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Peace Revolution episode 093: Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy
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Peace Revolution episode 093: Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy
Reference Notes with Hypertextlinks (if they don’t show up on this podOmatic page)
(0-5mins) Rep Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know." on 1/2 Trillion Missing
(5m-10m) Ron Paul, Voluntaryist
(10m-10m30s) Ayn Rand | The Final Struggle between Capitalism and Socialism
(10m30s-14m) Welfare State in Social Democracy
(14m-16m) Bernie Sanders Healthcare
(16m-17m) Milton Friedman response to Sanders
(17m-21m) Benefits Cap is forcing me to Work – UK
(21m-22m) Murray Rothbard | The Libertarian Solution to Welfare
(22m-23m) What is Laissez Faire Economics?
(23m-26m) Why Work? Welfare Addiction in Handout-Hungry UK
(26m-37m) Milton Friedman| The Roots of the Welfare State
(37m-42m) 9 Trillion Missing from Federal Reserve Bank says the Fed Inspector General
(42m-43m) Murray Rothbard | The Death of Keynesian Economics
(43m-51m) A Libertarian View of Welfare | John Stossel & Friends on Fox News
(51m-54m) Black Budget US govt clueless about missing Pentagon Trillions
(54m-56m) Donald Rumsfeld says Govt not smart enough to regulate
(56m-1h18m) Defining Libertarianism and Austrian Economics with Walter Block
(1h18m-1h20m) Murray Rothbard on the Global Central Govt and Global Central Bank (During Q&A at the end)
(1h20m-1h23m) Rep Alan Grayson - $12 Trillion Gone – and No One Punished
(1h23m-1h26m) Every American owes $60,000.00 | Rand Paul on the National Debt
(1h26m-1h29m) Ron Paul describing Murray Rothbard
(1h29m-1h31m) Murray Rothbard | On the history of Tax Rebellions
(1h31m-1h36m) Free Market Masters: Ludwig von Mises
(1h36m-1h39m) Voluntaryism
(1h39m-1h48m) Murray Rothbard | The Identity of the State
(1h48m-1h48m30s) Ayn Rand explains the Non-Aggression Principle
(1h48m30s-1h49m) Ron Paul | Is the Role of Government to Police the World?
(1h49m-1h50m) Murray Rothbard | Isolationism and Jefferson’s desire to disband Military
(1h50m-1h52m) Black Budget (sample 2)
(1h52m-1h53m) Ron Paul “I Like Voluntaryism”
(1h53m-1h56m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism”
(1h56m-2h04m) Mike Wallace, Milton Friedman, Donald Rumsfeld discussing the Free Market and Laissez Faire trade Policy
(2h04m-2h10m) Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism | Anarcho-Capitalism
(2h10m-2h13m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 1000 “Nobody Should be Big Daddy”
(2h13m-2h18m) U.S. Debt Crisis Explained
(2h18m-2h21m) Ayn Rand educates Phil Donohue on Free Market Economics
(2h21m-2h23m) Murray Rothbard on Ayn Rand
(2h23m-2h28m) Jordan Peterson | Ideology and Democide
(2h28m-2h30m) Bill Buppert | Stoicism (Sample)
(2h30m-2h31m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism ” (Counter-Economics sample)
(2h31m-2h32m) Mark Dice – Safe Spaces
(2h32m-2h34m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 998 (Sample)
(2h34m-2h37m) InternetAristocrat’s Guide to SJW’s (Social Justice Warriors)
(2h37m-2h38m) Occupy Richmond – Intro to the Progressive Stack
(2h38m-2h49m) The Progressive Con
(2h49m-2h53m) Sargon of Akkad: Antifa & Anarcho-Communism
(2h53m-3h04m) Murray Rothbard | The Death Wish of the Anarcho-Communists (1970)
(3h04m-3h08m) Sargon of Akkad: Antifa Tactics – Black Bloc
(3h08m-3h13m) The Five Universal Laws of Stupidity – Lionel
(3h13m-3h17m) Gad Saad | Triggers and Safe Spaces and SJW Bubbles
(3h17m-3h22m) Jordan Peterson | Political Tribalism Explained
(3h22m-3h23m) Vice News | Coverage of the Chaos in Charlottesville
(3h23m-3h24m) Fox News | Charlottesville Police called off when Violence Erupted
(3h24m-3h29m) Candice Owens | How the Media Encourages Division and Violence
(3h29m-3h33m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 998 (Sample)
(3h33m-3h49m) Millennials in the Workplace & Internet Addiction | Simon Sinek (author)
(3h48m-4h19m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
Meru Documentary Film (Wikipedia)
(4h19m-4h46m) Richard’s reading of highlights from chapter 1 of the 2001 publication “Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State ” by Sheldon Richman (Foreword by Congressman Ron Paul)
(4h46m-6h16m) How Murray Rothbard became a Libertarian
(6h16m-7h01m) What I Learned from Murray Rothbard – Tom Woods
This presentation got Tom attacked by the Libertarian (Political) Party, as detailed in the last component of this episode @ 19h28m-End.
(7h01m-7h35m) Liberty and Economics – Ludwig von Mises
(7h35m-8h30m) Ludwig von Mises’s Contributions to Economics – Bob Murphy
(8h30m-9h36m) The Founding of the Federal Reserve – Murray N. Rothbard
(9h36m-10h19m) 6 Reasons Libertarians Should Reject the Non-Aggression Principle – Rebutted! by Stefan Molyneux
(10h19m-11h10m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism”
(11h10m-12h26m) Introduction to Objectivism – Leonard Piekoff
(12h26m-13h10m) Common Arguments to Voluntarism Rebutted – Stefan Molyneux
(13h10m-13h47m) Stoicism: Question Obedience by Bill Buppert
New Libertarian Manifesto by Samuel Edward Konkin, III; read by John Lothe
(13h47m-14h20m) Parts 1-2
(14h20m-14h42m) Part 3
(14h42m-15h03m) Part 4
(15h03m-15h11m) Part 5
(15h11m-15h58m) Agorism Debate – Samuel Edward Konkin, III (SEK3), view source to find other speakers at the debate
(15h58m-17h42m) Reading of “Agorist Primer ” by Samuel Edward Konkin, III (SEK3)
(17h42m-19h28m) David Friedman | A Consequentialist Theory of Anarcho-Capitalism
(19h28m-20h22m) Tom Woods on Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock discussing how the Libertarian Party (Political Group founded in early 1970’s) has completely abandoned primary tenets of Libertarianism.
Juxtapose the foundational elements mentioned earlier in this episode with the current takeover of leadership and that leadership leading Libertarians toward the traditional status quo, negating and neglecting the valuable lessons of von Mises and Rothbard.
Part 2 of this conversation was published just moments after I was finishing this episode, with Libertarian Party chairman Nick Sarwark providing his side of the story.
Would You Like to Know More?
Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism & the United Nations Gambit
Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension
Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens and Never Forgets
Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering
See Also:
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11
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Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11
T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations Around Freedom
Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles
(New Video Series) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness / Now available on Patreon
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard ’ s Brain Model Organizing History):
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Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope )
Reference Map to episode 092: THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUP / From Barry Seal to 9-11
(0min-1min) Reagan asks someone special to join him
(1m-2m) Behind Iran Contra- man on the street
(1m-2m) CIA deals Drugs – Secret Heartbeat of America
(2m-3m) CIA are Drug Smugglers – DEA Director
(3m-4m) Drug smuggling started in Vietnam – Peter Dale Scott from Behind Iran Contra
(4m-5m) Drugs coming in at alarming rates – Reagan
(5m-6m) Clinton, Mena, Barry Seal – Mena
(6m-7m) “fall to communism” argument for Vietnam, et al
(7m-9m) Inside the DEA Drug Sting that blew the lid off of CIA drug trafficking –Mike Levine
10. (9m-10m) Accomplished with your help - Reagan
11. (10m-11m) Behind Iran Contra - Coup
12. (10m-11m) Nancy Reagan – Just Say No
13. (11m-12m) Congressmen get Canned – Behind Iran Contra
14. (11m-12m) Fired Covert Operators yield Bush/Reagan
15. (12m-14m) Iran Contra October Surprise with Barbara Honegger
16. (14m-15m) Bush Clinton Mena – Secret Heartbeat of America
17. (15m-19m) Is the CIA involved in Drug Tafficking? – Ron Paul
18. (19m-24m) CIA Guns and Iran Contra – Marshall Thomas
19. (24m-25m) Fawn Hall and Why Iran
20. (25m-26m) Reagan Lies – Behind Iran Contra
21. (26m-28m) Barry Seal – In Search of American Drug Lords
22. (28m-30m) Barry Seal setup by Govt – Dave Emory 1987
23. (30m-31m) Clinton Questioned – Mena Connection
24. (31m-33m) Time Magazine Cover up – Mena Connection
25. (33m-34m) Arkansas parts for Contra Weapons – Mena Connection
26. (34m-36m) Seal Photographic Memory – Dave Emory 1987
27. (36m-37m) Drugs for Arms via DEA w/ John Kerry – Mena Connection
28. (36m-37m)Pirates – Behind Iran Contra
29. (37m-38m) TAI PAN OPIUM WARS and HONG KONG
30. (38m-40m) SEAL OSWALD DRUGS ARMS – Emory 503b
31. (40m-42m) CIA Opium Cold War – McCoy
32. (42m-43m) Doing something about drugs – Reagan
33. (43m-44m) Barry Flew Plane out of Dallas 11-22-63 – Dave Emory 503a
34. (43m-44m) Barry Seal’s plane N-Numbers changed – similar to 9-11 Venice Airport – Mena
35. (44m-45m) SEAL MENA
36. (45m-46m) Crack Cocaine
37. (46m-47m) Aircraft Modifications – Mena
38. (47m-48m) Seal MLK airstrip building – Dave Emory 503b
39. (47m-48m) Secret Airstrip training – Mena
40. (48m-50m) Oliver North Barry Seal – Dave Emory 2005
41. (50m-52m) continuity of Govt. Oliver North
42. (52m-52m) SEAL WORKED FOR BUSH – WHISTLEBLOWER DEAD- Emory 2005 f503a
43. (52m-53m) Nancy Reagan – No Moral Middle Ground
44. (53m-55m)Immortal Technique Peruvian Cocaine / Scarface
45. (55m-56m) Behind Iran Contra – Deny Covert Operation
46. (56m-59m) Peter Brewton – Origins of Iran Contra in S&L
47. (59m-1h) Abuse of Power Montage – Behind Iran Contra
48. (1h-1h2m) man on the street thinks it will continue – Behind Iran Contra
49. (1h2m-1h3m) July 2000 Opium Ban - McCoy
50. (1h3m-1h4m) Atta in Venice – Welcome to Terrorland
51. (1h4m-1h5m) SEAL BEN VENISTE – Dave Emory
52. (1h5m-1h6m) terrorists returned cars – Welcome to Terrorland
53. (1h6m-1h7m) Dekkers FBI Cargo Plane
54. (1h7m-1h10m) Magic Dutch Boy Theory – Welcome to Terrorland
55. (1h10m-1h12m) CIA agent Tosh Plumlee says National Security Coup de Tat has occurred
56. (1h12m-1h16m) CIA Agent says War is Eugenics and Drug War is fake – Robert Steele
57. (1h16m- 1h17m) The American People have the Right to Know – Dirty Secrets CIA Drugs
58. (1h17m-1h51m) Richard ’ s Introductory Monologue
M1 Garand vs M1903 bolt action springfield 11:50s
Hopsicker link:
Dave Emory:
59. (1h51m-3h) Iran Contra and the Deep State- Richard Grove with Tim Kelly on “Our Interesting Times”
60. (3h-4h47m) The Mafia, the CIA, and George Bush – Peter Brewton
61. (4h47m-5h39m) In Search of American Druglords – Daniel Hopsicker (JFK to Barry Seal)
62. (5h39m-6h20m) Barry Seal’s Setup – Dave Emory 1987
63. (6h20m-6h44m) The Dirty Secrets and History of the CIA, Drugs, Finance, and Contras by Robert Parry
64. (6h44m-7h35m) The CIA and the Death of Barry Seal – Dave Emory 2005
65. (7h35m-8h44m) Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair
66. (8h44m-11h2m) The Mena Connection - Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton, and Iran Contra Drug Running
67. (11h2m-12h42m) Clinton Chronicles
68. (12h42m-13h36m) James Corbett’s “Requiem for the Suicided: Vince Foster ”
69. (13h36m-14h33m) Compromised: Drugs, Clinton, Bush and the CIA -Terry Reed with Jeff Steinberg
70. (14h33m-16h13m) Secret Heartbeat of America – Daniel Hopsicker 1997 (80’s Mena Druglord Connection)
71. (16h13m-16h37m) How Crack funded the CIA – Gary Webb Interview on Iran Contra
72. (16h37m-16h38m) Nancy Reagan – Crack Cocaine
73. (16h38m-17h5m) Prof. Alfred McCoy on the Opium Trade in Afghanistan
74. (17h5m-18h5m) Welcome to Terrorland: Mohammed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus – Daniel Hopsicker
75. (18h5m-18h6m) Nancy Reagan
76. (18h6m-18h11m)Peruvian Cocaine – Immortal Technique
Would You Like to Know More?
Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism & the United Nations Gambit
Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension
Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens and Never Forgets
Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering
See Also:
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 091: Pax Americana / Manufacturing Terrorism from Operation Cyclone to ISIS
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Peace Revolution episode 091: Pax Americana / Manufacturing Terrorism from Operation Cyclone to ISIS
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Reference Map to episode 091
Tony Benn 1992 speech on the 1991 Iraq War
RT – U.S. is top exporter (with the UK) of world’s weapons
Charlie Rose with Assad – why America really hates him
Hillary admits the CIA funded Al Qaeda
Nancy Reagan “just say no.” propaganda campaign
Sample_Afghan Heroin pays for military occupation
Sample_intro to BCCI scandal
CIA operation cyclone in Afghanistan
Sample BCCI NBC News
U.S. Marines guard Afghan Poppy Fields w/ Geraldo Rivera
Sample BCCI bank of England from the BCCI investigation (featured later)
Operation Cyclone featuring Brzezinski by James Corbett (orig. from “Meet Zbigniew Brzezinski, Conspiracy Theorist )
Sample 1 Charlie Rose, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, & Brent Scowcroft
Afghanistan unravels as Obama bombs hospital / corruption at the top
Hillary vs GOP (all the same line of rhetoric) via Aaron and Melissa Dykes at TruthStreamMedia
Hillary “What difference does it make?”
Hillary exposed via infowars
Study shows Conspiracy theory losing insult power via the New World Next Week (Corbett/Pilato)
FBI Agent John Anticev speaking with Emad Salem re: WTC 1993 bombing
David Ray Griffin describing PNAC, courtesy of Joe Plummer’s research at
Sample_Saddam and Empire PNAC
Reality Check / U.S. and Britain created Al Qaeda by Ben Swann
(1h20m-1h40m) RG Introductory Monologue
John Murray Forbes in the History Blueprint
Brent Scowcroft in the History Blueprint
Dope, Inc. in the History Blueprint
(1h45-2h15m) Mark Lombardi described by Patricia Goldstone in her book “Interlocked”
(2h15m-2h45m) Professor Paul Zarembka interview
(2h45m-3h45m) Professor Paul Zarembka’s presentation on 9-11 incongruences
(3h45m-4h55m) CIA 9-11 papertrail with Peter Dale Scott
(4h55m-5h50m) Political Assassinations Revealed /Church Committee presentation
(5h50m-6h35m) Greatest Mysteries of Soviet War documentary
(6h35m-7h30m) CIA operative John Stockwell describes Operation Cyclone
(7h30m-10h30m) BCCI bank fraud investigation led by John Forbes Kerry
(10h30m-11h15m) Tower Committee irregularities by Dave Emory and Nip Tuck
(11h15m-12h15m) 9-11 trillions by James Corbett
(12h15m-13h40m) Firefighters AE 9-11
(13h40m-15h) Rebekah Roth 9-11
(15h-15h45m) Charlie Rose, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, & Brent Scowcroft
(15h45m-17h30m) Brzezinski CSIS Q&A
Would You Like to Know More?
Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism & the United Nations Gambit
Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension
Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens and Never Forgets
Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering
See Also:
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 090: Habits of Freedom / Personal Protection & Defense Primer
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Peace Revolution episode 0 90 : Habits of Freedom / Personal Protection & Defense
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Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope )
Reference Map & Links to Episode 090
1. (0m-1m) Disclaimer
2. (1m-2m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview it hits all by itself
3. (2m-2m30s) Joe Rogan Experience /Bullying with Bryan Callen
4. (2m30s-3m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview Keep on Flowing
5. (3m-6m) Joe Rogan on childhood bullies
6. (6m-7m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview be like water
7. (7m-21m) The Divine Right of Self Defense – Mike Adams Documentary
8. (21m-25m) Joe Rogan speaks on untrained people vs martial artists inspirational
9. (25m-27m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview defining martial arts
10. (27m-30m) Joe Rogan on Tae Kwon Do
11. (30m-32m) Lee Morrison Interview
12. (32m-41m) Intro to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Philosophy) by Rener Gracie
13. (41m-48m) The Opposite of Courage is conformity Rickson Gracie with Joe Rogan
14. (48m-52m) Tips for your first street fight
15. (52m-1h) Bas Rutten Rogan fake martial arts with Joe Rogan
16. (1h-1h4m) Fightstoppers: Lee Morrison’s go-to technique
17. (1h4m-1h10m) How to Defeat multiple opponents with Rener Gracie
18. (1h10m-1h14m) Lee Morrison Interview
19. (1h14m-1h19m) Kelly McCann Interview
20. (1h19m-1h22m) Bas Rutten Rogan fake martial arts with Joe Rogan
21. (1h22m-1h25m) James DeMile on his teacher, Bruce Lee’s Fighting Ability
22. (1h25m-1h28m) Kelly McCann Interview
23. (1h28m-1h34m) Joe Rogan on self-defense and fake martial arts techniques (w/ Rupert Sheldrake)
24. (1h34m-1h38m) Counter-Grappling with Lee Morrison
25. (1h38m-1h44m) De-Escalation and Boundary Setting Techniques
26. (1h44m-1h48m) The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie
27. (1h48m-1h54m) Joe Rogan tells Tait Fletcher story to Bert Kreisher
Clint Eastwood Gran Torino Quote
28. (1h54m-1h58m)The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie
29. (1h58m-1h59m) About Combat with Kelly McCann
Teespring “FREEDOM IS LEARNED” T-Shirts
Future of Freedom documentary interview playlist
Combatives playlist (Physical Self-Protection & Defense)
31. (2h49m-4h45m) Ben Johnson Discussion on Self-Reliance and Personal Protection
32. (4h45m-6h15m) Eddie Bravo on Joe Rogan Experience #478
33. (6h15m-6h47m) Rickson Gracie Interview (30min)
34. (6h47m-7h17m) Tait Fletcher on Joe Rogan Experience #361
35. (7h17m-7h55m) How to Defeat multiple opponents with Rener Gracie (Gracie Breakdown)
36. (7h55m-8h11m) The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie (Gracie Philosophy)
37. (8h11m-9h) Overcoming the Ego (Richard Grannon)
38. (9h-9h42m) Street Fight Tutorial (Richard Grannon)
39. (9h42m-10h36m) Kevin Secours Combat Systema interview on Pramek Radio Podcast
40. (10h36m-11h33m) About Combat with Kelly McCann
41. (11h33m-11h51m) Kelly McCann Interview
42. (11h51m-12h24m) Lee Morrison Interview
43. (12h24m-13h01m) Lee Morrison / Urban Combatives in Russia
Would You Like to Know More?
Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism & the United Nations Gambit
Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension
Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens and Never Forgets
Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering
See Also:
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
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Peace Revolution episode 08 9 : The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard ’ s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
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Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope )
Reference Map to Episode 08 9
Sample from Frederic Bastiat / The Law
Twilight Zone / Obsolete Man
Magna Carta / Sky News
Princeton Study: Corruption is legal in America
Bastiat sample 2 plunder by law
Robert Reich on TPP
Rand Paul 1984
Magna Carta / Infowars
Rand Paul / Warrants for NSA
White House restricts military gear
NATO Jade Helm 15
Stockholm Syndrome
1984 sample explaining the purpose of war
Rand Paul v. Patriot Act
Corbett 9/11 a conspiracy theory
Onion news 9-11 conspiracy theories
Corbett ISIS furious
Jade Helm decoded by Infowars
Freedom is an Emerging Market
1h23m Monologue
1h41m School Sucks Podcast #353: Our Places in the Emerging Market for Freedom with Richard Grove and Ernest Hanock
4h8m Interview with Ernest Hancock
5h22 Adam Kokesh Campfire Freedom Tour Speech, Tampa FL
5h56 The Law by Frederic Bastiat
7h50m Rand Paul Filibuster 2015
18h22m Conscientious Objectors by Tom Woods
18h47m Sir no sir
19h35m Five Bogus Reasons for Opposing Freedom by Larken Rose
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See also:
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism and the United Nations Gambit
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Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism and the United Nations Gambit
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Reference Map to Episode 088
Introductory Montage
Warren Buffett / AI will decide who lives and dies
McLuhan / Medium is the Message
Barney Miller / Tambor + theme song
Rosa Koire / Brzezinski
UN 1972
6. Rockefeller U.N. founding
Cronkite / Pay your UN dues
1972 pollution
Rosa Koire / Agenda 21
McLuhan 1 global village
UN conf 3 population control
David Rockefeller population control
Koire / Population Control
Dacy / U.N. wants to collect and destroy small arms
Napolitano 1 individual rights
Dacy / U.N. 29a
Cronkite anarchy
McLuhan 2 global village
Dick Gregory / Rodney King
Koire / Defining the NWO
Lee Camp MOC
Dick Gregory / Wire tapping
Napolitano 1a
Veon PPP 2
McLuhan 3 / Collectivism
Hillary PPP dept state aspen cocacola
Koire / PPP = Fascism
Veon / World Fed
Cronkite world federalism
Adam Curtis / Fuck You Buddy
Koire / Delphi Technique
Hillary Cronkite
Rosa Koire / Why would anyone do that?
On government land
Veon PPP sample
Koire / community vs individual
Rachel Maddow / 9-11 comic book
Hillary Al Qaeda
Dick Gregory / Hillary + Mena
“they are the ones you should be arresting” Barney Miller Trilateral Commission
Rachel Maddow / Infowars Conspiracy Theory
Koire / Sophisticated warfare
Veon 2 U.N. great Britain
Dacy / UN summary cockroaches
Barney Miller Destroys David Rockefeller
Barney Miller “world government” quote
Napolitano 2 presidents
Ben Swann Militarization of Police
Adam Curtis / Bing Crosby Freedom
Dacy 2 / 2nd amendment for freedom
Veon central banks / UN
Dacy / UN 1961 disarmament
Koire / you are the resistance
D Gregory / know who you are
56. Richard’s Introductory Monologue
57. Rosa Koire Agenda discussing 21 , interviewed in Denmark by Age of Truth TV
58. Caravan to midnight #260: John B. Wells interviews Patrick Wood on Technocracy
59. Joan Veon: Is one world govt coming?
60. Stanley Monteith with Michael Shaw/ Speaking of Agenda 21
61. 1972 United Nations Environmental Commission video
62. PBS American Experience: Rockefellers documentary (pts 1&2)
63. Nelson Rockefeller / History Channel
64. Walter Cronkite accepts World Federalist Global Governance Award (in its entirety so you have full context)
65. Marshall McLuhan “The medium is message” lecture
66. Bob Dacy documents the timeline of UN disarmament agenda for America
67. Hidden influence documentary by Richard Heathen
68. Dick Gregory 911: The America Too Few Know About
69. The Trap- F*ck you buddy (A*am C*rtis)
Would You Like to Know More?
See also:
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression
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Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:
The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):
The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:
Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope )
Reference Map to Episode 087
(0m-1h23m) Richard’s Introductory Montage:
Sample: Privacy’s Dead. What Happens Next ? By Tom Scott
Sample 1 from the Munk Debate on State Surveillance: Greenwald/Ohanian vs Hayden/Dershowitz
Brzezinski’s thoughts on Mass surveillance by Patrick Wood
Sample 2 from the Munk Debate / Glenn Greenwald
Bitter Lake by Adam Curtis / FDR Saudi relationship / oil for Wahabis
Sample 3 from the Munk Debate / Gen. Michael Hayden
MI6 agent St. John Philby handling Arab Nazis Mujahedeen, Philby’s son sells terrorist network to Allen Dulles & CIA / John Loftus w. Dave Emory
CIA Torture Memo 2015
Dan Carlin / WWI British Tapped American Messages on the Atlantic Cable / Hardcore History 54- Blueprint for Armageddon V
School Sucks Podcast #337 / discussion on Saudis, Afghanistan, and Adam Curtis’ films including “Bitter Lake”
Bitter Lake / Opium Production Optimized by Dams , U.S. and U.K. prosper
Obama with British Prime Minister David Cameron on the “Special Relationship”, cyber-security, and the War on Terror (ISIS)
A Yank at Eton / Mickey Rooney
Sample 2 Obama Prime Min
Chomsky on Surveillance state
Chomsky on Civil Liberties
Zbig Brzezinski / Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist (Documentary by James Corbett)
Hayden “Whodunnit?”… let’s look at the first 2 reels…
Sample 2 School Sucks Podcast #337
Brzezinski’s thoughts on Mass surveillance by Patrick Wood
Zbigniew Brzezinski quote
Hillary Clinton / The U.S. and British Governments created Al Qaeda (lies and says it was Soviet Invasion as the “Why” we did it)
Corbett / Al Qaeda doesn’t exist
Sample 4 from the Munk Debate / Greenwald
BBC: Al Qaeda doesn’t Exist – The Power of Nightmares by Adam Curtis
Sample 5 from the Munk Debate / Alexis Ohanian
(1h23m-1h50m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
(1h50m-9h30m) Bill Binney Interview + Round Table Commentary Discussion & Notes
(9h30m-11h) Fourth Amendment Debate / Munk Debate on Privacy and Surveillance
(11h-12h) Patrick Wood / Technocracy and the Trilateral Commission
(12h-14h24m) America’s Surveillance State
(Video) The Future of Freedom: A Feature Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney :
PDF of notes and references for episode 087 on Scribd
Link for these notes in pdf/embeddable format on Scribd
Edward Snowden Disclosures on U.S. and British Intelligence Community spying on citizens without probable cause
Project BULL RUN (NSA/ GCHQ decryption program)
Positive & Negative Rights
Why Google made the NSA by Nafeez Ahmed
How the CIA made Google by Nafeez Ahmed
Sons of Liberty (History Channel Mini-Series)
Between Two Ages: America and the Technetronic Era by Zbigniew Brzezinski
Prof. A In his book Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era (New York: Viking Press;1970), Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: “For impressive evidence of Western participation in the early phase of Soviet economic growth, see Antony C. Sutton's Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917–1930, which argues that 'Soviet economic development for 1917–1930 was essentially dependent on Western technological aid' (p.283), and that 'at least 95 per cent of the industrial structure received this assistance.' “(p. 348).
John Taylor Gatto on Brzezinski: "Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote his famous signature book Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era in 1970, a piece reeking with Fabianisms: dislike of direct popular power, relentless advocacy of the right and duty of evolutionarily advanced nations to administer less-developed parts of the world, revulsion at populist demands for "selfish self-government" (homeschooling would be a prime example), and stress on collectivism. Brzezinski said in the book:14 It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date files containing even the most personal details about health and personal behavior of every citizen, in addition to the more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information ."
Professor Antony C. Sutton
Wall Street and Hitler
Wall Street and Bolshevik Revolution
Wall Street and FDR
Paris 1919 Peace Conference
Department of Justice and Operations PAPERCLIP, DUSTBIN, ASHCAN (Nazis brought to America by U.S. and British Intelligence, Kissinger)
Anglo-American Establishment
Operation GLADIO
GLADIO B (Operation involving Muslim Extremists)
Arab Nazis (CIA Operatives in Operation GLADIO)
JR Seeley (Quotation)
Mentor / Hero of Cecil Rhodes
Original Executor of Rhodes’ first Will, but died before Rhodes
Stasi , Gestapo , NKVD , KGB , etc.
1917 Espionage Act / WWI
Col. Edward Mandell House
C. D. Jackson (Psychological Warfare WWII / GLADIO / Bilderberg Co-Founder / JFK)
Henry Luce
Life Magazine Empire
Prussian Education System
The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto (2011 Interview)
Peace Revolution episodes 041-045 The Ultimate History Lesson w/ Commentary
GCHQ Dirty Tricks, Honeypots
GCHQ (Government Communications HeadQuarters, U.K.)
Special Relationship between America and Great Britain
5-EYES Joint Surveillance Programs in English Speaking Nations
Church Committee
Project THINTHREAD (Surveillance Program)
General Michael Hayden, ex-Director of NSA, CIA, and DNI
9-11 Commission
Rhodes Scholar Ashton Carter, current Secretary of Defense
Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger by Ashton Carter, John Deutch and Phillip Zelikow 1998 (CFR)
Civil War Intelligence
Revolutionary War Intelligence
John Cecil Masterman (MI6 Director during WWII)
Norman Holmes Pearson (worked under Masterman on XX Committee, recruited James Jesus Angleton)
BSC British Security Coordination , Rockefeller Center
Double-Cross System (XX, Twenty-Committee)
X-2 U.S. Counter-Intelligence (American XX/ Double-Cross Chapter of British Intelligence under the Special Relationship)
Agent Tricycle and the “Questionnaire”
The BORG (Star Trek metaphor)
Tax Free Foundations
Norman Dodd (whistleblower)
Cecil John Rhodes
Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes
“The Pan-Angles: A Consideration of the Federation of the Seven English-Speaking Nations ” by Sinclair Kennedy (1916)
Pilgrims Society (Anglo-American Alliance, 1902 upon death of Cecil Rhodes)
Fabian Socialism
Five-Eyes Supra-National Intelligence Community
Royal Institute of International Affairs
Council on Foreign Relations
Rhodes Round Table Group
The Battle of New Orleans
War of 1812
Conspicuous Consumption
Trilateral Commission
David Rockefeller & Zbigniew Brzezinski co-Founders
Bilderberg Group
C.D. Jackson co-Founder of Bilderberg
Mark Klein (whistleblower)
James Bamford
“The Shadow Factory ” by James Bamford
Trans-Atlantic Cable
Porter Goss
John Negroponte
William “Bucky” Bush
STELLAR WIND (surveillance program)
War Games on 9-11
Joseph Kennedy Jr.
October 24, 2000, a mass casualty (MASCAL) emergency drill was conducted to test the Pentagon’s response to an airliner crashing into its headquarters
Pentagon NRO Air Piracy Drill and Jamie Gorelick testimony
PNAC “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”
Saudi Arabian American Oil Company / Saudi ARAMCO
“The Third British Empire ” by Alfred Zimmern, Rhodes Round Table Group (1926 lectures at Columbia University)
Alfred Zimmern, Rhodes Round Table Group
Rhodes Round Table Group Source for Carroll Quigley
“Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time ” by Carroll Quigley
“The Anglo-American Establishment ” by Carroll Quigley
“The Inquiry ” à CFR & RIIA
St. John Philby (MI6 agent who handled Saudi Empire, created Arab Nazis, sold them to Allen Dulles)
Standard Oil / Saudi Arabia
BBC Hijackers still alive
U.K. Guardian: 9-11 Hijackers still alive
Stewart Air Force Base
1993 WTC Bombing
Emad Salem
“The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terror” by Trevor Aaronson
MI6 / British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)
Allen Dulles
Ian Fleming
OSS (Office of Strategic Services ) predecessor to CIA
OSS, CIA, and Ian Fleming: For Special Services
Burden of Proof
June 30, 2001 Aircraft Piracy / Cheney Rumsfeld
FOOTNOTE 103, 9-11 Commission Report
“103. FAA regulations, Special Military Operations, Requests for Service, Order 7610.4J, paras. 7-1-1, 7-1-2 (2001); DOD memo, CJCS instruction, "Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) and Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects," June 1, 2001.”
Skull and Bones & the Rhodes Scholarships
David Boren and George Tenant Breakfast
Mohammad Atta and Drug Connection to Wally Hilliard and Jeb Bush
“Free Trade ” as defined by British Empire
British East India Company
CIA and Opium Smuggling
Skull and Bones and Opium Smuggling
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Afghan Wars (Great Britain)
Poppy as Veterans Day logo (Great Britain)
Mena Arkansas / CIA Drug Trafficking
Iran Contra / Drugs for Arms
Air America / CIA Opium Smuggling
“Bitter Lake” documentary by Adam Curtis
Western expansion in Afghanistan post WWII increase in Poppy/Opium Yield (@20m)
Afghanistan Poppy / Opium crops
Running the Gauntlet
Origins of the Security and Exchange Commission
Origins of the FBI
Lord Percy
Hotel Majestic Conference 1919
Parallel Construction (Snowden Disclosures)
Total Information Awareness (DARPA)
Admiral John Poindexter (Iran Contra /DARPA)
Mass Surveillance
Tsarnaev Uncle Ruslan / CIA
Sibel Edmonds / GLADIO B
(Video) History… Cecil Rhodes & the Anglo American Establishment w/ Brett Veinotte and Kevin Cole
School Sucks Project #236 (Live): Historical Research Methods, Historiography, and Historicity with Brett Veinotte and Kevin Cole
The Round Table Group / Cecil Rhodes
Investigation into Tax Exempt Foundations
Norman Dodd
Reece Committee
Social Engineering
Enkyklios Paideia (Learning within prescribed circle of reference)
Imperial Federation
Matthew Arnold & Prussian Education in England
Great Books of the Western World (Organic Unity Project)
(Video) History… Connected: The Trivium Method vs. the Classical (Medieval) Trivium, a briefing by Kevin Cole
“The Life and Times of Stein ” by J.R. Seeley
German Nationalism
Johann Pestalozzi (crossroads of school system, Prussian education, and Bavarian Illuminati)
Bavarian Illuminati
Trivium (Classical/Medieval)
Studium Generale / Medieval University system)
Neologisms (new words)
International Relations
Holistic Ecology
Jan Smuts & Holistic Ecology
Artificial Scarcity
Organic Unity
Samuel Coleridge
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Dorothy Sayers
Great Chain of Being
The Lost Tools of Learning by Dorothy Sayers
Scott Buchanan (Rhodes Scholar)
The Moot (1938-1947) / Rhodes Round Table Sub-Group
Alfred Zimmern
The World Council of Churches
Lionel Curtis (Rhodes Round Table Group)
King George III of Great Britain
Saxe-Coburg Gotha Family Empire of Germany
Queen Victoria
Kaiser Wilhelm
Czar Nicholas II of Russia
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game: A Strategy of Tension
Bertrand Russell
“The Principles of Social Reconstruction” by Bertrand Russell (1916)
“The Impact of Science on Society ” by Bertrand Russell (1952)
Admiral John M. Poindexter
General Michael Hayden
George H.W. Bush (aka Poppy Bush )
Double-Tap (tactic of random slaughter)
James Clapper testimony (March 12, 2013)
JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group )
Confessions of a Congressman (Vox)
The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto
Fabius Maximus
War of Atrition
Fabian Socialism
Intra-Specific Kleptoparasitism
Electoral College
The Auctors
The Mythology of Democracy by Carroll Quigley
Marshall McLuhan
Peace Revolution episode 084: Builders of Empire
I.A. Richards (Trivium to create general education without historical meaning)
Stringfellow Barr (Rhodes Scholar)
Scott Buchanan (Rhodes Scholar)
New Criticism (Separation of History and Literature)
John Crowe Ransom (Rhodes Scholar)
Pythagorean Mystery School
Heinz von Foerster (Cyberneticist)
Squaring the Circle
Karl Rove quote on Empire / "Faith, Certainty, and the Presidency of George W. Bush" New York Times Oct 17, 2004 by Ron Suskind / "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality- judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do ." - Karl Rove
TV = Digital Enkyklios Paideia
Weisbecker article on John O’Neill
Jerome Hauer
Bernard Kerik
Rudyard Kipling
“The White Man’s Burden ” (poem) by Rudyard Kipling
Kipling and Cecil Rhodes
Kipling and Freemasonry
Kipling and re-integrating America into British Empire
Rights of Man by Thomas Paine
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
Peace Revolution 086: Common Sense for the 21st Century
Would You Like to Know More?
See also:
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 086: Common Sense for the 21st Century
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Peace Revolution episode 086: Common Sense for the 21st Century
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Reference Map to Episode 086:
(1m-8m) Former SAS soldier Ben Griffin at Oxford Union
(8m-11m) Sample From: Thomas Paine - Christopher Hitchens Lecture (Full)
(11m-14m) Sample from (Wikipedia) Professor Andrew Galambos
(14m-17m) Thomas Paine: The Most Valuable Englishman Ever
(17m-29m) Samples from Andrew Galambos
(29m-40m) Attorney General Eric Holder and the Divine Right of Criminals
(40m-1h20m) Samples from Andrwew Galambos
(1h20m-1h31m) Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion (feat. Larken Rose)
(1h31m-1h37m) Samples from Andrew Galambos
(1h37m-1h50m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(1h50m-2h55m) Lecture 1
(2h55m-4h52m) Lecture 2
(4h52m-8h) Lecture 3
(8h-9h27m) Thomas Paine: The Most Valuable Englishman Ever
(9h27m-11h40m) Common Sense Audiobook by Thomas Paine (February 4, 1776)
(11h40m- 12h40m) Thomas Paine - Christopher Hitchens Lecture (Full)
(12h40m-15h45m) FREEDOM by Adam Kokesh
(15h45m-15h48m) God Save Great Thomas Paine (to the tune of My Country Tis of Thee)
Would You Like to Know More?
