointing of the Believer2020/01/06
  278. Justification: Ongoing, Internal, and Shared2020/01/06
  279. The King and His Mother2020/01/06
  280. The Crown of the Year2020/01/06
  281. The Apostolic Model2020/01/06
  282. Two Views of History2020/01/06
  283. The Cross and the Moral Life2020/01/06
  284. The Fragrance Filled the House2020/01/06
  285. Time and the Knowledge of God2020/01/06
  286. The Torah and the Acropolis2020/01/06
  287. Wisdom and Folly2020/01/06
  288. The Catholic, Apostolic Church2020/01/06
  289. The Testimony of God Written in Our Hearts2020/01/06
  290. Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge2020/01/06
  291. The Growing Circle of Light2020/01/06
  292. Out of Order2020/01/06
  293. The Stewardship of the Soul2020/01/06
  294. Hope, Faith, Love, and the Pentecostarion2020/01/06
  295. The Four Directions of the Cross2020/01/06
  296. The Lady at the Foot of the Cross2020/01/06
  297. Three Aspects of Covenant2020/01/06
  298. The Testing of Faith2020/01/06
  299. Sin and the Sin Offering2020/01/06
  300. The Works of Lent2020/01/06
  301. Where is the King of the Jews?2020/01/06
  302. The Education of Timothy2020/01/06
  303. Soldier, Athlete, Tiller of Soil2020/01/06
  304. The God of the Prophets2020/01/06
  305. Hosea and the Fabric of Prophecy2020/01/06
  306. The Moral Education of Josiah2020/01/06
  307. In the Service of God2020/01/06
  308. The Flood, the Exodus, and the Cross2020/01/06
  309. The Harp, the Book, and the Bed2020/01/06
  310. Three Sanctified Ones of the Old Testament2020/01/06
  311. Christian Moral Responsibility2020/01/06
  312. The Hinge of Moral History2020/01/06
  313. One God, One Hope, One Ark2020/01/06
  314. An Experiment in Ceramics2020/01/06
  315. Divine Grace2020/01/06
  316. He Touches Our Flesh2020/01/06
  317. Seated at the Feet of Jesus, Clothed and in Our Right Mind2020/01/06
  318. A Pure and Upright Heart2020/01/06
  319. The Final Outcome is Not in Doubt2020/01/06
  320. Loving One's Enemies and Forgiving Offenses2020/01/06
  321. The Concealed Presence of a New Reality2020/01/06
  322. The Spirit of Deceit2020/01/06
  323. Bearing the Cross a Good Long Time2020/01/06
  324. Three Temptations that are Opposed to the Holy Spirit2020/01/06
  325. The Vigilant Care of the Soul2020/01/06
  326. Reality and Faith2020/01/06
  327. The Syntax and the Grammar of the Gospel2020/01/06
  328. Act Sensibly2020/01/06
  329. Traction2020/01/06
  330. Too Smart for their Britches2020/01/06
  331. Practical Rules for How to Live the Life in Christ2020/01/06
  332. Members to Each Other2020/01/06
  333. It's Time Already To Wake From Sleep2020/01/06
  334. The Gift and Task of Hope2020/01/06
  335. What is it Like to Be a Human Being?2020/01/06
  336. Vignettes from Luke2020/01/06
  337. The Church's First Retreat2020/01/06
  338. What's the Solution to Blindness?2020/01/06
  339. The Meeting at the Well2020/01/06
  340. Revelation and Obedience2020/01/06
  341. The Three-Stranded Cord2020/01/06
  342. Thomas and the Crossword Puzzle2020/01/06
  343. The Fertile Fringe2020/01/06
  344. What Does the Cross Mean to the Believer?2020/01/06
  345. What Did John NOT Say?2020/01/06
  346. Presence of Mind2020/01/04
  347. An Icon of Christ2020/01/04
  348. The Invisible God Painted His Own Portrait2020/01/04
  349. The Mystery of Monotheism2020/01/04
  350. What is Jesus Worth?2020/01/04
  351. The Man of the Hour2020/01/04
  352. Coming to Terms with the Beyond2020/01/04
  353. To Cut, To Give, To Establish2020/01/04
  354. The Humanization of Reality2020/01/04
  355. The Song of Mary2019/12/28
  356. Three Visionary Perspectives2019/10/29
  357. The Path to Hell2019/05/31
  358. The Human Inheritance2019/03/15
  359. Confronted with the Gospel2018/10/22
  360. The Proper Way to Pray2018/02/08
  361. An Exercise in Sculpture2018/01/11
  362. Armed and Ready for Battle2017/12/20
  363. The Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace2017/12/20
  364. The Enmity and the Peace2017/12/20
  365. It's a Lovely Day in the Neighborhood2017/12/20
All Saints Homilies
Homilies from Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon