- What was the global ocean like at the time of Pangea?2025/01/10
Damian wants to know, if at one stage all of the continents were joined together, what was on the other side? Was it all just water? James Tytko investigated whether this was the case, and what the consequences would be for conditions on Earth of one giant global ocean... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can we harness nuclear energy without steam?2024/12/13
Dave writes in wanting to know whether there is any way to get nuclear energy onto the grid without heating up water to turn a steam turbine. A great question that sees James Tytko dip his toe into the uranium heated waters of nuclear engineering... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How long does it take to create a galaxy?2024/12/06
David wants to know, after looking at distant galaxies in the night sky, how long it took to create them. James Tytko took on the question with the help of the University of Cambridge's Public Astronomer, Matt Bothwell... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How do parasites know they are in the right place?2024/11/29
Parasites have to come up with all sorts of tricks to evade the immune system of their hosts. But Kate wants to know, how do they know they've found the right place? James Tytko took her question on with help from Catherine Merrick, professor of parisitology at the University of Cambridge... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why are plane and boat propellers in different places?2024/11/22
Thanks to Cambridge University's Andy Wheeler for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why do geese honk while flying in formation?2024/11/15
Rick wants to know why the Canada geese he's been observing, who are preparing to migrate for the winter, are honking so incessantly while flying in formation. Viola Ross-Smith from the British Trust for Ornithology was on hand to help James Tytko with the answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Are multi cancer screening tests worth the money?2024/11/08
Info (Show/Hide)Van writes in with, 'A friend is encouraging me to take a cancer screening test that screens for many different cancers. A review of one test says: "While overall it picks up 90% of stage 4 cancers, it only detects an average of 17% of stage 1 cancers. Yet it is being touted as a test that can detect cancer early." Are these tests worthwhile?' James Tytko took on the question with the help of Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald, Founding Director of the Early Detection Institute at the University of Cambridge... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Could man have thrived if dinosaurs still roamed?2024/11/01
Info (Show/Hide)If dinosaurs hadn't been wiped out by a mass extinction event, would there have been room for humans to grow into the successful species we are today? That's what Colin wants to know, and James Tytko has promised to find the answer. He spoke with Dr Charlotte Kenchington from the University of Cambridge's Department of Earth Sciences... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What is the spread of chemical isotopes on other planets?2024/10/25
Pamela wants to know whether the distribution of chemical isotopes is the same on other planets as it is on Earth. Take carbon, for example, 99% of which is carbon-12 on Earth while 1% is carbon-13? To find the answer, James Tytko asked Xander Byrne from the University of Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do spiders have to learn how to make their webs?2024/10/18
David wants to know whether the intricate and varied spiders' webs seen in nature are a product of arachnid instinct, or something that is cultivated across their life. To get to the truth, James Tytko sought out spider expert Professor Sara Goodacre from the University of Nottingham... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- When I scratch part of my body, why do I tingle elsewhere?2024/10/11
Jim writes in to say, 'Sometimes when I pinch near my knee, I will feel a tingling or tickling sensation behind one of my shoulder blades. What's up with that?' James Tytko found him an answer, with help from neuroscientist Dr Mark Hoon from the NIH... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do snails get dizzy?2024/10/04
Oscar asks whether the snail stuck on the inside of his car wheel while he went for a drive would have felt the effects afterwards. Jon Ablett from the Natural History Museum helped James Tytko with the answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can dead animals poison the food chain?2024/09/27
Akori wants to know whether it is safe to eat vegetables and herbs grown where animals have been buried in the past. James Tytko sought the help of Professor Malcolm Bennett at the University of Nottingham's School of Veterinary Medicine and Science... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do wind farms have an effect on the weather?2024/09/20
Thanks to Jim Dale for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Is there a cure for musical anhedonia?2024/09/13
Info (Show/Hide)This week, Carl writes in to ask whether he can be cured of specific musical anhedonia. This is a condition whereby a person can hear and distinguish between different types of music and the emotion they convey, but doesn't feel moved in the same way most people do. James Tytko took on Carl's conundrum with the help of Malinda McPherson, Assistant Professor at Purdue University's Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What is the shutter speed of our eyes?2024/09/06
When listener Suzy is taking pictures of the night sky, she makes use of longer shutter speeds to capture more light to get better images of stars. That got her thinking, do human eyes also have a shutter speed? James Tytko took up the question... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What if the Moon had never formed?2024/08/30
Thanks to Dana Mackenzie for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why does spider silk feel so weird?2024/08/23
In this week's Question of the Week, listener James writes in to ask, is it just him, or does spider silk feel really strange? James Tytko took on the question with Professor of Evolutionary Biology and Genetics at the University of Nottingham, Sara Goodacre, and entomologist at Western Sydney University, Eleanor Drinkwater... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What are the carbon emissions of wildfires?2024/08/16
This week, Jon wants to know, in the wake of wildfires across the world in recent years, should we be concerned about their carbon footprint? James Tytko asked Jim Dale from British Weather Services for the answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do I need to keep taking probiotics continuously?2024/08/09
Christine emails in with this message: 'Does bacteria contained in probiotics become part of the microbiome; in other words can one stop taking probiotics after 30 days of taking probiotic-containing capsules?'James Tytko sought to find the answer with the help of Alex Almeida, microbiologist at the University of Cambridge. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- If the Universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?2024/08/02
Anne writes in with this question, which James Tytko took on with the help of the University of Cambridge's Public Astronomer, Matt Bothwell... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What is the smell when it's raining?2024/07/26
Info (Show/Hide)Elizabeth with a transatlantic teaser for this question of the week: "I heard that people in the UK can't smell when it rains, but us Americans can. If I went to the United Kingdom, would I be able to smell the rain there? Would someone from the UK be able to smell rain here? What is going on?" James Tytko sought the answer with the help of Anne Jungblut from the Natural History Museum... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can we extract DNA from fossils?2024/07/19
Join James Tytko in the hunt for ancient DNA thanks to this question from listener Phil. Jack Lovegrove from the Natural History Museum was on hand to help with the answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What makes up the space when subatomic particles move?2024/07/12
Phil sent in this quantum conundrum which Will Tingle took on with the help of Ben Allanach, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do plants get cancer from UV light?2024/07/05
Thanks to Garth Jenkins from the University of Glasgow for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Are there stars outside of galaxies?2024/06/28
Brian has been in touch to ask whether stars can be independent of galaxies. James Tytko asked the University of Cambridge's public astronomer Matt Bothwell to help find the answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why are wind turbine blades shaped the way they are?2024/06/21
For today's question, James Tytko takes on Janey's query on the shape of modern wind turbine blades and draws a comparison with old fashioned windmills: why such different designs? Professor of Renewable Energy Simon Hogg from Durham University provides the answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Is maths the easiest school subject to remember?2024/06/14
While helping his son with his maths revision, Andrew was struck by the ease with which he slipped back into the groove of the subject. He wants to know why that might be. James Tytko sought to find out with help from Catherine Loveday, neuropsychologist at the University of Westminster... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why do we need to keep replacing our cells?2024/06/07
James Tytko answers listener John's question with the help of Professor of Cardiovascular Health, Nadia Rosenthal... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What kills an unused car battery?2024/05/31
Thanks to Rhod Jervis for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What is responsible for a coffee's foam?2024/05/24
Thanks to Steven Abbott for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Are the laws of physics consistent around the universe?2024/05/17
James Tytko asked Toby Wiseman, professor of theoretical physics at Imperial College London, to answer this question from listener Daniel... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why does some plastic lose its flexibility over time?2024/05/10
Jimmie sends in this week's question, seeking an answer as to why plastic loses its flexibility. James Tytko took on the question with the help of Chemistry World's Phillip Broadwith... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Could we make ourselves disgusting to mosquitoes?2024/05/03
Info (Show/Hide)Thanks to Professor Heather Graham for the answer!This episode of Question of the Week, listener Donald asks:"Assuming mosquitoes have taste buds, then they should have adverse tastes. Have molecular scientists explored how to make or find chemicals that make mosquitoes disgusted?"Will - As someone who's about to head off to a particularly mosquito-heavy part of the world, I too would find great reassurance in knowing that I was using the most effective means of preventing a mozzie bite. Paul on the forum is thinking long term and says 'there is hope that current experimental malaria vaccines... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can a "random" action ever be exactly replicated?2024/04/26
This week's Question of the Week comes in from listener David, who asks:'On the show 'Tipping Point', Often at the end they play out the final three counters as 'What would have happened.' Would the result actually be what would have happened?Thanks to Tony Padilla for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What language do the profoundly deaf think in?2024/04/19
Thanks to Bencie Woll and Victoria Mousley for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How far can electrons get away from their atom?2024/04/12
Thanks to University of Cambridge's Ben Allanach for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Will eating sugary foods last avert glucose spikes?2024/04/05
Steve has written in to us to ask whether the order in which one eats their food makes a difference to whether or not they experience glucose spikes. We thought this was an interesting question for Cambridge Professor Giles Yeo to sink his teeth into... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why do babies have such a strong grip?2024/04/02
Thanks to Andrew Bremner for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How did the ancient Romans multiply their numerals together?2024/03/22
Thanks to Ems Lord for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why do radiators have two sides?2024/03/15
Thanks to Dr John Bissell for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do you ever run out of sperm?2024/03/08
Thanks to Rod Mitchell for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Could I undergo a full body transplant?2024/03/01
Will Tingle takes on this head scratcher from listener David with the help of Professor Adam Taylor of the University of Lancaster... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do volcanoes or farts contribute to climate change?2024/02/23
Thanks to UCL's Mark Maslin for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Would wearing mirrors keep me cool?2024/02/16
For this Question of the Week, Lotus wants to know whether wearing mirrors could help us keep cool in the sun. James Tytko took on the challenge of answering... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How has sex education evolved?2024/02/09
Thanks to Michael Reiss for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How languages evolve2024/02/02
Will Tingle took on this linguistic query from listener Satya with the help of David Crystal... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why might stollen go floppy in the toaster?2024/01/26
Taking on this week's question, James Tytko kneaded help from baking expert Nicola Lamb... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why might cataract surgery affect biometric logins?2024/01/19
Thanks to ARU's Nikita Thomas for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Who cooked the food in the Palaeolithic?2024/01/12
Thanks to Dr Emma Pomeroy for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Could we turn space junk into a moonbase?2024/01/05
Thanks to Dr David Whitehouse for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What if Santa didn't have magical reindeer?2023/12/22
James Tytko took on this festive themed Question of the Week with the help of the University of Cambridge's Ems Lord... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Could you destroy Jupiter with enough nukes?2023/12/15
Thanks to Matt Bothwell for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What is a black hole made up of?2023/12/08
Thanks to Cambridge University's Ben Allanach for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why does my nose run in cold weather?2023/12/01
Charlene wrote in to ask, 'Why does my nose run in cold weather? What are the physiological benefits of this?' To answer it, Rhys James enlisted the help of consultant ear, nose and throat surgeon, Neil De Zoysa. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How healthy are seeds?2023/11/24
James Tytko took on this question from listener Fraser with the help of nutritionist Sarah Berry... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why isn't it possible to go faster than light?2023/11/17
Thanks to Tony Padilla for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What's the magnifying strength of my marble?2023/11/10
James Tytko took on this question with the help of the University of Glasgow's Richard Bowman... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Could you deflect a laser around the Moon?2023/11/03
Thanks to Professor Michalis Zervas and Professor Simon Hooker for the answers! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why are there salty and fresh bodies of water?2023/10/27
James Tytko took this question on... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Am I manufacturing a mosquito master race?2023/10/20
Joanne sent in this question, which James Tytko posed to Laurence Hurst from the University of Bath... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How did people in the past find water?2023/10/13
Thanks to Dr Ellen Arnold for her help with this question! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why don't new species suffer inbreeding problems?2023/10/06
This week's question involves the evolutionary process of speciation. James Tytko asked the University of Sheffield's Roger Butlin... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why are car wing mirrors so attractive to spiders?2023/09/29
Thanks to Geoff Oxford for the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Will tattoos protect skin from sun damage?2023/09/22
Thanks to Cecilio for sending in this question. James Tytko asked University of Leeds Professor of Dermatology, Julia Newton Bishop, for assistance... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can you freeze hot water faster than cold water?2023/09/15
Will Tingle took on this chilling conundrum, with the help of Imperial College London's Henry Burridge Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What are the odds of this lyrical coincidence?2023/09/08
James Tytko spoke with David Spiegelhalter to help solve listener John's musical mystery... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Could you time travel to before the Big Bang?2023/09/01
James Tytko took this cosmic conundrum on with the help of Toby Wiseman, theoretical physicist from Imperial College London... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can animals catch Covid?2023/08/25
Chris Smith took on this week's question from listener Kala... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why does sugar dissolve faster in hot liquid?2023/08/18
Taking on this question from listener Christie, James Tytko enlisted the assistance of Chemistry World's Philip Broadwith... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why does my right brain control my left side?2023/08/11
Thanks to Marc de Lussanet for the help with the answer! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Are rockets contributing to climate change?2023/07/28
James Tytko enlisted the help of the University of Cambridge's Xander Byrne to help with this question from Frank, who asks: "Have there been any studies on the effects of rocket launches on the greenhouse effect respiratory issues or general carcinogenic properties?" Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do all whales come from the same ancestor?2023/07/21
Thanks to Dr Ellen Coombs for the answer. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do tennis players have favourite balls?2023/07/14
Info (Show/Hide)Regular listener, Mike, asked: "When tennis players are about to serve, they get a selection of balls. They seem to look at them and then select two to serve with. Now these are all new and good quality balls, how do they select the ones they like to use? Do they recognise them? Do they have favourites?" Very topical, Mike. Rhys James travelled to meet the tennis coach, James Hoad in Bury St Edmunds: Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How do we track lightning strikes?2023/06/30
Listener Derek asked us how weather presenters know about the number of lightning strikes and the process of recording them. James Tytko got in contact with the Met Office's lightning scientist, Dr Graeme Marlton... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- What decides where nipples are on mammals?2023/06/23
Info (Show/Hide)Why is it that some mammals with small broods have the baby feeding apparatus near the upper limbs like humans and elephants and some near the lower limbs like cows and horses? As it turns out, this is a very good question. What dictates where the teats are on a mammal? The short answer is, well, no one is really sure, but that's not going to stop us from a bit of deductive reasoning and speculation. And one man who is up to the task is Queen Mary University of London's Chris Faulkes.Chris - We've got teats in the thoracic or chest region like humans, the sort of intermediate area or abdominal... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Could a time traveller start a pandemic?2023/06/20
Could someone travelling into the future potentially take a pandemic disease with them, or bring back something similar upon their return? James Tytko enlists the help of Cambridge University immunologist Brian Ferguson... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can gas be compressed into a solid?2023/06/09
Akula writes in to ask, 'Can we compress gas into a solid?' James Tytko seeks to provide the answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How do we reduce emissions from fertilisers?2023/05/27
This week, are biofertilisers an answer to solving the use of chemical fertilisers? Are they more advantageous in any way? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How quickly does evolution work?2023/05/05
What is the speed of evolution and, apart from reproduction, what are the factors that affect this? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why do we think clearer after taking a break?2023/04/28
Listener Jo asked: "Why is it so I can sit with a sudoku until I have no idea what to do next, so I leave it. When I go back to it later I always find new possibilities straight away." James Tytko spoke to Alejandro Lleras Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why are black holes at the centre galaxies?2022/09/12
Listener David wrote this cosmic conumdrum into the Naked Scientists "How are black holes formed? And why are they often at the center of galaxies?" Otis Kingsman spoke to astrophysicist and author of the book "A Brief History of Black Holes", Dr Becky Smethurst... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Should I drink cola after swimming in river?2022/08/22
Listener Ed wrote to the Naked Scientists with this particular question. "Why is it recommended to drink cola after swimming in a river? And does it really reduce the risk of getting an upset stomach?" Otis Kingsman splashes around in the science of this river rumour with Dr John Tregoning from Imperial College London... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How can drugs change our salt concentration?2022/08/15
Info (Show/Hide)Listener Kandi wrote into the Naked Scientists to explain the science behind this major medication method. "I have Hyponatremia as a result of a medication. How does a drug stop your body from using/absorbing the salt you consume?" Otis Kingsman spoke to Gerogetown University's professor of medicine, Joseph G Verbalis to find the answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can cat and dog poop be used as fertiliser?2022/07/25
Info (Show/Hide)Listener Lara wrote into the Naked Scientists to ask "Is there a biological benefit for cats and dogs to bury their faeces? Can it help plants grow similar to horse manure?" Otis Kingsman spoke to the primary medical care director of the veterinary medicine company Linnaeus, Dr Simon Hayes, about this question on the fascinating function of faeces... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How dangerous is an explosion on the moon?2022/07/11
Listener Neil wrote in looking for find the answer to this brain blaster. "Would an explosion on the moon be more powerful than on the surface of the earth?" Otis Kingsman spoke to University of Cambridge's public astronomer Matt Bothwell to make sense of this outer-space occurrence... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why are fridges difficult to quickly reopen?2022/07/04
Listener Josie asked us "Why can't I immediately open my fridge door after closing it? It feels like air pressure is keeping it closed. Is this the case?" James Tytko spoke to Cambridge University's Engineering Professor Vikram Deshpande about this fascinating fridge function... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can cargo X-ray scanners damage electronics?2022/06/27
Info (Show/Hide)Listener Alaster wrote in to ask "The electricals in my car stopped working after it was transported from Cape Town to the UK. I think there was a fault in the scanner in Cape Town. My question is, how does a car scanner work? Can it damage the electrical components within cars?" Julia Ravey presented this troublesome transport problem to Roger Worrall from the security company Westminster Group PLC... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How does email and texting affect our brain?2022/06/06
Listener Mike presented this question to The Naked Scientists. "Does email and texting affect our brain's cognitive functions?" Otis Kingsman spoke to Dr Ravi Gajendran from Florida International University to help find the answer to this communication conundrum... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why can't some people smell certain plants?2022/05/30
Tim wanted to know "Why can't my partner smell certain strong odours when in the countryside? She can smell manure but is immune to smelling certain potent flowers and herbs." Otis Kingsman spoke to Professor Sandeep Roberta Datta from Harvard Medical School to find the aromatic answers to this question... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can acid remove a spring's potential energy?2022/05/23
Listener Mark wrote in to ask 'What happens to the potential energy of a compressed coil spring that is dissolved in acid?'. Otis Kingsman sprung to action in speaking with Dr Martin Buzza from the University of Hull to find the answer to this question. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can the Earth's rotation make electricity?2022/05/16
Linda wrote in to ask "Can the spinning of the earth generate electricity similar to the spinning of wind turbines?" Otis Kingsman spoke to Matthew Rooney from the Insitute of Mechanical Engineers to find the answer to this head-spinner... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Does a phone weigh more after charging it?2022/04/25
Listener Tibor wanted to know the answer to the question, "Does potential energy have any mass? If I was to charge a phone battery, would it become heavier?" Dr Israel Temprano from the Univserity of Cambridge explains to Otis Kingsman about this battery baffler... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why do electric car batteries wear out?2022/04/11
Listener Barry wants to know, 'What causes degredation in electric car batteries, and what are the upcoming developments in EV technology?' Chloe Coates from the University of Cambridge spoke to Evelyna Wang... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How can we identify a diseased gene?2022/03/28
Malcolm wrote in to ask "How can we identify a disease? When looking at a sample of chromosomes, what are scientists looking for to spot a diseased gene?". Otis Kingsman spoke to Jocelynn Pearl from the Lady Scientist Podcast to solve this mutation mystery... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Does relativity affect the age of moon rocks?2022/03/21
Ranjit wrote in to ask this, "As gravity and time have an inverse relationship, at some time in the future, will astronauts bring back moon rocks that are older than the Earth?" James Tytko spoke to King College London's, Professor Ruth Gregory to help us find the answer to this lunar mystery... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why does an itch move when you scratch it?2022/03/14
Mariam has been itching to find an answer to the question of "When I scratch an itch, the itch seems to move around my body. And I want to know why this is." Dr Yvonne Couch from the Radcliffe Department of Medicine spoke to Otis Kingsman... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Can internal voices be influenced by accents?2022/03/08