See also:
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 085: The Future of Freedom and the History of Western Civilization
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Peace Revolution episode 085: The Future of Freedom & the History of Western Civilization
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:
The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):
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Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope )
Reference Map to Episode 085
(0-37m) Introductory montage created from links below, featuring Carroll Quigley, Jacob Appelbaum, and others.
(6m-7m ) NSA Whistleblower William Binney “We are becoming the East German (Stasi) Police ”
(37m-48m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(48m-1h52m) Laura Poitras: Surveillance Teach-In
(1h52-3h10m) NSA officer Thomas Drake questions 9/11 official account
(3h10m-5h55m) PBS The United States of Secrets on Youtube
(5h55m-7h9m) The Johns Hopkins Foreign Affairs Symposium Presents: The Price of Privacy: Re-Evaluating the NSA
(8h9m-9h30m) Julian Assange Interviews Cypherpunk Activists (Uncut) 1 of 2 on 'The World Tomorrow'
(9h30m-11h28m) Julian Assange Interviews Cypherpunk Activists (Uncut) 2 of 2 on 'The World Tomorrow'
(11h28-15h48) Professor Carroll Quigley’s lecture series on Western Civilization via YouTube
Would You Like to Know More?
See also:
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 084: Builders of Empire / How Fraternal Orders Create World Order
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Peace Revolution episode 084: Builders of Empire / How Fraternal Orders Create World Order
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard ’ s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:
The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):
The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:
Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope )
Reference Map to Episode 084
(0m-2m) Enter the secret world of the Freemasons courtesy of CBS Morning News
(2m-5m) Sample 1 Cecil John Rhodes's conquest, David Livingston's mission and the British Empire -- Jeremy Paxman
(6m-9m) World's Richest People Meet, Muse On How To Spread The Wealth via NPR
(9m-10m) Bill Clinton using the word Inclusive, over and over on MSNBC … sent by Kevin Cole
(10m-11m) Henry Kissinger discussing his idea of a New World Order
(11m-13m) Sample 2 Cecil John Rhodes's conquest, David Livingston's mission and the British Empire -- Jeremy Paxman
(13m-17m) British Spies Controlling Past Present and Future
(17m-22m) Sample 1 Mae Brussell P2 Masonic Lodge Scandal
(22m-35m) Sample George Washington Hunt discussing Agenda 21 and the 1992 Earth Summit
(35m-43m) Richard ’ s introductory monologue
(43m-2h33m) “ Builders of Empire ” by Jessica Harland-Jacobs, a discussion featuring Kevin Cole with Richard Grove
(2h33m-3h9m) George Washington Hunt discussing Agenda 21 and the 1992 Earth Summit
(3h9m-4h54m) The Truth About Immigration by Stefan Molyneux
(4h54m-5h19m) Globalist Plans for Immigration: Dr. Darrel Hammamoto on the Alex Jones Show July 24, 2014
(5h19m-6h8m) Who are the Neoconservatives?
(6h8m-8h4m) Samples from the Mayfair set
(8h4m-8h42m) Christopher Hitchens and Richard Critchfield on CSPAN
(8h42m-10h38m) Mae Brussell P2 Masonic Lodge Scandal
Would You Like to Know More?
See also: (Audio)
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game: A Strategy of Tension
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Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):
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Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope )
Reference Map to Episode 083
(0m-5m) “Holism” Jan smuts / Adam Curtis, Ecology / Agenda 21 and Climate Change
(5m-7m) “The Unknown Known ” Errol Morris
(7m-9m) “America’s Great Game ” by Hugh Wilford re: Kipling “The Great Game”
(9m-14m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War ” by Dave Emory
(14m-19m) “America’s Nazi Secret ” with John Loftus and Dave Emory
(19m-21m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War ” by Dave Emory
(21m-26m) “America’s Nazi Secret ” with John Loftus and Dave Emory
(26m-40m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War ” by Dave Emory
(40m-49m) “Operation Gladio ” with James Corbett and Abby Martin
(49m-53m) “NATO’s Secret Armies ” with Prof. Daniele Ganser
(53m-1h) “The Hidden History of the Cold War ” by Dave Emory
(1h-1h6m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War ” by Dave Emory
(1h6m-1h22m) “NATO’s Secret Armies ” with Prof. Daniele Ganser
(1h22m-1h25m) Mark Lombardi documentary trailer
(1h24m-1h28m) 9-11: Why We Need Answers by Prof. Danele Ganser
(1h28m-1h32m) Former DARPA director now at Google / wearable & edible authentication
(1h32m-1h35m) Why Should I work for the NSA ? From Good Will Hunting
(1h35-2h42m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
Books Mentioned:
The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills (Oxford, 1956)
Blood, Class, & Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies by Christopher Hitchens (1990)
The Third British Empire by Alfred Zimmern (1925)
The Pan-Angles by Sinclair Kennedy (1915)
David Rockefeller: Memoirs by David Rockefeller (2002)
Agency of Fear: Opiates and Political Power by Edward Jay Epstein (1977)
The Strategy of Tension in the Cold War by Prof. Daniele Ganser (2014)
(2h42m-3h07m) “America’s Great Game ” by Hugh Wilford Kipling “The Great Game”
(3h07m-4h05m) “America’s Nazi Secret ” with John Loftus and Dave Emory
(4h05m-4h30m) Philby Master Spy
(4h30m-5h17m) “NATO’s Secret Armies ” with Prof. Daniele Ganser
(5h17m-9h) PART 1 “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory
(9h-12h44m) PART 2 “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory
(12h44m-13h41m) “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace ” part 2
(13h41m-14h23m) “The Unknown Known ” / Errol Morris interview with Reason Magazine
Would You Like to Know More?
See also: (Audio)
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room
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Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens, and Never Forgets
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):
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Reference Map to Episode 082
(0m-1m) Secret Recordings of Donald Rumsfeld suggesting another False Flag attack
(1m-3m) 9-11 Plot Revealed in 1996 sample from “Long Kiss Goodnight ” film; see also: Emad Salem & Dan Rather’s 1993 WTC bombing report involving the FBI’s role in the bombing .
(3m-3:30m) My Country Tis of Thee meets God Save the Queen (same tune, different words)
(3:30m-6:30m) East India Company Timeline / History of Britain: Private Armies and Opium Profits
(6:30m-8m) How East India Company works from the film “The Rising” (1857 Indian Uprising against the British Empire / EIC “free market” )
(8m-9:30m) Opium Fields guarded by U.S. Troops in Afghanistan / Geraldo Rivera
(9:30m-12m) Empire: Opium Trade / Empire Episode 4 BBC (EIC Opium Wars in China)
(12m-15m) Empire: Making a Fortune (Jardine Matheson’s industrial quantities of opium trafficking, huge influx of wealth into the British Empire, Chinese Emperor dumps 1,000 tons of EIC opium into the sea, free trade & opium wars)
(15m-22m) Thom Hartmann / The True Story of the Boston Tea Party (“Beware of the East India Company”, 1773 “Tea Act” giving EIC tax break/refund, Americans dumped tons of EIC opium into the sea. Same gangster tactics of dropping prices and flooding the market of monopoly creation, as used in the monopoly of the opium market, similar to the CIA / “Freeway Rick” Ross network in the 80’s-90’s.)
(22m-26m) 1932 A True History of the United States (LaRouche): Aaron Burr, Lord Shelburne, and Lord Palmerston fuel EIC’s British Conquest to Re-Conquer America (ongoing), Adam Smith’s ideas on funding tyranny via black markets and monopoly… see also: GCHQ
(26m-27m) Aghan Opium Record & GCHQ / New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato
(27m-30m) A True History of the CIA and Cocaine by James Corbett with Kris Millegan
(30m-33m) Peruvian Cocaine by Immortal Technique
(33m-34m) Empire: Making a Fortune / Hong Kong and the East India Company, HSBC opium and EIC slave trading
(34m-39m) Lyndon LaRouche Theatre from Saturday Night Live April 19, 1986 see also this link .
(39m-40m) God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols
(40m-41m) The Real Story: James Bond (Smithsonian Channel) / The “ultimate male fantasy”, is in actuality a psychological warfare media operation to change the attitudes, beliefs, values, and activities of Americans, introducing the British mentality of “torture porn” and subversion of trust on all levels. See also: Ian Fleming and British Security Coordination
(41m-45m) The Palmerston Zoo (sample) on Jeremy Bentham, of the East India Company; the Panopticon is GCHQ/NSA surveillance network. “Radical Writers Shop” is a psychological warfare operation, similar to the “Baker Street Irregulars” (James Bond series), and similar to the H.G. Wells and Aldous Huxley’s roles in political warfare through popular dystopian futuristic media.
(45m-50m) Jennet Conant: The Irregulars (Roald Dahl, Ian Fleming) The granddaughter of James Bryant Conant describes the British infiltration of American Intelligence to propagandize America to support the “Allies” in WWII. See also: British Security Coordination and the history of the James Bond Film Franchise (staffed by ex-BSC Irregulars)
(50m-1h) Lord Justice Fulford Pedophile Group in Britain attempts to lower age of consent to 4 years old. New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato / Vatican Corruption and drug smuggling, and how the Sinaloa Cartel uses HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation), NYSE’s Grasso meets with druglords
(1h-1h03m) NSA spying and Gun Control/People Control/Slavery from Infowars Nightly News (03-27-2014)
(1h03m-1h04m) Dan Bidondi questions R.I. congressman on the 2nd Amendment and gets “Go Fuck Yourself” in response (twice)
(1h04m-1h05m) Wire Transfer NSA paid 150 million to GCHQ
(1h05-1h25m) Senator Rand Paul speaks at Berkeley Forum: GCHQ and NSA spying / Who’s in Control of Your Rights?
(1h25m-1h50m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue (notes below)
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model):
(1h-50m-3h37m) “Sherpa Pow-Wow” / Review of the Introductory Montage Clips in Context of our ongoing History, featuring Paul Verge and Lisa Arbercheski
(Video) Errol Morris discusses The Unknown Known
(Book) “A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War ” by William Stevenson (1976) President Roosevelt 1941 speech “secret map” reference p. 297; Donovan sent to Britain by Rockefeller Foundation reference p. xxi, 5; British Security Coordination & creation of the OSS (FDR, Donovan, Stephenson, Fleming) p. 160 – 164; BSC offices at Rockefeller Center p. xxiv, 101 – 104
A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War (CFR’s Foreign Affairs Review)
(Book) “The Corporation That Changed The World : How the East India Company Shaped the Modern Multinational” by Nick Robins (2006); Reference for: Opium Trade Monopoly p. 119 -120, 155; Opium Wars p. 157- 158, 161- 162, 174; Jardine Matheson p. 141 – 144; Free Trade p. 142; Slave Trade p. 23, 47, 56, 174
Gold Fixing (Wiki)
(Book) “The Anglo-American Establishment ” by Carroll Quigley (1981)
(Book) “Fleshing Out Skull & Bones : Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society” by Antony Sutton, Kris Millegan, Howard Altman, Dr. Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin & Webster Tarpley (2003)
Lyndon LaRouche
(Book) “Dope, Inc .: The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy” by Executive Intelligence Review (1992)
(Book) “America’s Nazi Secret ” by John Loftus (2010): Kissinger professional spy for Dulles p. 11; Third Reich funded by Wall Street & “the City”, London’s financial district p. 12; Hitler funded by Robber Barons of Wall Street p. 13, 17, 198, 228; Wall Street, the CIA, the Muslim Brotherhood & Osama Bin Laden p. 14 - 17)
(Book) “Ian Fleming ” by Andrew Lycett (1995 Biography): reference for British Security Coordination (BSC) p. 127 – 128, 143, 194; Special Operations Executive (SOE) p. 102, 118, 132, 138; Camp X p. 149; relationship with Wild Bill Donovan p. 120, 124 – 126; BSC & FDR p. 120
Ian Fleming: A Biography (Washington Times Book Review)
James Bond in Film (Wiki)
The Gulag reference: Peace Revolution Episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
(Book) “History of the Secret Service ” by La Fayette Charles Baker (1867)
(Video) Norman Dodd The Hidden Agenda for World Government
(Book) “Tuxedo Park : A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II” by Jennet Conant (2002)
James Bryant Conant (Wiki)
(Book) “The Irregulars : Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington” by Jennet Conant (2008)
(Book) “Ian Fleming ” by Andrew Lycett (1995 Biography); Robert Fleming & Company p. 452; GCHQ p. 121
(Article) New Snowden Doc Reveals How GCHQ/NSA Use The Internet To 'Manipulate, Deceive And Destroy Reputations' (reference for Batman, GCHQ, NSA slides)
SpyGate archive by Jon Rappoport
Smart Grid (Wiki)
Panopticon (Wiki)
Webster Tarpley’s “The Venetian Conspiracy” (interview)
(3h37m-4h14m) Empire: Making a Fortune (BBC) featuring the East India Company and the “Free Trade” of the Opium Market
(4h14m-4h48m) The Irregulars: British Spies in America pre-WWII, a discussion of Jennet Conant’s book on Roald Dahl, Ian Fleming, and David Ogilvy .
(4h48m-7h48m) Lord Palmerston’s Zoo lecture by Webster Tarpley & Co. / LaRouche
(7h48m-10m25m) The British Empire Wants YOU… To be stupid. / LaRouche EIR
(10h25m-11h15m) The History of the CIA and Cocaine by James Corbett
(11h15m-13h) Shadows of Power lecture on CFR by James Perloff
(13h-14h) Britain’s Invisible Empire: The Empire today by Jeff Steinberg / LaRouche EIR
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See also: (Audio)
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering
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Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering
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Reference Map to Episode 081
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(01m-04m) Why Diamond Engagement Rings Are A Scam
(04m-6m30s) Bloomberg: Inside DeBeers (Netflix & Bloomberg TV)
(6m30s-7m) Conflict Diamonds by Lupe Fiasco
(7m-9m) Alan Watt & William Cooper on Media & Entertainment
(9m-11m) FLEMING: The Man Who Would Be Bond
(11m-29m) Continuation of Mixed Clips from above in the Introductory Montage
(29m-34m) Sample from 1976 lecture by Dr. Antony C. Sutton
(34m-40m) Man Who Fled Communism Warns Oregon Lawmakers
(40m-1h09m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
2007-2036 DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme
(1h09m-1h31m) “Love Your Work” talk by Simon Sinek
(1h31m-2h30m) Alan Watt lecture “1938 RIIA Global Meeting” referring to the Rhodesian “Royal Institute for International Affairs” created by the Rhodes Roundtable Group
(2h30m-3h10m) Dr. Antony C. Sutton’s 1976 lecture on Anglo-American Financing of the Cold War
(3h10m-4h20m) The Pathological Methodology of Forced Schooling by John Taylor Gatto
(4h20m-5h40m) “I Beg to Differ on Darwinian Evolution” by Manly Palmer Hall
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See also: (Audio)
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 080: JFK 50 Years Later / QUI BONO?
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Peace Revolution episode 080: JFK 50 Years Later / QUI BONO?
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(0m-1m) Judge Jim Garrison on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson
(1m-4m) President Lyndon B. Johnson casting doubt on the veracity of the Warren Commission Report , speaking with World Federalist Walter Cronkite, who worked for Prescott Bush’s people at CBS.
(4m-5m) Walter Cronkite describing the wound to the FRONT President Kennedy’s neck, declared as an entrance wound which exited his back; sampled from Evidence of Revision: JFK Assassination Rarities
(5m-7m) Robert F. Kennedy and RFK Jr. Disagree with Warren Commission
(7m-10m) The Latest News: RFK Jr. Skeptical of “Lone Gunman”
(10m-14m) Meet Lee Harvey Oswald, Sheep-Dipped Patsy by James Corbett, Episode 287
(14m-20m) sample clip from Judge Jim Garrison vs. Johnny Carson , January 31, 1968
(20m-22m) sample clip from JFK Assassination Debate with Mark Lane vs. Warren Commission Supporters/Participants, December 4, 1964
(22m-29m) sample clip from Forgotten Evidence: JFK Conspiracy , linking Nixon, Hoover, LBJ, and Mac Wallace to a meeting the night before the Assassination in Dallas
(29m-33m) sample clip from JFK Assassination Debate with Mark Lane vs. Warren Commission Supporters/Participants, December 4, 1964
(24m-28m) sample clip from Forgotten Evidence: JFK Conspiracy
(33m-37m) sample clip from JFK Assassination Debate with Mark Lane vs. Warren Commission Supporters/Participants, December 4, 1964
(37m-42m) sample clip from Forgotten Evidence: JFK Conspiracy
(42m-43m) Judge Jim Garrison closing speech from Forgotten Evidence
(43m-1h45m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
Self-Reliance playlist 1:
Self-Reliance playlist 2 (Advanced Autonomy):
The Origins of the word “Redneck”:
Graphical Grammar of a Leghold Trap:
J. Edgar Hoover in the 1956 Elks Magazine , primary source for quotation on the monstrous conspiracy.
Documents relating to disposition of JFK casket
JFK Casket Buried at Sea: Map of Disposition of the Casket
Order to Destroy JFK’s Casket by Attorney General Katzenbach
Why JFK's Assassination Still Haunts America by Tim Kelly
JFK versus CIA by Tim Kelly
(1h45m-4h35m) T&H Casual Café: JFK 50th Anniversary / A Cold Case Investigation (become a T&H Advanced Access member to see the video version of this discussion)
(4h35m-6h35m) Forgotten Evidence: JFK Conspiracy
(6h35-7h) Evidence of Revision: JFK Assassination Rarities (not part of “Evidence of Revision” series)
(7h-8h) Project Censored: JFK 50 interview with Mark Lane
(8h-9h30m) The JFK Assassination: The Jim Garrison Tapes 1992
(9h30m-12h5m) JFK Assassination Debate with Mark Lane , December 4, 1964
(12h5m-12h50m) Jim Garrison vs. Johnny Carson , January 31, 1968
(12h50m-14h20m) “Rush to Judgment ” by Mark Lane, 1967
(14h20m-19h38m) L. Fletcher Prouty: The Secret Team / JFK Assassination
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See also: (Audio)
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 079: No Masters & No Slaves / YOU Are the Illuminati
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Peace Revolution episode 079: No Masters & No Slaves / YOU Are the Illuminati
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Reference Map to Episode 079
(0-20m) Introductory Montage
(20-45m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
(45m-2h45m) Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar (Morning Session )
(2h45m-6h12m) Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar (Afternoon Session )
(6h12m-9h30m) Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar (Evening Session )
(9h30m-10h34m) Rage Against The Machine of Christmas - live in London 2010 (full concert)
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See also: (Audio)
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 078: Rise of the Whistleblowers / How Freedom becomes Free Again
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Peace Revolution episode 078: The Rise of the Whistleblowers / How Freedom Becomes Free
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(0m-1m) John Lennon: Insane People Control the Planet
(1m-2m) Despotism (1946) Encyclopedia Britannica Public Service Announcement
(2m-3m) DNI James Clapper says the NSA doesn’t spy on Americans
(3m-11m) NSA Utah Data Center will have 5 Zettabytes of Memory
(11m-12m) Rasputin and the Empress
(12m-16m) DNI James Clapper won’t lead NSA review
(16m-21m) Whistleblower: Juice News / Rap News Edward Snowden
(21m-32m) NSA Recruiting session Q&A
(32m-35m) Simon Sinek: Leadership and Confidence
(35m-47m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(47m-2h20m) Congressman Neil Gallagher: A Profile in Courage
(2h20m-2h33m) Richard Clarke CIA did 9-11
(2h33m-3h32m) NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake speaks at the National Press Club
(3h32m-3h44m) NSA Whistleblower William Binney “Everyone in the U.S. is under surveillance”
(3h44m-5h05m) NSA Whistleblower Russell Tice goes on the record and reveals new information
(5h05m-5h15m) NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden
(5h15m-6h19m) FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds blows the whistle on Government Blackmailing
(6h19m-8h16m) DYI with Ernie Hancock: Richard Grove and Chris Duane discuss Self-Reliance
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See also: (Audio)
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
And of course:
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 077: The Rise of the Surveillance State / Freedom isn't Free
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Peace Revolution episode 077
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(0m-4m) “Stop Watching Us ” Public Service Announcement
(4m-6m) Ron Paul, 1994 speech to Congress on the rapid growth and misuse of the Surveillance State
(6m-20m) Walter Cronkite, World Federalist Society juxtaposed to globalism, spying & war on terrorism
(20m-35m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(Book) The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terror by Trevor Aaronson
(35m-1h50m) History… So It Doesn’t Repeat: The Origins of U.S. Intelligence and Why It Spies on Americans
(1h50m-2h50m) Corbett Report: Who Was Really Behind the 9-11 Attacks ?
(2h50m-3h45m) Jon Rappoport interviewed on Red Ice Radio “The Surveillance State”
(3h45m-4h55m) Gen. Albert Stubblebine interviewed on Gnostic Media
(4h55m-5h25m) Corbett Report: Learn History with Philip Zelikow
(5h25m-6h30m) Philip Shenon: Inside the 9-11 Commission Investigation
(6h30m-7h) Defense Against the Psychopath by Stefan Verstappen
(7h-7h7m) The Psychology of Authority
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See also: (Audio) Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 076: Life Management Skills for Success and Serenity
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Peace Revolution episode 076:
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(0-5min) Edward de Bono from “Six Thinking Hats ”
(5-9min) David Allen “How to Deal with Interruptions ”
(9-10min) Jon Rappoport on the McCarthy Project Podcast : Time, Imagination, and Creativity / Creation of New Realities Within Your Imagination
(10-15min) Richard’s introductory monologue
(15-1h32m) History… Solutions: “Getting Things Done with David Allen ”
(1h32-2h33m) Edward de Bono “Six Thinking Hats ”
(2h33m-3h44m) School Sucks Podcast episode 238f : Presence and Productivity #6 – Tools For A Freed Mind and A Voluntary Life
(3h44m-4h16m) Jon Rappoport on the McCarthy Project Podcast : Time, Imagination, and Creativity / Creation of New Realities Within Your Imagination
(4h16m-5h01m) David Allen corporate presentation to Google HQ
(5h01m-6h14m) Chris Stefanick interviews Gene Odening on Choice Conversations discussing the Art of Rhetoric
(6h14m-7h17m) Richard Grove on the McCarthy Project Podcast : Break The Chains of Institutionalized Thought / Forensic Historian and Filmmaker Richard Grove on Breaking The Chains of Institutionalized Thought to Create a Better Athlete
(7h17m-8h54m) School Sucks Podcast with Richard Grove and Brett Veinotte discussing Edward de Bono’s “Six Thinking Hats”
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See also: (Audio) Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 075: The Individual vs. The Collective
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Peace Revolution episode 075: The Individual vs. The Collective
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(0-3min) NSA unaware of the extent of Snowden Leak
(3-4min) Bradley Manning Sentenced, Declares he’s Chelsea Manning and Female
(4-5min) The Re-Education of Lauryn Hill (InfoWars Nightly News with Rob Dew)
(5-10min) Richard’s introductory monologue
(10m-1h40m) (Video) History… Solutions with Mark Passio (How to Escape the Psychology of Control)
(1h40m-3h19m) (Video) History… Interview with Jon Rappoport (How to Analyze the News)
(3h19m-4h28m) (Video) History… Interview with G. Edward Griffin (The Individual vs. the Collective)
(4h28m-6h4m) (Video) History… The Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo-American Establishment (featuring Kevin Cole and Brett Veinotte)
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See also: (Audio) Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 074: Intellectual Self-Defense and How to Validate Knowledge
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Peace Revolution episode 074: Intellectual Self-Defense and How to Validate Knowledge
Reference Map to Episode 074
(0-3min) Official Trailer for State of Mind , co-produced by Free Mind Films & Tragedy and Hope, distributed by InfoWars until its public release on October 1, 2013
(3m-9m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(9m-7h) (Video) Mark Passio: “New Age” Bullshit and the Suppression of the Sacred Masculine
See also: (Audio) Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 073: First Principles of an Autonomous Philosophy
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
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Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
Reference Map to Episode 073:
(1min-7min) sample of Aristotle and the Foundation of Logic by Will Durant
(7min-12min) Richard’s introductory monologue
(12min-1h50m) History… Connected: Research Discussion on First Principles of Practical Philosophy
(1h50m-4h50m) History… Interview and a Movie with Larken Rose, premiering his documentary “It Can’t Happen Here”
(4h50m-6h30m) Aristotle and Greek Science by Will Durant
(6h30m-8h) Adventures in Legal Land by Marc Stevens
Subtitled: A 5-hour journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of public schooling
Alternatively, you can also find The Ultimate History Lesson listed on .
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Peace Revolution episode 072: Social Control and the Fear of Freedom
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Peace Revolution episode 072: Social Control and the Fear of Freedom
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts amount to 500+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
Reference Map to Episode 072:
(0-2min) Felice Leonardo Buscaglia “Freeing Ourselves from the Tyranny of Words ”
(2m-14min) Richard Grove interviewed by Gary Franchi, WHDT World News / Next News Network
(14m-23m) James Corbett and Brett Veinotte from School Sucks Podcast # 209
(23m-24m) Dr. Colin Ross interview summary with Jan Irvin / Gnostic Media #161 & #162
(24m-44m) Richard’s introductory monologue
New York Times: U.S. Engaged in Torture after 9/11, Review Concludes : WASHINGTON — A nonpartisan, independent review of interrogation and detention programs in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks concludes that “it is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture” and that the nation’s highest officials bore ultimate responsibility for it. The sweeping, 577-page report says that while brutality has occurred in every American war, there never before had been “the kind of considered and detailed discussions that occurred after 9/11 directly involving a president and his top advisers on the wisdom, propriety and legality of inflicting pain and torment on some detainees in our custody.” The study, by an 11-member panel convened by the Constitution Project, a legal research and advocacy group, is to be released on Tuesday morning.
New York Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. : “Only the government could have made a ‘terrorist’ out of Mr. Cromitie, whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in its scope,” said Judge Colleen McMahon, sentencing him to 25 years. She branded it a “fantasy terror operation” but called his attempt “beyond despicable” and rejected his claim of entrapment. The judge’s statement was unusual, but Mr. Cromitie’s characteristics were not. His incompetence and ambivalence could be found among other aspiring terrorists whose grandiose plans were nurtured by law enforcement. They included men who wanted to attack fuel lines at Kennedy International Airport; destroy the Sears Tower (now Willis Tower) in Chicago; carry out a suicide bombing near Tampa Bay, Fla., and bomb subways in New York and Washington. Of the 22 most frightening plans for attacks since 9/11 on American soil, 14 were developed in sting operations. Another New York City subway plot, which recently went to trial, needed no help from government. Nor did a bombing attempt in Times Square, the abortive underwear bombing in a jetliner over Detroit, a planned attack on Fort Dix, N.J., and several smaller efforts. Some threats are real, others less so. In terrorism, it’s not easy to tell the difference.
F.B.I.: 2011 Request for Information on Tamerlan Tsarnaev from Foreign Government (April 19, 2013): The two individuals believed to be responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings on Monday have been positively identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, now deceased, and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, now in custody. These individuals are brothers and residents of Massachusetts. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a legal permanent resident and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is a naturalized U.S. citizen. Charges have not yet been filed against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and he is presumed innocent. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, age 26, was previously designated as Suspect 1, wearing a black hat. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, age 19, was designated as Suspect 2, wearing a white hat. Both were born in Kyrgyzstan. Once the FBI learned the identities of the two brothers today, the FBI reviewed its records and determined that in early 2011, a foreign government asked the FBI for information about Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The request stated that it was based on information that he was a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer, and that he had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the United States for travel to the country’s region to join unspecified underground groups. In response to this 2011 request, the FBI checked U.S. government databases and other information to look for such things as derogatory telephone communications, possible use of online sites associated with the promotion of radical activity, associations with other persons of interest, travel history and plans, and education history. The FBI also interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev and family members. The FBI did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign, and those results were provided to the foreign government in the summer of 2011. The FBI requested but did not receive more specific or additional information from the foreign government.
(44m-1h40m) Lisa Arbercheski interviewed by Lana Lokteff of Red Ice Radio’s 3Fourteen Podcast
(1h40m-2h40m) Leo Buscaglia “The Art of Being Fully Human ”
(2h40m-4h20m) History… Connected: Research Discussion with Jan Irvin and Kevin Cole
(4h20m-7h30m) Dr. Colin Ross interview summary with Jan Irvin / Gnostic Media #161 & #162
(7h30m-9h52m) “The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA” by Dave Emory from the She Who Remembers Archives @ Gnostic Media dot com
Subtitled: A 5-hour journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of public schooling
Alternatively, you can also find The Ultimate History Lesson listed on .
Peace Revolution episode 071: The Law of Identity vs. The Monopoly of Force
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Peace Revolution episode 071: The Law of Identity vs. the Monopoly of Force
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
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Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts amount to 500+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
Reference Map to Episode 071:
(0m-9m) Sibel Edmonds explains who’s at the Top of the Pyramid with James Corbett (Video)
“Light from Darkness ” by City of the Fallen (film trailer music company)
“All about the Benjamins ” (Instrumental Version), Original Version
(9m-20m) Richard Grove interviewed by Abby Martin on RT’s “Breaking the Set” (Russia Today)
(20m-33m) Richard Grove interviewed by Gary Franchi on WHDT & Next News Network
(33m-41m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(41m-2h14m) History… Debate: Stefan Molyneux vs. Tom Willcutts (Is Government fundamentally Immoral?)
(2h14m-3h14m) None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen
(3h14m-4h15m) The Rothschilds: The World’s First Trillion Dollar Family
(4h15m-6h27m) An Introduction to the Law of Identity and the Axioms from which one derives Freedom
Subtitled: A 5-hour journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of public schooling
Alternatively, you can also find The Ultimate History Lesson listed on .
Peace Revolution episode 070: How the Mind is Harnessed to Create Human Resources
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
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Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
IMDB Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
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The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
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Reference Map to Episode 070:
(1m-4m) Despotism vs. Aaron Dykes (Infowars Nightly News clip) by R.G.
(4m-6m) U.S. Army Kills Kids by Abby Martin (RT)
(6m-9m) Robert F. Kennedy did not agree Oswald lone assassin (ABC News)
(9m-13m) U.S. Government Found Guilty of Murdering Martin Luther King by Lee Camp
(13m-19m) U.S. Court: Martin Luther King Killed by the Authorities by Barrie Zwicker
(19m-28m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(28m-2h50m) Debate: Larken Rose (Anarchy) vs. Tom Willcutts (Authority) History… So It Doesn’t Repeat
(2h50-5h25m) Briefing: Kevin Cole (Classical Trivium vs. Trivium Method) History… So It Doesn’t Repeat
(5h25m-6h50m) “Behaviorism in Disguise ” School Sucks Podcast #150
Hist ory... So It Doesn't Repeat (Official YouTube Series Playlist) Timecodes, notes, links, and references are posted just below the HD video:
Notes, Links, & References for "The Trivium Method vs. The Classical Trivium" (recorded February 17, 2013)
1m “The Great Chain of Being and the Organic Unity of the Polis ” by Kevin Cole (Winter 2013)
2m “The Trivium Method ” by Jan Irvin and Gene Odening @ Gnostic Media dot com
3m “The Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving ” vs. the innate method of learning, and comparing it to how the Classical Trivium (as a method of institutionalizing individuals) has historically been used prior to the 21st century.
4m History of the Classical Trivium is the history of the Great Chain of Being , useful in shaping cultures. The Great Chain of Being is defined in classical terms.
5m The concept of “balanced” government and civil society itself, The Ominous Continuity of the “education” system we know as schooling
6m The changing of terms as a means of gaining power over unwitting minds
7m The Occulting of Knowledge to create Power
8m Legacy of 2,500 years of the Noble Lie being used to create Power
9m Romantic Nationalism & Germany vs. Limited Government System, continued definition of the Great Chain of Being (3 estates)
10m Caste System , Divine Right of Kings , and the Classical Trivium; specifically the artificial scarcity of the “7” liberal arts
11m Enkyklios Paideia and the Caste System, Arnold Toynbee “it allows each empire to be immortal”
12m Great Chain of Being and the Classical Trivium in context of Organic Unity
13m United Nations Charter provisions, Positive and Negative Rights , staying knowledgeable about the first principles and jury nullification, Thomas Jefferson and First Principles
Article 29 : 1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. 2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
Article 30 : Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
14m Logical foundation of Negative Rights , Irrational foundation of Positive Rights
15m Definition of Organic Unity
16m Scott Buchannan quote on the Classical Trivium to create Organic Unity, Cardinal and Ordinal structures of the story (Buchannan was a Rhodes Scholar)
17m Definitions: The Auctors , The Polis , The Polity , Episcopal, hierarchical structures of authorities, Anglicanism (Church of England)
18m Comparison and Contrast the Trivium Method vs. the Classical Trivium, 7 Liberal Arts, Plato, Aristotle, educational philosophy and Isocrates ,
19m The “general education” of the inscribed circle of the Enkyklios Paideia , foreshadowing Fichte and Hegel of the Prussian Education System
encyclopedia (n.) 1530s, "course of instruction," from Modern Latin encyclopaedia (c.1500), literally "training in a circle," i.e. the "circle" of arts and sciences, the essentials of a liberal education; from enkyklios "circular," and paideia “education”.
According to some accounts such as the American Heritage Dictionary copyists of Latin manuscripts took this phrase to be a single Greek word, enkuklopaedia.
20m plunder v. production and human livestock, classical Trivium as a system of creating production to be plundered… farming plunder
21m Latin education and the Divine Right of Kings, organic unity and feudalism, legitimizing the great chain of being (methods of authority), using the battlefield and education to subjugate individuals for lack of Knowledge.
22m Legitimizing the storyteller as the authority of the day, group-think, authority to control human resources. Any citizen can become an individual through learning habits of self-reliance
23m “Authorities” (educators, sophists) define the “Grammar ” of the Classical Trivium, thus making the “Logic ” a belief, not an understanding. No knowledge is necessary for belief, in fact belief is often what fills the void created when Knowledge is absent.
24m Unified systems of knowledge, cybernetics and the ship of state (Plato), first principles and common ground (Logic) necessary for linguistic communication. The use of these ideologies to create state systems.
25m Richard Haklyut and Queen Elizabeth, propagating organic unity as “natural”, even though it depends on people ruling over others. Scott Buchannan papers from Harvard University, “Poetry and Mathematics ” (foreshadowing role of Rhodes Scholars)
Richard Hakluyt (c. 1552 or 1553 – 23 November 1616) was an English writer. He is known for promoting the settlement of North America by the English through his works, notably Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America (1582) and The Principal Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques and Discoueries of the English Nation (1589–1600).
26m Dorothy Sayers and removing the myths to get to the facts of her claims, Reinhold Niebuhr , Royal Institute of International Affairs , Milner Rhodes Roundtable Group , secularizing values to continue organic unity
27m Dorothy Sayers quotes in favor of British Empire building and Cecil Rhodes / Milner Roundtable Group and Organic Unity
28m Origins of the systems which create and facilitate organic unity, cybernetics, using the knowledge of self-learning to dissect the history and identify the contradictions of our public educations
29m Gnostic Media interview with Gene Odening, how the human being learns, removing the dogma from the process of learning for one’s self
30m Asking substantial questions and using a method to find valid answers consistently vs. the Classical Trivium (prescribed “Grammar”, mandated “Logic”, rhetoric which reinforces servitude)
31m Isocrates and literacy as a form of slavery (i.e. sophism) until the reader learns how to identify reality and remove unreality (i.e. logic).
32m closed systems of learning to maintain the city-states, aristocracy, and ruling class to manage the polity (public); educating the kings, adopting education systems to gain power over the polity, dichotomy of control, creating knowledge gaps to create “power”.
33m focus on significant and substantial, discard the arbitrary, dismiss the irrational. Sayers’ biases and the basis of Christian Homeschooling in America.
34m Sayers’ system as the “closest to the perfection of Plato’s Republic” – Freemasonry
35m Christian Homeschooling and predefined grammar, infecting the logic by not asking preliminary questions to identify that which exists, reality from unreality (Sayers’ seeds of irrationality)
36m History of Ideas in relation to the Trivium Method contrasted to the Classical Trivium and the history of creating organic unity
37m The Classical Trivium, Freemasonry as a feedback mechanism for creating organic unity through empire, “Builders of Empire: Freemasons and British Imperialism (1717-1927) ” by Jessica Harland Jacobs
38m “Origins of Freemasonry ” by Thomas Paine,
39m Johann Joachim Christoph “J.C.” Bode , Nicholas Bonneville, Philo’s Reply to Questions Concerning His Association with the Illuminati by Jeva Singh-Anand, Illuminati Manifesto of World Revolution (1792) translated by Marco de Luchetti,
40m King Elfwad, Charlemagne , and the origins of the word “Trivium” by Alcuin of York
41m Ancient Greece, systems of preserving itself against surrounding piranha states
42m Enkyklios Paideia created by Isocrates preserves organic unity until Thomas Jefferson recognizes what it is, and what it does
43m Scott Buchanan and Stringfellow Barr (Rhodes Scholars) and Freemasonry, origins of “Classical Trivium” revival veiling the Enkyklios Paideia
44m filling in between Isocrates and the Freemasons, Jesuits and the Ratio Studiorum , which was rejected by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Ratio Studiorum as continuation of organic unity under godhead of theology.
