The Dave Ross Show

  1. DAVE ROSS: Secret Service Man2012/04/21
    OK, so it's obvious. A listener made me do it.
  2. DAVE ROSS: A Song for Herman2011/11/30
    Dave suggests a song that Herman Cain simply must add to his repertoire
  3. DAVE ROSS: 60 Minutes and Honest Graft2011/11/15
    Hey -- it's better than dishonest graft!
  4. DAVE ROSS: Penn State goes for the Glory2011/11/12
    Coach worship replaces real fathers
  5. DAVE ROSS: Worshipping the inflated calf2011/11/11
    Another institution tests the limits of too-big-to-fail
  6. DAVE ROSS: Debt Deal Unleashes Job Creators! Hello?2011/08/02
    Dave is ready for the economic boom. But ... where is everybody?
  7. DAVE ROSS: Free market to the rescue!2011/06/03
    Happy Days will be here again, maybe even in our lifetimes!
  8. DAVE ROSS: No vacation for you!2011/05/31
    Dave explains why Americans hate vacation.
  9. DAVE ROSS: Something missing in Japan...2011/03/15
    No looting, no price gouging. Why?
  10. DAVE ROSS: Can you unplug from the Matrix? No!2011/03/05
    Dave reminds us that we are cyberslaves.
  11. DAVE ROSS: The costs of middle class reproduction2011/03/04
    Dave wonders if it's scarier NOT to pay
  12. DAVE ROSS: Watson in deep Jeopardy2011/02/16
    IBM wants to change the subject, but Dave doesn't fall for it.
  13. DAVE ROSS: Dave gets the Gaga vibe2011/02/15
    Dave reminds the little monsters that Lady Gaga's freedom isn't free
  14. DAVE ROSS: Dear Hosni -- May I Give You A Hug?2011/02/11
    Dave explains why no middle eastern regime need fear democracy
  15. DAVE ROSS: Relax, It's Just Free Market Health Care2011/02/10
    Dave looks at a clear case of Buyer Beware
  16. DAVE ROSS: Can a new congressional seating chart save America?2011/01/26
    Dave explains the theatrical drama of the State of the Union address
  17. DAVE ROSS: Christine O'Donnell is no mystery2010/09/17
    Dave points out that yes, she has been called by God to use politics to promote His holy rule. But since she's not Muslim, it's OK
  18. DAVE ROSS: Americans! Cover Your Women!2010/09/16
    Dave discovers the real significance of the Ines Sainz locker room incident
  19. DAVE ROSS: The media should stop covering You- Know-What2010/09/11
    Dave leads the way in not covering the top story
  20. DAVE ROSS: Everything helps al Qaeda2010/09/10
    Say -- if I threaten to burn a pile of Bibles, can I get Terry Jones to change his location?
  21. DAVE ROSS: Buy the Qur'an2010/09/08
    How can Christians demonstrate that extremist book-burning pastors don't represent mainstream Christianity? Buy Qur'ans and deliberately NOT burn them.
  22. DAVE ROSS: What's not to like about flying?2010/09/03
    True, they charge you to check your bags, to carry your bags, to bring your legs with you, and for a bag of crackers that will barely sustain life. HOWEVER -- when they strip you of your belt and shoes, scan you, force you to turn off your cell phone and leave you on the tarmac for two hours -- that part is FREE!
  23. DAVE ROSS: Turn the page, but please leave a bookmark2010/09/02
    Dave distills the lesson from the Iraq War.
  24. DAVE ROSS: BP CEO Tony Hayward Has A Special Announcement2010/06/09
    Now that the President is taking responsibility, we at BP have arranged for our CEO to stand on the shore near some seagulls and accept his apology.
  25. DAVE ROSS: The President carries a can of Whup Ass. Don't make him open it.2010/06/10
    Dave channels the anger
  26. DAVE ROSS: Testosterone2010/05/25
    Dave explains why we love Floyd Landis
  27. DAVE ROSS: Oh boy - another nominee to fight about2010/05/10
    Dave explains the debate over Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan
  28. DAVE ROSS: Who should we offend on Cinco de Mayo?2010/05/08
    Dave solves the Cinco de Mayo uproar
  29. DAVE ROSS: The stock market bungee jump2010/05/07
    Another Wall Street surprise mystifies America' brightest
  30. DAVE ROSS: Health Care Reform -- Unconstitutional?2010/03/24
    Dave reveals that declaring health care reform unconstitutional might have an interesting little side-effect
  31. DAVE ROSS: Nine years in a Prius and still unscathed2010/03/14
    How can I say this? My Prius works fine
  32. DAVE ROSS: You mean ... my account balance matters?2010/03/10
    Dave explains the brave new world of retail banking
  33. DAVE ROSS: Gundamental Illness2010/03/10
    Dave helps the open carry folks out of the closet and into the Starbucks
  34. DAVE ROSS: Prepare To Be Swabbed2010/02/18
    Another reason to hate the terrorists
  35. DAVE ROSS: 911? That'll be $300, Please2010/02/19
    Dave says it's time the free lunch was really over
  36. DAVE ROSS: Why The Tea Parties Will Fail2010/02/17
    They lack the courage to attack the root of the problem
  37. DAVE ROSS: Dick Cheney Saves The Military2010/02/16
    The manliest of men makes it clear he is not afraid of the showers
  38. DAVE ROSS: You've Got (Nude) Mail2010/01/30
    Dave solves the problem of adolescent sexting
  39. DAVE ROSS: It flies!2009/12/16
    Dave looks at Boeing's attempt to shake its new plane to pieces
  40. DAVE ROSS: Message sent!2009/11/05
    Dave looks back at the off-off-year elections
  41. DAVE ROSS: Looking for the election message2009/11/04
    Dave looks ahead to the off-off- year election
  42. DAVE ROSS: Didn't Jefferson Davis Just "Opt Out"?2009/10/28
    How Dave learned to embrace the idea of opting out of the modified opt-in.
  43. DAVE ROSS: At Least They Weren't Applying Makeup2009/10/27
    Dave reveals that we are all distracted pilots
  44. DAVE ROSS: Oh Andy, Stop Complaining!2009/10/26
    Dave points out that an American's highest duty is to help the health care industry make a profit
  45. DAVE ROSS: The Mile High Nap Club2009/10/23
    Dave solves the problem of cockpit fatigue
  46. DAVE ROSS: Wall Street Rehab2009/10/22
    Dave has trouble believing that fixing 175 paychecks will do the trick
  47. DAVE ROSS: Dave sings a salute to fake news2009/10/20
    There appears to be mounting evidence that the line between news and entertainment has, perhaps, blurred ever so slightly
  48. DAVE ROSS: The Media Spawns A Frankenstein2009/10/19
    Dave reveals the true meaning of the balloon-boy non-story story
  49. DAVE ROSS: The Rams need a Rush-ing game2009/10/14
    In a sign the world will likely end long before 2012, Dave supports Limbaugh's bid for the Rams
  50. DAVE ROSS: Peace -- What Is It Good For?2009/10/12
    Dave solves the peace prize dilemma
  51. DAVE ROSS: The wussy Bible and why it needs revision2009/10/09
    Dave helps conservative Andrew Schlafly revise the Bible to be more to God's liking
  52. DAVE ROSS: Where are the deficit hawks now?2009/10/08
    For some reason, cost doesn't matter in Afghanistan
  53. DAVE ROSS: Go Ahead -- Nuke Yourself Out!2009/09/27
    How Dave learned to stop worrying and love uranium enrichment
  54. DAVE ROSS: How Can The Recession Be Ending?2009/09/17
    Dave cannot accept the latest outbreak of irrational exuberance
  55. DAVE ROSS: Meet the Death Panel2009/08/13
    Health care reform hasn't even passed, and there are death panels already!
  56. DAVE ROSS: Yes, they acted "stupidly"2009/07/24
    It's not about race, it's about property rights
  57. DAVE ROSS: They would shoot him?2009/07/23
    Dave exposes the TRULY controversial presidential comment
  58. DAVE ROSS: King of Pop A Victim of Too Much Health Care2009/07/02
    Michael Jackson's case may show that sometimes the problem isn't too little health care, but too much
  59. DAVE ROSS: Mark Sanford, Country Singer2009/07/01
    Dave channels Willie Nelson in a bold attempt at explaining South Carolina Politics
  60. DAVE ROSS: Rush and Newt channel stupid2009/06/04
    Yes, Judge Sotomayor, not being a bloodless zombie, will be influenced by her experiences.
  61. DAVE ROSS: Dave discovers the one honest abortion opponent in America2009/06/03
    Rush, Sean and the rest are afraid to say what their pro-life legislation would look like. But one brave Dave Ross listener demonstrated some long-overdue courage
  62. DAVE ROSS: Your New Tiny Car Will Be Here in 7 Years2009/05/20
    Detroit is ready to build trucks that tiptoe
  63. DAVE ROSS: Catholics Are Reminded That God Is Love2009/05/19
    The 20,000 protestors turn out to be more like 100
  64. DAVE ROSS: Tortured logic2009/05/15
    The ghost of Richard Nixon hovers over the torture debate
  65. DAVE ROSS: What's good for Cheerios is good for America2009/05/14
    Dave defends the toasty little joy-loops
  66. DAVE ROSS: Hands off the soda2009/05/13
    The soda tax leaves Dave flat
  67. DAVE ROSS: Oh Manny!2009/05/09
    Dave suddenly bursts into song over the sad fate of another fallen hero
  68. DAVE ROSS: Miss California's story enters the slutty photo phase2009/05/08
    Yes, sex can convert the infidels
  69. DAVE ROSS: Hide The Money!2009/05/05
    Dave predicts that even Barack Obama will fail to shut down the tax havens
  70. DAVE ROSS: Evaluating Day 64 (Hexadecimal)2009/04/30
    And as long as we're embracing arbitrary benchmarks, suppose we evaluate the critics too?
  71. DAVE ROSS: The Jack Bauer Exception2009/04/25
    For conservatives, the torture argument boils down to WWJD: What Would Jack Do. But a closer look at the hero of "24" reveals a surprise that everyone has conveniently forgotten.
  72. DAVE ROSS: The big ship was just too tempting!2009/04/23
    The ruthless Somali pirate turns out to be ... a victim
  73. DAVE ROSS: A message from the Cuban Ministry of Tourism2009/04/21
    The new era in US foreign policy has Dave ready for a little Havana rum
  74. DAVE ROSS: Vermont's Gay Tea Party2009/04/09
    The debate is over; monogamy is back in style
  75. DAVE ROSS: iPod Envy2009/04/04
    Dave exposes the iPod exposers
  76. DAVE ROSS: Obama Convicted of Thoughtfulness and Fluency2009/03/26
    Dave documents the latest outbreak of Teleprompter derangement syndrome
  77. DAVE ROSS: Either You're For Bonuses or Against Them2009/03/20
    Democrats channel the politics of black and white; Republicans cornered.
  78. DAVE ROSS: Taxing the Rich Is Back In Style2009/03/19
    Republicans unleash a stampede, and wake up with hoofprints on their backs
  79. DAVE ROSS: A-I-Gee Whiz!2009/03/18
    Has anyone noticed the irony? What happened to Greed is Good?
  80. DAVE ROSS: Conservatism is the new Socialism!2009/03/17
    A bi-partisan coalition of outrage abandons capitalism and prepares to confiscate Wall Street bonuses
  81. DAVE ROSS: The Waterboarding of Jim Cramer2009/03/14
    CNBC legend Jim Cramer reduced to quivering puddle of flesh after Comedy Central intervention, begs for second chance, vows to change life
  82. DAVE ROSS: Bernie Madoff, How I Loved Him!2009/03/13
    Dave sings a torch song to the man who made dreams come true
  83. DAVE ROSS: Obama and Jindal, Separated at Birth2009/02/26
    Dave looks at the shocking ways in which opposites attract
  84. DAVE ROSS: Get Some Sleep2009/03/03
    Dave examines the growing causes of sleeplessness
  85. DAVE ROSS: Please Leave Home Without It2009/02/24
    Dave longs for the days when even pets had decent credit
  86. DAVE ROSS: Mad As Hell2009/02/21
    Dave exposes the famous CNBC rant as an oratorial derivative
  87. DAVE ROSS: You hate the stimulus? Prove it!2009/01/12
    Dave proposes the ultimate test for the stimulus -- but is anyone brave enough to try it?
  88. DAVE ROSS: Deja Voodoo2009/01/30
    It's true that our economic stimulators don't know what works. But they DO know what DOESN'T work.
  89. DAVE ROSS: Obama -- Sum of all Fears?2009/01/21
    Dave looks at America's deepest fears about President 44
  90. DAVE ROSS: President Obama2009/01/21
    Dave looks back at his own interview with the world's most famous and powerful man
  91. DAVE ROSS: In the unlikely event of a water landing...2009/01/17
    Info (Show/Hide)
  92. DAVE ROSS: Hey! Is this a joke?2008/12/19
    Dave examines the concept of "greedy autoworkers"
  93. DAVE ROSS: Flash -- its' a recession!2008/12/03
    I'll bet we've heard this story often enough that any one of us could Fill In The Blanks
  94. DAVE ROSS: Where are we supposed to put it?2008/11/24
    Dave wonders just exactly HOW we are supposed to buy more stuff when there's no place to put it.
  95. DAVE ROSS: Fill In The Blanks: Dave tests you on current events2008/11/26
    This is a tough one -- you may have to listen several times
  96. DAVE ROSS: Wait -- now we're supposed to borrow again?2008/11/13
    Dave explains how no one seems to be able explain what they've been explaining to us.
  97. DAVE ROSS: Here come the smart people2008/11/10
    It's a culture America is just not used to.
  98. DAVE ROSS: Sorry gay couples, the Kumbayah is not for you2008/11/07
    The same voters who changed history for African Americans pull up the ladder
  99. DAVE ROSS: Wrap me in the flag2008/11/06
    A whole new group of Americans will discover their inner patriotism
  100. DAVE ROSS: Time's Up2008/11/03
    Dave reminds persons of indecision that there are no more speeches left to listen to, no more skeletons to emerge.
  101. DAVE ROSS: The New Testament -- that other Communist document2008/10/27
    Dave examines the "Communism" charge, and advises the apostle Paul not to run for President
  102. DAVE ROSS: Two weeks left2008/10/22
    No excuses. It's not like no one knew this would be a pretty well-attended election.
  103. DAVE ROSS: Is that a Socialist in your pocket or...2008/10/21
    Dave examines this scary idea of spreading the wealth
  104. DAVE ROSS: My country, my banker2008/10/10
    We have learned that sometimes, it's perfectly OK to throw money at a problem
  105. DAVE ROSS: We wanted football, we got ping pong2008/10/09
    Still going after bin Laden when we can barely keep the banks solvent.
  106. DAVE ROSS: Why aren't you people scared yet?2008/10/09
    Dave explains why Main Street got ornery
  107. DAVE ROSS: No bail2008/09/30
    The bailout fails as freedom beats bread
  108. DAVE ROSS: President pops out, sees shadow2008/09/27
    And there will be no politics allowed!
  109. DAVE ROSS: The President breaks the news -- we blew the occupation of Wall Street too2008/09/19
    So I guess rugged individualism is every bit the fiction it was when Hoover tried to defend it?
  110. DAVE ROSS: I guess it finally matters2008/09/22
    Remember the days when you could cut taxes with a war to fight and a trillion dollar debt to pay, and it didn't matter?
  111. DAVE ROSS: Calling All Upscale Patriots!2008/09/24
  112. DAVE ROSS: Pennies from Henry2008/09/18
  113. DAVE ROSS: Fill InThe Blanks: Wall Street Capitulates2008/09/16
  114. DAVE ROSS: Seven years later2008/09/12
  115. DAVE ROSS: Your lipstick is showing2008/09/10
  116. DAVE ROSS: How many houses do you have? How many fingers am I holding up?2008/08/23
  117. DAVE ROSS: Who does Putin think he is? JFK?2008/08/21
  118. DAVE ROSS: Fill In The Blanks --- Dave Goes Negative2008/08/21
  119. DAVE ROSS: Hydrocarbon voices in your head2008/07/30
  120. DAVE ROSS: Thank you, Oil!2008/07/29
  121. DAVE ROSS: Bush and Streisand, Together For The First Time2008/07/17
  122. DAVE ROSS: Hey ET, iPhone Home2008/07/12
  123. DAVE ROSS: Iran scams us again2008/07/11
  124. DAVE ROSS: Why would Jesse want to remove anyone's cocktail onions?2008/07/10
  125. DAVE ROSS: Iraq wants a timetable? Do they think they're sovereign or something?2008/07/09
  126. DAVE ROSS: Iran kicks sand in everybody's face2008/07/10
  127. DAVE ROSS: When will flip-flop mavens flip-flop on flip-flopping?2008/07/08
  128. DAVE ROSS: How does a patriot behave?2008/07/05
  129. DAVE ROSS: Hey Bill Gates, not so fast2008/06/28
  130. DAVE ROSS: Should sex within marriage be legal?2008/07/27
  131. DAVE ROSS: NRA's Mission Accomplished?2008/06/26
  132. DAVE ROSS: Save the Suburbs2008/06/25
  133. DAVE ROSS: George Carlin, not heaven-bound if he can help it2008/06/23
  134. DAVE ROSS: Drilling for Democracy2008/06/19
  135. DAVE ROSS: Meet someone who believes the rumors2008/06/29
  136. DAVE ROSS: How about some new arguments on oil drilling?2008/06/19
  137. DAVE ROSS: What will God do?2008/06/18
  138. DAVE ROSS: Tim Russert2008/06/17
  139. DAVE ROSS: News Read Real Slow2008/06/13
  140. DAVE ROSS: Rachel Ray channels jihad2008/06/13
  141. DAVE ROSS: Finally -- a white Catholic preacher goes ballistic2008/05/31
  142. DAVE ROSS: Saved by the market!2008/05/28
  143. DAVE ROSS: Congress violates human rights of oil executives2008/05/23
  144. DAVE ROSS: Appease me!2008/05/18
  145. DAVE ROSS: Will God place California in the crosshairs?2008/05/17
  146. DAVE ROSS: John McCain visualizes victory2008/05/16
  147. DAVE ROSS: I can't vote until I consult my neighborhood terrorist!2008/05/12
  148. DAVE ROSS: He's had enough!2008/04/30
  149. DAVE ROSS: Omigod! He's a conservative!2008/04/29
  150. DAVE ROSS: Golden Grains2008/04/27
  151. DAVE ROSS: A comeback comeback comeback in Pennsylvania2008/04/23
  152. DAVE ROSS: Pennsylvania votes decisively to keep the race indecisive2008/04/23
  153. DAVE ROSS: Don't just gas up -- man up, America2008/04/22
  154. DAVE ROSS: Does anyone care what he actually said?2008/04/16
  155. DAVE ROSS: Hey America -- It's not about Barack being elite2008/04/15
  156. DAVE ROSS: Better late than dead2008/04/11
  157. DAVE ROSS: Torch song2008/04/09
  158. DAVE ROSS: Why couldn't he just answer "YES!"2008/04/09
  159. DAVE ROSS: Surrender Hillary?2008/04/05
  160. DAVE ROSS: Are you smarter than an oil company?2008/04/02
  161. DAVE ROSS: Hillary's tall tale dumber than we thought2008/04/02
  162. DAVE ROSS: When nipples attack2008/03/30
  163. DAVE ROSS: The Victory Continues2008/03/30
  164. DAVE ROSS: The Dog Ate My Social Security Check2008/03/26
  165. DAVE ROSS: Beware the Controversy of Easter2008/03/22
  166. DAVE ROSS: Will Barack Disavow his OTHER mentor?2008/03/21
  167. DAVE ROSS: The winning continues in Iraq2008/03/20
  168. DAVE ROSS: Fill In The Blanks -- Tips for Safe Sex2008/03/13
  169. DAVE ROSS: Screaming preachers2008/03/15
  170. DAVE ROSS: The real reason we gang up on guys like Spitzer2008/03/12
  171. DAVE ROSS: The name that launched a thousand quips2008/03/01
  172. DAVE ROSS: Recession? You can blame it on the mainstream media2008/02/28
  173. DAVE ROSS: Dave nitpicks the last Democratic debate2008/02/27
  174. DAVE ROSS: Is this finally the last and ultimate definitive decisive defining debate?2008/02/26
  175. DAVE ROSS: Hillary thinks Barack is a clown but is honored to run with him2008/02/25
  176. DAVE ROSS: A message from Cuba's Department of Domestic Contentment2008/02/23
  177. DAVE ROSS: Farewell Fidel2008/02/20
  178. DAVE ROSS: Women swoon for Candidate McDreamy, and there's no stopping it2008/02/19
  179. DAVE ROSS: Roger Clemens hurls 97 mph denials at Congress2008/02/15
  180. DAVE ROSS: Decision time for the other Mike2008/02/16
  181. DAVE ROSS: There is no recession. Say it! Say it now!2008/02/13
  182. DAVE ROSS: Dave explains the meaning of the future2008/02/09
  183. DAVE ROSS: Dave searches for the definitive Superbowl metaphor2008/02/03
  184. DAVE ROSS: Where's my check!2008/02/07
  185. DAVE ROSS: Will tribalism take over?2008/02/06
  186. DAVE ROSS: The Super Tuesday Candidate Test2008/02/05
  187. DAVE ROSS: Hillary and Barack tie the knot2008/02/02
  188. DAVE ROSS: With Author Shelby Steele2008/02/02
  189. DAVE ROSS: John McCain learns that quotes are stubborn things2008/02/01
  190. DAVE ROSS: Florida gives McCain the juice, Rudy the pulp2008/01/30
  191. DAVE ROSS: State of the Union FLASHBACK! (Flashback Flashback Flashback)2008/01/29
  192. DAVE ROSS: The Stimulus Anthem -- play it loud2008/01/26
  193. DAVE ROSS: Stocks become a sad country song2008/01/23
  194. DAVE ROSS: An alternative interpretation of how Iran came to not have nukes after all2007/12/04
  195. DAVE ROSS: Look what Iran wants now!2007/12/05
  196. DAVE ROSS: Mortgage meltdown melts ideology2007/12/07
  197. DAVE ROSS: Yeah, we tortured terrorists, but do we have to torture logic too?2007/12/10
  198. DAVE ROSS: Rain prayers in Georgia2007/11/14
  199. DAVE ROSS: We're flying home for Thanksgiving -- time to scare the hell out of us!2007/11/23
  200. DAVE ROSS: Writers on strike2007/11/07
  201. DAVE ROSS: Pakistan spreads non-democracy2007/11/07
  202. DAVE ROSS: Is there an echo in here?2007/10/27
  203. DAVE ROSS: Hillary screws up, earth falls out of orbit2007/11/02
  204. DAVE ROSS: Is this something new, or Iraq deja vu?2007/10/26
  205. DAVE ROSS: The fires according to You Tube2007/10/26