Fiona wrote in to ask "Why do I hear voices in my head when I'm thinking? And can this voice be influenced by accents?" In order to find answers, James Tytko reached out to Helene Loevenbruck from Grenoble Alpes University to rattle our brains... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Does the moon affect student behaviour?2022/02/21
Listener Sal wanted to know the answer to the question 'Is the behaviour of school students affected by moon phases?' Otis Kingsman found 'Teresa Pavia', neurologist and the clinical director of the Sleep Medicine Centre in Lisbon, to give us a lesson on if and how the moon can impact our behaviour... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How do we clean the Hubble Telescope mirror?2022/01/31
Daniel wrote into The Naked Scientists with the question of 'How do they stop the mirror on the Hubble telescope from getting dirty?' Otis Kingsman spoke to Sarah Kendrew from the European Space Agency to clear up the answers to this question. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How do we clean the Hubble Telescope mirror?2022/01/31
Daniel wrote into The Naked Scientists with the question of 'How do they stop the mirror on the Hubble telescope from getting dirty?' Otis Kingsman spoke to Sarah Kendrew from the European Space Agency to clear up the answers to this question. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why Do Stars Twinkle?2022/01/24
Richard contacted us this week to ask, 'Why do stars twinkle? And what can their colours tell us about them?' To find out, James Tytko spoke with Dr Jenifer Millard from the Awesome Astronomy Podcast, who was on hand to provide answers for this cosmic conundrum... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why can't I sleep when my feet are cold?2022/01/19
Otis Kingsman found the answer to this chilling question thanks to the help of Professor of Neurology & Sleep Medicine, St Thomas' Hospital's Professor Guy Leschziner... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why do ant bites hurt so much?2021/12/14
Sally Le Page answered this head-scratching question with the help of insect venom expert, Sam Robinson, from the University of Queensland... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How do we prevent space collisions?2021/11/22
Info (Show/Hide)This week, Matt contacted us asking "With three space missions currently converging on Mars how do the nations avoid orbital collisions? Do they share data, do they have transponders or space traffic control etc?". Katie King spoke with Chris Bridges, academic at Surrey Space Centre in the University of Surrey to find out how we keep our spacecraft from colliding.... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Is dark matter in lumps or like sand grains?2021/11/10
This week, listener Rob emailed us to ask "Is dark matter in large lumps or like grains of sand?" Iacopo Russo got some help from the Little Prince story, as well as from Physics professor Francesca Day at Durham University and physicist Jacques Pienaar from the University of Chicago, to find the answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do shop or garden tomatoes produce more CO2?2021/11/08
To answer this juicy question, Julia Ravey asked environmental scientist at the University of York Samarthia Thankappan... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- How is eye colour passed down?2021/10/18
Teacher Ellie was recently asked a question by her Year 9 pupil in Manchester that she couldn't answer: "I have one blue eye and one brown eye, when I have kids, will they have one blue eye and one brown eye like me?" Eva Higginbotham put the question to eye colour expert David Mackey from The University of Western Australia... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Would a body left in space decompose?2021/10/12
Info (Show/Hide)Daniel has been dreaming of the stars, but his dreams have been rather eerie. Now, he's on a one way journey to gain some scientific insight. He got in touch to ask 'If a crew on a mission to mars had a death on board, and if that body was released into space, would it ever decay?' Matthew Bothwell, public astronomer at the University of Cambridge, spills the beans on what would happen to human remains if they were ejected out into infinity and beyond... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Why do we keep catching the same diseases?2021/10/05
This week, listener Rick emailed us to ask "Why do we acquire lifelong immunity against some pathogens but not others?" Sally Le Page asked author and infectious disease researcher at Imperial College, London, John Tregoning, to jog our memories... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
- Do frogs get itchy?2021/09/20
- What happens to light's lost energy?2021/09/13
- How long before the food I eat becomes 'me'?2021/09/06
- What proportion of the brain stores memory?2021/08/16
- Why do ladybirds have varying spot numbers?2021/08/09
- Is lava wet?2021/08/02
- Why don't dogs get hairballs when cats do?2021/07/19
- If heat rises, why is it colder up mountains?2021/07/12
- Could bagpipes help you recover after Covid?2021/07/05
- Why do crocodiles have such bumpy skin?2021/06/23
- Will a can in the ocean float or be crushed?2021/06/14
- Is every snowflake unique?2021/06/07
- Can overcooking junk food make it healthy2021/05/24
- Can dog wee dissolve rubber tyres?2021/05/17
- Can flies survive the winter?2021/05/10
- How do ZIP files work?2021/04/26
- Why are electrons never in between orbitals?2021/04/19
- Why do chillies stay on your hands?2021/04/12
- How did varying chromosome numbers evolve?2021/03/29
- Do animals get bored eating the same food?2021/03/22
- Why aren't all batteries rechargeable?2021/03/17
- How can you make normal TV look 3D?2021/03/01
- What are the impacts of an aristocrat's diet?2021/02/22
- How would a foetus develop in zero gravity?2021/02/15
- When will we run out of music?2021/02/08
- Why do some people shiver when they pee?2021/02/01
- If Earth were heavier, would rockets work?2021/01/25
- Can you get DNA from crematorium ashes?2021/01/18
- Is sourdough bread a healthy option?2020/12/21
- Why are sperm made below body temperature?2020/12/14
- Compost or landfill: which emits more CO2?2020/12/09
- Could loud music deafen my dog?2020/11/23
- How many people could share my surname?2020/11/16
- What time should I water my plants?2020/11/09
- How do bats roost upside down?2020/11/02
- Which water is better: hard or soft?2020/10/20
- Do insects have a stress response?2020/10/05
- Why does anxious sweat smell worse?2020/09/28
- How would you measure time when in space?2020/09/21
- Why do I need to pee more nearer the loo?2020/09/07
- Why do particles gather in a bucket's centre?2020/08/24
- Do our brains process sound or light faster?2020/08/17
- Does burying paper sequester carbon?2020/08/10
- Should you wash, rinse, and repeat?2020/07/20
- Why do hospitals need so much PPE?2020/07/13
- Why does coffee dissolve so fast?2020/07/06
- How alike are the kids of identical twins?2020/06/29
- Why aren't planes dimpled like golf balls?2020/06/15
- Could saponins help fight coronavirus?2020/06/08