45m Thomas Jefferson (post-revolution) goes to William and Mary and has the Classical Trivium removed from the curriculum, breaking the mechanism of British perpetuation of their organic unity
46m Thomas Jefferson addressing the Educational Perennialists of his day, accepting the theory before inspection, condemnation prior to observation, “putting your logic before your grammar” as Jan Irvin says
47m Education as a tool of creating culture, its how the state reproduces itself, “reality” filtered through he prescribed rhetoric of the state,
48m Ignatius Loyola , Alumbrados , the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola as the origins of the esoteric organic unity progressed by the Jesuits , various flavors of organic unity (various empires through time), sacrifice of the individual to the state
49m Bavarian Illuminati , Thomas Paine , Nicholas Bonneville , and connections to the origins of America, May 1, 1776, Adam Weishaupt (1911 Encyclopedia Britannica entry for Illumati), Baron Adolph ‘Philo’ Knigge as Weishaupt’s #2 in the Bavarian Illuminati
50m Bavarian Illuminati as intellectual group fighting against organic unity and divine right of kings in Europe. “Philo’s Reply to Questions Concerning His Association with the Illuminati” Reply by Jeva Singh Anand reveals the personal conversations between Adam Weishaupt and Baron von Knigge prior to Knigge’s resignation from the Bavarian Illuminati and the promotion of revolutionary publisher J.C. Bode.
51m Thomas Paine’s references to Samuel Prichard’s “Freemasonry is based on the foundation of the Liberal Arts” quote, Illuminati as a system trying to do away with the state, Isidore of Seville and the creation of civil polity by limited education
52m Bavarian Illuminati vs. Religion and the State, Freemasonry as the genitalia of the state and the injection of organic unity throughout indigenous populations, Illuminati plans to use for the state to reproduce itself via taking over Freemasonry.
53m the Strict Observance Lodge of Freemasonry in Bavaria, Degree Systems above traditional York Rite degrees, transcending nationhood. Reinhard Koselleck’s “Critique and Crises : Enlightenment and the Pathogenesis of Modern Society” (published by M.I.T.) on Freemasonry and creating organic unity
54m Original members of the Illuminati influencing American education, The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto
55m Juxtaposing internet lore vs. actual artifacts and evidence of the Bavarian Illuminati, similar to Jesuits in seeing value of controlling education, 1610 Wood Manuscript (The Hiram Key by Lomas and Knight)
56m Individual Liberty based on that which exists vs. irrational illusions of Authority, Bonneville, Jefferson, and the unknown history of Bavarian Illuminati influence in America’s origins.
57m Social Circle Freemasonic Lodge, papers published by J.C. Bode of the Bavarian Illuminati, promoted after Knigge’s resignation, connections to Prussian education .
58m Johann Fichte’s references to Johann Pestalozzi’s organic unity method of schooling and creation of the Prussian education system, giving birth to Romantic Nationalism as opposed to the Jeffersonian ideas of nationhood.
59m Milton Peterson’s works on Thomas Jefferson, rejection of classical forms of the Trivium as being connected to the Great Chain of Being , i.e. a caste society subjugating individuals to illusory authority
1h1m ideas of creating a balanced government based on first principles subject to existence, not dogma; derivative proofs of non-aggression undermined by changes in education system which Jefferson feared, J.J. Rousseau, John Locke, The Meaning of Meaning, particularity and universiality, from Charlemagne through to the 21st Century.
1h5m Jefferson displacing the Classical Trivium at the University of Virginia, Jefferson laments genocide of indigenous languages and loss of etymology.
1h6m encryption of language enables selective power transfer
1h8m how to preserve the first principles which inspired the Constitution
1h10m Ben Franklin’s education in the liberal arts and secret societies
1h11m parallels of Isocrates and Freemasonic organic unity, “Builders of Empire” as blueprint for how Freemasonry assumes authority throughout the world
1h14m philosophic corruptions of reality, claims of authority break down under scrutiny and defined terms, taboo to discuss because you might perceive the ruse of organic unity
1h15m Thomas Jefferson displaces classical Trivium as being tied to the Great Chain of Being
1h16m Legacy of Alcuin of York, creating a duality in Christianity, “othering” of the natural world, Basil Bernstein’s work on the classical Trivium, Noah Webster, John Adams, Thomas Paine, Emerson and Thoreau, Rousseau’s social contract, liberal arts as chains of garland flung over reality, Bavarian Illuminati
1h17m Epistemological cartoons instead of getting into the details and artifacts, Techne (Technology) as a Craft to propel Culture (see: Freemasonry), Thomas Paine quote on education and knowledge of language vs. knowledge of things, Syntax and Statecraft in history
1h18m Destutt De Tracy “Elements of Ideology”, science of ideas from Condillac’s Statue of Man , solidifying a science of ideas to map out human resource control
1h19m Destutt De Tracy : how to define and identify in order to think clearly and progress to understanding
1h20m Prussian Nationalism, Hegel and the obsolescence of the Divine Right of Kings and “Authority” in general, discovering that life is not how we were taught it is as a result of the Prussian education system changing America away from natural rights liberalism
1h21m systems of natural rights and state education are not compatible
1h22m unitary education by congress is in direct contradiction to the founding principles of America, collectivism, pre-amble missing from Constitution, ambiguity therefore included unnecessarily
1h24m Classical Trivium imparting language without defense against unreality, thus creates a system of control
1h25m without defense against unreality, society becomes skewed and actions in conflict with needs of survival, as a result of Enkyklios Paideia introduced into England by the Venetian Black Noblity
1h26m Webster Tarpley’s 1981 article on the Venetian Black Nobility , how to fill in the blanks when history has been purposely omitted, creating cognitive dissonance
1h28m Wilhelm Wundt and the “Clockwork Orange ” mentality of treating people as mechanical toys, to be manipulated; and how asking questions is the key to circumventing Wundtian control systems
1h30m Frederick the Great and the Gymnasium of Prussian Education, Obama’s recent references to the value of Prussian industrial training
1h31m John Taylor Gatto’s “Underground History of American Education ” referring to Prussian indoctrination methods being used in America, Prussian principles displace American first princples imparted in Constitution
1h32m Prussian education creates a strong nationalistic fervor, at behest of “national” interest, parallels between Nazi Germany and America today via the Prussian education system
1h33m Frederick the Great , Freemasonry, Education, and Illuminati connections; going after our youngest through compulsory schooling, creation of schooling in America by secret societies
1h34m Frederick the Great May 1, 1786 creating constitutions of Freemasonry, similar degrees to draw people into the Illuminati plan by imitating Freemasonry
1h35m Reworking masonic texts to re-present the ideas to foment revolution, Amis Reunis, Lodge of the Nine Sisters , and the Social Circle, French Revolution, Congress of Wilhelmsbad, Baron Knigge and the attempts to recruit powerful figures into their stable of talent. Hegel, Herter, Mozart, Goethe, Zeitgiest (spirit of the age)
1h36m origin myth of the Nine Muses / Nine Sisters lodge of Freemasonry in France
1h37m Rev. George Washington Snyder letter to George Washington, Oct 24, 1798 regarding the Bavarian Illuminati, spores dispersed into America, Anti-Freemasonic Party to drive Freemasons from power
1h38m Cecil Rhodes and fellow Freemasons creating British organic unity via a Secret Society based on the methods of the Jesuits (Ratio Studiorum)
1h39m Ben Franklin and the Lodge of the Nine Sisters, representing the Nine Muses (9 liberal arts) as set down by Martianus Capella , Destutt De Tracy, Voltaire members of the lodge, Jefferson’s rejection of their first principles, Positive vs. Negative origins of Government
1h40m Napoleon rejected the first principles as Jefferson did, Destutt De Tracy deposed from his educational system, Grammar, Logic, & Ideology (instead of rhetoric)
1h41m Jefferson’s own contradictions (not perfect) but noted the success of America dependent on independence from British linguistic controls
1h42m Cecil Rhodes and the Jesuits, organic unity common to plans of monopoly, power, and empire, tracing back to the Indian (of India) monitorial schools (pedagogical control of group by authority at the front of the room), another brick in the wall as the craft of masonry
Cecil John Rhodes PC , DCL (5 July 1853 – 26 March 1902) was an English-born South African businessman, mining magnate , and politician. He was the founder of the diamond company De Beers , and an ardent believer in British colonialism, he was the founder of the state of Rhodesia , which was named after him. He set up the provisions of the Rhodes Scholarship , which is funded by his estate. Rhodes and his legacy are memorialized in the 1966 textbook “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Dr. Carroll Quigley, professor at Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service.
1h43m Cecil Rhodes goal to change American Constitution to bring America back under control of Britain by rings-within-rings, using Rhodes Scholars to create organic unity .
1h43m Cecil Rhodes plans grow roots in America, proliferating Anglo-Saxon Nationalism (everyone else was a “barbarian”)
1h44m Equal rights only for “civilized” men (positive rights) vs. natural rights inherent to all human beings
1h45m Cecil Rhodes Last Will and Testament , seeking to decontextualize the history and create amnesia in the American polity
1h46m Cecil Rhodes’ band of merry men, bring in Prussian ideals via Rhodes Scholars, creating a spacial-temporal consciousness shift
1h47m Carroll Quigley’s books addressing Rhodes and organic unity (Evolution of Civilizations, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time , The Anglo-American Establishment), Porter Sargent’s books on the same topic
1h48m Clarence Streit’s “Union Now ” plan to merge America with Britain, Andrew Carnegie’s “Triumph of Democracy”, Linus Pauling’s “Union Now” speech , Harris Wolford of the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society ), Rhodes Roundtable group seeking to create a union of democracies, origins of Globalism, collaboration between Rhodes Roundtable, Rockefeller, Carnegie trusts.
1h49m undoing Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”, to reverse roles and undo common sense to say America is subservient to Britain
1h50m Clarence Streit , Stringfellow Barr , and Scott Buchanan , (all Rhodes scholars) reviving the Classical Trivium, indoctrinating Anglo-American values and organic unity
1h51m Rhodes Roundtable supports “Union Now ”, via Pilgrims Society , also seeking Organic Unity with Britain, origins of Apartheid in South Africa, Jan Smuts and Wholism as the philosophy of the British Empire (plunder rebranded as freedom)
1h52m “Union Now ” as a Fabian Society for Federalists to create organic unity, Embers of World Conversation (Buchannan), origins of The Great Books of the Western World with Richard McKeown
1h53 Marshall McLuhan and I.A. Richards work on the Classical Trivium, James Bryant Conant
1h54m Poetry and Mathematics by Scott Buchanan (Rhodes Scholar) rediscovers the Classical Trivium, John Erskine , Nicholas Murray Butler , St. Thomas Aquinas, Great Chain of Being, and Mortimer Adler and logic existing within systems, Dr. Randall Hart “Classical Trivium ” book
1h55m John Erskine bringing selective reading into the U.S., Woodbury and the X Club (see: Huxley), Matthew Arnold and Cecil Rhodes
1h56m Alfred Zimmern , William Benton , Benton and Bowles Advertising trending organic unity
1h57m “Union Now” and the liberal education at St. John’s University and the University of Chicago, Leo Strauss , Neocons, Robert Maynard Hutchins, and the origins of the Great Books of the Western World
1h58m Legacy of Cecil Rhodes, Pilgrims Society, RIIA, CFR, and creating organic unity in America
1h59m Arthur Balfour , Cecil Rhodes, Baron Rothschild and Palestine; Pilgrims Society as Anglo-American Alliance to usurp national government of the U.S. vis a vis Organic Union
2h re-branding British Empire as part of organic unity and role of St. John’s university in revival of the Classical Trivium within the Anglo-American tradition.
2h2m “Fat Man’s Class” and William Benton, J. Walter Thompson Company , Denise Sutton’s “Globalising Ideal Beauty: How Female Copywriters of the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency Redefined Beauty for the Twentieth Century ”, De Beers Diamond Cartel , behaviorism (via John Watson) included to manipulate populations
2h3m Encyclopedia Britannica bought by William Benton vs. The Great Books of the Western World, Benton worked with R. Gordon Wasson, Bank of International Settlements
2h5m Benton and “Fat Man’s Class” sought to proliferate sophism into the business community, Henry Luce’s support, “The Romance of Commerce and Culture ”, Walter Paepke , importation of Prussian/German culture into business and politics, boxing up our culture to bring concensus by de-individualizing and holding conflicting thoughts is the norm.
2h7m Great Books of the Western World and Eugenics, signers of the GBWW project (several Union Now supporters & Rhodes Scholars among other collectivist groups seeking organic unity for Anglo-Saxon Establishment power structures)
2h9m Society for the Cincinnatus and the ominous continuity of these ideas, Mirabeau as a member of the Social Circle, hereditary orders to create organic unity, Walter Paepke as founder of the Aspen Institute which funded the GBWW, founded on commemoration date of Goethe, ex-Bavarian Illuminati; origin of Aspen’s popularity and the Noble Lie
2h10m Leo Strauss at St. John’s University as a Scott Buchanan Scholar
2h11m GBWW to impart culture to common man, a scarcity not circulated in 70 years, a legacy of organic unity being propagated via Classical Trivium
2h12m Joseph S. Nye, Jr . (Rhodes Scholar, Harvard), Power and Interdependence
2h13m London School of Economics (Fabian Socialist institution), Rothschild family funding LSE
2h14m “The Real New World Order ” (Foreign Affairs Publication) by Anne-Marie Slaughter, Office for Policy Planning, CFR driving organic unity
2h15m “The Real New World Order ” is published by the Council on Foreign Relations
2h16m David Rockefeller, Memoirs, p. 505 quote, Admiral Chester Ward on CFR quote from Barry Goldwater biography “With No Apologies” chapter 33 “Our Non-Elected Rulers”
2h17m H.G. Wells , Fabian Socialist, Open Conspiracy, Island of Dr. Moreau , organic unity through Eugenics (see: G. Stanley Hall quote on organic unity in “NEA: Trojan Horse”), erasing of national borders, ethically responsible to control the many, “The Shape of Things to Come” by H.G. Wells
H.G. Wells’ most consistent political ideal was the World State. He stated in his autobiography that from 1900 onward he considered a World State inevitable. He envisioned the state to be a planned society that would advance science, end nationalism, and allow people to progress by merit rather than birth. In 1932, he told Young Liberals at the University of Oxford that progressive leaders must become liberal fascists or enlightened Nazis in order to implement their ideas.[35]In 1940, Wells published a book called The New World Order that outlined his plan as to how a World Government will be set up.
2h18m Technocracy to control the thoughts of the polity, C.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards “The Meaning of Meaning ”, imparting of Liberal Arts to create civil polity, language as technology to control polity
2h20m Inherent rights (negative rights) vs. Positive Rights (arcane laws of governance and authority), “Fire in the Minds of Men” by James H. Billington (Rhodes Scholar & Librarian of Congress), the need to preserve oral traditions and the attack of our culture to manipulate our perceptions, thus to create organic unity, the use of cybernetics to wage psychological warfare, using the mind as the harness of human resources, Stephen Biko “the most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor are the minds of the oppressed.”
2h22m Ludwig Wittgenstein , I.A. Richards , and manipulating language to control perceptions in cybernetics, Macy Conferences of cybernetic applications, and “New Criticism ” to decontextualize historical documents, thus re-defining liberty by separating literature from history. Rhodes/Milner Roundtable participation in supporting “New Criticism” and decontextualizing history to create organic unity; which evolved from the Prussian Nationalism which preceded it.
2h25m Frank Aydelotte (Rhodes Scholar) on Classical Trivium and Organic Unity, “spelling” to use words to further “liberty” in British terms.
2h26m Lord Percy v. Thomas Jefferson,
2h27m Arnold Toynbee and analogical reasoning using the Classical Trivium to promote British organic unity
2h28m Eugenics, Rockefeller, and organic unity vis a vis “The Molecular Biology of Life: Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology ” by Lily Kay (M.I.T.)
2h29m Frank and James Angell , G. Stanley Hall , and others instrumental introducing the Prussian education system into America, John Taylor Gatto’s work , Max Weber and scientific dictatorship
2h30m Population Control, Eugenics, and the Rockefeller “Science of Man” project rebranded as “molecular biology”, Linus Pauling’s support of Lily Kay’s book, Mr. and Mrs. Pauling support “Union Now” and other Anglo-American plans of unification, Delphi Technique of mind control , managing consent, Walter Lippmann
2h32m Rockefeller “Science of Man” , Edward Alsworth Ross’ “Social Control”, mapping the individual to destroy individuality, Lily Kay unmasks the eugenic agenda of the elites, culling the polity to create organic unity. Artificial scarcity of technology, planned economies (Agenda 21 )
2h33m SUMMARY: By changing the terms and definitions throughout history, the theme of controlling the polity by means of irrational means has thus far been successful. Our voluntary servitude to ideas which are unreality, continues to be the problem; learning and asking substantial questions and finding valid answers continues to be the solution.
2h34m Kevin Cole’s closing statement, the logic behind the liberal arts education, slavery vs. free minds, the perpetuation of organic unity throughout time to create slave vs. free dichotomy. In America rights were inherent, not because you’re become a subservient slave to the state.
Subtitled: A 5-hour journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of public schooling
Alternatively, you can also find The Ultimate History Lesson listed on .
Peace Revolution episode 069: From Agenda 21 to Feudalism
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
IMDB Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Facebook Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Twitter feed for Tragedy and Hope
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
UHL Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
Reference Map to Episode 069:
(0m-1m) Armed 11 year old girl defends home
(1m-7m) Australia’s disarmament
(7m-9m) Gun Control Biden Executive Orders
(9m-10m) Beavis and Butthead: Drones
(10m-12m) Demand a Plan propaganda ad featuring celebrities who make millions of dollars from violent films
(12m-13m) 15-year old boy protects sister with Assault Rifle, defends against home invasion
(13m-14m) Rand Paul on King Obama
(14m-16m) Mom asks for permission to shoot intruder
(16m-18m) Britain’s disarmament
(18m-20m) Sample: Constitutional Prof. Niloufer Bhagwat analyzing 9-11 and the process of destroying America from within through a False Fear Syndrome
(20m-25m) Jesse Ventura v. Piers Morgan
(25m-30m) Georgia mother shoots home invader
(30m-32m) Ted Nugent v. Piers Morgan
(32m-40m) Suzanna Hupp: The Meaning of the 2nd Amendment & Penn & Teller: Bullshit! Gun Control
(40m-42m) What gun control in America will look like
(42m-48m) NRA now an extremist group MSNBC / Brzezinski and Scarborough
(48m-51m) Film sample: “No Guns for Negroes ” (History of Gun Laws as Racism)
(51m-53m) Attorney General Eric Holder gets caught on Fast and Furious
(53m-56m) Attorney General Eric Holder uses Fast and Furious to push gun control
(56m-59m) Napolitano on prosecuting Attorney General Eric Holder
(59m-1h2m) Arizona Sheriff explains fast and furious to Anderson Cooper
(1h2m-1h11m) Founding Fathers Battle Gun Grabbers from the Grave by InfoWars
(1h11m-1h12m) Madeline Albright defends mass murder of Iraqi children
(1h12m-1h17m) Gun Controllers are total hypocrites infowars report
(1h17m-1h18m) His Royal Virus Prince Philip
(1h18m-1h19m) Royal Babylon: The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy (& Prince Philips penchant for killing sprees)
(1h19m-1h25m) Amidst the Noise: Choose your own crime stats from the facts
(1h25m-1h29m) Feinstein: Special Citizens Exempt from Gun Control Bill
(1h29m-1h52m) Richard’s introductory monologue
Arundhati Roy
Come September Speech
“We” a geopolitical documentary art project using the “Come September” speech by Arundhati Roy (excellent!)
Cut from the monologue due to time contstraints:
CIA Document 1035-960 “Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report”
JFK: The Book of the Film: The Documented Screenplay page 100
Eugenics masked as Mental Health (see Piers Morgan’s 3rd in his manifesto)
SSRI’s involved in Violent Crimes involved in nearly 100 School Shootings
The Main Event & Analysis
(1h52m-1h55m) Ben Swann: Reality Check post Colorado Batman Massacre
(1h55m-1h57m) Piers Morgan phone hacking MSNBC (December 2012)
(1h57m-2h09m) Piers Morgan v. Larry Pratt
(2h09m-2h12m) Piers Morgan testifying in phone hacking scandal
(2h12m-2h17m) Piers Morgan v. Ben Shapiro
(2h17m-2h18m) Piers Morgan featured in Hugh Grant’s Taking on the Tabloids
(2h18m-2h32m) Piers Morgan v. Alex Jones
(2h32m-2h36m) Ben Swann: Reality Check for Piers Morgan
(2h36m-2h28m) Piers Morgan and guests call for shooting Alex Jones
(2h38m-2h43m) Ben Swann: Full Disclosure CO, WI, CT shootings
(2h43m-2h48m) John Stewart & Daily Show lampoons facts for fiction to address gun control issue
(2h48m-3h19m) Constitutional Law Professor calls out Alan Dershowitz for supporting Torture
History of Elite Plans
(3h19m-3h38m) Constitutional Prof. Niloufer Bhagwat analyzing 9-11 and the process of destroying America from within through a False Fear Syndrome
(3h38m-4h08m) Polish Refugee Warns of Communism Taking Over America
(4h08-4h42m) Alex Jones: Blueprint of Madmen
(4h42m-4h48m) Bill Cooper: UN Disarmament Agenda since 1961
(4h48m-5h32m) History of U.N. Disarmament in America with Bob Dacy and Alex Jones
(5h31m-5h43m) U.N. gun grab treaty seeks to disarm America and Kill 2nd Amendment
(5h43-6h37m) Webster Tarpley: The Elites’ Plan for Global Extermination
(6h37m-6h53m) Film: “No Guns for Negroes ” (History of Gun Laws as Racism)
(6h53m-7h54m) Larken Rose: The Government Con on Red Ice Radio
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 009 , 022 , 027 , 037 , 041 , 042 , 043 , 044 , 046 , 048 , 049 , 051 , 059 , 061 , 063 , 064 , 065
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Subtitled: A 5-hour journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of public schooling
Alternatively, you can also find The Ultimate History Lesson listed on .
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
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Peace Revolution episode 068: From Feudalism to Agenda 21
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Click here to download this episode, or use the download link at the bottom of the notes for this episode.
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
IMDB Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Facebook Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Twitter feed for Tragedy and Hope
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
UHL Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
Reference Map to Episode 068:
(01m-02m) 12-year old girl discovers all presidents related to King John
(02m-11m) “Agenda 21 Stealth Takeover Exposed ” by the Infowars Team
(11m-29m) Richard’s introductory monologue
“The Report from Iron Mountain: On the Possibility & Desirability of Peace ” by Leonard C. Lewin
Paolo Sarpi on Wikipedia
Contarini on Wikipedia
(50m-2h34) “Behind the Green Mask ” / Rosa Koire interviewed by Henrik Palmgren on Red Ice Radio
(2h34-4h24) Walter Veith “The Beamable Sustainable Princes ”
(4h24-5h20)Webster Tarpley “The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor ”
(5h20-end) Webster Tarpley interviewed by Henrik Palmgren “The Venetian Conspiracy ”
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 009 , 022 , 027 , 037 , 041 , 042 , 043 , 044 , 046 , 048 , 049 , 051 , 059 , 061 , 063 , 064 , 065
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 067: Integrity as the Measure of Value
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
IMDB Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Facebook Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Twitter feed for Tragedy and Hope
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
UHL Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
FTL (for FreeTalkLive)
Reference Map to Episode 067:
(01m-04m) What if Money Didn’t Matter by Alan Watts (500,000+ views)
(03m-4m) sample from Manly Palmer Hall “Integrity the Endangered Virtue”
(4m-34m) 30-min sampling of Congressman Ron Paul’s farewell address accompanied by the music of Stanley Kubrick’s films
(34m-41m) How to be played on a Juke Box by Rage Against the Machine and Alan Ginsberg
(41m-1h) Richard’s introductory monologue
(1h-2h12m) Dr. Chengiah Ragaven interview “Psychology and Control”
(2h12m-3h30m) Manly Palmer Hall “Integrity the Endangered Virtue”
(3h30m-4h37m) “What we can all learn from John Taylor Gatto ” Richard Grove interviewed by Greg Moffitt
(4h37m-5h38m) Manly Palmer Hall “Those who attain integrity must pass on the Lamp”
(5h38m-5h44m) The Ghost of Tom Joad (see also: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck)
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 009 , 022 , 027 , 037 , 041 , 042 , 043 , 044 , 046 , 048 , 049 , 051 , 059 , 061 , 063 , 064 , 065
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 066: How Central Bankers Harness and Manipulate Human Resources
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Click here to download this episode, or use the download link at the bottom of the notes for this episode.
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
IMDB Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Facebook Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Twitter feed for Tragedy and Hope
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
UHL Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
FTL (for FreeTalkLive)
Reference Map to Episode 066:
(0m-3m) sample from “My Dinner with Andre ” (on YouTube)
(3m-6m) Nixon ends the Bretton Woods International Monetary system (on YouTube)
(6m-8m) CNBC admits we’re all slaves to Central Bankers (on YouTube)
(8m-10m) sample from Joan Veon “When Central Banks Rule the World ” (on YouTube)
(10m-14m) Sir Evelyn de Rothschild on CNBC December 10, 2008 (on YouTube)
(13m-15m) sample from Joan Veon “When Central Banks Rule the World ” (on YouTube)
(15m-17m) sample from “The Creature from Jeckyll Island ” lecture by G. Edward Griffin (on YouTube)
(17m-19m) Jacob Rothschild confronted by We Are Change (on YouTube)
(19m-20m) sample from “The Capitalist Conspiracy ” (on YouTube)
(20m-23m) sample from Joan Veon “When Central Banks Rule the World ” (on YouTube)
(23m-26m) “Burn your money, or maybe just put it away ” by Lee Camp (on YouTube)
(26m-35m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(35m-1h20m) “The Capitalist Conspiracy ” by G. Edward Griffin 1969 (on YouTube)
(1h20m-3h06m) “The Creature from Jeckyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin (on YouTube)
(3h06m-4h33m) “When Central Banks Rule the World ” by the late Joan Veon (on YouTube)
(4h33m-5h) “The American Dream ” animated story of Central Bankers (on YouTube)
(5h-5h04) “Sheep” by Mark Edward from his 2011 album “Eddie in Exile”
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 009 , 022 , 027 , 037 , 041 , 042 , 043 , 044 , 046 , 048 , 049 , 051 , 059 , 061 , 063 , 064 , 065
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 065: The PANOPTICON: All Watched Over by Machines of Eugenic Race
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Click here to download this episode, or use the download link at the bottom of the notes for this episode.
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
IMDB Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Facebook Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Twitter feed for Tragedy and Hope
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
UHL Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
FTL (for FreeTalkLive)
Reference Map to Episode 065:
(0m-3m) Panopticon (on YouTube)
(3m-4m) All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace part 2 (on Top Documentary Films dot com)
(4m-5m) Privacy: A PostMortem by Stephen Rambam (on YouTube)
(5m-7m) All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace part 2 (on Top Documentary Films dot com)
(7m-10m) Schools are Tracking Your Kids (on YouTube)
(10m-11m) All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace part 2 (on Top Documentary Films dot com)
(11m-14m) Privacy: A PostMortem by Stephen Rambam (on YouTube)
(14m-16m) The Panopticon World We Live In (on YouTube)
(16m-20m) All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace part 3 (on Top Documentary Films dot com)
(20m-21) Privacy: A PostMortem by Stephen Rambam (on YouTube)
(21m-22) All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace part 2 (on Top Documentary Films dot com)
(22m-23m) Privacy: A PostMortem by Stephen Rambam (on YouTube)
(23m-1h23m) Richard’s introductory monologue, containing the executive summary and presentation of the “Short-Cuts” project, which is a synergistic and complimentary cinematic component to be included at the end of each History… So It Doesn’t Repeat episode.
Red Ice Radio: Richard Grove with Henrik Palmgren
Declare Your Independence: Richard Grove with Ernest Hancock
Liberty Tactics Radio: Richard Grove with Michael Atkinson
Blindfold by Teace Snyder (on YouTube)
My Dinner with Andre (on YouTube)
Celtx Screenwriting Program
FilmSchool 101 playlist on YouTube
(1h23m-2h20m) All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace part 2 (on Top Documentary Films dot com)
(2h20m-5h12m) Privacy: A PostMortem by Stephen Rambam (on YouTube)
(5h12m-6h) All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace part 3 (on Top Documentary Films dot com)
(6h-7h5m) Corbett Report #141 with Greg Nikolettos discussing the cybernetic consequences of our modern problems
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 009 , 022 , 027 , 037 , 041 , 042 , 043 , 044 , 046 , 048 , 049 , 051 , 059 , 061 , 063 , 064
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 064: The Scientific Racism of Eugenics and Social Darwinism
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Click here to download this episode, or use the download link at the bottom of the notes for this episode.
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
IMDB Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Facebook Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Twitter feed for Tragedy and Hope
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
UHL Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
FTL (for FreeTalkLive)
Reference Map to Episode 064:
(0m-3m) Rope , sample 2 from Alfred Hitchcock (on YouTube)
(3m-4m) BBC: Scientific Racism (on YouTube)
(4m-7m) Charles speaking on the Future of Food
(7m-10m) George H.W. Bush speaking at Monsanto (on YouTube)
*Post-production addition of “Vaccine and Pesticides” sample from hour 6 of this episode (see below)
(10m-13m) Rope , sample 2 from Alfred Hitchcock
(13m-15m) Genetic Roulette (Trailer)
(15m-18m) Monsanto & Indian Farmer Suicides (on YouTube)
(18m-21m) You Won’t Believe What You’re Eating (MOC 175) by Lee Camp
(21m-43m) Richard’s introductory monologue
IMDB Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Facebook Page for The Ultimate History Lesson
Twitter feed for Tragedy and Hope
Royal Society: People and the Planet published April 26, 2012
Aurelio Peccei @ The Club of Rome Website
Energy and Climate Wars by Peter C. Glover (excerpts from pages 153-161)
The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology by Lily Kay
Life as Technology by Lily Kay (MIT)
The Life and Work of Linus Pauling by Lily Kay
(43m-2h5m) The Real Dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms as “Food” by Jeffrey M. Smith at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference (on YouTube)
(2h5m-3h) Scientific Racism: The Eugenics of Social Darwinism by BBC (on YouTube)
(3h-4h) The Future of Food: What Every Person Should Know / Interview with Deborah Garcia, Filmmaker (on YouTube)
(4h-5h48m) The World According to Monsanto (on YouTube)
(5h48m-6h2m) The Molecular Vision of Life: Molecular Biology and Linus Pauling (on YouTube)
(6h2m-end) Eugenics, Fluoride, and Vaccines interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock produced by Infowars (on YouTube)
(6h34m) sample from PR 064 introduction montage “Vaccinations and Pesticides”
(6h36m) mention of “Molecular Vision of Life” by Lily Kay within the context of Eugenics
(6h41m) mention of Huxley and Brave New World Revisited
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 009 , 022 , 027 , 037 , 041 , 042 , 043 , 044 , 046 , 048 , 049 , 051 , 059 , 061 , 063
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 063: The Grand Design for World Government / The Collectivist Conspiracy
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
FTL (for FreeTalkLive)
The John Taylor Gatto Recovery Project (on )
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
Reference Map to Episode 063:
(0m-14m) The True Story of the Boston Tea Party by Thom Hartmann (on YouTube)
(14m-23m) Richard’s Monologue
History… So It Doesn’t Repeat episode 02: “A Noble Lie” (on YouTube)
“A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 ” (website)
John Taylor Gatto Recovery Briefing #2 (on YouTube)
John Taylor Gatto Recovery Project
A Retrospect of The Boston Tea-Party, with a memoir of George R. T. Hewes, a survivor of the little band of patriots who drowned the teach in Boston Harbor in 1773 (1834) pdf
(23m-1h38m) The Grand Design for World Government by G. Edward Griffin, 1968 (on YouTube)
(1h38m-2h52m) The Quigley Formula for World Government by G. Edward Griffin (on YouTube)
(2h52-4h20m) One World Government and Collectivism by G. Edward Griffin (on YouTube)
(4h20m-5h54m) The Collectivist Conspiracy by G. Edward Griffin, 2011 (on YouTube)
(5h54m-7h16m) What in the World are they Spraying? (on YouTube)
See Also: Why in the World are they Spraying?
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 040 , 043 , 046 , 049 , 051
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 062: The Philosophic Corruption of Reality / Evil Begins with Irrationality
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Click here to download this episode.
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
FTL (for FreeTalkLive)
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
Reference Map to Episode 062:
(0m-3m) The Solipsist – From the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Radio Series) by Douglas Adams (on YouTube)
(3m-8m) Sample from David Harriman’s Philosophic Corruption of Physics Lecture
(Reference) The Philosophic Corruption of Physics supplement pdf
(Interview) David Harriman’s interviews with Jan Irvin @ Gnostic Media
(Book) David Harriman’s “Falling Apple” Institute ( )
(Book) “The Logical Leap: Induction in Physics ” by David Harriman
(Interview) David Harriman interview on “The Logical Leap ” (on YouTube)
(8m-20m) Richard’s opening monologue
(20m-1h20m) Richard Grove interviewed by Jack Blood 08-09-12 discussing LIBOR, PSYWAR, the origins of MK Ultra, and the Philosophic Corruption of Reality which rules the world; as well as how to make that model obsolete.
(Book) Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins pdf , see: pages 206-208 (on Archive dot org)
(1h20-7h33m) The Philosophic Corruption of Physics (Lectures 1-5) by David Harriman
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 040 , 043 , 046 , 049 , 051
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 061: Cybernetics, Technocracy, and Agenda 21 / The Revolution is in between Your Ears
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Click here to download this episode (since podOmatic puts their link waaay at the bottom)
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
FTL (for FreeTalkLive)
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
Reference Map to Episode 061:
(minutes 0-2) Star Trek and Books (on YouTube)
(2m-9m) Agenda 21’s Public-Private Partnership Strategy by Joan Veon (on YouTube)
(9m-13m) Learned Helplessness (on YouTube)
(13m-20m) Richard’s opening monologue
(20m-1h) Technocracy by Patrick Wood (on YouTube)
(1h-2h) Corbett Report # 230 Social Engineering by James Corbett
(2h-3h20) Agenda 21 Explained , by John Anthony (on YouTube)
(3h20-4h) U.N. Earth Summit 1992: Making World Government A Reality by George Washington Hunt (on YouTube)
(Document) 1992 U.N.C.E.D. (Agenda 21) Documents from George Washington Hunt (on Scribd)
(Person) Maurice Strong (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Edmund de Rothschild (on Wikipedia)
(4h-4h-40) History of U.N. Disarmament and U.N. gun-ban treaty July 2012 by Bob Dacy and Alex Jones (on YouTube)
(4h40-5h) Samples from “The Net” cybernetics and psywar documentary (on YouTube)
(5h-6h20) Hour 1 of a 6-hour Cybernetics Tutorial and History by Professor Umpleby (on YouTube)
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 041 , 042 , 043 , 045 , 057 , 060
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 060: The Invisible Empire of The New World Order / You Can Hear It, If You Listen
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Click Here to Download this episode (since podOmatic puts the download link waaaaay at the bottom).
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
FTL (for FreeTalkLive)
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
Reference Map to Episode 060:
(minutes 0-2) Invisible Empire (Credits Montage)
(2m-13m) NewsRoom Opening Scene and Statement of Intent (on YouTube)
(13m-43m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
(Book) The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z by Harry Binswanger
(Resource) The Online Version of the Ayn Rand Lexicon
(Person) Paul Warburg (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Ron Chernow (on Wikipedia)
(Book) The Warburgs by Ron Chernow
(Article) Rockefeller and Rothschild Dynasties Join Forces (NY Times)
(Article) The Rothschild Empire Anoints and Heir (Bloomberg’s BusinessWeek)
(Article) RIT Capital buys stake in Corsair (Reuters)
(43m-1h7m) Technocracy and Education : Dr. James Tracy interviewed by James Corbett
(1h7m-3h16) Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
(3h16m-5h) Dr. James Perloff’s “Shadows of Power” Lecture
(5h-7h10m) The Rockefellers
(7h10m-7h13m) Invisible Empire (Credits Montage)
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 027 , 035 , 043 , 044 , 051 , 052 , 059 ,
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 059: The Cult of Scientific Management / How the Ruling Class Forms the Collective
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
Research Bonus Pack and Gatto Fundraiser Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
FTL (for FreeTalkLive)
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
Reference Map to Episode 059:
(minutes 0-6min) A TED Talk on Income Inequality by Nick Hanauer
(6m-8m) Samples from The New World Order and The World Order by Eustace Mullins
(8m-19m) Sample from “The Underground History of American Education ” by John Taylor Gatto (2001); Chapter 9 “The Cult of Scientific Management ”
(19m-27m ) Cody Hall on FTL
(27m-32m ) Cody Hall on School Sucks Live ! Episode 149e (Porcfest Micro-Series)
(32m-1h4m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(Book) The Ayn Rand Lexicon : Objectivism from A to Z edited by Harry Binswanger
(Definition) Self-Defense (See also: Draft ; Foreign Policy ; Government ; Individual Rights ; Life, Right to ; Pacifism ; Retaliatory Force ; War .)