  206. DAVE ROSS: Barack Obama turns out to be not only white, but French2007/10/17
  207. DAVE ROSS: General Ricardo Sanchez reveals why you should never believe a General2007/10/17
  208. DAVE ROSS: Which Candidate is Horn-worthy2007/10/11
  209. DAVE ROSS: Too bad Tanya Rider wasn't a terrorist2007/09/29
  210. DAVE ROSS: Robert Byrd -- Secret Weapon2007/09/28
  211. DAVE ROSS: Mahmoud bites back2007/09/27
  212. DAVE ROSS: Gay people? What gay people!2007/09/26
  213. DAVE ROSS: So it's not about race, eh?2007/09/21
  214. DAVE ROSS: General "Betrayus" -- the pun heard 'round the world2007/09/14
  215. DAVE ROSS: The higher math of President Bush's speech2007/09/15
  216. DAVE ROSS: We must not let our enemies define who we are2007/09/12
  217. DAVE ROSS: Ten things we know about the surge2007/09/11
  218. DAVE ROSS: Osama speaks, world yawns2007/09/08
  219. DAVE ROSS: Senator Craig only wants what every gay soldier wants2007/09/06
  220. DAVE ROSS: Finally -- Victory!2007/09/07
  221. DAVE ROSS: Hey Iran -- Get Ready to Rumble!2007/09/02
  222. DAVE ROSS: Senator Craig Unplugged2007/09/07
  223. DAVE ROSS: Tap Three Times2007/08/30
  224. DAVE ROSS: What's the matter with kids? Their falling-down pants2007/08/26
  225. DAVE ROSS: Gonzo bids farewell2007/08/28
  226. DAVE ROSS: A happy ending in Iraq2007/08/25
  227. DAVE ROSS: With each flush, a free drug test2007/08/24
  228. DAVE ROSS: Michael Vick pleads guilty2007/08/23
  229. DAVE ROSS: Working women want wives2007/08/22
  230. DAVE ROSS: Gather the children and lock the doors, food prices are up!2007/08/17
  231. DAVE ROSS: Dick Cheney -- modern-day Nostradamus2007/08/16
  232. DAVE ROSS: Bridges ain't the only thing that's structurally deficient2007/08/03
  233. DAVE ROSS: The YouTube debate finally empowers Regular Americans2007/07/25
  234. DAVE ROSS: Censure the President?2007/07/25
  235. DAVE ROSS: Hillary shows cleavage, al Qaeda defeated2007/07/21
  236. DAVE ROSS: Flash! The media warns us that July is HOT2007/07/19
  237. DAVE ROSS: A former Surgeon General bites back2007/07/12
  238. DAVE ROSS: If you leave a big lead footprint, at least leave a small carbon footprint2007/07/06
  239. DAVE ROSS: Senator Lugar starts talking like a crazy man2007/06/27
  240. DAVE ROSS: Bong Hits 4 The First Amendment!2007/06/26
  241. DAVE ROSS: Careers in Afghanistan! No skill required!2007/06/21
  242. DAVE ROSS: Dude where's my passport?2007/06/18
  243. DAVE ROSS: Albania shows the love2007/06/11
  244. DAVE ROSS: Who REALLY needs amnesty?2007/06/12
  245. DAVE ROSS: Attention -- your thigh is calling!2007/06/15
  246. DAVE ROSS: The man with no pants2007/06/14
  247. DAVE ROSS: Paris Hilton sprung2007/06/09
  248. DAVE ROSS: A hymn to the TB man2007/06/04
  249. DAVE ROSS: Spam King is un-crowned, the Spam lives on2007/06/04
  250. DAVE ROSS: James Comey reveals George Bush's Richard Nixon Moment2007/05/18
  251. DAVE ROSS: Republicans have a bad hair moment2007/05/18
  252. DAVE ROSS: Save gas and go to heaven2007/05/16
  253. DAVE ROSS: Would a timetable be OK if the Iraqi parliament wanted it?2007/05/12
  254. DAVE ROSS: Why not just admit that OxyContin is legal Heroin?2007/05/12
  255. DAVE ROSS: Does leaving really mean losing?2007/05/12
  256. DAVE ROSS: The New Jersey sleeper cell awakes2007/05/12
  257. DAVE ROSS: The French may love women, but not angry ones2007/05/12
  258. DAVE ROSS: Immigrants coming north isn't the problem2007/05/06
  259. DAVE ROSS: Doing it for the troops? Prove it!2007/05/03
  260. DAVE ROSS: Scratch another mastermind2007/05/02
  261. DAVE ROSS: George Tenet finally admits thinking "What the hell!?"2007/05/02
  262. DAVE ROSS: The general dots the other "I"2007/04/27
  263. DAVE ROSS: It's all about the accountability2007/04/28