- Has life changed on the ISS due to COVID-19?2020/06/01
- How do electrons flow in electric current?2020/05/26
- Do we all have the same skin sensitivity?2020/05/19
- How do C-section babies get their microbiome?2020/04/20
- Can frogs survive in a sealed terrarium?2020/04/06
- How much power can we get out of fusion?2020/03/16
- Are big dogs smarter than small dogs?2020/03/02
- Should I be microwaving my kitchen sponges?2020/02/24
- Can a weak immune system worsen sunburn?2020/02/10
- Will the poles switching cause problems?2020/01/27
- Why don't women's bodies reject sperm?2020/01/20
- QotW - Why does my phone coverage vary?2020/01/13
- What is the best way to heat my home?2019/12/16
- QotW - Do hairs grow out grey, or turn grey?2019/12/09
- Why isn't sea level rise the same worldwide?2019/11/25
- Do mosquitoes prefer certain blood types?2019/11/18
- Why does my watery windscreen turn to ice?2019/10/28
- Could you eat a dinosaur?2019/10/21
- Will SpaceX's satellites clog up the sky?2019/10/14
- When should you refrigerate cooked chicken?2019/09/30
- Can fingernails stop rhino poaching?2019/09/23
- Why does pasta water boil over?2019/09/16
- Why is wildlife around Chernobyl thriving?2019/08/19
- Will climate change affect monsoons?2019/08/05
- QoTW: Can you tell if its sunrise or sunset?2019/07/29
- Can a huskys fur keep it cool in summer?2019/07/15
- Can a transfusion change your blood type?2019/07/08
- Do candles really clear nasty smells?2019/05/20
- How long after eating is that carbon exhaled?2019/05/13
- How to see faint stars2019/04/29
- Can purple carrots turn your skin purple?2019/04/01
- Why do socks disappear in the wash?2019/03/18
- Effect of ethanol on brain?2019/03/04
- Why can some people imitate accents?2019/02/18
- Why do candles smoke and smell?2019/02/04
- QotW - What language do deaf people think in?2019/01/28
- Do plants eat dirt?2019/01/21
- Why doesnt old soap make suds effectively?2019/01/14
- What happens to bubbles in space?2018/12/17
- Can dogs recognise each other as dogs?2018/11/26
- How do you fly in a hurricane?2018/11/19
- When did we become modern day humans?2018/11/12
- How do wombats produce cube-shaped poo?2018/10/29
- Is second hand smoke more dangerous than smoking a cigarette?2018/10/22
- Why do I feel the pressure of wellies in water?2018/10/01
- Why is Blu-Tack sticky?2018/09/24
- Could we terraform the Moon?2018/09/17
- Do wild animals get allergies?2018/09/03
- Are there more stars in the sky or grains of sand on the earth?2018/08/20
- How do Non-Stick Pans Work?2018/08/06
- What is the minimum land area required to sustain one human being?2018/07/31
- Brain Response to Audiobooks2018/07/16
- Why do humans get bored?2018/07/02
- How do astronauts weigh things in space?2018/06/25
- Could We Eat Alien Life?2018/06/04
- Why does my nose drip in cold weather?2018/05/21
- How does size affect death from falling?2018/03/05
- Do lobsters feel pain?2018/02/12
- Is it better to walk or run in the cold?2018/02/05
- Why does fresh pasta rise during cooking?2018/01/29
- Do fish yawn?2017/12/18
- Could a space rocket be launched from a gun?2017/12/11
- Why do people pick their noses?2017/11/20
- What happens if your car is struck by lightning?2017/11/06
- How long can we survive for without a head?2017/10/30
- Is it safe to live near a cell phone tower?2017/10/23
- Are flies easier to swat if you move slowly?2017/10/09
- Does cooking remove alcohol?2017/09/25
- How smart is your pet dog?2017/09/18
- Why Do Clothes Dry Below 100 Degrees Celsius?2017/09/11
- Could green humans harvest energy from the sun?2017/08/21
- Does washing dishes leave toxic detergent residue on plates?2017/08/14
- Can Anti-Noise Silence A Highway?2017/06/26
- Why Warm up Muscles?2017/06/12
- Can we exercise our brain to improve at difficult tasks?2017/05/15
- Why do musical instruments sound different when playing the same note?2017/05/08
- What sound does a falling missile make?2017/04/24
- Why are blue lights harder to see?2017/04/24
- Whats the most efficient way to run up steps?2017/03/27
- Can mosquitoes transmit HIV?2017/03/20
- When should I replace my bulbs with LEDs?2017/03/13
- How Does My Tea Become Pee?2017/02/27
- Could we see into the past?2017/02/20
- How did birds survive the dinosaur mass extinction?2017/02/13
- Why are the poles north-south?2017/01/24
- Do Ants Feel Pain?2017/01/23
- What Would Peeing on the Moon Look Like?2017/01/16
- Why doesn't water burn?2016/12/05
- Why does a broken magnets form two new ones?2016/11/28
- Can light exert a force to move an object?2016/10/24
- How much younger would you be after 50 years on Jupiter?2016/10/16
- Does regular hand soap kill germs?2016/10/10
- Could nuclear testing cause earthquakes?2016/09/26
- Do animals experience the placebo effect?2016/09/19
- Why does line drying make clothes rough?2016/09/12
- Can we unlearn something that we have already learned?2016/08/22
- If we slice the earth in half what would it look like from space?2016/08/01
- Why does our stomach grumble when we are hungry?2016/07/25
- How did the moon get its markings?2016/07/18
- Did the cavemen have names?2016/07/11
- How do octopus camouflage?2016/06/27
- How do noise cancelling headphones work?2016/06/06
- How does cooking affect digestion?2016/05/23
- Could we recognise a message from space?2016/05/09
- How fast can an elevator go?2016/04/25
- Why does spicy food make me hiccup?2016/04/11
- Can two planets share the same orbit?2016/04/04
- Do humans have pheromones?2016/03/07
- Why do mosquitoes prefer some people over others?2016/03/01
- Why is space so cold?2016/02/08
- Why do our voices sound different in our heads?2016/02/01
- Why do people have such a variety of appearances?2016/01/25
- Why do people get bags under their eyes?2016/01/18
- What causes sleepwalking?2015/12/14
- If polar bears were transported to Antarctica, would they thrive?2015/12/07
- What would happen if I plucked a guitar in space?2015/11/30
- How can I stop a runny nose?2015/11/24
- Why do we go bald on our heads?2015/11/16
- Why do we like looking at views?2015/11/01
- Are zombies feasible?2015/10/19
- What wind speed does it take to tip a lorry?2015/10/11
- Why do power lines make so much noise?2015/10/05
- Why is gooseberry jam red when gooseberries are green?2015/09/21
- Why do we make mistakes during repetitive tasks?2015/09/14
- Why do we have toenails?2015/09/07
- Why does music sound happy or sad?2015/08/24
- Where are we within the universe?2015/08/18
- How many people do you need to avoid inbreeding in a population2015/08/10
- What are wormholes?2015/08/03
- How much of a wheat field do I need to make one loaf of bread?2015/07/20
- What's the most expensive element on Earth?2015/07/06
- Are fingerprints unique?2015/06/29
- Why does the immune system not attack foetuses?2015/06/08
- Can I land on gassy planets like Jupiter?2015/06/01
- How do black boxes work?2015/05/11
- How are robotic voices generated?2015/04/27
- Why are ripe pears juicer?2015/04/12
- Can cheese give you nightmares?2015/03/23
- Eels: A source of electricity?2015/03/16