(Definition) Kleptoparasitism (on Wikipedia)
(Reference) Intraspecific Kleptoparasites / Search: Rothschild (in the document)
(Document) U.S. Congressional Record 76th Congress August 19th – September 5th, 1940 by Hon. Jacob Thorkelson
(Person ) Jacob Thorkelson (on Wikipedia)
(Book) The Scientific Outlook (1931) by Bertrand Russell (pdf available on, 1954 edition )
(1h4m-2h) Corbett Report episode 234: How to Carve Up the World
(Event) The Sykes-Picot Agreement (on Wikipedia)
(2h-2h45m) The World Order by Eustace Mullins
(Reference) American International Corporation (Modern History Project)
(Related Articles)
• George Pratt Shultz: Profile of a Hit Man *
• Final Warning: A History of the New World Order *
• America's Secret Establishment **
• The World Order *******
• Wall Street and F.D.R. *******
• Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution **********
(2h45m-4h16m) The Cult of Scientific Management by John Taylor Gatto
(Person) Frederick Winslow Taylor (on Wikipedia)
(4h16m-5h21m) Corbett Report episode 232: AIG Exposed
(5h21m-5h54m ) The World Order by Eustace Mullins (different lecture, same topic)
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 002 , 008 , 018 , 021 , 032 , 043
Would You Like To Know More? Dig in to Peace Revolution's partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 058: The Mystery of Civil Obedience / How Your Free Will is the Tie that Binds
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
Research Bonus Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
Reference Map to Episode 058:
(minutes 0-4min) CNBC agrees we’re all slaves to International Bankers
(4min – 26min) Richard’s introductory monologue
(Book) The Ayn Rand Lexicon : Objectivism from A to Z edited by Harry Binswanger
(26m-50m) Who was Niccolo Machiavelli? by Murray N. Rothbard
(50m-1h10m) The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude by Etienne De La Boetie
(Person) Etienne de La Boetie on Wikipedia
(1h10m-3h30m) The Political thought of Etienne de La Boetie by Murray N. Rothbard
(Book) Obedience to Authority by Stanley Milgram
(3h30m-5h30m) C2C: Experiments of Stanley Milgram with George Noory and Thomas Blass
(Book) The Man Who Shocked The World: The Life And Legacy Of Stanley Milgram by Thomas Blass
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
Red Ice Creations
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community: Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on
Peace Revolution episode 057: How the Past Affects Our Future / Studying History… So It Doesn’t Repeat
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
Research Bonus Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes:
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
Reference Map to Episode 057:
(minutes 0-10min) Richard’s introductory monologue
(minutes 10-55) T&H Hosts Corbett Report Radio (week 2), featuring Tony Myers and Brett Veinotte / Topic: Hegel the Individual
Brett’s site:
Brett’s LIVE Show (Thurs. 10pm Eastern Time):
(minutes 55-1h52m) Infowars Nightly News: “The Government is Raping You ” an Interview with FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds conducted by Alex Jones (on YouTube)
(1h52m-4h51m) Mae Brussell 1979 / Chronology: How the Past Affects Our Future (on YouTube)
(4h51m-6h13m) School Sucks Podcast episode 143 : Logic Saves Lives part 1: Foundation, Attitudes, and Values featuring Wes Bertrand of the Complete Liberty Podcast
Wes Bertand (on Amazon): “The Philosophy of Liberty ” (2001)
References & Notes for Corbett Report Radio: Hegel the Individual
5 W’s
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Who)
German Philosopher (What and Where)
August 27, 1770 – November 14, 1831 (When)
“I believe that in the course of my own development as a philosopher, I have recapitulated and give expression to the “autobiography” of the Absolute.” (Why)
Historical Context
Timeline of released works:
The Phenomenology of Mind (1807)
The Science of Logic (1812)
Philosophy of Right (1821)
Logic: Part One -Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences(1830)
Philosophy of Nature: Part Two -Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences (1817)
Philosophy of Mind: Part Three -Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences (1830)
Lectures on the History of Philosophy (1833) – selections
The Philosophy of History: Introduction (1837)
Outlines of the Phenomenology (1840)
Outlines of the Logic(1840)
Hegel’s Influences
Friedrich Hölderlin
Idealization of Greeks – Poetry as rift between Religion and Reason
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Friedrich Schiller
French Revolution
Immanuel Kant
Critique of Pure Reason, Practical Reason, and Judgment
Critique of Pure Reason asked posited the questions:
How do we know what we know?
How is knowledge possible?
What can we know?
What can we never expect to know?
Kantian limits to reason and knowledge
Kant believed that he had demonstrated that we can only know the world as it appears to us, and is experienced by us – not as it is “in itself”. Kant had not only provided a foundation for knowledge, he had at the same time also set limits to it. – Source: Introduction Hegel by Lloyd Spencer and Andrzej Krauze
The Transcendent
Responses to Kant’s Critiques
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
All sought to rectify subjective vs. objective knowledge
Enlightenment vs. Post Enlightenment Thought
Kant attacked metaphysics and sought to create an inseparable barrier between Faith and Reason.
Schelling and Hegel are Lutherans that ascribed to “inner freedom”. And the French Revolution externalized that “inner freedom”.
German Idealism post Kant and the Enlightenment
Meaning of Idealism - The word "idealism" has more than one meaning. The philosophical meaning of idealism here is that the properties we discover in objects depend on the way that those objects appear to us as perceiving subjects, and not something they possess "in themselves," apart from our experience of them. The very notion of a "thing in itself " should be understood as an option of a set of functions for an operating mind, such that we consider something that appears without respect to the specific manner in which it appears. The question of what properties a thing might have "independently of the mind" is thus incoherent for Idealism[citation needed ][clarification needed ].
Central theme – the universe as a coherent whole and the role freedom plays in that conception
Differences in formulating an underlying principle to Kant’s work
Spinoza – Sought to show mind and matter as the same basic substance
Schelling – The absolute as a “neutral identity” that underlies both the subject and the object
Fichte – Philosophical system needs to be based on a single underlying principle – Absolute Subjectivity – i.e. All reality is a subjective (mind) whole
Hegel – The Phenomenology of Spirit
Absolute Idealism – “ Hegel . It is Hegel's account of how being is ultimately comprehensible as an all-inclusive whole. Hegel asserted that in order for the thinking subject (human reason or consciousness) to be able to know its object (the world) at all, there must be in some sense an identity of thought and being. Otherwise, the subject would never have access to the object and we would have no certainty about any of our knowledge of the world. To account for the differences between thought and being, however, as well as the richness and diversity of each, the unity of thought and being cannot be expressed as the abstract identity "A=A ". Absolute idealism is the attempt to demonstrate this unity using a new "speculative" philosophical method, which requires new concepts and rules of logic. According to Hegel, the absolute ground of being is essentially a dynamic, historical process of necessity that unfolds by itself in the form of increasingly complex forms of being and of consciousness, ultimately giving rise to all the diversity in the world and in the concepts with which we think and make sense of the world.
Master-slave dialectic - The passage describes, in narrative form, the development of self-consciousness as such in an encounter between what are thereby (i.e., emerging only from this encounter) two distinct, self-conscious beings; the essence of the dialectic is the movement or motion of recognizing, in which the two self-consciousnesses are constituted each in being recognized as self-conscious by the other. This movement, inexorably taken to its extreme, takes the form of a "struggle to the death" in which one masters the other, only to find that such lordship makes the very recognition he had sought impossible, since the bondsman, in this state, is not free to offer it.It is a story or myth created by Hegel in order to explain his idea of how self-consciousness dialectically sublates into what he variously refers to as Absolute Knowledge, Spirit, and Science. As a work the Phenomenology may be considered both as an independent work, apparently considered by Hegel to be an a priori for understanding the Science of Logic, and as a part of the Science of Logic, where absolute knowledge is explained.
History as Self-Realization – Patterns where the parts fit the whole, a fractal
A pattern of subjective awareness of the pattern towards freedom, both intrinsically and extrinsically.
The Hegelian Dialectic
Attempted to create a new system of logic that would supplant Aristotle’s deduction syllogism
Dialectical Thinking – Hegelian dialectic
The concept of dialectics was given new life by Hegel (following Fichte), whose dialectically dynamic model of nature and of history made it, as it were, a fundamental aspect of the nature of reality (instead of regarding the contradictions into which dialectics leads as a sign of the sterility of the dialectical method, as Kant tended to do in his Critique of Pure Reason).[26][27] In the mid-19th century, the concept of "dialectic" was appropriated by Marx (see, for example, Das Kapital, published in 1867) and Engels and retooled in a non-idealist manner, becoming a crucial notion in their philosophy of dialectical materialism. Thus this concept has played a prominent role on the world stage and in world history. In contemporary polemics, "dialectics" may also refer to an understanding of how we can or should perceive the world (epistemology); an assertion that the nature of the world outside one's perception is interconnected, contradictory, and dynamic (ontology); or it can refer to a method of presentation of ideas and conclusions (discourse).
According to Hegel, "dialectic" is the method by which human history unfolds; that is to say, history progresses as a dialectical process. Hegelian dialectic, usually presented in a threefold manner, was stated by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus as comprising three dialectical stages of development: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction, an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis, and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis. Although this model is often named after Hegel, he himself never used that specific formulation. Hegel ascribed that terminology to Kant.[28] Carrying on Kant's work, Fichte greatly elaborated on the synthesis model, and popularized it. On the other hand, Hegel did use a three-valued logical model that is very similar to the antithesis model, but Hegel's most usual terms were: Abstract-Negative-Concrete. Hegel used this writing model as a backbone to accompany his points in many of his works. The formula, Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis, does not explain why the Thesis requires an Antithesis. However, the formula, Abstract-Negative-Concrete, suggests a flaw in any initial thesis—it is too abstract and lacks the negative of trial, error and experience. For Hegel, the Concrete, the Synthesis, the Absolute, must always pass through the phase of the Negative, that is, Mediation. This is the actual essence of what is popularly called Hegelian Dialectics. To describe the activity of overcoming the negative, Hegel also often used the term Aufhebung, variously translated into English as "sublation" or "overcoming," to conceive of the working of the dialectic. Roughly, the term indicates preserving the useful portion of an idea, thing, society, etc., while moving beyond its limitations. (Jacques Derrida's preferred French translation of the term was relever).[29] In the Logic, for instance, Hegel describes a dialectic of existence: first, existence must be posited as pure Being (Sein); but pure Being, upon examination, is found to be indistinguishable from Nothing (Nichts). When it is realized that what is coming into being is, at the same time, also returning to nothing (in life, for example, one's living is also a dying), both Being and Nothing are united as Becoming.[30] As in the Socratic dialectic, Hegel claimed to proceed by making implicit contradictions explicit: each stage of the process is the product of contradictions inherent or implicit in the preceding stage.
For Hegel, the whole of history is one tremendous dialectic, major stages of which chart a progression from self-alienation as slavery to self-unification and realization as the rational, constitutional state of free and equal citizens. The Hegelian dialectic cannot be mechanically applied for any chosen thesis. Critics argue that the selection of any antithesis, other than the logical negation of the thesis, is subjective. Then, if the logical negation is used as the antithesis, there is no rigorous way to derive a synthesis. In practice, when an antithesis is selected to suit the user's subjective purpose, the resulting "contradictions" are rhetorical, not logical, and the resulting synthesis is not rigorously defensible against a multitude of other possible syntheses. The problem with the Fichtean "Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis" model is that it implies that contradictions or negations come from outside of things. Hegel's point is that they are inherent in and internal to things. This conception of dialectics derives ultimately from Heraclitus.Hegel has outlined that the purpose of dialectics is "to study things in their own being and movement and thus to demonstrate the finitude of the partial categories of understanding"[31]
Sublation – Aristotle’s law of identity, particular self-identities in deductive patterns – Hegel sought to dissolve the static view in favor of a movement towards the whole
The whole is fractal in nature; i.e. it preserves what it overcomes. Therefore, it preserves contradictions as a movement towards a synthesis.
Quantum Theory, Postmodern Cosmology, Chaos Theory, Computer Interfacing, and Ecology, as well as Cybernetics, ascribe to parts fitting into a whole.
Sublation is the term that signifies the contradiction of overcoming and at the same time preserving that which it overcomes.
Negation - Hegel calls this dynamic aspect of his thinking the power of "negation". It is by means of this "negativity" of thought that the static (or habitual) becomes discarded or dissolved, made fluid and adaptable, and recovers its eagerness to push on towards "the whole". Source: Introduction Hegel by Lloyd Spencer and Andrzej Krauze
Dialectical thinking derives its dynamic of negation from its ability to reveal "contradictions" within almost any category or identity.
Hegel's "contradiction" does not simply mean a mechanical denial or opposition. Indeed, he challenges the classical notion of static self-identity, A = A, or A not= non-A.
By negation or contradiction, Hegel means a wide variety of relations difference, opposition, reflection or relation. It can indicate the mere insufficiency of a category or its incoherence. Most dramatically, categories are sometimes shown to be self-contradictory.
Three Kinds of Contradiction
Being – Nothing / Quantity – Quality
Essence – Inner and Outer, Intrinsic and Extrinsic, Implicit and Explicit
Concept – Particularity and Universality, out of which, abstractly, we see the opposed principles produces a synthesis called Individuality
Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis
Thesis – A thought affirmed which on reflection proves itself unsatisfactory, incomplete or contradictory…
Antithesis – Which propels the affirmation of its negation, the anti-thesis, which also on reflection proves inadequate…
Synthesis – and so is again negated
Kant’s Dialectic vs. Hegel’s Dialectic
Kant’s dialectic logic of transcendent noumena “things in themselves”, which operates independently of experience
Hegel’s view contrary to Kant’s transcendent is that of reality as a totality which gives true knowledge
Absolute Knowledge - Knowing, for Hegel, is something you do. It is an act. But it is also presence of mind. Hegel seems to hold out the vision, even the experience, of thinking as self-presence. Of being present to, or with, oneself of being fully self-possessed, self-aware. Of self-consciousness as a huge cosmic accomplishment. Source: Introduction Hegel by Lloyd Spencer and Andrzej Krauze
Reading Hegel gives one a sense that the movement of thought will coincide with a vision of harmony that awaits us at the end of the whole process. Every serious reader of Hegel can bear witness to the intoxication of such moments.
Absolute Knowledge, in the form of the complete self-consciousness and self-possession of spirit, is only available at the end-point of the think process. But there is no distinction possible between the driving energy of thought and this sense of harmony and fulfilment in the whole. It is ultimately the universal which has the upper hand. As Hegel's Logic puts it ...
Everything depends on the "identity of identity and non-identity".
In philosophy, the latest birth of time is the result of all the systems that have preceded it, and must include their principles: and so, if, on other grounds, it deserves the title of philosophy, it will be the fullest, most comprehensive, and most adequate system of all.
Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline
Philosophy of Nature
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Right
Moral Subjectivism
Lectures on the Philosophy of World History
Lectures on Aesthetics (or the Philosophy of Art)
Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion
Lectures on the History of Philosophy
According to Hegel, the will is essentially free. This distinguishes us from the animals: having purposes and striving deliberately to achieve them. To possess a will means wanting to be free and therefore, to some extene, already being so, But only abstractly. The realization of freedom – its becoming actual – is as much social as personal. Source: Introduction Hegel by Lloyd Spencer and Andrzej Krauze
The Philosophy of History - Source: Introduction Hegel by Lloyd Spencer and Andrzej Krauze
History as showing a pattern, the logic conveys an idea, and that idea for Hegel is freedom.
“So progress in the unfolding of spirit toward freedom is progress in liberation from subjection to nature”. - Hegel
The unfolding of spirit, or freedom, in stages.
The Three Stages of Freedom - Source: Introduction Hegel by Lloyd Spencer and Andrzej Krauze
Stage One – the ancient Orient – only one (the ruler) is free.
Stage Two – classical Antiquity – some (but not slaves) are free.
Stage Three – the Christian-Germanic epoch – begins with the realization that all should be free, or, as Hegel puts it, that “man as man is free.”
Arriving at the French Revolution and the Enlightenment (Illuminati?)
Philosophies Post Hegel
Marxism – Property is not something natural for Hegel, but founded on convention. This outlined Marx’s justifications for the inequitable distribution of wealth.
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 056: Prussian Dreams and American Nightmares / How Power Corrupts, Internationally.
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*These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
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Reference Map to Episode 056:
(minutes 0-12) The History of Writing Tools, from The Story of Civilization , Book 1, Chapter 40, by Will Durant
Will Durant (on Wikipedia)
The Story of Civilization (on Wikipedia)
(minutes 12-19) Richard’s introductory monologue
(minutes 19-1hour) T&H Hosts Corbett Report Radio with Special Guest: Brett Veinotte
Brett's sites: and
School Sucks Live Show (10pm EST on Thursdays)
(1hour-3h23m) The American Way, Part 3 of 3, School Sucks Podcast #136
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 055: Only Wisdom is Freedom / Why Tyranny Needs Your Ignorance to Exist
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*These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
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The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
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(minutes 0-5) Ribu Nidaga from The Story of Civilization, Book 1, Chapter 28, by Will Durant
(minutes 5-13) Nyanya Sutra from The Story of Civilization, Book 1, Chapter 30, by Will Durant
Will Durant (on Wikipedia)
The Story of Civilization (on Wikipedia)
(minutes 13-28) Richard’s introductory monologue
The Sermon on Abuse by Buddha
Huxley’s Letter to Orwell, Oct. 21, 1949
(minutes 28-46) James Corbett interviews Jon Rappoport on “The Matrix: Revealed”
(minutes 46-2h57m) The American Way (Expanded) part 2 “Pyromania” by Brett Veinotte
(2h57-3h41m) The Ultimate Revolution by Aldous Huxley (1961) @ U.C. Berkeley
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 054: The Law of Personal Liberty / Outgrowing Slavery, Oppression, and Legal Plunder
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*These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
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The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
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(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
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(minutes 0-2) Dr. Ron Paul commenting on Lysander Spooner’s philosophy of freedom (on YouTube)
(minutes 2-3) The Pledge of Allegiance to Corporate America (on YouTube)
(minutes 3-9) Doug Stanhope “Liberty (re)Defined” (on YouTube)
(minutes 9-12) Richard’s introductory monologue
(minutes 12-End) The Law by Frederic Bastiat (1850)
(audio) The Law
Frederic Bastiat (on Wikipedia)
(pdf) The Law
The Law (on Amazon)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 053: Philosophy Beyond Doctrine / The Constitution of No Authority
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Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
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The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
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(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
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(minutes 0-11) The Trial: Film, Literature, and the New World Order by James Corbett
The Trial by Franz Kafka (on Wikipedia)
(minutes 11-40) R.G.’s introduction monologue
(minutes 40-2h30m) No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner
Lysander Spooner (on Wikipedia)
The Lysander Spooner Reader (on Amazon)
(minutes 2h30-4h30) Philosophy Beyond Doctrine by Manly Palmer Hall
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
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Peace Revolution episode 052: The Art of Observation and the Law of Identity
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Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)*
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)*
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
*These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com (the film, notes, references, transcript, etc.)
Research Bonus Pack (fundraiser for media partners and JTG)
Partner Coupon Codes:
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
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(minutes 0-10) Jada Williams and Frederick Douglass
Jada connects Frederick Douglass narrative to Today’s Education System
21st Century Abolitionists: Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York
(minutes 10-21) Gnostic Media’s Documentary Project: The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms
(minutes 21-33) Lysander Spooner (on Wikipedia)
No Treason: A Constitution of No Authority (on in mp3)
Minutes sampled: 1h31 – 1h41 (Rothschild Banking Family, Blood Money, Slavery, and funding both sides of the Civil War)
The Lysander Spooner Reader (on
(minutes 33-58) Leonard Peikoff: Introduction to Logic / T&H discussion Group
(minutes 58-1h19m ) The Keys to Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem / Richard Grove and Meria Heller
(minutes 1h19m-end) Gnostic Media podcast 049 : THE TRIVIUM / an interview with Gene Odening
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 051: Truth is the Enemy of the State / The Irony of Secrecy
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
March’s Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
i. If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
ii. What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
Lew Rockwell discussing The Ultimate History Lesson with Mark Carbonaro (of radio station KION in Monterey, CA)
10. Peg Luksik “Who Controls our Children? How Public Schools Dumb Down Students ” 1992
NEA: A Trojan Horse in American Education by Samuel Blumenfeld (1984)
11. Corbett Report Radio 096: In the Labyrinth of the Psychopath with Thomas Sheridan
12. School Sucks Podcast 130: Logic Saves Lives / Empowerment and Intellectual Self-Defense with Richard Grove and Tony Myers
13. Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
“Trivium ” menu at the top of Tragedy and Hope dot com
14. Definition of existence (or reality ): Reality/Existence is every substance, action, relationship, and attribute which is, was, or ever will be.
This sentence describes the ENTIRETY of language, inclusive of Aristotle’s Ten Categories of Being (relates to proofs of that which exists, i.e “reality”).
Now re-read the sentence, replacing the words with the Grammar equivalents:
“Reality/Existence is every noun, verb, adjective/adverb, and prepositonal phrase/conjunction that is, was, or ever will be.”
15. Definition of compulsory : Depending on or produced by compulsion; compelled, forced, enforced, obligatory. In special collocations, as compulsory education. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
16. Definition of volition : An act of willing or resolving; a decision or choice made after due consideration or deliberation; a resolution or determination. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
17. Definition of irrationality : The quality of being devoid of reason. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
18. Definition of sophism : A specious but fallacious argument, either used deliberately in order to deceive or mislead, or employed as a means of displaying ingenuity in reasoning. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
19. Definition of solipsism : The view or theory that self is the only object of real knowledge or the only thing really existent. Also, = egoism 1, and in weakened sense. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
20. Definition of fallacy : Deception, guile, trickery; a deception, trick; a false statement, a lie. Deceitfulness (obs.). b.2.b Deceptiveness, aptness to mislead, unreliability. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
Latin: Fallax, n. “deception”; and Fallere, v. “to deceive”
Summary: Fallacies are errors in logical thinking, which you should refrain from integrating into your own mindset; when integrated, fallacies dissolve your freedom.
Fallacy (on Wikipedia)
21. Definition of belief : The mental action, condition, or habit, of trusting to or confiding in a person or thing; trust, dependence, reliance, confidence, faith. Const. in (to, of obs.) a person. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
22. Definition of occult : Hidden (from sight); concealed (by something interposed); not exposed to view. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
How to Free Your Mind: The Occulted Keys of Wisdom
23. Definition of education : Education: to bring out, to extract, to produce from a state of occultation (Johnson’s Dictionary, 1854); from the Latin verb educo , to lead or draw out.
To un-occult information
24. The Trivium (on Wikipedia)
Grammar (or Knowledge), as your input
Logic (or Understanding), the process of thinking to remove contradictions
Rhetoric (or Wisdom), as the output
25. The Ultimate History Lesson dot com
Purchase the film (Coupon Code: SCHOOLSUCKS)
Read the Transcript and Investigate the References
Listen to the 16+ hour version with Commentary and Analysis
i. Peace Revolution episodes 041-045
26. Charles Darwin and his marriage into the Wedgewood Pottery fortune
27. Definition of Religion : 3a. Action or conduct indicating a belief in, reverence for, and desire to please, a divine ruling power; the exercise or practice of rites or observances implying this. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
Latin: religare (to bind or tie-back), the opposite of liberty
Argumentum ad Ignorantium : appeal to ignorance fallacy
Appeal to authority fallacy
Appeal to tradition fallacy
Appeal to popularity fallacy
28. Listing of Logical Fallacies (under the top menu “Trivium” entry)
29. Ad baculum fallacy : (Latin for argument to the cudgel or appeal to the stick ), also known as appeal to force , is an argument where force , coercion , or the threat of force , is given as a justification for a conclusion . It is a specific case of the negative form of an argument to the consequences .
30. Deepest Secrets of Secret Societies
Read and listen to: “How to Free Your Mind: The Occulted Keys of Wisdom ”
Albert Pike page 861 of Morals and Dogma
i. 3-4-5 Pythagorean Triangle
ii. 3 = The Trivium
iii. 4 = The Quadrivium
iv. 5 = Your 5-Senses
31. Fallacy of the Neglected Aspect(s): to present evidence in support of one side of an issue to the exclusion of relevant evidence to the contrary. The withholding of evidence hostile to the conclusion at hand may be malicious and intentional or due to unawareness.
32. Definition of chanting : The action of the verb chant; singing, musical recitation, etc. (In early usage, also: Incantation, enchantment.) (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
33. Definition of psittacism : The mechanical repetition of previously received ideas or images that reflects neither true reasoning nor feeling; repetition of words or phrases parrot-fashion, without reflection, automatically. Hence ˈpsittacist; psittaˈcistically adv. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
Latin: psitta = parrot
34. Gatto: Daughters of the Barons of Runnemede (Chapter 12 )
The Underground History of American Education
35. Antony Sutton: America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to Skull and Bones
36. Charlotte Iserbyt: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
37. The Brain Model Organizational Software @ Tragedy and Hope
The “Brain” tab on the top menu of Tragedy and Hope dot com
This model contains thousands of connections between major topics, personalities, and events in modern history; trailing the origins of cause-and-effect back for thousands of years.
38. Free State Project
39. Larken Rose: The Most Dangerous Superstition (a must-read)
40. Herbert Spencer (on Wikipedia)
“survival of the fittest” concept
41. Social Darwinism (on Wikipedia)
42. Eugenics (on Wikipedia)
43. Beatrice Webb (on Wikipedia)
44. Sun Tzu (on Wikipedia)
45. Machiavelli (on Wikipedia)
46. Von Clausewitz (on Wikipedia)
47. American History Association (on Wikipedia)
48. Fabius Maximus (on Wikipedia)
49. Fabian Socialism (on Wikipedia)
Logo = Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Fabian Stained Glass Window (shaping the world in their image)
Brain Model : connections between Fabian Socialism and the Rothschild Banking Empire
50. Definition of predator : An animal that preys upon another. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
51. Edward R. Pease: “ History of the Fabian Society ”
52. Justified Sinning: the belief without evidence, of illusions, and portraying fiction as fact; as a function of some underlying irrationality (i.e. authority has given them permission to rule over others and violate volition)
53. “Babylonian Woe ” by David Astle
54. “The Republic” by Plato (on Wikipedia)
Caste structure
55. “Sic Itur Ad Astra ” by Dr. Andrew Galambos
Volitional Science Lectures
56. Fallacy of Argument from Authority (on Wikipedia)
Ad Verecundiam
57. Immanuel Kant (on Wikipedia)
Solipsism: The view or theory that self is the only object of real knowledge or the only thing really existent. Also, = egoism 1, and in weakened sense.
b. Using logic and reason to “refute” logic and reason
58. The Fallacy of the Stolen Concept : The “stolen concept” fallacy, first identified by Ayn Rand, is the fallacy of using a concept while denying the validity of its genetic roots, i.e., of an earlier concept(s) on which it logically depends.
59. Argument (on Wikipedia)
Declarative sentence
Clear Terms
True Premises
Valid Argument
60. Collectivism: The sacrifice of the individual rights as the function of powering the State.
61. Definition of democide : death by government
62. Definition of dialectic (logic): the process of asking substantial questions and finding valid answers which eliminates contradiction and ascertains identity, also known as “thinking”, this is the use of ratios to compare and contrast which creates rational and reasonable clarity in the mind.
When Gatto says he “argues with himself about what he believes”, this is what he’s doing.
63. “Against Schooling ” by John Taylor Gatto, published by Harpers Magazine
64. “On Sophistical Refutations ” by Aristotle
Contains the list of errors in thinking, a.k.a. “fallacies”
Contains the gist of intellectual self-defense in terms of fallacies
65. Colin Powell’s speech to the United Nations, genesis of the 2nd invasion of Iraq in 2003
Full-text of Powell’s fallacy-ridden speech in The Guardian (London News)
Powell’s infamous speech (on YouTube)
66. Socrates (on Wikipedia)
67. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (on Wikipedia)
68. Definition of conspiracy : The action of conspiring; combination of persons for an evil or unlawful purpose. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
69. Definition of “Conspiracy Theory” : “Additions 1997 Add: 4.4 Special Combs. conspiracy theory, the theory that an event or phenomenon occurs as a result of a conspiracy between interested parties; spec. a belief that some covert but influential agency (typically political in motivation and oppressive in intent) is responsible for an unexplained event; so conspiracy theorist. “ (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
70. Definition of Psittacism : The mechanical repetition of previously received ideas or images that reflects neither true reasoning nor feeling; repetition of words or phrases parrot-fashion, without reflection, automatically. (source: The Oxford English Dictionary)
71. The Mathematical Theory of Communication by Claude Shannon (on Wikipedia)
72. Autodidactic (on Wikipedia)
73. Didactic (on Wikipedia)
74. Thinking = non-contradictory identification = Logic
The process of which is also Reason by way of Rationality (compare and contrast ratios)
75. Appeal to Laughter/Ridicule fallacy (on Wikipedia)
76. Definition of diffidence: Want of confidence or faith; mistrust, distrust, misgiving, doubt. (source: Oxford English Dictionary); opposite of confidence
77. Fallacy of Argument from Authority (on Wikipedia)
Ad Verecundiam
78. Religare: to tie back, to bind, to prevent from growing
79. Amptssprache fallacy
Fallacy of Authority
Eichmann @ Nuremberg, “only following orders” defense
Milgram Experiment (on Wikipedia)
Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment (on Wikipedia)
“Just doing my job” fallacy
80. Definition of naïve: Natural, unaffected, simple, artless. (source: Oxford English Dictionary)
81. Would you like to Know More?
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Trivium (tab on top menu)
How to Free Your Mind
List of Fallacies
The Brain (tab on top menu)
Critical Thinking Taken out of Public Schooling
The Rothschild Banking Empire
Pop-Up Fallacies dot com
i. Obama 9 fallacies per minute
Jan Irvin’s Gnostic Media podcast episodes investigating the Fallacies with Dr. Michael LaBossiere
82. Corbett Report Interview 475: Curing Statism with Stefan Molyneux
83. FreeDomainRadio 669: Dr. No – Friend or Foe by Stefan Molyneux
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 050: How to End Slavery in the 21st Century (and Beyond)
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
February’s Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
i. If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
ii. What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
10. The Snake or the Rope? Courtesy of the Teaching Company Lectures on Freedom
11. Swaraj (on Wikipedia)
Swaraj can mean generally self-governance or "self-rule", and was used synonymously with "home-rule" by Gandhi[1] (Hindi : swa- "self", raj "rule") but the word usually refers to Gandhi's concept for Indian independence from foreign domination.[2] Swaraj lays stress on governance not by a hierarchical government, but self governance through individuals and community building . The focus is on political decentralization .[3] Since this is against the political and social systems followed by Britain , Gandhi's concept of Swaraj laid stress on India discarding British political, economic, bureaucratic, legal, military, and educational institutions.[4]
12. Self-Governance (on Wikipedia)
Self-governance is an abstract concept that refers to several scales of organization .
It may refer to personal conduct or family units but more commonly refers to larger scale activities, i.e., professions , industry bodies, religions and political units (usually referred to as Local Government), up to and including autonomous regions and aboriginal peoples (or others within nation-states who enjoy some sovereign rights ). It falls within the larger context of governance and principles such as consent of the governed , and may involve non-profit organizations and corporate governance .
It can be used to describe a people or group being able to exercise all of the necessary functions of power without intervention from any authority which they cannot themselves alter. Self rule is associated then in contexts where there is the end of colonial rule, absolute government or monarchy , as well as demands for autonomy by religious, ethnic or geographic regions which perceive themselves as being unrepresented or underrepresented in a national government. It is therefore a fundamental tenet of republican government and democracy as well as nationalism . Gandhi 's term "swaraj " (see also "satygraha ") is a branch of this self rule ideology. Another major proponent of self-rule when a government's actions are immoral is Thoreau .
Generally when self-governance of nation-states is discussed, it is called national sovereignty - a concept important in international law .
13. Who is Frederick Douglass?
Frederick Douglass (on Wikipedia)
Frederick Douglass (Library of Congress Archives)
14. George Santayana and the mis-attributed phrase
15. The Ultimate History Lesson on “The Power Hour” radio show on GCN Network
16. Jan Irvin’s interviews with Larken Rose on Gnostic Media dot com
Larken Rose interview, pt. 3 – “Government – The Fallacy of Ad Verecundiam, pt. 2 ” – #137
17. “The Most Dangerous Superstition” @
See also: “The Iron Web” by Larken Rose
18. Corbett Report Episode 218 – The Philosophy of Liberty: The Magna Carta
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 049: The Fallacy of Authority / The Most Dangerous Superstition
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
Jan Irvin’s interviews with Larken Rose on The Gnostic Media Podcast
“The Most Dangerous Superstition” @
See also: “The Iron Web” by Larken Rose
Solipsism (on Wikipedia)
Metaphysical solipsism is the variety of idealism which is based on the argument that no reality exists other than one's own mind or mental states, and that the individual mind is the whole of reality and the external world has no independent existence. It is expressed by the assertion "I myself only exist", in other words, no reality exists other than one's own mind.
Lyrics for “No Shelter” by Rage Against the Machine
The main attraction: distraction
Got you number than number than numb
Empty your pockets, son
They got you thinkin' that
What you need is what they sellin'
Make you think that buyin' is rebellin'
From the theaters to malls on every shore
The thin line between entertainment and war
The frontline is everywhere, there be no shelter here
Spielberg, the nightmare works, so push it far
Amistad was a whip, the truth feathered and tarred
Memory erased and burned and scarred
Trade in your history for a VCR
Cinema, simulated life, ill drama
Fourth Reich culture: Americana
Chained to the dream they got you searchin' for
The thin line between entertainment and war
There be no shelter here
The frontline is everywhere
There be no shelter here
The frontline is everywhere
There be no shelter here
The frontline is everywhere
There be no shelter here
The frontline is everywhere
Hospitals not profitful
The market bulls got pockets full
To advertise some hip disguise
View the world from American eyes
The poor adore keep fiendin' for more
The thin line between entertainment and war
Fix the need, develop the taste
Buy their products or get laid to waste
Coca-Cola was back in the veins of Saigon
And Rambo too, he's got a dope pair of Nikes on
And Godzilla, pure motherfuckin' filler
Get your eyes off the real killer
Cinema, simulated life, ill drama
Fourth Reich culture: Americana
Chained to the dream they got you searchin' for
The thin line between entertainment and war
There be no shelter here
The frontline is everywhere
There be no shelter here
The frontline is everywhere
There be no shelter here
The frontline is everywhere
There be no shelter here
The frontline is everywhere
American eyes, American eyes
View the world from American eyes
Bury the past, rob us blind
And leave nothin' behind
American eyes, American eyes
View the world from American eyes
Bury the past, rob us blind
And leave nothin' behind
Just stare
Just stare
Just stare
Just stare
Relive the nightmare
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
These 2 podcasts amount to 250+ hours of commercial-free educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious curriculum.
Change your default settings from Google to Start Page !
Start Page Search Firefox Add-On
The Ultimate History Lesson dot com
The Ultimate History Lesson Official Playlist (on YouTube)
The Ultimate History Lesson (Torrents)
(Video) The Ultimate History Lesson (5+ hours / 1080p HD mp4)
(Audio) The Ultimate History Lesson + Commentary (16+ hours / mp3)
If you’re interested in downloading the torrent versions, please send an email to: with the word “torrent” in the subject line.
What is a Torrent? (on Wikipedia)
uTorrent (software to create and download torrent files)
TRANSCRIPT for Episode 048: The Philosophy of Life
Russell Means (on Wikipedia)
“American Economic Collapse Imminent ” interview with Alex Jones (on YouTube)
“Welcome to the Reservation ” produced by Alex Jones & the Infowars Team
“TSA Greatest Liars on Earth ” an editorial comment by Alex Jones & the Infowars Team
“What means the number, 451?” from Fahrenheit 451, a 1966 film based on the book of the same name , by Ray Bradbury in 1953.
Banning Fahrenheit 451: Why You Should Read It ( on YouTube)
“Beyond SOPA: The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship ” by James Corbett
ACTA: Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Act (on YouTube)
Vaccinations for Depopulation: Bill Gates and Sanjay Gupta (on YouTube)
Dr. Richard Stallman interviewed by Alex Jones courtesy of
Dr. Richard Stallman (on Wikipedia)
Examples of how artists use the internet to spread their message:
Free Talk Live with Ian Freeman, courtesy of Cody Hall
The Tiny Dot: Larken Rose interviewed on Corbett Report Radio #55
“Atlas Shrugged ” by Ayn Rand (on Wikipedia)
“This is John Galt Speaking ” (on YouTube)
Note: Galt is speaking to the plunderers, not the producers; to the irrational, not the rational. He is chastizing those who value illusions, and appealing to others who use reason.
Note: Rand is less than comprehensively accurate in her description, as she succumbs to the fallacy of authority; which is indeed, a slippery slope. That being read, there is a great deal of useful information to be comprehended, removing contradictions as they are encountered; through which we are all empowered.
“If You were King ” by Larken Rose (on YouTube)
“The Most Dangerous Superstition” @
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Tragedy and Hope dot com (commercial-free educational media)
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
You can USE THE BACKUP STREAM when podOmatic indicates this podcast is “over-bandwidth”.
Francisco D’Anconia’s money speech from Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”
Alex Jones “The NDAA is a Hoax, You Can’t Legalize Tyranny ” /
“They Thought They Were Free” by Milton Mayer, read by Dave Emory
See also: the She Who Remembers Archives @ Gnostic Media (bottom of page)
“The Spirit of 43” Pay Your Income Tax / 1943 Disney Propaganda (on YouTube)
The single-most effective means to convince hard-working Americans to fund their own wage slavery.
“The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (Volume One)” by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
The Gulag Archipelago is Solzhenitsyn’s attempt to compile a literary-historical record of the vast system of prisons and labor camps that came into being shortly after the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia in 1917 and that underwent an enormous expansion during the rule of Stalin from 1924 to 1953. Various sections of the three volumes describe the arrest, interrogation, conviction, transportation, and imprisonment of the Gulag’s victims by Soviet authorities over four decades. The work mingles historical exposition and Solzhenitsyn’s own autobiographical accounts with the voluminous personal testimony of other inmates that he collected and committed to memory during his imprisonment. Upon publication of the first volume of The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn was immediately attacked in the Soviet press. Despite the intense interest in his fate that was shown in the West, he was arrested and charged with treason on February 12, 1974, and was exiled from the Soviet Union the following day.
“Proof (that) Obama will NOT Veto the NDAA 1031 Bill that can Indefinitely Detain U.S. Citizens ” (on YouTube)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
Log in page for the Tragedy and Hope online community
Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2012)
Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2012)
Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace Revolution)
Use the backup stream if the podOmatic bandwidth has been exceeded.