  264. DAVE ROSS: High Noon approaches2007/04/25
  265. DAVE ROSS: We're building a wall? What wall?2007/04/24
  266. DAVE ROSS: Has the term "responsible gun owner" become an oxymoron?2007/04/21
  267. DAVE ROSS: Oh, Senator Reid, For Shame!2007/04/20
  268. DAVE ROSS: Who apologizes to the Duke lacrosse players?2007/04/20
  269. DAVE ROSS: The President needs a War Czar?2007/04/20
  270. DAVE ROSS: The Hiking Song2007/04/20
  271. DAVE ROSS: Cheap Fares Have Consequences -- America Shocked!2007/04/20
  272. DAVE ROSS: Iranians have a bad case of hostalgia2007/04/20
  273. DAVE ROSS: They're Raising My Tax! They're Not Raising My Tax!2007/04/20
  274. DAVE ROSS: Sean Penn unhinged2007/04/20
  275. DAVE ROSS: Democrats indulge in subpeona envy2007/04/20
  276. DAVE ROSS: The President protects the decision-making process2007/04/20
  277. DAVE ROSS: I Got You Tube2007/04/20
  278. DAVE ROSS: What? Politics in Washington?2007/04/20
  279. DAVE ROSS: Shock and Awe Plus Four2007/04/20
  280. DAVE ROSS: The N-Word debate is starting to N-noy me.2007/04/20
  281. DAVE ROSS: Newt Gingrich, supporter of traditional marriage2007/04/20
  282. DAVE ROSS: Take the hint, Mr. President!2007/04/20
  283. DAVE ROSS: Mission Accomplished for Scooter2007/04/20
  284. DAVE ROSS: Candidates in search of an accent2007/04/20
  285. DAVE ROSS: Why not build the fence in the wrong place?2007/04/20
  286. DAVE ROSS: Can Al Gore have a heated pool and still be Green?2007/04/20
  287. DAVE ROSS: College Kids graduate Magna cum Rowdy2007/04/20
  288. DAVE ROSS: Airline passengers are far too dangerous to merit rights2007/04/20
  289. DAVE ROSS: Murtha blows the Democrats cover2007/04/20
  290. DAVE ROSS: Is Barack Black Enough?2007/04/20
  291. DAVE ROSS: What did Joe say?2007/04/20
  292. DAVE ROSS: Groundhog day and atmospheric terror2007/04/20
  293. DAVE ROSS: Global Warming is giving me hot flashes2007/04/20
  294. DAVE ROSS: Uncovering waste, fraud, and... success!2007/04/20
  295. DAVE ROSS: Hillary Clinton's Jack Benny Moment in Iowa2007/04/20
  296. DAVE ROSS: High Noon on Capitol Hill2007/04/20
  297. DAVE ROSS: More fuming over global warming2007/04/20
  298. DAVE ROSS: Obama debuts as practically perfect in every way2007/04/20
  299. DAVE ROSS: 1394 Days2007/04/20
  300. DAVE ROSS: The Very Bad Day2007/04/20
  301. DAVE ROSS: Nancy Pelosi and the President in a game of chicken2007/04/20
  302. DAVE ROSS: Damn those cell phones!2007/04/20
  303. DAVE ROSS: How the heck am I supposed to know that?2007/04/20
  304. DAVE ROSS: Ford and LBJ from beyond the grave2007/04/20
  305. DAVE ROSS: More good news about Iraq, I think2007/04/20
  306. DAVE ROSS: The War on Christmas Ends2007/04/20
  307. DAVE ROSS: America glues itself to the screen2007/04/20
  308. DAVE ROSS: The Day After Christmas, A Poem2007/04/20
  309. DAVE ROSS: Fill In The Blanks -- Make The Campaign Stop2007/04/20
  310. DAVE ROSS: Bless you, John Kerry2007/04/20
  311. DAVE ROSS: Now anybody can remove guilt from their diet2007/04/20
  312. DAVE ROSS: Another edition of "Is It Fascism?"2007/04/20
  313. DAVE ROSS: Negative ads finally go too far2007/04/20
  314. DAVE ROSS: Message to Washington -- Leave us alone, unless we don't mean it2007/04/20
  315. DAVE ROSS: Was Korea's nuke a fluke?2007/04/20
  316. DAVE ROSS: October polls provide a snapshot of meaninglessness2007/04/20
  317. DAVE ROSS: Mark Foley Unplugged2007/04/20
  318. DAVE ROSS: Please leave the dissing of American politicians to Americans2007/04/20
  319. DAVE ROSS: Hurricane Hugo hits the White House2007/04/20
  320. DAVE ROSS: Planet Number Nine2007/04/20
  321. DAVE ROSS: Focus Your Fear2007/04/20
  322. DAVE ROSS: Things not to do on a plane2007/04/20