- What parasites can I catch from my pets?2015/03/09
- Why do I urinate more in the cold?2015/02/23
- Are smartphones changing our brains?2015/02/16
- Does same-sex attraction happen in animals too?2015/02/09
- Why does petrol create a rainbow on water?2015/02/02
- Can we vacuum up the plastics in our oceans?2015/01/26
- Is it tiring to dream you're awake?2015/01/19
- Do we really need vitamins?2015/01/12
- What causes the Earth's plates to move?2014/12/15
- Can you catch a yawn from a cat?2014/12/01
- Will flights ever get faster?2014/11/24
- What would happen if you were swallowed by a whale?2014/11/17
- Why is my Movember moustache grey?2014/11/10
- How will life end on Earth?2014/10/27
- Why do leaves turn red in autumn?2014/10/20
- How can I avoid being struck by lightning?2014/10/13
- How many people have lived on Earth?2014/09/29
- How does self cleaning glass work?2014/09/22
- What makes a good password?2014/09/15
- What happens if a bee gets lost?2014/09/08
- Can we use solar panels in space?2014/09/01
- Do emotional and pain-induced tears differ?2014/08/18
- Music: a concentration aid or complete distraction?2014/08/11
- Can humans spontaneously combust?2014/08/03
- How much of my body can I live without?2014/07/28
- Is warp speed possible?2014/07/16
- What does your sneeze say about your personality?2014/06/23
- Can eating sweets stop brain fatigue?2014/06/16
- Are cremated ashes good for plant growth?2014/06/09
- Is there an antimatter planet out there?2014/05/27
- Which painkiller should I use?2014/05/19
- What is fire and how does it burn?2014/05/12
- Why am I so tired and bored in the office?2014/04/28
- Man v Machine2014/04/07
- Is technology steering human evolution?2014/03/31
- Is elevator style travel across Earth possible?2014/03/24
- Does Lightning Fry Fish?2014/03/10
- Can a brain scan tell if you are depressed?2014/02/24
- Why are some people left handed?2014/02/17
- Is green snot better than yellow?2014/02/10
- How can I get rid of deodorant stains?2014/02/03
- Why do insects buzz around lights?2014/01/13
- Why don't electrons fall into the atomic nucleus?2014/01/06
- Is size important?2013/12/11
- Do other animals sweat?2013/12/04
- Why do I overlook the obvious?2013/11/20
- Why can I squirt a jet of saliva from my mouth?2013/11/13
- Is it a good thing to raise your baby to be bilingual?2013/11/06
- Can superfoods protect against cancer?2013/10/30
- Why do I fart after cottage pie?2013/10/23
- Can your dog pass on your flu?2013/10/16
- Who's your Bronze Age Ancestor?2013/10/09
- How many people can Earth support?2013/10/02
- Does a full moon affect my sleep?2013/09/25
- Is snuff safer than smoking?2013/09/18
- Is sense of smell heightened during pregnancy?2013/09/11
- Dropping a penny on your head from the tallest building in the world2013/09/04
- Why do we dream? And what are nightmares?2013/08/29
- Why does adding ice make fizzy drinks bubble over?2013/08/22
- Could other planets make a substance like diamond?2013/08/15
- Do dark matter planets exist?2013/08/08
- How do cells know what they will be when they grow up?2013/08/03
- Sweeties: suck or crunch?2013/07/25
- How does a baby safely stay upside down in the womb?2013/07/18
- Power from Poo?2013/07/11
- Explode or Freeze first in Space?2013/07/04
- Punching into free will2013/06/27
- Why do I feel sick after exercise?2013/06/20
- What is the physiology behind emotional breakdown?2013/06/14
- What is the highest possible mountain on Earth?2013/06/07
- Do street lights affect birds and plants?2013/05/31
- How do plants grow upwards?2013/05/24
- What is wind?2013/05/17
- Are city dwellers more immune to bugs?2013/05/10
- How best to date ancient artefacts?2013/05/03
- Can gene therapy treat depression?2013/04/19
- Can we acheive artificial photosynthesis?2013/04/12
- How long does it take for comets to melt?2013/04/05
- Could civilisation cope without computers?2013/03/22
- Do other animals practice dental hygiene?2013/03/13
- Will a body wrap help me lose weight?2013/03/07
- Will our increasing human population cause a water shortage on Earth?2013/02/28
- Are Humans Meant for Monogamy?2013/02/14
- Can you make a mini Mars at home?2013/02/08
- Can you get a Tabby Human?2013/02/01
- Do anti-mosquito sound devices work?2013/01/25
- How is sleepiness related to cheerfulness?2013/01/21
- Why aren't blood donations rejected?2013/01/14
- How do touch sensitive switches work?2012/12/17
- Do foetuses get cancer?2012/12/10
- Can we make a real life Spiderman?2012/12/03
- On Mars nobody can hear you scream. Is that really true? And if so, why?2012/11/26
- Do menstrual cycles synchronise?2012/11/21
- How long can one survive on self cannibalisation?2012/11/20
- Why do certain fungi produce hallucinogens?2012/11/06
- Can you melt a potato?2012/10/29
- Was pre-historic cave art only done in caves?2012/10/22
- Could we converse with animals?2012/10/15
- Would self bone marrow transplants reverse aging?2012/10/01
- Has Life Only Started on Earth Once?2012/09/17
- Can mirrors make an infinitely powerful laser?2012/09/09
- How does one telephone wire transfer all of that data?2012/09/03
- Is Vitamin D Production like Photosynthesis?2012/08/13
- Could we introduce life onto Mars?2012/08/06
- Will your choice in cutlery alter how your food tastes??2012/07/09
- Does ice really reduce swelling and speed up healing?2012/07/03
- Could gene therapy be used to cheat a DNA test?2012/06/25
- Why do women live longer than men?2012/06/18
- Can we create a living organism from basic elements?2012/06/10
- Do motorways create a microclimate?2012/05/28
- Can a magnet be so powerful it crushes what it attracts?2012/05/21
- Why do feet smell cheesy?2012/05/14
- Why don't women have beards?2012/05/01
- Would reading from a screen keep me awake?2012/04/23
- Will my skin soak up the calories in skin cream?2012/04/16
- Why don't you make best use of your energy reserves?2012/04/02
- Is there an absolute maximum temperature?2012/03/26
- Can you Catch Cancer?2012/03/19
- Would you receive any warning before being squished by a meteoite?2012/03/13
- When will indestructible plastics finally degrade?2012/03/05
- Can you cross a kangeroo with a sheep to get a wooly jumper?2012/02/27
- Goldfinger versus Goldmember?2012/02/20
- Can you brew beer in zero gravity?2012/02/13
- How much of me is the original me?2012/02/06
- Would turning off standby devices increase my heating bills?2012/01/30
- How does a Headache Hurt?2012/01/23
- The Case of the Caramels2012/01/16
- Do Sunglasses Cause Sunburn?2012/01/09
- Why do My Feet Look Further Away?2011/12/19
- Do fish orgasm?2011/12/12
- Why some noises send shivers down my spine?2011/12/05
- Why can't I focus on a reflection?2011/11/28
- What happens when two black holes meet?2011/11/21
- Why don't umbilical cords become tangled?2011/11/15
- Do our pupils let in more light if we wear sunglasses?2011/11/07
- Do humans have whiskers?2011/10/30
- How can we avoid the effects of zero g?2011/10/23
- Why don't black holes explode?2011/10/17
- Can we make power from poo?2011/10/10