Tombstone (on Youtube)
“Bianca you animal, shut up!” (end of lecture) by John Taylor Gatto
The Utimate History Lesson dot com
“Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit” by Henry Ward Beecher 1877 (on Google Books)
“Who is John Galt ” entire speech from Atlas Shrugged
Mark Passio, What On Earth Is Happening, podcast # 89
Mark Passio, What On Earth is Happening, podcast # 84 with Larken Rose
Larken Rose dot com
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
“The Philosophic Corruption of Reality ” outline presented on The Meria Heller Show
“Liberty or Death ” speech written by Patrick Henry, 1775
St. John’s Church , Richmond, Virginia (National Landmark)
Solipsism : Solipsism ( / ˈ s ɒ l ɨ p s ɪ z əm / ) is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind , alone, is sure to exist. The term comes from Latin solus (alone) and ipse (self). Solipsism as an epistemological position holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure. The external world and other minds cannot be known, and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. Although the number of individuals sincerely espousing solipsism has been small, it is not uncommon for one philosopher to accuse another's arguments of entailing solipsism as an unwanted consequence, in a kind of reductio ad absurdum . In the history of philosophy, solipsism has also served as a skeptical hypothesis .
Reason : Reason is a term that refers to the capacity human beings have to make sense of things, to establish and verify facts , and to change or justify practices, institutions, and beliefs.[1] It is closely associated with such characteristically human activities as philosophy , science , language , mathematics , and art , and is normally considered to be a definitive characteristic of human nature .[2] The concept of reason is sometimes referred to as rationality and sometimes as discursive reason , in opposition to "intuitive reason ".[3]
Reason or "reasoning" is associated with thinking , cognition , and intellect . Reason, like habit or intuition, is one of the ways by which thinking comes from one idea to a related idea. For example, it is the means by which rational beings understand themselves to think about cause and effect , truth and falsehood , and what is good or bad .
In contrast to reason as an abstract noun , a reason is a consideration which explains or justifies some event, phenomenon or behaviour.[4] The ways in which human beings reason through argument are the subject of inquiries in the field of logic .
Reason is closely identified with the ability to self-consciously change beliefs , attitudes , traditions , and institutions , and therefore with the capacity for freedom and self-determination .[5]
Fallacies : In logic and rhetoric , a fallacy is usually an improper argumentation in reasoning resulting in a misconception or presumption. By accident or design, fallacies may exploit emotional triggers in the listener or interlocutor (appeal to emotion ), or take advantage of social relationships between people (e.g. argument from authority ). Fallacious arguments are often structured using rhetorical patterns that obscure any logical argument.
Fallacies can be used to win arguments regardless of the merits. Among such devices, discussed in more detail below, are: "ignoring the question" to divert argument to unrelated issues using a red herring, making the argument personal (argumentum ad hominem ) and discrediting the opposition's character, "begging the question" (petito principi ), the use of the non-sequitor, false cause and effect (post hoc ergo propter hoc ), bandwagoning (everyone says so), the "false dilemma" or "either-or fallacy" in which the situation is oversimplified, "card-stacking" or selective use of facts, and "false analogy". Another favorite device is the "false generalization", an abstraction of the argument that shifts discussion to platitudes where the facts of the matter are lost. There are many, many more tricks to divert attention from careful exploration of a subject.[1]
Fallacies can generally be classified as informal (premises fail to support the proposed conclusion, but the argument is structured properly) or formal (logical structure is flawed).
List of Fallacies and Intellectual Self-Defense (on Scribd)
Gene Odening interview #4 on the Gnostic Media Podcast
Trivium Interviews with Gene Odening:
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) a journey into the dark heart of public schooling, revealing how America became incoherent, one student at a time.
Navigating Netflix (2011) our video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 045: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto / Hour 5 + Commentary
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Notes, Links, and References for further study:
David Norman Dinkins (Wikipedia)(106th Mayor of New York City , 1990 – 1993)
Ed Koch (Wikipedia) (105th Mayor of New York City , 1978 – 1989)
Alfred North Whitehead (Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Aims of Education and Other Essays” by Alfred North Whitehead (1929)
Hubert’s Dime Museum & Flea Circus
Flea Circus (Wikipedia) Fleas aren’t “trained”, they are categorized, restrained, and put to work; just as students are in schools.
Wilhelm Wundt (Wikipedia)
Machiavellian techniques (Wikipedia)
Roman Collegia (Wikipedia)
John Calvin + Theocratic State (Washington State University archive)
Theocracy (Wikipedia)
Capital (Wikipedia)
Overproduction (Wikipedia)
Hyperdemocracy (Wikipedia)
Hour 5 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 1-15:
Carl von Clausewitz (Wikipedia)
(Book) “On War” by Carl von Clausewitz (1832) (page 490)
Battle of Jena (Wikipedia)
Roman Collegia (Wikipedia)
Mark Antony (Wikipedia)
Niccolò Machiavelli (Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Discourses” by Epictetus, Translated by W.A. Oldfather (108 AD)
(Book) “The Prince” by Niccolò Machiavelli, Translated by N. H. Thomson (1532)
(Book) “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu (4-3 Century BC)
Qaballah (Wikipedia)
Tree of Life ( – Qabala information website)
(Book) “Qaballah: The Mystical Heritage of the Children of Abraham” by Daniel Feldman
Trivium (Wikipedia)
Quadrivium (Wikipedia)
Mudsill Theory (Wikipedia)
(Video) “The Lightbulb Conspiracy”
Brutus (Wikipedia)
Julius Caesar (Wikipedia)
(Congressional Record; Scribd) U. S. Congressional Record Proceedings and Debates “Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife – Part I" Honorable Jacob Thorkelson (Montana) Monday August 19, 1940
Jacob Thorkelson (Wikipedia)
Andrew Carnegie October 14, 1904 “Drifting Together Will the United States and Canada Unite?”
Intelligensia BF Trantowsky
(Book) “Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith” by James H. Billington (1980)
James H. Billington (Wikipedia)
André-Marie Ampère (Wikipedia)
The Pilgrims Society (Wikipedia)
Albion (Wikipedia)
(Book) “War and Education” by Porter Sargent (1943)
(Book) “Getting Us Into War” by Porter Sargent (1941)
Lord Lothain
(Book) “The Anglo-American Establishment” by Carroll Quigley (1949) (Introductory chapter; overview of the Round Table groups)
Cecil Rhodes Roundtable (Wikipedia) / Milner Kindergarten (Wikipedia)
(Book) “Sociology of the Elites” Mosca Pareto
(Book) “The Ruling Class”
Gaetano Mosca (Wikipedia)
Vilfredo Pareto (Wikipedia)
Elite Theory (Wikipedia)
(Book) “Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making” by David Rothkopf (2008)
(Video) “The Corporation Nation” by Clint Richardson (2010)(Comprehensive Annual Financial Report)
Corporate Personhood (Wikipedia)
Legal Personality (Wikipedia)
Santa Clara County vs Southern Pacific RR (1896) (Wikipedia)
(Book) “Unequal Protection ” by Thom Hartman (2004)
Hour 5, minutes 15 -30 (approx.):
“The Crisis of Democracy: Report of the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission” by Michel J. Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington, Joji Watanuki (1975)
Sandinista National Liberation Front (Wikipedia)
Iran Contra (Wikipedia)
Paris Peace Conference 1919 (Wikipedia)
Col. Edward Mandell House (Wikipedia)
(Book) “Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed The World” by Margaret MacMillan (2002)
Hồ Chí Minh (Wikipedia)
Commodore Matthew C. Perry / Opening of Japan (
(Document) Abraham Lincoln’s Speech Before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 30, 1859
(Book) "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond
Goldcorp, Inc. (Wikipedia)
“He Struck Gold on the Net (Really)” (Fast Company magazine article by Linda Tischler; May 31, 2002)
(Book) “Discovering: Inventing & Solving Problems at the Frontiers of Scientific Knowledge” by Robert Scott Root-Bernstein & Michèle Root-Bernstein(1997)
(Book) “Sparks of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools of the World’s Most Creative People” by Robert Scott Root-Bernstein (2001)
John Kanzius (Wikipedia)
“The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?” (CBS News, April 2008)
Thomas Edison (Wikipedia)
Benjamin Franklin (Wikipedia)
Albert Einstein (Wikipedia)
Max Planck (Wikipedia)
James Clerk Maxwell (Wikipedia)
Hour 5 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 15-30:
(Book) “Weapons of Mass Instruction ” by John Taylor Gatto
The Trivium (
“The Crisis of Democracy: Report of the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission” by Michel J. Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington, Joji Watanuki (1975)
(Book) “Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel P. Huntington (1998)
“When the Elite Loved LSD” (Time U.S. Article from April 23, 2007; search Henry Luce)
The Trilateral Commission (Wikipedia)
David Rockefeller (Wikipedia)
Jimmy Carter (Wikipedia)
Zbigniew Brzezinski (Wikipedia)
Nelson Rockefeller (Wikipedia)
Barack Obama + Brezynski + Afghanistan (CIA)
Cybernetics (Wikipedia)
Bronislaw Trentowski (Wikipedia)
(Book) “Fire in the Minds of Men” by James H. Billington (1980) (see chapter 8 “Prophecy: The Emergence of an Intelligentsia”; page 231, “Trentowski”
(Book) “The Relationship of Philosophy to Cybernetics; or The Art of Ruling Nations”, Trentowski also invented the words “intelligentsia” & “cybernetics”)
Staatswissenschaft (Political Science as introduced from Prussia into the U.S. via Columbia University 1890; see: “Politics and Progress” by Dennis J. Mahoney)
Andrew Dickson White of the Yale Troika (Wikipedia)
Daniel Coit Gilman of the Yale Troika (Wikipedia)
(Book) “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones” by Antony Sutton (chapter 8 “How The Order Controls Education”) (1986)
(Book) “Politics and Progress: The Emergence of American Political Science” by Dennis J. Mahoney
Political Science (Wikipedia)
“Dialectic and the Myth of Government” (Gnostic Media episode #115 interview with Larken Rose)
Defintion of Volition (
(Book) “Sic Itur Ad Astra” by Andrew J. Galambos (1998)
John Dewey (
John Dewey (Wikipedia)
Bureaucracy (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Public Opinion" by Walter Lippmann (1922)
The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing (Wikipedia)
"Politics and Progress: The Emergence of American Political Science" (chapter 4) (1st name & then - Raymond B. Cattell or Raymond G. Gattel)
Pragmatism (Wikipedia)
Emmanuel Kant (Wikipedia)
(Video) The Trivium “How to Free Your Mind” by Jan Irvin
Gnostic Media episodes:
49) Gene Odening interview, Part 1 – “The TRIVIUM Method”
50) Gene Odening interview, Part 2 – “The Quadrivium”
51) Gene Odening interview, Part 3 – “The Qabalah and the Mystery Schools”
Amtssprache (Wikipedia) (Meaning “Official Language”; 1) the language of an area; 2) bureaucrat speak
(Book) "The Franklin Cover-Up" by Senator John DeCamp (2005)
(Video) "The Conspiracy of Silence" (Discovery Channel Documentary about the Franklin Cover-Up)
Cognitive Dissonance (Wikipedia)
Definition of Entropy (
Definition of Entropy (Thermodynamic explanation; Wikipedia)
Definition of Entropy (In Information Theory)
Entropy and Information (Definition of Entropy in relation to Information; from Principia Cybernetica Web)
Hour 5, minutes 30 -45 (approx.):
(Book) “Principles of Psychology” by William James (1890)
William James (Wikipedia)
Wilhelm Wundt (Wikipedia)
(Book) “Principles of Secondary Education” by Alexander James Inglis (1918)
(Book) “Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley (1966)
Charles Darwin (Wikipedia)
Hour 5 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 30-45:
Wilhelm Wundt (Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Principles of Psychology” by William James (Chapter IV; 1890) (Ctrl-F (find function) “Habit is thus the enormous fly-wheel of society…”)
Alexander James Inglis
James Bryant Conant (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Compromised Campus” by Sigmund Diamond (1992) (Oxford University Press)
James Corbett /Richard Grove (Interview)
(Book) “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley (The Japanese Assualt, 1931 – 1941; pg. 561 CTRL-F (find function) “Japanese constitution of 1889”)
Prussian Education Model (Wikipedia)
G. Stanley Hall (term “adolescence”) (Wikipedia)
(Book) “America’s Secret Establishment: Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones” by Antony Sutton (see: chapter 8 “How The Order Controls Education”; “Yale Troika”) (1986)
(Book) “Principles of Secondary Education” by Alexander James Inglis (1918)
“The Aims and Functions of Secondary Education” (Chapter X, pg. 367)
“The Organization of Secondary Education: Curriculums (Chapter XX, pg. 668)
Adjustive Function (Fixed Habits)
Integrative Function
Directive Function
Differentiating Function
Selective Function
Propaedeutic Function
British Class System
Elwood P. Cubberley (Wikipedia)
Bionomics / The Law of Life (Wikipedia)
(Book) “Cubberley of Stanford and his contribution to American Education“ by (Stanford Press)
Leland Stanford (Wikipedia)
(Book) “An Introduction to the Study of Education” by Elwood P. Cubberley (Riverside Textbooks In Education; 1925, Houghton Mifflin Co.)
The Inglis Lecture (Harvard, 1933)
Hour 5, minutes 45 -end (approx.):
Hour 5 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 45-end:
Definition of “Predator”
Compassionate Communication (Wikipedia)
(Book) “Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life” by Marshall B. Rosenberg
(Video) Marshall Rosenberg on Nonviolent Communication (YouTube playlist)
(Video) UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED Conference)
(Video) George Hunt on the UNCED Earth Summit (UNCED Conference; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1992) (Website) (Website)
Occupy Wall Street (Wikipedia)
Incompetence (Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition)
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Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 044: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto / Hour 4 + Commentary
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Peace Revolution episode 044: The Ultimate History Lesson w/ John Taylor Gatto / Hour 4 + Commentary
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Your invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
Peace Revolution Podcast’s primary hosting site (2009-2011)
Peace Revolution Podcast’s backup hosting site (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast episodes, starting at the bottom of the page)
Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, free to the public). On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
Ultimate History Lesson Hour 4, minutes 1 -15 (approx.)
(Book) “The Metalogicon: A Twelfth-Century Defense of the Verbal and Logical Arts of the Trivium” by John of Salisbury
Thomas Becket (on Wikipedia)
John of Salisbury (on Wikipedia)
R. Gordon Wasson (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality” by R. Gordon Wasson (1972)
(Book) “Mushrooms, Russia and History” by Valentina Pavlovna Wasson and R. Gordon Wasson (1957) (click here to read Volume I & click here to read Volume II )
Antony Sutton
Lysander Spooner (on Wikipedia)
Frédéric Bastiat (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Law” by Frédéric Bastiat
Daughters of the Barons of Runnemede
St. Ignatius Loyola (Catholic encyclopedia)
Protestant Reformation (on Wikipedia)
Counter-Reformation (on Wikipedia)
The Society of Jesus (“Jesuits”; Catholic encyclopedia)
Adam Weishaupt (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Leipzig Connection: Basics in Education” by Paolo Lionni (1993)
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (on Wikipedia)
Johann Kaspar Lavater (on Wikipedia)
Prussian Education System (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Story of Civilization” (11-volume set) by Will & Ariel Durant
Admiral David Farragut (on Wikipedia)
Hemp + George Washington/Thomas Jefferson
(Book) “The Emperor Wears No Clothes : The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana… and How Hemp Can Save The World” by Jack Herer (1973)
Hearst + HEMP prohibition
Hour 4 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 1-15:
UNCED (Youtube Video) (6:00 Talks about Rothschild funding of Rhodes)
John of Salisbury (Wikipedia)
Metalogicon (Wikipedia)
Thomas Beckett (Wikipedia)
R. Gordon Wasson (Wikipedia)
JP Morgan (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality (Ethno-Mycological Studies)" by Robert Gordon Wasson
Life Magazine May 13th 1957 "Seeking the magic mushroom" (Magazine Article)
Robert Gordon Wasson (Library / Archives)
JP Morgan (Library / Archives)
Century Club (Wikipedia)
Wall Street – The Corner (Wikipedia)
Edward Bernays (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays
All Souls College, Oxford (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Hall-Carbine Affair" by R Gordon Wasson
Allan Nevins letters (Wikipedia)
American Historical Association (Wikipedia)
Carnegie Endowment (Wikipedia)
Psilocybin Mushrooms (Wikipedia)
John G Bourke (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Scatological Rites of All Nations" by John G Bourke
(Book) "Sacred Mushroom Seeker: Tributes to R. Gordon Wasson" by Thomas J. Riedlinger
Mazatec Indians (Wikipedia)
Mazatec Indians (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Maria Sabina (Wikipedia)
Council on Foreign Relations (Wikipedia)
Charles Douglas Jackson (Wikipedia)
Henry P Davidson (Wikipedia)
Henry Luce (Wikipedia)
Time Life Magazine (Wikipedia)
Allen Dulles (Wikipedia)
National Geographic (Wikipedia)
Clair Booth Luce (Wikipedia)
“When the Elite Loved LSD ” (Time Article)
“Cary in the Sky with Diamonds” by Cari Beauchamp and Jude Bachrach (VanityFair Article)
Timothy Leary (Wikipedia)
“IMAGE OF AN ASSASSINATION; A new look at the Zapruder film” (YouTube Video) (CD Jackson is referenced as the man who bought the Zapruder film)
(Book) “SYKEWAR: Psychological Warfare against Germany, D-Day to VE-Day” by David Lerner (Includes William Paley and CD Jackson as psychological warfare during WWII)
Abe Zapruder (Spartacus Educational Blog – Wikipedia Links imbedded within text)
Lee Harvey Oswald (Wikipedia)
Valentina Pavlovna Wasson (Erowid Entry)
(Book) “Mushrooms, Russia, and History” by Valentina Pavlovna Wasson (.pdf’s are at the bottom of the page)
History of the Hippie Movement (Wikipedia) (Wasson + Psychedelic Revolution + New Age)
Psychedelic Experience (Wikipedia)
Heraldo Show (YouTube Video) (March 6, 1975; First Public Showing of the Zapruder Film)
Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 (Wikipedia)
Cold War (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Compromised Campus" by Sigmund Diamond
Harold J. Berman (Wikipedia)
James Bryant Conant (Wikipedia)
Utopia (Wikipedia)
The Republic (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
The Laws (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
(Book) "Family of Secrets" by Russ Baker
London School of Economics (Wikipedia)
Thomas Campbell Wasson (Wikipedia)
Antony Sutton (Wikipedia)
Stanford University (Wikipedia)
Daughters of the Barons of Runnymede (Wikipedia)
(Book) “Underground History of American Education” by John Taylor Gatto; Chapter 12 entitled “Daughter’s of the Barons of Runnymede”
(Book) "America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones" by Antony Sutton
(Book) "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Iserbyte
Jan Iserbyte (SunJournal Article)
King Leopold - White King Red Rubber Black Death (Google Video)
U.S. Department of Education (Wikipedia)
(Book) "The Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto
Dark Ages (Wikipedia)
Adoption (Wikipedia)
Ignatius of Loyola (Wikipedia)
Ignatius of Loyola (Catholic Encyclopedia)
The Jesuits (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Alumbrados (Wikipedia)
Alumbrados (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Bavarian Illuminati (Wikipedia)
Protestantism (Wikipedia)
Counter-Reformation (Wikipedia)
Counter-Reformation (Catholic Encyclopedia)
"The Role of the Venetian Oligarchy in Reformation, Counter-reformation, Enlightenment, and the Thirty Years’ War" by Webster Tarpley (Essay)
(Book) "The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasonry, and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus" by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas
Webster Tarpley (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Institutes on the Christian Religion" by John Calvin
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin (Wikipedia)
Adam Weishaupt (Wikipedia)
Bavarian Illuminati Reference materials
Oxford English Dictionary
Illuminati: ‖‖ illuminati, n. pl.
Also sing. illuminato (-ˈɑːtəʊ); †plur. -oes.
Plural of L. illūminātus, It. -ato ‘enlightened’, used in fig. sense.]
A name assumed by or applied to various societies or sects because of their claim to special enlightenment in religious, or (later) intellectual, matters.
a.a Applied to a sect of Spanish heretics which existed in the 16th c. under the name Alumbrados or ‘enlightened’; subsequently, to a similar but obscure sect of Familists which arose in France in Louis XIII's reign.
1599 Sandys Europæ Spec. (1632) 166 An other pestilent Sect there was not long since of the Illuminati in Aragon. 1652 R. Boreman Countr. Catech. ii. 5 The Illuminatoes of the times, the Anabaptists. 1686 tr. Bouhours' St. Ignatius ii. 77 The Inquisitors‥were induced to believe, that‥the Person‥might either be an Illuminato or a Lutheran. 1749 G. Lavington Enthus. Methodists & Papists (1754) I. ii. 114 The Alumbrado's or Illuminati of Spain.
b.b Used to render Ger. Illuminaten, the name of a celebrated secret society, founded at Ingolstadt in Bavaria, in 1776, by Professor Adam Weishaupt, holding deistic and republican principles, and having an organization akin to freemasonry; hence applied to other thinkers regarded as atheistic or free-thinking, e.g. the French Encyclopædists.
1797 J. Robison (title) Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies. 1798 Washington Lett. Writ. 1893 XIV. 119 The doctrines of the Illuminati and principles of Jacobinism. 1802 Kett Elem. Gen. Knowl. 71 (Jod.) The Freethinkers of England, the Philosophists of France, and the Illuminati of Germany.
c.c gen. Persons affecting or claiming to possess special knowledge or enlightenment on any subject: often used satirically.
1816 T. L. Peacock Headlong Hall i, The conversation among these illuminati soon became animated. 1846 H. Rogers Ess. I. iv. 157 What was dark to himself was happily quite clear to these illuminati [the alchemists]. 1850 Marg. Fuller Life without & Life within (1860) 41 Wilhelm is deemed worthy of admission to the society of the Illuminati, that is, those who have pierced the secret of life, and know what it is to be and to do. a 1878 Sir G. Scott Recollect. iii. (1879) 111 All thanks and honour‥to the older Pugin, however much our illuminati may sneer. 1887 Contemp. Rev. Apr. 592 An illuminato like Katkoff may write as if Russia was invincible; practical men know better.
1911 Encyclopedia Britannica 11th Edition (Pre-Censorship for mass distribution)
Catholic Encyclopedia
At first (1774) he aimed at an arrangement with the Freemasons. Closer inquiry, however, destroyed his high estimate of this organization, and he resolved to found a new society which, surrounded with the greatest possible secrecy, would enable him most effectually to realize his aims and could at all times be precisely adapted to the needs of the age and local conditions.
Estonian Wikipedia entry for Illuminati (translated)
Cites “Kindergarten” as a novice initiative level of the Illuminati
Illuminati Sightseeing: The Masonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad (1782)
Illuminati (and all Secret Societies) banned in Bavaria (1785)
How to enforce such a law?
Documents published by the Bavarian Government 1796
Nachtrag von weitern Originalschriften welche die Illuminatensekte (1787) “Nachtrag Von Weitern Originalschriften, Welche Die Illuminatensekte Überhaupt, Sonderbar Aber Den Stifter, Derselben Adam Weishaupt ... Betreffen, Und ... Illuminaten-Neste, Vorgen...” (German Edition) [Paperback]
Duke University. Library. Jantz Collection. German Baroque Literature (Author)
Google Books: “Nachtrag von weitern Originalschriften, welche die Illuminatensekte überhaupt, sonderbar aber den Stifter, derselben Adam Weishaupt ... betreffen, und bey der auf dem Baron Bassusischen Schloss zu Sandersdorf, einem bekannten Illuminaten-Neste, vorgenommenen Visitation endeckt, sofort auf Churfürstlich höchsten Befehl gedruckt ... ; zwo Abtheilungen ” (Google eBook) “Nachtrag von weitern Originalschriften, welche die Illuminatensekte überhaupt, sonderbar aber …” (1787)
Einige Originalschriften Des Illuminaten Ordens Munich (1787) “Einige Originalschriften Des Illuminaten Ordens, Munich, 1787 Color ”
Die Neuesten Arbeiten des Spartacus und Philo (1793)
Google Books: “Die neuesten Arbeiten des Spartacus und Philo in dem Illuminaten-Orden ” (Google eBook) “Die Neuesten Arbeiten Des Spartacus Und Philo In Dem Illuminaten-orden ” (German Edition) by Ludwig Adolf Christian von Grolmann “Die Neuesten Arbeiten Des Sparticus Und Philo, Munich ” (1793)
Yet the “Illuminati” and “Illuminism” continue to spread in America…
“Illuminati Conspiracy Part One: A Precise Exegesis on the Available Evidence ” - by Terry Melanson, Aug. 5th, 2005
(Book) “Proofs of a Conspiracy” by Professor John Robison (1798)
Member of the Royal Society and Professor of Physics – John Robison (Wikipedia)
George Washington’s Letters (October 24, 1798)
“George Washington acknowledge the Doctrines of the Illuminati were Spreading in the United States ”
Library of Congress (Search “Illuminati”)
Thomas Jefferson’s Letters
“The Writings of Thomas Jefferson”, Volume VII, 1795-1801, pp. 419-421
See also: "As Weishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot and priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, and the principles of pure morality. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment.... If Weishaupt had written here, where no secrecy is necessary in our endeavors to render men wise and virtuous, he would not have thought of any secret machinery for that purpose." - Thomas Jefferson
John Quincy Adams’ “Letters on Freemasonry” (1832) (
The Morgan Affair of 1826 (Death of William Morgan)
Anti-Masonic Party (Wikipedia) (1st third-party formed in America)
Creation of Mormonism : "Mormonism is designed to appear to be a religion, but it is instead a secret society at its core. In fact, since its inception, it had a structure and goals similar to the Bavarian Illuminati. Its mysticism and religious doctrine read just as if lifted from Masonic texts and Kabbalistic writings. It was created after the Morgan Affair of 1826 when the Freemason sect was nationally under attack and virtually came to an end. Mormonism was a means of continuation by another name, but with clever modern occult doctrines of communism and plural wives added in the mix. "
Moses Hess (Wikipedia)
(Book) 1861: “The Revival of Israel / Rome and Jerusalem: The Last Nationalist Question” by Moses Hess
1917: Balfour Declaration / Letter from Arthur James Balfour to Lord Rothschild on behalf of the Monarchy of Great Britain
(Book) “Morals and Dogma” by Gen. Albert Pike
Scottish Rite Freemasonry
“New England and the Bavarian Illuminati ” (Columbia University)
Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University 1918
“Jews and Freemasons in Europe 1723-1939 ” by Jacob Katz, The University of Jerusalem and published by Harvard University Press (1970)
(Book) “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Professor Carroll Quigley (1966)
Carroll Quigley (Wikipedia) (Tutor to Rhodes Scholar William J. Clinton)
(Book) “Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith” by James H. Billington
James H. Billington (Wikipedia) (Rhodes Scholar and Librarian of Congress)
“The Real New World Order ” by Anne-Marie Slaughter
Council on Foreign Relations Publication
Noam Chomsky (Wikipedia) “The New World Order” C-SPAN presentation (1998)
(Book) “Perfectibilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati” by Terry Melanson
“Computer Scientists Crack “Unbreakable” Code, Find Minutes of 250-Year-Old Secret Society ” (Discover Magazine, 2011)
(Book) “The Leipzig Connection” by Paolo Lionni (Amazon )
The artificial extension of childhood
Rendering children harmless
Training future recruits
Hazing in fraternities
To marginalize the young, considered to be the ‘most dangerous’
(Book) “The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written The History of Thought From Ancient Times to Today” by Martin Seymour-Smith
Page 49 According to Plutarch Alexander wrote a letter to Aristotle
Hemp Facts / North American Hemp Council (NAIHC Website)
(Book) Jack Herer “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” (See Links Below)
It’s like public schooling puts blindfolds on us, and the elite are so confident that everyone is blinded by the school system; that they’re now walking around nakedly exhibiting their greed and malign for the public… and it’s time we called them out, and show everyone how to un-blindfold themselves.
(Book) "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer
Chapter 4: A Conspiracy to Wipe Out the Natural Competition (Benjamin Franklin + Paper Mills)
Chapter 1: American Historical Notes
Chapter 9: Energy and the Economy (Henry Ford Hemp for Fuel)
William Randolph Hearst (Wikipedia)
RKO 281 (Movie)
“The American Experience” The Battle Over Citizen Kane (Documentary)
Citizen Kane (Movie)
DuPont (Wikipedia)
Ultimate History Lesson Hour 4, minutes 15 -30 (approx.)
(Book) “A Dictionary of the English Language” by Samuel Johnson (1755)
(Book) “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius Antonitus (circa 180)
(Book) “The Works of Julius Caesar”
John Taylor Gatto + Trivium + Gnostic Media
Trivium (on Wikipedia)
Quadrivium (on Wikipedia)
“The Lost Tools of Learning” by Dorothy Sayers
Hour 4 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 15 -30 (approx.)
Bionomics (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Molecular Vision of Life" by Lily E. Kay
Rockefeller Foundation (Wikipedia)
Eugenics (Wikipedia)
Science of Man / Edward Alsworth Ross (Yale Review, Volume 2)
The Rockfeller Foundation's Molecular Vision of Life — How the Aims of Eugenics, Social Control, and Human Engineering Shaped Molecular Biology and 20th Century Science. A Review of Lily E. Kay's The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology (Oxford University Press, 1993), January16, 2009. Reviewed by Chris Masterjohn. (Search term “social control” – Coined by Edward Alsworth Ross)
Lionus Pauling (Wikipedia)
Clarence Streit (Wikipedia)
(Book) “Union Now with Britain” by Clarence Streit
Rhodes Milner Round Table Movement (Wikipedia)
Elwood P Cubberly (Wikipedia)
Teachers College, Columbia University (Wikipedia)
Edward Thorndyke (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Manager’s of Virtue" by David Tyack and Elizabeth Hansot
Definition of Allusion (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Perfectibilists" by Terry Melanson
(Book) "Illuminati Manifesto of World Revolution 1792 by Niccolas Bonneville translated by Marco de Luchetti"
(Book) 1797 J. Robison (title) "Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies"
Abbe Barruel (Wikipedia)
Free Draft Chapters of The Illuminati of Bavaria by Marco de Luchetti
Chapter Nine - Illuminati Aims.pdf: Taking Education of Children Away from Parents
(Book) "Brave New World" by Aldus Huxley
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Wikipedia)
Zeitgeist Movement (Wikipedia)
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace by Adam Curtis (
Dan Brown (Wikipedia)
The Da Vinci Code (IMDb)
Angel’s and Demons (IMDb)
Esalen Institute (Wikipedia)
Terence McKenna (Wikipedia)
2012 Phenomenon (Wikipedia)
Tavistock Institute (Wikipedia)
MK-Ultra (Wikipedia)
Strict Observance Lodge (Wikipedia)
Scottish Rite Freemasonry (Wikipedia)
York Rite Freemasonry (Wikipedia)
Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria (Wikipedia)
Aldolph Freiherr Knigge (Wikipedia)
Congress of Wilhelmsbad (Metapedia)
French Revolution (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Tragedy and Hope" by Carroll Quigley
Jacobins (Wikipedia)
French Revolution (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith" by James H. Billington
Nicholas Bonneville (Wikipedia)
J.C. Bode (Illuminati of Bavaria)
Amis Reunis Lodge (Bavarian Illuminati: Home of the Original Writings of the Illuminati)
Thomas Paine’s ménage a trios with Bonneville’s wife (Chapter 4: The Occult Origins of Organization)
Benjamin Bonneville (Wikipedia) (Astor financed his western expeditions)
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers (YouTube Video)
Johann Gottlieb Fichte (Wikipedia)
Alfred the Great (Wikipedia)
Aide-de-champ Marquis De Lafayette (Wikipedia)
Honore Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Age of Reason" by Thomas Paine (Expose on Christian Paganism)
Niccolò Machiavelli (Wikipedia)
(Book) "The Art of War" by Niccolo Machiavelli
Johann Gottlieb Fichte c. Ficthte’s Return to the University and his Final Years (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Wikipedia)
V for Vendetta (Wikipedia)
Movie (IMDb)
Script (IMSDb)
Immanuel Kant (Wikipedia)
Jacob Friedrich von Able (Wikipedia)
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (Wikipedia)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Wikipedia)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Friedrich Schiller (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition" by Glen Alexander Magee
(Book) "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" by Albert Pike
Kabbalah (Wikipedia)
Etymology of Pedagogue (Online Etymology Dictionary)
“WEARERS OF FEZZES: Facts About An Arabic Order And Its American Uses: KNOWN AS MYSTIC SHRINERS: Has Existed in Arabia Since A.D. 664, and Was Instituted by Son-in-Law of Mohammed” (The Saint Paul globe., September 08, 1901, Page 14, Image 14)
Wahhabi Islam (Wikipedia)
“The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers” (Youtube Video)
Ben Franklin is referenced as being a Freemason at the Amis Reunis Lodge, a lodge infiltrated by the Illuminati
( Book) "Freedom and Religion in Kant and his Immediate Successors: The Vocation of Humankind, 1774-1800" by George di Giovanni (Weishaupt’s Critiques of Kant)
James Pierpont Greaves (Wikipedia)
Yverdon School (
(Book) “History of the Philosophy of Mind: Embracing the Opinions of All Writers on Mental Science from the Earliest Period to the Present Time” by Robert Blakey
Alcott House (Wikipedia)
Amos Bronson Alcott (Wikipedia)
Elizabeth Peabody (Wikipedia)
Horace Mann (Wikipedia)
American Transcendental Movement (Wikipedia)
Fruitlands (Wikipedia)
Amos Bronson Alcott (Wikipedia)
Charles Lane (Wikipedia)
(Book) "Leipzig Connection Basics of Education" by Paolo Lionni
Johan Kaspar Lavater (Wikipedia)
(Book) "America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skill and Bones" by Antony Sutton (for “Yale Troika” reference, see the chapter “How The Order Controls Education”)
Macy Conferences (Wikipedia)
“The Net – The Unabomber, LSD, and the Internet” (YouTube Video)
(Book) "Tripping" by B.H. Friedman
Albert Hoffmann (Wikipedia)
Search “Sandoz Laboratories” within the Wikipedia
(Book) “A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments” by H.P. Albarelli Jr.
Johann Friedrich Herbart (Wikipedia)
Wilhelm Wundt (Wikipedia)
G. Stanley Hall (Wikipedia)
John Dewey (Wikipedia)
Daniel Coit Gilman (Wikipedia)
Timothy Dwight (Wikipedia)
Andrew Dickson White (Cornell University
Andrew Dickson White (Wikipedia)
Edward Everett (Wikipedia)
“National Academy of Sciences: James Rowland Angell 1869 – 1949” A Biographical Memoir by W.S. Hunter (National Academies Press)
(Book) "Memorable Things of Socrates" by Xenophon
Trivium (Wikipedia) + Quadrivium (Wikipedia)
"The Lost Tools of Learning" by Dorothy Sayers (Essay)
(Books) "The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasonry, and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus"
Page 336, 2nd paragraph has the description of the Wood Manuscript
Julius Caesar’s Carthaginian Wars (Wikipedia)
Divide and Rule (Wikipedia)
History of the University of Chicago (Wikipedia) (Rockefeller’s Removal of the Classics from American Education)
Abraham Lincoln to the Wisconsin Agricultural Society (USDA National Agricultural Library)
Mudsill Theory (Wikipedia)
Temet Nosce (Wikipedia) (Know Thyself)
Ultimate History Lesson Hour 4, minutes 30 -45 (approx.)
14 Principles of Elite Private Boarding Schools (John Taylor Gatto )
Groton School (on Wikipedia)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (attended Groton School)
St. Paul’s School (on Wikipedia)
John Kerry (attended St. Paul’s School)
Phillips Academy Andover (on Wikipedia)
George W. Bush (attended Phillips Academy)
George H. W. Bush (attended Phillips Academy)
Choate Rosemary Hall (on Wikipedia)
President John F. Kennedy (attended Choate R.H.)
Episcopal High School (on Wikipedia)
John McCain (attended Episcopal H.S.)
Anglican (on Wikipedia)
Church of England (on Wikipedia)
Quakers (on Wikipedia)
President Herbert Hoover /Quaker
President Richard Nixon /Quaker
Literacy (on Wikipedia)
The Lawrenceville School (on Wikipedia)
The Gunnery (on Wikipedia)
The Hotchkiss School (on Wikipedia)
Groton School + J. P. Morgan (benefactor)
Hour 4 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 30 -45 (approx.)
14 Principles of Elite Private Boarding Schools
(Book) “Principles of Secondary Education” by Alexander Inglis
Etymology of Anglican (Etymology Dictionary)
(Book) Freemasonry + Mormonism (.pdf)
(Book) “Letters on Masonic Institution” by John Quincy Adams
Anti-Freemasonic Party (Wikipedia)
William Morgan (Wikipedia)
Ultimate History Lesson Hour 4, minutes 45 –end (approx.)
Columbia University (on Wikipedia)
Definition of “Idiom”
Poetry (on Wikipedia)
Poetry Elements (on Wikipedia)
William Shakespeare (on Wikipedia
Sergei Eisenstein (on Wikipedia)
Hour 4 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 45 –end (approx.)
Definition of Idiom (Wikipedia)
Roman Collegia (Wikipedia)
“Collegia could function as guilds, social clubs, or furerary societies; in practice, in ancient Rome, they sometimes became organized bodies of local businessmen and even criminals, who ran the mercantile/criminal activies in a given urban region, or rione.”