  323. DAVE ROSS: Tom Cruise Fired2007/04/20
  324. DAVE ROSS: Dave Appeals to the Intelligent Designer2007/04/20
  325. DAVE ROSS: Stalking the Wild Terrorist2007/04/20
  326. DAVE ROSS: JonBenet suspect hails from Outer Space2007/04/20
  327. DAVE ROSS: How I Learned To Accept Liquid Explosives And Exude Obedience2007/04/20
  328. DAVE ROSS: Miami mourns Castro's surgery2007/04/20
  329. DAVE ROSS: Testosterone, The Song2007/04/20
  330. DAVE ROSS: Profits Gone Wild2007/04/20
  331. DAVE ROSS: A Cease Fire?2007/04/20
  332. DAVE ROSS: Bad, Bad Kim Jong Il2007/04/20
  333. DAVE ROSS: Taepodong Envy2007/04/20
  334. DAVE ROSS: Zarqawi Gone, Let Peace Break Out!2007/04/20
  335. DAVE ROSS: American Sweat Workers Get Their Chance2007/04/20
  336. DAVE ROSS: Dave fails to become Idol-literate2007/04/20
  337. DAVE ROSS: As The Fence Stands Up, We Stand Down2007/04/20
  338. DAVE ROSS: Can You Hear Me Now?2007/04/20
  339. DAVE ROSS: Fill In The Blanks -- Oil Companies are making PROFITS??2007/04/20
  340. DAVE ROSS: Stand and Be Delivered2007/04/20
  341. DAVE ROSS: McDonald's endangers the spread of Democracy2007/04/20
  342. DAVE ROSS: Imagine if immigrants actually decided to OBEY the law!2007/04/20
  343. DAVE ROSS: The REAL aliens2007/04/20
  344. DAVE ROSS: Iranian Uranium is driving us Insanium2007/04/20
  345. DAVE ROSS: Judas as the good guy?2007/04/20
  346. DAVE ROSS: Immigrants march for the right to sweat2007/04/20
  347. DAVE ROSS: When is a leak not a leak?2007/04/20
  348. DAVE ROSS: How illegal must you be until you're legal?2007/04/20
  349. DAVE ROSS: Tom Delay Retires2007/04/20
  350. DAVE ROSS: Jill Carroll recants2007/04/20
  351. DAVE ROSS: Jill Carroll Freed2007/04/20
  352. DAVE ROSS: America's Hispanic Attack2007/04/20
  353. DAVE ROSS: Americans Taking Jobs From Mexicans!2007/04/20
  354. DAVE ROSS: Fill In The Blanks -- Give Me Liberty and Give Me Debt!2007/04/20
  355. DAVE ROSS: Hoops Gone Wild!2007/04/20
  356. DAVE ROSS: Fill In The Blanks -- Coffee can kill you again2007/04/20
  357. DAVE ROSS: It's Hard Out Here For A Wimp2007/04/20
  358. DAVE ROSS: Brokeback Deja Vu2007/04/20
  359. DAVE ROSS: Hillary's Magical Face2007/04/20
  360. DAVE ROSS: Strangers In The Night2007/04/20
  361. DAVE ROSS: I'm The One That Got In Your Way2007/04/20
  362. DAVE ROSS: Birdshot Envy2007/04/20
  363. DAVE ROSS: Superbowl Trash Talk2007/04/20
  364. DAVE ROSS: Hamas Wins! Democracy Takes Root!2007/04/20
  365. DAVE ROSS: My Blackberry Froze2007/04/20
  366. DAVE ROSS: You Can't Even Talk About The Weather2007/04/20
  367. DAVE ROSS: Hawk Fever in Seattle2007/04/20
  368. DAVE ROSS: Neon Jesus2007/04/20
  369. DAVE ROSS: The NBA Dress Code2007/04/20
  370. DAVE ROSS: Merry Whatever2007/04/20
  371. DAVE ROSS: Help Me! A non-religious tune for the holidays2007/04/20
  372. DAVE ROSS: Christmas Tree? Or holiday tree?2007/04/20
  373. DAVE ROSS: Is it time for a fireside chat?2007/04/20
  374. DAVE ROSS: I Fought The Mall2007/04/20
  375. DAVE ROSS: It's the busiest travel day of the year! Go to DEFCON5!2007/04/20
  376. DAVE ROSS: Secretary Rumsfeld says it's the soldiers themselves who don't want to leave Iraq2007/04/20
  377. DAVE ROSS: Everybody Knows Her Name2007/04/20
  378. DAVE ROSS: News Read Real Slow -- All We Like Sheep2007/04/20
  379. DAVE ROSS: Is America Scared of $3 Gas?2007/04/20
  380. DAVE ROSS: I'm Stuck In Baghdad Prison -- Saddam Undressed2007/04/20
  381. DAVE ROSS: This Land Is Your Land -- Authorized Supreme Court Version2007/04/20
  382. DAVE ROSS: Can't Get Busted2007/04/20
  383. DAVE ROSS: Standing At The Airport2007/04/20
  384. DAVE ROSS: Oh Hillary!2007/04/20
The Dave Ross Show
CBS Commentator Dave Ross's Unpredictable Observations on Politics and Life