- Do pregnant women breathe more?2011/10/03
- Why do cheese and wine go together?2011/09/26
- Is modern medicine affecting the human gene pool?2011/09/19
- How does a calculator work?2011/09/12
- Why do wet dogs smell?2011/09/05
- How do solar sails work?2011/08/22
- Do bubbles keep your bath warmer for longer?2011/08/15
- Why do sandy footprints appear raised?2011/08/08
- What does non-coding DNA do?2011/06/20
- Are there more earthquakes now?2011/06/13
- Why does cereal stick to the bowl?2011/06/06
- When does wind chill turn to heating?2011/05/30
- How much Fuel is too much Fuel?2011/05/23
- Does loud music annoy whales?2011/05/16
- How do we keep warm?2011/05/09
- How do giraffes vomit?2011/04/18
- Why do we get circles around or eyes?2011/04/11
- What's the most efficient way to heat water?2011/04/04
- Where on Earth is gravity the strongest?2011/03/28
- How do you calculate the distance to a star?2011/03/21
- Why don't potato peelers need sharpening?2011/03/14
- How do painkillers target pain?2011/03/07
- What are cramps and how does one avoid them?2011/02/28
- How fast does a car have to go to lift you off the ground?2011/02/21
- Do we walk in circles if we can't see?2011/02/14
- Is an e-card more environmentally-friendly?2011/02/07
- What does it mean when soaps claim to kill 99.99% of germs?2011/01/31
- Why does light bend under gravity?2011/01/24
- How does the brain interpret Braille?2011/01/17
- Are humans the only species to drink the milk of another?2011/01/10
- What Makes Someone Photogenic?2010/12/20
- Do magnetic bracelets work?2010/12/13
- Can I drink through my bottom?2010/12/06
- How fast is the universe expanding?2010/11/29
- What happens when a caterpillar pupates?2010/11/22
- How many bees to boil a human?2010/11/15
- Do you experience more daylight atop a mountain?2010/11/08
- Did the Icelandic volcano produce more carbon than the grounded flights would have?2010/11/01
- Why might a person not be able to see coloured ink on a whiteboard?2010/10/25
- Why does travelling backwards make you feel ill?2010/10/18
- Does everyone see the same phase of the moon?2010/10/11
- How can something appear to roll uphill?2010/10/04
- Are apple cores poisonous?2010/09/27
- Is olive oil better for you?2010/09/20
- Why does it smell after it rains?2010/09/13
- How much farting is required for lift-off?2010/07/26
- Is there an evolutionary benefit to kissing?2010/07/19
- Why didn't The Americas have what the Europeans had at the time of conquest?2010/07/12
- Why does an electric toothbrush affect my vision?2010/07/05
- Why is the nervous system crossed over?2010/06/28
- Can dogs watch TV?2010/06/21
- What happens to light travelling at light speed?2010/06/14
- Can genes carry our memories?2010/06/07
- Why do some foods make our urine smell?2010/06/01
- Sounds of the Stables - Why don't donkeys sound like horses?2010/05/24
- Why do we have different blood groups?2010/05/17
- Why haven't crocodiles changed?2010/05/10
- Does the Doppler shift affect radio?2010/05/03
- Can you carbon date your granny?2010/04/26
- Do Worms Drown?2010/04/12
- Who has the cleaner mouth, dog or human?2010/03/29
- Are all the calories in food absorbed?2010/03/22
- Do subliminal learning CDs work?2010/03/15
- How is money made?2010/03/08
- Why does white clothing become see-through when wet?2010/03/01
- Does ploughing snow cause global warming?2010/02/22
- Can you make a phone call from a black hole?2010/02/15
- Did the dinosaurs have the same seasons as we do?2010/02/08
- Will the washing dry outside in the winter?2010/02/01
- Can a tanker pull birds off-course?2010/01/25
- Do pets look like their owners?2010/01/18
- How do countries add up their CO2 emissions?2010/01/11
- Why can't dogs eat chocolate?2009/12/21
- What would happen if you 'Tasered' an elephant?2009/12/14
- How do you propagate seedless fruit?2009/12/07
- How much radiation does an x-ray expose you to?2009/11/30
- Why serve white wine chilled?2009/11/23
- Do red skies at night mean shepherd's delight?2009/11/16
- How many offspring does a sperm donor create?2009/11/09
- Why does holding the TV aerial improve the picture?2009/11/02
- What are floaters?2009/10/26
- Are Spiders Expert Architects?2009/10/19
- Is it dangerous to sit too close to the TV?2009/10/12
- How do sharks make blood?2009/10/05
- Why do we have fingerprints?2009/09/21
- What dictates the frequency of the waves?2009/09/14
- Do Plants have Immunity?2009/09/07
- Tattoos Forever2009/08/03
- Setting the Pace2009/07/27
- Snap, Crackle and Pop!2009/07/20
- Egg Ventilation2009/07/13
- Night Sneezing2009/07/06
- Scrapping a Banger2009/06/29
- Dirty Laundry2009/06/22
- Raining Into Space2009/06/15
- Safest Sites for Asteroid Impact2009/06/08
- Sunflowers Doing the Twist2009/06/01
- Will the Dumb Out-Breed the Clever?2009/05/25
- Waggle Dance Evolution2009/05/18
- Jumbo Aerobatics2009/05/11
- Night Time Weight Loss2009/05/04
- Can Magnets Descale Your Pipes?2009/04/27
- How do Fish Sleep?2009/04/20
- Deadly Snakes2009/03/30
- Chameleon Food2009/03/22
- Growing a Winter Fur Coat2009/03/16
- The Biology Of Burns2009/03/09
- Google Power2009/03/02
- The Many Shapes of Leaves2009/02/23
- Musical Milk2009/02/16
- Wearable Robots2009/02/09
- Spit and Polish2009/02/02
- Counting Without Counting2009/01/26
- Fossilised Fence Posts2009/01/19
- Meteoric Life Forms2009/01/12
- Having your Cake and Eating it All2008/12/22
- Tryptophan and Turkey2008/12/15
- What Makes Us Laugh?2008/12/08
- Psychopaths and Lie Detectors2008/12/01
- Helium Balloons on the Moon2008/11/24
- The Beasts Who Barbeque2008/11/17
- Wiping Away the Human Race2008/11/10
- The Speed of Time2008/11/03
- A Better Balanced Bicycle2008/10/27
- Better Battery Life2008/10/20
- Repeat Listening2008/10/13
- Do Animals have Blood Groups?2008/10/06
- Elderly Eyebrows2008/09/29
- How do Smells Travel Underwater?2008/09/22
- Glow in the Dark Danger2008/09/15
- Running out of Memory2008/09/08
- Do We Drink Dinosaur Drinks?2008/07/29
- Who Wants to Live Forever?2008/07/21
- Breathing Without Lungs?2008/07/14
- Remembering Your Dreams2008/07/07
- The Colourful Compounds of Copper2008/06/30
- Cutting Calories by Cooking2008/06/24
- Lightning Defibrillator2008/06/23
- Over-Salted Fish2008/06/09
- The Science of the Didgeridoo2008/06/02
- How Would ET Phone Home?2008/05/26
- Did Dinos Die Young?2008/05/19
- Earplugs Make Sounds Louder?2008/05/12
- Olympic Flame in Flight2008/05/05
- Running out of Oil2008/04/29
- Lightning on TV2008/04/21
- Survival in a Sealed Car2008/04/14
- Drinking Wine in the Desert2008/04/07
- Accented Notes - How do people lose their accent while singing?2008/03/31
- The Timing of the Tides2008/03/17
- Dirty Hair Grows Slower?2008/03/10
- Caves and Carbon Dioxide2008/03/04
- A True Scale of Smell2008/02/25
- The Smell of Old Books2008/02/18
- Self-Shocking Electric Eels2008/02/11
- Recycled Oxygen in Space2008/02/04
- Runaway Runway - Can a plane take off on a Treadmill?2008/01/28
- Who freewheels downhill faster, a fat person or a skinny person?2008/01/21
- What Makes a Boomerang Keep Coming Back?2008/01/13