(Book) “Weapons of Mass Instruction ” by John Taylor Gatto (Open Source Education)
Socialism (Wikipedia)
Communism (Wikipedia)
Nazism (Wikipedia)
Prussian Education System (Wikipedia)
Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
Dialectic (The Classical Internal Dialogue using Logic)
(Book) “Astrotheology and Shamanism: Christianity’s Pagan Roots ” by Jan Irvin
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Peace Revolution episode 043: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto / Hour 3 + Commentary
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
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On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
“A Peaceful Solution ” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy , Corbett Report , Gnostic Media , & Remedy Radio
Useful Tools: (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
The Brain (mind mapping software to organize your research) download for FREE
The free version works for all functions except web publication
Ultimate History Lesson Hour 3, minutes 1 -15 (approx.):
Reece Committee (or: U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations)
Norman Dodd (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Foundations: Their Power and Influence” by Rene Wormser (1958)
(Book) “The Leipzig Connection: Basics in Education” by Paolo Lioni (1993)
The Metaphysical Club (on Wikipedia)
William James (on Wikipedia)
John Dewey (on Wikipedia)
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (on Wikipedia)
Charles S. Peirce (Peirce Society)
Pragmatic Philosophy (on Wikipedia)
Immanuel Kant (on Wikipedia)
Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Impact of Science on Society” by Bertrand Russell (1952): (Fichte quote & page)
(Book) “Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine” by Norbert Wiener (1948):
(Book) “The Human Use of Human Beings” by Norbert Wiener
Norbert Wiener (on Wikipedia)
Hour 3 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 1-15:
Tax Exempt Foundations
Walsh Committee (Wikipedia)
Carroll Reece (Wikipedia)
Reece Committee
Norman Dodd (On Tax Exempt Foundations)
Federal Reserve
Income Tax
General Education Board (Wikipedia)
Rockefeller Foundation
Ford Foundation
Carnegie Endowment
Charles Sanders Pierce (Wikipedia)
Immanuel Kant
Edgar Rice Burroughs / John Carter and the Princess of Mars
Thomas Paine (Wikipedia)
Printing Press
DIY / Do It Yourself (Wikipedia)
Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century by Scott Noble
PsyWar by Scott Noble
Leo Tolstoy (Printing press ignorance)
“Literacy is a form of slavery, until a method of critical thinking is exercised by the reader.” – R.G.
Utilitarianism (Wikipedia)
Jeremy Bentham (Wikipedia)
Panopticon (Wikipedia)
Adam Weishaupt (Wikipedia)
William James “truth as collective name” quote
Dewey “knowledge is belief authorized by enquiry ”
Metaphysical Club
Philosophic Corruption of Physics by David Harriman 1 , 2 (Gnostic Media Interviews)
National Socialism (Wikipedia)
Classical Trivium (Wikipedia)
Epistemology (Wikipedia)
Aesthetics (Wikipedia)
Rhetoric & The Active Literacies
Albion Seed by David Hackett Fischer (Chapter 1 Social Statuses)
Bete Noire (a person or thing strongly detested)
Bavarian Illuminati
American Historical Association (on Wikipedia)
Andrew Dickson White (Wikipedia)
Timothy Dwight (Wikipedia)
Daniel Coit Gilman (Wikipedia)
Skull and Bones Trust
William Huntington Russell (Wikipedia)
Johns Hopkins University
The Yale Troika
Skull and Bones (Wikipedia)
America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to The Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton
How the Order controls Education (Chapter 8)
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt
Pestalozzi (Wikipedia)
(Book) A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (1917)
“The Philosophic Corruption of Physics & The Logical Leap” (Gnostic Media podcast #111 & 112/ David Harriman interviews)
(Book) “Perfectibilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati” by Terry Melanson (2009)
(Book) “The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America” by Louis Menand (2001)
Norman Dodd/Katherine Casey/Hidden Agenda Interview (transcript)
American Historical Association History & Archives
Guggenheim Foundation (on Wikipedia)
Walsh (Commission on Industrial Relations) 1915 (on Wikipedia)
Charles Sanders Peirce: “Pragmatism As a Principle and Method of Right Thinking: The 1903 Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism”
Bertrand Russell
Hour 3, minutes 15 -30 (approx.)
Academic Genealogy Chart
(Book) “The New Atlantis” by Sir Francis Bacon (1624):
Sir Francis Bacon (on Wikipedia)
“Principles of Psychology” by William James (1890):
“The Last of the Mohicans” by James Fenimore Cooper (1826):
James Fenimore Cooper (Wikipedia)
“Common Sense” by Thomas Paine (1776):
Bill Clinton (mentor, Quigley, speech reference): 1992 Democratic National Convention :
Unitarian /Harvard (on Wikipedia)
Herbert Spencer + Eugenics:
“Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand (1957) (pages 1000 -1070, John Galt’s Speech):
Fabian Society (on Wikipedia)
London School of Economics (on Wikipedia)
Society for Psychical Research (on Wikipedia)
Arthur Balfour (on Wikipedia)
Beatrice Webb (on Wikipedia)
William T. Stead (on Wikipedia)
“The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes” (1902) with elucidatory notes by William T. Stead
“The Avengers” (1960’s British television series, featuring a character “John Steed”)
Martin Luther (on Wikipedia)
Ninety-Five Theses by Martin Luther (1517) (on Wikipedia)
Senator Oscar Callaway (on Wikipedia)
Congressional Record (February 9, 1917)
U.S. Senate Speech (1942) Truman + Standard Oil Treason of Rockefellers
(Book) “Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler” by Antony C. Sutton (1976) (Krupp reference)
Hour 3 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 15-30:
History of the U.S. Census (Wikipedia)
Self-Reliance (Wikipedia)
Concept of Property
John Locke (Wikipedia)
Concept of Informed Consent
Death and Taxes
Von Clausewitz (Wikipedia)
Absolute War (Wikipedia)
Hegelian Dialectic (Wikipedia)
Stimulus Response (Wikipedia)
The High Cabal with Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
Peace Revolution episode 038: The High Cabal
British East India Company (Wikipedia)
British East India Company Flag
Elihu Yale (Wikipedia)
Cotton Mather (Wikipedia)
Yale University
Root Hog, or Die! (Wikipedia)
Herbert Spencer (Wikipedia)
W.G. Sumner (Wikipedia)
Social Darwinism
Society for Psychical Research (Wikipedia)
Edward Pease (Wikipedia)
Fabian Society (Wikipedia)
Thomas Davidson (Wikipedia)
Frank Podmore (Wikipedia
Sophism (Wikipedia)
Solipsism (Wikipedia)
Intellectual Self-Defense
Carroll Quigley
The Anglo American Establishment (.pdf)
New England and the Bavarian Illuminati (.pdf)
Boston Brahmins (Wikpedia)
University of Chicago
Obama Transcript via Associated Press
Fabian Socialism (Wikipedia)
Fabius Maximus (Wikipedia)
War of Attrition (Wikipedia)
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing (Logo of Fabian Socialism)
Rhodes Round Table Group (Wikipedia)
Rhodes Scholars (Wikipedia)
William T. Stead (Wikipedia)
The Republic by Plato
B.F. Trentowski (Wikipedia)
Cybernetics (Stanford)
Norbert Weiner (Wikipedia)
Bertrand Russell (Wikipedia)
Corporate Personhood (Wikipedia)
Prophylactic (Dictionary)
Harry Truman Rockefeller Quote WWII (Time Magazine)
"Standard Oil of New Jersey was putting forth every effort of which it was capable to protect the control of the German government..." – Harry Truman
(see also: Pittsburg Press Article; March 27th, 1942 )
The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA by Burton Hersh (Amazon)
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton (.pdf)
Wall Street and the rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton (.pdf)
Wall Street and FDR by Antony C. Sutton (.pdf)
Senator Oscar Callaway’s 1917 quote”
"In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press. … They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers."
Henry P. Davison / Time Life (Wikipedia)
Henry Luce (Wikipedia)
C.D. Jackson (Wikipedia)
Zapruder Film (Wikipedia)
George DeMohrenschild (Wikipedia)
R. Gordon Wasson (Wikipedia)
MK ULTRA (Wikipedia)
Sykewar (Amazon)
Life Magazine “The Discovery of Mushrooms That Cause Strange Visions” by R. Gordon
Wasson; May 13, 1957
J.P. Morgan and the Hull Carbine Affair
Bilderberg Group (Wikipedia)
Hedley Bull (Wikipedia)
Herbert Butterfield (Wikipedia)
British Committee for the Theory of International Politics (Wikipedia)
Liberal Realism (Wikipedia)
Rothschild Banking Empire (Wikipedia)
Economist (Wikipedia)
Roll Call (Wikipedia)
Congressional Quarterly (Wikipedia)
Reuters (Wikipedia)
Psychological Warfare (Wikipedia)
William Paley (Wikipedia)
War of the Worlds (Wikipedia)
H.G. Wells (Wikipedia)
The New World Order by H.G. Wells
The New Machivellis by H.G. Wells (Project Gutenberg)
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (Wikipedia)
Office of Special Services (O.S.S.)
“Globalizing Ideal Beauty: How Female Copywriters of the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency Redefined Beauty for the twentieth Century
Rhodes Scholars (Page 137)
Oxbridge = Oxford + Cambridge (Wikipedia)
James Walter Thompson Company (Wikipedia)
John B. Watson (Wikipedia)
De Beers Diamond Cartel (Wikipedia)
Cecil Rhodes (Wikipedia)
Oppenheimer (“The Diamond Empire – Oppenheimer Family’s Cartel, Artificial Scarcity”)
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace by Adam Curtis / BBC (
“White, King, Red Rubber, Black Death” (YouTube)
Basil Nicholson (Globalizing Ideal Beauty) (Co-Founder of the London Daily Mirror )
“Cultural New Deal Urge to Bring Order” /article published in The Science News-Letter Vol. 37, No. 1 (Jan. 6, 1940), pp. 6-7 by Lawrence K. Frank
Macy Conferences (Wikipedia)
Film: “The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet” by Lutz Dammbeck
Lawrence K Frank / Josiah Macy Junior Foundation
Human Use of Human Beings by Norbert Wiener (Amazon)
William T. Stead (Wikipedia)
The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes edited by William T. Stead (
Council on Foreign Relations (Wikipedia)
Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley (1966) (Book)
The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigley (Book)
The Anglo American Establishment by Carroll Quigley
The Balfour Declaration (Wikipedia)
Lord Rothschild (Wikipedia)
Paris 1919 by Margaret MacMillan (Amazon)
Alfred Milner (Wikipedia)
The Rise and Fall of Diamonds by Edward J. Epstein (Amazon)
Peace Revolution episode … Diamonds: The Jewel of Denial (
Carl Von Clausewitz “Absolute War” (on Wikipedia)
“On War” by Carl Von Clausewitz (1832) (Scribd)
Hegelian Dialectic (on Wikipedia)
“Root Hog, or die” (on Wikipedia)
Peace Revolution episode #38 The High Cabal / Lessons in Foreign and Domestic Policy
(Fletcher Prouty, Elijah Yale, British East India Company)
Beatrice Webb (on Wikipedia)
Edward R. Pease (on Wikipedia)
Fabian Society (on Wikipedia)
Obama / University of Chicago
University of Chicago / Rockefeller Foundation
“How Corporate Law Inhibits Social Responsibility” by Robert Hinkley (February 2002 article)
Congressional Record (February 9, 1917):
TIME magazine (on Wikipedia)
LIFE magazine (on Wikipedia)
Zapruder Film (on Wikipedia)
Bruce Campbell Adamson (JFK assassination research & books)
R. Gordon Wasson (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality” by R. Gordon Wasson
“When The Elite Loved LSD” by John Cloud (Time magazine article; April 23, 2007 article)
“Great Adventures in the Discovery of Mushrooms that Cause Strange Visions” by R. Gordon Wasson (LIFE magazine article; May 13, 1957)
William Paley CBS (New York Times Obituary October 27, 1990)
“The CIA and the Media” by Carl Bernstein (Rolling Stone article; October 20, 1977)
(Book) “The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America” by Hugh Wilford (2008; reference chapter 10 -“Things Fall Apart: Journalists”)
(Book) “Psychological Warfare” by Paul M. A. Linebarger (1948)
(Book) “The Hall Carbine Affair: A Study in Contemporary Folklore” by R. Gordon Wasson (1948)
Charles Douglas Jackson / Bilderberg to America reference
Hedley Bull (on Wikipedia)
Herbert Butterfield (on Wikipedia)
Liberal Realism (on Wikipedia)
London School of Economics (on Wikipedia)
Council on Foreign Relations History (CFR)
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild / The Economist (“Evelyn’s dauphin” February 13, 2003 article)
The Economist / Congressional Quarterly / Roll Call magazines
Orson Wells (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The War of the Worlds” by H.G. Wells (1898)
The War of The Worlds (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The New World Order” by H.G. Wells (1940)
H.G. Wells (on Wikipedia)
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Globalizing Ideal Beauty” by Denise H. Sutton (2009)
James Walter Thompson (on Wikipedia)
J. Walter Thompson Company (on Wikipedia)
John B Watson / Behaviorism (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Rise & Fall of Diamonds: The Shattering of a Brilliant Illusion” by Edward Jay Epstein (1982) (Cecil Rhodes/ Rothschild Bank reference chapter 7; Oppenheimer reference chapter 12; DeBeers / J. Walter Thompson reference chapter 13)
“The Diamond Empire ” Transcript (PBS Frontline; February 1, 1994)
Josiah Macy Junior Foundation (on Wikipedia)
Macy Conferences (on Wikipedia)
William T. Stead (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes” with elucidatory notes by W.T. Stead (1902)
(Book) “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley (1966)
Carroll Quigley (
(Book) “The Evolution of Civilizations: An Introduction to Historical Analysis” by Carroll Quigley (1979)
(Book) “The Anglo-American Establishment” by Carroll Quigley (1981):
Margaret MacMillan (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed The World” by Margaret MacMillan (reprint 2003)
Hour 3, minutes 30 -45 (approx.):
(Book) Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley (1966)
Carroll Quigley (on Wikipedia)
Council on Foreign Relations (on Wikipedia)
“The Anglo-American Establishment” by Carroll Quigley (1981):
Hour 3 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 30-45:
Interview with Carroll Quigley (1976) (YouTube)
Peace Revolution episode 018: A History of the World in Our Time / Origins of Tragedy and Hope
False Flag Attacks (Wikipedia)
Emad Salem (Wikipedia)
World Trade Center 1993 Bombing by FBI (CBS)
The Descent of Man by Charles Darwin (
On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (Wikipedia)
William Jefferson Clinton (Wikipedia)
Georgetown Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service
Jesuits (Wikipedia)
Dr. Frank Adeyloette (Wikipedia)
The History of the Rhodes Trust by Sir Anthony Kenny (Amazon)
Sir Anthony Kenny (Wikipedia)
“This radical Right fairy tale, which is now an accepted folk myth in many groups in America, pictured the recent history of the United States, in regard to domestic reform and in foreign affairs, as a well-organized plot by extreme Left-wing elements.... This myth, like all fables, does in fact have a modicum of truth. There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the Radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies... but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.” (“Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Prof. Carroll Quigley, Page 949-950)
John von Neumann (Wikipedia)
Martin Luther (Wikipedia)
The Early American Reception of German Idealism by James Good (Amazon)
Wilhelm Wundt (Wikipedia)
Thorsten Veblen (Wikipedia)
Conspicuous Consumption (on Wikipedia)
Vilfredo Pareto (Wikipedia)
Gaetano Mosca (Wikipedia)
Sociology of the Elites by Michael Hartmann (Google Books)
Elite Theory (on Wikipdia)
Peace Revolution episode #22 “The Best Enemies Money Can Buy / The Arch which connects 2 Pillars”
Peace Revolution episode #37 “Justified Sinners / The History of Eugenics in America”
“The American aborigines, Negroes and Europeans are as different from each other in mind as any three races that can be named; yet I was incessantly struck, whilst living with the Fuegians on board the ‘Beagle’, with the many little traits of character, shewing how similar their minds were to ours; and so it was with a full-blooded negro with whom I happened once to be intimate” (on SCRIBD)
Panopticon (on Wikipedia)
Bill Clinton speaks of Carroll Quigley at 1992 DNC (on YouTube)
Edmund Walsh (on Wikipedia)
Georgetown University School of Foreign Service (on Wikipedia)
Hour 3, minutes 45 –end:
“The Descent of Man” by Charles Darwin (1871):
Francis Galton (on Wikipedia)
Adam Smith (on Wikipedia)
CATO Institute (on Wikipedia)
Marshall Fritz (on Wikipedia)
Benjamin Franklin (on Wikipedia)
“The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”( 1793)
Thomas Edison (on Wikipedia)
“Young Thomas Edison” (biographical film 1940):
Niccolò Machiavelli (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Prince” by Machiavelli (on Wikipedia)
Thomas Hobbes /Leviathan (on Wikipedia)
Crisis of Democracy: Report of the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission (Michael J. Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington, Joni Watanuki / published 1975)
Hour 3 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 45-End
Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison (1798)
The Prince by Niccollo Machiavelli
Martin Luther trained in the Trivium
Venetian Black Nobility by Webster Tarpley (1993)
Rosicrucians (Wikipedia)
Artificial Scarcity (Wikipedia)
Walter Lippmann (Wikipedia
Edward Bernays (Wikipedia)
Maritime Admiralty Law (Wikipedia)
Ben Franklin’s House: The Naked Truth” by Maev Kennedy (The Guardian article; August 11,
Trilaterals Over Washington by Patrick Wood and Antony C. Sutton
George Washington’s Letters (Library of Congress) October 24, 1798
Sovereign (Wikipedia)
Swa Raj (Wikipedia)
Autonomy (Wikipedia)
Integrity (Wikipedia)
Consent (Wikipedia)
Medici Banking Empire (Wikipedia)
Empires: The Medicis / Godfathers of the Renaissance (PBS)
Borgia Family (Wikipedia)
Pope Leo X / The Medici Pope (Wikipedia)
The Art of War by Nicolo Machiavelli
The Borgias (Showtime Miniseries) (Showtime)
Old Nick (Wikipedia)
Modus Operandi (Wikipedia)
Machiavelli (on Wikipedia)
“Against Oligarchy: Venice ” (Essays and Speeches, 1970-1996) by Webster Tarpley
Trilateral Commission
Crisis of Democracy: Report of the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission (Michael J. Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington, Joni Watanuki / published 1975)
(Book) “Trilaterals Over Washington” by Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood (1978) (“Crisis of
Democracy”, see pages 20- 24; 95- 98)
Thomas Jefferson Letter / Illuminati / Adam Weishaupt reference
Zbigniew Brzezinski (on Wikipedia)
End of Hour 3
Stay tuned for Peace Revolution Episode 044: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto / Hour 4 + Commentary
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Peace Revolution episode 042: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto / Hour 2 + Commentary
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Use the donation buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the sidebar of this site, or the sidebar of Tragedy and Hope dot com , for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto ” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
If you donate $50 or more towards the completion of this project, you will receive the entire DVD set; as our way of saying Thanks!
Your invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
Peace Revolution Podcast’s primary hosting site (2009-2011)
Peace Revolution Podcast’s backup hosting site (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast episodes, starting at the bottom of the page)
Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, free to the public)
On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
“A Peaceful Solution ” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy , Corbett Report , Gnostic Media , & Remedy Radio
Useful Tools: (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
The Brain (mind mapping software to organize your research) download for FREE
The free version works for all functions except web publication
Ultimate History Lesson Hour 1, minutes 1 -15 (approx.):
(Person) Plato (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Socrates (on Wikipedia)
(Book) "The Republic" by Plato
(Book) "The Laws" by Plato
(Person) Charles Darwin (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Descent of Man” by Charles Darwin (1871)
(Book) “On The Origin of Species” / “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” by Charles Darwin (1859):
(Person) Thomas Malthus (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “An Essay on the Principle of Population” by Thomas Malthus (Darwin read for “amusement” in 1838)
(Book) Anglican Book of Common Prayer (on Wikipedia)
(Artifact) Anglican Homily of Obedience (on Wikipedia)
(Group) Darwin-Wedgewood family (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Francis Galton (on Wikipedia)
(Concept) Eugenics (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “War Against The Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race” by Edwin Black (2003)
(Book) “Preparing for Power: America’s Elite Boarding Schools” by Cookson & Persell (1987)
(Group) Independent School League (on Wikipedia)
(Article) “America’s Best Prep Schools” (Forbes Magazine article; April 2010)
(Event) “Fitter Family Competition” + Eugenics (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Wilhelm Wundt (on Wikipedia)
Roundtable Discussion of minutes 1-15:
(Person) R. Buckminster Fuller
(Book) “Grunch of Giants” by R. Buckminster Fuller (1984) (read online via Buckminster Fuller Institute)
(Book) “Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth” by R. Buckminster Fuller
(Book) “Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth” ; Chapter 3, Comprehensively Commanded Automation - Thomas Malthus reference)
(Book) “Buckminster Fuller’s Universe: His Life and Work” by L. Steven Sieden (2000)
(Video) “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” by Adam Curtis (BBC documentary)
(Person) Wilhelm Wundt (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
(Book)“The Leipzig Connection: Basics in Education” by Paolo Lionni (1993)
Hour 1, minutes 15 -30 (approx.)
(Concept) Doctor of Philosophy (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Edward Everett (First American PhD; on Wikipedia)
(Concept) Academic Tenure (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith (1776)
(Person) William Playfair (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Edward Bernays (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Propaganda” by Edward Bernays (1928)
(Person) Ivy Lee + Nazi + I.G. Farben (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler” by Antony C. Sutton (1976)
(Book) “The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben” by Joseph Borkin (1978)
(Book) “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville (1851):
(Concept) Destiny (on Wikipedia)
Minutes 15 -30 / roundtable discussion references:
(Concept) Tenure / Rockefeller
(Concept) The Roman Collegia (Encyclopedia Britannica)
(Person) Stanley Milgram (on Wikipedia)
(Event) The Milgram Experiment (on obedience to authority figures; 1961)
(Person) Ivan Pavlov (on Wikipedia)
(Concept) Behavioral Psychology (on Wikipedia)
(Concept) Kabbalah (on Wikipedia)
(Concept) Definition of Occult (Johnson’s Dictionary 1709 -1784)
(Person) James Rowland Angell (on Wikipedia)
President of Yale University, President of the Carnegie Corporation, Instrumental in creating the Rockefeller funded Yale Institute of Human Relations with Robert Maynard Hutchins and Milton Winternitz, Creator of the Yale Institute of Human Relations Advisory Committee, John B. Watson obtained his Ph.D. under the supervision of Angell in 1903 at the University of Chicago, Angell was "pivotal figure in the development of the functionalist school of thought", Earned one of his Masters Degree's under John Dewey, who he later selected for the Human Relations Advisory Board among many other noteworthy characters.
"To Read Wundt...after a session with James, was an anticlimax which disturbed one's equilibrium...The complete lack in James of anything which could be recognized as system was highly disturbing " - James Rowland Angell
James Rowland Angell's unsuccessful attempt to study under Wundt
His cousin Frank Angell was one of the first to obtain a PhD from Wundt
(Event) James Rowland Angell + Yale Institute of Human Relations (Time magazine article; February 1929)
(Person) Frank Angell (on Wikipedia)
Frank Angell, American Psychologist, earned his PhD at Leipzig under Wilhelm Wundt. Founded the experimental laboratories at Cornell University (1891) and Stanford (1892)
(Person) John Dewey (on WIkipedia)
(Person) John B. Watson (on Wikipedia)
(Event) The Little Albert Experiment (1920)
(Person) Frank Aydelotte (on Wikipedia)
"On this basis, which was originally financial and goes back to George Peabody, there grew up in the twentieth century a power structure between London and New York which penetrated deeply into university life, the press, and the practice of foreign policy. In England the center was the Round Table Group, while in the United States it was J P Morgan and Company or its local branches in Boston, Philadelphia and Cleveland. Some rather incidental examples of the operations of this structure are very revealing, just because they are incidental. For example, it set up in Princeton a reasonable copy of the Round Table Group's chief Oxford headquarters, All Souls College. This copy, called the Institute for Advanced Study, and best known, perhaps, as the refuge of Einstein, Oppenheimer, John von Neumann, and George F. Kennan, was organized by Abraham Flexner of the Carnegie Foundation and Rockefeller's General Education Board after he had experienced the delights of All Souls while serving as Rhodes Memorial Lecturer at Oxford. The plans were largely drawn by Tom Jones, one of the Round Table's most active intriguers and foundation administrators." - Prof. Carroll Quigley, (Tragedy and Hope, Pg.953)
(See connection: Institute of Advanced Study + Cybernetics)
(Person) Abraham Flexner (on Wikipedia)
(Search) Thomas D. Jones + The Institute of Advanced Study Princeton
(Book) “World As Laboratory: Experiments with Mice, Mazes, and Men” by Rebecca Lemov (2005)
(Person) G. Stanley Hall (Encyclopedia Britannica)
(Person) William James
Hour 1, minutes 30 -45 (approx.):
(Person) Edward Jay Epstein (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Inquest: The Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth” by Edward Jay Epstein (1966)
(Book) “The Rise & Fall of Diamonds: The Shattering of a Brilliant Illusion” by Edward Jay Epstein (1982)
(Book) “News From Nowhere: Television and the News” by Edward Jay Epstein:
(Concept) Hegelian Dialectic (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Sir Richard Branson (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Losing My Virginity: How I Survived, Had Fun, & made a Fortune Doing Business My Way” by Richard Branson (1999 autobiography):
(Concept) Definition of Entrepreneur (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
(Concept) Financial Speculation (on Wikipedia)
(Concept) Rites of Passage / Walkabout
Minutes 30-45 / roundtable discussion references:
(Book) “The Corporation That Changed The World: How the East India Company Shaped the Modern Multinational” by Nick Robins (2006) (re: profit motives/corporation –short term goals)
(Event) “Thousands Mourn Boy Killed in Brooklyn” (New York Times article; July 13, 2011)
(Event) “Charges Against Dominique Strauss-Kahn Dismissed” (New York Times; August 23, 2011)
Hour 1, minutes 45 –end:
Carnegie Philanthropy / teachers pensions (1905) (Columbia University Libraries)
(Group) Rockefeller Foundation (on Wikipedia)
(Event) Rockefeller donates $80 million to University of Chicago & William Rainey Harper
(Person) William Rainey Harper (on Wikipedia)
(Event) John D. Rockefeller $500,000 “gift” to Teacher’s College (New York Times article; September 1902)
(Concept) “Rockefeller Stewardship” (TIME magazine article; June 17, 1929):
(Religious Group) The Quakers (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Richard M. Nixon / Quaker (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Herbert Hoover / Quaker (on Wikipedia)
(Person) Frederick Taylor Gates + Rockefeller (on Wikipedia)
(Group) The General Education Board (on Wikipedia)
(Event) Walsh Commission on Industrial Relations (1915) (on Wikipedia)
(Event) Cox/Reece Committee (1952- 1954; United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations) (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Foundations: Their Power and Influence” by Rene Wormser (1958):
(Video) The Hidden Agenda of Tax Exempt Foundations for Education & World Government: 1982 Norman Dodd interview (on YouTube)
(Document) The Hidden Agenda Transcript (Rowan Gaither / CIA / Ford Foundation)
(Resource) Who Owns The Media (Columbia Journalism Review)
(Resource) Media Ownership Chart: The Big Six (
Final roundtable discussion (min 45 –end) references:
(Event) JP Morgan Chase $4 million donation to NYPD pre-Occupy Wall Street
(Concept) “dyed-in-the-wool” (on Wiktionary)
(Video) Norman Dodd Radio Liberty interview with Stan Monteith (1980 “The Secret Agenda of the Tax Exempt Foundations Revealed”) (Vimeo)
(Transcript) Norman Dodd interview
(Person) William Godwin (on Wikipedia)
(Concept) Anarchy (on Wikipedia)
(Concept) Swa raj (on Wikipedia)
(Concept) Autonomy (on Wikipedia)
End of Hour 2
Stay tuned for Peace Revolution Episode 043: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto / Hour 3 + Commentary
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
The Unplugged Mom Podcast
Navigating Netflix (2011) our new video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 041: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto / Hour 1 + Commentary
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Use the donation buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the sidebar of this site, or the sidebar of Tragedy and Hope dot com , for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto ” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
If you donate $50 or more towards the completion of this project, you will receive the entire DVD set; as our way of saying Thanks!
Your invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
Peace Revolution Podcast’s primary hosting site (2009-2011)
Peace Revolution Podcast’s backup hosting site (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast episodes, starting at the bottom of the page)
Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, free to the public)
On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
“A Peaceful Solution ” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy , Corbett Report , Gnostic Media , & Remedy Radio
Useful Tools: (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
The Brain (mind mapping software to organize your research) download for FREE
The free version works for all functions except web publication
Ultimate History Lesson Hour 1, minutes 1 -15 (approx.):
Shield of the Trinity (on Wikipedia)
Classical Trivium + 7 Liberal Arts (on Wikipedia)
George Orwell (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Nineteen Eighty-Four” by George Orwell (1984) (on Wikipedia)
Newspeak (on Wikipedia)
Walter Lippmann (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Public Opinion” by Walter Lippmann (1922)
Aristotle’s Logic (on Wikipedia)
Aristotle (on Wikipedia)
Dialectic (on Wikipedia)
Five W’s (+ How) (on Wikipedia)
(Document) Abraham Lincoln’s Speech Before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 30, 1859
Mudsill Theory (on Wikipedia)
British Class Structure / Social Structure of the United Kingdom (on Wikipedia)
Vernon Louis Parrington (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Main Currents in American Thought” (Vol. I-III) by Vernon Louis Parrington (1927)
Emancipation Reform in Russia (1861) (on Wikipedia)
British Empire Slavery Abolition Act 1833 (on Wikipedia)
Roundtable Discussion of minutes 1-15:
(Book) “Social Science for Teachers” (Riverside textbooks in education, edited by E. P. Cubberley ... Division on secondary education under the editorial direction of A. Inglis); "Education a process of adjustment."
Definition of Psittacism
Definition of Mettle
Hour 1, minutes 15 -30 (approx.)
Wage Slave (on Wikipedia)
(Video) Noam Chomsky on Wage Slavery (on YouTube)
Welfare (on Wikipedia)
Definition of Deadwood
Simon Legree (character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe in1852) (on Wikipedia)
Harriet Beecher Stowe (on Wikipedia)
Count Leo Tolstoy (on Wikipedia)
Chautauqua Movement (on Wikipedia)
William Rainey Harper & Chautauqua Movement (on Wikipedia)
Lewis Lapham & Harper Magazine (on Wikipedia)
(Film) “The American Ruling Class” (2005)
(Video) “The American Ruling Class” trailer (onYouTube)
Carnegie + Homestead Strike (1892) (on Wikipedia)
PBS special Homestead Strike
John D. Rockefeller (on Wikipedia)
Rockefeller + Ludlow Massacre (1914) (on Wikipedia)
Horatio Alger (on Wikipedia)
Charles Loring Brace (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Dangerous Classes of New York: And Twenty Years’ Work Among Them” by Charles Loring Brace (1872):
Orphan Train (on Wikipedia)
Adoption (on Wikipedia)
Indentured Servant (on Wikipedia)
The Adoption History Project (University of Oregon Archive)
(Document) “Orphan Train Myths and Legal Reality” by Rebecca Trammell (pdf)
Minutes 15 -30 / roundtable discussion references:
Definition of Rhetoric (on Wikipedia)
Definition of Leverage
(Book) “The Human Use of Human Beings” by Norbert Wiener (1950)
(Book) “The Force of Fantasy: Restoring the American Dream” by Ernest Bormann (1985)
(Book) “Foundations: Their Power and Influence” by Rene Wormser (1958)
(Book) “The Babylonian Woe” by David Astle (1975)
Thomas Jefferson / Sally Hemings (PBS “Jefferson-Hemings Story”)
(Book) “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley (1966) (PDF file)
W. Cleon Skousen (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “The Naked Capitalist” by W. Cleon Skousen (1970)
Hour 1, minutes 30 -45 (approx.):
(Document) “Frustration and Aggression” by John Dollard (Yale University Press, 1939)
Adam Robinson (on Wikipedia)
The Princeton Review (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “What Smart Students Know” by Adam Robinson (1993)
target='_blank' rel='nofollow' George W. Bush (on Wikipedia)
John Forbes Kerry (on Wikipedia)
Bush, Kerry, C-Average at Yale (The Chicago Tribune)
Bush, Kerry, Yale, Skull & Bones (CBS News)
(Book) “How The Order Controls Education” by Antony Sutton (1985)
(Book) “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones” by Antony Sutton (1986)
Citibank of New York Corporate History
Citigroup (on Wikipedia)
Minutes 30-45 / roundtable discussion references:
(Document) “Frustration and Aggression” by John Dollard (Yale University Press, 1939)
(Document) “The Great American Bubble Machine” by Matt Taibbi (Rolling Stone)
(Book) “The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One” by William K. Black (2005)
(Book) “Power in the Highest Degree: Professionals and the Rise of a New Mandarin Order” by Charles Derber, William A. Schwartz, Yale R. Magrass (Oxford University Press, 1990)
(Book) “Politics and Progress: The Emergence of American Political Science” by Dennis Mahoney (2004)
Woodrow Wilson PhD (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine” by Norbert Wiener (1948)
Thorstein Veblen (on Wikipedia)
Conspicuous Consumption (on Wikipedia)
Andrew J. Galambos (In “Sic Itur Ad Astra”, Galambos defines “Profit” as any increase in wealth or happiness which is achieved without violating the volition of another human being)
Sic Itur Ad Astra: The Theory of Volition (Volume I) by Andrew J. Galambos
Definition of Volition
(Video) Tim Russert /Bush /Kerry /Skull & Bones (on YouTube)
Yale Troika
(Video) Trader Alessio Rastani on BBC (Youtube)
Hour 1, minutes 45 –end:
Outcome-Based Education (on Wikipedia)
Prussian Education System (on Wikipedia)
Robber Barons (on Wikipedia)
Johann Fichte (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Addresses to The German Nation” by Johann Fichte (1806); trans. R. F. Jones & G. H. Turnbull (University of Chicago Press, 1922)
The Battle of Jena (on Wikipedia)
Baruch Spinoza (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Tractatus Theologico-Politicus” (or) “Theologico-Political Treatise” by Baruch Spinoza (1670)
John Calvin (on Wikipedia)
(Book) "Institutes of the Christian Religion" by John Calvin (1536)
“Justified Sinners”/ Calvinism (on Wikipedia)
“The Elect” / Calvinism / Predestination (on Wikipedia)
Final roundtable discussion (min 45 –end) references:
(Book) “War is a Racket” by Maj. General Smedley Butler (1933)
(Video) “20/20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline” Divergent Films (2010 /YouTube)
Immanuel Kant (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “Vom Kriege” (or) “On War” by Carl von Clausewitz (1832)
Carl von Clausewitz (on Wikipedia)
Eugenics (on Wikipedia)
(Book) “War Against The Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race” by Edwin Black (2003)
(Video) Maafa 21: The History of Eugenics and Slavery (Youtube)
Johann Pestalozzi (on Wikipedia)
(Book) "Godwin's letter to Olgilve, Friend of Jefferson, and the Federalist
Propaganda" by Burton R. Pollin (source of Jefferson receiving a Pestalozzi book)
(Book) "War and Education" by Porter Sargent (1943)
(Book) “Compromised Campus: The Collaboration of Universities with the Intelligence Community, 1945 – 1955” by Sigmund Diamond (1992)
(Book) “Universities and Empire: Money and Politics in the Social Sciences During the Cold War” edited by Christopher Simpson (1999)
(Book) “The Impact of Science on Society” by Bertrand Russell (1952): (Fichte quote; page 51 -52)
(Book) “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives” by Zbigniew Brzezinski (1998)
(Video) Comedian Lee Camp “Evil People Have Plans” (on YouTube)
End of Hour 1
Stay tuned for Peace Revolution Episode 042: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto / Hour 2 + Commentary
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
The Unplugged Mom Podcast
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Navigating Netflix (2011) our new video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 040: Consumer Kindergarten / How Corporations Prey on Children
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Use the donation buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the sidebar of this site, or the sidebar of Tragedy and Hope dot com , for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto ” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
If you donate $50 or more towards the completion of this project, you will receive the entire DVD set; as our way of saying Thanks!
Your invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
Peace Revolution Podcast’s primary hosting site (2009-2011)
Peace Revolution Podcast’s backup hosting site (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast episodes, starting at the bottom of the page)
Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, free to the public)
On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
“A Peaceful Solution ” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy , Corbett Report , Gnostic Media , & Remedy Radio (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
The Brain (mind mapping software to organize your research) download for FREE
The free version works for all functions except web publication
(Video) Carpe Diem! / Dead Poets’ Society (on YouTube)
(Video) Reel Wisdom: Lessons from 40 films in 7 minutes (on YouTube)
(Video) Consuming Kids (on YouTube)
(Video) Corporations in the Classroom (on YouTube)
(Video) The Corporation (on YouTube)
Dr. Robert Hare’s diagnostic checklist applied to Corporations
(Video) Moment of Clarity with Lee Camp (on Lee Camp dot net)
(Video) Ron Paul discussing Carroll Quigley’s “Tragedy and Hope” (on YouTube)
(Audio) James Corbett interviews Richard Grove (on Corbett Report dot com)
(Audio) from Consuming Kids (see above)
(Audio) from Corporations in the Classroom (see above)
List of Oldest Schools in the United Kingdom (on Wikipedia)
Definition of Epistemology (on Wikipedia)
Solipsism (on Wikipedia)
“Solipsism is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. The term comes from Latin solus (alone) and ipse (self). Solipsism as an epistemological position holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure. The external world and other minds cannot be known, and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. Although the number of individuals sincerely espousing solipsism has been small, it is not uncommon for one philosopher to accuse another's arguments of entailing solipsism as an unwanted consequence, in a kind of reductio ad absurdum. In the history of philosophy, solipsism has also served as a skeptical hypothesis.”
