The Lutheran Hour

  1. Album-Worthy2024/11/17
    If everything you've ever thought or done was captured in a photo, how many of them would you save for all to see? Hear how God redeems all our snapshots--even those that don't seem "album-worthy."
  2. My Name Is Now Yours2024/11/10
    God comes to renew us with His forgiving love, rename us in Baptism, and remain with us through His Word.
  3. Working the System2024/11/03
    God's Law--a "system" that keeps the world from flying apart while it also shows us we need the Savior Who came to live, suffer, and rise for us.
  4. God-Struggles2024/10/27
    It's been said, everyone you meet is fighting an unseen battle. God calls us to enter the struggle of those around us because, in Jesus, God has entered our struggle.
  5. Children of God--No Longer Losers2024/10/20
    God turns lost losers into forgiven sons and daughters. Through Christ, we too become children of God's kingdom, members of His household.
  6. Difficult People2024/10/13
    With God, all things are possible, even how to deal with that difficult person in your life.
  7. Fit to Be Tied2024/10/06
    A strong knot in the right place holds everything together. God made Jesus to be the "Master Point" to bind all people to Himself through faith.
  8. Love at First Sight, Love That Lasts2024/09/29
    God loved us at first sight, from eternity. And He has given us Jesus so that we can know His love.
  9. All He Has to Say2024/09/22
    The story of Jacob's Ladder is not a prompt for us to climb higher; it's a promise that God comes down to our level.
  10. Bent Necks and a Better Brother2024/09/15
    The Book of Genesis is no fairy tale. It depicts real people--people like us, with half-truths, crooked ways, and sore necks--but also the God Who created us and bears with us because He loves us.
  11. Conditioned by the Unconditional2024/09/08
    God's forgiving love for you in Christ is love that your accomplishments can't enhance and your failures can't diminish.
  12. The One2024/09/01
    The Universe does not have a plan for your life--but God does!
  13. When the Monsters Come2024/08/25
    Archives August: We can never be too vigilant against the devil's attacks but in Christ we can always be confident that the victory is ours.
  14. The Child Glad to Be Born2024/08/18
    Archives August: The Child Who wanted to be born can make you glad to be alive! That joy for living comes when you hear His story.
  15. God's Peacemakers for a Troubled World2024/08/11
    Archives August: Don't let anger, disagreement, and stress damage your relationships. Hear how God changes troublemakers into peacemakers.
  16. Jesus' Resurrection: God's Public Guarantee2024/08/04
    Archives August: A crucified Savior, a resurrected, living Lord: the public guarantee of God, at work in the world for you.
  17. Thus and So Spoke the Girl from Israel2024/07/28
    Jesus is making His people into a light for a world that's crying for help. He came to make God's light shine on us so that all people might see the face of God.
  18. Unhindered2024/07/21
    Dr. Jeff Gibbs and podcaster Jessica Bordeleau join Dr. Michael Zeigler to talk about St. Paul's harrowing journey to Rome.
  19. Words of Grace Build Us Up2024/07/14
    The gracious words of God change our lives for the better, tell us of our inheritance, and remind us that we are part of a much larger family.
  20. My Pastor2024/07/07
    Like sheep that need a shepherd, followers of Christ need pastors who will come looking for them when they stray.
  21. An Eager Conversationalist!2024/06/30
    The Holy Spirit empowers us to open our mouths and share Jesus, so that all might have what none of us deserve.
  22. You're Really into This, Aren't You?2024/06/23
    People can be passionate about sports, gardening, video games, or family. All those things can be good, but none of them can save you.
  23. Water Power2024/06/16
    God's mission is like water. Without changing what it is, the Good News of God's Kingdom takes the shape of its cultural container, crossing boundaries and barriers.
  24. Selfless Sending2024/06/09
    The Christians of ancient Antioch were known for their spirit of selfless sacrifice. The spirit of Antioch continues in the Church today because Christ Himself is with us.
  25. Lit Up2024/06/02
    The Law and Gospel light of Jesus is both an exposing searchlight that reveals our shortcomings and a warm grow light that nurtures us.
The Lutheran Hour
The Lutheran Hour was first broadcast Oct. 2, 1930 and continues on the air today, making it the world’s oldest continually broadcast Christ-centered radio program. To learn more and access additional show resources, visit