Solipsism is first recorded with the Greek presocratic sophist, Gorgias (c. 483–375 BC) who is quoted by the Roman skeptic Sextus Empiricus as having stated:
Nothing exists;
Even if something exists, nothing can be known about it; and
Even if something could be known about it, knowledge about it can't be communicated to others.
Much of the point of the Sophists was to show that "objective" knowledge was a literal impossibility. (See also comments credited to Protagoras of Abdera).
(Book) Principles of Secondary Education (1918) by Alexander Inglis (on
See pages: 206; Chapter X, 340-380
Propaedeutic Function (on Wikipedia)
Prussian Ph.D. System / Wilhelm Wundt (on Wikipedia)
(Book) The Leipzig Connection: Basics in Education by Paolo Lionni (on
Prussian influence in Japan
Meiji Constitution 1890 (on Wikipedia)
“After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, it provided for a form of constitutional monarchy based on the Prussian model, in which the Emperor of Japan was an active ruler and wielded considerable political power (over foreign policy and diplomacy) …”
(Book) Principles of Psychology by William James (1890)
(Book) Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike (1871)
(Book) The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell (1953)
“It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an unattainable ideal: what he regarded as the best system in existence produced Karl Marx. In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.” – page 61 of the 1953 first edition
(Document) Kindergarten as the first Initiation level of the Illuminati (from Estonian Wikipedia and Translated)
“Illuminati seem borrowed from modern mandrivabamüürluse kujundlikkusest blossoming, with levels of breeding like rabbits . They had three separate sets of steps, and each set of four or five steps:
Illuminatus Minor
The Apprentice (symbolic)
Illuminatus Major, or Scotch novice
Illuminatus Conductor or Scottish Knight (Scotland)
Presbyter, or priest (at least)
The Prince Regent, or
Magus (Magus) (MAJOR)
King (Rex)
(Book) Illuminati of Bavaria: Chapter 7, Illuminati Strategies of Indoctrination (with footnotes, secondary and primary references)
(Book) America’s Secret Establishment: An introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Dr. Antony Sutton; Chapter 8: How the Order Controls Education (Illuminati influence on Public Schooling)
Antony Sutton dot com
(Book) Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights by Thom Hartmann
(Book) The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation by Raymond Fosdick
(Video) The Corporation Nation by Clint Richardson (on YouTube)
Q: Why are we not taught that we're being preyed on by Corporations?
A: Predators designed the system.
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
The Unplugged Mom Podcast
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Navigating Netflix (2011) our new video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 039: 9-11 Backdraft / Examining the Evidence Ten Years Later
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Use the donation buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the sidebar of this site, or the sidebar of Tragedy and Hope dot com , for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto ” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
If you donate $50 or more towards the completion of this project, you will receive the entire DVD set; as our way of saying Thanks!
Your invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
Peace Revolution Podcast’s primary hosting site (2009-2011)
Peace Revolution Podcast’s backup hosting site (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast episodes, starting at the bottom of the page)
Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, free to the public)
On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
“A Peaceful Solution ” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy , Corbett Report , Gnostic Media , & Remedy Radio (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
The Brain (mind mapping software to organize your research) download for FREE
The free version works for all functions except web publication
Backdraft (1991) starring Robert DeNiro (trailer on YouTube)
Announcement of Assassination of John F. Kennedy (on YouTube)
NYC Radio Dial Scan from the night John Lennon was Assassinated ( on YouTube)
FBI foreknowledge of 1993 WTC Bombing by Dan Rather for CBS (on YouTube)
“After 9-11: Ten Years of War” by James Corbett (on YouTube)
“Phantom Flight 11” NEADS Tapes (on YouTube)
Larry Silverstein (WTC Leasholder) saying “pull-it” in relation to WTC 7 (on YouTube)
“9/11: A Conspiracy Theory” (satire) by James Corbett (on YouTube)
Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth: Experts Speak Out (on YouTube)
To buy the DVD:
Architects and Engineers Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 (on YouTube)
“Air is Safe” EPA Christine Todd Whitman at Ground Zero 1 (on YouTube)
“Air is Safe” EPA Christine Todd Whitman at Ground Zero 2 (on YouTube)
CBS News: Study Shows Rise of Cancer in 9/11 Firefighters (September 1, 2011)
“First Responders Banned from Ground Zero” by Alex Jones and Paul Watson (on YouTube)
First Responder David Miller (on YouTube)
9-11 Commission Chairman runs from Family Members Questions ( on YouTube)
Epistemology (on Wikipedia)
Epistemology (from Greek (epistēmē), meaning "knowledge, science", and λόγος (logos), meaning "study of") is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope (limitations) of knowledge. It addresses the questions: What is knowledge? How is knowledge acquired? How do we know what we know?
much of the debate in this field has focused on analyzing the nature of knowledge and how it relates to connected notions such as truth, belief, and justification. It also deals with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims. The term was introduced by the Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier (1808–1864).
Immanuel Kant (on Wikipedia)
Georg Hegel (on Wikipedia)
Johann Caspar Lavater (on Wikipedia)
Johann Pestalozzi (on Wikipedia)
Warren Buffett’s “Last Annual Golf Tournament”
“Audio Tapes Released from 9/11 Archives, Majority of Records Still Sealed” by James Corbett (on YouTube)
WKJO: Who Killed John O’Neill? (2005) by Ryan Thurston and Ty Rauber
WKJO Official Website
WKJO on Google Video
Project Constellation (2006) by Richard Grove
Download mp3 version
Barry Jennings WTC 7 Interview (UNCUT) 20 min (on YouTube)
Barry Jennings Mysterious Death (2 months after interview above) via Alex Jones (on YouTube)
Epistemology (on Wikipedia)
Definition (Plato’s Academy)
Wilhelm Wundt, Ph.D. (on Wikipedia)
Prussian Education System (on Wikipedia)
Johann Fichte (on Wikipedia)
James Bryant Conant / Prussian Education System (on Wikipedia)
“Usama Bin Laden: License to Kill ” by Bernard Lewis (on Council on Foreign Relations dot com)
A reference to “Justified Sinning”
Bernard Lewis (on Wikipedia)
Bernard Lewis on OBL, Iraq, and Iran (on YouTube)
Bernard Lewis’ Map of the Middle East (on YouTube)
Webster Tarpley’s “After the NeoCons” speaks of Bernard Lewis’s Map of the Middle East (on YouTube)
“Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger” (on Council on Foreign Relations dot com)
Entire Article on Harvard’s JFK School of Govt. Site
Ashton Carter (on Wikipedia)
John Deutch (on Wikipedia)
Philip Zelikow (on Wikipedia)
“Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft ” by Philip Zelikow and Condoleezza Rice
9-11 Insider Trading (on 9-11 Timeline)
9-11 Commission Report (the official “story” of 9-11)
Thomas Kean (on Wikipedia)
9-11 Commission (on Wikipedia)
Jerome Hauer (on Wikipedia)
John P. O’Neill (on Wikipedia)
(book) “The Man…”
Marsh and McLennan Companies (on Wikipedia)
Michael Cherkasky (on Wikipedia)
Eliot Spitzer (on Wikipedia)
Rudolph Giuliani (on Wikipedia)
Robert Morganthau (on Wikipedia)
BCCI Bank of Commerce and Credit International (on Wikipedia)
Adnan Khashoggi (on Wikipedia)
Salem bin Laden (on Wikipedia)
James R. Bath (on Wikipedia)
Clark Clifford (on Wikipedia)
Khalid bin Mafouz (on Wikipedia)
Harken Energy (on Wikipedia)
Barry Seal (on Wikpedia)
Richard ben Veniste (on Wikipedia)
AIG American International Group (on Wikipedia)
AIC American International Corporation (on Modern History Project)
“It’s Just A Ride” by Bill Hicks (on YouTube)
“Long Road” by Neil Young and Eddie Vedder (on YouTube)
From the 9-11 Concert for Heroes, the week after 9-11-01
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
The Unplugged Mom Podcast
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Navigating Netflix (2011) our new video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 038: The High Cabal / Lessons in Foreign and Domestic Policy
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Use the donation buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the sidebar of this site, or the sidebar of Tragedy and Hope dot com , for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto ” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
If you donate $50 or more towards the completion of this project, you will receive the entire DVD set; as our way of saying Thanks!
Your invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
Peace Revolution Podcast’s primary hosting site (2009-2011)
Peace Revolution Podcast’s backup hosting site (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast episodes, starting at the bottom of the page)
Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, free to the public)
On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
“A Peaceful Solution ” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy , Corbett Report , Gnostic Media , & Remedy Radio (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
Haileybury and Imperial Service College (on Wikipedia)
East India Company College (on Wikipedia)
Thomas Malthus worked at the British East India Company College
Winston Churchill (on Wikipedia)
“The High Cabal ”
R. Buckminster Fuller (on Wikipedia)
Secret of the High Cabal: Their most valuable asset is anonymity
Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (on Wikipedia)
“Col. Prouty spent 9 of his 23 year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955 he was appointed the first "Focal Point" officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961), and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
At times he would be called to meet with Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles at their home on highly classified business. He was assigned to attend MKULTRA meetings. In this capacity Col. Prouty would be at the nerve center of the Military-Industrial Complex at a time unequalled in American History. He has written on these subjects, about the JFK assassination, the Cold War period, and Vietnamese warfare, and the existence of a "Secret Team". He backs up his his work with seldom seen or mentioned official documents - some never before released.
Fletcher Prouty offers a rare glimpse of "The Power Elite " as described by Buckminster Fuller, or "The High Cabal " as Winston Churchill referred to them; and how they really operate. Those who have not been in a position to witness events such as these from the inside would not understand how invisible but ultimately effective they and their power structures are.”
(Book) Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World by L. Fletcher Prouty
(pdf online) The Secret Team
(Audio) The Secret Team
Part 1 (on YouTube)
Part 2 (on YouTube)
(Transcript) The High Cabal
Prouty interviews (on YouTube)
Prouty Reference site:
(Video) What I’ve Learned about U.S. Foreign Policy (on YouTube)
(Article) Fletcher Prouty vs. the Church of Scientology (on NPR)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
The Unplugged Mom Podcast
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Navigating Netflix (2011) our new video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 037: Justified Sinners / The History of Eugenics in America
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
Use the "Donate" buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the side bar of this site, or the T&H Community , or the T&H dot com site , for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto ” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
If you donate $50 or more towards the completion of this project, you will receive the entire DVD set; as our way of saying Thanks!
Your invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
Peace Revolution Podcast’s primary hosting site (2009-2011)
Peace Revolution Podcast’s backup hosting site (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast episodes, starting at the bottom of the page)
Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, free to the public)
On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
“A Peaceful Solution ” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy , Corbett Report , Gnostic Media , & Remedy Radio (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
(Video) Bilderberg Group 2003, by BBC
(Video) The Last Word on Utopia , by James Corbett (on
(Video) Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st Century (on YouTube)
Margaret Sanger (on Wikipedia)
Eugenics (on Wikipedia)
Eugenics Record Office ( on Wikipedia)
Eugenics and Population Control (in The Brain Model)
Charles Darwin (on Wikipedia)
Francis Galton (on Wikipedia)
(Video) Webster Tarpley Interview “The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination”, by InfoWars & (on YouTube)
(Article) “Obama’s Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions” (via
John Holdren (on Wikipedia)
Ecoscience (on
Paul Ehrlich (on Wikipedia)
“The Population Bomb” (on Wikipedia)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Navigating Netflix (2011) our new video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 036: The Global Ruling Class / Meet the F*ckers
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. Use the "Donate" buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the side bar of this site, or the T&H Community , or the T&H dot com site , for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto ” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
a. If you donate $50 or more towards the completion of this project, you will receive the entire DVD set; as our way of saying Thanks!
2. Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
3. Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2011)
4. Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast)
5. Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, free to the public)
a. On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
6. “A Peaceful Solution ” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
7. T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy , Corbett Report , Gnostic Media , & Remedy Radio
8. (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
a. StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
9. (Music) Bolero, a one-movement orchestral piece by Maurice Ravel
10. David Rothkopf (on Wikipedia)
a. (Book) Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World they are Creating (on Amazon)
11. (Ref) The American Ruling Class by Lewis Lapham (on Wikipedia)
a. Lewis Lapham (on Wikipedia)
i. Lapham is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations
b. (Video) The American Ruling Class by Lewis Lapham (on Netflix)
12. (Book) With No Apologies: The Personal and Political Memoirs of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater (on Amazon)
a. Chapter 33: Our Non-Elected Rulers
13. (Ref) Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (in the Brain Model)
14. (Ref) Ford Foundation (in the Brain Model)
15. (Ref) Rockefeller Foundation (in the Brain Model)
16. (Video) Carnegie Endowment for International Peace presents “Rise of the Superclass” by David Rothkopf (on YouTube)
17. (Video) David Rothkopf at Middlebury College discussing Superclass (on YouTube)
18. (Video) Empire: Superclass / Al Jazeera (on YouTube)
19. (Book) The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills 1959 (on Amazon)
20. (Book) Foundations and their Influence by Rene Wormser (on Amazon)
21. (Book) The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation by Raymond Fosdick (on Amazon)
22. (Book) Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of Psychopaths by Dr. Robert Hare (on Amazon)
23. (Book) Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work by Dr. Robert Hare (on Amazon)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Remedy Radio Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Navigating Netflix (2011) our new video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.
"Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven , graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)
What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
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Peace Revolution episode 035: The House of Rothschild / The World’s Banker
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. Use the "Donate" buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the side bar of this site, or the T&H Community , or the T&H dot com site , for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto ” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
a. If you donate $50 or more towards the completion of this project, you will receive the entire DVD set; as our way of saying “Thanks!”.
2. Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
3. Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2011)
4. Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast)
5. Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, free to the public)
a. On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
6. “A Peaceful Solution” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
7. T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy , Corbett Report , Gnostic Media , & Remedy Radio
8. (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
a. StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
9. (Video) Prof. Chengiah Ragaven interviewed by Richard Grove (on YouTube)
10. (Video) Trivium & Logic / Jan Irvin interviewed by Alex Jones (on YouTube)
11. Jordan Maxwell and Alex Jones discussing Teutonic Zionism (on YouTube)
a. The 5 Crusades
b. Teutonic Knights
c. The Knights Templar (“Warrior Monks” = doublespeak, contradictory identification)
d. The Knights of Malta (Sovereign Military Order of Malta)
e. The Jesuits (The Company of Jesus, a military Order)
f. Freemasonry (Freres Mason = Brother Masons)
g. Hanseatic League
h. Illuminati (1911 Encyclopedia Britannica 11th Edition, prior to being edited for public consumption )
i. Zionism (1911 Encyclopedia Britannica)
j. Israeli Professor Proclaims “Zionism is Stupid”
i. References for Israeli Professor Proclaims “Zionism is Stupid”
12. The House of Rothschild
a. (News) New York Times Article reviewing Niall Ferguson’s 2 Volume Set
b. (Books) 2 Volume set authored by Niall Ferguson on the House of Rothschild, “The World’s Banker”
i. Volume 1: The House of Rothschild / Money’s Prophets (1798-1848 )
ii. Volume 2: The House of Rothschild / The World’s Banker (1849-1999)
c. (Video) featuring historical content pertinent to the House of Rothschild books by Niall Ferguson
d. (Video) 1934 Academy Award Nominated Film: The House of Rothschild (on YouTube)
e. 1934’s The House of Rothschild (on IMDB)
f. 1934’s The House of Rothschild (on Wikipedia)
g. Rothschild Family (on Wikipedia)
h. Rothschild Banking Family of England (on Wikipedia)
13. The Brain (connecting the knowledge, as a means to understanding)
a. Get the Brain software for free:
b. The Jesuits (linked in The Brain model)
c. Machiavelli (linked in The Brain model)
d. The Illuminati (linked in The Brain model)
e. The Rothschild Empire (linked in The Brain model)
f. Cecil Rhodes (linked in The Brain model)
g. The Round Table Group / CFR & RIIA (linked in The Brain model)
h. The Removal of Critical Thinking from Public Education (linked in The Brain Model)
i. Conspiracy / Cabal (linked in The Brain model)
j. De Beers (linked in The Brain model)
k. Balfour (linked in The Brain model)
l. London School of Economics (linked in The Brain model)
14. (Book) The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed
15. (Book) Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins
a. Jan Irvin’s Gnostic Media interviews with Eustace Mullins
i. Last interviews before Eustace’s death
b. Eustace Mullins Audio Archives (mp3) on Archive dot org
16. (Book) Rome and Jerusalem: The Last Nationalist Question by Moses Hess (1862)
a. Specific references to:
i. Infiltration of Freemasonic Lodges by those with an Illuminist Agenda
1. Affirmed by John Robison (1798)
2. Affirmed by George Washington (1798)
ii. Creation of a future Zionist State in Palestine (1862)
iii. Rhodes, Rothschild to fund creation of future Zionist State (1862)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Red Ice Creations dot com
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 034: How the World Really Works / Cause and Effect vs. Our Beliefs
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. Use the "Donate" buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the side bar of this site, or the T&H Community , or the T&H dot com site , for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto ” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
2. Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
3. Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2011)
4. Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2011)
5. Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media, free to the public)
6. “A Peaceful Solution” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
7. (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
a. StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
8. Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 by Franz Lizst
9. How the world really works (Jordan Maxwell)
10. Moments of Clarity by Lee Camp
b. “That’s the real history of America ?” by Lee Camp on YouTube (intro to episode)
c. “Evil people have plans ” by Lee Camp on YouTube (closing of episode)
11. Definition of Anarchy (absence of government)
12. Definition of Autonomy (absence of others controlling your mind)
13. Definition of Amptssprache
14. Amptssprache Fallacy: the belief that someone else can be responsible for your actions, or that your actions are exempted from the natural law of cause and effect.
15. Definition of Meme (a mind virus, which you have to outlearn, as you cannot delete it)
16. Larken Rose /
17. Gnostic Media /
a. Gnostic Media interview with Larkin Rose (complete)
18. Free Your Mind Conference /
a. Larken Rose @ the FYMConference on YouTube
19. Stanford Prison Experiment
a. Indoctrination
b. Operant Conditioning
c. Operant Conditioning Chamber
20. Prussian Education System
21. Natural Law: to treat yourself and others with honesty.
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Red Ice Creations dot com
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 033: Educational Initiations of Self / Integrity Starts with You
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
2. Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2011)
3. Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2011)
4. Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media, free to the public)
5. “A Peaceful Solution” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
6. (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
a. StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
7. “Education without Enlightenment can be Dangerous ” by Manly P. Hall
8. Navigating Netflix dot com / Episode 01: The Experiment
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Red Ice Creations dot com
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 032: How College Subverts Students / Dumbing us Down for Profit and Power
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
2. Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2011)
3. Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2011)
4. Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media, free to the public)
5. “A Peaceful Solution” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
6. (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’t collect your private info and search history)
a. StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
7. Navigating Netflix episode 01: “The Experiment ” featuring: Paul Verge (of Remedy Radio ), James Pilato (of Media Monarchy ), Lisa Arbercheski and Richard Grove (of Tragedy and Hope )
a. Stanford Prison Experiment (1971)
b. Stanford Prison Experiment on YouTube
c. “The Experiment” (2010) trailer on YouTube
d. Dr. Philip Zimbardo
e. Office of Naval Research (sponsor of 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment)
f. Stanley Milgram
g. Milgram Experiment @ Yale University (1961)
h. Milgram Experiment on YouTube
8. (audio) John Taylor Gatto interview (2004) on Radio Free School , Canada
a. John Taylor Gatto dot com
b. John Taylor Gatto on Wikipedia
c. Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto
d. Dumbing us Down by John Taylor Gatto
e. Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto
9. (audio) The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (theme song)
10. Definition: Collectivism
a. “The socialistic theory of the collective ownership or control of all the means of production, and especially of the land, by the whole community or State, i.e. the people collectively, for the benefit of the people as a whole.” Source: Oxford English Dictionary
11. Definition: Autonomy
a. “The right of self-government, of making its own laws and administering its own affairs. Liberty to follow one's will, personal freedom.” Source: Oxford English Dictionary
12. Quote: “All schools, all colleges, have two great functions: to confer, and to conceal, valuable knowledge. The knowledge which they conceal cannot justly be regarded as less valuable than that which they reveal.” Mark Twain’s Notebook , 1908
13. (video) Norman Dodd : The Hidden Agenda: the role of Foundations in Education
a. (transcript) The Hidden Agenda / Norman Dodd and G. Edward Griffin
b. Norman Dodd on YouTube
c. Norman Dodd on Wikipedia
14. B. Carroll Reece
a. Reece Committee on Education (Congressional Transcripts)
b. Carroll Reece on Wikipedia
c. Reece Committee on Wikipedia
d. Foundations and their Influence by Rene Wormser
15. Charlotte Iserbyt
a. Charlotte’s website
b. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt (pdf download)
c. Outcome Based Education on Wikipedia
d. Benjamin Bloom and Outcome Based Education on Wikipedia
16. Quote: “The purpose of education is to change the thoughts, feelings and actions of students.” – Benjamin Bloom
a. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives by Benjamin Bloom
17. (video) College Conspiracy : How “education” creates indentured debt slaves
a. (video) The History of Corruption in Public Education (playlist)
18. The Tax-Exempt Foundations and their Influence
a. Rockefeller Foundation on Wikipedia
i. The story of the Rockefeller Foundation by Raymond Fosdick
b. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on Wikipedia
c. Ford Foundation on Wikipedia
i. Ford Foundation + CIA
d. Reece Committee on Education (Congressional Transcripts)
e. Carroll Reece on Wikipedia
f. Reece Committee on Wikipedia
g. Foundations and their Influence by Rene Wormser
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Red Ice Creations dot com
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 031: Connect the Dots, See the Big Picture / The 5th Anniversary of Project Constellation: A Root-Cause Analysis of our Culture of Fear
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
2. Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2011)
3. Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2011
a. The 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast begins on the bottom of this page .
b. Project Constellation is also found at the bottom of this page .
c. The Transcript for Project Constellation is found here on
4. Meria Heller @
5. Meria Heller’s Keynote Speech @ the 2006 9/11 Conference in Chicago
6. Richard Grove’s Films on Blip. TV (page 1 of 6, beginning with most recent)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Red Ice Creations dot com
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 030: The Fire of Corruption in Education / John Taylor Gatto and Henrik Palmgren
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
2. Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2011)
3. Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2011)
4. Henrik Palmgren and Red Ice Creations
a. Support Red Ice Radio
5. John Taylor Gatto dot com (this link was down @ time of publication, but usually works)
6. Gnostic Media podcast episodes with John Taylor Gatto
7. John Taylor Gatto on YouTube
8. John Taylor Gatto on Amazon
9. Navigating Netflix dot com
a. Navigating Netflix Group @ Tragedy and Hope’s online community
10. Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley
11. The Leipzig Connection: Basics in Education by Paolo Lionni
12. Johann Gottlieb Fichte
13. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
14. Johann Kaspar Lavater
15. Illuminati (1911 Encyclopedia Britannica 11th Edition)
16. Niccolo Machiavelli
17. Frederic Bastiat’s The Law
18. Prussia
19. Prussian Education System
20. Von Clausewitz
21. Hanseatic League
22. Teutonic Knights
23. Saxe-Coburg and Gotha / Hanover / Windsor Royal Families
24. Queen Victoria
25. List of British Monarchs
26. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
27. (video) We didn’t start the fire by Billy Joel
a. We didn’t start the fire : This Wikipedia page has all the links and references , so that if you’re likewise interested in exploring the history represented in this song, you can explore to your heart’s content.
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Red Ice Creations dot com
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 029: Metaphors of Liberation / The Wisdom of Gullible's Travels
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Peace Revolution episode 029: Metaphors of Liberation / The Wisdom of Gullible’s Travels
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
2. Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2011)
3. Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2011)
4. Jonathan Swift on Wikipedia
5. Gulliver’s Travels on Wikipedia
6. Gulliver’s Travels (republished 1863 )
7. Gulliver Mickey (1934): Mickey is first seen reading Gulliver's Travels while the mice orphan children are pretending too be sailors. After ruining their game Mickey tries to make it up to them by retelling the Liliput sequences of Gulliver's Travels pretending it was a real event that happened to him by portraying the role of Gulliver. The story ends with Mickey saving the town from a giant spider (Pete ). However after telling the story, one of the children dangles a fake spider attached to a fishing rod which scares Mickey out of his witts.
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 028: How to Spot the Lie / Kung-Fu for your Mind
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Peace Revolution episode 028: How to Spot the Lie / Kung-Fu for your Mind
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
2. Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2011)
3. Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2011)
4. Jan Irvin’s interviews with Dr. Michael Labossiere on Fallacies:
a. (audio) Gnostic Media podcast # 062 pt 1 “Logical Fallacies”
b. (audio) Gnostic Media podcast # 063 pt 2 “General Grammar”
c. (video) Gnostic Media podcast # 062 (with video aids)
5. Dr. Michael Labossiere’s website on Fallacies
6. Click here for comprehensive fallacy list via scribd in pdf format
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS: The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
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Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS: The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online community
2. Peace Revolution primary site (2009-2011)
3. Peace Revolution backup stream (2006-2011)
4. (video) Jewel of the Nile (1985) trailer on YouTube
5. (video) Diamonds are Forever (1971) trailer on YouTube
6. (video) The Diamond Empire (1995) PBS Frontline Documentary
7. (video) Blood Diamonds: The True Story (2009)
8. (video) Diamonds of War (2007) National Geographic
9. (video) Dr. Steve Pieczenik: bin Laden worked for CIA, MI6, and Mossad
10. (video) Invisible Empire (2010) by Jason Bermas
11. (video) “Shine on You Crazy Diamond ” by Pink Floyd on YouTube
12. (article) “Al Qaeda Cash Tied to Diamond Trade ” / Washington Post
13. (article) “Bin Laden is financed by 'blood diamonds' from Sierra Leone / Millions reaped from gems sold by rebel groups ” /
14. (article) “How cut-price diamonds are traded for weapons” / London Telegraph
15. (article) “Board member of a diamond business is accused of funding bin Laden ” / JCK Industry Authority
16. Cecil Rhodes / Wikipedia
17. De Beers Diamond Cartel / Wikipedia
a. Note it cites N.M. Rothschild and Sons as Rhodes’ financiers.
18. (book) Glitter and Greed : The Truth about Blood Diamonds, by Janine Roberts
19. Cecil Rhodes set up the De Beers Diamond Cartel
20. Rhodes’ will created the Rhodes Scholarships and CFR
21. Rhodes secret society was based on the military strategy of the Jesuits
a. Search “Jesuit” and “Jesuits” in the e-book version as linked
22. Rhodes was a freemason
23. Freemasonry was infiltrated by the Illuminati, and the Illuminati strategy is also based on the military strategy of the Jesuits .
24. Moses Hess writes in 1862 that illuminists were progressing their agenda to create Israel in Palestine, from within the freemasonic lodges .
a. Search “Freemason” “Israel” “Palestine” “Rothschild” “Hirsch”
b. Originally published by Moses Hess in 1862, even though 1918 Harvard Library Edition is linked above
25. Rothschild is mentioned in Hess’s 1862 publication as being a key participant.
a. Search “Rothschild” in the full-text version as linked
26. Rothschild funds Cecil Rhodes
27. Rothschild is named in an early version of Rhodes will.
28. Rothschild is instrumental in the Balfour Declaration and therefore, the creation of Israel.
a. Israel is likewise based on the military strategy of the Jesuits.
29. There is an intimate connection between British South Africa and Israel
a. According to Theodor Herzl’s diaries, Herzl states that Israel must be based on Rhodes’ plan, as per his letters and correspondence with Cecil Rhodes .
30. Also ongoing in Africa, were other Empires trying to likewise rape the native people of their natural resources, including King Leopold of Belgium , the Prussian Hapsburg Family , as well as Rhodes’ diamond cartel; all of which had dealings with the Rothschild family franchise banks. Call it racism, eugenics, or greed; it’s all part of the history of the biocratic Utopians .
a. See also: “The First Holocaust: Horrifying Secrets of Germany’s earliest genocide inside Africa’s Forbidden Zone ” by the UK Mail Online
31. Among the imperial financiers participating in the diamond cartel in the early 19th century, was Augustus Belmont , who like many who helped to create the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913, was also part of the American International Corporation, which funded the Soviet Union .
32. (video) Conflict Diamonds by Lupe Fiasco on YouTube
a. [Chorus]
Diamonds are forever
They won’t leave in the night
I've no fear that they might desert me
Allow me to break down the game
behind the bracelets, earrings, chains, watches and rings
The bling
the crystal incrusted, princess flooded
canary studded, blue colored and blood stained
Yeah, the older brother of the drug game
the giver of fame, the take awayer of lame
The empowerer of the kings that came with claims and disease
to leave where the native peoples were staying
Believe, my engagement ring received
And flossed at the cost of a bondage child minus pain
Long ago kings use to wear them in their armor when they fought other armies
Because it use to scare them
If you wasn't rich, couldn't wear them
Witches use to marry them
They'll shoot you before they share them
The gift and the curse, the venom and the serum
Most hated lady's best friend, get murked for a cerium
Cecil Rhodes sold war and genocide
Into the countryside just to get his shine on
I fear what De Beers and his peers use to do
Before the world really knew, just to get their mine on
Making paper with slave labor
And hitting little kids with life time bids making them cut and shine stones
Inflating the price and making them look nice
And I wasn't thinking twice when I was putting mine on
About a young shorty in Sierra Leone
Or other conflict countries that people call home
I figured I would never go to Angola
So it never did affect me there, maybe indirectly
That my neck leash was funding a rebellion or a military coup
Started by militias that don't believe in following none of Geneva's rules
I was brushing off the haters, trying to be cool
Didn't have a clue that the rapper was helping the rapers
Raiders of the villagers, pillagers of the schools
Shooters of the innocent, torturers of the witnesses
Burners of the businesses and my bracelet was the fuel
Uhh, I ain't pushing an agenda homie
I'm just pushing the facts, fuck Bush
Cuz there's people doing worse on this earth and there black
I took it for years now let me bring it back
We all know on foreign shores that they finance wars
But ask yourself do they finance yours
When I first got mine I took them out on tour
Didn't know they lost half the value when I took them out the store
Or it was full of moissanites and cubics
But the jeweler knew I was stupid
And that I couldn't prove it
Feeling like I need it because I do music
To impress the groupies and the interviewers
So I didn't appraise it, nor did I loop it
Even gave them to my girl, thinking I was cupid
Homies was all hate hoping they could make me lose it
Creeping through my own hood knew I had to remove it
I see the Russian Mafia, the Jewish Mobsters
The undercover terrorists and the traps for the hustlers
Homie it's a wrap for the nonsense rhyming
Props to Kanye I call this Conflict Diamonds
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 026: Exposing the Folly of an American Theatre of the Absurd
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Peace Revolution episode 026: Exposing the Folly of an American Theatre of the Absurd
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Notes, References, and Links for further study:
1. White House video of Obama announcing Osama’s death
2. Good Morning America discovers Osama bin Laden is CIA via Corbett Report
3. Al Qaeda doesn’t exist ; courtesy of BBC and Adam Curtis’ film “The Power of Nightmares ”
4. The motives behind 9-11 by Steve Pieczenik via the Alex Jones Show
a. Osama’s connections to CIA, MI6, and MOSSAD ; by Steve Pieczenik via the Alex Jones Show
b. Noam Chomsky’s reaction to Obama’s announcement of Osama’s death
5. Echoes / Pink Floyd
6. List of Fallacies / intellectual self defense
a. Dr. Labossiere’s video illustrating fallacies via
7. Richard Grove interviewed by James Evan Pilato,
8. Foreign Affairs / Council on Foreign Relations journal 1998 (November/December Vol. 77 No. 6)
a. Bernard Lewis: License to Kill (Usama bin Laden)
b. John Deutch, Philip Zelikow, and Ashton Carter: Catastrophic Terrorism
9. Bush connections to James R. Bath and Osama bin Laden
a. Bush and Bath AWOL
b. Bath and Salem bin Laden
c. Salem bin Laden and Bath involved in Arbusto Energy
d. Salem bin Laden and Adnan Khashoggi involved in BCCI
e. Mark Lombardi’s Global Networks
f. Greg Palast’s “Bush Family Fortunes ”
10. “Glitter and Greed ” by Janine Roberts, on the diamond trade.
a. PBS 1995 Frontline Documentary: THE DIAMOND EMPIRE
b. Cecil Rhodes’ De Beers Cartel
11. James Corbett’s article: Osama bin Laden announced dead for the 9th time
12. James Corbett on the Alex Jones Show regarding the bin Laden psyop
13. Illuminati as listed in the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
14. Jesuits as listed in the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
15. Emad Salem’s 1993 World Trade Center recordings of the FBI giving him orders
a. Emad Salem’s recordings on YouTube of FBI agent John Anticev
16. Dan Rather’s 1993 broadcast naming Emad Salem , ibid.
17. Steve R. Pieczenik’s listing on the Council on Foreign Relations 2010 roster
18. Tom Clancy + Jesuit (Google Books search )
19. Tom Clancy + Jesuits (Google Books search )
20. Tom Clancy’s Wikipedia entry
21. Steve R. Pieczenik’s Wikipedia entry
a. Further reading: SYKEWAR by Daniel Lerner (1948)
22. “Rulers of Evil : Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies” by F. Tupper Saussy (if you want to learn more on how the Jesuits have affected history)
23. Steve Pieczenik’s interviews on the Alex Jones Show / Infowars
a. May 3, 2011 (7 parts)
b. May 4, 2011 (3 parts)
c. May 5, 2011 (2 parts)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 025: A History of Media in America / Education for your Edification
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Peace Revolution episode 025: A History of Media in America / Education for your Edification
notes, links, references, etc.:
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Neil Postman on Youtube
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 024: Logic Works because it's Rational / How to Teach Each Other
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Peace Revolution episode 024: Logic Works because it's Rational / How to Teach Each Other
notes, links, references, etc.:
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The basics of the Introduction to Logic are illustrated in the transcript of Peace Revolution episode 023, which can be found here (on scribd) ; and is also embedded below.
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted Keys of Wisdom
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Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted Keys of Wisdom
notes, links, references, etc.:
Link to the transcript of this episode , this transcript is embedded below for your convenience.
Invitation link to the Tragedy and Hope online community
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1. Jan Irvin’s Trivium and Quadrivium interviews with Gene Odening, episodes 49, 50, 51
a. Video version: Trivium
b. Video version: Quadrivium
2. Jan Irvin’s Fallacy interviews with Dr. Michael Labossiere
3. Dr. Labossiere’s Fallacy video
5. Peace Revolution episodes 1, 2, 3, etc., an entire podcast dedicated to a comprehensive or full-spectrum education
6. The Tragedy and Hope online community
a. Invitation link
b. Trivium Study Group
c. Introduction to Logic Study Group
d. Upcoming Philosophical Corruption of Physics Study Group
7. What You’ve Been Missing episodes 1 and 2
8. Government / "to control the mind" etymology:
from the Latin, mens, mentis, menti, mentem, mente; which are 3rd declension nouns which mean "mind", the ablative meaning "the mind". Gubernare (to control) + mente (the mind) = the root of government (to control the mind).
Translation: Mind
Main Forms : Mens, Mentis, Menti, Mentem, Mente
Gender : Feminine
Declension : Third
References for Bertrand Russell and Aldous Huxley quotes (as included in transcript below):
The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell original edition 1953
Available to read online at SCRIBD:
Excerpt: Prefatory Note: “This book is based upon lectures originally given at Ruskin College, Oxford, England. Three of these-- Chapter I, “Science and Tradition,” Chapter II, “General Effects of Scientific Techniques,” and Chapter VI, “Science and Values”--were subsequently repeated at Columbia University, New York, and published by the Columbia University Press. None of the other chapters have been published before in the United States. The last chapter in the present book, “Can a Scientific Society be Stable?” was the Lloyd Roberts Lecture given at the Royal Society of Medicine, London.”
Bertrand Russell biography
Excerpt: Chapter III “Scientific Technique in an Oligarchy”
“Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an unattainable ideal: what he regarded as the best system in existence produced Karl Marx. In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.” (page 50)
Aldous Huxley's quotations pertaining to Brave New World (1932) and The Ultimate Revolution (1962 speech):
Foreward to the 1946 edition of Brave New World: "A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. "
From the transcript of Aldous Huxley's 1962 speech The Ultimate Revolution: "It seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: That we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude . This is the, it seems to me, the ultimate in malevolent revolutions shall we say, and this is a problem which has interested me many years and about which I wrote thirty years ago, a fable, Brave New World, which is an account of society making use of all the devices available and some of the devices which I imagined to be possible making use of them in order to, first of all, to standardize the population, to iron out inconvenient human differences, to create, to say, mass produced models of human beings arranged in some sort of scientific caste system. Since then, I have continued to be extremely interested in this problem and I have noticed with increasing dismay a number of the predictions which were purely fantastic when I made them thirty years ago have come true or seem in process of coming true."
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution. ” Aldous Huxley
Peace Revolution Episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted Keys of Wisdom_Transcript
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 022: The Best Enemies Money Can Buy / The Arch which connects 2 Pillars
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Peace Revolution episode 022: The Best Enemies Money Can Buy / The Arch which connects the 2 Pillars
Invitation link to the Tragedy and Hope online community
M.I.R.V. missile system
Scientific Dictatorship
Team B : Team B was a competitive analysis exercise commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1970s to analyze threats the Soviet Union posed to the security of the United States . Team B, approved by then Director of Central Intelligence George H. W. Bush , was composed of "outside experts" who attempted to counter the positions of intelligence officials within the CIA.[1] Team B concluded that the National Intelligence Estimate on the Soviet Union, generated yearly by the CIA, underestimated Soviet military power and misinterpreted Soviet strategic intentions. Its findings were leaked to the press shortly after Jimmy Carter 's 1976 presidential election win in an attempt to appeal to anti-communists in both parties and not appear partisan.[2] [3]
Wolfowitz Doctrine
Likud Party
Neo-Conservative Cabal
University of Chicago
1. Dr. Stanley Monteith interviewing Professor Antony Sutton :
a. The Best Enemies Money Can Buy (as excerpted in this episode)
b. Maj. George Racey / From Major Jordan’s Diaries (regarding provision of nuclear secrets to the Soviets, as mentioned by Sutton)
c. Antony Sutton playlists on YouTube
e. Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917–1930 (1968)
f. Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1930–1945 (1971)
g. Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1945–1965 (1973)
h. National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union by Antony Sutton (1973)
i. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony Sutton (1974)
j. Wall Street and FDR by Antony Sutton (1976)
k. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony Sutton (1976)
l. Trilaterals over Washington by Antony Sutton (1979)
m. America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony Sutton (1983)
n. How the Order controls education by Antony Sutton (1985)
i. Page 55 of this link
o. The Federal Reserve Conspiracy by Antony Sutton (1995)
2. The Century of the Self
a. YouTube (entire documentary )
b. Edward Bernays (as excerpted in episode )
3. The New American Century
a. YouTube (entire documentary )
b. “Rebuilding America’s Defenses ” Sept 2001 PNAC strategy paper (pdf)
c. Zbigniew Brzezinski and Osama bin Laden in the 1970’s
d. Zbigniew Brzezinski in Afghanistan with Mujahedeen in 1970’s (video)
e. Zbigniew Brzezinski today
f. John Ellis “Jeb” Bush declares State of Emergency in FL, Sept 7, 2001
i. History Commons dot org (see: timeline ½ way down page)
4. Rumsfeld interviewed by Louis C.K. w/ Opie and Anthony
a. YouTube (entire interview )
b. YouTube (15 minute censored excerpt )
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
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*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 021: The Occult History of World War / A Veil Lifted
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Episode 021 notes/references/links
(new) Tragedy and Hope dot com Welcome and Introduction Video
Invitation to the T&H online community
John F. Kennedy Speech / April 27, 1961 @ The American Newspaper Publishers Association held at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City:
1. (mp3)
2. (reference also: mp3, pdf, transcript @ the JFK Presidential Library )
1. Templars / 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
2. Jesuits or “The Society of Jesus” / 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
3. Illuminati / 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
4. Anti-Masonic Party / 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
5. Zionism / 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
1. Clark Clifford / National Security Act / BCCI Scandal
2. The Letters of George Washington from the original manuscript sources 1745-1799, University of Virginia
a. September 25, 1798 : “I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. 9 The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely, the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, and the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am &c.” [Note: In a letter from Snyder (Aug. 22, 1798, which is in the Washington Papers ), it is stated that this book "gives a full Account of a Society of Free-Masons, that distinguishes itself by the Name of 'Illuminati,' whose Plan is to overturn all Government and all Religion, even natural.] Click here for a photo of George Washington’s letter in his own handwriting.
b. October 24, 1798 : “Mount Vernon, October 24, 1798. Revd Sir: I have your favor of the 17th. instant before me; and my only motive to trouble you with the receipt of this letter, is to explain, and correct a mistake which I perceive the hurry in which I am obliged, often, to write letters, have led you into. It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned. My occupations are such, that but little leisure is allowed me to read News Papers, or Books of any kind; the reading of letters, and preparing answers, absorb much of my time. With respect, etc.” Click here for a photo of George Washington’s letter in his own handwriting.
3. John Quincy Adams / Letters on Freemasonry
4. Moses Hess / Revival of Israel (orig published 1862) from library of Harvard University
Media Clips and Books referenced:
1. Empire: Hollywood and the War Machine
2. Reel Bad Arabs
3. Ben Affleck / Bill Maher
4. P861 from Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike , Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
5. Paris 1919: Six Months that Changed the World by Margaret MacMillian
6. Invisible Empire by Jason Bermas
7. The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman
8. Facts are Facts by Benjamin Freedman (mp3 ) (transcript )
9. Last will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes by William T. Stead
10. “Sand Storms the Middle East ” by Richard Grove, see also: References for Sand Storms the Middle East
11. Gnostic Media podcast 106 w/ Mark Passio
12. Gnostic Media podcast 054 w/ Rabbi Dovid Ysrael Weiss, podcast 087 w/ Norman Finkelstein “Gaza”
13. Rudyard Kipling and the Swastika: “Many older editions of Rudyard Kipling's books have a swastika printed on their covers associated with a picture of an elephant carrying a lotus flower…. ” (more )
14. Karl Marx, on Freemasonry
15. Moses Hess / Revival of Israel (orig published 1862) from library of Harvard University
16. Glitter and Greed: The Secret World of the Diamond Cartel , by Janine Roberts
17. The Diamond Empire , 1995 Frontline Documentary
18. Definition of apocalypse: An Apocalypse (Greek: Ἀποκάλυψις Apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted
(Video) Secret Societies: An Institutional Analysis by Richard Grove (02.16.11)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions of ours:
Sky TV Channel Listings for Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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Peace Revolution episode 020: An Illegal Cure for Cancer / Who Benefits from its Prohibition?
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Episode 020 notes/references/links
(new) Tragedy and Hope dot com Welcome and Introduction Video
Invitation to the T&H online community
The War Against Us All: Practical Solutions to Mankind's Problematic Future, Part 2 (2007)
The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer
The Emperor of Hemp (DVD)
Run From the Cure , by Rick Simpson
She Who Remembers Archives / Gnostic Media dot com
(Video) Secret Societies: An Institutional Analysis by Richard Grove (02.16.11)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions of ours:
Sky TV Channel Listings for Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
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*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 019: Autodidactic Self-Liberation / Outgrowing our Misperceptions
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Episode 019 notes/references/links
(new) Tragedy and Hope dot com Welcome and Introduction Video
Invitation to the T&H online community
Gnostic Media Podcast 105 with Mark Passio , and episode 104 with Hank Alberelli are both useful in attempting to understand the history and dynamics of the occult aspects of secret societies.
(Video) Secret Societies: An Institutional Analysis by Richard Grove (02.16.11)
Link to Bob Tuskin's Truth Be Told radio broadcasts , including the March 03 show with Paul Verge and James Evan Pilato, as well as the Feb 26 show Bob conducted with Gene Odening on the Trivium.
In light of episode 019, you'll find that the reading list for episode 018 only becomes more clear as you integrate the history while dis-integrating the myriad of consciousness-restraining layers:
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Prof. Antony Sutton
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Prof. Antony Sutton
Wall Street and FDR by Prof. Antony Sutton
The Federal Reserve Conspiracy by Prof. Antony Sutton
National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union by Prof. Antony Sutton
America's Secret Establishment by Prof. Antony Sutton
The World Order by Eustace Mullins
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins
War is a Racket by Maj. General Smedley Butler
Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley
The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigley
Fire in the Minds of Men by James H. Billington
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions of ours:
Sky TV Channel Listings for Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
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*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 018: A History of the World in Our Time / Origins of Tragedy and Hope
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Episode 018 notes/references/links
Invitation to the T&H online community
Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time , by Prof. Carroll Quigley; on amazon , on scribd , or from Dr. Monteith @
Alternatively, you can download all of Quigley's books @ in protected pdf format
Carroll Quigley playlists and videos on YouTube
Brotherhood of Darkness by Dr. Stanley Monteith (book ), (video ),
(Video) Secret Societies: An Institutional Analysis by Richard Grove (02.16.11)
Further Reading:
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Prof. Antony Sutton
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Prof. Antony Sutton
Wall Street and FDR by Prof. Antony Sutton
The Federal Reserve Conspiracy by Prof. Antony Sutton
National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union by Prof. Antony Sutton
America's Secret Establishment by Prof. Antony Sutton
The World Order by Eustace Mullins
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins
War is a Racket by Maj. General Smedley Butler
Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley
The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigley
Fire in the Minds of Men by James H. Billington
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions of ours:
Sky TV Channel Listings for Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
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*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 017: Non-Violent Solutions for Everyday Situations / An introduction to Non-Violent Communication
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Episode 017 notes/references/links
Invitation to the T&H online community
Non-Violent Communication: A Language of Life, by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Marshall Rosenberg videos on YouTube
For More Information on Non-Violent Communication, See Also:
Wes Bertrand's Complete Liberty Podcasts on Non-Violent Communication
Stefan Molyneux's Free Domain Radio Podcasts on Non-Violent Communication
Brett Veinotte's School Sucks Podcasts on Non-Violent Communication
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
Other productions of ours:
Sky TV Channel Listings for Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
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*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 016: The 7 Arts of Freedom / Living in the Light of Value
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Episode 016 notes/references/links
Invitation to the T&H online community
9/11 Synchronicity episode 016 : The Gift of Christ-mass present-ed by Santa Claus (2006)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Corbett Report dot com
Media Monarchy dot com
Gnostic Media Podcast
School Sucks Project Podcast
Meria dot net
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly Palmer Hall
Master of the Mysteries by Louis Sahagan
T&H 2010 Holiday download (.zip file mentioned in episode 016)
Other productions of ours:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 015: Compassionate Communication / How to Mitigate Conflict in our Thoughts
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Invitation link for the Tragedy and Hope Online Community
Meria’s site @
Project Constellation / Connect the Dots, See the Big Picture (2006) by Richard Grove
9/11 Synchronicity Podcast @ bottom of this page (2006-2009) by Richard Grove
A comprehensive listing of Richard’s film and video productions (2006-2010) can be screened commercial-free @ (click “see all episodes”)
Would You Like to Know More?
Marshall Rosenberg
Byron Katie
Still Hungry? Try some of Tragedy and Hope’s Independent Media Partners:
Corbett Report
Media Monarchy
School Sucks Podcast
Peace Revolution episode 014: The Premiere of DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Mitch Schultz
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Invitation link for the Tragedy and Hope Online Community
The official site for DMT: The Spirit Molecule ( )
Dr. Rick Strassman's site ( )
Allyson and Alex Grey ( & )
TOOL's posting of this film on Dec. 1 ( )
Gnostic Media's Interviews of Mitch , Rick , Allyson and Alex ,Dr. David Nichols , and MORE
Youtube Playlist in HD:
Youtube embed of Playlist:
flash" width="480" height="385" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true">
WYBM: What You've Been Missing (2010 pilot episode)
Peace Revolution episode 013: Psywar / The Real Battlefield is the Mind / a Film by Scott Noble
To view the video version of this podcast online, please visit Scott Noble's website:
Peace Revolution episode 012: Origins of Money / A Virtual Round-Table Discussion
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The Book Discussed: The Lost Science of Money / The Mythology of Money - The Story of Power by Stephen Zarlenga
Stephen Zarlenga is the founder of the American Monetary Institute (AMI) - the leading American monetary think tank for monetary history, theory and reform (and he's also the author of the American Monetary Act, submitted to congress by Dennis Kucinich in March of this year).
Jan Irvin (author and host of the GnosticMedia podcast ) conducted four detailed interviews with Zarlenga...
Episode #041: "Money's Dirty Little Secret: an interview with Stephen Zarlenga" part 1
Episode #057: "Why Gold & Silver are NOT the Answer" - an interview with Stephen Zarlenga, part 2
Episode #067: "A Response to the Austrian School: an interview with Stephen Zarle... part 3
Episode #088: "Silver & Gold" - an update with Stephen Zarlenga, part 4
This podcast features:
Brett Veinotte, Host of the School Sucks Podcast
Jan Irvin, Host of the Gnostic Media Podcast
Paul Verge, Writer/Director/Producer, Divergent Films Canada
Richard Grove, Tragedy and Hope dot com
Peace Revolution episode 011: Human Resources / Social Engineering in the 20th Century, a film by Scott Noble
Peace Revolution episode 011: Human Resources / Social Engineering in the 20th Century, a film by Scott Noble
You can view the film here:
and here:
Peace Revolution episode 010: Cognitive Liberty / A Virtual Round-Table Discussion
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The body of this podcast was also published by Brett Veinotte, host of the School Sucks Podcast:
Today's guests are Richard Grove, Jan Irvin, and Paul Verge: three friends, independent media creators, collaborators, and School Sucks listeners who have teamed up to produce a new You Tube series called What You've Been Missing .
From What You've Been Missing was created to fill the massive gap created by corporate media, between itself and reality.
A virtual variety show with a point, WYBM helps you learn how to outgrow the status quo; through a systematic process of critical thinking supplemented with comedy.
In addition to discussing this superb new project, we also explore the lost art of real learning and critical thinking, self-esteem, the deceptive power of language, and the people who lurk in the shadows of state power. Paul, Jan and Rich have done an exhaustive amount of research on these topics, and I am very pleased to introduce them to my audience and the LRN community.
Bumper Music:
"Dirty Work" Steely Dan
Would you like to know more?
(Show Notes Courtesy of Richard Grove)
Invitation link to the T&H online community:
500 B.C.: The Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem
Solving is popularized by Plato, Aristotle, Demosthenes... and held among
the elite for 2500 years... until now
(Links to the T&H brain model)
1798: John Robison (British Physicist) who realized the evidence of a plot
in action: "Proofs of a Conspiracy"
1798: George Washington's personal letter regarding the "Illuminati":
Charlotte Iserbyt: is the consummate whistleblower. Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms."
John Taylor Gatto: ended his teaching career as New York State Teacher of
the Year after being named New York City Teacher of the Year on three
occasions. He quit teaching on the OP ED page of the Wall Street Journal in
1991 while still New York State Teacher of the Year, claiming that he was no longer willing to hurt children.
Peace Revolution episode 009: What You've Been Missing / Exposing the Noble Lie
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Peace Revolution Episode 009: What You've Been Missing / Exposing the Noble Lie
Embedded in SD and HD in the YouTube playlist below.
You can download the SD-Widescreen version here:
Also, watch the entire episode on YouTube (instead of downloading):
References, Notes, Links, etc. for Episode 01:
What You've Been Missing was created to fill the massive gap created by corporate media, between itself and reality.
A virtual variety show with a point, WYBM helps you learn how to outgrow the status quo; through a systematic process of critical thinking supplemented with comedy.
WYBM: It's better than "news", it's What You've Been Missing!
Brought to you in HD and Commercial-Free by Tragedy and Hope dot com ... A fear-free zone of mutual respect and critical thinking; where individual exploration(s) are shared to empower subscribers with cooperative understanding. To experience the inspirations which brought about WYBM, visit for more media; or click this invitation link to mingle with others who are likewise on a journey of understanding: The Tragedy and Hope Online Community .
WYBM E01 Notes References Links 11-05-10
Peace Revolution episode 008: PARRHESIA / A Curriculum for Intellectual Self-Defense
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Episode Notes for: Peace Revolution episode 008: PARRHESIA / A Curriculum for Intellectual Self-Defense
*Episode 008 contains an invitation to participate in the Tragedy and Hope Community ; A fear-free zone of mutual respect, where individual exploration(s) are shared to empower subscribers with cooperative understanding. click here for the invitation link! (It doesn't cost anything to pay attention and become a trial-member, as this is where the Comprehensive Conscious Curriculum is being released.)
**Alternate link for Peace Revolution Podcast and our new video series "What You've Been Missing" can be found here:
Interested in learning more?
***If you listen to the first 7 episodes of Peace Revolution in sequential order, episode 8 will make a lot more sense!
Links / Documents / Videos Mentioned in Episode 008:
Hijacking Humanity (2007) by Paul Verge, as featured in Episode #151 of the Corbett Report Podcast
Paul Verge interviewed by James Corbett for Corbett Report Interviews (2010)
Project Constellation (2006) by Richard Grove, as featured on the Meria Heller Show
Transcript for Project Constellation (.pdf) / Click to View or Download
The Trivium Interviews with Jan Irvin and Gene Odening, Part 1 and Part 2 (2009-2010)
Learning Fallacies / How to recognize the various ways people deceive and manipulate each other / Jan Irvin and Dr. Michael Labossiere
Jan Irvin’s interview with George Clayton Johnson (2010)
The PARRHESIA Package sent to George Clayton Johnson (2010) included:
R.G.’s outline which accompanied the 2-CD PARRHESIA message
20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the FrontLine (2010) by Paul Verge and Richard Grove
The Trivium Study Guide by Gene Odening (.pdf)
How the Trivium Method compares vs. other methodologies (.pdf)
The Lost Tools of Learning (1947) by Dorothy Sayers, Oxford University
The Hidden Agenda in Education: The Norman Dodd Interview (1980)
Transcript : The Hidden Agenda / Norman Dodd Interview
The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto
Hijacking Humanity (2007) by Paul Verge
Sand Storms the Middle East! (2010) article by Richard Grove
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
Peace Revolution episode 007: How to defeat the New World Order / A Root-Cause Analysis Leading to Freedom
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Peace Revolution episode 007: How to defeat the New World Order / A Root-Cause Analysis Leading to Freedom
Recently, James Corbett of and host of the podcast of the same name, asked a question to his audience; the answers to which were to be included in an upcoming episode. The question: "How to defeat the New World Order?", is addressed by Jan Irvin (Gnostic Media dot com ), Paul Verge (Divergent Films dot com ), and Richard Grove (Tragedy and Hope dot com ).
**Episode 007 contains an invitation to participate in the Tragedy and Hope Community ; A fear-free zone of mutual respect, where individual exploration(s) are shared to empower subscribers with cooperative understanding. click here for the invitation link!
***Alternate link for Peace Revolution Podcast and our new video series "What You've Been Missing" can be found here:
References for topics/ideas/subjects discussed herein:
The Cornell University Study on Incompetence / Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments.
Kruger J , Dunning D . Department of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-7601, USA.
People tend to hold overly favorable views of their abilities in many social and intellectual domains. The authors suggest that this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it. Across 4 studies, the authors found that participants scoring in the bottom quartile on tests of humor, grammar, and logic grossly overestimated their test performance and ability. Although their test scores put them in the 12th percentile, they estimated themselves to be in the 62nd. Several analyses linked this miscalibration to deficits in metacognitive skill, or the capacity to distinguish accuracy from error. Paradoxically, improving the skills of participants, and thus increasing their metacognitive competence, helped them recognize the limitations of their abilities.
Basics of the Trivium Method and the loss of the Liberal Education:
Cliff-Notes on the Trivium Method by Gene Odening (beta version of Jan’s new educational website) (commercial free media, and a community of people learning to be critical thinkers, free trial-membership for all Corbett Report listeners) (start with episode 1-2 covers the underground history of education and intro to Trivium) (Trivium) (Fallacies) (The Intellectual Elite vs. You / The Resurrection of Critical Thinking) (Interview with John Taylor Gatto) (Exploring Media / Educating ourselves to Live vs. Amusing ourselves to Death with James Corbett) (Trivium / how to use the system effectively) (Jan’s interview with George Clayton Johnson) (Paul Verge’s channel, see: Hijacking Humanity, 20/20 Hindsight, and Believers Beware playlists)
IMDB / George Clayton Johnson
More from James Corbett: On this edition of Film, Literature & the New World Order we compare the Hollywoodized story of a corporate whistleblower to the painful reality that most fraud takes place with the full understanding and help of the regulators and the media.
For more on Richard Grove's incredible story, please watch 20/20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline for free online:
For previous editions of Film, Literature & the New World Order, click here:
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Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
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Peace Revolution episode 006: The Intellectual Elite vs. You / The Resurrection of Critical Thinking
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*This is the version without background music throughout; if you would like to listen to this episode with background music, use the mirror feed found at or
104 Statements which reveal the New World Order:
The Intellectual Elite vs. You / The Resurrection of Critical Thinking
Raw Footage audio / Interview Clips from the film Believers Beware: Contrary Conditioning by Paul Verge
Richard Grove, filmed 12.10.2009
1) The idea of a NEW WORLD ORDER. Plato's Republic. The suppression of consciousness. A comprehensive endeavor. Seeking to subjugate the masses thru a watered down education. HG Wells, "NWO", subliminals
2) Agatha Christie's novel/movie "Murder on the Orient Express" too much evidence. cant be just one culprit. creating plausible deniability. each party plays 2 parts. an actual part, and the plausible denial. Interchangeable parts.
3) Ego worshippers, using the hidden knowledge to help perpetuate this "new world order". Intellectual elite dumbing down the masses. More on Plato's Republic.
4) Plato's allegory of the cave. Good description. How the illusion works. Same as now as it was 2500 years ago. Pullout of Afghanistan by sending in more people. Doublethink and Schizophrenia.
5) Reading books vs. internet only research Eustace Mullins - "Secrets of the Federal Reserve." His other book "The World Order"
6) "Superclass" using Rhetoric, Fallacy arguments, and dumbing us down.
7) News agencies lying to help protect their advertisers. How the NWO is fed by that relationship.
8) "With No Apologies" by Senator Barry M. Goldwater Chapter 33 - The Non Elected
Rulers, Col. Edward Mandell House CFR, House, JP Morgan. Trilateral Commission.
Council on Foreign Relations. Surrendering Sovereignty, Merger and Consolidation.
9) More from "With No Apologies" from Barry M. Goldwater
10) Right Leg and Left Leg stepping towards goal. Part of same torso (CFR, TC, Bilderberg.) More on Trilaterals Subverted groups, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Controlling groups invisibly thru Bait & Switch. Goldwater on the Trilateral Commission. Global Warming, etc.
11) "Superclass", David Rothkopf CFR Member - Cover says, We've got the world on our
key chain, ready to take it for a ride. - Fareed Zacharia, CFR "The Post-American World"
12) The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes. forming Working Groups from his fortune left behind to those who undermine state sovereignty. Plan laid out. Why are we not taught this in schools?
13) Lewis Lapham's film, "The American Ruling Class" CFR members, all sorts of people exposed in the film. Read books, learn things, they rule because we are willfully ignorant. "The American Public just doesn't read." (Allen Dulles) Buy old good books instead of self help mumbo jumbo & LEARN.
14) Lisa on Albert Einstein Learning our way out of the insanity by evolving our consciousness.
15) Lisa on John Taylor Gatto, and "Dumbing Us Down" ie: ridding us of effective Critical Thinking skills.
16) John Taylor Gatto's 7 things he really Teaches
17) Other selected passages from "Dumbing Us Down"
18) John Taylor Gatto's 7 things he really Teaches (RE-CAP)
19) Gene Odening's concern. The harm being brought to the current generation of students.
20) Gene Odening on the Trivium
21) Dan Brown's Lost Symbol
22) Cecil John Rhodes
23) William T. Stead, The Interview, Titanic, Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes.
24) ALTERNATE ON William T. Stead, The Interview, Titanic, Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes.
25) Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes. How to find books... "The Review of Reviews"
26) William T. Stead, Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes. ACTUAL BOOK UNVEILING
27) Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes. Quotes from the Book. plus Rich's elucidations
28) Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes. Quotes from p. 73 of book plus Rich's elucidations
29) Removing doubts that the NWO exists.. About Carroll Quigley
30) Quote from Quigley
31) Quote from Quigley on Internalization of Controls
32) Hemp, Oil, Carbon emissions 500 largest ships put out more crap than all vehicles' Global warming Realities. Pollution done by corporations, not the people. not by accident
33) Quote from Quigley's Evolution of Civilizations Old way of war, vs. New form of war - subversion thru commerce.
34) Good analogy of the monetary system as an invisible control system you can't see until you are out of it.
35) On Quigley's "The Anglo- American Establishment", and "Tragedy and Hope", and Quigley's credibility.
36) On John Taylor Gatto's book Dumbing Us Down, real society vs. what we are taught.
Suppression of education. Tax-Exempt Foundations, Norman Dodd, Reece Committee, Rick Malchow & Mrs. Tichy
37) Norman Dodd, Reece Committee, Robert Hutchens, Rene Wormser, Assembling evidence that the Foundations were up to no good. Kathryn Casey reads the Carnegie Endowment which are shocking.. Who to bring the US into war.
38) Tax Exempt Foundation book The point - Dumbing Us Down so that we perpetuate a loss of critical thinking and become non-thinking followers. Frank Kapra's WHY WE FIGHT
39) Why War is waged, and how to continue the consume- produce cycle by removing critical thinking to make the propaganda more effective. Why loss of critical thinking is a bad thing. Easily groomed to be servants. Empty minded consumers who take instructions without question.
40) The Great Conversation - Robert Maynard Hutchins - The 500 families who own the copies of these books.
41) The importance of these books and the Liberal Education.. In 1952 Hutchins was saying
42) Liberal Education had been gone for 90 years!
43) What would America look like after 150 years of watered down critical thinking ability? Anything like today? Understanding the NWO education.
44) What exactly is the Liberal Education? The Great Conversation? Plato's Allegory of the Cave
45) Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Sophicles, Plutarch, Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance. History Repeating itself.. Recognize patterns, and change it up! Breaking the Status Quo/Honoring Tradition
46) Civic Responsibility to Learn and understand things. Consent, Government, Deception
Rights, Privileges, Responsibility
47) NWO Ideology Political -Fabian Socialism, getting paid to argue persuasively. Religious -Theosophy William T. Stead, HG Wells, Cecil Rhodes, Rudyard Kipling, Mason, Swastika, Round Table Workgroups RIIA, CFR, Tavistock, Versailles Treaty
48) Fabian Socialists, Fabius the Roman Dictator, Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, Hammering the World into their image.
49) Propaganda, Propagating ideas. Media is Propaganda. Is it helping to expand or suppress your consciousness.
50) Trivium and Quadrivium Thinking Critically and Creatively, Dorothy Sayers, Lost Tools of Learning, Autodidactic Learning
51) Quote from Dorothy Sayers, "The Lost Tools of Learning"
52) Trivium and the 3,4,5 Triangle. 3 Trivium 4 Quadrivium 5 Senses
53) Trivium - Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.. How and Why the Trivium works.. The effect of taking them out.
54) Why learn the Trivium- Seeing thru the fallacies, figuring out hard facts, and transferring that understanding. Having a Virus Scanner for your mind. Follow money exposing the Fallacy Rhetoric 1886 - Supreme Court Justice Morrison R. Waite Gives CORPORATIONS the rights of Humans. Socio-Psychopath Corporations Charters, Profit Monsters
55) Externalization of Costs, Why things aren't as cheap as you think. Passing the cost on to other poor folk. Connecting Emotions to Advertising. Taking News & Ads as truth. Mass Media Public Relations (pre TV)
56) War is a Racket, Smedley Butler , the 1934-1935 Business Plot - Gerald MacGuire
57) Quotes from War is a Racket, Smedley Butler ,
58) Who was Smedley Butler?
59) Propaganda, 1928 Edward Bernays, (Sigmund Freud's nephew). Chapter 1 - Organizing Chaos (quote from HH)
60) More quote from Propaganda by Edward Bernays
61) The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Bringing America into war against Germany by using Propaganda and Demonization
62) After Treaty of Versailles 1919 Invention fo Credit leads to the Roaring 20's. Bernays & Lippmann start sexing up ads. Public Opinion - Walter Lippmann, Plato's Allegory of the Cave
63) Bernays’ 1928 Propaganda, builds on Lippmann's P.O., Tavistock, using mass media to fool the public en masse. Tying it all together... Bankers funding these Ideologies as a Hegelian Dialectic.
64) The END result? The Planned Obsolescence of America
65) Lawyer from Skadden Arps, adding 26 words to Corporations Act
66) Earning profit responsibly, Cartel Capitalism VS. Compassionate Capitalism, Pollution, Corps Externalizing Costs
67) Using the Hegelian Dialectic to fool us into fixing their dirty work. Where the hole in the system is. Environmentalism Agenda 21 and Depopulation Coralling us into a False dilemma
68) The Club of Rome, "The First Global Revolution" how to make Humanity the enemy of Humanity by Blaming us for pollution, global warming, and over popluation. Planned Obsolesence
69) When the working groups and think tanks and societies all got together to make US pay for their crap, and to control us. The Carbon Tax Scam Blood and Gore Trading Firm Taxing the Problem instead of Solving. Avoiding REAL solutions like Hemp.
70) Similar scam to US economy. Robert Rubin removing Glass/Steagall laws of regulation. Tyco, Enron, Worldcom result. Sarbanes-Oxley supposed to tighten it up, but doesn't really. SEC bad, ref. 20-20 Hindsight. Goldman Sachs COO 29 year old
71) Whistleblowing, and Rich's experiences. If the public knew what Rich knew, all these
financial scams could have been avoided. The irony of paying institutions and magazines
to lie to you. Conceal and Reveal
72) Education and Religion do 2 things with information- They provide it and conceal it.
Which information is more valuable?
73) Prisoner VS Slave mentality - Hoping for a better master, a better system of obeying.
Prisoners want to break out and think for themselves. Offering info to the slaves can upset them into trying to stop the prisoners from leaving
74) The Root of the Problem. The Suppression of Consciousness. Artificial boundaries.
Einstein - You cant solve a problem from the same mindset that created it. Question everything.
75) Freedom, Being a Slave vs. Prisoner
76) Explaining the Game to children and empowering them.
77) The Reality of the True Problem. Rejecting the Status Quo
78) What corporations want you to do VS what you should be doing.. How they profit from our ignorance. Reading VS Violence
79) Learning our way out of the Problem. Sharing the wisdom. Popping the illusion bubble.
80) Treating Root causes instead of Symptoms in society, our lives, and our health. Avoiding the cycle.
81) Actually listening and realizing REAL solutions vs. looking to Corporate Authorities for solutions (they can't profit from)
82) Learning, Understanding, disarming the fear with Knowledge. Not showing you what to think, but teaching you How to think.
83) All the little chains attached to us to prevent our full self-expression. Disinfo agents drawing peoples energy and attention.
84) Purposeful complication
85) Words, Propaganda, making choices to react Emotionally instead of Critically.
86) High Vs. Low Vibrations, Tone, From SD to HD
87) Synchronicity, Carl Jung, Legitimate Suffering,
88) Fear, Manifestation, Religion, the Middle man, Suppressing Consciousness and Hell
89) Believing VS. Really Knowing. Some GREAT easy solutions.
90) Running it Their Way: Corporate Pollution and externalizing Blame with their Scams (Global Warming, War on Terror)
91) Not knowing Frees you to actually Learn, Fear Free, when you let go of the pre-conditioning. Why churches hide things occultism (hidden). Vaccination of Info
92) The common Realization - Finding Solutions through changing our habits first. then collaborating resisting advertising taking back our time
93) Solving Problems with Words and Understanding and Cooperation. Logic and Reason
94) Spending our time like we spend our money. Get to know your REAL self. Noticing the Corporate Conditioning, and being constructive against it. Taking Steps to Action.
95) Acting Vs. Reacting and Asking the Right Questions about our habits
96) Who are you? What is important? Do you like what your doing? What are you doing to change it?
97) The multi-pronged onslaught against us. Connecting the dots and bringing things back to something good. Corporate Media Bad.
98) Neil Postman "Amusing our Selves to Death" Suppression of Consciousness. Learning our way out of the game with good decisions.
99) Consumerism/Slavery, Understanding motives and intentions. Threat and Fear Culture. Love. The Frequency opposed to Fear.
100) Our adversaries are our greatest teachers.
101) Learn the lessons! They fear the awakening
102) Selective Genocide, Homosexuality as a control mechanism. Setting the boundaries.
103) Overcome Fear, Learn our way Free, Achieve Happiness, don't avoid fear and pain. Confront and defeat it! Take your Life Back!
104) Rich's final message. Does our Propaganda help or suppress your consciousness?
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*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
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Peace Revolution episode 005: OVERSTOCKED / How Naked Short-Selling and Counterfeiting Stocks Create Cascading Economic Failures / an Interview with Dr. Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock dot com
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Peace Revolution episode 005: OVERSTOCKED / How Naked Short-Selling and Counterfeiting Stocks Create Cascading Economic Failures / an Interview with Dr. Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock dot com
What happens when you take a doctor of philosophy who's the CEO of an $800 million dollar company- and make him a victim of naked short selling and Wall Street fraud- and put him together with a Wall Street whistle-blower who was on the inside selling the so-called "compliance" software used to hide the evidence of these crimes against humanity? Sit back and hold on because if you thought discussing Wall Street and finance was boring, you're about to have your mind blown wide open.
This is it folks. This is how the whole scam works - from top to bottom. Beginning in 2005, Byrne become known for his campaign against naked short selling, a practice which he says has been used in violation of securities law to hurt the price of his and other companies' stock.
Under his direction, has filed two lawsuits alleging improper acts by Wall Street firms, a hedge fund, and an independent research firm. As a prerequisite to this interview, it's highly recommended that you visit Gnostic Media’s podcast and listen to episodes 49 and 50 on the Trivium Method of Thinking Critically (the format used to formulate the questions in this interview) with Gene Odening, and episode #62 with Dr. Michael Lobossiere on logical fallacies.
The application of the 7 liberal arts is discussed throughout this current interview. #49:
Also referenced in this episode is Jan’s interview via Gnostic Media’s Podcast #16 with Dr. John Loftus - the former top US Justice Dept. Prosecutor under the Carter and Reagan administrations. In that interview we discuss the US creation of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.
If you would like more information about Dr. Byrne’s research on Wall Street and Naked Short Selling, go to , and for more information regarding Dr. Byrne, go to
Peace Revolution episode 003: 20/20 Hindsight CENSORSHIP on the Frontline / A Wall Street Whistleblower Proves Money Never Sleeps
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Peace Revolution episode 003: 20/20 Hindsight CENSORSHIP on the Frontline / A Wall Street Whistleblower Proves Money Never Sleeps
This is the Audio Version (only) of a Full-Length Filmed Interview offered on DVD. Vancouver documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have been exposed years earlier... but weren't. Officially titled; 20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline, this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information- think for yourself- and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness. This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergent Films Canada, and A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of: 1) Project Constellation (2006), 2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and 3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover. If you would like a dvd, you can donate $10 using the button to the right; or simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work and are authorized to distribute our productions as our THANKS- to support their ongoing productions: You are the nervous system of this planet... spread this everywhere.
Peace Revolution episode 004: Exploring Media / Educating Ourselves to Live vs. Amusing Ourselves to Death
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This episode is hosted by James Corbett ( ) joined by James Evan Pilato ( ) and Richard Grove ( ) to discuss Media: Who created it, What it is, When it began, Where its going, Why its important- and How we can shape it in our image. It's an overview of the history of media, its various uses and misuses, and how to make sense out of what you see, hear, and read everyday; leaving the audience with the tools necessary to cut through the nonsense and realize useful facts which can be communicated to others.
This Conversation is also featured on the Corbett Report and Media Monarchy Podcasts (and their respective networks of syndicated radio stations) as "Signal to Noise: A Conversation on the Media".
there's also an alternative Peace Revolution podcast (backup stream) can be found at: (which is the stream for our 2006-2008 podcast, 9/11 Synchronicity- those episodes and video podcasts can be found on the Libsyn stream).
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
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Peace Revolution episode 002: The Million Dollar Education / A Re-Discovery of the Lost Tools of Learning
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Peace Revolution episode 002: The Million Dollar Education / A Re-Discovery of the Lost Tools of Learning
Notes: This podcast is a free tool created to empower anyone who makes the time to listen.
Peace Revolution commercial-free thanks to it being a public service project of Tragedy and Hope Magazine .
Gorgias by Plato 386 B.C.E.
The Republic by Plato 380 B.C.E.
Phaedrus by Plato 370 B.C.E.
The Art of Rhetoric by Aristotle 322 B.C.E.
The Metalogicon : A 12th Century Defense of the Trivium by John of Salisbury 1159 C.E.
Utopia by Sir Thomas More 1516
The Last Will and Testament of Cecil J. Rhodes by William T. Stead 1902
Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann 1921
Propaganda by Edward Bernays 1928
The Trivium : The Liberal Arts of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric by Sister Miriam Joseph 1937
The Lost Tools of Learning by Dorothy Sayers, Oxford 1947
Great Books of the Western World edited by Dr. Robert M. Hutchins 1952
The Reece Committee Report by Norman A. Dodd and Carroll Reece 1954
Tragedy and Hope, a History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley 1966
The Hidden Agenda : How the Foundations controlling Education are also creating a World Government - An Interview with Norman Dodd (Transcript and Video ) by G. Edward Griffin 1981
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations : Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America by Dr. John Coleman 1991
Dumbing us Down by John Taylor Gatto 1992
Outcome-Based Education by Ron Sunseri 1994
The Underground History of Education by John Taylor Gatto 2001
(you can also read The Underground History of Education on his site )
The Trivium Study Guide by Gene Odening 2009
Gnostic Media Podcasts 49, 50, and several recent podcasts 2009/2010
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community : Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page in the Top Menu.
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Peace Revolution episode 001: The Great Conversation / A 2,500 Year Stream of Consciousness
Peace Revolution episode 001: The Great Conversation / A 2,500 Year Stream of Consciousness Listen, Think, Download, Share. The Peace Revolution Podcast is a Public Service of Tragedy and Hope Magazine ( )
The Peace Revolution Podcast
Peace is the way. The Revolution is in between Your Ears. Re-Contextualizing History... One Episode at a Time.
Peace Revolution is a self-study curriculum produced by Tragedy and Hope dot com and funded by the Subscribers to the Tragedy and Hope Online Research and Development Community. Supporting T&H allows Peace Revolution to remain free of commercials and advertisements.
Since 2006, we have created over 500+ hours of educational information in audio and video productions of the highest-academic quality, and we have presented it for FREE, to millions of individuals around the world; many of whom are desperate to encounter and integrate such information.
Your support enables us so that we can continue producing projects which enable Cognitive Liberty .
If you would like to donate so that we can continue producing independent media without commercial advertising, simply click the button below for a one-time donation:
Alternatively, You can become a Member and Support our ability to create media for the public (while You make new friends and enjoy educating yourself along the way) by subscribing to the Tragedy and Hope Community:
Monthly @ $14.95 / month
Yearly @ $120.00 / year
*Subscription details on Subscribe page.
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